Haha that made me laugh out loud

haha that made me laugh out loud

Attached: comic604.png (650x950, 225K)

Other urls found in this thread:

werc.ucsc.edu/Publications/2010 Harris et al.pdf

Both captured the wrong aspects and contained similar problems as modern games like big empty worlds

If Laylee had more old-style discrete levels rather than the weird giant ones with nothing to do, which funny enough is reminiscent of Nuts and Bolts, and better controls, it would have been fine.

It wasn't terminally shit like MN9, wannabe SotN, or most other Kikestarter games.

Is Yea Forums actively shilling this bitchs comics with LIT punchlines?

Me too

Attached: 1548960778098.jpg (1236x1600, 542K)

Banjo-Kazooie and every other Rare platform are utter trash only liked by nostalgiafags.

Banjo-Kazooie has awful sound design, terrible graphics and colour design, garbage humour, uninteresing and unmemorable characters, and don't even get me started on the gameplay. The worst bottom-of-the-barrel collectathon trash you can imagine.

Crash is shit too. Very few platformers of that age are any good. Perhaps only Spyro and Mario 64.

Honestly a good analysis. Only reason why games were super difficult back then was to prevent rentals so you would just go buy the game after getting stuck on level two for the three day rental. Or so you just buy the power, nintendo power which anything can be looked up online now

The biggest complaint for Banjo Tooie was world's being bigger and emptier. YL just triples this

needs more text

>The worst bottom-of-the-barrel collectathon trash you can imagine.
But thats not DK64.

Ok that was actually pretty funny.

Aside from the fetish shit.

based Katie

People that hate Banjo Kazooie are newstalgia contrarian faggots tho

>don't you think there's a reason people stopped making games like this
well, tedious and boring doesn't survive in the arcade environment since people want to get their money's worth
and frustratingly difficult doesn't survive because if it's too hard for you to want to keep playing, no one's going to walk up to the machine anymore and put money in and it gets cycled off the floor ASAP

Reminder that mascot platformers were thing during the 90's and early 2000's, but failed because people were shit at creating good gameplay.

Hat in Time was a success though
A game that has to be shilled is not a good game

>A game that has to be shilled is not a good game.

I agree. Hated HiT

How do you reconcile the notion that he's a "newstalgiafag" with the fact that he praises other platformer games of that generation?

A Hat in Time>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yooka Laylee
Hollow Knight>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bloodstained
Indie devs educated in game design>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Old glories who got in vidya before game design was fully formed, and who can only try to repeat their obsolete triumphs with a newer technology they obviously haven't even try to master.

Attached: 1397629601709.jpg (960x640, 221K)

grug no like arcade game. arcade game hard and hurt grug. grug like baby game better.

muh design
fucking reddit

crog no like modern game. modern game requires skill and tactics instead of memorization. crog prefer memory puzzles better.

She's totally right about the arcade games, but there's a reason why 3D platformers like mario64 and banjo are remembered fondly, DK64 is remembered usually lukewarm, and all other 3D platformers are forgotten.
coincidentally, it's the exact same reason why YL was subpar

>modern game requires skill and tactics


where's the fucking joke cuckley

Yeah, to know how to make good games, helps make good games.

Is this a gay or a straight porno comic?

tell me more about how dexterity based gameplay is a "memory puzzle"

Intruder, Arma or RSSiege require MUCH more tactics and skill than any 2D shooter ever made in the arcade age, yeah.

Most "design" is just boring shit where the developer leaves nothing up to the player and wants to show off his awesome "ideas" to the player. Most indie games are therefor more about the developer than the player, which is why you see so much developer worship these days

Meanwhile A Hat in Time sold 1 million copies.

not really, FPS aren't even real video games

Tell me one single action arcade game that isn't entirely based in memorization, as any average player could complete it with just one life on their first try.

except light gun games of course, other FPS games are pointless

Its a /fit/ comic

It's unironically like the straightest porn, the white is giga-chad

You obviously don't play videogames, so no surprise you parrot Yea Forums cynycally acepted shitposts like this to fit in this shithole.

the white guy is straight the black guy wants his dick but respects him
straight but fucking werid even the gay guy gets pussy just cause he can

retarded post of the day

>as any average player could complete it with just one life on their first try.

There doesn't really exist a game like that anywhere except for maybe super baby games.

What exactly is parrotted from Yea Forums? This place fellates developers and their awesome "design" all the time.


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This reminds me of when people would always post Bobbing for Tommy in LOL threads, but nowadays nobody does it.

Arcade-style games are fucking fantastic and this may be the worst comic Katie every made.

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A shitton of non arcade games can be complete without dying if you take care.
I, for example, finished Quake recently and don't remember to ever die in it.

I like it

This whole comic series was unironically comedy gold

Attached: d4f.png (625x938, 458K)

why did I laugh at this

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Its time to stop coming to Yea Forums

God I miss Castle Vidcons so fucking much.

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1CC Rolling Thunder you stupid cunt.

se tonight

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Is this a reference I'm missing?

i thought Katie stopped making comics after becoming a rocket scientist. This is the first comic of hers i've seen since like 2016

Like 99% sure it's a Bloody Roar reference.

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Did he ever give a reason for why he stopped? The current generation is a gold mine for his comic

It's a fucking altered beast reference you dumb faggots.

i wonder what his wife sacrificed

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>selling his Famicon cartridges with the Amano covers because he needs to raise funds to build a cuck shed before his wife delivers her son

The West deserves to collapse.

Yes, to a rather obscure game that I am rather fond of from my past

Attached: Altered Beast.jpg (220x307, 21K)

>My wife told me, so we agreed what was best for us

This can't be real

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No reason. He just gave up, I guess. Real life and all took precedent. And I agree. There's so much fucking content now, what with shit like the rise of mobile gaming and what seems to be a disaster every season.

>letting a fucking woman order you around

if she tells you to do shit like this she is a controlling bitch and likely has self esteem issues and insecurities. massive red flag. should have bailed and left her with the kid

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Its amazing how much shit taste you can fit into a single image.

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Probably her slim figure and the job she hated.

