It's going to be so good bros
It's going to be so good bros
Other urls found in this thread:
Cant wait for retailfags tears once Classic overtakes in sub numbers
Literally the only reason I'm going to play this piece of shit is to nolife to 60 and camp all the boomers and dadgamers still stuck in midlevels.
imagine unironically believing this
have fun spamming 1 button i guess
imagine unironically defending retail
Stay in denial, blizzdrone. The nostalgia will wear off fast.
How is this even an argument? People are playing vanilla right fucking now and are loving it.
Fuck off back to your discord, trannie.
Oh look! We got a seething retailcuck here!
Don't come crying when nu-wow gets btFo. It'll be OSRS all over again.
All the boomers and dad gamers will be on PvE servers though.
How can anyone be optimistic about WoW Classic by Activision?
The devs are all old vanilla players. Their client base is quite outspoken so it won't be hard to know what will please them. This will be a big moneygenerator for them
>The devs are all old vanilla players.
Yeah that's worked wonders for retail.
>Their client base is quite outspoken so it won't be hard to know what will please them.
Yeah that's worked wonders for retail.
>This will be a big moneygenerator for them
Yeah if they add in a mount store and lootboxes
I'm optimistic because WoW was my favorite game and I wanna experience it again after not having played it for ~10 years.
Realistically I will play Classic for 3-4 months and drop it.
If only there was a new MMO actually worth playing,
anyone else not really care about endgame and just wanna level new characters with bros?
My goal is to play with my buds, get our dungeon sets, rank 10 and probably will max out at raiding ZG.
It's going to fail and it's going to be the Fyre Festival of 2019.
looks to me like you are the one seething cause your game is trash
have fun with your shitty friend sim
based optimistic poster
we're going home bros
>If only there was a new MMO actually worth playing,
Yeah if only there was an escape MMO for WoW refugees I wonder what that would be?
Blizzard jewed it so you have to sub to normal wow to get access to classic. So they can tote future wow content to investors
cringe and weebpilled
>If only there was a new MMO actually worth playing,
No thanks.
>Buy in Alpha
See you in 2 years when it releases maybe.Just like all the other Kickstarter mmos
Imagine passing up a better MMO just because it's Japanese.
I'm going to PLAY Ret Paladin
I'm going to TAKE Warrior's loot
I'm going to make Rogues SEETHE by not being able to kill me
I will NOT wear cloth gear
I will NOT heal your raid
>Alliance problems
oh no how terrible
absolutely blessed post
>play through the game once
>have fun visiting all bosses and raids
>complete all available content once basically by myself with a couple EX trials
>game suddenly feels pointless
>shit degen community
Was it Yoshi-P's masterplan all along? It was fun while it lasted, god tier soundtrack, this game has.
After 3 days people will be begging for more content after hitting max level and begging for balance patches.
if bfa added 65 new abilities for every class to press and reduced the GCD to 0.2 seconds, it would still be dog shit
>no friends playing it
>never played vanilla when it was live
>only levelled to 30 on private server
i'm going to get fucking crushed arent i? god i wish i had someone knowledgeable to play with. people say 'oh the mystery is part of the fun' - exploring new areas is fun, wandering back and forth not knowing where the fuck i 'm supposed to be questing isnt
The master plan is always to have people come back for the expansion and end of one cycle.
>this exactly
>have an estate so I can't unsub
>log in every day and just relax in my garden and maybe do trial roulette every now and then
Looking forward to the expansion though
Not like any other MMOs have fulfilling endgame anyway.
>I'm going to TAKE Warrior's loot
Enjoy joining groups with Warriors reserving loot beforehand so you never even see the drop, or getting kicked and never finding a group again if you ever ninja warrior loot.
you won't be raiding friend
You can look all that shit up now. Its not that hard. That or make some freinds in the game. Tank or healer and do instances all day long since youll be in demand. It slower but easy leveling at a few points.
everyone looking for the holdover mmo. The one that gets you to the next one without being a total fucking bore.
Really user? Really?
You're in for a fucking adventure. While there's some backtracking involved, you'll discover a ton of shit and branch into other quests with these back and forths, you'll see. I envy you. I hope you won't be using guides or addons, because if you do you'll end up regretting it.
>go on youtube
>find literally tens of thousands of videos showing the optimal shit to do
>all of them are basically the same with few variations since Classic is so old
Done you are now a master.
Imagine paying a monthly subscription for a finite game just so you can drown your sorrows in nostalgia. Sad.
not in any speed run guilds...
maybe if you get some good players you could get to naxx and get carried.
Tank the boss cuck while I have fun doing damage and actually playing the game.
if it's a finite game the moment the content is finished you can stop paying the sub
you'd be lucky to get into a pug as ret. Unless you're willing to meta game the fuck out of every minute detail just to do as much damage as a half retarded warrior or rogue not playing optimally, ret as a dps in classic is a joke.
>Paying 15 bucks a month for entertainment
Playing 2 hours nets you better value than a movie.
>auto attacks and judging a seal every 10 seconds
>thinking any raid will let you waste a boss debuff slot on crusader judgment
wow so much deeps
not if you get a handy by a homeless guy during the movie
You want to play a meme spec better prove your better than some of those mouth breathers in the bottom 10-20 slots. Anything less and you ARE the mouth breather.
can't wait to hang out in the best zone again
if youre playing ret youre automatically in the bottom 10-20 slots
i have been proven wrong today.
