What exactly do they want THQNordic to do?
What exactly do they want THQNordic to do?
Other urls found in this thread:
do everything they tell them to do moving forward
why do people want an apology so bad? Its more important that we know what was going through their heads when they thought it was a good idea
>apologizing to SJWs
lmao man
what did they apologize for?
I checked it out of curiousity and it really didn't seem as bad as people said, didn't see any illegal shit. Disappointing really.
Nothing. They did nothing wrong but they apologised anyway.
This is why they shouldn't have apologized.
They committed a thought crime. No apology will be enough; there's no forgiveness for them now.
And the only thing they did wrong was apologize in the first place. You NEVER apologize to SJWs. Now they smell blood in the water and it will only attract more.
What the fuck happened? I remember the hype for the AMA and now they're in hot water?
This is what democrats are best at, lynching is their past-time, and they aren't going to rest until someone is hanging from a tree.
>apology not accepted
Every fucking time
I'm sorry let me laugh even harder
8 is superior to 4 because 8 doesn't tolerate niggers.
They've just dug their own grave.
They wan't them to die. I want them to go out of business, but for the opposite reason that they did apologize.
Guilt by association, user.
>give the parasites a drop of blood
>the swarm devours you
Refer to my picture
why not go talk about it on that shithole website, huh? they've got a whole board of men fucking dogs, you'll love it
I don't want them to go out of business mainly because they are actually doing stuff with THQ's old IPs.
That's fucking it?
Jesus, SJWs are ridiculous.
I wouldn't give half a shit if my favourite dev did an AMA on Tumblr or Twitter or some other cancerous baizuo website
go back to your discord tranny
Complete and unconditional surrender. You never try to appease extremists. It never works. You only compromise yourself and empower those who would gleefully destroy you. Fucking imbeciles. Spineless fucks deserve everything they get at this point.
They havent paid reparations to the Trans-nonbinary furry community yet so until exactly 100% of the years revenues is put to that then there is no acceptance.
>shill thread by writers for some nobody website
Permaban OP and block phones from doing anything but reading.
SJWs are just assmad that Nordic said they're not going to cater to SJWs and instead keep making their games non political, ala Nintendo style of just focusing on fun / story.
This enraged the media because they just got dabbed on hard as they flew up THQ's vacuum anus
>when men would rather have sex with dogs than you trannies
These people are overexaggerating way too much over this especially since most people already moved on from the topic. Its utterly ridiculous
The actual name of 4^2chan is filtered, it has been for a while.
Those SJWs don't have any brain at all.
>admiting guilt despite doing no wrong
Could have just ignored the mentally ill trannies and be on their way making them look like upset children.
They never learn.
Ha. I love that perspective.
WTF GUYS THQ NORDIC IS SO BASED AND REDPILLED (even though they apologized immediately) AND THEY MAKE FUCKING AWESOME GAMES (even though Darksiders 3 sucks ass)
They're never fucking happy unless you live record the "culprit" being fucking beheaded. They're the definition of a radical cult.
Resetera and vidya journalism got in a massive tizzy because THQ didn't use a normalfag approved outlet (ie themselves). They also think any site ending with a -chan is nothing but child porn and racial slurs, meaning it's extra bad to associate with them.
>people think it was an apology when it was just the CEO claiming responsibility aka just another way of saying "fuck off, we won't fire anyone"
>apologizing to political minded individuals
Never do this.
Dissolve the company
this place has became full of pussies
Personally I'd rather use a dirty sewage rat as an onahole than fuck a tranny
almost makes me want to buy exodus on the epic store.
Give all their jobs to minorites and make the correct kind of games.
Literally what fucking website is this?
>have AMA
remove link
send out a very public press release as apology
They come over here to spam stuff like this because their board is dead. Go check out their gamergate general, its fucking hilarious.
I also find it ironic that the side that is trying to get pedophilia added to the LBGT shit are supposedly upset that they did an AMA on a site that supposedly had CP.
Why is infinity chan so superior bros?
There's a 16chan?
They deserve it for making the most retarded PR decision i've seen in quite a while.
they ignored everyones warnings and apologized instead of ignoring the kike media, now they are getting shat on by BOTH sides
you faggots at THQ deserve it, hope you get bankrupt for being spineless dipshits
When did they add that in?
who cares? either they make good games or they don't, getting mad at this is like not listening to michael jackson just because he was a pedo
I'm only supporting them for a new Destroy All Humans and Red Faction though.
Make a good game for starters
They want the company to go under.
>apologizing to SJWs
They never accept it. Actually, I'm pretty sure non-SJWs are the same way. It's always a power play when an apology is made or demanded publicly. If the apology is made, it makes the party at fault look weak and the "offended" party won't accept it because it smells chum in the water.
Hey guys.
I work for Paradox AMA
Also, before you ask, yes, fuck niggers and kikes
>force THQ to apologize
>sorry, apologies aren't good enough
>mfw also seeing what happened to count dankula the past few days
Why is the progressive left so fond of witch hunts?
Yeah surely their other new games won't suck dick, user - they have a great track record because the same people have been there for years! Its not a company wearing the name like a skin, oh no no no!
You new around here?
"get cancelled"
Yeah, giving out an apology was the most retarded decision they could have made. Now look what good that did them.
google says yes (or at least it existed)
>*crawls back when their own site dies*
lmao 8ch. This was such a fucking stunt, because nobody has given a shit about that dump for ages.
But eightchan was specifically founded for CP
No, I just never use the word 8chän.
They should do an AMA on Yea Forums next
>Yeah, giving out an apology was the most retarded decision they could have made.
I would say the decision to have the AMA at all was the most retarded decision.
I don't know, if machinegames came out and apologized for Wolfenstein 2 saying "yea making the 2nd one political was a mistake, next time we'll aim to have less story and more gameplay, with as little politics as possible like TNO" then I'd be willing to give them a chance on 3
SJWs are never happy. Which is why it's right to never apologize. Especially when you did nothing wrong like THQ.
I judge games on individual basis because they are a publisher rather than a developer Darksiders was also always trash.. I'll see if Volition can do anything like the first Red Faction or the remnants of Pandemic rip can do their series justice.
Considering Yea Forums itself already has that "evil drumpf supporting nazi pedo hacker group" label in the mainstream, you'd think they'd avoid any site with a "chan" in it, especially one that was blocked by google
holy shit what else do these niggers want? do they literally want the whole company to crash and burn over this incident? and they really believe themselves to be rightfull and good persons holy shit
wrecked bathrooms
they dared talk directly with their public instead of talking to jornos
The usual culprits are fucking OBSESSED with this shit. They just really get the fattest boner at the idea of getting someone fired, especially if it can somehow loosely tie in to left-right politics. It's total insanity and honestly those people are a little bit frightening.
Red Faction had some really shitty titles, you must have dementia or something. I remember the second DAH game not being that great either.
I also think a modern DAH game would really, REALLY suck. The talent is all gone from THQ.
>They also think any site ending with a -chan is nothing but child porn and racial slurs
It isn't?
I agree with the picture.
The real damage will be when thq published games come out and will get either completely ignored by media or severely punished with shit metascores
Anyone demanding an apology should be forced to provide proof that they have actually bought and played THQ Nordic games.
Waypoint is mostly for angry womanchildren
Shoutout to Mark.
