Are homosexuals being "forced" in video games? Does sexuality have a place in video games? How can one include a homosexual character without said inclusion being "forced"?
Are homosexuals being "forced" in video games? Does sexuality have a place in video games...
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>Does sexuality have a place in video games?
Depends on if it forwards my agenda or not.
"Hermione was black the whole time"
I'll never understand the need to make a character gay or straight if there is no love interest in the story. What does the game really gain by having a defined orientation outside of brownie points/controversy?
Sonic is gay
holy shit thats hillarious
if you swap the pictures you could argue Yea Forums's position on lesbianism
Fuck non-natty's. Bunch of cheating faggots.
Also fuck gear fags. Lift it raw or find a new fukken hobby you pussies.
It is forced. Characters are fiction so any characteristics are forced.
But this thread is exactly why they make them gay. So we will talk about it and market the games freely for them.
this pretty much as long it's cute it's ok
I just don't want some dykes or some gay shit
traps are ok if they're cute
But seriously, this videogame revisionism is getting a little bit too ridiculous.
Water will always flow down the path of least resistance. So faggots will always feel forced into vidya since only like 4-5% of the population is gay, at least in the states. If you want to make a gay character, make their faggotry relevant to the plot. or better yet, quit adding them
I've never tried to get AAA moviegames banned because I don't like them.
I just ignore them.
Don't equate me to "journalists"
The second part of the pic is right though.
I want a boyfriend but this shit puts me off entirely. I'd rather be alone than have a chance at getting pozzed.
It only seems forced because it was so absent before.
I bet white people thought black people being in their public schools was "forced diversity":too.
This stuff is prog sjw trolling thats how you,can tell its legitimate.
Its like saying one of our characters in a dating hentai game is a coalburner bur we wont say which one.
They lose a big chunk of their customers to attack a single social justice issue they have
I haven't got a problem with a characters sexual preferences being a part of the game if it fucking matters. Most of the time it is written for the sake of having gay characters, not because it supports the narrative or has some significance to anything other than socjus brownie points.
If race doesn't exist how can diversity exist?
well that's the difference in power but if you create now a thread with the picture of The Last of Us you'll get most certainly the same reactions of spite as you'd get from Game Journos when it comes to VN and loli stuff
ToeJam and Earl getting that Sweet publicity I see.
When has Yea Forums ever prevented an SJW game from releasing in the west?
If it's well written sure. But if gays are thrown into games like Overwatch for example, a fucking arena shooter, then no because what does it have to do with anything
The only time I'd care about a character's canon sexuality in a game is if I wanted to romance them. I don't need it to be canon to ship two characters, and I'll probably look to books for romance before games (especially western games) anyway.
>well that's the difference in power
I'm not arguing against you, I'm just pointing out that the picture is hypocritical
Just stay off social media and enjoy the games
If they said one of their characters was transsexual they'd get at least 3 times the likes and retweets. They have much to learn.
>They lose a big chunk of their customers
you overestimate the number of larping alt-right retards who want to start a new crusade or bring back lynchings
Nothing in the image is hypocritical at all, the image is only making a statement on the attitude of western journalists and doesn't make any claim about Yea Forums in the slightest.
Literally no one has ever denied that race exists.
2 seconds on Google.
Okay literally no normal person has ever denied that race exists.
I don't really care one way or another about a gay character in a game.
It would be good if it helped some characters get some porn out of their sexuality but if the game was never my thing then I would never bother buying.
The only time it really matter to me is when it's in an RPG and the romance options are at least varied unlike Fire Emblem Fates.
Other than that, devs can do whatever they want with their games since in the I only care about the gameplay
If it's obvious that they're a token, or if they actually just get changed out of nowhere into being gay, then yes. Soldier 76 can be excused somewhat, since we knew jack shit of his background beforehand, but Blizzard just so happening to reveal it after a shitty PR event feels like the epitome of slimy bullshit. If it's vague, I don't care. If they were actually, clearly straight beforehand, it makes no sense to me.
Another thing is just writing the character with their bare level traits as their defining quality. A character's sexuality, race or culture can be important to them, but they usually have other distinguishing features, such as the things they like, dislikes, occupations, relationships with others dating or not, so on and so forth. Why should anyone give a shit about a character that's only defined quality is their bare, basic traits, and nothing else added to them?
Not every character trait in a game has to come up in the gameplay. Flavor text is and has always been a thing.
By not having a press conference and AMA about who is gay.
By making the gay character be gay but have their entire story have nothing to do with being gay.
you are legimately brain damaged.
imagine thinking this
normies love saying "we are one race" and "I don't see color" etc etc
Race is a social construct but that doesn't mean it doesn't have an effect on the world.
History has shown it's usually liberals that are a vocal minority. It's like the fans of cuckold porn (overlap with democrats), when you see the statistics cuck shit is nowhere near the top 10.
I have literal black, African American friends who don’t even say that. In fact they make race jokes themselves.
Normalfags of today are post-modern normalfags.. I hope you understand the meaning.
user there are straights who do this shit too. Just don't fuck anyone you don't absolutely trust and want to spend your life with. It's simple.
As a leftist I'll tell you that "color blindness" is a centrist cop-out tactic and the left isn't really fond of it
It's a hugely popular anti-white nationalism argument.
"What is white?" or "What is black?"
"What about mixed race?"
"Statistics have nothing to do with genetics, it's external factors."
"Race is just skin color"
The idea that genetics don't matter and everyone is born equal is extremely popular with liberals right now.
First pick is dumb as fuck she is immune and should realize that being breed is the only option to help save humanity
How are gay people not mad that the discrimination they fought against is being twisted and used to sell products?
They are, like all progressives, accelerationists. Why do you think a feminist would side with islam? For diversity or because it's revenge against white men?
>one of our characters is pozzed but we wont tell you - progressive game developer
Black people are the least likely to say that, they understand racism is healthy and that we have differences. It's mostly whites and jews that say it or anybody on twatter
still normalfags
Everyone IS born equal, it says so right on the Declaration of Independence of the US since you seem to care so much about politics.
>First pick is dumb as fuck she is immune
Immune != not a carrier.
Ellie is very much a walking biohazard. She threatens a guy in the first game with a bite, because she knows she can spread the disease.
It's not that genetics don't matter it's just that race and genetics don't have as strong a relationship as you assume
This alot of gays hate that trannys are being forced into thier groups they just get suppressed by others
I thought the fungus mutated and that most likely doesn't have much to do with her genes since some times cells randomly mutate
Well if you actually followed the ToeJam account you’d know it’s a joke but then we don’t get to be outraged, huh.
We are. Western devs have no idea how to design or include a good gay character. Look at Tales of Zestiria for an example of the gay characters we actually want and appreciate.
Equal rights doesn't mean equal talent, ability, attitude, appearance or personality.
if it is I don't care. gaming has changed so much since I was a kid. If I want to play games devoid of faggotry I have options. there is really nothing to complain about.
Rorona and Totori aren't gay though. Each girl has tons of straight pairings in the different endings. Also Rorona is literally a mom in the new game so she most likely had a penis inside of her which makes her NOT GAY.
Rowling is so fucking desperate for brownie points.
>people still play western games of any kind in the year of our lord and savior 2019
The idea of a gay character is nothing more than marketing at this point. Just like boobs sold 10 years ago now its all about Diversity.
>Look how progressive we are we have GAY AND BLACK characters
ok does that effect the game play?
>It doesnt! But look how DIVERSE our ASSETS are!!
I'd like to think this was an ironic shitpost making fun of every game these days having a gay character.
agreed, and you should make your characters straight only if their heteroness is relevant to the plot
They could have gone to a sperm bank
Yeh, no.
A successful full blown family of white people in a rich neighborhood with a rich family and lots of connections all with valuable skill sets they were born into is way more privileged then a poor broken family living in a trailer park with no world skills and a hatred for technology.
The kid that grew up going to a nice school with no drugs and friends that they can bond and grow up with who push eachother to do better things in life has way more opportunity than the poor trailer trash kid with a parent(s) that are always high on a drug or drunk, who go to shitty prison schools and have to beat up minorities of all flavors just to not get jacked up or be stolen for their chump change with friends or senpai that have a seething hatred for technology and chastise you for even thinking about video games usually won't make it.
That's actually pretty funny. Based TJ&E.
>race and genetics don't have as strong a relationship as you assume
If two black people reproduce you can determine the race of the child without fail. There is nothing other than genetics that determine race.
What are you talking about?
>not saying who
Pussies looking to get publicity.
TLOU 2 ending is ellie infecting the jewess by having sex with her
this shit has made me dislike white people so much. constantly with this fake ass piety. you wanna slap the shit out of em for insulting you so much
well yes, it's assumed their straight unless you SAY otherwise, which is the point of why it's forced. if it doesn't matter it shouldn't even be mentioned
I am actually ok with the way they are doing it. Someone in that game is gay, but it's fucking irrelevant so it doesn't matter who the fuck it is.
No. Heterosexuality is normal whereas homosexuality is not. Don’t go around acting like the two sexualities are “equal”.
