what's next for him?
What's next for him?
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The sweet merciful release of death.
what would his final smash be?
Let him die peacefully. Ninja Gaiden will never be good again.
it can be good again, it will just never reach the heights of the first game
as trashy as 3 is, it's still better than DMC2
You'r mom
Nothing because Nioh 2.
Yaiba was complete shit but I can't deny that it was stupid but endearing in its own way enough that I didn't care.
>Implying the immortal Wirriam and Hyabusa won't get a team-up game later down the line where Wirriam shows off and talks about how he managed to beat Jin in a 1-on-1 to learn the Izuna Drop.
I like to think that they bro it up every so often and take on unspeakable demonic threats.
I'm hoping that sooner or later Tecmo runs out of money and releases an HD Trilogy for a quick grab. The odds of this becoming reality are slim, but the odds of said hypothetical trilogy containing the best Ninja Gaiden game that is Ninja Gaiden 2 are even slimmer.
Just started playing ninja gaiden black. Do I just have to master the roll jump (in its many directions)?
Looks great on xbone x btw.
we'll never get a collection with Black and vanilla II
I just hope Team Ninja makes new IPs like Nioh so they can't keep shitting on Itagaki's children
DoA I can tolerate how deformed it's become because it's still one of the better fighters out there - even if it does look like shit, 6 is still better than Tekken 7
but they can't keep meme gimmicks out of NG which seriously damages how that series played
it's fine in Nioh, where the combat system is deep enough to fill out a 30+ hour game
but NG is about simple combos and enemy management - there's no place for rage mechanics or fucking QTE bosses for christ's sake
I think they dont have the source code for their games.
Guillotine throw and wind run helps.
You will be holding block most of the time, unless you are doing a combo. Blocking is extremely importnat in Ninja Gaiden, and you will notice that the karma drops will keep floating around as long as you keep the block button held: this is useful for stacking up karma for UTs.
For the Ultimate Techniques, these are charged up with Y. The important part here is as long as you start charging Y right before you land after a jump you skip the initial wind up animation, and if there are karma drops floating around the UT will charge up immediately. This is called on-land charge, and you will want to learn it first thing.
The significance of jumping with the X+A input is that it's aimed. It helps with wind path and flying swallow techniques. Also pressing X+A twice gives you a throw. The throw is probably the fastest option to go into i-frames, make sure to master it.
Whenever explosives are stuck into you, do anything with i-frames like the throw, UTs or wind path.
You can cancel moves with shurikens, helps with juggling and custom combos.
Sorry if some of the above is more relevant to NG2, I played it way more than Black. Some of the techniques got significant upgrades in NG2.
Grazie bros.
Team Ninja doesn't know what it's doing. Either that or they never got any talent to replace what constituted Itagaki's team.
They were lucky people were willing to look past Nioh's flaws, but their audience will not forgive everything, and doa6 is currently sinking.
how does NGB on the One X work then?
>You will be holding block most of the time,
Immediately exposed as knowing fuck all about the game. This is how you play NG:
You are still holding block while moving around since you dash by pressing block+direction. As I said holding block is important for stacking karma, and you can move around in the meanwhile.
I should have added that the optimal way to move around is chaining jumping with dashing/rolling.
>ng4 never because 3 was too terrible
Hopefully an HD trilogy remaster and a switch port
Ng2 combat is so much more fluid.
The first reboot game was the only good one
Love it.
Izuna Drop
Well, compiled games need to be decrypted.
Ninty legit sells repakagrd roms.
This, but its a comet.
>Start NGB
>Get to the first boss and he wrecks my shit in
>Got gud and beat his ass
>Second level and I'm starting to get a feel for the game
>Horse man comes and fucks my shit even harder
Is old age starting to get to me or is NGB is much harder than NG2? I never had this much trouble before.
But I like it
NGB definitely makes a point of wiping the floor with you early on - to make sure you know what to expect
Murai and Horseman are nothing compared to Alma, Doku and Awakened Alma