God CV was good

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>Mugger is in the dykes party

christ even the dog is obese

Because no one with an honest heart would praise spyro for anything it did.

Didn't you read? She sacrificed his video games. Thank god it wasn't him though, right? It would just be terrible to lose a partner like that, right? To lose getting locked into a life with a partner who does nothing respectable, yet completely disrespects you, and teaches her kids to treat you like she does? Just terrible, to miss out on that.

Just a reminder, lads.
Look at that man. Do you think he's happy? Do you think he made the right choice to support and encourage that kind of female personality? Women are only as shitty as you let them be. Don't settle for a cunt just because you want a wife/kid.

she looks like she leaves the dishes in the sink all week

Attached: Altered_Beast_grande[1].png (600x600, 646K)

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Not openly taking black cock anymore.

Agree with the wife.

so he didnt actually mug her yet, shes just commiting assault and battery for no reason

i dont even get it but its funny

Nothing wrong with a couple of bros working out together.

>Send Request

>Its an ambush, so the mugger has initiative.
>Its an ambush, so Jessica's time would have been reset to 0.
>Mug does damage.
Jessica getting raped.

Attached: 1378748355490.jpg (359x249, 12K)

This is a series?

>The guy is going to have to buy games all over again for his(Jamal's) kid
Truly a genius of our time.

Attached: Dobson's bully.png (800x1126, 1.38M)

>thinking his wife wants her son to turn out like the loser she married to use as an ATM,and formerly, sperm donor

They really didn't hit him hard enough.

Seethe more Banjofags

Yeah that's why HiT needed daily threads with nothing but Twitter post "discussion" and pedophile circlejerks for months before release

Eh, depends on the situation. If they were hard up for cash, she’s right. If they weren’t or there was another way to get the dosh without sacrificing something he loved and could’ve shared with his kid, she’s a cunt.

>All surface level shit
This is the worst.
Nevermind, this is the worst. A dish does not have to soak for longer than a few minutes if it needs soaking at all.

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>marries a loser
>expects something else
Are woman really this delusional?

Fucking this.

>I'm letting it soak!

>points at hp bar
>m-muh SPD stat

Why though?
He's not even going to get a huge amount of money for all those games.
Especially since it appears he's in some kind of video game store/pawn shop. Maybe if he sold them himself on ebay or something but he's gonna get fucking peanuts for that shit from a pawn shop.

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This picture as a whole is more art than either of those things

>wannabe SotN
are you talking about Bloodstained? Curse of the Moon was pretty good.

I dont get it.

So this is how they win Yea Forums over.

>every other Rare platform



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Do you really have to ask?

For many women, the guy is just an accessory. A symptom of achieving her social goals (to fit in and be more approved of in by everyone in her social sphere). They don't actually like the guy, or care about who he really is. They just want someone who can help them achieve and maintain their goals. The guy is just a side-effect of having a wedding, a child, a house, a car, etc. He's that thing that fixes all the problems, that you occasionally reward with that "sex" thing it seems to want all the time for some reason.

Average men play video games, watch sports, etc. while women seem to have no hobbies. The paragraph above this one? THAT is the average woman's hobby. Gettin' those societ approval points to rack up a higher "mass appeal" score than other girls is the only game in town.

Agreed. Granted his dragon might've looked cool.

Attached: 53084613_821294944884849_6327982158526808064_n.jpg (768x960, 86K)

ATB you fucking casual

Guess I'm the biggest contrarian faggot ever because I never got the love for BK/BT back in the day but absolutely love Nuts and Bolts and will defend that shit to the death.

absurd minimalism is funny

This is funny and ironic on so many levels I always wonder if the guy is still mad.

>Bloody Roar
wut the fug

she literally never stopped, she still makes them weekly

“Sell those games for our child or ill say you raped me”

did he ever show the full pic of his "dragon"

such a kyle. i hate that sculpture too, but to be so objective is pretty dumb.

No, but I hear they'll demand those anyway

Unexpected place to meet a fellow man of culture.

Attached: bunnygirl.png (196x202, 58K)

>the noble, hard-working, but forgotten dragon of labor gets overshadowed by the self-indulgent, minimal-effort, crowd-drawing wank-fest of art
Shit, it really is

>guy complaining about a statue of a guy sucking himself off
>while sucking himself off over his unfinished dragon statue
I've come to appreciate this post even more as time goes by

Kek these guys knew exactly what they did, you can bet that Tripfag was annoying the shit out of everyone with "Muh hand chiseled Dragun from a whole TREE", the guys in charge of the exebition probably made the self-fellating statue on a whim too.

Attached: 1426529084190.png (850x497, 393K)

>Its all final fantasy shit

If the dragon statue wasn't shit he would had shown it too.


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>such a kyle
I don't even get the term, but I think you're getting at being completely non-self-aware

Like, he thinks his "dragon" is this legendary sculpture of beautiful artistry because he put so much sweat and work into it, without ever realizing that it actually looks like shit and he's lucky it even made it into a gallery, considering how it's unfinished too.

In this world, it doesn't matter how hard you work on something, how long it takes, or even how you got it done. We're all so disconnected by several degrees of separation that the artist is never even seen or thought of by the consumers of his creations. All that matters is the end product. No one cares how you did it, they just want it done, and want more of it done faster.


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hehe wowee

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Hey at least the sculpture was fucking finished.

What the fuck? I get angry in Tekken 7 too, but the most I've done is screamed "FUCK, FUCKING GODDAMNIT" How do you trash a room over a video game?

They didn't beat him hard enough

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and he's a goddamn father, too. Someone's getting the shit beat out of them in that family.

this does not belong in a LOL thread. literally every panel in this comic has something that pulls a laugh out of you.

desu there's a fair amount of games I've never beaten but love. In fact one of my favorite games, probably blinded by nostalgia, is Sword of Vermillion on the Sega and I never managed to beat it as a kid. Still, portal isn't a long game nor is it hard so not sure why you wouldn't beat it if you like it

That is the most accurate description for the personality of gamer girrrls. They spend all their money on appearance, met several. I even got a fungus infection on my left arm and hand after sleeping on a gamer girls sofa. Doctor said this usually happens in envoirments like cattle farms or sewers. Fucking disgusting. There was also cat shit on the floor I think and the oven in the kitchen was so greasy, that it was unusable. The sink was filled with dishes and rotting food crumbs. Should never ever stayed there but I was too drunk.

