Is it Youmu's turn to star in her own game?

Is it Youmu's turn to star in her own game?

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i like this gardener

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best girl

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Worst girl, worst spell cards

Youmu is shit. Give me Byakuren or Kaguya as a protag.

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Fuck that whore Kaguya

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Screw that, give me Clownpiece or even Sakuya again

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She should star in some JAV first.

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But user, she has. Why haven't played Y(oumu)s yet? The game before Scarlet Curiousity. Is it too soft for you?

I hope the first Extra stage boss in Luna Nights is Cirno.

Then I hope the second Extra stage boss is Cirno with her new friend Jack Frost

Youmu is poor man's Sakuya.
Good taste in artists.


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Long hair doesn't fit Youmu.

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No one would want to watch that.

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I prefer her master

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Youmu no!

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Hey, I know Youmu!

She taught me about slow sex! Slow sex with Youmu!

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Eirin was mediocre but Hourai Elixir is a kino final spell just like Butterfly Resurrection.

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I want a KH2FM knock-off featuring Youmu ok please thank you

Youmu is going to be in the mobile game so she has that going for her.

She already got her game

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Someone ran a game with Youmu as MC at this years ESA. Looked a bit crap though.

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Funny, I played a game about Youmu getting raped by all sorts of disgusting things just the other day. Mind, I won't complain if she stars in another.

>Youmu gets her own game
>It's just a Cooking Mama clone nobody likes

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>Youmu is poor man's Sakuya.
youmu is chuuni
sakuya is not

Stop posting Youmu

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why the hell is youmu so OP in fangames?

She has a katana. Also she's fast and has white hair.
Very cool!

good answer.
god i fucking love youmu

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>youmu has the better aesthetic
>better weapon
>better theme song
>better master
>better time mechanic
>and most important, youmu is more fun to play
>somehow youmu is the "poor man's" version
How wrong can you fucking be?

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Her dumbfuck normal attack

no, but its her turn to suck my cock dry tho

I dunno user, stopping time and throwing knives can get to be pretty fun.
I played Youmu in Ten Desires and Imperishable Night and had lots of fun

she's objectively the cutest 2hu. she deserves a good fangame.

meido is fedora

Have you seen Youyou Kengeki Musou? I dunno if it seems good to you or if you've played it already but it's a Youmu fangame

The latest SCoOW ratings are out.

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i'd play anything as long as long as it has my cute gf in it, thanks for bringing it up

I have the others, should I just dump them?

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the cross-reviews really went to shit after SA
just like the games themselves

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TD is kinda iffy because Kokoro is pretty boring, but most are still good

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no and she should never appear ever again
stupid dork

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But she already did

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When will they do one for the PoFV and figthing game bosses?

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The best!!!!!!!!!

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Here is a version with a single image.

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Go for it my dude.
I have seen most of them already though.

I accidentally deleted the second half of this one? Anyone has it?

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wasn't she one of the playable characters in td?


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This mouse will get her own game!

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>Miko ruthlessly dissing her own subordinates
What the fuck

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I only have the full one

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Thanks, I wish there was a version with both.

say no more, dear user!

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Her dad has his own franchise.

Its time for the daughter to get motivated.

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whats this?


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A dmc clone starring youmu and reisen?

With a motivation meter for Youmu.
The end boss could be the physical manifestation of yuyuko's hunger, or just Byakuren for some reason.

And you could have an epic scene where Youmu cuts a train in half vertically.

It would be a true addition to the crazy.

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>"Learning a lot from Suwako"
>rates herself higher than her own ancestor

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Who's the Keith Flint of Touhou?

>maybe I should just destroy her

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>green hair
>has probably started a few fires in her time

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Fuck, this was for you

She actually got a quite number of fangames with her as MC, it's just that they are some obscure stuff. The closest thing to a well-known game is .
That being said, if you compare it to Sakuya she is actually the same, except a popular gamedev decided to make a game about her just recently. She still only has 1-2 popular fangames about her and plenty of less popular ones.

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Mom. Why are you making such a weird face?

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oh what

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>ZUN shoehorning the dumb Hag
fucking shit

No. I like her as a character, but I have always hated how she plays in every game where she's playable.

user.... what is this?
Is this what I think it is?

>get through PCB normal with Sakuya A
>can't clear Hard because of Youmu and her bullshit

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ZUN loves Sumimi so much and no haters can stop him.
The madman is gathering tears.

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4th of what there?

Alright that's it I'm a Kancolle fan now
Later virgins

I assume May during Reitaisai? or maybe August Comiket?

PCB is a joke with Sakuya A, you can just bomb through all her spells on hard

But she already has her own game, OP.

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Cute comic.


is this d@i

Time to doompost.

I want to rape Youmu before she rapes me.

I unironically like Sumi and VD

Imagine hating Mamizou

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Also which religion does she adhere to? I'm very traditionalist.

dumb raccoon poster

>I'm very traditionalist.

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Hey ZUN, when will you bring back Mima?

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She is the most fun EX boss, a powerful youkai that blends in the crowd instead of sitting on high pedestal, smart, funny, easy to hang around with, etc.
What not to like?