It is the same sub. It will no doubt be used to make retail look like it's doing better than it actually is.
Who /huntard/ here?
Can't wait to level an orc with a pet bear at my side being my bro.
Sorry, I prefer games where you can actually take every class to the endgame.
Probably. If ffxiv and wow have proven anything to me, its that a motivated player in a mid tier group can do better than most people.
Anyone want to stat a guild on a max pop PvP server with me where we DO NOT ALLOW GIRLS, gays, trannies, or genderfags?
I have massive experience leading guilds up till Cata, so I can manage shit easily. I just want more like minded bros to play with.
tell me the abilities a ret pally in classic is using to generate top 10 dps, auto attack and a judge every 8 sec isnt much.
we're going home bros
get ready hordelets
Who else is rolling the Chad race?
I want to tank guys. I've been asking for final build critques and looking at guides.
How's this one look for prot warrior tank?
I was also thinking of maybe healing with something like this
If anyone has input on either, I'd appreciate it. I only played BC, and back then I had no idea what I was doing.
healing build is fine, dunno about tank
Well it heavily relies on the rest of your group being trash and the player actually bringing enough mana regents to use abilities. Any competent player will still out dps Ret no matter how much effort they put in.
Dorf pally master race reporting
>for years nostalgiafags with rose tinted glasses have shitposted in every wow thread crying about how good vanilla was
>mfw blizzard have spent 3 years making classic, which will end up in an economic failure as every nostalgiafag quickly realises just how bad vanilla wow was
>blizzard could've spent that time developing other things, but fucked themselves over AND for a bonus, made the nostalgiafags finally shut their mouth for once
>the nostalgiafags are going to try and go full damage control by saying bullshit like:
>"i-i-it's not real vanilla wow because this shade of green isn't the same!"
>the nostalgiafags are going to break down and embarrass themselves when they try and claim classic failed for negligible reasons such as a mailbox was placed one step to the right, rather then admitting vanilla wow isn't as good as they remember
>nostalgiafags finally shut their mouth for once
Naive summer child, that will never happen.
Even though your post is retarded and a shitty bait, if this happens it will hopefully force them to actually release a new fucking MMO after 15 fucking years.
WoW Battle Royal
Really, when it comes to protection tanking, as long as you get the essentials, you get like 8 free talentpoints to spend however you prefer. Depends on what you personally prioritize in your playstyle pretty much. A guide can't tell you that, you'll have to feel it out yourself.
Keep up the cope, retailfag. This will be like OSRS all over again
Another beard reporting in.
Going to make him a blacksmith for flavor.
Which is the best class to play for such, i am assuming warrior.
"imagine spamming one button"
You mean enjoy having an adaptive rotation and resource management instead of "hit exactly this rotation every time for max dps"
>Go Priest
>Get Fear ward
>Raid Spot confirmed.
>Dont even need to do anything else well
I can't wait for vanillacucks to SEETHE when hybrids get buffed
Warrior or Paladin, probably. A Holy smith working in the Great Forge has cool RP value I think.
That's cool and all, but you haven't told me YOUR FAVORITE ZONE TO LEVEL IN.
You're going to play holy paladin
You're going to take healing cloth
You're going to make your tank happy as you please him
You WILL wear the dress
You WILL heal the raid
You are a sissy paladin and will do what you're told and you will like it
You can NEVER go back
It won't be the same
You don't even need to be prot to tank, just get Defiance and Last Stand and you're good to go even for early raids.
Ashenvale. Is this even debatable?
Have fun NOT raiding and getting BITCHED at in BGs.
Eastern kingdoms is 100% not comfy
This thread is 99% people that never played vanilla
I'm only going to play so I can camp retailfags until they log off or buy anotehr sub to rage at me
Warriors fear the BPC, I'm rolling need on your plate armor.
Coming out of the trees
They're coming out of the trees
So many skeletons
i've looked up most of the stuff about how to play my class, talent specs, instances and where to get the quests, important gear to pickup, skills etc.
What i dont seem to be able to find much of is info on routes in terms of levelling. So like knowing where to go after 30.
And also endgame stuff, like instance attunements and keys, dungeons to do etc
when i played on a private server i was alliance and did like
Elwyn > Darkshore > Loch Modan > Deadmines > Loch Modan > Redridge > Stocks > Duskwood > BFD > Wetlands > Duskwood > Gnomer and hit 30
you're not invited unless you put on the dress and flash some light :)
>he thinks it will be released
>he thinks it will be just like nost and not a crappy copy using latest engine
>he thinks they won't fuck it up with perma sharding and cash shop
It won’t be the same. The real move they need to play, which they won’t, is maintaining the new features that make the game better (transmog, for example) while turning the progression back to what it used to be: moving from raid to raid with dungeons and quests for attunememt in between, in addition they need to bring back quests for special items, including quest specific quests. The new content they’ve added isn’t bad, it’s just implemented in a way that breaks the feeling the game once had.
Ask people in game, user. I promise you it'll be infinitely better than just looking up guides.
>basing your class and talent choices around an endgame you might not ever reach or enjoy instead of having fun in the moment
You know that most of the adventure is over with when you've hit max level, right?
cringing hard at your post tranny, you don't know shit about the game
>Babbies first MMO. rerelease
whew. being a true oldfag is pain.
