
He looks fucking amazing, fuck you

Attached: 1551680762070.png (703x588, 351K)

Other urls found in this thread:

why is his face so swollen?

He looks like fucking Rapid, the gay BW commentator

His hair looks like a bird's.

Attached: white-cheeked-turaco-tauraco-leucotis.jpg (600x400, 53K)

fuck y-you

literally looks like an aging rockstar or something, they should have made his hair less fucking voluminous

The barnet don't match the boat

We are used to anime face Vergil, his face now has photorealistic proportions.

Attached: 1551600329448.png (926x669, 1.12M)

why does he have a pompadour now

why does his face look so weird? it cant just be the RE engine since other characters look great

I just don't like how he doesn't look like Dante even though they are identical twins. Also curious what modders can do to correct that.

I really wanted to see a crystal clear screenshot of him, I do think he looks good on most of them.

Attached: you showed up.png (481x269, 279K)

He's white that's the only reason you like him

I do like it as well user. I don't think it's perfect like Dante's design, which I think is the best Dante in the entire series, but it's still pretty good, better than how he looked in DMC4, much better than that, but not quite as good as 3.
His new outfit is great, it has all the classic elements, but they've been altered and changed in ways that fit the older Vergil more.
I don't think the face is as bad as some are making it out to be. This is after all a middle-aged man now, running around in the clothes that are almost identical in cut and silhouette to the clothes he ran around in when he was 19, and he still uses a katana and has all his weeby anime antics in combat, so I find it kind of fitting and funny how he looks a bit out of place.

I think he looks really good in that one and really good in pic-related.
I think this is just another V-case.
When V was first leaked people thought he looked fucking stupid and a lot were very disappointed, but once we saw him a lot more in motion and got better images then he looked alright. It's the same with Trash.

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AND death to white people

Yep, looks awesome in that one.

He quickly grew on me. Meanwhile Dante still hasn't.

Boomer Dante and boomer Vergil are best looking male characters of this gen. Vergil just cracks me up, what a spaz. I love it.

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Is it not the same face model as Dante, but using another person's facial capture?
I assumed his face looks all big because Dan Southworth has a wide head

people really like to froget that, in reality, faces look really stupid when they actually move

Attached: charming.jpg (615x407, 94K)

Is this a leak. I thought he was going to come in as as a Neo-Agelo like monster.

So, im a bit conflicted about the TONE of the game.
From the trailers and early footage, the game seemed very serious. Dante was getting his ass kicked. Millions of people dead, Trish and Lady tentacle'd.

But watching the final fight, the tone is completely different. Upbeat "prove yourself" music (instead of the darker and more dramatic music we had in Vergil 3 in DMC3), silly banter from vergil. Dante saying shit like "You cut your own son's arm and still lost" while laughing, the double backhand bitchslap, Dante and Vergil go save the world and are back for dinner...
The game outright became comedic at that point.

The instant Urizen was gone, the tension fucking evaporated. The mission description says that Dante and Vergil were going all out in their fights, but there is no more amulet, no more reason to fight besides rivalry. I strongly doubt it would result in death.
So the game starts super dramatic, and ends with a silly and """friendly""" fight to prove who is the best.

>they look normal to me

Why do fags lie like this?

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Yeah they kinda shit the bed not using a redux of this for the final boss theme

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Here is your Vergil now

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That's because the final fight is the falling action. The real climax with Urizen and all that happens earlier.
The final fight is just a simple father and son fight.
I do not think it's silly. Nero is angry, he is very frustrated and this is his big moment where he proves himself worthy to not only Dante but also the father that he never had.
I can see why many people will probably not like it, but personally, this is the finale I had hoped for, and I think it's great.

The Vergil fight comes off as a sort of epilogue type thing.

>That's because the final fight is the falling action. The real climax with Urizen and all that happens earlier.
That was also true in DMC3 but it wasn't such a bummer

Because in DMC3 the Arkham fight was so unbelievably awful that you could only go up from that.

>tfw Agnus was a big burly bear autist


Attached: Agnus CUTE.png (572x421, 173K)

>2:56 - 4:20
Every fucking time

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RE Engine baybee!

this one also looks great

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>his face now has photorealistic proportions.
OK, but why is his face so swollen?

Huh, so that's why I've been feeling deja vu with Vergil.

Realism was a mistake.

Vergil actually looks weird but Dante looks fine.

>You don't possibly believe that he deserves to be our main event now do you?

They're struggling to meme the characters into being acceptable.

As soon as they fix his hair, senpai.

Attached: FIX.jpg (1027x743, 105K)

His hairline and the height of his hair is a bit too high. If they made his hair smaller and fixed his hairline a bit, he'd look better. But that's not to say he doesn't look good as he is, but it could definitely be improved with very minor alterations.

There definitely paid shills on here.

