whos in the pic
Unironically what?
2 million copies sold
I feel like if you dont want to support a company who is headed by a right-winger you are completely justified.
>I want politics out of my game
>Not THOSE politics!
What problematic politics are presented in the game of Kingdom Come?
Am I the only one to think that was one of the greatest game I ever played?
I didn't finish it (combat became too hard at 15FPS after a while) but the 20-30 hours I played were fantastic.
Someone post the pic of the lead dev shitting on all the pathetic gaming "journalist" trying to tell him how to make is own fucking game
>In the game
Since when is that a requirement? Yea Forums boycotts and calls games political over the views expressed by the developer. See: Subnautica
There was 0 modern day politics in the game. Its the lack of them that got all the liberals panties in a bunch. Nice try though tranny
Hang on now. When did he say this
I kinda like James and don't want him to be a part of these cucks
Not including blacks on a blackless era and location is not politics unless you're mentally ill.
>greatest game I've ever played
>didn't finish it though
holy shit I remember when people said Automata pushing a million was great.
I'm honestly impressed, based Vavra and his viral marketing tactics.
Nah no way.
this cant be happening. this cant be fucking happening. we refused to cover it WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING?!??!!!!!!???
we are so based people nooooooooooooooo niggers in my games is that person gay reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you faggots are like sjws anyway
cool, so you can't answer my question. Makes sense too because the "outrage" about Kingdom Come was literally that there were too many white people, and the dev told the people that complained about that to fuck off
It'll be amusing when Jeff is forced to cover the sequel because it'll be far too popular to ignore.
this game was shit
>Ignore historical facts because they don't conform to your ideology
>such as how women at the time weren't actually treated how the game thinks
The game takes the views of the lead dev and pushes a lot of his views as historical fact. He also portrays shit like some sort of nationalist fervor at the time when there wasn't such a thing.
It's wankfuel for right wing types in as much as subnautica is for left wing.
Actually the outrage came from misrepresentation of history for modern political reasons, just like BF2.
>dev gets proven wrong multiple times
Sure thing incel lmao
>it's okay when we do it
>didn't finish it because it ran at 15FPS
Jeff “fat cuckold subhuman” Gertsomething.
Jeff “avoids giving F76 a bad score” gertsmsgs
Jeff “Pre-Op tranny lover” Getsfmnshxz
>if you're so offended by diversity then why don't you make your own game?
*makes own game*
when will they learn?
20:58. The entire podcast is a BIG yikes
t. american tranny
your pretty stupid user
Yeah, it was refreshing playing a proper RPG without Magic, M&B is too much of a sandbox for me.
get your head out of your ass, there were no niggers in medieval poland, and Europe was forged through tribal warfare and proto-ethnonationalism as an extension. Some 3 moors don't mean Medieval Europe was Detroit, you scum sucking low life sack of shit
I remember this fake outrage. Giant bomb has never presented itself as a review site that reviews every game. They play games they like and want to play. Not sure why the Kingdom come 1. View the game as political and 2. Think everyone needed to play it
What are you even talking about
>such as how women at the time weren't actually treated how the game thinks
treated in what way?
>He also portrays shit like some sort of nationalist fervor at the time when there wasn't such a thing.
No? Now make some more vague claims
spotd the florida fag
only sold 2 mil ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno
So, exactly what happened when you said the same thing to sjws and then they made their own games and you guys freaked? Sounds like horseshoe is real.
>People LITERALLY buy games if SJWs hate them
>Actually the outrage came from misrepresentation of history for modern political reasons
hate to break it to you but you guys(lol) didn't get your way. You might have complained about the lack of Africans in the game but they never actually put them in the game lmao
Charlemagne was a black man.
Why wouldn't people just pirate it? Paying for a download is pretty damn SJW. Vavra is a literal Jew too.
>dev gets proven wrong multiple times
Post renaissance art of niggers, trannies, no-soul chinks, american indian woo woo men and insect japs in 14th century Bohemia please.
8gaggers are still mad about this? lmao
yes so was Beethoven
some say he was really called Tyronen
>he forgot HATRED
dont worry the last of us 2 getting game of the year is going the highlight of the year Yea Forums salt incoming top kek
killed yourself discord tranny
Damn it Bobby.
What politics? Not including black people and strong independent women in medieval Bohemia is politics? Pretty sure that's the default
>Game dev vocally against supporting corruption and mutual back scratching in journalism
>Journalists try to black list him
Well played, journos.