Seething refusteve

>i will not be small so you can be big
I need space for my large testicles

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Every Spyro game but the first one is just an awful attempt at aping what Rare did well with Banjo

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I never beat all the scenarios in Roller Coaster Tycoon but I still love it

I wanna fuck that twink Link though.

Those are a lot of words to say very little

>oh god
>oh fuck

Attached: BillOfTheBeach17.jpg (1236x1600, 603K)

Attached: moth CAN I HAVE YOUR LAMP SIR.jpg (2000x5541, 1.32M)

portal is like 2 hours long though

Roller Coaster Tycoon isn't an hour long. Pretty sure the image is older than portal 2 by the way.

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Very large in my case.

I've seen this probably 20 times now and I still don't know if it's an elaborate ruse or not. Imagine expecting to receive the usual one page resume with normal font on white paper and instead getting this cringe manifesto.

Castle Vidcon
Gone with the Blastwave
these are the only 3 actually funny LOL related things posted

it physically hurt when I realized what this was

Attached: 1507339053537.jpg (681x818, 72K)

>girl on the internet attention whoring because she has a hole
>white knights desperate for that hole downvote this guy
>girl is in denial that she is just an attention whore and doesn't actually like games

castle vidcon is shit. They're only funny for a week after it came out

>loses at a video game
>has a temper-tantrum
>trashes his room
>mom says "no more video games until you clean up that mess!
>typical household scene
>the twist: "Or else I'll leave and take this child with me!"
>She's the mom of his child; she's his wife
>He is an adult with a wife and child and he is literally throwing full-adult-strength temper-tantrum where he uncontrollably does permanent damage to his property and possessions in an emotional fit of rage
>But he's okay with that, because he went down a rank in a shitty fighting game, therefore endangering his reputation, family, and household is a totally rational adult response
>He was probably even wearing a tacky brightly-colored video game T-shirt while he did it, for the complete image of a man oblivious to his slavery by consumerism, lashing out at his bonds without even realizing why he feels that way
"Gamer life!", am I right?

Attached: Melted Memes.jpg (800x1800, 357K)

we're talking about fucking portal. a linear, story driven game.


Attached: 11-1.gif (620x886, 91K)

Be autistic soiboi

post that eltonel(iirc) picture

those games are like $5 on ebay, don't get too shittershattered

Remember that one time that user drove 100+ miles per hour with a copy of sonic on the Yea Forums equivalent of a dare?

Attached: Best of vingo 2.0 .jpg (2000x1500, 292K)

What the fuck is "yeet"?


>cause damage to your own property in a fit of rage because of mental illness
>wife threatens to leave you with the kids
>supposedly still pissed
>first thought is to attention whore on the internet
can't wait for his wife to leave him and for him to be single.

imagine picking a 2hr game as your hill to die on

Fucking hell this comic still gets me

based and chaospilled

what good is selling your physical version of FFXIV for a platform that is no longer supported going to do

There's no more that's translated that I know of.

isn't that user also Blue Sheets Guy? Absolute legend.

Hot damn. Got anymore pictures of women washing their eyes?

That takes a long ass time, and you’ve experienced the majority of the content if you’ve played one of the scenarios. This is pretty unforgivable considering it’s only a 2-3 hour game and the ending (escape) sequence is the highlight of the game

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i think about this one a lot
i don't know why

slang among the African American youth that spread to wider culture roughly translating to "I'm throwing something"

are space marines generally dickheads or something?

What a legend

Attached: 1505678820621.png (742x934, 273K)

Blue sheets guy is the unsung hero of this board

this feels more like a Dobson comic than a Katie one

He is.
Someone called him out to prove it's him, and he just fuckin did it again lol

Attached: Best of vingo 2.5 Car Driver is Blue Sheets Guy.jpg (2000x1500, 277K)

he'll just throw a temper tantrum and beat the hell out of her when she tries

Not particularly, depending on the chapter, but Guardsmen are eminently disposable, and the Marine was doing the Emperor a service by removing such an idiot from the ranks.

Although he'd probably get chewed out for wasting a melta bomb.

depends on the chapter, it runs the gamut of space paladins to psychopathic murder hobos and everything in between

I never played portal

Not really. Well, I guess it depends on the individual space marine, but as far as generalizations goes, they're more prideful of their combat prowess and overall power than anything.
The comic is less about "space marines jerks" and more "average guardsmen idiot"

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>playing new video games
>saying nostalgia isn't always a positive
maybe a bizarro Dobson

I used to post that all the time years and years back, god I remember that comic. I used to fap to it too, the sequel ruined it though. Hate nonfatal


Attached: Best of vingo BLUE SHEETS GUY.png (500x500, 58K)

He's an ultramarine he has the giant symbol on his shoulders.

That's all great but the self fellating sculpture shouldn't be in the museum.

>space paladins to psychopathic murder hobos
and sometimes both!

Attached: mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.3.jpg (550x315, 51K)

Guardsmen are idiots, sure, but incredibly loyal idiots that hold the line.

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it's not a museum, it's literally a gallery for senior final art projects at an art school

i really dont knoe the difference. i know theirs space wolves though

No, but that Marine us part of the Ultramarines Chapter, easily the most widely known and recognized Chapter in the entire Imperium, primarily due to their bright blue and gold colors, the "U" plastered on every smooth surface of their armor, and the fact that "ULTRAMARINES" is often engraved around a large portion of those Us.
So anybody stupid enough to ask "Oh hey what chapter are you from?" is likely to be one of the biggest retards in the Imperium.
It's the equivalent of walking up to a FBI Agent in full combat gear with FBI on the front and back of his vest and asking "Oh wow, what agency are you from?"

If we're doing 40k LOL I'll dump this, then.

Attached: Guard_Sob_Spin1.jpg (620x877, 116K)

Yiff in hell.