I agree with everything you said but transmog.
>It won’t be the same.
Sure, it will still be a very enjoyable game. Nost had 100k+ active players, as a private server
>is maintaining the new features that make the game better (transmog, for example)
Transmog was a disaster for the game. Ruined a lot of the RPG feel to the game
>the new features that make the game better (transmog, for example)
You have to be over 18 to post here.
Source, sir? Those juggers man...
Also this
>I will NOT heal your raid
You won't even be in one
God no
Half of what made the game special was seeing people who could progress and the neat loot from Raids.
Sorry I don't hang with a bunch of autistic min/maxers who plays their MMOs like a numbers game, I'll be rolling through raids with my friends.
Truth is, I only want to play classic to flex on everyone who doesn't know what the game was like back then.
But is that really worth it?
>When you choose to play something so shit that you rationalise its worth as making others mad.
BRD isnt a raid my friend
>But is that really worth it?
I think you know the answer to that already.
Transmog is the only good addition they’ve made since Wrath. If you disagree you have no fashion sense and should go find a stylist to fix your disgusting, graphic-tee infested, cargo pant having, wardrobe.
I dont really care for raiding, doing my own thing in the forge is enough for me.
I like it and agree, looks like it's decided.
>(transmog, for example)
No fucking thank you, it's a basic example of something that breaks the games feeling.
It's a patch on lazy or shit armor design.
Without transmog you can almost instantly see someones progression in the game.
Play a hunter then and be an Engineer
>I play an MMO for dress ups
I am so glad zoomers like you won’t be playing classic. It’s going to be fucking excellent.
How the fuck did you get my IP address
ok, thank you for the average mmo estimate
seething retailcucks
just join us, no need to be so bitter
>a system that devalues how cool your end-game gear looks and inflates the price of low level gear based on its appearance
yeah nah fuck off
you sound like a fag
My nigger
Can't decide what pet I'll go for myself
this in bfa you use the same rotation every fucking time no matter what you're fighting and its not any better than vanilla's pve rotation
>OSRS all over again
I always find this comparison highly amusing.
You know that OSRS is basically the runescape equivalent of a Cata/Mop server right? It's 2.0, i.e. completely changed systems, quests, completely updated graphics, etc. The runescape version that would be vanilla is runescape classic (1.0) which had 1% of the players of live 2.0 when Jagex got tired of having to deal with botting for such an insignificant side venture and began the process to kill it off entirely.
pretty sure they will report play time on classic and bfa/retail as separate numbers to their shareholders since they don't report subs anymore
druid pact represent
>wanting to play a game that blizzard had to swallow their pride to announce
>thinking zoomers care about fashion
Nah my dude, they’re going to be so excited to look like a banana and carry around a corn on a stick. It’s just like Fortnite! Welcome to the new generation of Classic, hope you like armor skins that look like llamas and disco dancers.
for me its based
its not even out yet and its had more hype than bfa has, what are you even talking about
Absolutely based, all those seething replies just proves you right.
>join us
Fuck. No. They’re exactly the type of person you don’t want shitting up your MMO.
Due to the shitty graphics, lack of skins/microtransactions, “muh rotation” and no transmog or blood elves, Classic will be the zoomer free gaming extravaganza of 2019.
You realize he has to follow a rotation to get the combo points which he needs for slice and dice right?
That's the second character, going to use him to patrol wetlands and reluctantly help the knife earred fucks make their way to IF.
They'll get there eventually on their own anyway, so i might as well leave less corpses on the road.
Which has a SOUL ?
>Implying I'm letting other plate wearers into my dungeon group if they aren't my friends
Keep dreaming, gayboy.
both,but right has more soul
I enjoyed trolling palas on my hunter using stings to drain his mana they are laughably bad.
Have fun with ur shit graphics, I’ll be playing the best mmo in the meantime.
Then why do I play it for over 2 years on private servers and still enjoy it?
God damn I want to bury my dick in that ass and ejaculate deep into her bowels, if ya know what I mean.
wrong pic?
>mfw none of my wow friends want to play classic but i want to experience it for the first time
didnt play it when it was current so the struggles of solo adventurer will be strong
ret pallys unite
>You can NEVER go back
summer 2019
>It won't be the same
nope, but i am capable of making new friends and new memories so not a big deal
you will get bored. its a fucking meme. babbies first mmo.
When's it coming out?
Make new friends
This is what happened when a female facecam streamer tried to play the classic demo:
I can’t fucking wait bros.
soul vs soulless
FFXIV is literally a part for part recreation of post-Cata WoW. People upset with modern WoW aren't going to want to play this turd.
As someone who was a stupid 13 year old when I played vanilla in 2005: No. The struggles are a fucking meme. It was a fun game for its time, but unless you are a brain-dead seal there is no struggle beyond not blowing your fucking brains out from all the waiting around involved.
It's gonna be aids. All the fucking pirates are going to be farmed for rep and cloth while the sandpirates are going to be farmed for cloth and the hand of edward the odd
Gotta wonder how these people actually possess the neurons necessary to simply keep breathing.
This was amazing. What's better is the comment section filled with thirsty retailbabies defending her.
Looks like one of the older sonic games.
Will we finally be free of trannies?
Tab isn't about skill. That's not why people play it retard.
XIV kept the good parts of mid-life WoW while WoW doubled down on more and more trash.