Automata passed 3.5 Million months before YoRHa Edition
Name one game, just one single game that they made that I freaked out about because I wanted to play it. Go on, I'll fucking wait right here for you to reply.
Here's a helping hand to get you started on your response: They haven't made a single game that I've ever wanted to play.
good goy
I was a bit worried leftists would hurt this game's sales, but I think mainstream games media are just youtube money whores with no interest in politics either way, and no interest in any drama.
People don't care about some internet fight in the real world, get out of your twitter bubble
le fat balding leftist faic
too bad the game is still shit
shame Yea Forums only cares about politics and not about games
Not when it's part of a concerted effort to make a white game
Bohemia was BLACK KANGZ LAND before whiteys STOLE IT
Oga booga
Post specs. Thinking about buying this game but afraid my rig is too potato. I can do 30fps but i ain’t buying a game I can only run at 15.
trump has literally done nothing and megatards still think he is there god emperor ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno
yes now, I was talking before. Those are both impressive numbers for janky budget titles.
what's your GPU, what's your CPU?
The only time in recent memory that they've actually stopped coverage of a game due to something resembling politics was when they cancelled their Quick Look of A Hat in Time because it turned out that the director of the game was an asshole.
You don't have to justify buying or not buying a product. The only justification should be whether you want it or not.
You typed this in a comment window and not in your diary, just a heads-up.
they shouldn't but some do
>giantbomb google doc is dead
end of an era
we hate them just as much as you do. Trump was a mistake.
Go back
The game sold this many copies because he was right and all the people calling him out were eventually proven wrong. They wanted a 50/50 white/black cast, the dev proved to them that it was never like that in that year the game takes place. They cried about how there would at least been a 75/25 split, he proved them wrong AGAIN. Then they tried to spin a 95/5 divide between white and black people and what did he do? Proved them wrong some more, face the facts and not your personal opinions and maybe you'll do well in life my dude
what path of life drives someone to make an image like this
>I can’t speak for the rest of the crew, but I personally have no interest in any way covering or giving further attention to a game made by someone who loudly and openly supports gamm3r gate.
>It didn’t come up during the call-in show yesterday. Saw a few people talking about this off-site and thought it might come in the chat room.
>Anyway, a couple of us looked at it around the time it came out and didn’t find it interesting enough to pursue. The head guy’s shitty views certainly don’t help, but I doubt we’d have covered it either way.
-Jeff "I'm a fat faggot" Gerstmann
Jeff gave gone home a 10
being based
Bobby I swear to got dang if you're posting on that dang cartoon board again I'll come in there and kick your ass
Shouldn't you be asking questions about the people doing it IRL?
What is driving them to do that?
>a thread to talk about a video game and its sales
>complains about politics while bringing up politics
When people say "you" they are refering to your side just as you are refering to the liberals with sjws. Many of you have cried and refused to get a game you wanted over SJW shit.
This thread had hourly last of us 2 whine threads
what path of life drives someone to cut their dick
what path of life drives someone to mutilate their genitals like this
I hate how Americans feel the need to inject their mind virus into everyone else's politics
the fuck
KCD 2 just needs to make a map like 50% bigger, which still wouldn't be nearly as big as these other open world games, and change the combat.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you talking about the guns thing? yeah sure it was a dumb justification for not putting the guns in the game and an incredibly obvious virtue signal, but I really doubt anyone boycotted over it
>concerted effort to make a white game
Correct, it was a concerted effort to make a game set in medieval Bohemia. They did quite a good job of it too
can I ask a question how come the alt right praises israel whilst hating immigrants from other countrys isnt that hypocritic
i started playing this game a couple days ago, and after 10 hours are so i noticed there werent any noggers. great game desu
Changing history to be more to your liking isn't politics?
Please stop obsessing over niggers. No one is talking about them but you.
Yes, pretending there was some nationalism brotherhood at the time is pure fiction, no different from inserting handicap niggers into BF2
clown world
Ask the trannies that question
I love what's going on in the windows
I browse /pol/. People like you are a small minority. It's like saying some minority on Yea Forums speaks for Yea Forums.
Are retards still mad at no blacks in Bohemia?
Subnautica was considered political because the dev excluded guns from the game and made the MC look like a steriotypical tumblr cuck, not because of the dev's political views.
imagine joining a boycott by a guy named (((Gertsman)))
actual retards think all trannies cut off their dick literally a minority in the tranny population
the alt right is a cookie cutter term for an organization that doesn't exist.
Israel is an illegitimate nation, and Jews hve proven themselves to be hostile and manipulative toward their hosts.
