The future of gaming will be a choice between Moviegames and rehashed children's games.
This is what we deserve this.
The future of gaming will be a choice between Moviegames and rehashed children's games.
This is what we deserve this.
If you feel that way, there are probably thousands of old games that exist that you could play and enjoy. I doubt you've played them all.
The future of gaming is VR.
The future of videogames is slot machines that you use your social security number to log in to
Those are both consoles. And without accounting for multiplats. In pc you have more variation, but yeah, if your options are only play station or nintendo, those are basically the choices, if you take out multiplats.
But user, when i'm watching a movie 100% sure i only want to watch movie maybe with some break.
When i'm playing a vidya i only want play vidya also with some break.
Why the hell of earth i want to see a fucking movie when i'm playing vidya?
>The future of gaming does not have Jet Set Radio Future
The Last of Us has better gameplay than Zelda. Zelda is literally just kiddy puzzles and combat that a 6 year old can do. Zelda fans act like it's genius that you get a boomerang and beat the boss 4 minutes later by throwing a boomerang at its eye. Compared to the Last of Us, which has flexible and realized environments and AI introduced and executed in a seamless and organic manner. TLOU is a real game.
All my 4x/sim/weirdo games are fine. As long as you faggot don't really (and I mean really) get into games then all my shit is safe.
You forgot gachashit meme shooters.
VR is the only place innovation is still happening.
H-games are the best kind of game because you get a genuinely useful reward for progressing - fap material.
Prove me wrong.
This feel
I can feel it
this is most disturbing
>best kind of game
Most efficient kind of skinnerbox more like.
Fuck, I wish I had gotten into the patreon H-game market before it was saturated, I could be living it up right now.
AAA games are largely trash anyway. The worse it gets, the more devs migrate to indie.
What do mean by "moviegames"?
Games where the story takes center focus and gameplay is put on the back burner.
Basically every PS4 major game
Imagine being this upset about a remake nobody is telling you to play
Games that are 50+% cutscenes like last year's GOTY
>"movie game"
Doesn't this only apply to Telltale games and shit from Quantum Dream, like Detroit? Games that demand zero dexterity, are narrative driven, and are single player experiences?
TLOU has cutscenes and isn't all about action, but it isn't a movie game. It also has a functioning engine under the hood, that gets used for its own separate multiplayer. It's very much a game.
Pretty much this. It becomes obvious when someone hasn't played TLOU when they call it a "movie game" or a non-game entirely
just fucking buy it
This makes me want to die
The only way to ensure that games of the future are actually creative and not rehashes is to stop supporting the practice and make it less of a "guaranteed" money maker. Companies like EA are already suffering for their poor choices. We need to keep pushing.
>shitloads of games release every year
>tons of them good
>I'll complain on Yea Forums about games I don't have to play
Actually false.
I remember replaying Links Awakening in an emulator in 2016 and had beat TLOU only a month before and, even now with knowing everything that would happen in LA and knowing nothing about TLOU’s story or gameplay, LA still gave me more enjoyment
Which is weird, considering I at least enjoyed Uncharted’s set pieces despite the lack of challenge. But TLOU was just a really basic survival action game for me with some real-time crafting stuff but it’s not like the AI was particularly difficult or canny
Maybe you shouldn't have supported So(n)y back then
I pre-ordered both games.
>The Last of Us has better gameplay than Zelda
But I'm not going to play either of those.
But masturbating isn't rewarding, it just makes me feel pathetic and lonely.
I don't think fap material is more worthwhile than pure enjoyment out of a good game in and of itself, so being given fap material isn't necessarily better than other enjoyable elements a game might have, gameplay especially.
Ape Escape 4 when?
>Yea Forums manchildren would rather BING BANG WAHOO than connect with a narrative on an emotional level
It'll be a VR game
dunno about that pathetic and lonely part, but it makes me feel tired
>There are only two sides to a coin
>Apparently so, but suppose you flip a coin enough times and one day it lands on its edge.
