So, Yea Forums? Which one is the strongest?

So, Yea Forums? Which one is the strongest?

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I don't understand what the difference between earth and metal is.

deez nuts

Water. Water just fucks everything up

refined earth maybe


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Fire, Earth and Metal

Water, especially in the form of ice

Earth is Woodstock
Metal is Hellfest

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Metal is completely impervious to everything there unless you want to wait hundreds of years.

That looks lame


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Everyone knows that the strongest is nonelemental, Ultima, Bahamut, etc.
But I like water because splosh

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>Air instead of Wood
What kind of elemental system even is this? For a second I thought it was chinese, but now I'm just confused.

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>Potentially millions of degrees
>Powers the sun
>Can just get endlessly hotter and melt everything
I wonder

Ice and Electric

>it rains

wow u got me

Only Flying type has no weakness here.

>seperate from earth
aristotle would choke on an athenian boy cock if he saw this abomination

Water obviously

>Powers the sun
There's a point where it's not actually fire anymore and the element just becomes "heat". Fire doesn't power the sun. Fire is a chemical reaction, not a plasma or nuclear fission.

you look lame, dweeb.

Ice and Electricity.
Other pleblements need not apply

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Earth, Wood, and Metal are all separate as far as the Chinese elements are concerned . I had to Google to make sure, but the Chinese elements are less like materials and building blocks and more, I guess. I'll have to read more of this.