We're mostly just normal dudes who got tired and disgruntled by the ever increasing rate of things going to Hell.
I don't think things we see every day applauded by the media are normal.
>your side
I'm on no side but my own, take your politics and shove them up your ass. I came here to prove a point and I did, no matter what you do to try and appease these retards they'll always come back barking and hissing at you even when you do what they ask. Can't for the life of me understand why any of you give a crap arguing about this shit instead of just pointing out how retarded it is, like I did, and then moving on, which I would like to do right now
Cuz Netanjahu is a based illiberal like Trump or Putin I think
So you're saying whoever drew that is deranged?
>but I doubt we’d have covered it either way.
>they'd literally review dog shit off the bottom of my work boots if I told them it was gender fluid
>pretending there was some nationalism brotherhood at the time is pure fiction
How so? You're completely full of shit
>t. historyfag
unironically based devs
Shame that it's a SHIT FUCKING GAME LEEEEEL kys we already had Witcher 3 and Skyrim, why would I need another shitty Skyrim clone with a half assed story?
Go to Church
>Start game
>See nigger
lmao. Should I throw a fit when some random streamer doesn't play some AAA release?
Art imitates life, Monsiuer
Fuck off tranny or show Pucci
As an archaeologist who studies medieval history I can understand the devs decision although him saying that there were no black peoples at all is simply not true. They were not there in large numbers by any means but let’s nkt forget how important luxury items from asia and Africa were to the European economy. This game could have been much more historically accurate if there were a HANDFUL of African traders in major cities. I emphasize handful because of how little evidence there is for black traders in large numbers. They definitely did make their way into Europe and some did sell their goods directly to individuals but for the most part Africans either sold heir goods long before they made it to Europe or they sold them to traders within cities who then sold them to individuals.
TLDR: game would be more historically accurate if there were a very small number of African traders one could encounter roaming the landscape and peddling goods in towns on very rare occasions.
A literal historian specialised in the subject pointed out to the devs that it wouldn't have been out of the question to feature black people in a historical game in medieval Europe. Now, at this point they could've still politely refused. But instead they whined about political correctness, how they knew better, how Europe was always white, and how black people should learn to make their own video games, and at that point they really kinda lost all the goodwill of people assuming they might not have been harbouring white nationalist tendencies. It's not white because of the setting. They chose the setting to make it white.
Don't respond if you are this ignorant.
And they imitated your life in art form, what's the problem with that?
>game is a bit janky but good
>Yea Forumsesetera hates it because there are no black cocks to suck on
To jej
dude I live in 21st century Eastern Europe and thankfully I've only ever seen non slavs on TV.
Trips speak the truth
>the alt right is a cookie cutter term for an organization that doesn't exist.
So, like SJWs? Also, if you guys hate Israel so much why are you conservative? Polls and studies show republicans support Israel by about 75-80% but most dem voter support of it is as low as 25%. Why is this?
>brother brought me game for my birthday (didn't ask for it or anything)
>haven't played it because backlog and 20gigs on shitty rural Internet
Why did you post my waifu again?
I always knew Giant Bomb were huge faggots not sure why they were always so accepted around here. The only good member died
Art imitates life, monsieur, art imitates life.
My work here is done.
>A literal historian specialised in the subject pointed out to the devs that it wouldn't have been out of the question to feature black people in a historical game in medieval Europe.
In Bohemia? Fucking bullshit
still a threat
>This game could have been much more historically accurate if there were a HANDFUL of African traders in major cities
except there weren't you retarded mongrel
you do realize that trade goods would pass dozens of hands before making it to a major city in Europe right
There weren't some magical caravans of niggers wandering around for thousands of miles with their magical wakanda juice for trade
close enough, it's actually czech republic
>people still fall for the viral marketing
absolute genius move to be honest, because he gained a lot of people religiously defending it.
it was an ok game
No, it wasn't. A few retards like yourself got laughed out of every thread calling them game SJW for not being an FPS.
The game got attacked because they fired someone for making an attack helicopter joke. Holy shit man just stop talking. You're too stupid when it comes to this issue.
Based sissy crossdressers BTFO everyone else
Acutally his name was Jones Beathoven. lrn2history fgt.
>dem voter support of it is as low as 25%
Democrats are banding together to silence Omar Bomb Jihad because she keeps criticising Israel. They are literally going to censor a Congresswoman in their own party.
Rewriting history is fine when we do it, tranny.
In bohemia? No you retard
Name one game they made that wasn't already an established IP.
Hard mode no walking simulators or visual novels.