Realistically they shouldn't have given him Guy Fieri hair

That was not true in DMC3 though.
Vergil wanted the amulet and was prepared to kill for it. If he won Dante would've been finished. Dante wins and Vergil is gone "forever"
Vergil even says himself that Arkham does not deserve to be the main-event.
The climax is Dante vs Vergil in DMC3. There have been 2 separate climactic fights similar to it building up to the final Vergil fight.

Drew something for y'all

Attached: boomers.png (900x900, 52K)

He ate V

>That was also true in DMC3 but it wasn't such a bummer
What the fuck? Are you seriously saying the Arkham fight was the main atraction and it wasn't a bummer?

Fuck yeah

It's not a coincidence that the best looking shots are the ones from the front, where the focus on making them look good "right" would have been for promo material.

>implying a fashionista like Dante who wear coats that cost 8,000$ would wear socks and sandals.

We need more leaks

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I see you're being generous with Vergil's hairline

>40 year old weeb still wearing coats and carrying katanas in public
>40 year old boomer still wearing shorts and flame sirts

Which one will you be, Yea Forums?

What's up with Modern Capcom games and terrible faces?

First one in winter second one in summer

The issue is that's also where Dante's hairline is, as well as the real life model. Seems they didn't want to make any alterations at all. The reason his hair is so off is that it's Vergil's hairstyle from 4SE pasted onto the model rather than building the hair around the models skull shape.

It is not swollen, it is just not as thin as ANIMU Vergil, which was the expected I guess.

Attached: vergil dmc 5.jpg (900x1080, 73K)

Not that guy and i'm also agreeing with you, but Dante AND Vergil fighting together against a common enemy was pretty kino, especially when you had a second player controlling Vergil.

Second. I'm already aging into no longer giving a shit.

This is what happens when art emulates real life instead of creating an idealized version that would only work in a fictional frame

>the ice box getting cooled by cerberus

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I actually really like the angelic sort of thing thats going on with it. The design is pretty awesome.

you guys are fucking retarded

Dante wouldn't drink monster ultra zero, he would drink monster ultra red

Vergil would drink monster ultra blue

Nero is the one who drinks ultra zero

V is the one who drinks ultra absolute zero

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They're stuck with some UK modeling agency for getting all the RE engine's models. Results are very hit and miss because of how limited their pool must be. Leon and Ada turned out good but look at how bad Chris and Claire ended up.

Official theme of every DMC thread henceforth

this guy gets it

He looks like fucking he's going into anaphylactic shock or he's become SSJ3. Either way it's shit and you know it.

>which was the expected I guess.
The expected was Dante's face.


You will be able to play this as you fight VERGIL with DANTE though, even if you need to play it somewhere else.

Ahhh, real boomer feelings...

Attached: .....png (1249x512, 120K)

based Sparda offspring boomers

I don't think Dante's would have worked any better with those hair, he'd just be some strange very old Dr. House

Knowing that Dante and Vergil are back together, made up and brotherly demon dork shenanigans ensue is honestly heartwarming

but the remix of Devil Trigger is beautiful

it's Nero's theme with a more calm melody in the background

just like how Vergil's version of Divine Hate has a calm melody in the background

The thing is, we do it for free.

This pretty much confirms that hair is biggest issue about his look.

>people ragging on Nero v. Vergil, unaware that Dante v. Vergil will likely be close to or on par with Vergil 3 levels of hype with godly background music, banter and more

Attached: 1542133617341.png (239x235, 92K)

>people ragging on Nero v. Vergil,

i wonder how many humans vergil is responsible for the death of

Didn't they get the same guy for face capture?

I mean, we still don't have a high quality render of VERGIL's face to compare it to DANTE's, and it is hard to compare due to hair, skin and beard all being different.

Also, has VERGIL really aged as much as DANTE in the game?

Attached: alita ova.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

>Vergil's face when you get to play as Dante in a post credits fight against Vergil

Vergil 3 is mysterious figure confirmed

Attached: d2z0yqb-fa716c45-c75c-4841-9ef2-9441053fae42.png (800x675, 288K)

can't make an omelette without cracking some eggs


daddy vergil looks so much better in motion, the pictures don't do him justice desu

Faggots can't comprehend that this isn't Le epic boss fight, that's the previous mission. M20 is Nero's big moment and a remix of his music for a theme song power up is kino as fuck.
It honestly feels sometime like people just wanted Vergil 3 again, verbatim.

Anons claim that Maxim is face model of Vergil.

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At first I was thrown off when I saw his face but then I realized well Dante and Nero look weird too but I guess it makes sense Vergil would look weird too because they're all especially Dante and judging by this picture Vergil too are getting old with time all characters look different as they get older Kratos got a different because he's older, Ellie got an different look because she grew up. So unless they're Immortal they age I wouldn't be surprised if Dante and Vergil are dead for good at the end and then Nero is gonna be the main character
for possible future installments kinda like the bait and switch they did with DMC 4.