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I like Sumi but I don't like VD

Why haven't you played Mystic Square?
Byakuren is discount Shinki

Oh wait that's actually the month, the book released on April 27th

a cute game

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Is it getting a Switch release?

*honks your Legacy Mode playthrough*

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Holy shit that's pretty cool for a porn game.
Now I'm confused.

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>I don't need it
>I don't need it

>Max quantity per household = 3

You can order maximum of 3 figurines of Youmu and no more?

BASED ZUN dabbing on the c*ckroach sumihaters

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the ultimate being

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>3 free hits
what was ZUN thinking?

>Sakuya hasn't starred in her own game.
>Sanae hasn't starred in her own game.
>Reisen hasn't starred in her own game.
>Fucking Marisa, the second most important character in Touhou's narrative, hasn't starred in her own game.
Give me one reason why Youmu deserves her own game over these 4.

Shitposting aside, a GoM style book from the perspective of an outsider has a ton of potential.
Plus GoM gave us the best Touhou song, so maybe we'll get the second best one this time.

Youmu deserves nothing but monster-rape doujin games for being such a terrible person

Aya got multiple games of her own, why wouldn't it be Youmu's turn?

Because ZUN doesn't love Youmu.

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what terrible things has youmu done? she's one of the most innocent characters in the series and that's saying a lot.

Violet Detector 2 when?

What was ZUN thinking?

cute boy

dorks dont get games

>her nose is not very long though, so she must not be very important?

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be an idiot dork

Why are Reimu and Sanae such cunts?

[blocks nobody's path]

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kurenai misuzu

Aya is ZUN's waifu
But seriously ZUN wanted to do a photography game as photography had always been a minor passion of his (Marisa even mentions photography in IN), so he came up with his concept for the game and then created a character around that concept.
Really you should have mentioned Cirno, who's actually the recipient of extreme levels of ZUN bias. Boss in 3 games, playable in 4, including 2 mainline titles and her own special game. All while being canonically a small-fry.

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What if Meiling is the reincarnation of the dragon god?

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Explain yourselves, Suwakofags.

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hahaha sleeps every day lol
hahaha knifed by sakuya lol

>shut tight
after how many children?

She beat the Giant Catfish so badly he stayed hidden in the Dream World and only came back when he was summoned by a Celestial.

Meiling is the hero Gensokyo needs, but not the one it deserves.

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And people say ZUN doesn't fall for memes

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I'll let that comment about Cirno slide because Fairy Wars' existence is justified as we had a build-up to it in the manga culminating in the release of a game. It was a story that needed to be told.

>she's one of the most innocent characters in the series and that's saying a lot.

This is a high crime in Gensokyo punishable by rape

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Cirno is the strongest summer waifu.

how is it she doesn't melt

impregnating fairies

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literally any crime or non-crime is punishable by rape in doujins
also the faceless male and the ugly guy rapists are the most powerful in gensokyo
source: every fucking touhou rape doujin

Lily playable when?

Would people on Yea Forums even care about Cirno anymore if KOG didn't spam her on Yea Forums for the past 9 years? She literally has an entire board on Yea Forums dedicated to her. No other 2hu has this.

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Well I for one trust non-H doujins

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>No other 2hu has this
Kanako literally owns the site

In your dreams. I NEVER see anyone talking about Kanako outside the designated 2hu board (/jp/).

Cirno isn't great because King of Gets
King of Gets is great because of Cirno. he is just paying his Tributes

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It's Youmu's turn to be a mother.

damn, she's pretty cool. How do I get her phone number?

>drew a koishi futa doujin
why though

This guy draws such magnificent tits and asses it's a real shame he dropped 2hu

start burning down buddhist temples so that they write out "MARRY ME MONONOBE NO FUTO" on the map

JAOOOOO pls don't tell me how long it's been since that m-1 grand prix

Funny enough Cirno isn't even a massive meme in Japan like she is here.
Something most people don't seem to realize is that 9 wasn't even a thing until PoFV, after Cirno had already appeared 3 times. And 9 itself is based on a joke that ZUN made. ZUN hella forced Cirno, he's practically his daughteru.

It had build up in the manga because ZUN wanted to make the game, you dork. It wasn't at all a story that needed to be told.
Fairy War's existence is justified by it being a fun game, which is the one thing ZUN always puts first.

who is kog?

>there are 3 chinese in touhou now
Chinese invasion 2hu when

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bro those posts don't work lern to link.......

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>1 is incompetent
>1 is so evil her students consider her who NOT to be like
>1 is constantly seething and fuming
Based ZUN

>[Reitaisai 14]Love Komachi 02
i-it's not that long. he can still come back.

I want a Luna Nights game but with Youmu

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sauce on girl?

the other taoists are just jealous of her

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who's this semen demon?

KoG is like Cirno herself, it was funny the first few times but nowadays it's just "great, we wasted resources on this asshole". I hope the rumors are true and we are getting a new fairy game with a different protagonist, I would be down with a Clownpiece game.

I know that, but it can be clearly argued that most of Cirno's popularity on Yea Forums can be attributed to him spamming her everywhere. People on /pol/ would have no idea who she is if he wasn't spamming her in Pepe threads.