>The usual culprits are fucking OBSESSED with this shit.
TheQuartering and the rest of the skeptic community? I'd imagine.
They already apologized, dipshit.
>google is the moral arbiter of right and wrong
probably why they did it. a lot of companies hate google
Only Red Faction 2 and Armageddon suck, which were sequels to the different styles of games.
Also fuck you, DAH 2 was the best in the series, it was only when Pandemic changed hands to EA that the series dive bombed. Again, THQ is only the publisher, their in house development team only really did the Spongebob games if I remember correctly.
Well it worked out great for them! A whole hour before they apologized following the ama, what a smart idea.
>even though they apologized immediately
Apparently retardera is saying they didn't apologize fast enough
Why did people get mad at this? 4x2 Chan Isn't any different from reddit with the exception of it being good.
Because they can't accept ever being at fault, in the wrong, or losing. Neither can they ever accept others having different opinions, at least to the extent that they believe those with differing thoughts must be evil or psychopaths without empathy
I forget who first said it, but they said that those on the right believe that the left are just either ill informed or incorrect, while those on the left believe their opposition is knowingly evil and are acting as enemies.
And not devoutly enough.
Yeah its more like an empty sorry no one cares. we can still hate niggers and sjw on 8 and no one can stop us.
Never apologise to retarded SJW, they will never be happy
This. Lefties always hold grudges.
>Also fuck you, DAH 2 was the best in the series
That was DAH 1. 2 was just a fucking cash in sequel and lazy as hell, what are you on about? It lacked the charm of 1.
I feel like I'm the only person left on Yea Forums who doesn't lurk on retardera, you niggers are obsessed with that shithole.
If a dev posted there I wonder if this board would have a panic attack.
He won the thread, give it to him. They saw the opening, they want to sneak in and make genderfluid panromantic ableist demidisabled games.
To contribute to their patreon
4x2 does a better job of cracking down on leftists and trouble makers
Then this site. Still needs some work.
>moot fucked up by not deleting [containment board]
Imagine being this retarded.
How do you think the devs feel about their publisher associating their products with child porn?
Don't apologize for anything. Fuck leftists with a rake
>you owe me an apology for speaking to the wrong people
I don't understand the current year.
well when you call even remotely suggestive drawings of characters that aren't specifically in canon as 18 years old (and sometimes even if they are) CP then yeah every single chan site has CP. Along with every discord server and every fanart subreddit.
Would have expected people working in media to understand that people in PR positions have nothing to do with developers
Why do they want hundreds of people to lose their jobs
I’d rather get fucked by a 10/10 aryan male and destroy my anus than fuck a tranny
They need to fire everyone involved and hire officers that will ensure things like this will never happen again.
Well...there is some credibility. Anonymous websites tend to pull more base behaviors out of people.
Yeah its working out so well, bro
I don't give a shit about muh "controversy", I just want Sphinx 2
>how sexy is the child?
They went to a second rate chansite filled with FREEZEPEACH reatrds, reddit reffugees and kiddie diddlers.
If Chunsoft came out and said "sorry for censoring Zanki Zero we'll reverse the changes for the Steam edition" I'd forgive them and buy the game.
As a deterrent. Other companies will see this and make sure to leash their PR people properly, lest they suffer complete shutdown of their studio as well.
Commies want everything they dont like erased.
The whole movement is about destroying every culture to create only one grey and massive culture submised to the workers party.
You can see it in feminism, globalism or whatever. They never seek for negociation, they just want anihilation.
And we shall provide.
>Be THQ Nordic
>people barely give a shit about you
>decide to do an AMA to spark some interest again
>hosting it on reddit would provide worthless results because its vote system is retarded
>resetera wouldnt give good results since everyone is banned anyway
>neogaf is dead
>no news outlet would ever fucking care
>decide doing the normal shit is not optimal
>look elsewhere
>Yea Forums is good but your employee doesnt understand how a tripcode works and cant use a secure tripcode like a retard
>the shift from moot to hiro isnt treating the site well at all
>go to infinity chan because the owner of the board can just give you a tag to use, no tripcode shit required
>do it because you get unfiltered genuine questions that would otherwise be downvoted or banned elsewhere, while also providing anonymity
>get real genuine questions, and shitposts
>roll with it because its fun and enjoyable to not be held down by some retarded rules by retarded mods
>everyone that would either be an sjw or tranny """journalist""" loses their mind because you didnt choose a "normal" site
who the fuck cares where its held. theres more incentive and better results holding it anywhere EXCEPT reddit and all those other piles of shit
it should have been here but given the tripcode part im sure they'd have trouble maintaining threads. for ease of use it was better to not use Yea Forums in this particular case
anyone that cries about them doing this is the reason the gaming industry is going south. anyone that doesnt see how it was better to do this is also retarded
Fuck that chan. They hate Trump and they stopped cracking down on that leftist hate machine.
As a bisexual transgender man with disabilities married to a black bisexual formerly homeless ex-muslim woman who works in special education, I'm quite aware of what intersectionality is, and I can't help but applaude their apology, however meager it is.
Fuck these faggots, this is a non-issue that literally NONE of their readership is bothered by in the slightest but they keep it alive and they're so fucking furious. The idea here is "we want everybody who touched this to get fired then we want anyone who touched them to get fired too". I guarantee it has nothing to do with CP or any other shit, it's all down to the GG origins of the site and how goddamn asspained they are about GG that anything even remotely related to being related to it has to be met with extreme hostility.
yeah fuck free peach you shouldnt be able to post that
You know they would never do that because it would inevitably be interpreted as "MACHINEGAMES GOES FULL NAZI" by all the gaming journalism sites.
>Lacked the charm of the first one
What the absolute fuck are you on about? Just like how the first game perfectly captured the 50's alien b-movie vibe the second one perfectly captured the 60's bond-esque spy movie vibe with the twist of the cold war. The arsenal of the weapons was greatly expanded, quality of life changes were made (Like being able to change the altitude of the saucer for example), so many side missions and little details they never actually needed to put in like dialogue choices but did it because some of the dialogue is witty. I don't know what you specifically dislike about the second one because it improved everything the first one laid the groundwork for.
Not to mention the Soviets and the Blisk are fucking great antagonists for a second game.
If a publisher was joking about killing whites or incels on retardera you niggers would be shitting blood.
Circlular masturbation ITT. It's like going to a shitty feminist board asking 'why men are such pigs', pretending that you want an actual discussion. They agree, you agree, let's all squirt in each other's mouths and pretend its toothpaste.
Fuck resetera, too.
both false.
>what do they want them to do?
fire the dude who thought it was a great idea to have an AMA on a website blacklisted by google, prolly
like even having it here would probably be a step up
or like, reddit, since there's an entire thing for that there
or on their website
or etc
It's the lügenpresse associating the product with child porn.
No, we would probably contact the DEA.
Only incels at /pol/ would get mad about killing whites.
>ust like how the first game perfectly captured the 50's alien b-movie vibe the second one perfectly captured the 60's bond-esque spy movie vibe with the twist of the cold war.
"Perfectly", yeah fucking right. And that atmosphere sucked ass. So much blander than the first game.
I'm going to agree to disagree because I'm leaving campus soon but DAH2 was bland as bathwater.