Speak for yourself. Gay peoples' tastes are just as diverse and beautiful as straight peoples'.
I always wanted to do something like that. If I ever made something and had people pestering me about it I'd just say yeah one of the characters is trans. Wouldn't ever bring it up ever again.
The lgbt collective is not as unified as you might think, same as feminists are not as unified.
Thing is some sections of it get a lot of publicity because it's convenient, it's starting to get bad though.
Chances are that feminism will rise or die in the next 5-10 years, after which there might or not be a counter-movement, depending on how badly they screw up.
That's possible but Rorona has been known to be extracting human semen in the use of her alchemy.
Luckily gay men don't ever have to listen to anything that comes from a roastie's dumb, vapid mouth.
>I bet white people thought black people being in their public schools was "forced diversity":too.
It was literally forced.
But that's only phenotype. There is no "black" gene or any gene that makes you a particular race. Moreover, the category of mixed races and general disagreement over what counts as white or black further complicate things. Do you consider aboriginals black?
Bitch come over here and say that and ill flog your nigger hide till you bleed to death.
fucking god damn stupid nigger.
same, but with straight people. even more insulting is that you know for a fact they're only doing it to impress sjw girls in a lame attempt to get laid. straights have no idea how to make gay characters, so they shouldn't even try.
>Are homosexuals being "forced" in video games?
>Does sexuality have a place in video games?
Yes but when it's actually used by the story in some way instead of being a leftist pandering.
>How can one include a homosexual character without said inclusion being "forced"?
By making him a good character whose orientation is either hard to discover (your chief in Deus Ex MD, you only learn about it if you look at the photos after breaking into his house) or by making it a plot point in some way.
Think about Sybil from Transistor and how a combination of her raging lesbianism and jealousy towards Red's boyfriend caused literally everything that happened during game events.
Sylvando from DQ11 ran away from his knightly house to pursue a career of a flamboyant circus performer yet he is a bro first and foremost and flaming okama second.
A non-vidya example would be Ryo from Devilman even if technically he's a hermaphrodite.
Announcing a gay character always confused me because isn't the whole point normalization? Making them a spectacle is the exact opposite of that right? Isn't the point for people to say "we're just like you"?
>Are homosexuals being "forced" in video games?
Yes, definitely.
>Does sexuality have a place in video games?
Depends on the game.
>How can one include a homosexual character without said inclusion being "forced"?
By not making it a political statement. Do I think gays should have characters aimed at them? Yes. Do I think that people being demonized and developers being censored over cute girls aimed at the majority heterosexual audience and the creators of said games is a bad thing? FUCK YES.
Homosexuality is more sane and rational than heterosexuality, so they're definitely not equal. But that's all the more reason not to make a character needlessly straight since being straight is actually a mental illness.
Because blacks had EVERY right to be included, just as gays do.
What I want to know now is WHO is the gay character?
It wouldn't have any problem if they're cute or hot. Or at least, if it wasn't virtue signalling against the cis white straight man.
>t. Male biscum
Exactly. A lame romance is worse than no romance because it ruins both characters involved and makes them impossible to like or respect. And all straight romances in games have been lame as fuck.
That's the joke, there isn't one.
Just don't be a slut, it's not hard.
Oh fucking thank you for arriving.
Are you still here. Look, he's denying it.
Delete this goy.
>virtue signalling against the cis white straight man.
It's virtue signalling BY the cis white straight man. They do it to attract women, which is even more pathetic and disgusting.
I can imagine, I'm not gay so I can't relate directly to that shit, but this constant cultural drone is lame as shit. just make art you fucks!
a lot of games include fun tidbits of lore about characters even if they don't matter, like DoA including blood types, weight and age and so on. would you argue that you shouldn't tell your character's blood type and just assume everyone's blood type is O? after all, it doesn't matter in regards to the plot
i assume you mean like an on-average thing, in which case, being asian would be "normal" and being white would not be, and therefore the only reason to include a white person in your game is if it's relevant to the plot, like if you need to make a new apex legends character that can't jump
why do you care? Its not the 50's anymore. Anyone can be any sexuality they want, Transgender will soon be ok too. Just get over it already
>One of our characters likes pineapple pizza but we ain't tellin
>One of our characters has more backpain than the others but we ain't tellin
>One of our characters has twice as many hats as you expected but we ain't tellin
>One of our characters likes getting fucked in the butt but we ain't tellin
Why should anyone care
There's a gay character in EarthBound, and I don't think I even realised they were gay
Honestly that's the best way to include them. It never explicitly states anything about homosexuality, but just gives a few clues.
But using sexuality as a marketing point for a game is ridiculous, when they make a spectacle of it, and for no apparent reason.
Game devs are pretty gay. For example, my boyfriend is and works for a game studio
>And all straight romances in games have been lame as fuck.
No need to confirm your ENORMOUS shit taste.
There's plenty of fantastic straight romances in vidya
Yea and I have every right to force them into cotton fields. Nice doublemoral, nigger.
>Create a well written and fleshed out character
>Decide you'll give the homosexuals some love and make that character gay
>It's never brought up unless the situation absolutely calls for it
>Don't make a fuss about it, never once mention it
>Dudes who like dudes get their content
>You don't look like a stuck up prick gunning for California brownie points
Unfortunately it never goes like this. It's instead always
>Write a character whose primary trait is being gay
>Scream it to the high heavens that you're being mega tolerant and progressive
>Denounce and hurl insults on Twitter towards those who think you're being an obnoxious fuck
>Proceed to wonder why nobody likes your rainbow colored beat-stick of a character
>don't be a slut
>it's not hard.
i fucking wish
It doesn't even need to have any clues, it's not like gay people are that much different from regular folks other than wanting to suck dick. Unless they're the super campy faggot types.
>pedo /ll/
>they get away with it
>celebrated among sjws
Then we get the tranny kid in real life that i shit you not does strip tease in a "no camera" policy gay strip club, and has probably already been assfucked to hell and back by gay pedophiles all in the name of "progressivism"
The slippery slope is fucking real.
no, he's completely right and your taste is shitty and shallow. your example is awful and every straight romance ever in vidya has been utter fucking dogshit tripe.
What's a recent video game character whose primary trait was that they were gay?
>would you argue that you shouldn't tell your character's blood type and just assume everyone's blood type is O? after all, it doesn't matter in regards to the plot
Did you not see my first post? Blood types are pretty random, one blood type doesn't dominate demographics like heterosexuality does. Saying somebody has type O blood for the fun of it is not the same as saying somebody is a fag.
Brainlet post
You never tried because you can't. If you had the chance you'd do the same.
Big brain post
>Saying somebody has type O blood for the fun of it is not the same as saying somebody is a fag.
why not
As i said, sorry for your enormous shit taste. No need to samefag as well.
Rorona and Totori aren't even gay.
This. I have a feeling they're taking the piss. Just by saying it on twitter completely removes the need to state it implicitly in-game. Clever move in my opinion. Now the sjws can speculate on their own time and leave the devs out of their bullshit.
Ellie from TLOU has been pretty much reduced to a lesbian flag character. Her DLC was about munching carpet and now her own lead game is also about slurping the bean.
remember when that baldur's gate expansion got censored because of you faggots?
remember when battletech got censored because of you faggots?
you lost your "b-but i dont want to censor" badge a long time ago, and i have little doubt if you were in the position of SJWs you would do exactly the same
You literally can't beyond having vague homo tendencies implied but never acted on or shown or elaborated on and then you're going to have people saying that it's not canon because there's no word of god.
>it's healthy
How does this apply to a video game character whose personality is that he's a flirt?
>If you had the chance you'd do the same.
Why? What do I have to gain from censoring something someone else enjoys?
I have my own tastes and preferences but I'm not trying to push an agenda. I don't even think censorship is an effective means of controlling thought anyway, it never works out.
Thanks for showing me all of these perspectives
Sorry if i came off as rude or un knowledgeable
to lazy to change filename
That's not what she said. I thought it was more like "I never said she was white :^)"
That's actually hilarious.
Also, I really want a game like Bayonetta, but starring a raging homo with a funny/cool personality.
I have seen people say that a good gay character is one that barely has their sexuality brought up. Of which I say there's nothing wrong with a character like that, but if their sexuality is barely brought up, they're barely a "gay character" as them being gay is barely relevant to the story. People criticize some gay characters for only being about their sexuality, but it's also possible to give them traits and issues besides being gay like they have a poor work ethic and are too lazy and they confront this flaw, while also still having them being gay, be a story point like a coming out story.
what I don't get is why they have to pretend this shit has universal appeal. own up to your own god damn words. if you're about the bean stew life then don't be a fag about it. announce your target demo in no uncertain words and back the fuck off.
Wouldn't sell. Straight people are disgusted by homos whether or not they admit.
>spreading it to the jews
Is ellie /ourgirl/?