If /bant/'s mascot today wasn't Cirno, who would it be? Maybe I should ask them that myself.

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>Comiket 73
It's all fresh

If Miko really hated Seiga she wouldn't let her hang out at the temple, she's just disappointed in her

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strange, because that person taught me Bad Girls need to be Punished

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/pol/ ruined pepe
I unironically want to go back to the times where he was /r9k/ and I hated smug pepe in /r9k/

awesome idea for a non-h doujin

>Only one American hu
>Fun loving and does what she wants
>Isn't actually from America, just declared herself an American without knowing anything about America, just like a real American.
>Travels to uncharted territory to kick out the natives, a true pioneering spirit.
>The toughest stage 5 boss in the series, still makes casuals seethe and triggers ironic weebs.
Based ZUN.

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You can say ZUN himself is the meme inventor

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would you?

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They're now spamming this thing called "Clown Pepe" which basically steals Chen's Honk Honk meme and combines it with an older Pepe meme. It is one of the most uncreative forced memes I have ever seen.

Would I!

>the only seiga rape doujin that isn't loli

I wouldn't go down with this hag

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>Isn't actually from America

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Is Kogasa the only fictional character in existence to successfully pull the heterochromia quirk?

Yes, out of my goodwill I would help Seiga, she need not reward me. Surely she would help me just as well if I were in peril.

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shut up fake taoist

does it count if seiga's ordering yoshika to do it

Back off evil spirit
I got Jesus in my heart

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>but it can be clearly argued that most of Cirno's popularity on Yea Forums can be attributed to him spamming her everywhere.
While most of Yea Forums knows what Touhou is you can still consider it niche. Cirno is an old character with a very unique looking design, like Flandre and Reimu they are instantly recognizable even if you are not into the games. I doubt KoG has anything to do with the fame.
>People on /pol/ would have no idea who she is if he wasn't spamming her in Pepe threads.
/pol/ has a lot of legit weeaboos with yellow fever, besides, when it comes to shitposting people just label everything as "anime" regardless of origin.


>Doujin gets translated
>It's not as erotic as you'd hoped.
What's her name?


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I remember when Yea Forums used to black out transparency, so posting this image would causes there to be a black box around "KoG". Now it just looks silly.

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stuck in wall is top tier

She’s from hell, which Muttistan pretty much is

>pure f*ries

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Play my game

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She already arrested Reimu for her horrible horrible crimes in 2hoo 3.

>Doujin doesn't get translated
>you can only fap
I hate how people just leave scanned doujins untranslated for years in exhentai

You really haven't visited /bant/, have you? That board has basically been Cirno threads 24/7 for the past two years now. Nobody, not even Flandre or Reimu, has that kind of popularity on Yea Forums. I'm not talking about recognizability. I'm talking about sheer meme power on Yea Forums. There is literally no other meme that even comes close to touching Pepe, yet Cirno has owned Pepe so many times that it had to be separated into four separate screenshots just to fit it all.

KYS TasoFro
grow some Balls and stop leeching off ZUN

When /r9k/ tried to stop his growth with poo poo pee pee I knew shit would only get worse from there. Moot should have pulled the plug for good when he had the chance.
If you haven't noticed it yet all Pepe/Wojak edits are just recycled jokes from the past. The whole point of them is to be as low effort as possible so anyone can make one, if you complain you just get a variation of "umad bro?" because you fed the troll.

>Cirno has owned Pepe so many times that it had to be separated into four separate screenshots just to fit it all
Unless you post proof, you're a liar.

>just declared herself an American without knowing anything about America
Technically she only wore the flag to piss off the Lunarians, she is the Touhou equivalent of an Australian shitposter using a proxy on /int/.

>The whole point of them is to be as low effort as possible so anyone can make one

No, I'm pretty sure they are low effort because the faggots who spam it are low effort and are too lazy to put any energy into creating anything new anymore. What's worse, Pepe and Wojak themselves aren't even original and are copied from other older memes.

SSN is unironically one of the best Touhou fangames around.

brb being disgusted with myself

Technically that's a shitty mistranslation and she wore the flag because she fucking liked it.
Pissing off the Lunarians was just a coincidence, and you'd be silly to think that a fairy of all things would be smart enough to do something like that intentionally.

Why do you even need them translated? It's all just cringey copy-pasted dialogue that you can figure out by looking at the images anyway

But then who would ZUN come to if he want to make fightan games?

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You asked for this.

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>nobody mentions a game featuring chen

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she's greek though like her master

Dude, she literally lit hell on fire.

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>Touhou 19.5 is a ground fighting game with ZUN's portraits and ending scenarios
you know you want this

/bant/ is just Yea Forums with flags, they love their OCs and mascots. You could have replaced Cirno with any 2hu and things would have been the same. Making it some kind of faction war because two characters are recognizable is dumb.

>ground fighting game

Attached: Stupid Frogposters (Part 3).png (1321x4804, 1.29M)

>cringey copy-pasted dialogue
cringey copy-pasted dialogue is a fetish for some people

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we want soku 4.0

It was a really big magnum.