We hate it because it was being culturally insensitive in the name of "historical accuracy". Also the guy was a GG supporter (4channel banned all GG discussion for a reason)
I assume its some guy from giant bomb or whatever that eceleb outlet is called
UHHH....well UHHH I actually grew up and now I uhhhh don't post on sites such as this, with real hot trash garbage human beings uhh.....Game of the Year goes to a game I played for 5 minutes because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *dies of Monster Energy Drink poisoning*
>A literal
stopped reading
>they whined about political correctness
Legitimately stopped reading there because your entire post lost all credibility and you should be fucking embarrassed. They behaved that way because of all the people fucking whining at them about politics in a video game they were making. Fight fire with fire, to call out the devs alone for behaving this way and not the people who started it all just shows what kind of person you are, fucking bigot
See, KCD's main audience is on PC, and no one on PC aside from console converts, women, and retards gives a fuck about what "journalists" think.
And those 3 groups wouldn't buy a game like KCD to begin with.
>it wouldn't have been out of the question to feature black people in a historical game in medieval Europe.
So, as I said, the default would be to not have them in and it "wouldn't be out of the question" to add them in if they felt like it. Based accurate representation of medieval Bohemia without need for optional creative additions
I said voters, retard. Learn to read. Both parties leadership are equally pro-israel. The voter bases are not.
All those established IPs in the first place
Shut up, falseflagger tranny.
Question. Is it saying the sucide attempts is BECAUSE they are trans or nonbinary or is it done FROM trans or nonbinary people?
>it turned out that the director of the game was an asshole
What did he do?
t. Stormfront
based resetera
>I said voters
Nobody cares what you say mexican tranny
It's actually Bohemia which doesn't exist anymore but included what is now Poland AND Czechia
>they rewritte history
>we rewrite history
You mean the well received game that's still well received and the new release was well received?
Did you REALLY expect them to cover a gross alt-right game when they're still recovering from E3 and getting ready for E3 and getting ready for PAX and settling into the office and they all have colds or the flu???
In Bohemia? That's mainland North Europe. Doubt you'd see anyone but Euros and Slavs even in the ports up there, they'd all be on the Med.
>that high saturation
Why do you still come here? Any post you make is most likely telling you to fuck off. You clearly don't fit in.
Dude calm the fuck down. Did I not emphasize that it was rare when they came and they came in very small numbers? Why so fucking butthurt? Do you really believe that no black person ever took established trade routes north to see what was happening up there when there is evidence that people like Pacific Islanders navigated 1000s of miles of open ocean on their shitty rafts using nothing but the stars? People wander. We have for our entire existence. Black people exisisted in medieval Europe.
It's pretty humorous how journos treat GG like the Holocaust of video games.
Except SJWs just invaded established series and turned them into shit.
At least right-wing fags had the decency to actually make their own original IPs.
So tired of retarded liberal white people fucking up vidya (ESPECIALLY fucking with Jap games) because they're insecure sniveling faggots who get triggered when the rest of us aren't faggots like they are.
Have you considered that if you're a game dev you don't HAVE to respond to everything people tweet at you with the edgiest plausibly deniable pseudo-fascist shit you can think of?
Oh no I'm being called a NEWFAG by someone who has been here since 2015.
>mainland North Europe
Based retard
Fucking based.
was the dlc for kingdom any good? i played the orig game for awhile but kinda fell off after like 5 hunting quests in a row.
because Americans have been brainwashed into thinking Israel is more than a parasite, much like Germans.
I'm as racist they come because geopolitical drama made me that way, but I don't think a race war will happen. A class war might and the rich pedo elites need to hang.
You guys want to spread around their cash, we want to stop them from diddling and bombing children.
Politics are theatre, and there is no winner in reality.
Buy guns, land, and stop voting. The "culture war" is wholly manufactured and taking sides is dangerous.
Nobody really cared until they fired their sound guy for his political views which affected the quality of the game you fucking chimp retard
>dude i have no evidence
>but imagine if i did
>culturally insensitive
>to not portray medieval Bohemia as populated with niggers
You HAVE to be trolling
>which affected the quality of the game
Really now
Did he take all the sound files with him or what
Have you considered that if you have no intent on buying a game for falsely accusing a game studio for being racist that you don't HAVE to even bother getting into argument and heated debates over social media with them to try and prove a point that in the end won't matter because they're not going to break down and cave to a bunch of emotionally unstable cunts?
You're so dumb you must be trolling.