>Her bites are infectious
>Constantly swapping spit is not infectious
>Scissoring is not infectious
but this is such a minor thing, it has next to no bearing on the character's personality. like it's not like a character being gay will suddenly make you like them. most flavor text is stuff like "did you know x likes to drink beer?!?!!?!" which while stupid, is at least part of their personality. making your character gay or straight as part of their personality is like applying personality to hair color, it makes no actual impact on who the character is compared to "they are an alcoholic"
It's weird isn't it? Almost every non-straight character has their whole identity based on the fact that they're not straight. And the ones who don't for some reason need to be specifically mentioned or shown excessively.
TLOU2 isn't really that bad about it, if it were a straight couple there wouldn't be any issues with it. But with how integral it's been tied to the image of the game, thats where my problem stems from
I thought the new game was about her being vengeful and Joel is implied to be dead
>remember when that baldur's gate expansion got censored because of you faggots?
>remember when battletech got censored because of you faggots?
Nobody asked for it to be censored. You're confusing "this shit is fucking gay" with "remove this now!"
Because water flows down the path of least resistance. 4-5% of the us pop is gay, it's not believable to make somebody gay without it feeling forced. Because it is forced
This is precisely the reason AAA always uses lesbians for their gay quota because homomen are repulsive.
I'd play that.
>Are homosexuals being "forced" in video games?
Yes. How is this even a question? It's been common knowledge for a while now.
Because that isn't the discrimination they fought against. Please tell me how "progressive win: there's a gay character!" is as bad as "we're sending you to prison for being gay".
isn't Joel in the first trailer for LOU2(the one where she's playing the guitar not the barn dance)
Only 2% of the global population is faggots. So why does a game with only like 6 characters over represent fags when there should statistically be none amongst them?????
sounds pretty good to me but doubt that will ever happen.
Neuroscience has shown that even outspoken liberal supporters of homo degeneracy have the disgust regions of their brain light up like christmas trees at just the sight of fags kissing.
Nintendo will then buy it and make it and any sequels exclusive to their platform.
I don’t care who they wanna fuck, just make the character likable and interesting.
so would it be unbelievable and forced to have a character with AB-negative blood, which is only 0.6% of the population?
I would as well, but here's the thing. raging homo doesn't mean activism, it just means gay ass shit. give the audience what they want, not what you want.
The number is over 15% now. 30% + if you include bisexuals and closet cases.
Honosexuals should be forced into ovens
>People criticize some gay characters for only being about their sexuality,
And they can't name characters that are like that.
Yes. One is definitely more pander-y than the other, though.
Twitter OPs should be a bannable offense.
You seem to misunderstand something. You will never be equal to straight people. You are a part of 3% of world population, a laughable minority inferior to straight people on biological level, you don't deserve neither you will ever achieve their cultural dominance since by the most part modern push comes from virtue signalling straight people as well, and they will get over it eventually. Straight relationships are, for all intends and purposes, an absolute norm that will never alienate vast majority of your auditory unlike homosexuals so you will never get equal treatment to heterosexual relationships in games as well.
Still sounds good to me.
Bi now, gay later.
>But with how integral it's been tied to the image of the game, thats where my problem stems from
Nobody likes having things shoved down their throats. Heh.
I don't know how gays/lesbians feel but I doubt they'd enjoy watching the TLOU2 stuff if it was a heterosexual couple.
I'd fap to that
straights are objectively inferior to gays, actually.
Not before I force you into a pot of boiling water, Frogboi.
Because statistics only measure probability. It's statistically improbable when a gay is in a room with less that 99 other straights but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I grew up with four other straight people in my house wherein 1/5 people were gay.
Of course. No one would continue dealing with women when they have the choice to abandon them altogether. Gay is the most based and enlightened sexuality. They make straights and biscum look like chimps in comparison.
Yeah and (((where))) did you get that number
Not that guy, but this is more about your prejudice than anything else. By your definition, the most forced games are about straight white males because market demand and tradition forces a big diverse world where straight white males are in a minority into a narrow but safe marketing mold.
You decide for yourself. It doesn't matter in the context of the game. That's the point. Attach whatever fantasy you want to it. They're a fictional alien race from the planet funkotron for fucks sake.
''Social Justice'' made me hate gays and /u/
Prison gay doesnt count.
Homosexuals and trannies are literally mentally ill. They know they are fucked up internally, but instead of just becoming hermits, their mental illness causes them to fill with rage that normal people do not view them as normal. So they will bitch, moan, complain, and invade anything that normal people will enjoy, only driven by rage caused by anti-social mental illness.
social justice made me hate straights and women. gays have nothing to do with all this virtue signalling.
Cry yourself to sleep repeating those words like a prayer, my friend. Nothing will change the harsh reality.
the only thing that needs to be forced is my foot up your ass
If you actually believe this kys tranny
didnt a bunch of faggots and trannies freak out over the witcher DLC because it confirmed Gerralt was a straight white man who had kids?
nah, straight procreate and ensure that there is always some asshole on this planet creating something. I like art therefore I cannot dislike straight people. keep slamming the pussy. Make a large as fuck family and try to keep that shit hetero
/u/ are annoying without any social justice, they had their man hating circlejerk for nearly a decade now
Surely this is a joke, right? Just in jest.
How did social justice make you hate gays?
>gays have nothing to do with this virtue signaling
You will never be normal or equal to straight people, faggot.
pic related
> because market demand and tradition forces a big diverse world where straight white males are in a minority into a narrow but safe marketing mold
well like half the DoA girls have type AB blood, which is very rare. i think we should see a lot more protesting on these forced and unbelievable blood type characters if you argument was actually true. i think it's more believable that you just find gays gross and then you try to rationalize it disingenuously in an attempt to make yourself look like you have a legitimate reason to dislike them in the media
Straights and trannies are mentally ill*
Only an actual deranged loser with brain damage would want to be or have sex with an inferior being. You might as well be supporting bestiality and saying that everyone who doesn't want to have sex with barn animals is mentally ill. Enlightened and educated people are all homosexuals who have no time for dumb whores.
I remember they were bitching when you couldn't sleep with the male prostitutes
This but Duke Nukem and call it Dick Suckem
i'm not gay though, i just like unraveling these bullshit arguments for fun
you should be more grateful to gays, one of them invented the machine you use to shitpost about how much you dislike them
I know people who kiss their kids on the lips.
well its a good thing retards like you wont spread their genes
based and redpilled
Don't even bother. It's only forced when they don't like it. Any references to media featuring non-forced tokens will be pre-2013, which, coincidentally, is when most of these faggots were younger children. Anything after they grew up a bit and watched a few antisjw videos, though, is "forced".
Someone or some group will always hate fags and other minorities in stuff. The explanations just change. Nothing anyone can do about it.
>Why do you think a feminist would side with islam
Because the US Constitution promises freedom of religion, and for some reason they're the only ones who aren't afraid of Muslims?
>these two obviously gay men kissing a mixed child is totally normal
Kill yourself
Then why can't I have my tiddy anime games while gays are being praised left and right? You logic is flawed. Fuck off. Resetera is two blocks down.
>being straight = bad
>gay/tranny/lesbian = good
Pretty much this. Stop censoring my games. I just want to be left alone whats so hard to understand? I have already made peace with the fact that I'll die a virgin isn't that enough suffering?
>i just like unraveling these bullshit arguments for fun
unrelated question, not user. do you hate life or are you entertained?
>they had their man hating circlejerk for nearly a decade now
It's only bants you pussy.
I respect individual men who have achieved great things for those achievements but they earn zero respect from me because of the fact that they are gay. I don't see how homosexuality is related to the invention of the computer any more than the color of his eyes or his fashion choices or favorite breakfast cereal.
If it's relevant to the character, yes; IE the story of a heterosexual amazon in a tribe of lesbians and her coming out of that.
By making the character a character and not making them a gay character. Make Arcade Ganons and that one guy from Mortal Kombat, and not that one moustached retard from Dragon Age Shitquisition
Unbelievably based
You only care because they're gay is what I'm saying.
homosexuality is a sign of mental weakness, and also inferiority towards every facet that makes a real man
That "bants" turns any Yea Forums thread that attracted the yurishitter attention into a flaming garbage heap since at least 2011.
homosexuals have higher iq's than straights. so there is a correlation there.
Pic related is as related to social justice as a retard's dumbass baby choking on a bullet it found is related to the gun control conversation. It makes just a much sense as wanting to abolish all religion because of the witch hunts or abortion clinic bombings.
good thing homosexuality is not genetic :)
no i dont hate life
and yes im entertained
i like making people do these mental gymnastics to justify their views
Yes, I care that a child that was conceived by two straight humans is now being used as satisfaction by two mentally ill faggots
exactly. When a faggot dies off, its one less POS basket case that wants to fuck kids
>feminists caring about the US Constitution
Yet feminists love banning guns, speech they don't like, freedom of association...