Attached: Guard_Sob_Spin2.jpg (620x877, 98K)

>they just want it done, and want more of it done faster.
if they're shiteating plebs, sure, and the fact that you think that when you're talking about art makes me think you're a shiteating pleb too

Good for you it isn't even good.

Attached: Guard_Sob_Spin3.jpg (620x877, 120K)

>shit posting in /40kg/ and this thread
>start getting mixed up which is which
I really ought stop shitposting.

Attached: 1459632003132.png (397x402, 357K)

It's okay, brother, the Emperor Protects.

Attached: Guard_Sob_Spin4.jpg (620x877, 98K)

it's a masterpiece of game design you fucking pleb
consider me triggered


It's some retarded new-fangled thing those dang kids are saying today, like "cowabunga!" and "tubular!"

Seriously though, It actually is just a millennial-age meme word. It's kind of a gutteral grunt one makes whilst throwing something with emphasis. Much like one might say "Ungh!" if throwing something hard/seriously, or just "hup" if throwing something casually.

I think it's actually an ecolution of "Yeah!"
>Yee-uh! (typical heard from rappers, with a low gutteral inflection on the 'ee', "yeet" is pronounced like this)
The 't' is not explicitly pronounced, it's more of just a hard stop.

Unsurprisingly, "yeet" it is most commonly heard and associated with zoomers throwing grenades in Fortnite, most often followed by uncontrollable-yet-seemingly-scripted giggling after the grenade explodes and earns them a kill.

The whole millennial element should come as no surprise too, given the entire comic is based on this stupid "oh no this fucked up thing happened to me where my mind somehow automatically thought of something disturbing and dark, is this normal!?" social phenomenon where millennials (who are trained to only think progressive, positive thoughts) get surprised by their own imagination trying to break through, and think it's some brand new thing and not something that everyone has been aware of forever.

That said, I thought the comic was funny and I laughed a bit

I want to walk that dog.


I only just realized, there are toolbars on his browser

>Guardsmen are idiots

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bet his wife got under $200 for the lot


Attached: Gregor used Whirlwind.webm (640x360, 1.95M)

>live in college dorm, 4 bed 2 bath
>one faggot never does his dishes despite being the only one who cooks
>raids the fridge, like we don't notice
>during winter break, left dishes in the sink as he left for home.
>said dishes stayed there for A FUCKING MONTH before he got a clue.
>let dishes build up again and sit for weeks, god knows how long the garbage can has been full.
>his girlfriend comes over, can hear them from my room because paper thin walls
>"why does it smell so bad in here?" she asks him
>"It's probably one of the other guys not cleaning their room" he replies
This happened about 2 weeks ago and I'm still fucking livid.

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everyone at uni assumes in 17 even though im 21 (in first year). its weird becau*e i didnt realise how quickly i came out of touch. someone said something like "dont bother running for the bus bEcause hell just yeet on out of here" and the amount of talking about fortnight and roblox is odd i guess. someone said to me they stopped playing minecraft when they were 11.

my dilation station is tubular


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Dude please give me the source on this

The wannabe original Castlevania is fucking tight, but the actual Kikestarter project is a toilet.

holy shit
if it wasnt for the portapoties spraying piss and shit everywhere that would be kinda fun


based but bannedpilled


is it just muh grafixxx you're mad about, or is there something else? It looks pretty neat, I thought.

i don't get it. please enlighten me user

Attached: noice 3.png (342x160, 119K)

Childhood is siding with the user in this picture.
Adulthood is realising he is a faggot who cannot meet a deadline and his dragon sculpture was probably shit as well, otherwise he would have shown it

It's never been about size. World size and platformer quality have no correlation whatsoever.
Mafia Town and Subcon Forest are the single most egregiously big levels in the entire 3D platformer genre and the game is loved. Yooka Laylees level design isnt bad because of the size, it's bad because it's visually uninspired and there's no fucking landmarks to help you mentally break up the world and it's content into sections.
There's only one weak Banjo-Tooie world, Terrydactyland, and not because it's big, but because its loaded with a ton of indistinguishable cave openings that you can't hope to keep track of.

The entirety of internet ""discourse"" on the topic of 3D platformers is retards acting like they know everything and have exact formulas to what makes 3D platformers good and bad because of an opinion that they got from an internet personality who is possibly more retarded than they are, as impossible as that sounds.

Is the sure sign of somebody who's opinion on 3D platformers is less than valueless and can be instantly discarded. You're not capable of thinking for yourself, so you lean on your fellow retards for opinions.


That store isn't even going to resell those items that are from before the PS3 era. and what he gets like maybe 100 bucks from all of that? Even ebay would give more

Muh graphix is a meme that needs to stop. They're obviously not the most important thing, but it is a part of the presentation and does have an impact on enjoyability. You shouldn't throw all your budget to it, but you shouldn't completely disregard it, and play to your strengths. 2.5D was a fucking mistake, it should have been flat 2D.

>niglet girl's hair
I can't even tell if she's shooped in or not

derivative from the loops meme

Attached: moth.jpg (636x333, 51K)

that's what got me

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so it is just muh grafixx

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>all this 40k posing

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so whats more autistic lads? the final fantasy collection or the fact that he's a complete cuckhold? genuinely curious as to what people say

For the Emperor!

For some reason this is the funniest thing in the thread

Attached: 1475084241777.png (500x719, 385K)

Why not just put them in a small box and stuff them in an attic?

For Papa Nurgle!
Praize kay-oss!

Skulls for the Skullthrone

Attached: 94745b31.jpg (953x800, 93K)

>Rather Obscure

go fuck (you)rself

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For the Emperor!

but Yooka Laylee is a newish game

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No i don’t, Conrad

Attached: heals heels.png (1181x3487, 934K)

jesus fucking christ that square had better be DMD. that's as bad as destruction. Yea Forumsingo is supposed to be about fun not potentially dangerous stuff.

Was funnier with splatoon.

look closely

my kind of girl


Attached: cK77N1s.jpg (800x4266, 614K)

Well damn

>Yea Forums

>3d fighters
not even once

This really isn't that horrible.
80 or 90 years would be over in a blink when there would be no point of referene.