I don't care what anyone says. He looks like Tom fucking Brady

Attached: 9603.jpg (250x250, 27K)

Steam preload when

>Didn't they get the same guy for face capture?
How can you ask this when they look completely fucking different? Do you actually have prosopagnosia?

>Also, has VERGIL really aged as much as DANTE in the game?
Age doesn't infect you with the mumps

THAT is none of my concern.

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Just perfect user

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Pull my Devil Trigger

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So Vergil always win in the end?

Fuck off Capcom shills and don't let me pull this "Devil Trigger"

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dante should just lock him in his basement at this point

Why did they get young model for him though?

>eight months are already over

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Could someone please post naked Lady covered in cum?

>every playable characters has their on theme


I do think all songs shown up until now are shitty compared to Devil Trigger

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>6 rings
>Vergil has lost 6 times throughout the series

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>Imagine having a taste this shit.

Is there a reason why they hired 25 y/o model for him? Is he meant to look young in-game or something? If so, they fucked up.

Fucking love this design, pretty surprising they went with anime hair for it.

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based and eggpiled

So how will V be bullshitted into being his own person?

>dude is even young than Karlo (Nero) himself
wtf Capcom?

>nu-Yea Forums still pissed off DMCV isn't anime
The tears fuel me.

>Enjoying WUBWUBWUB Devil Trigger

Fuck I hope so, but I think the novel implies V was aware he's Vergil the entire time

How much do they pay you?

Attached: asuka.jpg (700x483, 28K)

Vergil cries a single human tear onto the book and V pops out.

Your argument is invalid.

I guess it depends on the shot, I think he looks good here. Dunno why this image was used for OHNONONO posting first, this is one of the better looking shots mainly because it hides how fucking poofy his hair is

Attached: vergil_face.jpg (836x627, 42K)

>not liking the EDM remix
What a shit taste.

Cant wait to play this weekend but................................
V=ARKHAM(human with demon powers and the person who manipulates/insturcts dante to go to the tree/tower,has demo form ala jester/white hair V,REads from a book all the fucking time)

Cant wait to play it,but ill be damned if capshit dint pull some Aizen level of trolling with the story.
This is,however; much more acceptable than Dmc or DMC:SPecial edition.

Let the truth be heard

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Thirsty ain't cha

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Attached: im going to hell for this part1.png (699x641, 394K)

Tell me Yea Forums, Vergil 2 or 3 songwise?

Vergil Nero or Dante acquire some bullshit Mundus power and make a replica of V in the same way Triss was born, except since Vergil is there he can actually infuse it of V's psyche


Novel says otherwise. It makes it clear that V knows who HE was/is. And he doesn't treat Vergil as 3rd person, but HIMSELF.

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I also think he looks good here, just is in the middle of blinking.

You what, Dante is Cody Rhodes

The most natural face on the game

nothing beats the classics

Full ll pic, please. The one where you can see Nico's back.
Need to see her face.

bleachfag begone

You mean Nero, Dante is Jeriboomer

>Feeling like accepting yet?
>You existance, or your strenght?
>Both, you fucking asshole!
That was a very satisfying delivery.

Realistic doesn't have to be ugly and ugly is the only word I can use to describe this rendition.

likely tomorrow


Not going to attempt to make an argument because Devil Trigger is a legitimate 10/10 track but I am actually quite fond of Crimson Cloud, even though it's way out of my usual ballpark

Subhuman is straight garbage though.

>no nipples


Blah... I prefer the original.

>check his age
Why is Vergil's face model younger than his own son's? What was Capcom trying to do with this?

Attached: eh.jpg (920x720, 67K)

Who the fuck are Alyssa and Rock? Is Alyssa Nico's mother? I haven't seen this part of the novel translation yet

Attached: Nico_HYDE.jpg (1920x1080, 566K)

>tfw I like all three tracks

am i the only one that wants a versus mode in which you can choose between Nero, Dante, V, Vergil, Lady & Trish?

Like father like son

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That's a load of good too

How can Vergil even keep up with Dante after Dante already went through Sparda DT then Majin?

He won't be, this isn't KH

Are Lady or Trish playable at all?


Dante looks JUST. I still can't get over it, especially when now Vergil is here and still looks relatively young and cool.

>implying Vergil didn't just kept going for more power in hell, or wherever he was

>Prefering WUBWUBWUBs than a classic orchestra with choir or a guitar

Well user then I'm going to have to say that I respect your opinion, have a good day

Vs personality used the monad of vergils humanoid psyche but was unto its own perso a. Clone vergils psyche and oaste the old memory and voila

>implying photorealistic Vergil is ugly

Lady has inverted nipples...

user are you drunk?

I'm gonna get you for that. And I'm gonna treat you a meal for it.


Attached: demon_semen.png (2817x1571, 2.61M)

Yeah let's never innovate or change things. Let's just cling to the past. Surely, that's the only way forward - to look back.