>High IQ men avoid women
I understand completely.
fags use rape all the time for intimidation and a show of dominance. that shit is a weapon when it needs to be
First niggers, then gays. I for one cannot stand black or gay characters because most of the time it's obvious why they're there, not to make the story more interesting and enjoyable, but to advance some sjw agenda. Name me one black or gay character in recent vidya that you actually cared about
You realize that all that censorship of tiddy games is done by women and men who want to pander to women, right? Straights are completely to blame for that, whether you like it or not. Gays have no stake in your boob games, they're not the ones trying to get your shit censored because they never had a horse in the race. They also aren't the ones trying to market with gay characters. Gays want more games like Bastard Bonds, not dogshit like Anthem or Apex or whatever.
Turing was an exemplary gay who tried to conceal his homosexuality, unlike the creatures you can see in modern culture.
turing's gayness is somewhat related to his career, since when the UK government found out about it, they pumped him full of chemicals and fucked his shit up so hard that he killed himself
my hope is that if you somehow manage to get into a position of power some day, you'll manage to look past your instinctual dislike for smart and productive homosexuals and not make them kill themselves
other way around. only weak willed spineless cucks are straight. the only real men on earth are gay men.
what the fuck are you even talking about? There is literally no reason to advocate sexuality amongst children unless you are a pedophile. Faggots like you are the definite proof that all homosexuals really just want to fuck straight children.
some bullshit study for advocating homosexual tolerance is supposed to disprove the fact that there are literal LGBT groups targeting children. Ok?
Weren't white gays kicked out of social justice?
Are straight people not mad that sexuality is used in virtually every marketing strategy on the planet and almost exclusively used in food/beverage/luxury commercials to pander to dumb men who will buy anything that has a nearly-naked women posing with it?
>real men are mentally ill faggots who spread STDs to the rest of the world and die without spreading their seed
Like I said, all homosexuals are mentally ill pedophiles
>not make them kill themselves
Nobody is making them try to kill themselves now as long as they keep being civil about it.
The moment you try to invade overwhelmingly heterosexual space of mass culture with a rainbow flag in your ass, you deserve everything that will come crashing on you.
Here's a little film history for you.
Back in the 60s and 70s Blaxploitation was a huge thing. It was typically pretty racist even by their standards and they were often only made because they could make a lot of money cheaply. Pure commoditization of black identity. And yet, civil rights leaders were all for them. Do you know why?
Because they got blacks into starring roles.
You do that enough and people won't throw a shit fit when a black person stars in a blockbuster film.
It's typically the same with gays in video games. They don't want to change everything, they just want to know that they matter. And they also know that for the little weirdo kid living in bumfuck Kansas who realizes he likes boys, having that little connection and knowing you matter helps a lot.
I have tremendous respect for Turing and think that what happened to him was a disgrace but what do his sexual proclivities have to do with his accomplishments in computer science?
Gays of any race have never been allowed in "social justice" because we don't kowtow to women and we don't respect mutant freak trannies who mutilate themselves.
>All those """""""""""""straight men"""""""""""" molesting little boys
Again, more proof faggots are mentally ill basket cases that fantasies about little boys
That's not what social justice is about. You're showing that most of your problems are based on your lack of basic understanding where you fill in the blanks with negative shit you find cherry picked through the internet. You make it personal as if Anita coming into the conversation was invasive to your space. The entire medium must be free from criticism from liberal Californians even though liberal Californians make up a large portion of the industry. This isn't about your suffering and they aren't trying to make you miserable.
Yeah you know what else is higher. Savants also have extraordinary iq, but there's something wrong with them as well.
Do you need a friend to talk to, my man? You seem troubled.
She never said that. She said in the books she never said she was white. Doesn't really matter anyway she was a mudblood and may as well have been treated like blacks did during Jim Crow.
Not as troubled as a homosexual trying to fight his urge to molest kids
You're right, gays deserve any abuse that comes to them for wrongthink.
Second question is flawed. There is just as much sexuality in the games now that there has ever been.
over 95% of pedophiles are straight my dude.
that's alarming
Your main mistake is trying to compare racial issues with sexuality related ones.
Race is an infinitely stronger and clearer identity factor compared to sexuality for the entire fucking human history.
>"straight men" molest boys
It'd be one thing if gays just acted like faggots, but theyre also fucking retards too
We both now that isn't true. As soon as someone makes a game that is like the gayest game ever people will praise it left and right. Meanwhile even fucking DoA literally shut down even though it's sexy as the first one that released in 1996. Nowadays it's considered "problematic".
>lol we're not censoring your games xD
Fuck off with your excuses, m8. I'm not falling for it.
>237 / 32 / 86 / 1
>There is literally no reason to advocate sexuality amongst children unless you are a pedophile.
You say that, but you weren't angry about the straight sexuality expressed in kids cartoons for decades, were you? Even when the characters were kids themselves. Yes, we must be careful with how we teach kids about sexuality in general, but treating homosexuality as something non-existent until adulthood is leads to problems.
it matters in the sense that if UK had been more tolerant to gays, he could've stayed around to make more computer science stuff. instead he killed himself and whatever he could've provided for society is now lost forever. i'm not too bothered by homophobia in itself since it's an instinctual response, but what is really dangerous is when that homophobia comes dressed up as somehow righteous and intellectual, even though it's just a rationalized emotion when it comes down to it. that's the kind of thinking that ruins people's lives.
To be fair, that's why there's so much more pushback. Because you can just have Uhura in the background to have a black character, but you have to have Sulu kiss his husband to have a gay character.
>their kids
It's not their kid, user
Please explain why devs should not be allowed to design games the way the want? Isn't that why SJWs were bad?
Oh yes because gay people would clearly care about a game based around fanservice for straight males in the first place.
>B-but they do
Your ass isn't a citation
They don't issue IDs user, it's a movement, nothing more.
Think of any political leaning, any at all, even if you side with people with similar ideologies, nobody rules over that, at most you can make a political party.
For some people feminism is equal opportunity, for others it's equal outcome, both of these are well accepted and they are really fucking opposite to each other in practice.
You have Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, you have transversal feminists, you have feminists who are for porn and those who are against porn, some want to legalize prostitution and some don't, some consider the concept of "housewife" demeaning and some don't, some feminists consider the movement to be for both men and women and others don't think men can even be feminists at all, etc etc.
It is often that any of these will claim that the others aren't "real feminism" but that's just a no true scotsman fallacy,
I personally only give a shit about, at most, 3 kinds of feminism:
1.- Political, people who are part of government or aspire to be and have a feminist ideology, that is relevant
2.- Ideological/militant, the people who take the movement most seriously, those who actually write the books and kinda make a living out of it
3.- Layman, what do people generally think? What is their interpretation of it all
Anything else complicates the picture too much and is just not worth caring about
Then why did that kids parents let two gay guys take their kid to a pride parade? Are they retarded?
>Are homosexuals being "forced" in video games?
I'm straight, but I don't complain when they look like this.
Not that guy, but they aren't. Market demand and the mainstream demands more casual experiences. At least that's the theory. We can watch as DoA misjudged their place in the mainstream.
I'm not homophobic. I just don't respect homosexuals because they are homosexual. I'm apathetic towards them until I learn more about their character.
Same way I feel about any other stranger.
Here's the full study
Decide for yourself what you think.I'm pretty sure there is an error in this study though and this details it well
They deserve all the shit they are getting. don't shit on your audience, rule number one dude
Censorship of tiddy games is done out of fear from soccer moms.
Literally nothing else.
i'm not accusing you specifically of homophobia, just the people who generally say stuff like "homosexual is unnatural and must be removed inshallah" in this thread
i'm apathetic towards sexual preference as well, which is why i get annoyed when people selfishly draw hate towards something so arbitrary and meaningless in the grand scheme of things
>having heteroexual parents and a normal nuclear family is "straight propaganda"
Its so funny how desperate faggots are when trying to compare themselves to normal straight people
Soccer moms are not buying Omega Labyrinth in the first place. They don't even know what a Vita is.
Oh shit, what did they say about their audience?
>posts shit about lesbians
Now look into who is molesting little boys. Oh wait, "straight men" right?
Sure, we're largely in agreement, but I understand when people get fed up of being told to like a certain type of person because of an arbitrary characteristic they hold when all you actually want to do is play a damn video game.
Yeah dude, the market full of straight men is totally bitching about sexy ladies. They are totally demanding a more inclusive and diverse products.
>Even when the characters were kids themselves.
I don't think there's a show where kids fuck each other and make a nuclear family, but I'm talking about the crushes and heart eyes kid characters get for each other. I'm not saying it's propaganda, just that your problem isn't displays of sexuality, it's displays of homosexuality.
I actually wish gays were included a bit more in video games. I would like to see options to date men in games like persona.
it's really not hard to comprehend. 99.9% of the planet is straight, and the video game industry is primarily contained by straight males by a wide margin. Homosexuality *isn't* natural, nor is all the LGBTQRUV bullshit getting hamfisted in pop-culture
Forced? Yes. a.k.a. The Rowling’s Way. Have a character that never revealed any hint nor suggestion of being LGBT but suddenly now they are a transgender gay black man.
But can you really blame the devs for doing so? That shit is like an instant guarantee of praise by the LGBT community. Doesn’t matter if your game is shit, dying, or have zero hype, Just say one of the character is gay and you have an easily pleased community cheering for your shit.
