Yea Forums hates cinematic games like Uncharted because they focus on story telling

>Yea Forums hates cinematic games like Uncharted because they focus on story telling
>Yea Forums loves visual novels like Ace Attorney and Hotel Dusk despite the fact that they are story based

Defend this shit Yea Forums

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one's about shooting people and stealing treasure like a nigger. drake's a nigger

the other's about being a lawyer and a private investigator

those are puzzle games tho, they use cognitive functions

Your initial assumption is incorrect.

>Yea Forums is one person

it's ok when the japs d it

geez its almost like Yea Forums is made up of multiple groups of people who have differing opinions on things.

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You actually have to think when you play ace attorney or hotel dusk

AAI in like 8 or 10 days, people.

The explanation is popularity. Yea Forums has never liked a single game that is popular.

>Western cinematic game
>Cutscenes everywhere
>Endless invisible loading screens via "walk forward while characters talk" scenes
>The gameplay hardly relates to what is actually happening in the story, if you separated the two you wouldn't notice a thing

>Ace Attorney
>Every piece of dialogue is relevant to a case, so you have to listen and actually take in what's going on if you want to succeed

Not hard to see why AA gets a pass.

who is this Yea Forums?
i liked both uncharted indiana jones adventure time and hotel dusk/zero escape/ace attorney more orthodox (not quite orthodox, but 999 is closer to syberia than uncharted) adventure games

One game pretends to be an adventure game.
The other are logic puzzles

Didn’t meant to quote you

>OP is retarded and makes no sense in their claims
Defend this.

as much as i love AA i'm going to have to dispute that one

dude the cape fell onto the bust and that's the precise moment you saw

Yea Forums likes the MGS series besides 4, Portable Ops and V. Yea Forums likes Resident Evil 2 Remake. Yea Forums likes Devil May Cry. Yea Forums likes Hollow Knight. Yea Forums likes good games that happen to be popular. Popular games by themselves are often confused for being good when that's not the case.

The last two have puzzles. Uncharted """"Puzzles""""" are a joke. I think Hotel Dusk would be pretty boring as a stand alone story or with non-puzzles like uncharted, but with you playing the detective, solving shit, it's pretty great. Ghost Trick is the best i've seen of that type of game though, wouldn't function the same as story compared to the others. Uncharted could be a movie, literally no difference except better pacing for the movie

t. from someone who unironically likes uncharted

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Uncharted puzzles are literally "wait a minute, that card..." tier

None of those games are normie popular, just gamer popular. Name a single normie popular game that Yea Forums likes.

I don't hate cinematic games, they can be great in their own right. I hate how they're held up as the gold standard for games to follow when they should just be their own thing.

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>Breath of the Wild

Metal Gear Solid gets constantly mocked by this board for being cringe worthy trash

Yea Forums hates anything made by Kojima hence the term Kojimadrone