Some Africans have indeed beein in Europe in medieval times but conveniently meeting one nigger token in the middle of bohemia for the sake of you political agenda?
Kill yourself tranny
Oh please. I've been here since the election.
>pretending there was some nationalism brotherhood at the time is pure fiction
Wait what? So medieval communities were actually open minded and free of xenophobia? Progressives are actually regressing???
Cool tumblr gif newfag
Is this a video game?
How do you think Henry would react if he met a black person?
>s-shit what do i say that would make me sound like im not seething uh uh
>nailed it haha
>feature black people in a historical game in medieval Europe
1. A token few black moors in Spain do not mean there'd be a token few in central Europe.
2. You're literally exploring a small area of Bohemia that 100% lacks a population of kangs.
3. If they included Prague the likelihood of an exotic trader increases but the chances of them being black is so unlikely it hurts. You'd sooner find swathes of Germans and Jews in Prague before a kang.
All you're telling me is the "LE BROKE WOKE" shit is a meme
Ironic baiting is still baiting
>anime gif from tumblr
I’m not going to spoon feed you because of how fucking easy it is to find evidence. Spend literally 10 minuets on google and you’ll find evidence.
No but you can tell. Some of the sound effects from the first part of the game are amazing. If you played the DLC you can tell whoever their new sound guy isn't anywhere near the level of expertise as the first guy.
post cunny!
It didn't. Retards like you meme'd the sound designer as being some epic fucking man who made the entire game and it sucked without him, which is retarded. The guy was no one special.
This jpg brings great joy to me
Fuck niggers
And fuck all non-vidya threads
>not making the european 14th century half-black and packed with transexuals is now "political"
imagine actually believing that niggers had any type of power outside of africa
All these locations are close together. Who is to say some black traders didn't stat at an inn and fuck some tavern wench leaving a black child hmm?
The same way he reacts to everything, not at all. He's an emotionless robot and fuck me if that doesn't make it hard to enjoy the game if I have to look at Henry's blank and uninterested stare as he describes watching his parents murdered like he was telling you about the shape of a cloud
but you yourself said it was a rarity. why the fuck would it be a necessity and make the game 'much more' accurate if it was barely a thing at all.
You spend the 10 minutes, that's your claims.
Pathetic cunt.
Literal historians have come out and said that there were some black people. Raising a huge stink about it and refusing is intellectually dishonest and politically charged. Oh why am I wasting my time? Anyone that wantonly drops n-bombs and posts pepe memes isn't going to listen no matter how many times they've been logically checkmated. Just piss and shit everywhere and call it a day, troll.
are there any jewish pogroms in this game?
also I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and believe that you have an open mind unlike many in the right vs left dichotomy.
We all share the same enemies.
Here's a quick rundown on everythig wrong with the world. It's a long one so bookmark it, as I'm not nearly eloquent enough to explain it all. It's a red suppository, neo nazis and antifa are glow in the dark cia niggers designed to pit us against each other while we should be sniffing where shit goes down.
Good. At least it sells way better than Revolution 60, Gone Home, 2064ROM, and even Depression Quest the REEEEera loves to white knight so much.
My only agenda, which I thought I made clear, was to be more historically accurate. Idgaf about inclusion in games. Being a history buff i for one would have thought it would be super interesting to have a rare encounter where there’s a black trader in a town somewhere. Imagine a group of townsfolk gathered around this strange dark man they’ve never seen before as he sells his exotic goods. If anything, you’re pushing a political agenda by getting so assblasted at the thought that a small number of Africans were in Medeival Europe.
>Southern Spain is close to Bohemia
Another based ameritard
Imagine being this mad at a threads jpg that you'd try and get the thread deleted, I hope you just get banned faggot
lol how is it "falsely" accusing? And maybe if they hadn't been racist but handled it with tact instead they wouldn't have lost a costumer. But being tactful is something they reserve for white people probably.
>Amputee baby role-playing porn
There is no evidence because it didn't fucking happen you based retard
There were 0 niggers in medieval Bohemia/
0(zero) niggers.
Not one not two, not a possibility of fucking niggers
>Kingdom Come
>Without Magic
You literally brew potions.
>wht is commerce
>what are Nubians
Try harder you faggot
Faggots like Richard Spencer, David Duke and antifa are all glow in the dark government-funded faggots but you're a retard if you think /pol/ or Resetera are as well.
1000s of miles of open ocean are easier to navigate than deserts and mountains
>black people existed in medieval europe
Maybe a few slaves owned by arabs who took them back home when they were done with their business, or were killed.
Are you black user?