Are you telling the publishers went to 1+2+3+2chan to trade CP or something?
its the fact theyd never get that far. i like that they were able to stop fucking caring and tell other sites to eat a dick
an AMA can be anywhere, by anyone, for any reason. the people shitting themselves over this are just whiny trannies and sjws
There's no way THQ rep will down just because of opinion from literally who minority
>fire the dude that gave us free publicity
thats why you dont work with advertisement user
Uh huh, definitely not the loli/shota banners.
never seen and "cp" on 4x2 complete bullshit.
The worst and most satisfying thing on it is videos of chinamen slowly dying in accidents.
Fine, I'll leave you and your shit taste then user.
And the chided gaming press.
>I guarantee it has nothing to do with CP or any other shit, it's all down to the GG origins of the site
Bingo. We all know the left is currently trying to normalize pedophilia, so that's just a cover up.
So you'd rather them just being here full time because there's no politics thread for them to fling shit in?
Why don't we just delete /vp/ and /vg/ too while we're at it, I'm sure that'll work great.
Dude, he told you
i find funny how you went for that extreme statement because you couldnt use "imagine if a publisher made a ama on resetera" because they already do this shit all the time
they talking about lolis user
unlike 4chen. 8chen embraces the cunny
zoom zoom
One of the big things people are annoyed at THQ about is joking with that CEASE ALL FAGGOTRY image.
But hey this is Yea Forums so you're all set in your ways and nothing I say about common sense in the real world for businesses is going to change your opinion of BASED and REDPILLED THQ Nordic. Congrats on falling for baby's first manufactured outrage!
They don't want apology they want you eradicated. #billclintonisarapist
public execution via stoning
even then sjws won't forgive
though they'll forgive ex murders
uh user, they went to a SUPER ILLEGAL deep web child pron site.
How many times do people have to be told that apologizing to these types is just throwing blood in the water? It has never worked, they never back off, they just double down on the finger wagging.
Is that a problem? Why is Yea Forums against AMA's on retardera but not cripplechan?
Here's a (You).
mate not all publicity is good publicity
if six flags regularly injured people on rides, people would not want to go there
because le sjws or something who knows
Not OP but what’s so fucking bad about phones?
>be THQ Nordic
>literally nobody gives a shit about you besides people bitching for a SpongeBob remaster
>do a stupid, non-serious, 30 minute, AMA on 8ch
>get free publicity AND trigger resetera, twitter trannies
based and redpilled
Yes. Just look at their posts.
They want THQ Nordic to close their doors.
Going against their narrative demands the death penalty.
all I want to hear from game journalist is what buttons to press in combination at the title screen to unlock bobs
Because we're right wing, duh
All shaming is dependent on accepting guilt or culpability. Refusing to address it or giving a “so what” response is how you win.
It’s not 2014, the outrage marketplace is saturated these days. If they had weathered the 48 hour period they have been fine. Hell, look at Virginia’s Gov, lt gov and AG. They’re fine.
No one believes in what they’re outraged in, which is why it’s constant shifting. Just wait them out. It’s a terrible lesson we’ve been taught.
Nobody who matters gives a fuck. 8 is a site. Anyone pretending like its any different are SJWs. They only want to make THQ look bad because dragging people down makes them feel morally superior and in control. The waypoint article is them trying to see if they can get someone fired now.
WTF bros who should I trust for the truth?!
Because if it's not on here then it's [insert new buzzword for cancer] and if it was done here it would be called Reddit circlejerk, cancer that's killing the industry,etc.
resetara doesn't buy games.
Did he say he's against it? I'm pretty sure he was just calling that post retarded
>If a dev posted there I wonder if this board would have a panic attack.
They do all the time. It's considered a legitimate outlet as was NeoGAF. Retard.
Depends. What did they do? They should at least fire everyone involved.
>people would not want to go there
already happened and the number of people GOING to said park doubled for the next month
Talk good talk bad but talk about my product
people dont give a shit if you are shitalking something, if you talk about something they dont know that will trigger curiosity about the thing
how many games did Yea Forums shitalk just for then to be sucesses?
That's a really retarded post, then, because I've seen you niggers have panic attacks about shit like OMG GUYS THESE DEVS TALKED TO ANITA!!!!!!!
Now THQNordic is fucking destitute
based and cunnypilled
Wasn't the faggot who posted the "cp" trying to get it blacklisted on purpose?
You should take a business or marketing class sometime.
Because the sexist racist status quo produced better games than the shit Resetera advocates for. Case in point conveniently ignores Bioware is 99% diversity hire and they just released a fucking game that fucking bricks consoles because all the white straight male devs are gone.
the only way THQ Nordic can recover is to say fuck you to the SJW faggots and become the world's first alt-right gaming company, which means no blacks/women in their games except for butlers and maids and whores
It's not worthy of forgiveness. It's worthy of praise.
It's rare that anyone even close to development gives any kind of insight into what the fuck's going on with their game.
Too many companies pretend to do it for the good PR, whilst deliberately covering up and sanitising, making sure we don't see how the sausage is made.
And indie studios/devs just don't really have the time or budget to do it.
BFV would like a word
but nobody gives a fuck, thats the thing, they happen all the time and nobody cares
in the meantime you and you faggot friends sure are buttblasted that one publisher one time did a ama on a website outside your safe space websites
he even got a visit from the local PD because of what he was doing
but they never arrested or charged him for some reason.
yeah it was a jorno
he could not find cp on the site so he posted it there, saved the page on his computer
Next day fbi had a nice chat with him
>the only people talking about how based 8ch are the people who go there
lmao, so why don't you retards go back? Is your site that dead?
Yes user Bioware is a bad dev because they didn't hire more straight males. You're a fucking genius - it definitely has nothing to do with fucking EA.
Its like you retards can't grasp problems in AAA gaming without it being caused by diversity hires.
It was the diversity hires, move along.
I don't care that they did it but it was clear that they would get shitlisted over it so it was a stupid decision
They should just double down and do another on 8ch just to fuck with them at this point
If they're going to throw a temper tantrum then there's no point trying to rationalize with them. They said 'sorry' and that wasn't good enough, so fuck 'em.
im just here to shit on 4cucks. You are just a herd of niggers led by trannies.
>but nobody gives a fuck, thats the thing, they happen all the time and nobody cares
You niggers care, though. You whine about retardera every single day. I see your screencaps in the catalog every fucking day when I come to this board.
Who can be trusted to be correct?
To shit down they’re doors forever.
On that note I just brought this is the Police 1 & 2
Gotta day this game as very piss easy lows and Sky high difficulty spikes out the ass highs
I love it
The /pol/ harbor of 2014
>post yfw the captcha is gone
A containment board for /pol/ doesn't fucking work. The state of Yea Forums and other boards is proof enough of that. They can't keep their shit where it belongs. They are basically the new ponyfags/furries derailing every thread they can.
>resetera trying this hard to fit in
I'll certainly take any infinityfag over you
>he could not find cp on the site so he posted it there, saved the page on his computer
>Next day fbi had a nice chat with him
Hilarious if true.
I hate to ask this but wtf does resetera hate jews they sound like /pol/ oover it
still sold a fucking million copies to stupid people
my point stands
i don't keep up with the gates
Your arguments are in good faith. Those going after THQ don’t care about where they post or who buys their games, they are just looking for another battle in the culture war. Because they made a career out of it and mental illness is out of control in the US.