An autistic retard like this can get laid and have kids and get married. Why can't you, Yea Forums?

They could probably design it so it'd feel longer

For the Emperor!

>-vith his daughter
that sounds kinda hot, what's the rest?

They could, but the comic doesn't specify that.
It also doesn't explain why they never get used to it. Every human that experiences hell over time eventually gets used to it. So why is there a difference here.
It just doesn't make any sense and really isn't that horrible-

Ok I might have misunderstood the comic. So basically this is about the comic writer's subjective taste of video games and xhe push the blame on technology and economy instead of admitting xhe hate this specific genre, right?

Attached: mickjak glasses.jpg (297x300, 16K)

The comic simply states that they won't get used to it, we only have these machines' word that they won't.
The whole comic is fantastical, it's not a jump to assume they have various methods for making the human suffer to the utmost possible for whatever purpose.

Isn't it funny how people still find the banjo kazooie games and conker's bad fur day fun?
It's almost like the artist is making a poor argument and yooka laylee is just a bad game.

Attached: thinking.png (720x546, 358K)

maybe they reprogram humans so that they forget the pain every second, so they actually never get used to it.

>not taking advantage of that emotional weakness and turn the tables on her
maybe Yea Forums is the gayest board after all

Attached: 1544202084547.jpg (1024x768, 109K)

But the human has no point of reference so it would be over in the blink of an eye. There's no real horror there since they say the time is limited. 80 - 90 years.
Then there is no horror, its only a horror from an outside viewer.


>its only a horror from an outside viewer.
oh hey now you understand how horror media works!

that's not hp bar stupid hp is given in numbers

You'd be implying that any of us have any form of mental and emotional fortitude.


Attached: Boomer.jpg (1232x1547, 208K)

I've certainly never heard of it.
t. zoomer

>title is turn-based combat
>uses ATB

Attached: 019302894.png (1366x768, 565K)

Attached: Like a boss.jpg (740x975, 139K)

>right about the arcade games
No. Not remotely. You think this because you credit feed in MAME and have never learned a 1CC.

But then thats not really horror either because if you empathise with what is going on that is to be horrible, its not really. So theres no horror.

The reason they stopped making fun games is because they discovered it's more profitable to make grindy games that are pay to win.

So was the self-fellating sculpture really supposed to be a representation of the user gushing over his own unshown and unfinished epic dragon statue?

Attached: 1508797120603.gif (419x480, 724K)


I see these and pic related is all I can think of. Fuck I still lose it at "corn of the world"

Attached: CornOfTheWorld.png (760x1903, 807K)

Attached: dog-sniff.jpg (640x461, 60K)

That's the joke

Attached: thog.png (905x1194, 463K)

There's a ludicrous amount of effort in this. If she kept to a more professional tone and didn't print on a tablet of compressed piss, I'd say it had a charm to it.

>the laborer who believes his dragon was worth looking at comes to an ANONYMOUS image board to name himself and cry about his lack of importance.
wow this really expands my almonds.

Attached: bruce wayne.png (907x1194, 411K)

If you do care to play, it's super cheap at this point and not at all long. Or you could not support the ex-devs of Valve and find a download somewhere, probably

>or or or whatever
literal mumbling retard.

Attached: 62909.original-8546.jpg (449x449, 122K)

Link was blond in the concept art for the original game and only had brown hair due to hardware limitations at the time. I'm not even a fan of the serious and even I know this. Preston was and is an idiot who thinks the fucking Super Mario Brothers movie is canon

Attached: legend_of_zelda_conceptart_MHPKs.jpg (646x600, 223K)

they must have been really hard up to get down to selling all his video games

alan wake's american nightmare

>work in HR for big company
>have seen everthing
>the "formal & elaborate"-ones
>the "short introduction but all the files are there"-ones
>the "check my files and give me the job"-ones
>the "unga bunga, me can have work?"-ones
>and all the inbetween
>there has been a few cringey ones here and there
>mostly teenagers with no clue how to correctly write an application
>most bizzare thing I remember was a dude who wrote he does palm reading as his hobby
>but never have I ever
>in my almost 10 years of doing this job
>had the misfortune to come across something like that
>what the fuck?
still would have given it to the Head of for whatever the application was, just for shits and giggles

capitalism was a mistake

This place is the only reason I ever knew that game existed.

It came from a nigger vine
It means "to throw something with great force, and sometimes disgust"
Contextually, it just implies rapid motion.

t. early-Zoomer

Hey it's Taric

>faggot complaining because his fursona didn't win people over

Attached: 1550999529789.gif (150x150, 1.07M)

For the Emperor!

Attached: 1457159689953.jpg (3000x2400, 418K)

this always gets me because he's not actually getting a friend request

i wondered what the feminist version of stonetoss would look like

>rather obscure
This is bait but I’m biting anyway. Fuck you.

they also rape baby seals to death and then keep the corpses around for days afterwards to use as fleshlights

big lol

Attached: V.png (622x1366, 33K)

post the untranslated and I'll translate

For the Emperor!

someone post that comic drawn in green about the suicidal guy who gets vore'd by a dinosaur girl

pretty sure you're thinking of dolphins

I will bet $100 that this was never actually sent to any employer.

>There's only one weak Banjo-Tooie world, Terrydactyland, and not because it's big, but because its loaded with a ton of indistinguishable cave openings that you can't hope to keep track of.
Nah dude, Cloud Cuckooland was a fucking miserable level to try and navigate

timestamp included

dolphins rape humans
otters rape baby seals

All it took was the Over 9000 shirt for me to get upset. I haven't even read the text yet.

Attached: glasses.jpg (1000x640, 121K)

For the Emperor!

we rape everything else.

Attached: 1551716989419.png (1320x4000, 3.02M)

Attached: what the hell man.gif (300x199, 1.78M)

Sorry to get serious but Mario stopped being italian years ago

cute feet!

the original is english the artist didn't write anymore I think

Not being married to a cuck I guess.

Attached: butsoul.jpg (501x444, 79K)

>You're reminding women that they're corn of the world

Why is this so funny?