One game has titanforging, the other has badges and vendors.
no lol
autism has a direct link with transgenderism, there are t ons of trannies on private servers
What is sharding?
Runescape 2 is what players are nostalgic about though, and the version of runescape that was the most "runescapy" . Classic wasn't good.
its when you fart and poop at the same time
But they're still different from vanilla WoW in a fundamental way. They both focus on the parts of MMOs that, to me, are the least interesting.
when players are hidden from eachother so they can get quests done easier
casual thing
transmog was great for activision because it gets people to waste time running old dungeons so they can focus less on designing current content. it also greatly diminished the value individual pieces of gear had
it's not better.
the combat is slow as fuck and the cutscenes are garbage that put you to bed.
plus it's weebshit
Mechanics straightforward and tight.
Classes are earned
Huge open world to fight against your eternal enemies the alliance
Endless ganks in stormwind live in the blue moon inn
Once I hit 60 you will not level past 20 you will know terror your race and oldguards can't protect you from.
>using unoptimal pet
>cht with chromatic
cringe and bluepilled
Left, but on an UD
I played on so many fresh servers I wont mind sharding, I just cba to pull 48h shifts with 6h of sleep again just to not get stuck in the pack, im too old for that, give me sharding for the start.
based and basedpilled
i played vanilla wow solo in 2005 and made a full guilds worth of friends and still keep in contact with some of them almost 14 years later. you have nothing to worry about friend
Gear looks too bulky and plastic nowadays.
The moment they abandonned the bright cartoon aesthetic in Cata to go for semi-realistic nu-blizshit the game started to look like shit.
Did you skip BfA? They slowed down WoW's combat to put it in line with XIV. And I'd rather sleep through 20 minutes of cutscenes than 20 minutes of warfronts.
XIV plays fine right now which is not the case for WoW, in 8.1 it's an absolute mess of incoherent design philosophies that have gone backwards and forwards and have led to all the classes being gimped and still missing abilities from Legion and the removal of system features like master looter to prevent the top two guilds from doing split runs which they still do anyway.
I won't argue with that, XIV learned it's lessons from WoW during Wrath/Cata and progressed from there. Vanilla is a different matter entirely. I'm not comparing XIV against vanilla.
honestly classics endgame is better than people give it credit for. PvE is simple but unforgiving with a suprising amount of room for tryhard optimization, and pvp is unique among MMOs and is a blast at high levels (although gear dependant and unbalanced, and ranking is 95% grind)
The biggest issues is that vanilla HEAVILY the topend of a server in a way that a lot of people dont realize and arent ready for, and I think a month or two into classic a lot of people are going to start complaining about it
>t. mythic raider in legion and pserver autist
I miss this game. Actually, i just miss the experience.
I think I know what you mean
>issues is that vanilla HEAVILY the topend of a server
>vanilla HEAVILY the topend of a server in a way that a lot of people dont realize and arent ready for
can someone translate this into english
>and the version of runescape that was the most "runescapy"
It isn't though, user. And that is exactly my point.
Runescape 1 was an unpolished mess with bad graphics, poor balance, a much greater focus on grinding, badly implemented game systems, and general tedium. Exactly like Vanilla wow. Runescape 2 is an updated, polished game with improved systems, reduced grinding and tedium, better questing, quality of life features, etc. People remember Runescape 2 because it was the first version they played, or it was the better version they played. Just like (and literally any poll that has ever been done will confirm this) the overwhelming, overwhelming majority of people think the best, most "wowy" version of WoW was BC or Wrath, the expansions that polished the game, improved the look, had more quality of life and less grinding, better balance and better systems.
>Classic wasn't good.
Yes. I agree. As someone who played both when they were the active version of the game, neither RS1, nor Vanilla WoW were good. If Blizzard wanted OSRS results, they would do BC/Wrath servers, because that is actually what OSRS is. An updated, better version of the game, not the original, complete mess version.
I will play a druid and i will get barbed JUST FINE
>please play my game
troll ass?
separate instances of the same zone, so that when zones are overfilled with players you're not fighting other players for spawns and such
Yea Forums acts like it's the end of the world but without it the game is literally unplayable at launch, see: the first month of TBC and everyone trying to quest in hellfire peninsula
*heavily favors
reserve, split raids, raid loot sales/GBID raid. While some of this exists in retail the gold advantage is a much bigger deal in vanilla
>has lost sight of what made him love WoW, lives in a cold world of numbers, percentages, and fractions
This is by far why I can't enjoy MMOs anymore, god dammit.
he's probably hemo specced for pvp which is fine with these weapons
given how trivial the content is i don't think many people will be purchasing their way into a raid...
Imagine not wanting to be the boneking
fidjkfsk shut the fuck up you dumb faggot
FFXIV is the SAME as current wow
fuck you
Vanessa does things to me
>swords pvp
the rotations are more complicated than 3 button priority systems, so it's a little different
>doesnt know about hemo pvp
For me, it's BFA Jaina.
>gonna roll dwarf
>gonna roll hunter
>gonna roll on all the loot
That’s not a troll
>implying hemo is good for anything besides pvp
>implying its better than cold blood with bis daggers
Blizzard is one of the few western developers that does good, attractive female designs, and for the mostpart that hasn't changed over the years even if the overall quality of their games has gone down.
>tfw no dwarven gf
>tfw can't roll nelf mage
feels sad
Kill yourself wojackposting scum your kind is not wanted here.
