anons who have quit weed - does being sober ruin gaming? I'm afraid cool shit like Nier and Persona 5 will lose some magic. Any experiences / suggestions?
i'm still going to drink though
anons who have quit weed - does being sober ruin gaming? I'm afraid cool shit like Nier and Persona 5 will lose some magic. Any experiences / suggestions?
i'm still going to drink though
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Drugs are for retarded normalfaggots and you should feel bad
If you need to be high or drunk to enjoy anything you have a problem dude. Seek actual help.
being sober doesn't ruin anything unless you're a degenerate drug addict. have fun becoming an alcoholic, too. remember this thread when you're sitting in jail or at an aa meeting
I don't know why you would choose to quit weed over alcohol
I just enjoy the sensory enhancement and relaxation. although the relaxation may be fake.
I suppose I should have posted after normal working hours when people with jobs would read it
op is a faggot
Poor, Poor Sae...
You dont need drugs to enjoy vidya user, try to kick the habit.
or, if you cant live without weed, kill yourself disgusting addicted waste of space
That's the only reason I clicked on the thread.
why would the relaxation be fake?
>luke perry died
Weed ruins fucking everything once you get too used to it, it just turns you into a lying subhuman vegetable. I'm a former addict and I can only tell you- quit it. Stick to cigs. You don't need that waste of time and money in your life.
Alcohol is nice though, as long as you don't abuse it either.
it feels relaxing at the time, but medical studies have shown that weed and alcohol actually increase the physiological markers of stress over the long-term. I'm not sure at what rates of consumption this happens at though.
I feel like alcohol doesn't enhance anything other than multiplayer gaming. Single player shit is worse that way.
Its definitely not as immersive. I remember playing Fallout 1 for first time stoned as hell and having a really engaging time. Dont think I would have had the same experience sober as I'm more close minded.
>quits one of the most harmless drugs you can take
>keeps drinking shit that fucks up your body and isn't even as fun as being high
just stop getting high for 2 weeks and you'll get over it. the first few days of withdrawal are bad but you can get through it.
you're the type of user i want to talk to. are video games and music and entertainment/enjoyment in general fun after you quit? because it doesn't seem like it in the short term.
>I need external "medication" to feel anything anymore,weed lmao xDD
OK. Two weeks should be easy enough.
Yeah but you can fix that with heroin like I did. I'm sober and enjoying games.
I used to get black-out drunk every night, take benzos and then play games. It's actually enjoyable know because when I pick a game the next day, I remember what the hell is going on and everything is more visceral.
right, so what you experience and what your body experiences are two different things, that's interesting.
But no, games like NieR are still great experiences when sober (I've done both)
There was that awful lag period between quitting and being normal again where I had to re-learn enjoying things normally again. Can't tell how long it lasted - a couple weeks, something like that? I guess it differs from person to person and how deep into weed you were. But it's well worth it. It's even better than before honestly, it feels liberating. I quit entirely myself but I assume weed would feel better too when consumed occasionally.
It doesn't seem like it in the short term as you pointed out, but think of the lasting effets it'll have on you. You don't want to be (more of?) a depressed mess of a human being, really user, I'd really encourage you to stop. I was forced to quit because I couldn't afford this lifestyle anymore myself, but it was for the better. There are people out there that can help, you just gotta reach out and grit your teeth for some time.
I want Sae lewds
sae is bae
I have no lewds, sadly
thanks for the input anons
Part 6 is pretty lewd, unfortunately it isn't done yet
You posted good stuff user
I will not hate you for posting good
my nigga
Can I get a link please
It's hard to change oneself. Again, if you decide to quit I really hope you'll actually go through with that shit. You'll still be yourself. Cheers user.
Here's the rest so far
Part 3 and 5 are pretty lewd, if that's what your wanting
Weedfags are so fucking pathetic, holy shit.
Oh wow user
that is quite lewd
Good job on the author of the pastebin
But alcohol ruins /fit/ progress.
Although I can't smoke weed without smoking also, but soon I'll try smoking alone again, because I can't afford another weekend of having booze ruin the workouts i did that week.
Weed is like the easiest thing to quit. THC has a very short half life in your body. Within a month or so your tolerance should be 0% and you have no withdrawal symptoms at all. If you start again then it's your weak minded brain trying to find a way to cope with depression or stress in a shitty way.