Attached: 1535903562191.gif (176x216, 492K)

>did I mention I'm pretty modest
>a considerable portion of the CV is her saying how awesome and skilled she is and the first page has her even saying how great it is to be working with her and how she's "above average"
>emotes in a CV
>using Internet terms and going into detail about how she goes into conventions and other "quirky" stuff
>being japanese I cosplay, tehee
>bunch of link pics on pages for no reason at all
>background is zelda too
>but hey at least she put effort in, right?
>except the font you can find on the internet
>chances are the background is out there as a template, too

Attached: 1429914647466.gif (330x270, 2M)


step up your passive aggressive game, senpai. Take his dishes and leave em outside his door in the middle of the night. Guaranteed to work wonders, but I suggest avoiding forks and glasses.

Should have shouted that it has his junk that smelled bad.

For the Emporer!

sick burn bro

Mario 64 didn't even age that well either.

Fucking "parp". Who the hell came up with that onomatopeia?

>meanwhile it is all backwards...
true kino

Attached: 1551374434357m.jpg (747x1024, 81K)

Which ones work the best?

Games that try to intelligently blend old school and new school game design>POWER GAP>games that completely ignore old design philosophy in favor of chasing something new>POWER GAP>games that chase old game design without realizing the spark of innovation was what made those games good in the first place

Probably took up too much room and not seeing much play or use. Look at those guides

>dude here's my sculpture, it's meta commentary about how artists are all self-wanking idiots, while I too am a self-wanking retard. Plus it only took me like a few hours. Pretty decent senior project, right?
Truly art

For the Emperor!

Attached: 1533057420443.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Dobson is a moron who cant differentiate between his 90s cartoons and the actual fucking games.

Attached: Nintendo Dobson.jpg (1001x2712, 494K)

What I'd like to know is if she made that portal gun prop herself.
It looks really good. Did Valve sell those?

i got a boner
>tfw no deer in my pathetic country

Attached: 1550247914611.png (1066x700, 556K)

Do you really think you can fool anyone with that: just put only footage of otters being cute and doing nothing extreme, pay some feminist-looking woman with terrible sense on fashion to spout claims, don't include any source on the description, and NEVER include any visual capture evidence?

Do you really think like that?

Attached: 1412462498572.jpg (1000x750, 40K)

Attached: 1484325235849.jpg (496x2600, 581K)

What a blast from the fap past.

i'm going to reserve judgement until i see the wife

That was considered Empty back then? We were more spoiled than I thought, shame every generation of improvement was a step back in content, I remember the smile on my face vanishing reading the Nuts and Bolts announcement following the first Teaser and still bought it blind hoping it retains something, god how wrong I was to do that.

do you not know how to use google? or generally find scholarly work? It's a bit embarrassing to base your opinion on the colour of the person who is telling you's hair. The woman is a professional zoological illustrator
werc.ucsc.edu/Publications/2010 Harris et al.pdf

Attached: a29a22e7-5b42-44d8-a772-296d9d08fd20.png (734x543, 780K)


>Plus size cosplayer


What resume works the best?

Attached: iholdmykeyslikeasword.jpg (4032x3024, 1.4M)

As all life is born to die, so all men are born to decay. There can be no succour in this world. As the centuries drag past our cultures will fade, just as our bodies waste and our passions cool as the winter of life approaches.
In time our mightiest cities shall crack and crumble, and our lofty ideals shall grow weary and jaded. For what are our achievements if not the follies of pride and ignorance?
All shall be forgotten with the passing of years. There will be no exceptions.
For who amongst us can escape the predations of time? Whom amongst us is beyond the inevitability of decay? That which is young can only grow old. That which is whole and sweet can only shrivel and sour. Nothing is permanent and nothing may remain without blemish. It is the fate of all things that they are bound to time, and time is the twin of decay.
So bend a knee, all of this world. Bend a knee all who would embrace their fate and thereby rise above it. Rise up, give in, surrender yourselves to the master of this world.

Attached: ozy.png (841x567, 916K)

Yeet is to strength, what Kobe is to accuracy.

I thought the thumbnail was this for some reason

Attached: its dickgirl on dickgirl by Jajala.jpg (1000x741, 294K)

I really like this one.

For tha emprah

it says futanari right there!

For the Emperor!

I unironically enjoyed Nuts and Bolts, but that was because I was constantly building vehicles and shit.

I get that it wasn't a true Banjo game, but I really would have loved a second game or something similar to it.

All the current vehicle building games are freeware bullshit and not nearly as fun.

>Rapidly ages the minute he plays ACDC

So... This... is the power... of Dad Rock....

Attached: 1323992860227.jpg (154x256, 8K)

Father Nurgle is our sovereign and lord, and whether it be sooner or whether it be later, he will claim all in time.
And so this is how the world shall end; not with fire and tempest, but with the collective sigh of failed passions and lost hope.

Attached: foxrot.gif (500x281, 490K)

Blouse girl behind obese dog cute tho

Soaked so well his picture quality increased.

I have done this before and don't recommend it. If the offender is dedicated to being a slob it just makes it worse because now they're spread on the floor.

>All the girls and even some boys came


I can't breathe.

Attached: 1512103994513.png (1280x836, 1.22M)

Is that my boy Ciaphas!

am i kawaii uguu~ now, onii-chan??


Attached: randall.png (1211x641, 358K)

DUDE, what if Video Games!
But, real world!

you're old
stop this

If you're going to threaten my boypussy, do it properly.

if nobody was a king of kings and nobody was the artisan sculptor to capture his image than mr. faggot wouldn't have anything to write his poem about

Man, why do I have to find out that Katie updated from a fucking LOL thread?

she updates every Monday, though...

this is some troll shit right here

The sculpture hasn't stopped degrading you brainlet

Feast your eyes with Dobson's magnum opus

Attached: catty.png (788x3780, 1.62M)

She’s just fucking around. She even mentioned in the post that this wasn’t fair.

This is what modern kids find humourous, unfortunately.

Can we find some new shit to talk about already?