Hey guys, since Alliance is for faggots whats the best horde race?
pic unrelated
Agreed except Jaina and Draenei are shit
If not undead, then tauren.
Also you're a faggot.
Is it though?
vanilla was trash, going to be funny watching it die though.
>Classic NE Mage
>Stealthed next to flag in WSG
>POM pyro instagib everyone who touches flag
plz no
I mean hopefully they'll do as osrs did and update the game over time only without making it shit
for me, its dwarf paladin
The hardest sell for me in Classic is no expansion races and no WoD models. I'll live with it but it's one of the only decent things retail has left and if Classic had them then there would be no reason to play retail ever again.
Pic related, the average dwoorf pally in vanilla
imagine the fucking smell
>WoD models
have you not seen how grotesque all the new faces look
>can see vag
thats not very advertiser friendly
What do when your undead gf says she wants to eat your ass?
Can’t wait for none of them nigger, faggots, minorities, jews or women to be in this game.
I’m so happy the white male gamer finally has a place to call home.
It's still nicer to look at than the old le soul models. The WoD model for draenei was the best one they'd ever done, too, before people complained that the faces looked too much alike and ruined them.
I have 6 points left for my holy paladin healer; what are some choices I should consider?
not white male but what about this
i just can't get over how bad the nelf faces are
I can always get a new ass attached
Warrior or Paladin guys? I just want to RP and lead dungeon groups.
what do you mean by lead? lead physically as a tank or lead by telling everyone what to do
Reminder to add people you enjoyed grouping with to your friends list
She looks so classy. I want her to bite me.
Why do people try and ruin others enjoyment of things by trying to turn this into an us vs them when it has no impact on either, no one gives a shit if you play retail or classic
Why are you such pathetic humans
>want to play an Alliance hunter
>dislike guns because of how loud they are
>no sense in playing a dwarf if you're not gonna use a gun
>don't want to play a male night elf since males are all supposed to be druids
>don't want to play a girl character because not a tranny
fine I'll just go fucking orc hunter again
imagine random noobs thinking this was an impressive display of pvp skills at one point in time.
We're going home, bros
Retail fags are absolutely seething. We classic chads are feeding on your tears, it makes us stronger.
Because people are tribalistic
If I'm A then B is fucking shit
>tfw want to play a paladin and don't mind healing but really fucking hate dresses
Us vs Them is a huge part of American culture at this point. It's been ingrained into our heads for generations to always hate "THEM" whoever that is.
Retail whales are salty that their game will turn into a token farming simulator for people to pay for classic with retail gold.
You can take solace in the fact that most regular people don't give a shit either way and that most people who play either one are people who are fine with both.
if you haven't noticed people try to turn everything into an us vs them competition
it is human nature
all 4 of those reasons are incredibly autistic
>orc hunter
>not going wolf pet
Fuck I have this same problem
>want to play a dwarf hunter but they look like trash without a gun and I don’t like how they look in anything after tier 1
>nelf females look great in all the tier sets and fit the lore really well but I don’t want to be accused of being a tranny fag
>guess I’ll just go troll/orc hunter
Just fuck my life
I mean I thought Boar or Scorpid could be fun choices too
I love the Undead but always hated Sylvannas since WC3.
Pick one you utter mong.
>but I don’t want to be accused of being a tranny fag
The problem is you are approaching this from a retarded private server point of view. No one in classic is going to give a shit that you play a female night elf.
No warrior is going to let you in their group. No raid leader will waste a spot on you. People in BGs will report you as AFK to kick you out and get a real player instead. Good luck.
it's going to be missing the wonder of it all being a new experience and being stupid and everyone else being stupid
i'm not going to play it specifically because i don't want to ruin my good memories of running around in barrens trying to find mankrik's wife or getting welcome beared
>imagine spending 2 years playing an expansion just to have everything you did made obsolete.
Nope it's going to suck lol
I just started playing current WoW and find it really boring. With Classic, is it more or less the same as current WoW? Another thing that bothers me with current wow is that you can find large groups of people anywhere besides the main cities, and my friend told me about sharding or whatever its called where players are hidden, will Classic have that?
It's faster than that, everything you have becomes obsolete every major patch, it happens a few times per xpac
Huntards unite!!!!
Because by creating an enemy we create a bond among ourselves :3
I think they said classic will have sharding on launch to deal with the server load but once the player base is more spread through the zones they'll disable it.
>tfw I reserve every prebis item and sellable
>tfw the inevitable hatemail from zoomers and nostalgiafags
Cant wait to see all the people realize that Vanilla was actually kind of shit, and that what made Vanilla great is no longer possible.
>always hated Sylvannas since WC3
but why
the enemies dont even play correctly
>can't find large groups of people anywhere besides the main cities
It wasn't like that once
That's what people are hoping returns
imagine the fucking smell UGH
I could not imagine someone playing gay ass nu wow when classic drops. They must be fat. I rememer getting shredded working out all day and dunking on faggots in the hoop center then getting balls deep on some night elf ass and 40 man raids with 2 bitches on pcs farming for me.
Classic Wow girls get fucking sick. There is something wrong in their heads they need fucked out of them.
I assume this is just bait, but it depends on what you find boring.
>my friend told me about sharding or whatever its called where players are hidden
Sharding generally only happens in situations where there are a lot of people, like launch.