If not, why do you care about whether black people were or weren't in medieval Europe?
I'm black and I sure as fuck don't give a fuck, when I play a game based in Europe I want to play as some white dudes, if I'm playing a game based in Italy or a game about the Mafia I want to play as the most stereotypical asshole guido ever, because that's fucking fun.
This representation shit is stupid, I don't play video games to self-insert (since I'm not fucking autistic), I play video games to experience something I CAN'T experience in real life, like playing as a giant robot or piloting a mech or playing some random white schmuck in medieval Europe.
Say what you want about KCD, but the devs telling journos and SJWs to fuck off was the best decision they could've made, THQ Nordic apologized and is now being dragged through the ground. Warhorse won't have to bother with them for a good while
I'm just having some fun, bro.
It's sad because this would have been a two hour quick look with Dave and Vinny back in the day.
yes they are. We're all being co-opted and taken for a ride.
Yea Forums has been a shill warzone for years now
you realize Yea Forums is 100% monitored by the feds?
Yea Forums is essentially one big honeypot.
Sometimes they were, sometimes they weren't. The false idea that history is a straight line of progress makes people imagine medieval society as the most backwards racist hicks according to our societal standards and prevents people from seeing that our forefathers tended to be pragmatic about things more often than not.
>how is it falsely
>if they hadn't been racist
Immediate false accusation, sorry but I can't take you seriously anymore. Was a fun little debate though, first one in a while that didn't devolve into slinging shit and name calling within seconds
>mfw any time an actual historian or expert in history points out the game isn't as accurate as people claim everyone screams "TRANNY NIGGER RESETERA" until they leave
Happened when that dude btfo an entire thread at release when people claimed how accurate it was and totally not influenced by the devs political views. Leave it to people who flunked history to decide what is accurate.
Being #WOKE
Avatar posting is against the rules newfriend.
Why blacks?
Why not jews? Khazars? Middle-Easterners? Mongols? Or anything fucking else that a fucking nigger to make you feel like a good leftist? Fuck i hate americans so much
You'd literally only need one.
The dev is the one saying he wanted to make the game as historically accurate as possible. If that was his goal then it would be a necessity to include a very very small number of black people in major towns.
Yeah, FBI is SUPER interested in generic porn posted on Yea Forums. Not the myriad of assassination threats made on /pol/ toward high ranking government officials. 2006 was 13 years ago, son.
>honeypot front
Imagine being the poor bastard who has to see trap, furry, FB/IG stalker pics and gay threads for 8+ hours a day.
Is this the guy who did the massage one with the delinquent? I remember asking for sauce and was told to not bother because the rest of his shit is pretty fucked.
>"Your game set in medieval Bohemia should feature tons of blacks and womyn soldiers, at least fifty percent, maybe one with a cyborg arm or something too"
>"Woooow way to get political, fucking alt-righter, this is why nobody likes y'all white folk, I can't wait to write an article about this in Jerusalem Times and Kotaku"
>ACTUAL historians said it's not accurate
well fuck my ass may as well just shove as many black people into the game now because they didn't get the bow and arrow right for that time period.
>Why not jews? Khazars? Middle-Easterners? Mongols? Or anything fucking else that a fucking nigger to make you feel like a good leftist?
Because no one brought them up. By all means, they should be included too.
>calls me pathetic
>can’t google
Giant Bomb wasn't against this game, no one on staff was interested in it..
No one is against this game lol.
>He doesn't know
He's the biggest faggot on that team and that includes past employees like Joel and those faggot kids that make all that weird fanart
It's funny how the most irrelevant cesspit of Europe, with an illustrous history of being the most tremendous failure at everything they do, is always the country with the strongest nationalist sentiment.
This is like when someone points out the one black samurai in history and uses it to justify more niggers everywhere else, in every time period, in every region
because a very dark skinned gentleman would be a rare sight and thus cause for worldbuilding dialogue.
they'll just become jaded and turn into /ourguys/ eventually.
I used to be 'le worl peace one human bean" type a few years ago, hating on le ebul neon nazis online.
Then I woke up. They're already using Yea Forums lingo internally.
Incorrect. There were no (0) blacks in medieval bohemia. Please post evidence or stfu
>Immediate false accusation
So you keep insisting, after I've already demonstrated that it's entirely accurate. You can't just keep calling it "false" with nothing to disprove my evidence.
Spain is nowhere close at all to Bohemia. Look at a map and see where Andalusia and Grenada are in Spain, then look to where Kingdom Come is suppose to be set in. If this was a game set in Venice or any other major port city, your fantasy would hold more weight, but we're talking about landlocked Bohemia.