You'd have to remake the whole combat system from scratch.
As it is, it really isn't built for competive play, whoever hits first, never mind launches - wins.

There isn't any implication, everyone other than meme-y shills are pointing out how fucking ugly he is.

>not enjoying both

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Watching the fight against Vergil again and you can really tell that Nero just wants to be accepted and acknowledged by his father. It's actually really sad and relatable, poor Nero.

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He really needs thicker eyebrows imo

I know you're baiting but god would I choke you so hard you little shill shit

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I'm not the only person that constantly see's this guy's face right?

Attached: Hzms34f.png (746x717, 102K)

Clearly a subtle commentary about the fatherless youth of america and how the classic family is nothing but beneficial for children.

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Itsuno is after all redpilled

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At least we know why Uzrien is so lazy and arrogant. Vergil's worse aspects without his humanity to keep them in check.

Yeah like DmC did

see you in the next thread homie

his humanity did a shitty job then

>Nico isn't actually a jew
Bullet: Dodged.

>different opinion than me
everyone, as in autists on Yea Forums who will latch on to anything to make fun of/shitpost to death?

Attached: dantephone.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

make a magic/genetic clone and put that personality inside it with the same demon bullshittery Vergil created him in the first place.

I'll try my best, user

It's easier to just call you idiots shills than to argue with you, because you're blind fanboys that will gobble up anything DMC at this point.

He wore chaps in 4. Dante gives no fucks about what he puts on in the morning.

If Nico can make a robotic arm that emulates Nero's demon powers then surely she can make a robot V.

Should I play through 2 before 5 comes out just so I can say I've played all of them?

Attached: wallhaven-202544[1].jpg (1920x1200, 145K)

My biggest issue is that he looks tired and not motivated at all.

If you've got 4 hours to spare it's worth it just to know why it's so bad.

Yes, but don’t push yourself to. If you want to give up, it’s completely understandable.

She can make a machine but can she make an A.I.?

Except a whole ass video of Vergil was leaked and he looked like shit in most of it. V had one really shitty screencap leaked and looks good everywhere else.

Keep coping and reaching so hard to find that one good angle.

Oh I'm not saying Vergil isn't an asshole, but his humanity at least kept a very strict moral code and his love for his family.

His humanity is autistic cripple that reads poetry all day and tap dances.
Not that better from his tree-side that just sits on his throne and farts all the time.

>says the guy who instead blindly shits on things

This only this time he is reborn permanent with white hair since he doesn't have a deadline anymore.

PCbros win again

>Didn't player 2
>>"Hey guys I've played all of them"

Attached: 400.png (275x306, 132K)

>implying he didn't blow his entire load on one jacket and now has to resort to shopping at a local goodwill, salvation army, etc. to dress himself when he's not demon hunting or cruisin' for pizza joints

I love the fact that he looks exactly like he should; a 40 something year old man who got a bit fat and has a bit of a receding hairline while dressing like he did 20 years ago because if anyone can pull it off it's Vergil

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Attached: 1551572060583.png (794x742, 150K)

>Vergil makes a V clone like Trish but Nico takes it 1 step further
>Cyberdemon V
>Mecha Griffon and Shadow

>Nero's backyard

I'm still hyped about DMCV and I managed to avoid all spoilers.
Except for the images of vergil obviously but we already knew he was in the game.
Blunder fags can't stop me

Attached: quit having fun.gif (814x1554, 3.96M)

so what exactly prevents Vergil from bringing back Birb and Catto?


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They did say we would really like her by the end of the game

This is what I'm talking about. Vergil looks like shit and you idiots struggle to meme every shitty looking character in this engine because you all know they look like shit. There's no blind hatred here, there's just you getting triggered that DMC5's character design is trash.

Attached: methheadmaycry.jpg (1702x957, 106K)

No way, he's the kind of guy who isn't particularly rich but who spends way too much money on clothes and not enough on everything else. He saves money just for that.

Its nice to see Dante and Vergil finally get along. It only took a decade.

from other thread
it's alright I still like the classic violins for vergil

Attached: 1551588368899.jpg (836x627, 59K)

Game's not a blunder. Just the usual Yea Forums hyperbole reaching for every little thing tryting to make this game seem bad.

It's unironically kino.

>not the battle and cutscenes
fuck them



>I managed to avoid all spoilers.
It blows my mind that people care enough about story in these games to avoid spoilers.

He literally looks like Christopher Walken in Batman Returns

Just make a clone like Trish and give it V's memory's that are in the book somehow.

Attached: 1544219084892.jpg (359x369, 24K)

Rock is Nell's son and if I remember correctly Alyssa is his half sister

You have literally made zero arguments, user. Not one. You are one of the anons who do not know how to structure and argument and think shitflinging subsitutes for that. You're the biggest shmuck in these threads and the lack of actual IRL feedback leaves you unaware of how dumb you come off.