Well, for Tails, as is everyone else
you can’t deny it, Tails it too cute not to be gay for him
Women are such a dime a dozen nowadays that men cant show em off as a status symbol. Hence why trapshitters and trannies are gaining popularity since a good one is rare and your average soiboy has nothing else to show for his accomplishments.
And they hope to keep it that way.
Think about it rationally. If you're a niche game company, are you afraid of sites like Polygon or Kotaku trashing your product?
Or are you afraid of ending up on Fox or CNN telling the ignorant masses with actual political power that your product is bad for their kids?
This is actually a really good joke at the expense of people who do it for diversity points, and the people who praise them for it.
The point is, it literally doesn't matter. And if anyone demands they make them more obviously gay, that person now looks like the idiot saying gay people look or act a certain way. Based TJ&E
Post "powerful" and "inclusive" characters that "break down barriers".
>How can one include a homosexual character without said inclusion being "forced"?
Have the character look and behave like any other average character until you try to get into a romantic relationship with them.
Regardless of whether you want to accept it or not, kids having straight crushes is normal. Homosexual and tranny fantasies in children's cartoons shows and obvious and coerced warped view that an adult director had to green light and jack off to
Maybe in 1980. In 2019 normies unironically believe that saying "I don't see color" is racist because it means you aren't acknowledging your "white privilege". Also hiring based on merit and ignoring the applicants race/gender/sexual orientation is considered racist as well in 2019.
This. The guys in P5 were more interesting than the girls.
Jun from Persona 2 is a gay character done right
I don't have the article images on this pc, they had a few interviews explaining their desexualization or in marketing terms, "stylistic changes". Was a shit storm within the community for weeks. But then then people realized that they make all their money from T&A dlc so they chilled out. Thing is, some people don't just tolorate the fuckery because that shit is insidious when left alone. People who play these types of games know this and hate it. It night be one little interview now which shed light on development but like a cancer that bullshit grows until it slays the franchise
The market full of western normies who think bouncing anime tiddies are weird and good Christian retailers who won't stock their shelves with sexy games. I'm talking about them attempting to be mainstream. Every corporation wants a bigger slice of the pie and if they can get away with being less exclusive and more inclusive, if they can make it work, they will because they want more money.
>Oh yes because gay people would clearly care about a game based around fanservice for straight males in the first place.
For some reason they do.
>Your ass isn't a citation
You'd like that wouldn't you? Jokes aside, I see tons of gay journos and devs compaining about fanservice and telling their army of pink haired social justice warriors to destroy anything I like.
>Didn't even read it
Sure just mean's I won't buy your game
in 2019 there are people who literally think having a penis doesn't make you male, and this isn't a sign of mental illness.
Fuck off, idiot.
If faggotry is all that defines a character or yourself, there's a problem.
Omega Labyrinth was a victim of government censorship in the first place. Why would the government censor it out of fear that CNN would report in it and cause the government to- oh wait.
>The market full of western normies who think bouncing anime tiddies are weird and good Christian retailers who won't stock their shelves with sexy games.
The gaming industry has literally never felt this way you turbo faggot
non-binary people are L I T E R A L L Y a protected class of people
their entire existence is forced
We have lawfags in SMT games since the first one in the 90s, user.
She never explicitly states that she is white but she is described in ways which heavily imply that she is white, or at least least pale enough that soot contrasted significantly with her skin. Claiming that she was black is just another case of WE WUZism and Rowling is trying to appease them by coyly stating that "I never said she was white :DDD"
>I see tons of gay journos and devs compaining about fanservice and telling their army of pink haired social justice warriors to destroy anything I like.
Alright then shit out your sources then. But get this, one guy complaining about shit doesn't represent the entire group just like how one man raping a woman doesn't conclude all men are rapists.
not that user, but youre study is pretty much proving that gay men are a product of incest or being coerced into sex by "powerful people" (AKA GAY MEN)
Hey, way to prove exactly why niche companies wouldnt want to get a ton of negative attention from the masses.
>One of our characters is gay
thanks for telling us
>but we ain't tellin
Awwww... too late. Your stupid kicked in.
>obvious and coerced warped view that an adult director had to green light and jack off to
Your suspicions aren't facts. If you can grasp the concept of kids having crushes, you can grasp the concept of them also having gay crushes. Now them understanding love, biology, and sexuality enough to make safe and responsible choices, fuck no.
What do you all think of Kung Jin from Mortal Kombat X?
>introduced as a Shaolin archer who's a standoffish prick to his teammates
>later find out he used to be a dickass thief before Raiden talked him into joining his family
>it's heavily implied (then later outright confirmed) that he was gay, and his worries over what the Shaolin would think of his "proclivities" drove him away from them for a time
His sexuality isn't his whole character, but does play a role in his arc and isn't just there as a footnote. Is this what Yea Forums considers "done right"?
not that user, but do you literally ignore the troves of gaming devs crying about toxic masculinity or "problematic" straightness?
>They get themselves censored so that they don't get attention that will cause them to get censored
>Now them understanding love, biology, and sexuality enough to make safe and responsible choices, fuck no.
People like you need to be savagely beaten to death with blunt objects.
>sega saturn
You obviously know very little about marketing video games, let alone how the market has expanded since the 90s.
It depends. Is having gay anal sex a primary gameplay mechanic? No? Then it doesn't fucking matter
Literally from the study
>Most men who molest boys and most men who molest girls are
heterosexual in their adult sexual preference (Groth and Birnbaum, 1978)
And how much do you think of them are actually gay and not just beta men trying to feminists on their side? Last time I recall I didn't give a shit about their sexuality.
thats not the point, your claim is that the market has been dictated by straight religious folk trying to remove sexiness from gaming, when it's 1000000% bullshit. The only people complaining about sexiness in gaming are faggots and ugly feminists
Not either of them but clickbait outrage speaks only for the site it's hosted on, the site that wants contentious and outrageous opinions to get people clicking, sharing, and arguing in their comments section.
>most men who molest boys are heterosexual
Do you know understand why normal people make fun of academics in the current age? Delusional faggot
>crying about your headcanon
What a pathetic little fuckwad you are.
yeah dude even though 40% of the victims of pedophilia are boys who get molested by men those men are actually a totally new sexuality because gay means only being attracted to GROWN men!! :^)-t. liberal intellectual
Is this not a joke? I honestly thought it was a joke they were making.
I thought the tweet basically meant "Why do you give a shit about the sexuality of a video game character?" By saying a gay character exists, but not saying who it means it doesn't matter.
>theres a difference between gay and beta men
>making shit up and getting angry about it
You need to grow up.
nah this is beyond click bait. Faggots and trannies have had their fetishes politicized, this is well beyond cash grabs. This people actually believe their stupid shit.
Where at all am I misrepresenting your point? Hetersexual crushes are normal, and cannot be compared to a faggot's fantasy
>One's a slave to roastie kind the other disregards roasties
You literally do not know what beta means.
I sometimes wonder who idiots like you think you're going to convince with such embarrassing performances.
writing is complicated and things can easily come across as being forced
and even if they aren't forced Yea Forums will accuse them of being forced
like Gibraltar in Apex Legends
>character is gay from the start but it's only brought up in one line of lore and nowhere else
>No argument
Sad. When I went through all that trouble to find the original study and you were just a shitposter all along
doing God's work user chase these freaks back to hell
This is why everyone makes fun of retarded liberal academia. They are literally children who have been instructed to believe men who have sex with boys are straight
gays are way more degenerate then straights
You have to be 18 to post here. Watch out, you might get molested
straights are way more degenerate than gays*
I think it's you who has no argument. Or do you literally believe men who have sex with boys are straight?
There's literally a fucking Rance thread that Yea Forums is supporting yet ya'll have the gall to tell me that gays are the degenerate ones.
No, I said
>The market full of western normies who think bouncing anime tiddies are weird and good Christian retailers who won't stock their shelves with sexy games.
>full of
That's not to say they're the only ones, I'm saying that to pin this exclusively on fags and feminists is to ignore what the mainstream is.
that is the argument of the 1978 study buddy
That's their adopted son you dense motherfucker. Lots of parents kiss their kids.
I'm not the type of person who saves every gay twitterfag or journalist shutting down anything that goes against their agenda nor am I in the mood to "debate" or whatever. I'm just stating my personal opinion/experience. I'm too old for dick measuring contests and don't think every every single gay is like this, but most of them are. You're delusional if you think the LGBT isn't out for blood. Point is, I'll never be ashamed of loving anime tiddies in all shapes and forms. The more you try to censor it the more I fight it you lala homo man.
lol, atleast im a normal human being and not a faggot. No matter what you will never be equal to me :^)
And i provided basic evidence that the market is full of normal men who like to see tiddies without context. Quiet from MGV for example was only protested by faggots and butthurt feminists
If that were the case gay people wouldn't have been executed throughout history just for being gay. If you don't want sexuality to be an identity then don't treat it like one.