Well, the article title told me how to feel. I guess that's how it is.
If resetera didn't brigaded here, then we wouldn't care about them.
And do the faggots here run """news""" sites where they plaster the front pages with their complaining and try to pass it off as compelling journalism?
and it could have sold so much more if they didn't fuck up the marketing and constantly have bad publicity. Do you really think EA considered it a success?
twitterposting should be a bannable offense
Israel oppressing dem poor palestinian muzzies ontop of jews hating muslims in general
bad publicity is still good publicity because people are talking about your product, they're aware of it, and that's the point of marketing
I knew they were in these threads.
I’d rather talk to dog fuckers than a cunt like you
Well put.
Imagine having a site that's MORE embarrassing than Yea Forums. That's you niggers.
Anyways I have to get going, but a few parting words - we'll see these threads for the next few weeks, but in lesser and lesser numbers. Because you guys lost this one already - they already apologized. They already painted themselves as incorrect and now its open season in the real world for mockery and blame. You can disagree with that if you want, but acting like its not the socially accepted position is just burying your head in the sand. In the end, you losers who will be spending hours and hours crying about this issue on your chan of choice will be pissing into the wind (or more accurately, your echo chamber of choice).
Rule of thumb: every time you see someone defending progressive shit in here, it's 100% them.
kys lawdag and your blizz gf, both of you can die in a fire
Yes? Are you fucking joking? The thing is they're all just fringe sites because they can't help but be retarded.
didn't their head pedo also hate on lolis before he was unveiled
>I've seen you niggers have panic attacks about shit like OMG GUYS THESE DEVS TALKED TO ANITA!!!!!!!
All I see is "lmao anthem got 56", "post yfw Bioware gets axed", and various other forms of laughing at Bioware
Pretty much. When I’m bored I troll their boards in the most obvious way possible and they start freaking out about being “infiltrated” until I’m banned. Today’s contestant said my derping around was “a teachable moment” for the others to learn to spot teh right-wing trolls and was proudly calling himself “the most reviled Leftist here.”
Low IQ retards and kids use them to shit up the board.
Personally I prefer phone posting given I always have this thing
That sounds like a monumental waste of time.
How fucking new are you?
In the case of FO76 and BFV people talking about it hurt the games tremendously
This sites nickname is literally 4cucks
It doesnt get anymore embarassing the pn being a site known as a cuckold site full of interracial porn spam.
Make extreme sjw propoganda
Jesus christ, is that real?
What the fucking fuck.
>commit thought crimes
>calls for them to be executed
All is just in the world user. Remember: a differing opinion is a wrong opinion and wrong things must be exterminated and stricken from history.
Its hysterical how interracial porn triggers election tourists so hard.
>This sites nickname is literally 4cucks
no it's not
That's because fucking everywhere and everything is political now. /pol/ is a symptom of the problem, not the cause. Yea Forums just needs better jannies who actually do their work, on /jp/ anything politically offtopic gets deleted within a minute.
Feel free to have it deleted though, I don't use it so it's not like I care (and I could use a nice /vr/ or /m/ vacation), but I assure you it'd just make things worse.
>interracial porn spam is just fine
Hence cuckchan.
>cracking down on leftists
Yes because how dare someone have an opinion that isn't KILL ALL NIGGERS 2K19?
>these are the faggots that call you a pedo for liking anime
Nothing but hardhitting news from Yea Forums's favorite news source!
Devs are constantly comb on this board for ideas, fan art and other inspiration
We just never noticed because they don’t announce it
Nordic is a cool guy, eh posts on 4+Yea Forums and doesn't afraid of anything
>All is just in the world user. Remember: a differing opinion is a wrong opinion and wrong things must be exterminated and stricken from history.
Now let me tell you about how we need to throw people out of helicopters for even saying something remotely favorable to communism
better than the only opinion being Communism is good.
>Interracial porn=ntr
Its like memes rotted your brains to the point of getting triggered by niggers.
The people that are getting up in arms about it dont play video games anyway. Its a lose lose, the best option is to not say anything more about it and everyone will forget soon enough. If they keep trying to "make things right" itll just keep reminding people.
Where do you think you are?
Have you seen how many people crave free (you)s?
8 is mathmatically twice as evil as 4
>Puts in poll
>Users still buying THQ wins vote
>thread locked
>censorship is good when its censoring stuff I dislike
/pol/ in a nutshell
(You)'s were such a mistake, people treat them like fucking merit badges.
>hating on centrists
that aside very based
Let me guess: It's the mysterious reptilian shareholders that for some reason changed their mentality completely between Bioware winning GOTY in 2014 and Mass Effect Andromeda being released as it is, and not the devs being a bunch of fucking retards.
Ignore all these clickbaiting self-important, self-absorbed subhuman bloggers.
They will all need to learn how to code soon anyway.
Don't give them clicks and they will all eat shit and die out like the dinosaurs.
Video game "journalists" are finished.
The type of interracial porn they spam is.
They won't be happy until the entire company is dissolved, leaving a bunch of people who had nothing to do with the decision, jobless.
i'll explain it to you for your cucked brain.
When people go to an anime board or a vidya board etc
they expect anime and vidya.
Not interracial porn spam
Reminder THQ owns the rights to Timesplitters now.
I'm surprised they gave a "Yes" option.
>saving nigger dick on your computer to own the /pol/tards epic style
big yikes
I'm not against either, even though I think resetera is fucking cancer. I don't give a shit about AMAs to begin with.
I don't come on Yea Forums to shitpost though, I come here to talk about video games I like. My posts in this thread are genuine confusion over people thinking THQ Nordic did something really intelligent and based.
I mean I'm pretty sure they would just have to fire who was responsible for this and that would be the end of it right?
video game journalists are really cranking up the outrage clickbait lately, they must be afraid of losing their jobs in the wake of all these other social media related layoffs
Be honest Yea Forums, you are only mad because they choose infinitychan instead of this.
i met some commies irl that actually did this.
They didn't use a properly ordained npc site. Of course the npc's are mad.
they said some one else is blocking then from porting the games to pc on the AMA
>big yikes
Have you guys decided on if you're saying twitter memes genuinely or ironically yet?
>They also think any site ending with a -chan is nothing but child porn and racial slurs
It is somewhat true for cripplechan thiugh
>>censorship is good when its censoring stuff I dislike
That was what GG was. Instead of targeting actual corruption they went after people whose politics they disagree with, which allowed the other side to completely reframe the argument.
We whine about them because we want them to stay on their fucking board instead of trying to come here and "fix" Yea Forums.
It won't be enough for the SJWs tho to merely fire the responsible party
Of course, when GOG fired their CM, Phil Fish restored Fez.
they don't joke about that, they're serious about it. journos do it literally all the fucking time you brainlet.
What happened with Dankula? First time hearing this.
Wonder who that is? EA or Crytek?
They're afraid they might have to learn to code.
>8ch*n is so based it has to be filtered
This is one of the worst things I've ever read and I hope this guy kills himself
Its fucking hysterical that Nathan Grayson still has a job and people on Yea Forums still post his fucking articles here to shill his shit.
>I don't come on Yea Forums to shitpost though, I come here to talk about video games I like.
First mistake.
>Would you buy their games again?