I pick the third option. Fuck fate and fuck your choices.
>generic Hollywood movie plot that's been done 5000000 times already
>emotional narrative to connect to
Do you only watch MCU and Adam Sandler movies? Because you sound like you're uncultured swine for thinking that story was anything beyond B-tier Hollywood trash.
Also why does every game writer now think we need marvel quips in every game. Do they actually think those are actually funny and witty? That shit's manchild tier.
>children's games
All games are for children you retard.
based alpha
> This is what we deserve this.
This is What did he mean by this?
>muh bing bing wahoo boogeyman
Being zoomer should be banneable. I'm playing platform games since fucking 1985 and now is supposed to ba a bad thing because a fucking console war meme.
Coping over games that aren't even out yet. What's wrong with Yea Forums?
>This is what we deserve this
we actually do tbqh. We as a collective have let game devs and publishers get away with such bullshit for so many years that they know they can basically do whatever they want and get away with it. and I honestly don't really give a shit anymore.I think I've finally outgrown videogames. I just want to go back to a time when everything was great
>connect with a narrative on an emotional level
>does not have the intellectual or emotional capacity to fully grasp the nuance and depth of a narrative
Yea Forumscels are developmentally stunted
>since 1985
manchild detected.
>zoomer exposes himself
How's Apex?
>Yea Forumscel so jaded that he cant even form an emotional connection with a story
I genuinely feel bad for you. This is what happens when you spend years surrounded by incels watching rekt webms. It severely fucks with your brain chemistry.
I don't understand. The Last of Us 2 is only on PlayStation. Not Xbox, Steam, Switch, Epic, or Googlebox. If it's only relegated to one platform, why does anyone care about the game if they cannot physically play it?
>reading comprehension
>what are books
Project hard enough, incel?
Because it symbolizes the cultural marxist rot that is destroying vidya.
>Soldier appears with gun
>music gets tense
>sappy melodramatic pleading
>kid you've barely known for 10 minutes dies while sad music plays telling you to cry now
Am... Am I meant to be impressed? Is this melodramatic crap seriously considered good writing? I called this shit the second the soldier showed up and the melodrama was painful. God of War isn't much better.
>We must climb the mountain
>LOL NO, you need the MAGICAL MCGUFFIN to progress
>get McGuffin
>I was a pissy little bitch like you in the past
>I love you now dad
>now to progre...
>*Insert Marvel Quip here*
10/10 i cri evr tim story telling right there.
>I seriously doubt you've ever picked up a book in your life, seething incel.
We're in the phase of pseudo-innovation and supposed evolution. We're gonna have to suffer for a long time before some revolutionary occurs.
It's relegated to a single box. How is it destroying the whole?
>will be
Bitch, we've been here for at least the past 3 years
That's not how you greentext, zoomzoom
why did we never get a proper re-release of JSRF? I bought the original on steam and its a pretty good port
truly deep and complex gameplay.
>attacks typo instead of actual argument
Boomer brain malfunction.
Literally just proved my point that you aren't capable of grasping the narrative lmao.
Braindead incel
If you really only got 16hr's of playtime from GoW, and 40 from RDR2, I feel bad for you there was much more to both of those games
>p-please debate my ebin strawman argument!
>Thinks I give a fuck about Mario
Bitch I don't even own a switch. There's no shame in admitting that the "emotional stories" are just the same Hollywood plotlines rehashed 5000000 times over. Just don't pretend they do anything new, innovative or interesting.
How heavy were those goalposts?
There is a ton of great games that get released each years, more than you will ever have time to finish them all
>movie game vs rehashed children's game vs baby's first FPS
incels, everyone
indies exist and will exist in the future
Yea Forums already lost their argument. The game comes out in late 2019, close to the VGA's. Everyone will praise the game left and right, while this board desperately clings for someone's minority opinion. When the eleventh hour comes and Jeff raises their calling card, Yea Forums will evaporate.
