Who is the biggest asshole in vidya?

Who is the biggest asshole in vidya?

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Let duck hunt doge lmao

eric sparrow

Why wouldn't he just keep it for himself?


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cant have more than 3 of the same card in a deck
it may as well be useless to him

He only needs 3

your mom's

Because he wouldn't be able to use it in his deck, so it might as well not exist, otherwise it could be stolen and used against him.

>no effect
Shit card

this and he has no reason to sell it because he's already rich and he hates the idea of anyone else having BEWD

Kai Leng

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>Who is the biggest asshole in vidya?
Alvin from Tales of Xillia

Has there ever been a more successful waifufag than Kaiba?


i love how card can be conveniently teared lup easily but can hold a grun's trigger, stab hands and break metal

Is the only person that made a jet based on the shape of his waifu.

childhood was admiring yugi
adolescence was rooting for joey
adulthood is realizing kaiba ultimately wins

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smell you later loser!

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Don't you dare question the supreme autism of Seto Kaiba.

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>an asshole

he was trying to save vidya all along