Spencer: You Don’t Make Money on Consoles


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so Phil is using game pass as a way to suck money from devs? that title sounds like Microsoft is making the money from gamepass

That's not new wisdom however people don't buy games for systems they don't own.

MS knows they don’t have anywhere near the talent or development prowess of Nintendo or even Sony at this point so they’re saying fuck it and they’re trying to be the first Netflix of games

Its true and makes perfect sense.

companies are going to continue pushing streaming and subscriptions and there's nothing you can do about it.

Already finished headlander. Might revisit Arkham.

Is it finally time for Xbox to become the new watercooler?

All consoles already have subscription ripoffs, why would anyone be surprised that would keep doubling down on it until consoles are ultimately nothing but streaming boxes?

headlander is a very poor game

Ironic considering PS Now makes 3 times the revenue that Gamepass does.

Not surprising, Microsoft is a software company first and foremost

Half this board would an hero if exclusives didnt exist. Owning and worshipping cheap electronics all we got.

yeah pretty much, consoles are a one time purchase whereas you can sell maaany games in a lifetime of a console. selling a console is symbolic in that it allows you to sell these games to someone but is ultimately an unecessary hurdle from an era where it was a necessity.

Ive been "paying" for gamepass and keep downloading games, but I cant stop playing Forza Horizon 4. I feel like im not really using it fully.


You are the kind of moron they made this system for.

>You Don’t Make Money on Consoles
That seems quite clear to everyone paying even that slightest bit of attention.

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Gamepass is good for me because i used to buy a ton of xbox live arcade games only to beat them and never play again

you don't if you're microsoft. nintendo and sony actually make good consoles that people want to buy, so it's not an issue for them.

According to some of the indie publishers on game pass. Devs get a large lump sum paid up front for Xbox Game Pass with "bounties" if the game hits a certain amount of downloads to encourage promotions of the game and XGP by the publisher and will pay an additional renewal fee by the time the contract ends if the publisher and microsoft want to keep it on Gamepass. PS Now has upfront payment but no "Bounty" system and just a one time fee. Some developers are just worried other services are going to try "Give us the game first and we pay by hours paid"

They are a publisher

So basically it’s like a weird secondary publisher relationship

Says man who never made money on consoles

Publishers are worried they wont get paid when people dont play their trash games

>Some developers are just worried other services are going to try "Give us the game first and we pay by hours paid"
Sounds like Spotify, which gives very little back to musicians.

He's 100% right. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo make little to no profit from their consoles but instead from their exclusives and paid online service.

It's been that way since the NES

>PS later is garbage
>Still makes money from ignorant fanboys
Why are Snoy fanboys the paypigs of the gaming world?

Xbox One X is a good console.

Yup, PSN made more money than Nintendo alone

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Nigga Nintendo makes hella profit off their consoles at least up until the Wii U

Sounds like it's now the responsibility of developers to make good games and publishers to properly market them in order for people to play them. This sounds like consumer protection with allows us to literally VOTE WITH OUR WALLETS

>has literally 5x the amount of games
>has actual good games like Bloodborne and the Yakuza games

How are you enjoying Crackdown 3?

>buy a console
>no gaems to play
oh :(
>buy a console
>has a shit ton of games to play
oh! :)

oof. guess the answer is fucking obvious. software drives the model.

case study? Vita and 3DS

incoming multiple ports to all platforms

Nintendo makes money on consoles. The industry pushed itself into this corner themselves. They convinced their consumers that muh graphics and muh power are what matters, and put themselves in a spot where they need to make ever more impressive consoles from the newest parts on the market, despite knowing their console will be outdated the day it hits shelves. They have to sell the hardware at a loss so the consumers will actually pay the price tag and the cycle continues. They put themselves in the hole though and I don't pity them. Nintendo consoles are always weaker for this reason, they refuse to sell consoles at a loss and wait for parts to get cheaper.

Haven't consoles always been a loss leader?

Felipe just says whatever is relevant. I'm sure if the circumstances were different he'd be talking up the necessity of selling lots of hardware.

eyyy BoneBro

The X is great. I use it for fucking everything. When my TV turns on, the X turns on. Some of these games in 4k HDR are ridiculous, like its next gen already. Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Forza Horizon 4 are probably the HDR kings right now. Across all platforms.

>Streaming versions
>Only one good game
Oink oink paypiggie

>if things were different he'd be saying different things

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Bowser must be laughing hard reading this bullshit.

Xbox one x is the shit. Game pass is the shit. All the seething from snoys only tells me they are afraid, and that they know what's gonna happen

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Is Microsoft going to stop making consoles then?

>you dont make money on consoles
>said the company that never made a profit of their consoles
sure thing Phil

>he doesnt know

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No way Microsoft makes another console now.

Based and xpilled

Maybe if Microsoft had any first party titles worth shit they wouldn't worry about losing money on hardware,Sony first party titles also suck but they have a marketing advantage and they sell way more consoles that probably still make some profit.
And Microsoft is only in the console industry for hardware research and disrupting potential competitors so fuck them.

We're you under the impression console manufacturers weren't taking a cut of every game sold on their system?

Game pass model is just a way to bullshit people into lowering their standards for games. While at the same time fucking over retailers.

Currently they are in the reel them in phase. Offer deals and when people get use to game pass start phasing out the deals then start raising the price.

Yeah because digital stores totally don't make any money for them at all

But that's literally what he's saying, inbred