>1: No
>2: No
>3: No
Was there ever an apology that the swj actually accepted or found okay?
So when 8ch jokes about killing gays and niggers, they're serious too? That's what you're telling me, user.
My first mistake was being born at all.
That would make about 90% of the board communist then.
They know their audience. However I want to believe that they intended to host the AMA here but received misinformation (still would have cause a shit storm).
I went to reddit to check some opinions and its kinda refreshing seeing some people in 2019 think that if they go to Yea Forums they will get their ip stolen and the fbi will arrest them.
Gives me hope that in the near future that we will be so hated and outcasted by the internet that people will stop coming here and everything will be like before.
did anything actually go down there? i check cripplechan out a few years ago and it seemed really slow and boring, like Yea Forums with all the shitposting eliminated.
>So you'd rather them just being here full time because there's no politics thread for them to fling shit in?
/pol/ is the new Yea Forums genius, it isn't the containment board it once was. I swear it is like everyone forgot 2016 happened
16chan was from josh moon (kiwifarms' admin), who was hired to program a new backend for cripplechan and thought that doing it completely in php would be an excellent idea. also turned out josh's previous programming for cripplechan was fucking it up in the first place and was constantly memory-leaking in software that worked fine before his involvement
>linking to tera
this should be a baneable offence
>Have Resetera account
>Primed and ready for trolling
>140 posts so I won't be outed so easily
>Accidentally say faggot
2020 is going to make 2016 look like 2012
Trump doesn't have the pure meme-factor he had in '16 so HOPEFULLY /pol/ should have learned its lesson and won't try to fucking colonize another site like they did with r/the_donald
But Yea Forums is already Yea Forums 2.0 (which funnily enough is now just a shell of its former self thanks to the fappening)
Spoon feeding should be a bannable offense
Bullshit, are you kidding me?
The entire site apparently hates niggers yet hypocritically uses their slang "ironically" at every turn and think rap is the most patrician genre on the planet.
An 8mod personally knew someone at THQ and asked him for one.
>That's because fucking everywhere and everything is political now. /pol/ is a symptom of the problem, not the cause.
Exactly and the problem isn't that it's inherently politics, its that it's identity politics and most people are fucking tired of being preached to in all forms of media.
smh tbh fam cuck soy sonygger nintoddler xbrony
▲ ▲
4cucks is just embarassing. The tranny cult did a number on you and you arent even aware, sad.
Are you genuinely unironically telling me that every journalist shitting on white people is joking?
Says who? I'm still buying spellforce 3 xpac when it drops.
trannies are not humans
>▲ ▲
wut is dat
Exactly and /pol/ is much much worse
This is worse than anything written at Polygon.
Ok, maybe not that far, but still really fucking bad. it's like the other end of the retarded journo spectrum
Just turn Yea Forums into a red board problem solved
Are you genuinely unironically telling me that every channer shitting on niggers, fags and women is joking?
rap is garbage wtf are you talking about
There's entire RetardEra discords for sole purpose of doing gayops here. This isn't surprising.
you are a powerful wizard
>cartoon drawings are pedophilia
>meanwhile, real children are sexualized and promoted in the media
>a 12-year-old boy stripteases in a gay bar and is promoted on the big screen at Times Square
>this is fine
Clown world
Thread over, guys, we did it
About time something good came out of HuffPost
So long as we don't have a second celebrity candidate like we did with Hillary it won't get to the "every candidate is Vermin Supreme" heights that it did in '16.
They ban all discussion of that in the echo chamber because it was on neogaf, under the guise of 'cross forum drama'
The only thing they 'reset' was the acknowledgement of their own history.
>ban anyone who voted "yes"
literally fascist trotski commie 1984 echo chamber where you get put into gulags/concentration camps (ban/permaban) for wrongthink.
Imagine being so fucked in the head that you go there not for the shits and giggles and make fun of them, but because you firmly believe in their mental illness circlejerk cult
>thread about insane SJWs trying to destroy a company
>it turns into insane SJWs crying about muh /pol/ boogeyman
every time
Waypoint requires blood sacrifice
Disingenuous. Reset Era polices the speech of its users, 8ch doesnt. 8ch may be the most wretched place on the web, but the people who go there do so primarily to sink into anonymity and say transgressive things. Resetera, on the other hand, polices speech, offers no anonymity.
How can you be on this site and see no difference between the two? 8ch is 4ch but even more extreme. Anons (self?) ostracized from the rest of the internet.
Even if your apology isn't accepted it is still the right thing to do. Are you fucking idiots so entrenched in your tribal ideology that you expect everyone who has been hurt by child exploitation or online harassment to just flip a switch and be over it? Human emotions do not work like that.
Not true, sometimes these threads have ended up debating about the holocaust
What should I call Yea Forums and cripplechan users collectively? Faggots?
not him but are you unironically equating anonymous users on a known edgy forum to people who write those articles for a living and have their names tied to them?
They're pissed because they realized that a majority disagree but say nothing to get banned. If you pay attention it's the same two dozen users in every thread bitching. Like the Persona, Zelda, Anime posters.
There is a Netflix show about tranny kids dancing. Shut the fuck up trying to paint this as a sole situation.
Fuck they’re quota
I want a game that runs decently
Fucking N64 games had better quality controls
>What exactly do they want THQNordic to do?
Bring Metro Exodus back to Steam as penance.
It's only fair considering they fucked over one of the few markets that still buy their games.
>that entire pic
>his site is so dead and boring that he needs to come here in order to find something interesting
another lmao
The funniest thing about this controversy is how none of the big youtubers who are supposed to fight for consumer rights are making any news about this. Nothing from Quartering or Yongyea, only Jim sterling made a great video about how shitty THQ is.
If that’s whining you may as well say we “whine” about CWC and Dobson too
>Disingenuous. Reset Era polices the speech of its users, 8ch doesnt
I'm pretty sure you can get banned on 8ch so no, incorrect.
Yes, because if its a known edgy forum why the fuck would THQ Nordic decide to do an AMA? Its like holding it on fucking kiwi farms - there's a video game forum there, you know, and its pretty active.
Because when you apologize to SJWs, they win. And they can keep needling you. NEVER APOLOGIZE TO SJWs!
Round that edgy faggot
>whining this much about SJWs
As bad as OP's articles desu
8 is definateky superior they can even handle rogue mods,
They had some turkroach larping as a nazi that was banning 25% of the posters,
They stepped in and expelled him.
Can 4cucks do that? no lol.
I know when I do it I'm serious. Why don't you head down and be visited by diversity in your nearest ghetto friend.
Who the fuck cares, those types of pet-project programs either die near-instantly or are only kept alive because somebody very rich wants it to keep going despite the nonexistent viewerbase
>Nothing from Quartering
He made a video about it but the focus is on buying his own shit.
>I'm pretty sure
Nice rebuttal, retard.
Ban on Resetera screenshots and links when?
I want this niggers gone and silent
>apology not accepted
They aren't satisfied with anything short of putting you on the fucking streets.
Klepek is still having a meltdown over this despite him being in that AMA archiving everything.
They handled the whole thing wrong. Literally could have just said
"Haha woops, guess we have to research the websites we do AMA's better. no more chan sites."
The ultra apologetic, WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE IT BETTER approach is retarded.
They also have interboard raids, hijacking, and shitposting.