>Another thing that bothers me with current wow is that you can't find large groups of people anywhere besides the main cities
Don't let people meme you. It was the same in Vanilla. You have a bunch of people at launch, but if you start playing ~7 months in like you are with current wow, you are still just going to be seeing the occasional player outside of specific high population cities/areas.
It isn't even novel to see people in a persistent world anymore
She's a cunt and I'm glad that she is suffering
I would gladly drop current wow to play classic if it didnt have sharding
>what made Vanilla great is no longer possible.
Not him but I would have preferred if I Classic was a one-time purchase or if it was a separate but less expensive sub.
>With Classic, is it more or less the same as current WoW?
Classic is pretty much a different game entirely.
I mean it's already comparatively ~25% cheaper than it was in 2004.
Not bait, genuinely just started playing wow a little over a week ago, dungeons and quests i find horribly boring, quests especially since they’re always:
>go here
>kill 10 enemies
>collect this
>come back
The only thing that keeps me going is that i have completionist OCD and cant stop until i finish every quest
imagine being excited for classic
imagine being excited for retail
imagine being excited for anything anymore
>the girl who voiced that also did Brann Bronzebeard's voice at some point
>I will NOT heal your raid
Of course you won't heal my raid, you wouldn't get invited in any raid, and then you will immidiately respec to healer like the cuck you are and still won't get invited
Life isn't that bad man today I bought peach slices and no one shot at me and there were no wild animals trying to eat me
That's pretty good imo
I don't think MMOs in general as a genre are a good match for you mate.
But I play on vanilla private servers and they don't suck
You will not like Classic then. Vanilla is that same thing but with even less story happening, and
>go here
>kill 20 enemies
>collect 8 of this item with a 20% drop chance
>come back
Dungeons are (sometimes), larger and more dungeon-y than current, but they are also significantly more mind-numbing and slow.
that's good, you take your wins where you can get them
You're right in some ways; the general landscape of the internet and social media has made the overall zeitgeist that allowed for WoW Vanilla to be such a memorable place and period a thing of the past. A persistent world with people from all corners of the Earth in it is no longer novel. Wiki culture, strategy guides and datamining - not to mention that the game is just old - means that there is no 'mystery' in the world, you and everyone else playing already knows everything there really is to know about the game and what there is to find. The fact that the average player will be pushing 30 and probably has a full-time job also means that there won't be nearly as many people doing all night sessions grinding away, and will be less interested in meeting others playing.
And yet in other ways you are wrong. I think there is a market for a game like Classic WoW that doesn't exactly hold your hand, that takes time and commitment, and has nuance and depth to its mechanics. I think the game's legacy is such that people are willing to put aside time and convenience for a more rough-around-the-edges experience. It worked for OSRS, I could well work here.
Play a single player RPG instead. You will have a much better time.
>owned and operated by Activision
>built on the current WoW client (Made to look like Vanilla, but not actually Vanilla WoW.)
Not fucking likely.
you do know that retail WoW is the same client as vanilla right
they've added a lot to it over the years but it's the same fucking game and technology
Yeah the magic won't be there for just about everyone who plays it, but at least we'll have an iteration of WoW that isn't cancerous.
this game was amazing to me back then because
a) It felt fresh and new
b) I wasn't old enough to feel like I'm constantly wasting my time if I'm not either being productive, or trying to overcome my crippling social anxiety.
c) I still had friends that played video games
Fuck, I wish I was young again.
very based
ill be doing the same but human because female dwarves dont exist
>tfw holy priest who is going to heal daddy prot warrior :3c
Can’t wait to give him a extra surprise after each dungeon~
>male human warlock
>herb/alch + FA
>male tauren shaman
>ench then resto
>herb/alch + FA
i'll probably be troll hunter. is one much better than the other? i want to pve and pvp
Why do you care if classic is financially viable or not. They are going to at least put it out for a year minimum. Even in the most drastic circumstances where the servers become ghost towns in a couple of days they will still keep the server up for a year. It seems like you have a grudge against either Classic or Blizzard or both.
>no expansion races
>no WoD models
you know you can just mod in the models...right?
i can live without worgen, goblins and blood elves
but the game is just missing something without draenei and pandas
>be a ranger
>best at long range
>decide to powerslide right into the middle of a battle because I’m a strong woman who don’t need no man
>get absolutely blown the fuck out by some guy called the lich king
>soul ripped out and turned into a banshee
>somehow it’s everyone else’s fault that I died so now every other living thing must die so I can control them
This is modern blizzard writing
other than goblins the expansion races sucked and didn't really fit in.
This post is both based and cancerous.
I'm gonna leave it at that and roll horde, see you in stv.
>blood elves
>sucking/not fitting in
you're the worst type of player tbqh just ERP in discord
based cancer huh wut the fuk??
What are you guys playan while waiting for it to release?
I'm at a loss here.
>implying female night elf isn't going to be swarmed by fags, trannies, and roasties since blood elves won't be in the game
blood elves were cancer on release and invited an army of alliance faggots who wanted to be super models into the horde.
Look I get wanting to pay a cheaper sub but this is really a win/win situation. We get classic servers which a large number of people have wanted for a long time and we may get BC and WotLK servers if classic works out and blizzard gets to pad their sub numbers for retail. Everyone is winning and you aren’t paying anymore money then you paid 15 years ago for wow.