Best fucking ending

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> It only took a decade
it took like 30 years


Attached: CAPCOMWHATTHEFUCK.jpg (703x588, 68K)

Ï'm not even going to buy the game, but these threads are great for shitposting

I just realized she kind of looks like a Bayonetta character here.

am i the only one who wants Sparda to come back and look like DMC5 Vergil but with a mustache & sunglasses?

that does look better

Beware the Scrubs of Sparda

Of course none of the characters look right because 5 is the equivalent of a live action anime adaption. They did this because they still think the west is allergic to anything anime related. The game-play in the demo was good but I still hate this decision they made. They think it's necessary to make DMC relevant to modern audiences.

Unfortunately our souls are at odds, brother

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Consolefags BTFO.

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Fuck it, I'd rather have this.

>You have literally made zero arguments, user
You're right. I'm not arguing, I'm just calling Vergil fucking ugly. Not everything you disagree with is supposed to be an argument.

I even went so far as to flat out tell you that I'm not arguing about how fucking retarded DMC5's new look is, and you still think I'm arguing about it. Take a reading comprehension class.

>shitposting a thread for a game he doesn't like

This. Nico can make a vessel for V.

Im glad they actually made a new song for it instead of just a boring remix

Pull a Trish, and since Vergil gave Nero the book for a reason it seems like V is still in there.

That's pretty much this whole board, though


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Glad you admit you're full of shit and not worth replying to.

Hmmm, I kinda like it.

Because everything is better than this fucknig pompafuckingdourshit on his head!!! What the fffuuuuuck capcom,,,,

P.s. He looks ok, but this damn hair, holy shit...

Vergil looks like a dyke now

calling someone ugly isn't an argument. you can't argue someone into looking attractive. fucking dumb autist


Attached: dinner.png (960x527, 273K)

You're a big guy

i think Dante is that type of guy that wastes all of his money on constant parties & pizza and the remaining 5 grand he has left he wastes it on coats, basically being poor 90% of the time

That's because that's book he had since was a child with him, genius.
He told him to hold onto it until he returns.

Those eyes aren't realistic enough, they still look anime-ish. Weird contrast.

Yet you were triggered enough to reply four fucking times.

Attached: 152798235477.jpg (972x791, 54K)

I don't think you thought that post through, user.
In any case,

> -since he was a child


this guy uploaded Vergil vs Nero theme and it's the slow sad music at the start
is there more music to this fight too?

Of someone addicting to cosmetic surgery maybe

I don't think you think anything through. Vergil is ugly and people are going to continue to point it out, stay seething.

A bullet I'm willing to bite so the rest of the thread wouldn't have to.

Dudes broke for 3 reasons. Poor spending habits, high collateral for his jobs and he's a bit of a charity case. Either lowering his pay rate to basically nothing or just giving it people he likes.

Any local multi plans in this one?

Do they have a happy ending scene in the van together or what? That's all I want dammit. Not just menu images or implications, I want to see them have a happy ending. God dammit.

>Vergil is ug-

>No argument again

>this whole thread
we can post that, right?

Attached: 1543885362608.png (403x306, 243K)

doesn't really feel like a final boss theme but i like it

>Nero you need to get rid of them, I don't care if they're your family, they're a bad influence on the twins
>But I haven't spoken to my dad in 22 years Kyrie and look at how happy Dante is
>*cut to Dante and Vergil giving the kids Beowulf and Ifrit to practice boxing*

>Vergil gave Nero the book for a reason it seems like V is still in there.
It's basically Dante's at DMC4 giving Nero Yamato because that was the only gift worth giving. He gave that book as assurance that they will be back since that book meant a lot to him when he was a kid



Why are his eyes so small? Who thought this was okay?

Yes it's confirmed. Ending is happy and wholesome.


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>robot demon summoner

Attached: 1367738228100.jpg (640x480, 23K)

Probably. It can't just be this small loop. Even Goliath's boss theme was longer and changed during phases.
It's the penultimate boss theme, I assume. We already know that the Devil Trigger remix (Silver Bullet?) is the final boss theme sadly.

Go away, Dan.
Jeff Ronoa is /ourguy/ now.

Attached: sasuga_Ronoa.jpg (1288x1554, 467K)

that's a nice looking yamato

i love how it looks like he's giving a thumbs up and unsheathing at the same time

Where the fuck are the choirs? Come on, bros...

MT Framework manages to pull it off better even though its an older engine. I bet it can also do an aged up Vergil as well.

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It looks like his chin and forehead are squishing his face together.

V is Vergil
Over the years, as he starts enjoying life because there is no more mundus or other super demons to kill, or family to avenge, he is gonna mellow out.



So, does Nero manage to stop Dante and Vergil from pulling a Sparda?

Five fucking times. All because you were offended that you can't blindly shill Vergil's lumpy face. Thank you for proving my initial post 100% right.

Attached: heavener.png (427x300, 115K)

Honestly, I'm just glad that it's not just another Vergil 2 remix/wannabe.