Its all the stupid mechanics of R*ddit with all the assholes of Yea Forums
>that pic
>be dev
>work hard
>publisher fucks up
>sjw "punish" the publisher by not buying
>devs goes bankrupt
>publisher has safety nets for monetary insurance
>now i am poor
>but they sure showed those nazis
Hosted a harmless AMA on CuckChan unaware SJWs had the site removed from Google for "Child Pornography" and they're pushing to see THQ face some horrible punishment for not knowing who literal who chan was.
>They had some turkroach larping as a nazi that was banning 25% of the posters,
>They stepped in and expelled him.
Holy shit you couldn't be more obvious about having only heard of it, the website's administration didn't care that he was running the board into the ground until he started banning everyone he possibly could and made it impossible to post there. He also tried pretending he was above the site's administration and banned the site-admin from /pol/ after posting a global rule, in response to being told to get his shit together or lose his board. Their users did not and could not do anything to actually stop him, it was his own misstep that got him taken down
Man, those yotes jerseys were sick.
You are a product of your environment and the microorganisms piloting you. Once you realize this you'll look upon the world a bit more empathetically.
>hurt by child exploitation or online harassment
Kill yourself.
You sound like a literal boomer. You took the roleplay too serious.
I haven't been on 8ch in like four fucking years - but I remember being people banned. I think you're full of shit on this one, unless you're telling me 8ch has literally no mods now.
SJWs don't buy games.
>700 votes
what the fuck is this trying to portray? what a chcicken shit sameple size.
Underrated post
the delusions of grandeur on these faggots
they're literally discussing how to "punish" the publisher for hosting that shitty AMA
that was what they literally said the first time day 1
then tons of articles and news attacking them everyday
now the CEO gave a real apology.
Do you know what they should do?
The best part of this is that they had to create a new thread with an incredibly loaded title. Now it asks "How can THQ Nordic be held accountable" rather than whether they even should be in the first place.
Also assuming everyone agrees lmao.
When I lived in Japan the only time I ever got mugged was by some non Japanese. Jokes on him because I had literally just deposited my money.
SJW don't really care about others, user. They act like they do, but they're all out for themselves and will turn on one of their own faster than a heartbeat if it makes them look virtuous.
>celebrating loli shit getting banned on Twitter
Now this is personal.
>4/5 of the catalog has regular traps
>it's also dead as fuck
Custom boards were a mistake.
While it seems retarded to us, places.loke 2chan in nipnong land are pretty respectable comparatively speaking. They probably thought Ocho was like that
Can I just stop and say what a fucking stupid trend this was? When did this asinine thing catch on? Its so reddit it hurts to read.
That's close to the 1000 standard used in any serious polling which has less than a 2% margin of error.
>how dare those alt right nazis use our tactics against us
Not a journo a youtuber. Dan Olsen. Wasn't the feds cuz he's a leaf but he got visited and they determined the pictures he was alleging weren't illegal.
ITT Cuckchanners still seething
Have they never heard the old saying
“Don’t fix what ain’t broke?”
We’re all anonymous
We get a sense of freedom they can never have
Woah, a Rick and Morty meme?
8ch is ducking lit!!!!!
>If your a Centrist(TM)
Gotta love how if you don't want to argue with these Social Justice Tards they paint you as an evil neutural like the Mormons use to claim Niggers were God's anwser for humans not siding in fight for good and evil.
Whats the rundown of this?
Why would anyone ever go to this shitshow of a forum lol
off topic, that pic is really sad. Who the fuck leaves their family out of holidays because of whom they voted president?
The twitter mob doesn't even play video games, it's just a bunch of blue checkmarks finding shit to whine about.
>nurture is a bigger deal than nature
jej go back to where you came from and never return
its clearly a falseflag by tera faggots to make the chans start a war
dont fall for it idiot
Why don't SJWs accept apologies anyway?
The picture of Rorschach for the author profile at the bottom really ties it together
The fbi will be interested in thier Remote fire code that makes any device running it burst into flames
For some reason it gets a lot of leaks and insider info, people wanna be close to the spigot
I knew those guys were retarded but this is delusion on another level
>make a poll to reaffirm that they're right
>it goes against them
>nuke the thread
>make a new on saying that there is a general agreement that the people involved should be fired and that THQ was wrong
fucking kek
Because they want to take control of THQ so they can have the next KCD full of nigerians and transvestites. Literally, that's the reason.
>I’m not ready to let this go, and you shouldn’t be, either. This wasn’t an ordinary mistake, and it requires more than an ordinary, boilerplate “apology” meant to generate friendly headlines while the news cycle inevitably advances.
>That nigga with a Pyra avatar
Xenoblade 2 fags are such cancer.
>holy shit
>only heard of it
>just repeats what the user said
Gee guy how about you fuck off back to redit.
Who do you think notified them it was happening? and yes that is 8 dealing with it.
yes you retarded fuck he was banning up to 25% of the userbase.
Entire ip ranges.
Q-user fags are really obnoxious, I can't blame their families for ditching them.
>We get a sense of freedom they can never have
That freedom is what scares them so much because we say fuck trannies or fuck niggers without any punishment and to them, that is literally death incarnate.
Because they can't replace you with someone loyal to the cause if you aren't gone.
get woke, get broke
My god. Stop making threads about these retards. You're literally giving them undeserved attention.
>We get a sense of freedom they can never have
How do you feel about Hiro moving the site towards accounts?
this worked out pretty well for THQ nordic, they are getting more publicity than ever and the only people who are actually upset don't buy their games to begin with
Has there been a single apology those SJWs accepted?
Nobody that accepted the apology wrote an article about it. This is why some people think "SJWs" are a group that all think the exact same thing. Use your thinking cap, next time.
But Yea Forums doesn't buy THQ Nordic games either, and everyone here who did hated DS3.
Yeah, ok, that's a pretty strong point.
How in the fuck is not liking kids being brainwashed into trannies being a boomer?
And of course you can get banned on 8ch. There ARE rules there, retard, but it isn't nowhere comparable to RE.
>calling 8ch cuckchan when it was Moot who cucked out his userbase for his girlfriend who worked for VICE and banned GG discussion on Yea Forums
I'll go back to 5ch. I'm here to learn English.
His fault for not beating his kids up when they were growing up. That happens when kids don't see you as a figure of authority.
>And of course you can get banned on 8ch.
Okay so I was right and you were wrong, retard. I'll take my apology now.
Chan wars aside, does 8ch have a mascot? Yea Forums has Yotsuba, 7ch has that blue cat and 420ch has that girl on their logo. What does 8ch have to represent them?
>sjw "punish" the publisher by not buying
>devs goes bankrupt
Lmfao. You actually believe this. SJWs hop on outrage after outrage. Lots of them never ever buy games from who they are raging at anyway. It is all just for political leverage/gain to push their garbage agenda/views as the norm.
I'd be surprised if any of these people can play a game from start to finish.
they're not looking for an apology they're looking for likes and retweets. stamping their feet and rejecting an apology always generates more attention than accepting one.
What exactly is wrong with doing an ama on cripplechan in the first place? These faggot are so desperate to make twitter the only website on the entire Internet that they feel that threatened by companies choosing to advertise elsewhere? The Internet was better before it was reduced to the same 3 social media cancer sites for 100% of content.