Yeah, if you're like fucking 12 and haven't tried anything else.
Boring retards that need assistance to cope with living, just end it all, you will live long boring lives
I am the author of the Pastebin. I'm expecting to finish up part 6 later this week. It's my lewdest yet, so keep an eye on Persona threads for it. You won't want to miss it!
The real redbull to enjoying all kinds of shit is to come to terms with the FACT that when you're shitfaced you're doing what you want to do without all your insecurities and other LEARNED things getting in the way. So you cannot be ashamed of it. After you get that through your head, you need to start getting drunk but only in small amounts so that you still maintain awareness of what you're saying and doing and just let yourself go. Then later on think about what you said and did and start emulating that when you're not drunk (with SOME restraint). After two or three years of this, alcohol becomes almost completely obsolete and you'll be a new man and you find you can actually enjoy most things you couldn't before. Yes, I am effectively saying "alcohol cured my depression". It IS a drug, literally.
I'm clean though.
Still cringe
Oh heck
Nice to meet you author
Good job on the writing, aside from the obvious waifu thing
why POV of Sae?
anyways good luck on part 6
POV of Sae because it started out that way. If you read first 4 posts of part 1, you understand. It's to get into her mind. In any case, I'm glad you enjoy my story!
Drunk girls are hot.
I agree user
You got any recommendations for other things like your story? I'm a sucker for stuff where the lead melts around the person they're into and turns into a goofy loser
Unfortunately no. Sorry, friend
Not for everything. I dunno I think it depends person to person. I think the only game I dropped when I sobered up was Monster Hunter World. I stopped feeling enchanted by the landscapes and engaged in the gameplay loop of kill big guy make new gear kill next big guy. But at the same time I was able to get into fighting games and strategy games again because I had the patience to sit down and learn mechanics again. When I'm baked I can't be assed to practice combos for two hours or digest a lengthy RTS tutorial and commit it to memory.
So yeah your mileage may vary but what you lose in wonderment you may gain in attention span. It just depends on what kind of stoner you are. Weed hits people differently. Especially if you're like me and you live in an illegal state so you never know what kind of weed you're getting other than "THIS SHIT IS STRAIGHT GAS" etc etc.
I don't get how people like the taste of beer. Tastes like tainted carbonated water. If you wanna get drunk just take some shots.
Take daily multivitamins and exercise. Almost half of people's anxiety/depression can be solved with this.
user who abstains from alcohol and weed here
I thought Persona 5 was loads of fun
Oh hey also wanted to add, in my experience with sobering up you can expect some of the following for the first month.
>possibly nightmares or disrupted sleep (this depends on you though I know part of why this happens to me is because I generally sober up because of some terrible thing happening in my personal life that forces me too so it exacerbates my mental stress to lose weed as a coping mechanism)
>you may feel a bit more depressed or stressed than usual because again, weed is (most likely) some way a coping mechanism that you're losing so you'll be learning how to live a less insulated life since you can't just shmoke and forget your problems.
But this will all pass if you give it time to. Even people who lose use of their legs and become wheel-chair bound adjust and their overall happiness levels returns to normal because humans are wicked adaptable. Good luck user you can do it!
Being sober has improved my concentration and reaction times. Drugs fucking suck and are either a waste of money time or purposely encouraged by feds.
>Never smoked anything in my life
>Very occasionally drink alcohol, and only weak stuff I think tastes nice
>Never taken non-medical drugs aside from alcohol
>Know what actually makes me happy instead of replying on turning my brain off
God it feels good not being completely fucking braindead
Now you just need some friends
I still want to get stoned when I play long sessions, it's probably one of the more appropriate times to smoke weed, but the entertainment of a video game is also a good way to distract yourself from the desire to smoke.
no, it makes it better.
I don't miss being cloudheaded and having shit memory one bit.
Oh yeah, that's the part I forgot to add: half the reason people do this shit in the first place is because of peer pressure. I actually found friends with similar hobbies to me (taking drugs doesn't count as a hobby) and I'm not afraid to not join in with things they do I don't approve of.
You simplistic, extremist faggots that can only either indulge your vice 24/7 or shun it completely cannot forfeit the genepool soon enough.