>no u
>Oh the depths of the human condition that have never been seen before. Truly the darkness of humanity's heart is on display with such imager...
Wait a second, haven't we seen this exact plot, but better, before? Multiple times?
They do, you're just not capable of grasping it.
No goalposts were moved, incel.
>still cant understand
Proofreading is for betas with too much time on their hands. Alphas like me prefer to shoot from the hip and ask questions later. I'm 6'3 btw.
based and redpilled
>GOTY gets shafted and forgotten by announcing children's party game DLC before it
I swear if it happened again I won't stop laughing.
Also I don't get why you think anyone thinks it won't get thousands of accolades?
The game is dogshit casualized crap. However the journos who take pride in being incompetent and incapable of doing their job will praise it endlessly as the greatest game of all time because they can hope people see this as what gaming is so they aren't the laughing stock of entertainment journalism and their parents stop asking "Did you review the new Nintendo game sweetie?" at Thanksgiving. On top of that of course it'll sell millions, the advertising budget will be obscene and everyone and their dog will know it's coming out.
Doesn't stop the game from being clunky, mediocre crap with an overly predictable story with 0 plot twists that you didn't see coming.
These are the facts
>It'll be rated highly by incompetent retards
>it'll sell incredibly well because they'll advertise to everyone and their grandma's goldfish
>It'll still be a shitty overly casualized game with downgraded enemy and partner AI and a terrible, incredibly predictable, melodramatic story.
*saves videogames*
Cheer up, Crew Cut!
Enlighten us, zoomzoom
>Children's games
I bet a link to the past would kick your shit in you newfag piece of shit.
Really? Then explain how? You want to call it on par with one of the greats of film? Well, let's hear it. No youtube video essays from youtubers either. You're own words.
The people have spoken
>Yea Forumstard mad the game will outperform his little children's platformer.
You will never amount to anything in life, manchild
>Games where the story takes center focus and gameplay is put on the back burner
doesn't this also describe visual novels?
visual novels are not video games
But user
BOTH of the games are for children
For edgy 12 year olds who want to call themselves mature but don't have a proper understanding of maturity so it's just gore, swearing and relationship melodrama.
For normal kids who aren't trying to show off how pretentious they are.
>sucks off a corporation
>thinks this is amounting to anything
Throwing away your dignity puts you lower than someone who achieves nothing because they still have dignity. You've just amounted to being an onnahole.
>thinks I own a switch or care about Nintendo
This. Why do people think we need to choose, when we can just play both?
>For normal kids who aren't trying to show off how pretentious they are.
I take it you haven't been in threads where people try to compare Link's Awakening to David Lynch
Why would I even bother trying to explain anything to you? You who has already demonstrated that he does not have the intellectual capacity to understand the complexities of such a narrative. Just stick to your bing bang wahoo, its all your capable of understanding.
>sucks off a corporation
>thinks this is amounting to anything
also wrong
try harder
I have a feeling this is tranny.
>somebody mature enough to know a children's game/mindset when he sees one
Brain-damaged incel
>You who has already demonstrated that he does not have the intellectual capacity to understand the complexities of such a narrative
>You seem to have misconceptions about the plot
>I will not clairfy what these are and just insult you while saying it's complex
>Wait, you want me to clarify my points as if I were writing a book report on these stories since I claim they are equal with such media AND I can't use Youtubers
>I know I'll call him a switch user despite already saying multiple times he doesn't have one.
So, are you going to explain what makes it so great and totally different from the greats of film and writing or are you just going to keep using baseless words of fiction?
>thinks this is amounting to anything
>also wrong
Did you seriously just say that being a cocksleeve is amounting to something?