Attached: Sparda_(Model)_DMC4SE.png (1270x2750, 3.22M)

he looks great, the only problem is literally the top of his hairstyle, it should be flattened a bit more, that would fix it really

No, but they come back

How much would Vergil's scanned clothes sell for

Attached: 1539576450732.png (370x360, 274K)

Nice fan art. Now, post real DMC4 Vergil.

Attached: image.jpg (720x720, 71K)

The only ugly character in 5 is Trish, my God I don't know how they don't see it, she looks like one of those witches from stories told to children.

The rest is fine though.

Attached: you showed up.gif (480x270, 3.5M)

Vergil will never be V. V is like AU Vergil that could have been.

V is basically his own person because of this.


He doesn't even have the same nose as Dante, but actually looks somewhat good there



Ah I missed the leak it someone post the vergil footage

Why is his forehead so puffy? Why is his whole face so puffy?

seething vfujo

Attached: 2359b35ce87f8756c3e7697021de0b78.jpg (728x410, 54K)

OP here.

Yeah, I don't know if he looks good anymore.

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No, Dante and Nero look white.....Vergil looks like some Japanese designer trying to make a white person but actually made a Jap/White mongrel.

>leaking spoilers a week before the games out vs leaking the game 4 years before its release

Attached: 1549728319266.png (400x480, 433K)

That looks metal af!

Attached: 1550279963173.jpg (553x441, 28K)

Like i said, this engine manages to pull it off quite well even by today's standards.

Attached: DMC4-SE-Vergil-vergil-39559261-540-300.gif (540x300, 1.89M)

Here's number six. With a reference to my original statement which you conveniently seem to have forgotten


Attached: handsome dante.png (1080x1080, 1.88M)

>no argument

Vergil is ugly btw.

Is Vergil playable or is he just the big bad or something?

So do we ever find out what happened to Nero's mom?

Are you talking about the Vergil fight? Then here

>No argument

Vergil has been confirmed playable since the start though, he's an autistic summoner.

>males on Yea Forums don't understand daddy mode

>A few years after DMC5
>Nero shows up to Vergil
>Vergil is sitting on a big armchair, reading a book and listening to classical music
>Nero: Hey old man, you are going to be a grandpa
>Vergil: "And its from him, the disappointing single son, that a thousand more descendants of the old legend shall come" - So its written.
>Nero: What the- Did you call me disappointing?
>Vergil: Im just reading my book.

Do you have autism?


>still trying to push the fujo strawman to counter-argoument anyone who dares saying V should have stayed as his own character

lol you are a sad little man.

Demon world = Anime Art.
Human world = Western Art.

Coke face.

I ain’t talking about Coca Cola neither.

Attached: 3E926276-6081-4DA6-8494-91071C1A1868.jpg (960x957, 66K)

Vergil fucked up during his search for more power, allowing his demon side to be taken over by an ancient demon tree.

>that one seething Vergilfag
>b-but V is really just Vergil guise

Have fun waiting for your DLC that's never coming


Attached: ssrphf75rih11.jpg (1277x725, 390K)

Is it uploaded anywhere? I must see it.

Exdeath is in this?

Have there seriously been no new leaks since the fight?

Do you have an argument?

Is that Jared Leto Virgil? Looks gay. Why didn’t they wait for the game to release before the reveal. Anticlimactic as fuck.

They fucked his face up so badly he looks different from every angle and only one of them is passable.


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But, user. Jeff leaked V=Vergil six days ago.
Dan leaked fucking Urizen 4 years ago.
So, Dan still wins.

Wouldn't Nero drink Monster Ultra Violet?

Attached: Ultra violet.jpg (488x488, 40K)

Man I hope Vergil gets some neat costumes when he becomes available. Kinda want to play him with the tattered robe/cracked face

I'll be honest, I responded to the first sentence in that post and just ignored the rest because I really don't fucking care about your neckbeard armchair analytics and/or projection and/or strawmans. I'm still ignoring the rest btw.

Attached: ery1322.gif (499x315, 481K)

Nico is the best, Nero is good, Dante is awesome, Lady is meeeh, Vergil hair is messed up, and trish is just the embodyment of horror, especialy her nose.

That's what I thought.

But his hair still retain that anime style and doesn't blend together with the realistic face, it looks retarded.


for anyone who has seen the cutscenes how does Dan sound?

>They fucked his face up so badly he looks different from every angle
But that's realistic

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is there an upgrade list out yet? trying to figure out what stuff to get first

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>Dan leaked fucking Urizen 4 years ago
How so? Was this in the Power Rangers panel?

This is unnerving.

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But it doesn't hide his receding hairline, look at that fucking forehead

light is a helluva thing

someone asked him what he would like Vergil to return as and he said something like "as a bad guy conquering the world" or some shit

Do you need to do anything special to see it?

>V is still the best looking character

I expected it to be Vergil to be honest, but they fucked him up bad.