Because they're out for blood. Mercy and forgiveness aren't words in their vocabulary.
Retards aren't going to listen to you, this is exaclty how Feminist Frequency got funded, because nobody can keep their mouth shut here. Probably a saving images here for their recreation of the thread.
>THQ had to take the fall for Devs to realize how batshit insane ResetEra is
They took Vivian James and just changed her headband.
The best thing to happen in GG outside of the Law and Order episode was the VJ shortstack/imp porn.
Hey guys. Nohj Rotit here. I'm from a timeline much like yours only the Alt-Right control media and have heavy influence in games. The majority of games have it's violence censored so as a result we get a ton of alien oriented games with green blood. Anyone wanna swap places? Funny thing is Resetera you talk about here is the Yea Forums of my timeline.
Resetera is a centralized hivemind of idiots who look to brainwash other idiots. Refusing to go there to being told how to shit on your own games is an unforgivable act of defiance.
>4cucks arent aware everyone knows they are cucks that wank to niggers
thank god for 8
Isn't it that furry racoon thing with the infinity logo eye marking
I can care less, these places are both cesspools because of morons like you.
I hope you're ready for hourly threads on Anita's new project
>These faggot are so desperate to make twitter the only website on the entire Internet that they feel that threatened by companies choosing to advertise elsewhere?
Pure coincidence.
I mean, it's not like the internet is much easier to control if virtually all traffic is only through a handful of sites or anything.
yeah bro, thankfully based lefty twitter hatem them for being soft cp right? right?
Where's that one pic of the guy saying
>this diversity is great and almost makes me want to buy this game.
Not really in the sense you're thinking of, actually. Per-board they have some mascots (mostly permutations of Yea Forums board-tans like Yea Forumsnrad, Yea Forums used to have a Yea Forums-tan with a Punished Snake arm and cowl but eventually gave that up in favor of Vivian James because lolgamergate) but otherwise they kinda' rally around a red Yea Forums Anonymous with a bowtie. There's not really any cohesive "8ch" identity besides the fart-sniffing "haha cuckchan btfo" mindset anymore.
Are you an American by any chance?
I liked it. Can't talk about it here because of those shit posters youve mentioned though.
>does 8ch have a mascot
Yeah, and it's infinitely better than Yotshit
We clearly need more Shotraps in video games if it triggers them this hard.
based THQNordic
>I liked Darksiders 3
Fucking ew
other than being filled with porn and Nazi posts and a global board header advertising the Trap/Shota board, no, the thread itself wasn't bad
it's more 4+Yea Forums's history and association with Goobergate and child porn that has twatter worked up about it
well I take back my apology then !
Nate is their furry porn-board's mascot
Don't watch all of this. Watch where he berates THQ and a bunch of other companies like GOG and Ubisoft when they did a bad joke/pan and apologized, but in this video he makes out they begged for mercy and it still wasn't enough. He even mocks them. They literally live rent free in SJWs heads.
They are literally insane.
I hate to even ask if that's actually true, because chances are it's going to get answered for me in the comming months.
I miss 7chan and their porn boards
beg for forgiveness for all eternity and someone head that must be white and male, THQNordic deserve it for apologizing like a lil bitch.
This, they don't really care that much. It's all a power play. I guarantee you they don't give a fuck if CP was ever actually posted there, they just want to shame them for doing a AMA at a relatively underground site in comparison to reddit. But THQ fucked up by apologizing because then it gives the people bitching more fuel & more credit. If they just ignored them, most people honestly wouldn't give a shit.
but 8 just like 4 doesnt condone cp. Unlike twitter, tumblr and reddit that just leaves it up.
>Letting an admin decide a topic about ethics in games journalism is too much because the girl he fucks is a journalist
Eat shit
They want them to denounce Trump.
First, there's no such thing as an "alt right".
Second, right wingers love violence. The biggest things they ever did against vidya when they did have power were, what, ESRB and Jack Thompson's antics?
So your entire argument was that 8ch bans people sometimes on different rules, so it's as bad as Reset?
Wow, brainlet, you did it!
Because they send them into a mental Gulag.
Have you ever seen anybody getting out of Gulag?
Guns and bbq cowboys yeehaw
user, I....
even the trannies know they do It FOR FREE
>They become an online strike force against anyone who criticizes your company
I don't know, I've yet to see a company or individual in games be a true sacred cow amongst the gamergate crowd.
NOW they don't, and only because they got delisted by Google for it
>So your entire argument was that 8ch bans people sometimes on different rules, so it's as bad as Reset?
No, you fucking retard, that's what you're claiming my argument was now that you lost.
The only ethic you need for games journalism is "kill all journalists"
But Vivian is more of a 8/v/ and GG mascot. I'm talking about site mascots.
Can you post it?
>Per-board they have some mascots
I know about that. I'm sure /tech/ has a furry girl from a LO contest, for example, but I'm looking for something that represent them as a whole.
>Yea Forums-tan with a Punished Snake arm
You mean the "punished Yea Forums" with an eyepatch?
>a red Yea Forums Anonymous with a bowtie
I remember the threads where he was designed. At first everyone came with their own ideas but in the end they just recolored green user.
So in your words Vivian represents the entirely of 8ch?
>Implying Greitzer was ever Luggage Lad's gf
Because, to them, it proves something bad happened and they are allowed to feel angry and treat people like shit
but user, this is cuckchan
>incredibly insufficient apology
If anything, the fact that the people who accepted it didn't say anything so they don't get kicked out of their networking circles shows how fucked up these SJW fags really are.
pretty much the problem with this site and all americanised liberal sites
>allow anti-whitness to fester
>allow niggers to hijack it
>site becomes a shithole.
>Caring about the "admins" at all
I'll pass on that offer, wouldn't want to deprave you of vital nutrients. If moot was stupid enough to get involved he's just part of the problem.
also, in case you forgot, Yea Forums's original staff was kicked out of SA for creepy pedo shit, had a full blown loli board for the better part of a year, and cp posting was rampant in Yea Forums for an extremely long time
the only reason Yea Forums cut it off was for advertising, same reason 4+Yea Forums did, and same reason Tumblr and Twitter are trying to fix the problem now
>but I'm looking for something that represent them as a whole.
Doesn't really exist. Hotwheels is more their site-mascot than anything and not so much since he stepped down as owner/admin.
>You mean the "punished Yea Forums" with an eyepatch?
Yeah, that one. Shit, it's hard to think about that it was long enough ago that TPP was new.
Whatever they tell them.
They own them now. THQ got on their knees, and they aren't going to be allowed to get up ever again.
Remember this. You surrender one inch, and it's over. They won't spare you if you convert. You're their slave for life.
no one gives a shit about google.
8 doesnt use google captcha
so they can keep controlling people through feelings of guilt
>Feminist Frequency
Another of Anita's cucks.
What exactly is wrong with connecting with your paying fans?
When did we start letting mentally ill people have the sway of opinion? The WW2 vets would be rolling in their graves if they knew how bad things became.
channers have never liked pedos thats why they always report them.
Pedos have learned they are not safe on user boards. thats why they stop posting.
It has nothing to do with the sites in question if they ever had a no cp policy.
He was invited onto some BBC panel show but when the left learned about it they raised a shitstorm and got the entire 2 episodes axed that he was on.