Attached: 01a.png (500x281, 202K)

>/bant/ is just Yea Forums with flags
you take that back

I want to drive my really big magnum in satori's entrances

>mfw KoG will never grace Yea Forums

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/bant/ is a graveyard for dead memes. [s4s] is the one coming up with fresh memes.

That's where I am trying to get, why spend 20 minutes making an original MS paint comic when you can just google some templates and regurgitate 10 year old punchlines? The people who spam this shit are obviously lazy, and it always sticks because they feed on outrage like any other attempt at trolling. I remember during the Laboman threads when everybody was making OC and a few people were straight up requesting Pepe/Wojak edits because they were too lazy to make their own.

Yea Forums isn't THAT bad

No household can handle the softness of 4 figurines of Youmu.


Fuck off discordfag.

you're free to try

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I would put my magnum into a youkai's Magnum Foramen, if you know what I mean

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Shouldn't you be on /jp/ or something?

The new Youmu porn is game is pretty good even though I don't really like Youmu

>and it always sticks because they feed on outrage like any other attempt at trolling

You don't know what "forced" means, do you?

Do you think it's a complete and total coincidence that Wojak and Pepe started to become hyper popular on Yea Forums around 2015-2016? Gee, I wonder what else happened around that time? Oh wait, I know: Discord. Discord was released to the public on May 2015. And what was the purpose of Discord? According to Wikipedia: "According to Citron, the only area that they pushed Discord into was for the Reddit communities". DISCORD WAS LITERALLY MADE FOR REDDIT. And what was the most popular meme on Reddit? That's right, Wojak. And what do bored people who have nothing better to do all day do when they find an easy-to-use chat server that can hold thousands of people and can be directed at websites with zero consequences? That's right, spam their terrible, overused, stale memes everywhere. You would have to be braindead to think that Pepe shooting up in popularity around this time was "organic". It was forced down everyone's throats until everyone accepted it, and now the meme has carried itself. The only reason Wojak and Pepe are still seen widespread on Yea Forums today is because Discord faggots WON'T. STOP. SPAMMING. IT.

Wait what point was I even trying to get across I don't know anymore I just hate Reddit memes SO MUCH these fags have literally killed this site's culture

>that time when Aya got BTFO by Hecatia so bad she had to cancel her magazine

pls tell me this is not real

Attached: 1541990941888.jpg (679x799, 87K)

I get where you are coming from but I don't want to derail this thread any further. Consider this my last reply.

scriptkiddies are real

>he thinks KOG uses scripts

Attached: 1c780da464b878c803713d759da5a753.gif (500x514, 836K)

Some of his gets are real on slow ass boards nobody cares about. Fuckboys get no respect.

>blatantly lies to everybody
>tries to lecture people even when it's none of her business
>underestimates veterans like Reimu and Marisa
>allows potentially dangerous animals to ram free
>teaches children to not eat their beans
Why do we like her again?

Attached: WaHH3_Kasen.png (515x547, 280K)

You're looking down on him/them but how come no one else able to use script? If it's so cheap frogposters and other cancer would have use it by now.

Because she's the town slut!

Attached: 1488062953284.jpg (480x284, 21K)

16 percent

Nobody cares, gets are so 00s.

the lewdest of colors

Attached: 1534019590924.png (670x670, 38K)

>liking the aerial fighters
you have to go back

That's what I don't understand. There is a publicly available script on Greasyfork that anyone can use to get GETs. Why aren't frogposters spamming /pol/ with GETs to give to their dumb Kek deity? Are they so stupid that they don't know how, or is getting GETs more complicated than that? If that's the case, how the hell is KOG able to get something than a script specifically designed for GETs can't get??

reading WaHH was a reality chck for me user. FUCK Kasen and her holier-than-thou bullshit
>introduced in first chapter on the most Donut Steel form possible
>"it's me! it's me!"

>You have to like the aerial fighters if you're tired of Sokufag's shit.

Attached: 1453248080123.gif (230x230, 30K)

What does pregnancy do in this game anyways?

Even with her status as the town bike, how come people still refer to Sanny?

There's a soku discord?
Got a link?

Suwako is so fun in Soku aside from just how much she commits just to move sometimes

Attached: suwako.png (437x342, 210K)

because frogposters are stupid

Enjoy your fucking circlejerk you shill.

>Marisa is at the shrine because she basically lives there (also not wearing her hat like a slut)
>Reimu is doing something dumb to make money
>Kasen tells her it is a bad idea because she is the voice of reason
>Marisa talks about an incident that is totally not related to youkai
>Kasen immediately deduces which kind of youkai is responsible and is 100% correct
>meanwhile Reimu says something retarded because all those years of experience were worth nothing
>Kasen later solves the incident by herself
>at least 5 panels whose only purpose is to draw Marisa looking cute
>if Reimu had a money making scheme it fails and things go back to normal
It feels like combination of these happens at least once an issue. Still way better than FS at least.

Attached: 1547259788518.png (364x271, 56K)

Yet GETs always get tons of replies. I doubt nobody cares.

Suwako is cute...cute!