>Reaction images are avatars now
There was a time where using reaction images at all would derail entire threads, consistently.
You know as much as you understand, and understand as little as you know.
>Who is to say some black traders didn't stat at an inn and fuck some tavern wench leaving a black child hmm?
>who is to say it didn't happen
>therefore it did happen put it in the game you racist
I actually pity niggers for having such a pathetic history that they feel the need to steal others
I have no idea.
BASED, Yea Forums eternally seething
This is not the box where you edit your profile description
funny how my irrelevant cesspit is a quickly developing nation whereas the former breadbaskets of Europe are full of vibrant urban youth packing battery acid.
haha silly gooses amirite
i got some shocking news for you: these people have always been part of imageboard culture, as it contains everything and doesn't care about who you are, right, anonymous?
>dev gets proven wrong multiple times
Where? And When?
>tfw don't play games I don't like regardless of who made them
So you just want your own little fantasy, you actually don't give a shit about history.
Why even one? We're talking about the likelihood of a black person, even a lone black person, in a landlocked Kingdom, in a lesser known area of Bohemia.
Read my original post.
I never advocated for being able to play as a black dude. No I’m not black I’m just making the argument that if the dec wanted to be as historically accurate as possible as he claimed to be, his defiant refusal to include even a very small number of Africans in the game is counter to this goal. I don’t care about inclusion in games.
god i hate niggers, trannies, liberals, and gay people.
not really you're transparent as fuck with your insidious gay agenda and bullshit messages of forced peace nobody wants.
Does no one remember his Kane & Lynch review, getting fired from GameSpot, then selling Giant Bomb to GameSpot?
Hey guess what, faggot?
No, "literal historians" have come out and said "it's not out of the question that there may have been some black people there" you nigger idiot
God dammit user if you have the time make some storytimes then do it, don't post them here, god knows there's nothing to salvage in this shithole thread.
niggers smell bad
off the back of EU internal market access though
jesus christ, what a homo
>Why even one?
Because you can.
lame as fuck
Herbalists and apothecaries are real, the potion effects are obviously gamified just like being able to autistically whack someone to become a master swordsman in days.
>quickly developing nation
Lmao not even refugees want to live in that shithole. Enjoy your 300€ a month out of EU handouts pole, at least you have cheap soplica to endure the shame of being polish.
I bought a new copy of the Special Edition for $20.
I figured it had been too long so far for them to announce a Complete Edition. Maybe it might happen with THQ, but who knows.
But in this specific story there are no blacks, the area in the game doesn't represent the entirety of Bohemia so I'm not sure why you people keep bringing this stuff up.
Just as heads up, can you stop it?
It's really fucking annoying and it's obvious that you people don't actually give two shits about what blacks want, and just want to stroke your endless egos.
yeah, buddy, imageboards don't care about who you are. they let anyone post. right anonymous?
I think he means the proper term would be central Europe. North mainland Europe is Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia.
>There was a time where using reaction images at all would derail entire threads
"My face when" caught on ridiculously fast, historical revisionist.
I'm from Europe, Cletus
Well this was a very straightforward thing. No twists no super unnecessary torture or horror. Ive seen much worse.
Fuck, you got him
you forgot muslims.
>A literal historian specialised in the subject pointed out to the devs that it wouldn't have been out of the question to feature black people in a historical game in medieval Europe
Yeah these are the same faggot professors who consulted on that series about the first Swedes starring a nog
Eat shit fags
Oh, uhh, was that supposed to be a diss?
I'll... just let that one slide
Imagine going from southern spain to central europe without modern infrastructure by foot is fast.
Based retard, again.
If nobody wants to live in Poland then why is the EU trying to kick down their door and flood it with refugees?
>imypling the big majority gives a flying fuck about politics
When will people learn that both, sjw and kekistanis are both just a bubble? It only looks big because retards spend all of their time with these people and the people these people talk to and retweet. Most people don't care if the game dev is some SJ warlord or froghitler, they look at the game and they play it if it looks interesting. That's it.
>But in this specific story there are no blacks, the area in the game doesn't represent the entirety of Bohemia
But that's not what the devs said, was it?
I don't think you have a license for making inflammatory comments online, Mahmoud.
Eastern Europe is an idealistic utopia when compared to shitholes like Paris, Berlin, or London
This was also why I has hesitant to pay full price
Misnamed reaction images never happened, nope. You got me. There was no one called moot either. How stupid am I right?