So you're openly admitting he was correct that you're a tranny? Nobody but cucks, trannies, and Redditors (which is a 50/50 cuck/tranny split) use that word.
refer to
I already told you I'm not going to waste my time explaining anything to you. You've already made clear through your numerous embarrassing posts that you simply do not poses the intelligence needed to fully grasp the narrative. Emotionally, you've demonstrated you cannot comprehend the nuances present in the character relations of the story. You're far too jaded to connect with the narrative on any meaningful, emotional level. Me explaining the nuances to you wont change a thing. Your brain chemistry is far too fucked up.
>reading comprehension
no, read my post again. You didn't understand it properly.
Halo is falls under the category of rehashed children's game, buddy
yeah you're right, just wanted to seperate the three companies
Really? So, the fact I've read, understood and appreciated the nuances of characters relations in The Road, Children of Men, Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, Shakespeare's Tragedies and many more, mean I don't understand some shitty game plot that was horribly predictable and uninteresting?
Maybe the story was just too cliche and boring to be interesting and the character relations were all so tried and overdone with way too much melodrama but none of the investment since all character deaths have very little impact since you know them for such a short time and they're just kind of there. Maybe it's just that you haven't read any high grade literature and think that a game that did something as over done as, dad struggles with the loss of his child and puts those feelings onto another leading to conflict of whether or not the man sees the child as his own or understands they're a separate person leading to the acceptance of loss and understanding of the past not being something that can be changed and needing to work towards a future the child would've liked to see if they grew up as something new.
Based actual reader and moviegoer BTFOing people who laud video game stories. Games have average at best stories to anybody who consumes any actually good narratives, such as literature or film or actually decent TV. The absolute state of any zoomer trying to defend this, fucking lol.
>So, the fact I've read, understood and appreciated the nuances of characters relations in The Road, Children of Men, Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, Shakespeare's Tragedies and many more
Oh, now I see. Your egotism has rendered you completely incapable of appreciating a good narrative. You think it is below you. You're just another pseudo intellectual Yea Forumscel who thinks his understanding of Lord of the Flies (literally 9th grade literature) makes him patrician among us plebs who can appreciate the narrative of a good game.
You've just given me yet another reason why I souldn't have to waste my time spoonfeeding you the nuances of the story like the infantile sped you are.
nintentards are mentally deranged.
Haven't owned a Nintendo console since elemntary school. ;-)
Keep projecting, user, because Sony's copy+pasta stories are oh so much better.
nice high school list of novels, fag
> Sony's stories are oh so much better.
I know. Pay attention.
>no argument
>My arguments are too much for an uneducated pleb such as yourself
>Well actually I'm rather well read in literature
>9th grade literature
Better 9th grade literature than 6th grade literature.
>Degrading a renowned classic because school's have kid's learned about it.
This is too much... You're defending a game for edgy 12 year olds while denying one of literature's many greats. How pathetic are you?
>denying literature's greats because school kids also read them
>doing this while defending a video game's cliche over done story that poorly copies many of these so called "high school list of novels"
You didn't actually pass 9th grade did you? I mean the way you act, you must've repeated the 6th grade a few times.
>the road
>animal farm
>literature's greats
more like your personal favorites you just got done reading in english class
>My arguments are too much for an uneducated pleb such as yourself
Emotionally, you are not able to grasp the nuances. No amount of literature will help you here, you're too jaded and too much of an incel.
>Degrading a renowned classic because school's have kid's learned about it.
No, just pointing out that it was a poor example to use if you wanted to sound like an intellectual.
What are you trying to get out of this? Are you a masochist? You keep embarrassing yourself over and over. I've already told you that you're not getting an explanation, so what do you want?
>Laughs at The Road
>the game he's defending poorly copies it
I'm not the same person defending TloU, just pointing out your underage trash. Don't critique anything with your shit taste
I choose movie games
>What are you trying to get out of this?
You to explain your case since you're making unfounded claims.
>Are you a masochist?
>I've already told you that you're not getting an explanation
Well then the point stands until proven otherwise. TLOU and nu-GoW have terrible, poorly presented, cliche, overdone, overly melodramatic stories that do nothing new or interesting, that copy other books and movies poorly.