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not some falseflagging nigger fishing for (You)s.
The shitty thing about smoking weed 24/7 or using it as an adjunct to vidya/music/anime/whatever is that the rest of life stops being interesting as a result. You lose all spontaneity and weed becomes the only catalyst for your sense of pleasure and entertainment. And no, the solution isn't "hurr durr i'll just smoke more weed then", it's putting down the bong for more than 5 minutes and living your fucking life.
Thanks anyway though
Is the greentext on a pastebin?
Off the weed for two months now, feels fucking amazing man.
The first month is a fucking nightmare, any of those faggots who say weed doesnt have withdrawel symptoms are fucking lying commiefornian bastards. Heres the shit i went through for the first month
>really fucking hard to sleep but this should pass in about two weeks
>VIVID as fuck dreams, had a dream about my old high school crush that was so real i could smell her feet in the dream. Also had a fucked up cult dream that made me jump outta my bed.
>night sweats, id wake up every morning covered in sweat and the sweat stank of weed
>serious depression, shit was not fun
>headaches from hell, theyd be really fucking bad in the morning but after a while they get less painful
>random body aches and muscles spasms
>mood swings. Really fucking bad ones, one minute your laughing at yourself in the mirror and the next you wanna fight a fucking potted plant for blocking your view
>general nausa and dizzyness
Once your body produces its own serotonin for the first time in years you feel so cash. Its hard to quit bro but you feel amazing after it. I used to smoke every single day and take a 4 day tolerance break every month for 4 years. Now i only get a bag every 2 or 3 months (which i havnt done yet because i know my tolerance is so low now it will probably kill me)
genuinely asking, why did you even start in the first place? You knew this would happen from the beginning right?
not him but weed is really fun. it enhances colors, sounds, textures, makes gaming way more immersive and sex is mind blowing
This, weed is pathedic
Yeah, dude
Right here
i started because my life sucked and weed was fun, but now my life is alright and i think it's making me less dangerous
but once it becomes a habit your brain turns to shit
So basically it comes down to inability to see long-term consequences for feeling good in the short term? Because that "fun" you're having isn't real happiness. You're just fucked up.
>t. retard
cringe and yikespilled
It's an acquired taste like coffee and consequently if you're used to coffee then guinness tastes amazing and is a good starting point.
if anything when I stopped it got better because I go full retard when high. not a coherent thought in sight. personally I can enjoy games more when I'm sober, alcohol included.
If you aren't quitting booze you ain't sober retard.
t. sober for a full year
Yes, everyday I hope that weed becomes legalized federally so I can finally smoke and enjoy video games and anime like I used to
Kind of I’ve been off a month and I can’t get pleasure from games except for autistically leveling on wow private servers while listening to political YouTube videos in the background because that shit is like my meditation.
what the fuck is wrong with you, you're just relating any negative symptom in your life to "weed withdrawals".
I smoked weed daily the entirety of high school and college. Quit every school year in high school incase I got randomed during athletics and quit after college since I work as an RN.
Never once did I feel any sort of withdrawal symptoms other than maybe it was harder to sleep at night initially since I was used to the depressant effect.
>quit every school year
Theres why you didnt have withdrawel. When I said I smoked every day for three years straight I ment it. I also quit full cold turkey non of that "oh maybe just a tiny hit to ease the pain" bullshit
Make no mistake children, weed is addicting the same way that soda is.
You wake up and you choose to drink a soda that day or drink water that day. One feels good but has delayed side effects, the other is better in the long run. Weed makes the day more fun but it has delayed side effects, not smoking is better for you in the long run.
You have to make a choice that seems easy but you eventually smoke every day and keep pretending it’s not addiction, just like soda.
Shots are much worse for you in the long run, depending on how fat or skinny you are. Beer is cheaper and the high is completely different so again is preference.
If you think beer tastes like shit then you can’t have tried many. There is a huge difference between a piss water American beer, a shitty over flavored craft beer, a dark black stout and a delicious Mexican beer with half a lime/lemon mixed in with maybe some tajin or hot sauce. Yup, just came.
Well put user.
Weed smoking, WoW pservs and political YOUTUBE are your hobbies?
Please user, I love you, stop with the politics, especially if you are still under 25. Read Plato, Emerson and then read some decent fiction based in philosophy.