Attached: soitiswritten.jpg (1280x792, 258K)

During Q&A in 2015 he was asked if Vergil was to be brought back, what is the thing he would like most to see out of his character.
Dan's answer was "Total world domination. Total world, heaven and hell, domination." It's same panel he leaked 5 is in development. Cue "can we say that" meme and pic-related reaction from Reuben.

Attached: Reuben_no_face.jpg (324x344, 62K)

I tried to fix him.

Attached: Vergil fix.png (703x588, 333K)

Final shot of the game is Dante and Vergil posing as they, together as brothers, face off against an attacking horde of demons

Afterwards, when you start over, Vergil and Nero are sitting in the van in the background of the main menu. In awkward silence, like a dad and a son about to start a big talk.

I am not even sure if he was spoiling the game or just making things up and was correct anyway

Nero is the best looking

>that was the moment Capcom decided to make Vergil ugly and replace him with a cute twink

Attached: callmev.gif (500x225, 1.74M)

He looks like a fucking Chucky doll lmao


Attached: fantastic-beasts-trailer_edited.jpg (951x535, 90K)

>read this entire thread
>people defending how bad Vergil looks, not only that he's supposed to look exactly like Dante except for the hair which ruins his design
>daily threads about goblina Claire and how good she looks by spamming her real life model and not how the character looks in the game

What happened to Yea Forums? You fags make fun of western games and their uggos all the time. Are these actual Crapcom shills on this board or just weeaboos being biased because it's from muh Gookland. Seeing the number of posts ITT compared to IPs make me wonder even more. DmC was a shit game but the faggot version of Vergil there has a better face than that uncanny bitch (minus fedora and devil trigger transformation). What's the point of scanning attractive people then turning them into uncanny monstrosities? Back then they still scanned people's faces but the in-game models were stylized to look more videogamey and pleasing. Now it's just realism for the sake of realism even though it doesn't look good. I understand he got old, but so did Dante and he looks great for his age. Vergil and Dante are supposed to be twins and look similar when Vergil's hair is down, so there's no excuse for this.

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Post Trish she has coke face too. HOL UP HERE WE GOOOO

She is hot in a trashy way though.

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>even just a few minor tweaks make him looks 70% better

How did they fuck up so badly?

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Attached: ew.png (370x420, 228K)

Damn, was hoping we'd see them talk and interact after everything. Guess that's good enough though, thanks.

Can anyone tell me how coop will work? I just found out about it.

Can someone post the fight link for the 10000000th time

Do you think Trish and Vergil will go on coke binges together?

Attached: 1545079850257.png (264x158, 47K)

based, now and a sunglasses too

there are capcom shills, shitposters and itsuno dickriders. those groups make up the apologists

Can still happen. Leakers are being fags and only gave us fragmented bits.

based user

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That hairline! Virgil needs to ease up on the coke.

I hope the Yea Forums sings editor comes back. It would be really cool for us to do crimson cloud, subhuman or legacy

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He should have a special brand of Monster called Motivation.

Attached: 1545656902496.png (1152x628, 72K)


>Nero pretending to be busy with his arms
>Vergil looks over and opens his mouth like he's about to speak
>Stops, and grabs his head like he has no idea of where to even start

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Also I love how he looks like Jack Frost

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x688, 73K)

Missions where you can choose between characters will have some places where you will encounter other player and other places where you fight with them. I'm too lazy to look, but I saw some guy playing V against the new Angelo army, and there was an AI Nero, they said that Nero could be another player.

Yes. It kind of fits them honestly. Think about it like train spotting 2 old washed up has beens coming back together again.

Tell us your argument vfujo

I disagree ^_^

I think these characters will be drastically improved by minor tweaks in mods.
it's going to be embarrassing for capcom.

Why does every character in this game look like dogshit? Seriously the game looks great but damn, this character designs are absolutely garbage

Damn, i tried to do something like that but my photoshop skills are not good enough
Good job user, look better

>Ah fuck how to break the ice. What's big with kids these days? Are youttube poop videos still a thing?

>Goblina Claire
It's disgusting just like the MHW girl. Capcom is shit when it comes to making character models even when hiring good models. Same thing happened to Mass Effect Andromeda.

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The hair needs to be lower


Attached: JUST.jpg (600x350, 23K)


Is it RE Engine or is Capcom trying to imitate those ugly western characters?

>inb4 he reaches the van and Trish starts stealing his powder without him noticing

Attached: sip.png (1280x905, 684K)

Thanks, I just hope bloody palace will have a coop feature of some sort

>Villain gets redeemed
>New forms of DT introduced (SSJ2)
>People are getting asshurt at the idea Nero might/might have surpassed Dante/Vergil (Goku/Vegeta)
>Power level wanking in general
>After the events of DMC5, things will need to go into sheer retarded territory if a threat is meant to be credible
Yeah, it's downhill from here. Shit's DBZ now and DBZ was garbage after Namek.