>two gay men adopt a son and kiss him on the lips is totally the same as a heterosexual couple kissing the child they created
You are never going to be normal or accepted you retarded faggot
Straight sexuality is normal and common. Homosexuality is not.
Address homosexuality if you want, but not in a way that attempts to normalize it because that's impossible.
Sexuality should be taught in a way that corresponds with biology: evolution / design has made it so that sexual reproduction is only compatible between males and females, thus it's the natural sexual orientation. Deviations might be acceptable, but kids should talk about those feelings.
Absolutely based.
What place does sex of any kind have in a video game unless it's a porn game in which market to whatever fetish you like? Mario is rescuing a princess but it would not matter if it was a prince, both are irrelevant.
>How can one include a homosexual character without said inclusion being "forced"?
If the character NEVER says "I am gay" for the whole game
I'm serious. A gay character will never need to state in the game "I am gay" for the player to understand that character is gay.
>One of our characters is gay but we aint tellin.
Sounds to me like "There's a gay in this game, please leave us alone."
>Does sexuality have a place in video games?
Absolutely, when the situation calls for it. It does not have a place in every game.
>Are homosexuals being "forced" in video games?
Sometimes, but it isn't always a problem.
For example, a game designer wanted to make a pretentious "game" about the plight of the gay man, then yeah they kinda would be "forcing" them into games. Not really a bad thing though since it serves a purpose.
Or like, if random nip developer wants to make some ecchi shit with gay/lesbian undertones. Kinda forced, but not a bad thing since its what the players are expecting.
People like in the OP pic though? Why are they flaunting the homosexuality of a character like its some sort of badge to be proud of? That shit is fucked.\
The TLoU2 trailer had no context and still decided to cold open with a lesbian kiss. While it might make sense in the story its painfully obvious that whoever was directing the trailer did so to cause controversy and to get people to talk about it. It was used as a tool and therefore is shit.
>How can one include a homosexual character without said inclusion being "forced"?
If you have to brag to your fans about one of your characters being gay, you probably are approaching it with the wrong intentions. If your character's sexuality serves no purpose in the game, bringing it into the picture just to virtue signal (overwatch) is meaningless. If their sexuality is relevant to the plot, let the players discover that for themselves instead of trying to brag about how progressive you are
>Pussies out of giving some sources when confronted with arguement
>"My annecdotal experience is evidence" meme.
Lmao the absolute state of weebs
Gay fictional characters aren't automatically propaganda. Sexuality in kids isn't always heterosexual. Your letting your feelings and suspicions get the best of you.
>atleast im a normal human being
The consensus is definitely out on that one, kiddo. Lol
generally, yes.
>By not making their homosexuality their entire personality
Relationships are only compatible between two males though. So according to our modern view of marriage and relationships, homosexuality is the normal and correct sexuality while heterosexuality is just degenerate indulgence in an impregnation fetish.
yeah pretty much. great way to get some free press
But if he started to kiss another male without warning you beforehand you would be mad. You would be like "Why Didnt they tell me it had gay shit in it!?".
>Gay fictional characters aren't automatically propaganda.
Yes it is
>Sexuality in kids isn't always heterosexual.
Yes it is, pedo
>Your letting your feelings and suspicions get the best of you.
No, its your faggot fantasies clouding your judgement when conferring with normal straight people
Unfortunately, the world is full of deviations. Best to just accept it user.
if things were equal people would be honest about and allow other people to fail
>Liberals are a minority
>Even though a conservative has received a majority of the votes only a single time in the past 30 years
You literally don't even know which character is gay and you're crying about it good god grow up you fucking high schooler
No, but many gays are being forced into homosexuality.
whatever you have to tell yourself as you try to rationalize taking it up the ass
>Relationships are only compatible between two males though.
nah. love requires a balance of masculine and feminine. true love that is. homos don't love eachother.
That's unfair considering the way people come out to friends or at work. Topics of love life come up. Would it be better if they said they had a boyfriend or they aren't into women?
This is how it's always been. Every educated society that ever existed has recognized homosexuality as a noble pursuit that men of virtue hold in high regard, which heterosexuality has been seen as something only befitting barn animals.
I'm married to a woman, idiot.
And the amount of sexual abuse by straight parents to their children suggests there's no point in drawing the distinction.
Could we just talk about Toejam and Earl instead
Literally tell kids that adoption and donating sperm exists if you're that worried about "muh reproduction" and not all kids don't want to intend to have kids in the future anyways. And what the hell do you mean by "natural" sexual orientation? Many cases of have been found that homosexuality exists with animals as well?
Source: Your sphincter
only homos are capable of love. women and straights are literally too dumb and subhuman to experience actual love.
depends on the virus. AIDS doesn't spread by saliva because you need semen or blood for transmission. This could be the same.
way to backpedal from the obvious point that gay men adopting a boy and kissing him is fucking insane and disgusting, faggot
Now this is true delusion. Gays actually love each other because they get to be with their best friend. Straight couples just tolerate each other because it's expected, they don't actually love or respect each other.
I'm telling you that, not myself, lol. Sounds like you're just trying to mask your feelings for other boys. Don't worry, once you become a teenager it'll be easier to understand.
for once a nuanced thinker up in here, not all gays in games are indicative of propaganda BUT when people like druckmann are involved they are
sure, homosexuality exists in animals. Like when sheep get so horny after the alpha goat gets tired of impregnating the hurd, they start humping eachother. This is total evidence that faggots are just like straight people
I'd love to see a citation.
if you've never been in love you wouldn't understand. that's ok what with men becoming so feminine most straights will never know love either.
Hetero is default you absolute lunatic.
This. However I'd like to point out that when a straight man and a straight women adopt a little girl and start kissing her it's absolutely based, like all us rightwing fellows think. Pedophilia is absolutely based when it's straight, but gay is eww.
There goes another homosexual exposing his pedophilia fantasy
wrong and mentally ill.
>Yes it is
How so?
>Yes it is, pedo
An anti-LGBT politician in Japan recognized homosexuality in kids, admitting she had a lesbian crush when she was a kid but became straight.
You are one of the least normal people here and that's saying something.
basedboy false flagging /pol/ lol get the fuck out
>Gays actually love each other because they get to be with their best friend
that's liking someones company. it isn't the same as love. all the (You)s im getting indicate i've touched a nerve.
How about... I don't know... not make them flamboyant as fuck? Or how about not advertise it like a virtue-signaling faggot?
Tatsuya is a pretty sexy bi character
I'm not racist... but I don't think blacks should be in video games unless it's relevant to the plot.
pretty much yeah exactly. You hit the nail on the head, and if you cannot comprehend this youre a delusional faggot.
And you're now just realizing that "muh appeal to nature" is a stupid argument to begin with? And besides humans are smarter than animals.
A handful of executed degenerates is nothing compared to the wars waged on the basis of race, religion or culture.
Yeah, he's really bad about hiding it too. Gaybashers always end up being pedophiles IRL, lol.
hetero is the default because they are the vast majority and that's how humans reporduce.
gays are aberrations
gays are not normal humans. Kids in middle school right now who get sexual urges are basing them off normal human biology. Thus, its totally normal for it to occur. Faggots on the other hand, have fetishes towards straight people, because they are surrounded by them. Why cant you fucking homosexuals just accept this shit?
>Only a "handful"
You can't rewrite history.
>This joke tweet is STILL baiting retards
literally whom?
No, they didn't. The nation was never intended to be for nogs or queers or spics. Not one of the men who founded this nation intended for any of this.
well some are, some humans cant comprehend basic biology and anatomy though too.
re-read what I said, faggot
>Faggots on the other hand, have fetishes towards straight people, because they are surrounded by them.
The fuck does that mean?
>defending wars fought over identity politics
No such thing as something truly "forced".That's just a creative decision. Of course creative decisions can be bad, poorly thought out, and criticized. I think a lot of people confuse the "a good character who just happens to be gay" with "a character can only be gay if it is subtle and practically a non-factor". The latter leads to bad writing decisions, and in the case that they end up making a good character and just tack on a gay label, it just becomes virtue signaling. I think a lot of people blame bad writing or creative decisions on gay characters often too. Someone might say that a gay character has no good dialogue or provides no relevance to the story. Well in a case like that, it is simply just bad writing; not exactly the fact that the character is gay that is the problem.
So honestly, it is very hard to truly determine if any creative decision is forced or not. We shouldn't really care if a developer chooses for the MC of their game to be yellow because it is his favorite color, or if a developer chooses to include a gay character because it reminds them of a close gay friend. We should just criticize whether or not these decisions lead to a better game or a worse one.
You always accounted for no more than 3% and will stay this way in the future. You will never be relevant, be it historically or culturally. Especially when compared to racial factor.
There is also that one illustration she made were she was cleary depicted as white.
>gays get their own symbol of "fight" as a selling point/marketing strategy
what's wrong with them?
I think the 2nd part is more realistic since 99% of LGBT wackadoos' entire personality is their sexuality. There's nothing else to them besides how they like to fuck and what they think they are.
it means the likihood of a faggot kid having crushes on normal straight people is not a sign of "normality" you fucking idiot
You calling yourself a pedophile for the second time? Lol.
