Gen 3... Home

Gen 3... Home...

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really was one of the best map designs if not the best

At least it was until Ohmori fucked everything up.

what game

At least it was until ORAS fucked it up

sinnoh was better

too much water
IGN was right, 2nd half of the game is boring as shit

Still best region without a single doubt

Why is it that i can basically map out Gen 2 and 3 from memory in my head but not 4-7? Is it just because things leave bigger impressions on children?
I'll be honest though, i only played through Gen 4-7 games once, whereas i played through gen 2 twice on Gold and Crystal and Gen 3 twice on Sapphire and Emerald

Same map as


>catch a pickatchu

>Isn't available until 70% through the game
nice try idiot

it probably is that. I think we dont filter as much information out when we're younger, so even if we know its ntot hat important we'll remember things

What's that one island near the bottom

Sinnoh was better

event island where you found deoxys

Attached: Pt_Sinnoh.png (1024x724, 1.3M)

I know this is a cliche thing to say but I'd love to get a remake of all the Pokemon 2D, Everything from Red and Blue to Black 2 and White 2

I see, thanks. And you're correct, Platinum!Sinnoh is superior

southern island where you find latias/latios

no, birth island is in the sevii islands region

Attached: sevii.png (6656x9088, 2.74M)

I mean on the switch, I just want to go back to being 7 and playing Pokemon Diamond, I miss it so much

Why was sevii so kino?
I remember that it felt like it was full of mystery.
For example there's this dumb ass cave that has nothing but Zubats in it and apparently serves no other purpose. I ran aroung in that shithole for at least a couple hours trying to figure out its mystery. Of course, there was none, which was disappointing.
And then there was that forest with all the patterns and i was convinced that there must be some big ass secret in there, especially because one of the NPC's points out that there must have been a reason for the grass to grow in the way it did. But turns out that it was merely a bunch of invisible items.

oras was fun I mean compared to most recent pokemon games

Gen 3 is my favorite because it introduced this turbo-whore and Gardevoir who is super sexy.

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The zubat cave was supposed to change pokemon with that weird e-reader thing, but they never implemented it. And the forest supposedly has its grass patches laid out like a GBA cartridge circuitboard, but I haven't verified that

But really, I love Sevii because it's just more of the same, it helps extend what is otherwise a short game. And a lot of its routes and dungeons are actually better than Kanto's quite basic areas