Are you a gay user?
Afk dmg its BEST DMG
get kek neet faggot
Fuck meta minmaxing requirements, but at the same fuck egoistic party members.
that reminds me every girl/fag ive met from wow had 50 different belf characters
touche but youre still gay
Imagine all the good that'd have made if Arthas never rezzed this whore. If I were the Lich King I'd never have rezzed any women tbdesu.
Worgen, goblins and pandas were all races that were considered for Vanilla, so I don't really agree.
it's not even about erp shit I just think they are two of the most interesting races aesthetically and lorewise
nothing sexier than male dwarf priests
12 SUBS PogChamp
What do you mean? This is a great way for casuals to not fall too far behind.
>Best Ranger
>GOT RECK by a lvl1 DK
were going home
he killed terenas he had to have been worth at least a few levels of xp
>joins your dungeon group
>A Old King
We are going home.
Depends on what you find more advantageous to your play style. Pve trolls are better because of their racial for increased attack speed but orcs hardiness (25% chance to resist stun) is king for pvp and they get a melee damage bonus activation racial as well. That may not seem advantageous at first but wait till some asshole rogue gets in your shit and you resist his cheap shot and then pop your damage racial and raptor strike crit that fag for 2k and then feign death/trap him and run away for an aimed shot and bam dead fucking rogue who is absolutely seething in the graveyard. People think because hunters did meh dps in later raids that they can’t hit for shit in pvp but in reality hunters pack a fucking punch, especially when you take into account a majority of their attacks are instant casts.
that makes no sense
>need dranei and pandas
>not about erp
It's okay user, futa isn't gay
i'm going to enjoy all the zoomers and wrathbabies complaining about outdated mechanics and everyone else complain about how the nostalgic feeling just isn't there
We're going home bros.
I'm going to enjoy playing it
>not in Redridge
>first time seeing a deathguard
>wanted to become one the whole time in tirisfal
>mfw it never happens
Hinterlands, Tanaris and Feralas. The 40-trio.
Female night elves are on the always gank list for most horde.
>see dwarf hunter
>wave to him while killing the night elf nearby
>roll warrior
>get fucked by literally everyone in pvp
>get fucked by literally every single mob in pve
>die literally every minute
>reach 30
>get whirlwind weapon quest
>should kill 35-37 mobs to get some charms
>finally do it
>have to kill 40 lv elite to get the weapon
>it literally oneshots me at lv 35
Why the fuck is it so hard?
all knife ears deserve death
Remember to always help tauren bros if they're struggling with a mob.
You have to rely on the power of friendship.
Payment for playing the class that turns into the most fun and one of the best classes in the game later on.
Classic unironically has more spells than BFA.
literally doing almost the exact same thing
>tfw actually going home
Classic and retail arent even the same genre anymore.
Retail stopped being an MMO at some point between WOTLK and CATA.
It stopped being an RPG after that but I had already quit.
>warriors don't even have stances
>classes have a quarter of the abilities they had in vanilla
>but retail has more content guys!!!
im going to enjoy seeing my fellow wrathbabies drop off within days and i will stay to have fun in classic with wowboomers
Honestly I know it sounds stupid but I always noticed that hunters even when they are on opposite factions look out for one another. I never got attacked by another hunter while playing my dwarf hunter on pvp servers. Is it because hunter class is like a brotherhood or is it because horde players consider dwarves honorary horde because they are such a chad race?
It's because your average huntard is a ginormous pussy who'll only fight she he's certain he can win, like a warrior that's 8 levels lower than he is and 20% HP after fighting mobs.
>Female dwarf
>I won't have to look at the panda's fat downsy retard faces anymore
Thank the lord
>Honestly I know it sounds stupid but I always noticed that hunters even when they are on opposite factions look out for one another.
Only druids actually do this
>dark portal
I don't care fagadin, not my problem. Enjoy getting gkicked everywhere tho.
Looks like someone has been epically trolled!
A hunter has the option to easily engage or disengage from almost any fight 1v1
They will never go in on a 5:5 mirror matchup
>It's because your average huntard is a ginormous pussy who'll only fight she he's certain he can win
You're right, but until 60 every fight is a fight they can win unless it's a frost mage with a drop on them.
Back to what I was born to be...
A reminder that Classic will FAIL if they don't give the Alliance High Elves.
>no belves
>no cuckidans
>old org
god fucking damn im so excited. TRUE horde is back on the menu lads.
Honestly if horde got goblins and ogres alliance could get their white elves or whatever faggety race they want.
I thought it was mostly rogues who did this?
Capeshit made me stop watching movies.
>True horde is getting rolled by paladin buffed groups and gets to experience being the cuck-faction again since TBC as it has all the tryhard who racial pick stacked against them.
fuck this nigger
I agree tbqh because the more gay elf races the Alliance get the less weebs and fat girls get funneled to the Horde
Rogues are definitely the worst offenders of that.
why did they change this?
I want to play Dwarf but Nelf players are cancer and Human players are bigger neckbeards than the Horde so idk.
I'm going to jump up the left cliffs to get on Orgrimmar's gates and no one can stop me
>no paladins
>thrall before he was ruined
>no trannybornes
>no pandas
>no nu-sylvanas yass shenanigans
To make it better
it'll be fine
kys yourself please
What an absolute unit
>thrall before he was ruined
I forgot about this. Fuck yes.