Attached: cuteSuwako.webm (920x803, 2.86M)

yeah well if cirno is so good like you guys say she is let's see her in action


Sanae is for Mountain biking.

WaHH is the manga where Reimu is a fucking retard every fucking time.

>WaHH is structured like a shitty sit-com with an intolerably perfect and boring main character who still manages to fuck everything up.
>FS is blue balls the manga. All set-up, but no follow-through.
>SSiB is a fucking mess of a narrative that introduces the least likable faction in a series that has cannibals and people who perform genocide for fun.
>SaBND is comfy as fuck and kino
How do fairies keep winning?

get off Yea Forums kog

Attached: kog cirno.jpg (500x352, 16K)

Attached: _005.jpg (1280x1840, 435K) this the designated Cirno thread?

Attached: 1525972111382.png (592x624, 95K)

Kasen does BTFO and get BTFO'd occasionally as well. The "my ideals exist alongside the laws of heaven" was breddy gud.

Attached: illustrated encylopedia of girls.jpg (621x391, 62K)

Please do not

Attached: yuugi.jpg (1200x1805, 647K)

That's just obligatory.
Nobody cares to try and get them on big boy boards, it's almost always random shit.

>fairiesfaggot has shit taste
what a surprise.

Attached: 1515981028533.jpg (340x277, 23K)

I kind of like WaHH Kasen. She came across as someone who just wanted to help the hakurei shrine maiden be a little more responsible. A little underestimating and maybe a bit too overbearing but I always feel she's doing her best


Attached: cirno.png (1369x420, 183K)

I hate Tewi she's worse than Cirno

The fairy mangas don't try to be anything they aren't and don't take themselves seriously.

Whenever Yukari or Suika showed up you knew shit was about to go down.

Perhaps the single most erotic doujin ever drawn.

Hit me up with a little spoonful of sauce

Remember that time when Reimu realized she could talk to gods and became a scam arti-I mean, fortune teller?

Attached: p_00006(2).jpg (983x1439, 459K)

So do I but I'd still fuck her brains out.

Attached: tewi black.jpg (800x1201, 184K)

Is every Touhou thread turning into a Cirno thread eventually a good thing or a bad thing?

Why is Cirno the most polarizing 2hu? Why do some people love her to obsession and others hate her with a fury?

holy shit reimu confirmed dumber than cirno

Attached: idiot sandwich.gif (500x281, 1.42M)

Kasen in WaHH is pretty much just Reimu's mom. It's like a Disney movie about the rebellious teenager and the responsible but overprotective mom learning how to find balance.

Is there one for PoFV?

Attached: 1548891360113.jpg (768x1024, 144K)

Cirno is just a meme, but real 2hufags don't hate her in any meaningful capacity.
Only asshurt /pol/fags care enough to hate her.

Attached: 318bcc30cfb95d53ffdf5a1681b511d6.jpg (723x1023, 487K)

>marisa marisa marisa
ZUN bows to azmaya.

cause she's cool.

Attached: GyaruCirno.jpg (800x1119, 394K)

>Why is Cirno the most polarizing 2hu?
Because she's best at the Northern or Southern pole.

Cirno's okay but there are so many better fairies to choose from.

Attached: fairies.jpg (1683x1200, 591K)

only Ascended Beings can tame the Beast

Attached: 1543869249753.jpg (600x1590, 527K)

Every touhou thread includes cirno because she's the biggest touhou meme. Only turbo autists hate her though.

Attached: 1527191530952.jpg (328x307, 84K)

The fairy manga has better character interactions. While the plots are simple and not much happens, it is self contained to the point of still feeling satisfying to read, you grown to like the characters in an organic way and Clownpiece's fish out of water story is endearing.

>onahole faeries

Attached: 1541594829445.png (485x600, 149K)

For me, it's Star Sapphire

>arched back

he is still making doujins. I love that man.

Attached: 1548428054757.png (1391x2000, 590K)

Flandre would like a word with you.

Attached: InformalAdvancedFairybluebird-max-1mb.gif (240x184, 174K)

(Hitori) Itsumono

Attached: _004.jpg (1280x1840, 449K)

she's always pretending to be mature and responsible, when actually everything she does it's for her own sake, to get that fucking arm back. it becomes more obvious on ULiL.

What did Reimu borrow Unzan for, anyways?

Attached: 44612387_p0.png (863x1200, 1.22M)

How are those mutually exclusive?

That's an excellent question.

Human women will be impregnated, Akyuu. Please calm down.

okay reisenanon, explain this leaked photo of yours to us

Attached: 1538477644563.jpg (800x1150, 353K)

you say like it's a bad thing

Attached: 1548255543856.jpg (1415x2000, 1.84M)

Source pls? Google and iqdb gives nothing.

I don't know

Attached: 73011336_p0.png (1800x1246, 1.97M)

For those who care about Cirno, we moved our discussion to to get further into depth into this topic so we wouldn't hijack this thread any more.

Attached: 62646064_p0.png (1500x1875, 1.33M)

Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior SauceNao?

Cirno is awesome, and cool, and simple, but very fun. How could one hate someone as awesome as her?