LMAO. Fucking newfags.
I said outside of africa you fucking idiot learn to read in b4 egypt isnt africa
When did the devs say that the area in the game represents all of Bohemia?
From what I recall all they said is that the game takes place in Central Bohemia.
>By all means, they should be included too.
>buttfuck nowhere not even near the capital of landlocked Bohemia in medieval times was a cultural melting pot of diversity you stupid goyim
I want you to know how hard I'm laughing at you
For you faggots looking for evidence
>inb4 dismissing it because it’s tumblr.
The person who wrote this includes links to cite everything.
Because subhumans should stick together, therefore it only makes sense that niggers and muslims should live alongside poles.
He got fired from Gamespot for his integrity and then years later sold his successful website to their parent company CBS, which also happened after every member of direct management with the authority responsible from the time of Jeff’s firing had already left GS.
Yeah what a cuck.
White people made a game set in a white country and didn't create nigger npcs? Well fuck me sideways this is unacceptable
Seething trannies
If you were a refugee, why would you go to Warsaw or Lodz when you can go to Paris or Frankfurt or Berlin? They could kick the doors down and there would be no one at the door
Well there were no major towns in the game, problem solved. You'd need them to include Prague for that.
Do you not understand how kingdoms work? Do you think their power through commerce and diplomacy ends at their borders? Blithering retard detected
incel tranny
Ok, you're trolling. Bye
How can you even type that, solve captcha, and hit send knowing how absolute dogshit of an argument that is
>refusing to play a game that you might enjoy because you don't like the dev
>implying are 100% politically neutral because you realize that frogs and sjw are acually belong to the same paranoid and retarded types of LARPers
I don't care about negroes or the lack thereof in my vidya, I just played this game because the combat is fun and I like swords
They said they wouldn't include black people because there were none in medieval Bohemia. Not because their game took place in a small area. Not because their plot didn't include any. But because they claimed to be historical experts on all of medieval Bohemia.
>visit the guy who "politely" asked the question
>his entire blog is bitching about them evil white folk
Just because you can doesn't mean you should. This game is based around authenticity. Is it 100% authentic? No, but it is the best we'll get. Throwing one random black "trader" in bumfuck nowhere Bohemia takes away from it being bumfuck nowhere Bohemia.
Ah, is that how you're going to play it? Catch-22? If you only demand a little representation you're a hypocrite, if you demand more you're asking too much?
>No I’m not black I’m just making the argument that if the dec wanted to be as historically accurate as possible as he claimed to be, his defiant refusal to include even a very small number of Africans in the game is counter to this goal
Except it isn't you retard
Many people in Europe RIGHT NOW live their entire lives without ever seeing a nigger except for on TV. How the fuck do you think it was back then?
Holy shit you’re fucking dense. I’ve already said it three times. I don’t care about inclusion in games. I don’t care what black people want. That is not what I’m fucking arguing here. I want a game that claims to be historically accurate to actually be historically accurate.
Where were these historians when millions of Europeans got insulted with this nigger forcing cancer?.
im talking about issues inside of the game because the guy was saying it was considered political because of just developer issues.
This is a guy who has a folder of 100 medieval paintings of black people painted in Venice and reuses them over and over as evidence Africans were all over the continent.
You realize how fucking easy it is to fake Discord screenshots? Especially ones that don't show the user list and channels.
This threads autosaging so I'm saving it
Why do they kill and eat people?
They're basically right, there were little to no black people in medieval Bohemia, and when I'm playing a game about medieval Bohemia I don't really want there to be any black people in it.
Again, only retarded white people keep arguing for all this stupid inclusion shit, mainly to stroke their egos.
And it largely is historically accurate you mongoloid, but it's still a video game.
No, it doesn't, we've been over that already. In fact, while it's impossible to prove whether any black trader ever made their way up to that specific area in that specific timeframe, we've already established that medieval Europe had black people in it, so in that sense, it could definitely be argued that their inclusion is all the more authentic of the "medieval European" experience. After all, everything else is organised neatly together like a nice little theme park for the player to explore, isn't it?
This is for you discord tranny
This threads in freefall so I'm saving it
We may never know.
I think you may be more retarded than me user, there's no way you can take this away from what I wrote unless you yourself think people shipped things from Spain to Poland/Czechia via fucking cart instead of ship
I knew you retards would say this and you did anyways despite my inb4. Fucking brainlets. I never go on tumblr but there’s good info in that link. Too bad you’re actively resistant to facts and get triggered at anything tumblr related.