Attached: dick york.jpg (716x900, 231K)

most disturbing part is actually right at the end where they're freaking out
usually in these kind of things the perpetrator is autistically unaware their crushing or whatever is causing harm but here they know damn well the harm they were inflicting

>guy on the right in third panel gets his dick out

fuck off dunkeyfag

Does anyone have awkward zombie edits here Katie is getting fucked by dogs?

If not, why not?

Attached: 900.jpg (503x796, 59K)

Too many modern lolcows just do it for attention, like kassfag.

Hey guys. Would you believe I can post something FUCKING DUMBER than this?
You can't believe it you say?
Well watch and be amazed motherfuckers.
At 1:17
RIP your brain cells.

Attached: 1364801974568.jpg (250x250, 23K)

kids have been laughing at farts since time immemorial

>becoming a rocket scientist
Damn I bet that makes a ton of incels seethe

This comic makes me regret having a dog.

This faggot never stops surprising me

Attached: 1530933304514.png (650x994, 205K)

you just KNOW

Attached: get the knot.png (2298x972, 117K)

So let's drop lolcows as a subject entirely. What good do they do?

TMZ is truly the worst

I too have possessed an advanced sense of humour since early adolescence.

Attached: 1547769211109.jpg (960x960, 128K)

nigga why dont you just store them in a closet



They really haven't, maybe if you grew up in a brain-dead environment that'd be the case.
Fortnite's ESRB rating is Teen to boot. Any valid media offshoot from it should appeal to teens as well, and low-effort toilet humour doesn't, by any means.

they give us a sliver of happiness, because at least we aren't them

Not really it's just churned out by some soul dead pajeet who can barely be bothered to translate
Making non jokes is the only petty revenge he can muster

Attached: jokes for minecrafters.jpg (2448x3264, 478K)

what year did Garbage pail kids come from again?

>He still hasn't beaten Micropark or Tiny Towers yet and mastered space cramming
Fucking casul

Attached: Tiny Towers.png (1440x900, 185K)

Attached: Life and death.jpg (1200x2620, 254K)

I did not realize that. I assumed she was still like Nedroid and just updated when she had ideas.

>They really haven't, maybe if you grew up in a brain-dead environment that'd be the case.
were you born 30?

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. That's what you keep them around for? Then I'm not sure you even are better.

Attached: 1547738849883.gif (600x444, 3.55M)


what what

Attached: file.png (1218x1652, 1.03M)

holy fuck this one got me

Holy absolute fucking shit.
I want to slowly gnaw my arms off.

Attached: 1550474714820.png (434x360, 219K)

look man, there's no possible way to be worse than Christian/Christine Weston Chandler. It's not physically or mentally possible.

I wasn't born in the US and didn't grow up raised entirely on scatological humour from 90's/2000's saturday morning cartoons so that might explain it.
No one with the minimal mental function and agency necessary to be playing Fortnite, regardless of esrb rating, should ever find this funny. If you so much as exhale more so than usual on viewing that image you should be shoved into a re-education facility.

Attached: dobson fursona.jpg (603x859, 271K)

It's the highest rated game on Steam.

>steve buscemi rapes haley joel osmant

Attached: 1549838649521.jpg (408x391, 18K)

Okay you got me, dude. Fuckin' got me.
And a popsicle made out of dogshit probably goes down better than a spoonful of anthrax.

Fuckin whore.Also gamma male

What compels someone to make something like this. Years of drawing experience and dozens of hours drawing so people can jerk off to children's cartoons?

Can you confirm that HR is a false job?

Attached: get off.png (800x600, 537K)

What's your point?

It's called having taste. Not everyone wants to stick with boring shit.

Attached: 1406601272136.png (640x1080, 1.28M)

Imagine how the author felt

It's a man's porno comic

Attached: feminist pirates.jpg (600x878, 491K)

I dunno, is a block of wood capable of feeling anything?

What's yours? What prompted you to defend Ozymandias?

God Clerks 2 is dogshit.

>Death is bad because its le sad

I really dont want to finish this video.
the absolute pleb tier of thought processes.

Xir call yourselves pirates?

Attached: Requiem Feminist Pirate.png (726x961, 2.1M)

I hate nihilists and hypocritical poets and you.

I'm sick of talking about Dobson. Get some new material. It doesn't not have to be from a "lolcow."
Go marathon Abbot & Costello for once in your pointless life.

Just something. Anything.

Attached: mercury.gif (320x240, 493K)

Requiem is so good

>Death is good because we can't do anything about it
>I'm basically triggered right now, pleb!
Stockholm syndrome kicking in huh?

Attached: Anon gets tricked into thinking he will get tricked.jpg (467x3587, 245K)

There wasn’t nearly enough Katie rule 34 even during its time

They're right though

Attached: genderstudies -.png (1164x910, 374K)


Attached: armstrong reaction.png (923x861, 1010K)

Katie never had her time. She’s always been “yeah, sure”. Though I find it incredibly sad that she’s my fucking age and has had everything go so well for her.

but why

You idiots bringing up authors like this is exactly why the SJW problem got as bad as it has.
You're anti-meritocratic, and so are SJWs.

If this were realistic they'd be tearing each others hair out while the ship sinks.

Attached: quote-if-civilization-had-been-left-in-female-hands-we-would-still-be-living-in-grass-huts-camille-p (850x400, 43K)

>Also trust each other more...

Attached: 1516887558274.png (500x500, 228K)

There was an episode of naked and afraid or some show like that where this is exactly what happened.



Attached: 1521769349524.png (1230x948, 969K)

It's opposite day user!

why is there a massive black box in the middle of the page

it's a meme ya dingus

Oh my God this comic is so good. Why couldn't it be longer?

There's something inappropriate behind the box.

whats the source on these comics?

Some mysteries are better left untold


Attached: biology.jpg (1280x1735, 525K)

because it makes pp hard

we got one boys

This is because men do all the work and thus have all the actual pressure and stress women only think they have.