Attached: 1534085677499.jpg (332x473, 94K)

To be fair Reimu let Kosuzu get away with literally everything in FS

Attached: 1549974185958.jpg (1600x1500, 380K)

I don't hate Tewi but that doujin is disgusting!

I'll answer that question here. One smelly neet gaijin on Yea Forums is not responsible for cirno's popularity.

I'm not replying to you here so you can take your comments to /bant/ thanks

ok have fun bye.

>he uses iqdb but can't be arsed to read SauceNao on the suggestions

i made another yuugi fumo, this time i did her hair wholesale

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1389x1211, 316K)

Are Nitori's breasts large or small?

She's a toddler in canon works

how many flans have suffered on your hands user? good job man. next, create one from zero.

this dedication

I wish there was a comic about the different kinds of Reimus switching places just to see how different the stories would be. Imagine FS with fairy manga Reimu.

short small jew

that makes flan 2, i bought the flan for this one on ebay for 30 dollars, as it didnt have the hang tag, nor the hat

Reimu blackmailed Ichirin to borrow Unzan to make him take the form of a giant Goshintai in WaHH 44

Why is Reimu so perfect?

Attached: caughtStealing.png (1174x1186, 878K)

somone posted once that jewish woman have huge breasts and that hitomi tanaka is part jewish

She just is

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_space_jin__f7067a266145724f82662bb4818b7e20.jpg (780x900, 260K)

please leave

It's actually kinda cute, until you realize that the guy doing it is probably some smelly middle-aged neet, and then it's just sad.

Post Touhou metal vocal even if it's garbage

Attached: 71249489_p0.jpg (659x643, 118K)

>listening to vocal

Attached: 1546760115548.jpg (520x520, 141K)

>touhou vocals
>touhou metal vocals
someone please put Iron-Chino on a straightjacket

Does this count

>Just 4 off.
God damn it.

I don't know user. There are just too many and they don't stop, so I thought it may be not that bad.

Attached: image.jpg (700x450, 279K)

Ah fuck..
We really are here forever desu..

kog is based!

Attached: 1528716601431.png (800x900, 521K)

>Stack vocals
mah nigga


Attached: __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_kousei_public_planet__cbd0da67c304bca714c2ec6724256384.png (769x1000, 523K)

Buy Touhou Sky Arena on Switch

Attached: maxresdefault(5).jpg (1280x720, 235K)

If Satori was my mom things would be different around here

Attached: 61192062_p5.jpg (800x1057, 504K)

Only after Reimu becomes a smash character because I don't own a switch.

i like fish

Attached: 84386a6c49815b103d46363ac2985a8d.jpg (1228x868, 487K)

Do not put your penis inside this hermit!

Attached: 9acb329d30415db36760eb3d4c354137.jpg (694x1303, 751K)

What if Junko was your mom?

Attached: SYznunk.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

Then I would be dead

Things would be pretty different if I'm dead, true

All things considered, I'd prefer for Junko to be my wife.

Attached: 72626975_p0.jpg (1600x2000, 1.93M)

Do put*

Attached: 52479989_p0.jpg (1800x3300, 1.04M)

If Satori was my mom she would be pregnant with my children

Attached: ce10333d2ac09b82eb6e4571d5c88263.png (803x1200, 1.23M)

That picture isn't actually Satori though but from some anime that has something to do with blacksmith so your reply is absolutely random

Attached: fortune teller.jpg (260x276, 24K)

I'll bite, or maybe you are stupid enough to don't know how to fucking read or reverse search to avoid talking out of your ass you illiterate nigger

I just noticed the knife

I was referring to the post he replied to but whatever

Silly user, you can´t impregnate your mom

Fuck off. You probably wasn't even born yet when McRoll was hot shit.

so uh when the fuck is toe whore XVII coming out

google isnt helping me at all here, what game is this?

Attached: 1449025104013.png (419x248, 80K)

I'm feeling generous tonight, here comes the train! Choo choo!

Attached: 1545581466499.jpg (620x465, 191K)

What's the name of the game ?

>it has now been more than 10 years since McRoll

>giving that dick-loving dork her own game

bad idea desu.

Can you finish Youmu's game without getting a single lewd encounter?

Considering the type of girl Youmu is, no.

Attached: 1496714609141.jpg (640x620, 31K)

Oh you've been shilling a porn game all this time. The number of porn games that are good is next to none.

from the folks of ulmf, yes

>diss game and go with a low armor, low damage pure run
>fucking hand robot fucks my shit up
if the stages weren't so bland appearance wise it could be a non-h, full fledged mario plataform game

you literally have to do that to get the better endings

This 2hu deserve a game

Attached: fortune shadow.jpg (1024x576, 60K)

>Objective: Survive.

>The Crimson Slasher

imagine the crown prince having your blasian babies

Attached: 1539716856534.png (1780x2518, 3.6M)

>why am I so flat

I'm afraid its too late for that, rule breakers dont get games

Attached: 1546264365277.jpg (1200x675, 137K)


Attached: Shanghai.jpg (960x686, 109K)

Populating the human village with mystery meat creaturas!