You can't prove otherwise since you won't make a clear argument.
>The future of gaming is a choice between movies and video games
sounds pretty good to me, just choose the video games
>just pointing out your underage trash. Don't critique anything with your shit taste
But I'm critiquing underage trash for an even younger audience. So if anything, I'm a genius on this topic because I'm judging underage trash writing.
both bad but the funko pop one is worse because its hideous
>The Last of Us
>You to explain your case
As soon as you prove you're capable of understanding my explanation
>Well then the point stands until proven otherwise.
Maybe you'd be right here, if you actually provided a solid argument in the first place.
I'd give up if I were you. Good thing Yea Forums is anonymous, so the record of your embarrassment here won't hang over your head forever.
lmaoing at your tourettes ticks desu
Oh shit, I think after carefully looking through the internet I found a picture of you
>flexible and realized environments and AI introduced and executed in a seamless and organic manner
>buzzw and buzzwo buzzwordbuz and lie buzzwordb and buzzword in a buzzword and buzzwordbuzzw
wow, you sure showed me
>you lack the brain capacity to fully understand the complexities of a naughtydog plot.
>AI introduced and executed in a seamless and organic manner
>all these nintentard tears
Oh no user, don't, he'll say you don't understand 6th grade level writing and its actually really super duper ultra omega levels of complex because journo's said it was.
>you disagree with me online so you must be a member of my boogeyman that I have console wars against
>proves he cant understand
Moviegames is a fag buzzword and tlou had great gameplay
This thread has literally just been me slaughtering nintentards and pseuds left right and centre with my superior intellect. So glorious, one TLOU BVLL vs tens of onions-filled nintentoids.
Gotta play on highest difficulty, the gameplay gets way good
>The future of gaming will be indieshit or AAA shlock
>press X
>hold up
>press X
>press R2 to defeat pixles
>t. nintentoid
>t. nintentoid
Are you just stalling to prevent the thread from dying so you can type up your epic reply to ?
Sad desu, I already said I wasn't going to even attempt to explain anything to you.
This is what we deserve this?
Delete and try again retard...
different user but for the love of god just explain want makes the game so good. dodging the question for this long is the most pathetic thing ive seen in awhile. ive seen people with half a brain gladly explain why they love certain things, yet here you are pissing your pants and shoving your finger up your ass. also someone doesn't need "qualifications" for an explaination but if you really want a fucking resume here, best vidya story (ive seen so far): lisa
best movie: birdman, moonlight, her
book: dune
i hope you'd drop that extra chromosome long enough to give a proper response
>deleting an OP
based nintentoid
>larping as a different user to trick me into explaining the complexity of the story to your peon brain
And you call me pathetic. hahahahahahahaahahaha.
your delusional user seek help
>"explain your reasoning"
>p-please reply!
Fucking lol
>resorting to photoshop
and somehow you think you're qualified to receive an explanation on the complexities of TLOU narrative.
>reading comp
alright so your just trolling, or just that delusional either way its truly pathetic go to therapy
pathetic. Go to therapy
Lmao, more like go to school.
There was no argument tho, just personal insults
>There was no argument tho, just personal insults
See: every single post you have made in this thread
>can't comprehend the complexities of my arguments
There was no argument tho, just personal insults
>can't comprehend the complexities of my arguments
My last reply.
Seek help user
>hmmm i want to play a new videogame that's not story focused or a children's game...
>i know, i'll specifically look for and then proceed to complain about story focused and children's games
imagine complaining about a game for children while also not being able to beat said game
At least your B-tier movies don't have any gameplay for you to get stuck on
This thread is filled with the kinds of people who couldn't beat cuphead's tutorial lmao
deranged nintentard
I beat it easily because I've played these kinds of games before, I fucking love Metal Slug and Contra.
nobody cares