I too am a man of great taste
Wrong, because Rogues can do this to someone 8 levels higher, too.
who else /devilsaurmafia/ here?
Still not sure whether to play Shaman or Huntard. Am I going to have to be a healslut if I go Sham? I don't mind but wanna know beforehand.
Make a Dwarf and Gnome only guild.
When shadow comes to claim our souls
Some must rise, the light of old
Names in stone, spirits of legend
Deeds unknown, yet never forgotten
These are the Duranin
Of honor within and of fear without
Remember them, when in hope you doubt
It'll feel good farming sandniggers again.
>Dirty mud hut niggers, half of which are degenerate undead faggots
You're going to get King's Honored.
Only competent rogues, and 95+% of rogue players are morons.
For raiding, yeah probably
Unfortunately the modern client will probably prevent wall jumping.
get back in the dress Falcorn we've got BWL in an hour
>"Remember! Do not, my friends, become addicted to pre-bis!"
the face has so much more emotion and character on the right
What an ambitious project that was, so campy, I loved it.
it reminds me of another pas favorite of mine, NQQB wars, which was basically a pvp video and a massive shitpost combined, that reused the audio of that arthas fight scene
I've never gotten past level 30 on Private Servers so even in Blizzard doesn't fuck it up, I don't know if I'd even get far enough to justify the purchase. I like the idea of soloing dungeons on a Mage though, I've seen lots of videos where they do that and it looks fun.
I loved how it had all naruto and mgs3 music, it was just cringey imagined overly ebin battles you dreamed up while listening to music, but the madmen actually went and made that kind of thing a movie
Yeah that's exactly it! You described the thing perfectly.
Funny to see someone else that saw and liked it, maybe it's just me but it feels as if very few people knew about it.
Classic should be fun but I seriously question if it will be worth playing in the long-term.
The first few weeks will probably be great whether or not it actually plays anything like vanilla WoW did.
I'm just not sure if modern Blizzard is up to the task.
Buy 1 month subtime. Like you said the first few weeks will be MMO bliss then play it by ear after.
Do we revolt if they change [The Nicker] to [The Blackrock Slicer] out of fear of modern day media? Will it truly be vanilla if we can't spam [The Nicker]?
It's gonna happen user
>playing in a 1.12 funserver
Enjoy your [The Blackrock Slicer], faggot.
Aka monkeynews, hes such a massive fag that he basically deserves this entire chart desu.
>damage meter on
>threat meter off
Sadly true. I've only ever seen at most 2 other people in my groups using KTM while leveling my warrior, and frequently I'm the only one with it on. I'm so tired of people pulling off me and there being nothing I could have done differently.
>will be worth playing in the long-term.
Depends on how badly blizzard ducks with the server.
My nigga fuck people dissing on Ret paladins im playing for immersion not fucking high tier raiding neckbeards. I’m just hoping all together this games just more social than retail and can meet some new people
I want to play feral druid tank again.
I'm expecting it to be completely unplayable for the first week.
>using KTM while leveling
>being surprised when no one has it on in a fucking level 20 dungeon
The first few days are gonna be awful overall with sharding and new servers popping up. My bigger worry is how the servers are going to do before BGs when TM SS and STV start to get nasty. Modern servers are trash and can hardly handle 30v30
Yeah faggot, you're the only two people who knew about a machinima that had millions of views on warcraftmovies
Wait are they actually gonna do that shit? I thought everyone already told them that was a shit idea and just to get more servers.
Of course. I just never saw it discussed anywhere.
>it isn't a problem when people are constantly pulling threat because they wanna see big numbers
>fucktards pulling off right at the start of a pull because trying to get sufficient threat on 3 things takes a little while
>loss of a mob on me reduces rage generation, reducing my overall threat output, making it harder to regain control on whatever was pulled and/or maintain threat on the stuff that's still on me
>also splits heals unless I wanna waste taunt CD every single pull on some retard that doesn't learn
Yeah, it doesn't matter at all.
>hurrrr every leveling 5-man is RFC
>just to get more servers
Unlike you, Blizzard knows Classic is going to be a ghost town after 2 months.
Until i hear otherwise sharding is going to be the way they deal with excess people at the start. Saying they care only about accurate game play more than server stuff is gonna be hit or miss at this point.
troll restosham or orc hunter
the decision is too hard for me to make alone
>open a hundred servers for launch when everyone jumps on to mess around
>6 months later all but a dozen servers are completely dead and no one anywhere else can do anything
>losing aggro in leveling dungeons
I can tank every leveling dungeon with my dick tied behind my back. Face it, you just suck.
>vanilla servers launch
>people start demanding blood elves
They could just merge them
Everyone would just report that classic is dead they had to merge servers for the first time in the history of WoW even if its the right thing to do for the health of the community.
Which means Blizzard will just go full Group Finder and if it gets really bed X-Realm
not him but I really hope you aren't talking about retail
Most would know that it's necessary. It's not the mid-2000s anymore, we understand that server merges are necessary to support servers after the initial population drop-off.
You shouldn't just have to accept an unsuccessful launch.
Thanks for confirming you haven't actually played it.
>get 2 shouts off on pack after Revenging/SAing skull
>rogue has already dumped full energy on something and stolen aggro
This is a common occurrence and not my fault.
Sharding is confirmed. Whether or not it'll be shut down after crowded launch is up in the air.