That makes me wonder how sites like shotachan and ATF manage to stay alive.
fire the pedophile marketer.
Why is it even an issue? They have nothing to even apologize for. The only response they should ever have about the issue is "So?"
>channers have never liked pedos
thats fucking bullshit and you know it
jesus can you imagine actually typing like this? Seriously putting these words together in a sentence and thinking it's worth typing?
Fuck me I'm at the point where I just pity 'em
The 80's
the devs are based and would do that. its the suits who see the outrage, and bring the devs into line while sending a PR to apologize and grovel. its pathetic really.
God what's been done to that man is aweful. He isn't even fucking /pol/, literally just taight a dog to raise it's paw to heil Hitler to fuck with his girlfriend
>only Jim sterling made a great video about how shitty THQ is
Are you implying that THQ did anything wrong? Because if you are, you're on the wrong site.
Jim's video a is a great reminder to all where his actual loyalties lie: his GameJournoPros buddies. He has never given a shit about the "consumers" and never will, he just uses it to make people believe he's reasonable instead of a psychopath like the rest of them.
They should have just said nothing. but NOOO they had to go into full pussy mode and say sorry 1000 times. so in the end they pissed everyone off and gained nothing. they pissed off *chan and the sjws
I get why they apologised the first time, but why apologies again? You don't win back the people you lost (or most likely never had) and you potentially aggravate the people on your side/that you won over. Besides, this seems more like a formality than a genuine apology. I'll keep buying some of their old games, but now I'm cautious about future ones, since they may try to seek forgiveness by "appeasing" the rabid blue checkmarks and trannyera posters by make their games more SJW friendly
Pretty hard not to care when the admins are banning you for discussing the biggest topic in video games to this day
Source: Your tranny ass.
Why do they even bother apologizing to these people. It NEVER fucking works and just makes them look like a bitch.
wrong. Look at chan history its an endless saga of pedos being exposed and reported by channers.
That is why they stop posting.
Meanwhile on sites like tumblr and reddit pedos gain ground. why? because their communities are protecting them.
I mean exposing an idiot degenerate lolcow and reporting the to the cops is the chans bread and butter. People just do it because they can and its funny.
They don't want an apology, they want subservience.
Speaking of hotwheels, why did he stepped down as the owner and admin of the site? Some people say that it was because Jim forced him, but I never knew the background of that story.
Well yeah, they did nothing wrong so there's nothing to forgive.
>tfw even ReshiteERA dabs on the jannies
What the fuck is this shit? Wannabe /i/?
Did you even read any snippits of the AMA?
Do you not know that Era already prides itself on having devs as members, and these devs already conform with the Era hivemind
THQ being in cahoots with pedophiles isnt a consumer rights issue?
You realize that Yea Forums is cuckchan, right?
8 chan is redditchan, anyone can run their own board
The irony of being unable to see that this is exactly what they are themself.
They didn't do their research, that's how.
None of these companies have a pulse on the hobby enough to know about all these cliques and which ones have a blood vendetta on which.
by suits you mean PR? Obviously that arm of the business ain't doing them any good. Time to amputate
no self awareness at all
My mistake, I didn't care to look into the 8fag/CuckChan rivalry much at all.
Don't forget a guy living in Nazi Germany in WWII taught his dog to do the nazi salute in order to mock hitler
and the government took him to court because he was mocking the nazi's
Will waypoint die by the end of 2019
Will their soiboi staff go full trump derrangement syndrome and suicide when he wins in 2020?
Ahem, I'd like to correct. We prefer to call ourselves 4channelers here.
>Not a fash CP lover
Didn't think so
You're a retard if you unironically think fu||chan is the cucked one
1.) Eightchanners aren't pedophiles, they're gamergaters.
2.) THQ holding an AMA at eightchan is not "being in cahoots" with them. AMAs are marketing, nothhing more or less.
3.) Even if an 1 and 2 weren't true, it still wouldn't have anything to do with consumer rights.
her pockets must be emptying.
because they don't want an apology
they want your head on a pike, with piss and shit leaking from every orifice possible, or making new ones to accommodate their putrid hate
Give them clicks
Nothing pleases frothing sjws
>8ch "incident"
It's not any different from any other platform/socia media/forum/imageboard besides having less censorship.
The fact they're trying to portray them as some sort of "hellhole of neonazis child molesters" is blowing my mind. Why does the left hate freedom this much?
I want to punch Anita $arkee$ian through her gut until $he fart$ out ca$h that $he $cammed all the$e year$.
Why not? If they said they wanted an apology why don't they also acknowledge when they get it?
Gamergaters who attack women in gaming, put up bomb scares just because they dont like journalists revealing them for being pedophile scum?
Wow as if that's any better.
Your mental world sounds very fun. Ever seen a specialist?
Remember gulags in ussr? Kids snitched on their parents to the kgb because they were taught to do so.The progressive left is the same problem. You got kids indoctrinated over the school system witch hunting as told.
Okay now you're just trannyposting. Grownups are talkiing here, slither away.
At this point, I'm starting to think that you're LARPing.
>School system communist
Well, that must mean NATO governments are communist.
This is your brain on Alex Jones.
>ResetEra user
>so-called "SJW" hordes
0 self awareness
This never happened. All those "death threats" were bullshit.
>we apologize for doing something stupid
there is no left. there is only right and wrong
>attack on character
nice, good job, didn't even deny your raging hateboner
originally it was to prevent people from advertising it, the filter's time has come and gone, but hiro isn't able to understand why word filters exist
Proof that GamerGate "attacks" women in gaming and put up bomb scares? Do you have any of that?
What has nato to do with it? Do you also want to deny that sjw shit is thaught in school/university just as communism was thaught in ussr? You got even mandatory sjw courses for stem. Shit is exactly the same problem.
less than 3% of hashtag were abusive or aggressive towards women retard
This post is ironic, surely.
you can't just make claims like that without proof, fag
>hating alex jones
>the literal Jesus of the internet
>persecuted for rebeling against the establishment
>"cruficied" by deplatforming
>came back from the dead to do a podcast with Rogan
Man, I guess it would have that sweet 2% error margin if it wasn't missing a sodding 300 people.
Do your own research, it's a simple fact that gamergate was a revolt against women in gaming.
somebody post the "big titty lolis" cap
they dont acomplish it, but its the scenario they are looking for
>The Guardian
>Washington Post
>New Yorker
Not good enough.
>still no proofs
>posts wikipedia
>posts biased """sources"""
nice job idiot, you'd make a great journalist
>look at those huge tits this is pedophillia
its like 1984
Brianna Wu is that you again?
It's kinda funny. We get applications from middle east with Islam studies as a course in a engineering degree. Burgers have instead gender studies. Guess that's their religion.
>Rape Day is a game where you can rape and murder during a zombie apocalypse.
I honestly can't tell anymore. I know, they're fucked in the head to believe the shit they say, but at the same time, those precious (You)s are so enticing to them.
700 would be about a 4% margin, stupid tranny.
>Do your own research
How about you neck yourself instead tranny?
This is a really successful PR stunt lmao. Every article is trying really hard to get outraged over THQ Nordic, instead they're just advertising them. It's no coincidence that they announced new games during the AMA.
niggers are not humans
trannies are not humans
sjw are not humans
left are not humans