I think the true enemy of mankind is boredom not death. I fear boredom more than anything else, being trapped in a endless void but completely aware of it and unable to do anything like a vegetative coma. Hard yikes pass from me the thought of losing my consciousness doesn't scare me at all but FUCK that other shit man. Deaht is like the eternal reprieve from my biggest fear so i fully accept it and want my entire body burned to ash and any pictures of me burned as well (Just encase technology ever gets crazy enough that someone figures out a way to reconstitute brains on a cellular level and recreate consciousness).

the thought of me just "turning off" one day and my body going back into the earth to be recycled to create new life is fine.

the thought of being some eternal brain floating inside a jar or being some prisoner of failing flesh where I cant even do simple movements like walking down stairs or jumping up and down is like my worst fucking fear. At what point is living no longer worth "living".

Attached: 3.jpg (1000x696, 189K)

Attached: trans1.jpg (768x580, 53K)

Isn't it in like Dutch Survivor style show they did a battle of the sexes, the men build hutts and went fishing the women all ate their supplies and sunbathed and eventually got sick of the rain so the producers actually had each team swap members

there are people that actually pay money for the artists that draw this kind of art

you'd be surprised how much cash you can make drawing furries with sub-par artistic skills

I genuinely have no idea what point you are trying to make. I’m sad in an envious capacity of her success as a member of society, not as a web comic artist. She’s a middle of the road webcomic and that’s where she ended up as an artist.

I wonder when Artist are going to realize they majored in drawing doodles and not actual science.

It's not too late to be the person your dog thinks you are.

Well we should all be free to pursue our dreams I guess
>one day
But never today?

Attached: the person you want to be.gif (1200x1300, 416K)


Yeah my keyboard can't type that shit. source?

Son of Baki is coming along well.

>its a /fit/ crossover episode

my dog is 15, this will be probably his last year in this world

At least you got something, Apis has a habit of hiding all of his art or uploading it once somewhere and then deleting it forever.

user please, if you were to be so kind at least this once tonight. Give me the source, as google images and yandex both have failed me.

I hate this... this thing so fucking much

Attached: 1517018857846.jpg (854x480, 129K)

Dog’s been dead for at least five years now. But I guess that doesn’t mean what you said isn’t true. If I ever do get another animal, I’ll try to be better as an owner. And I’ll try to be better as a person now.

those are Oliva and Jack Hanma

user you can just look at the filename

Im not gonna steal his credit

Attached: Whats he gonna do.png (500x426, 153K)

what the fuck was the original?

>woahh I'm like sooo depressing and depressed everyone else is comfortable but I have to wear a ~mask~

Attached: depression ironic memes.jpg (1362x766, 204K)


Attached: 1548616342273.png (306x404, 170K)

Monster’s Kink, if the doujin cover I saw a year ago is anything to go off of.
Godspeed, you degenerate bastard

Attached: ironic depression tweet.png (630x397, 23K)

Attached: 1503273100014.png (476x196, 107K)

Attached: adulterio.jpg (500x612, 89K)

I’m diagnosed by both my psychologist and psychiatrist and am medicated for the condition and find these comics entertaining and cathartic despite any motive the original artist may have had.

image search don't work

Time for a classic

Attached: 1479917775549.png (600x2300, 93K)

>the guy is the only person working on board


One of them is Dobson himself and the other 5 are from his family

Attached: dobson family1.jpg (3196x2383, 2.41M)

Attached: iwftu.jpg (224x225, 8K)

BASED marmalademum

Do you not know what the letter omega looks like? How did you finish high school?

I saw this years ago but could never find it again so I remade it myself out of pure love

Attached: sheeeeeit.jpg (471x263, 56K)

why does he have such big lips? it makes him look like those old drawings of black people

based japan

Comic is great if you don't mind ridiculous edge, main character is a nazi who gets to be a sick vampire because hell digged that
Good acts are degenerate there

>people should use the infinite possibilities of art to draw regular humans

Attached: 1548050773624.jpg (736x507, 77K)

Why did the guy morph from relatively normal to cartoon sitcom character?

Attached: 1526444558881.png (964x989, 1.47M)

because orange man bad that's why

Attached: claytoonz4.jpg (620x468, 104K)

too relatable

I don't really don't mind being uploaded to a simulated reality if i can have some sort of control to what worlds i can live in.

>what do you mean what are most traitors that need to be cleansed?

>come from family thats had multiple pets die over my adolescence years at least like 10 ranging from goldfish,hamsters,tarantulas(twice),dogs,lizards(3 different Bearded Dragons and a Leopard gecko),2 baby chickens,rabbit,Hermit Crab and like 3 different dogs
but heres the kicker only one of them died from natural causes, the rest just from neglect,malnutrition or freak accidents
>really not bothered by it anymore or animal deaths in general
>actually glad to finally be free of responsibilities and not having to care for anything besides myself and no longer having to clean up shit or constantly get pet food

eh...Its really not that big of a deal. to this day I roll my eyes whenever people start gibbering and crying about their dog had to be put down or died recently.

Attached: 1476936057653.jpg (600x480, 53K)

Portal is one of the easiest games though

what the fuck

>tfw you've been here long enough to see something that used to be common that an user hasn't
>tfw it isn't even that fucking old
>realize how many years it's actually been
Also I don't have the original saved but it shouldn't be too hard to find, just search corn of the world and I'm sure the original will show up

You probably wouldn't, you have to be kind of popular first to get any money.

Attached: 1490488187867.png (707x1000, 979K)

the world hasn't been the same since imeltyourwaifu left


It was about not using the word rape all the time.

Attached: bidoof-bidoof-bidoof-is-on-fire-we-dont-need-no-33847368.png (500x765, 102K)

Attached: 1530895614153.png (474x750, 797K)

Getting a new dog is the best way to move on when that happens
I don't mean like "hurr it's just a fukken animal get a new one durr"
I mean like when someone in your life dies you need to learn that moving on is possible
Works for both pets and eventually people

Attached: 1429489905243.jpg (814x2848, 658K)

like 5 of those aren't furry.

Attached: i-wrShxgQ-2100x20000.jpg (2100x1052, 508K)

This is funny haha, right guys?
Imagine how silly the would walk hahah

Attached: BigKneeLover.jpg (1380x585, 170K)

Is fortnite doing badly?

Monster girls are furry.