The computer that you are shitposting on right now would not exist without gay people. Look up Alan Turing.
>You need to be in a hetero relationship to reproduce when you can just receive donated sperm or have a surrogate mother
>What is adoption
>Muh everyone needs to reproduce in a world of 7 billion +
Sounds like you're the one who can't think outside the box.
No matter how much you might favor social consensus over reality, nature follows a clear structure. Straight sex is the only way to have kids, no other sexual orientation allows this. All mammal' bodies including ours are adapted to male-female reproduction.
Add to this that straight people are far more common than people with their respective deviations, and we have a strong reason to think that there is a base, biological instinct that pushes us to be straight despite societal norms and upbringing. Are there exceptions? Yes, but they're a huge minority.
A single scientist is replaceable. Remove race as a factor and the entire history will change radically.
this, 100% Ask 99.9% of gay people to describe themselves, and they will start off by declaring
>Well im a gay man, woman.
As if that has any basis of a description. Then you realize they are all mentally ill faggots who are playing a role in their head.
>i know you are but what am I!
Lol i love btfo of homosexuals
You're a fucking retard and blood type isn't comparable to sexuality. Fag enablers are so stupid.
>two faggots adopting a straight baby
>two faggots perverting the natural way of having sex to reproduce
Never going to happen, twink faggot
Damn, this post reeks of soiboi hungry for dick, lol
You claimed that gays are not relevant culturally. I countered your argument. Admit you were wrong instead of moving the goalposts.
yes that would be extremely better.
because that revelation is alot more natural.
It's dishonest of you to immediately jump to a relatively extreme situation where the character is kissing someone when there are several degrees of actions that the writers can do to reveal or clue the player in that the person is gay.
It depends on the context of the kiss. Is it some kind of cinematic or are they just kissing via sprites or the in-game models? At worst, I'd be uncomfortable, but not mad. Still better than an awkward and unnatural "I am gay" or some kind of variation of it out of nowhere.
Being gay is still unnatural btw, so equating a gay kiss to a normal kiss is a very dishonest way of arguing.
>What is adoption
Something that requires an already existing child and leaves him with deep mental trauma?
>She threatens a guy in the first game with a bite, because she knows she can spread the disease.
A character saying something doesn't make it true. We don't know if she could and she most certainly has no actual clue.
Okay but I don't see why we need to follow this instinct of ours to the key. And reproduction doesn't imply sex to be there to begin with when impregnation is all it takes.
Not him but I thought being in foster care already did that to them.
Funny how 3% of the population is dominating both culture and modern history. Sorry buddy but you're pretty delusional I have to say. Cheers.
You've already lost that battle. It's legal for gay couples to adopt children in every state in the U.S. It is just as normal as straight couples adopting, and there is nothing you can say that will change the law.
>You hate gays, so you must be gay! Lol!
Classic fallacy at work.
are you that loser who keeps claiming that real men fuck other men? Lmao
>believe in evolution
>somehow also believe that both genders evolved to be exactly the same
>except for where they're not, like skeleton structure and bone density, and genitalia, and breasts, and facial features
>somehow also believe that the gender whose role is to stay safe and fed and have children is going to be as physically or mentally capable as the gender whose role is to kill things and find food
>You claimed that gays are not relevant culturally
Indeed they aren't. What part of a "single scientist is replaceable" you can't grasp?
You say that now, when in reality America is teetering on being like Russia in which gays and trannies are now beaten mercilessly on sight in public
But would you feel better if they warned you before the kiss or after?
If Yea Forums wants devs to remove gays, I guess you guys are pro-censorship after all.
Nope, but is 100% gay. No question about it at all. Lol.
guess i wont play it then
nothing.. it's not about the game it's about pushing an agenda with games as a vector. stop buying SJW products.
What makes you think anyone has a right to own another human being?
It's like how a man with a 5oclock shadow can identify as a woman and thus be a woman.
The men fucking little boys are straight because they identify as straight.
Why are homophobes so easy to trigger? Its like you guys don't have self awareness.
straight people will never lose any battle, lmao. You have to realize that you lefty faggots always turn on eachother, no matter what. As soon as I heard the term "TERF," and the fact that feminists are now being targeted for not putting up with tranny bullshit.. Youre movement is going to inevitably collapse.
I'm not homophobic or anti-gay or anything, but I think every homosexual should be rounded up and shot. It's not that being gay is wrong in itself, but I've had enough of you faggots. You need to be exterminated, and going forward, we need some kind of psych screening so that homosexuals can be identified young and quickly executed before they grow up to be disease spreading child molesters.
The fallout franchise does it well, and was the first to do it.
>making your character gay or straight as part of their personality is like applying personality to hair color, it makes no actual impact on who the character is compared to "they are an alcoholic"
A character has red hair, do they have a fiery personality? I'm 99% sure, without knowing the character, the answer is yes.
I miss when it wasn't cool to be gay.
>calling someone a homophobe while accusing them of being triggered
That still doesn't change the fact that there are orphans when parents die, """mothers""" have accidental pregnancies but don't abort fail to provide for the kids in the first place or """families""" fail to provide for them they get taken from abusive homes
>Leaving him in some orphanage is going to be any better
I mean I feel the same about white people for pretty much the same thing
Same, except with white people
Don't you mean they need to be killed so they don't have gay video game opinions?
Yes, and? Are you dumb?
>I'm not homophobic or anti-gay or anything, but I think every homosexual should be rounded up and shot.
The stark contrast between these two statements genuinely made me laugh.
>any characteristics are forced
Is it forced if they're straight?
You're beyond delusional if you think that rights for gays in the U.S. are going to go anywhere but up in the future. Even with the conservative majority, the Supreme Court is still striking down state laws which discriminate against gay people.
it's actually CLOSET gays who are the biggest pedophiles. the repression turns them into pedos. just look at the catholic church, crawling with closet homo pedos.
leaving a child to have a chance at a normal paternal and maternal household is infinitely better then handing him over to faggots. Yes.
>Funny how 3% of the population is dominating both culture and modern history
In your imaginary world?
In reality the countries shaping the history are extremely homophobic.
white people are the most accepting of your peversions. you're likely white yourself, discord trannies.
I'm not a feminist, and I don't give a single shit one way or the other about feminists. Feminists are illogical because they're women, gay men are rational enough to know to stick together.
No, because the shaolin dont give a fuck about homosexuality. Its forced as fuck and slanders an entire people.
Are you triggered?
>You're beyond delusional if you think that rights for gays in the U.S. are going to go anywhere but up in the future.
The supreme court just got extremely conservative, and will be even more when Ruth Ginsberg dies.
I'm not sure about your question
it's no longer a warning if they already kissed.
if before the kiss, like I said, it depends on the context of the game. There are so many variables, including what type of game it is, that could affect my reaction to the moment that I just can't give a simple yes or no. Assuming it's not handled well, I would be uncomfortable and disgusted, but it really depends on alot of things.
You don't even have to ask them for this to become apparent. If someone is gay, trans, bi, lesbian, or some other mental disorder it's going to be one of the first things shown in their social media profile's bio section. I've never seen someone on twitter who was gay or whatever and didn't have a bunch of pronouns, gay flags, and flowers and shit in their bio.
>3rd world shitholes
>shaping the world
They've been pro-censorship. If they see people talking about problematic anime tiddies as problematic, they're just as much the censors they see them as because they wish to pressure them to shut the fuck up with their based and redpilled posts.
Oh really? Point to where the founding fathers explicitly said that only straight white males were allowed in. Actually they literally said the opposite.
why would I be white and yes they are the problem
You broke their brain. They can't comprehend the possibility of social conservatives being just as sensitive snowflakes as SJWs.
>I'll never understand the need
Expanding the market strategy.
Yes, because we all know that Brazil is a world leader on the topic of human rights.
not sure if you noticed this, but straight women are the only reason you faggots got rights in the first place. Their vote, specifically.
>defending white people
Damn whitey, grow a pair. Just a joke, mate, why you so mad? Lol
Just make everybody bi. Problem solved.
This was happening in Brazil long before it hit the US, and what would you know? Everyone got sick and disgusted by it which lead them to a populist leader. Your dreams are coming to an end, gay boy :)
This is the exact mentality that led to the destruction of Roman empire. You're just walking the same road.
A straight person can't write a gay character.
>tfw AIDS is contracted almost exclusively by fags and niggers
>white ''''''''people''''''''
this reaction comes from the sjw shit being shoved down our throats, while our own tastes get censored.
this is in no way hypocritical.
You're so delusional it hurts. I'm sure the gays will be rounded up and exterminated eventually, just wait. It'll definitely happen one day. Some time in the near future. Yep, it's gonna happen soon. Eventually. In the future. It's inevitable, it WILL happen.
That's not true. Writers can write characters of different genders, races, and creeds, what's different about sexual orientation?
What, am I supposed to thank them? Do inalienable rights have to be granted now?
no, just your overall use for political figures will come to and end and no one will give a flying fuck about your delusional fantasy lands anymore. It wont result on homosexuals and trannies being treated like equals, either.