I can't, I'll just settle for being friends. Maybe one day when I've improved I can be part of her harem.

Attached: 48625589_p4.jpg (1280x1280, 336K)

shan is pretty great

Attached: __kaku_seiga_and_mononobe_no_futo_touhou_drawn_by_shan__56d0ed0c68d3a7f9c3ae85dc54be2684.jpg (1920x1400, 328K)

would you be worthy enough to share the same plane as The Crown Prince of Mankind?

This game looks like it's made by the same dev who made Touhou Treasure Hunter G. Looks fun.

Attached: flan clap.gif (320x270, 494K)


Attached: 1550094855368.jpg (804x801, 312K)

I imagine it would be a stealth game to avoid getting detected by Reimu and some thrilling chase segments
At the end of the game, FT is still killed. The game only serve to delay his demise.

Youmu is cute! I want Youmu to kill my enemies!

Why is there no 2hu fighting fangame?

Attached: testament komachi.jpg (850x1063, 143K)

Bird relaxing

Attached: utsuho2.jpg (707x1000, 412K)

We already have a touhou fighting official game
With Komachi even

Touhou is also a shmup game yet 2hu fanshmups are everywhere

I'm pretty sure those do exist

Attached: 1548273313260.jpg (960x960, 73K)

Attached: 1540917456598.gif (160x160, 21K)

There's more of a modding scene than a scene making games, since Soku is already good.

Attached: 1549309087083.webm (540x960, 2.95M)

I know there's 2hu version of dong dong never dies with tons of character, from Seiga to Orange and also all popular characters as well like Satori and Yuuka

where have i seen this before?

>2hu version of dong dong never dies with tons of character, from Seiga to Orange and also all popular characters as well like Satori and Yuuka

Support my game

Attached: Nitorinc.png (500x750, 264K)

Was it this?

Attached: dong dong never die.jpg (420x599, 291K)

Attached: F56BB0E6-3FE6-4169-B1DA-B451E1D33E6B.jpg (736x752, 134K)

This looks glorious

Attached: reisenkill.gif (300x170, 820K)

Okay now this has potential

It's pretty great

Attached: dong dong never dies.png (807x780, 568K)

but user that's not komachi!

Kanmarisa is proof that ZUN art is timeless.

Attached: 1502716593720.png (500x500, 100K)

>both komeijis
>seiga-yoshika duo fighter
how did they make a better game than the real ones

Attached: 1536262903450.png (209x155, 17K)

Holy shit Byakuren calm down

>dong dong never dies
I have mixed feelings

Attached: marisa-mon.jpg (4000x3000, 1.21M)

>some games' art are awesome
>others are just template tier trash

I shall catch them all and become the undisputed Marisa-Master.

play hollow song of birds

Attached: kaguya.png (955x719, 1.26M)


Actually there is no Orange but there's Yumeko, Kurumi and Elly.
Someone already posted the roster.

>the only taoist in is the one you hate the most
no wonder she's pissed

where the FUCK do i get this

I don't think "pissed" is the right word.

Attached: ohno.png (800x228, 26K)

>He doesnt main Yuyuko " Living up to the fan ideas " Saigyouji

2hu autism at its finest

Attached: jp meetup.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Attached: c83.jpg (960x826, 58K)

I know there's one with Seiga out there too, if you have it, post it please. Been looking it for a while

>"it's time to oil up!"

Attached: 1511399113037.jpg (1600x1200, 156K)

byax is one of the possible protagonists in DoD

here's hoping for another seihou remix

Attached: 1548841475840.jpg (400x390, 121K)

There is brighter version but I can't find it.
So, have this for a while.

Attached: awaken my masters.jpg (3000x2000, 2.36M)

The shadows only serve to deepen their mystery.

It's this one, I'll do with the different lightning. Thanks man, doing god's work.


Play Imperishabe Night

Attached: kaguyagaming.jpg (1217x781, 468K)

can't complain

>youmu gets a rape game
youmu is a slutty dork

I'm gonna main Hina because it's the only game where my waifu is playable even though it's male in cosplay

Attached: hina_pout.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Attached: 8cba606cbebe1435f3f3d0180e14a361.jpg (1106x695, 213K)

yo this shit is bangin'.

Attached: yuugi smash.jpg (600x450, 86K)

I love spats

Spats love you too, user.

>SCoOW Spring 2019 is TD tuemed

spats is good

Attached: 42.jpg (739x1078, 291K)

>ZUN keeps adding gimmicks to his later works

If you don't want your games to become stale and repetitive you need to innovate.

So the game won't always be the same?

Attached: punishedmokou badedit.png (1422x800, 1.27M)

He could have gone differently about it.
Should have expanded upon the differences in Stage 4 & 6 from IN.

>mfw SCoOW ruined Miko for me, just a bit

Attached: sad okina.png (287x278, 101K)

but why

what did you expect when the character is portrayed as a prideful jerk who thinks humans need a ruler interfering in everything even though her religion is the exact opposite

Miko gives the bants to her own suboridnates and teacher

pls no bulli. youmu is a good girl

miko was always like that though

because shes a MAN

Attached: 1541389774372.jpg (3005x4096, 804K)

And now she's doing byakuren

That one jab at Futo and Tojiko is way too harsh.
Miko already see Seiga in negative light since SoPM, but her two loyal retainers? Damn I didn't expect that at all, and in SoPM and several fighting game dialogue shows that Futo seems quite dilligent.

