First to roll trips catches this shiny magikarp

First to roll trips catches this shiny magikarp

Attached: 3163EC5A-96B7-49FA-83B7-F774A8A2BA40.jpg (251x200, 10K)

Give me that fish.



What happens when a shiny evolves? Does it lose it's shiny and become normal?

can I eat it?

Attached: DvitmsBXQAAJWn.jpg (172x293, 7K)


Attached: 232qC.png (706x538, 490K)

It keeps it.

It retains is shine

>have crystal VC or HG/SS
>the game gives you a free shiny gyarados so these become worthless

Sure i still want it but less than any other shiny really

gibs me dat



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This reminds me of "that" pic. You know the one.


Attached: PokeGalarLass(1).jpg (1500x1530, 2.36M)

Might as well before it gets deleted

you were close user.


i'm selling it to a sucker kid for thrice the price of the asshole stealing my business

*uses Masterball*
he nothing personal karp

*releases it*

Why did I get hard reading this?

this threads should be deleted

just throw in the garbage

I'm naming it Carl

*throws n holds b*

I'm gonna roast him on an open flame

yeah boiiiii

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