AIDS is a completely homosexual disease
AIDS legit wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for gay people
look it up
I never understood this, whites are the only people in the world willing to actually live by a "live and let live" policy, and yet all liberals want to do is slowly erase them from the world. Queers and trannies get thrown off buildings or stoned to death in the middle east. They douse a tire in gasoline, put it on your neck, give you a lighter, and beat you until you decide to burn yourself to death in Africa. They cut your hands and feet off in South America.
But in white nations where the general populace has a mentality of "alright just don't get to crazy," you buttfuck each other in giant parades in front of children and your entire political identity revolves around fuck straight cishet whites and making more things and people gay, like some shitty virus. It makes no sense.
Mentally ill faggots don't deserve the same rights as normal straight people
Yep, we're gonna get all those rights stripped away. Gays will be enslaved. It will definitely happen, just like you say. It will happen eventually. Some day in the future. Soon. Inevitably. In the future.
Niggers get it to.
Truly the most based and redpilled disease
>what is Africa
Nice try Tyrone
leftists turn on themselves no matter what. The revolution never dies, now lefties are panicking that their party has to deal with men who claim to be women
No you're just being explicitly told it because some people are retarded. Most characters don't have a sexuality and cannot be considered straight or faggots. What does Sonic do that makes you think he doesn't smoke tails hot pole when he's off screen? There are few heterosexual characters in video games compared to this category
This is leftists insisting you bend the knee and the industry is losing.
the fact that you are projecting this exaggerated shit only shows that you know im right and that youre triggered by the fact that your future will inevitably be lonely.
Yes because the writer forced them to be.
Also in the USA. It's basically a gay and black disease. Most niggers are actually fags on the DL so it makes sense.
Homosexual relationships weren't under an extreme taboo over the entire human history with only a handful of exceptions usually leading to nation's ruin for nothing.
Have you tried reading the Constitution before? It's pretty fascinating stuff, you should check it out. That 14th Amendment in particular is really cool.
Nobody tells people that if they don't appreciate VNs and stupid anime garbage that they're a shitty disgusting person. There isn't a giant, years-long campaign in all forms of media telling you that if you don't like VNs you're a bigot. Some thread on Yea Forums where a bunch of people say TLOU sucks isn't the same thing as a giant headline thousands and thousands of people will see telling you to check your privilege if you don't like the latest VN. You retard.
More asexual characters like Doomguy thanks.
Am I a joke to you?
-Emma Watson, actress of Hermione who was hand-picked by Rowling
I'm laughing at how delusional you are.
I don't know why anyone gives a shit when they turn a character gay in Overwatch or whatever. It's not a narrative game. Calling that character gay doesn't actually do anything.
It's like if I said this guy in CS was gay all along. It doesn't change the game in any way. It's just words.
It's kind of a dumb thing to do, but I expect they're trying to get themselves free press or something. I just don't give a shit.
>handful of exceptions
pretty much every pre-abrahamic culture was gay as fuck
>OP is a fag
they are just trying make characters more like their players bro
Amazing what happens when you bring in millions and millions of brown people, concentrate them in a handful of coastal cities, and then promise them free shit if they vote for you.
Not that they actually give a shit about typical liberal issues beyond free money.
Do people really care about this shit?
When Trump wins a 2nd term, the Democratic party is going to realize they have to change strategy on order to gain more votes from conservative states. Guess which platforms they're going to drop first?
>They don't want to change everything, they just want to know that they matter.
See, now I was right there with you until that. Gays DO want to change everything. Gays recruit harder than any military force on Earth, and their whole fantasy life is all about turning straight characters gay in one way or another. Batman and Superman, Link and Gannon, doesn't matter what genre. And they don't get NEARLY the bile as a result of it that the guys who continue to draw Tracer taking cock get, let me tell you that for free.
Strong character development means having a Bible full of story and description the audience might never see. So yes, it is probably not uncommon for writers to have romance history and sexuality established despite it being irrelevant and never mentioned.
Gay guys don't care about gay inclusion, we'll fap to the straightest guy on the planet if he's hot.
All the people actually pushing for representation is lesbians, trannies, and people who virtue signal to leftists to not get their windows smashed in or have their investors get scared by a week long twitter outrage and apology hour.
I guess it's a reason to not normalize all sexual orientations. Tolerance for those who are different is good and should be taught, but this current attitude that ALL orientations are equal because we're supposedly born as sexual blank slates is silly and plain wrong.
Most people are obviously going to feel aversion or weirded out when they see something that doesn't match their sexuality, like a scat fetishist, bestiality or a homosexual couple kissing. It's just how we are, it's not necessarily cruel or intolerant. If you have a character in a kids show that has a gay crush, it should be addressed differently from the same character having a straight crush. It's clearly not normal, and there's no reason to treat it like that.
I know you're joking but some people really think that way
its forced if its:
>characters being written BECAUSE they are homosexual
>characters having homosexuality treated as more then a minor thing
>if a character is said to be homosexual midway through a game with little to no context
You're especially delusional if you think that either political party is smart enough to change their policies. The Democratic Party has been getting more and more liberal since the 70s and the Republican Party has been getting more and more conservative since the 70s, and there's no indication that either of those trends will change in the near future.
You will feel that chinese cock one day and you will like it, user.
It's a general statement about local power since politics is local. There isn't much someone can do in America to stop cruelties globally, so addressing the local power that normalized your demographic's mistreatment through the years is understandable. Before western influence, Japan was okay with homosexuality, even though gay marriage wasn't a thing. Marriage was seen as business, so what a man does for pleasure with other men behind closed doors is no one's business. Then there's the homosexuality that occurred in ancient Greece.
White nations are doing really well now in terms of liberal things. I have brown liberal friends that acknowledge that.
The same way New Vegas did. It wasn't in your face and it didn't define his character. He just happened to be gay.
representation is a good thing thats why.
A pretty good hint is that the Declaration of Independence says something very specifically about men and being created equal, and niggers were still farm equipment. That should give you a pretty big hint.
>Actually they literally said the opposite.
Please, do go on. Provide a source for this. I would be very interested to know who of the founding fathers intended for the nation to be 56% white 250 years later. I don't think it was a coincidence that it wasn't until the 60s that virtually all immigration into the US was from Europe.
If it doesn't change the game in any way then why do it?
If Nintendo suddenly came out and said Mario likes to eat shit and lick the smegma off little boys' cocks, would people still see a mario game without a little bit of disgust?
Your argument is fucking stupid.
Is there a term for this? Some little anonymous toad rushing to high five someone else on the internet for "crushing" someone they happen to disagree with but are too much of a chickenshit to speak with directly?
Because it's kind of the most embarrassing thing I see in these kinds of discussions.
Nah they'll all starve to death before that happens.
Gay people don't want to convert you, they just want you to stop being a little bitch.
The new Supreme Court that is getting more conservative is the evidence you should be looking at
I thought so too until I read your post
If homosexuality isn't genetic, which fags often claim, then yes they do propagate by conversion.
oh believe me i'm fucking seething, i hate that devs use it for brownie points and i hate that they use it to push products
the worst part is when they paint us all like fucking fruits and then get away with it because the shitty queens in the community encourage it and perpetuate that dumb fucking stereotype
i don't even care for representation, i just don't want to be used as a way for some manipulative californian fuck to get some easy cash
no gays want to be able to hit on straight people and be seen as normal still. Its a trend that is about to end
Violence is not only an incredibly male trait but is also inherently sexual.
I already said, they're probably trying to get free press by doing something controversial.
Literally zero (0) gay people have EVER claimed that homosexuality is genetic. The leading theory is that it's caused by a particular balance of hormones in utero.
I think that tumor in your brain might be genetic, otherwise you got converted by a hospice patient. Sorry to hear it bro
and yet statistics showing nearly half of gay men admitting to being molested by a gay man or being in an incestuous relationship has no sort of bearing
the fags are mad
As a gay man explicit representation has never been important to me. If I was attracted to a character it didn't really matter to me if the devs said they were straight or not. I don't play video games to experience being a sad gay man, I play video games to not be that for once.
it's one of those fucking days isn't it
homosexuality is an idea, just like communism
if you expose kids who are still developing mentally to it, then WHOOP DE DOO of course some of them will turn out gay. Just like how, if a child gets sexually molested at a young age, there is a very good chance that child will become a sexual molester as well when they get older
homosexuals and the people who support them are lying to people's faces
based falseflagging retard
>I was just pretending to be stupid
Great argument
There were free niggers living in the colonies when the declaration was written, and they were granted citizenship just like any white person was.
You show me a study that shows that 50% of gay men were molested as children and I will show you a study with flawed methodology.
I heard it often has to do with how many kids someone has. First born males are less likely to be gay than last born males. An idea is that the body feels less need for less children so the biological switch turns off heterosexual attraction.
Cringe all-around retard
There is a strong correlation with the number of children, but I highly doubt there is a "biological switch" for sexual orientation.