I mean it just seems like tough love, considerign she didn't even give herself a 10 she probably is really strict and doesn't try to go easy on anyone.

>I'm not that great
>don't be so hard on yourself
>lol you don't have to tell me twice. jk I'm hot shit

I can see Miko think like that, and maybe the word "unreliable" is not an accurate translation since it hits me in the wrong places.

>gives them a 5
>even Byakuren calls her harsh

I want to make love to Remilia's theme. It's just so good.

byakuren is supposed to be a mommy while miko is like a teacher

What kind of mother look at her children like that?

>Sakuya and Sanae arrogantly give themselves 9
>Satori give herself fucking 11 like a bitch cunt she is
>Miko was about to give herself 6 before Byakuren stopped her, but in the end acknowledge the need for a deserving self-respect

Truly the Prince is the most wise and worth following

Attached: __toyosatomimi_no_miko_touhou_drawn_by_kakao_noise_111__36a77cad205ff65e33cb40cf20b1530a.png (1196x1881, 963K)


Attached: ea364a9610944317d23327657e7545c7.jpg (4500x4500, 1001K)


Shut up Miko

More like daddy

Attached: __hata_no_kokoro_and_toyosatomimi_no_miko_touhou_drawn_by_koshinomiti_kokiri__0fdd15a5a52012a2678f75 (1888x1254, 716K)

I'm sure that's actually Futo or Tojiko

Making a simple gimmick is a lot less work than adding two new bosses.

Who's the wife

The user I replied to already said it but personally I prefer Tojiko

Attached: reimuxcirno.jpg (500x333, 39K)

I'm still waiting for Suika's game
The creator does good music too

>tea basira
I've been keeping an eye on this dudes work too and I love his pixel art

Attached: __junko_touhou_drawn_by_tea_basira__8daf1a18ca08837c7046bcd9594675ac.png (960x600, 45K)

I expected the other picture

>mfw Shanghai.exe is dropped

Attached: 70500082_p0.png (600x800, 582K)

his own fault though
>let's crowdfund and do an "early" release for the people that support my crowdfunding
>what could go wrong

Attached: 1520616615849.jpg (453x703, 37K)

>crowdfunding using ZUN's characters
what did he expect
even ZUN doesn't like people who use crowdfunding with his characters this is the same guy who lets people use his characters with no need for royalties, only acknowledgement


Attached: 8ecd0c03d803d3aa1e820ea88a3b454f.jpg (1000x1400, 137K)

that is not buddhist-approved speech

Attached: fuck outta here.png (421x248, 135K)

Attached: 1502844272888.png (1440x866, 387K)

Attached: __kasodani_kyouko_touhou_drawn_by_onideshi__4b10a964b2005ceee71a64baa4ce6b65.jpg (1200x1900, 107K)

Attached: 43.jpg (1200x1714, 359K)

Anybody looking forward to Koishi's game?

Attached: __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_koto_inari__f72e66e2c7f9f18e45ac1a4489846cc8.png (1000x678, 758K)

Attached: 1535450055517.png (800x800, 576K)

is this what I think it is

why did Seiran cheat on her breeding partner with Junko

At least unlike Saijee I think he didn't know what he was doing, but the most bitter part is due to that he did that during the last stage of development. I even assume it was due to someone else's suggestion.

Koishi is so horribly overrated

Attached: __kasodani_kyouko_touhou_drawn_by_naui_kudan__53097ba7a0cb43147012a0f8f65c44b8.jpg (700x700, 88K)

Has he updated the demo or should we just wait until full release?

Attached: __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_koto_inari__6bf5d4bdef4b05b4f6d5742e7fabc6ef.png (1000x649, 660K)

A recent tweet indicates the game is apparently mostly finished. It's slated to release in 2019, but I have no idea when.

I like how he fucking let it be framed as ZUN's fault.

How did his "Doujin Spirit" game go anyway?

Attached: 1543712757419.png (600x450, 251K)

Sanae is a good girl and best touhou

Attached: 525e794bb34ec6c0118f47c775f2d2e3.jpg (3200x2100, 2.45M)


Attached: smug tenko.png (520x480, 260K)

>Doujin Spirit
I searched for it and I could find nothing.

yet another touhou thread

Attached: ryjLL5TDyU7Vh4kzBnWmtkZW.jpg (700x937, 837K)

The only fangame about her that I have is a Kirby clone. It's cute, though.

A lot more touhou threads have been reaching bump limit recently which is quite nice

Attached: raymoo.jpg (512x384, 31K)

Seiga is the haggiest

Attached: futo the ancient thot slayer.jpg (312x300, 16K)

Was the 2hu hating janny booted or is this just another temporary ease off

maybe he finally got a job

Everytime I come at Touhou thread on Yea Forums it always reach bump limit.
Don't tell me it's just coincidence.