Attached: 1374796030634.png (444x440, 117K)

Looks intimidating. I'm excited for this boss.

>Who the fuck did I even bone to have a kid?
>Was it that hooker in Europe?

No, that's Urizen's aka Nelo Angelo's drink.

He looks like someone out of RAGE 2.


>10% motivated, I guess...

Not sure man, Claire looked pretty damn cute in RE 2 and every other character looked alll right to me

All of them

Do I need to play old DMCs before the new one?

Can't wait for mods to kick in.

Some missions will be parallel and you will be able to see other players in the distance or in nearby rooms and watch them style
And sometimes the paths converge and that's where the co-op happens. The game will either match someone for you in the background, or fill in with an AI. The AI can die

Niggas don't want to accept the fact that the game they waited decades for looks like a Netflix adaption is why we have these coping threads everyday.

I'm not sure about that. I think it's his forehead. it needs to be shaped a little differently.

Attached: old vergil.png (800x1100, 740K)

>big thumbs up
>nice job son!
>I'm proud of you kid!
>Just do your best sonny!

it's basically claire all over again

it will look fine in motion, but wack in stills

You should atleast play 3 for Vergil and 4 to get a feel for Nero and Dante. One is pretty good but is outdated and 2 is fucking horrible

is there any point in keeping the stupid arm changing system when Nero grows the arm back? just have his DT stand/projection do like 90^ of it's functions (other than surfing I guess)

I don't know why you all were shitting on that guy who told Itsuno Vergil was ugly. They should know so they can redo him.

Imagine waiting for this game for so long and the one character reveal people were waiting for looks like THAT.


>dear god i hope my meme takes off

Attached: wp3833605.jpg (1920x1080, 116K)

Dante and Nero look good but Vergil looks like he's seen to fucking much

>Netflix adaption
well fuck you for reminding me

Do they not have combs in hell Vegil?

Attached: eraserhed.jpg (1100x739, 94K)

He looks like shit in motion though.

the old Yea Forums is gone. the people in this thread are redditors and normies that will worship everything that comes from japan no matter how hideous.

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Pretty much confirmed the sad violin loops until you buster Vergil

I think we can all agree he needs a better hair cut in general.

His face is tired

wouldn't it be just for 1st phase only, buster or no buster?

We must work together Frost-user to push this shitty meme

Attached: MV5BMTI4ODQ4MzgzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODc5NTUzMQ@@._V1_.jpg (2024x3000, 1.92M)

So what happens to V?

How this guy is getting official capcom pics?

I wasn't aware of this at first because everyone was memeing but you're right. as soon as people started questioning the design and even obvious shit like the crappy HUD. people started defending the game as if it's perfectly flawless in every single way and any minor tweak would completely ruin it's ingenious perfection. I also think some of them are console fags who hate mods.

Nigger who the fuck cares about power level autism, I'm here for the gameplay.

Attached: 1393537666897.jpg (631x634, 73K)

And the more people support this, the more it encourages Capcom to make ugly la creatura faces in future games. You all got no one to blame but yourselves.

Attached: smug bird.jpg (225x224, 6K)

Urizen no-root version looks good
You can tell this is supposed to be the climax battle while Vergil vs Dante and Nero vs Vergil is falling action.

Attached: file.png (865x549, 551K)

Didn't they change Leon's face a bit because of complaints? People should complain about Vergil a lot.

just a few more days, bros...

could've at least given Vergil a beard
hell, Dante has some stubble going on

I like sad violin part better than devil trigger remix

Well, guess I'm not gonna buster him.
>sad violin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WUB WUB WUB

can someone post the message to itsuno about vergil's face some autist on twitter sent

Looks fine to me, certainly not so bad that I could start to screech autistically about it for 8 months. Here's your cue to get mad and call me a shill.

Seriously. I don't get the mentality of blindly supporting something even if it's shit. You should be holding them to a higher standard so they will put out higher quality stuff.

If I was a Vergilfag, I wouldn't stand for it.

>they are suppose to be in their 40's
>they have no wrinkles
Shit erks me

>could've at least given Vergil a beard

Vergil isn't the kind of guy to grow stubble or a beard.

He does fusion with Urizen. Vergil appears. Twitter/tumblr fujos are seething because their VxNero ship died.

There you have it.

>she's a shitskin

Merges back with his demon half to stop Urizen for good. But we all know what a huge fucking dork Vergil is now.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Original Claire is cuter

>see posts always about i posted this meme and im happy you see it posted again

>im one of thos eguys now

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

No, in the leaked fight it transitions to the Devil Trigger remix mid buster animation, wich in turn loops the "BANG BANG BANG" part until you PULL YOUR DEVIL TRIGGER. Wonder if something similar goes on with the theme for Dante Vs Vergil.
Devil Trigger remix fits a lot better, this fight is more of a victory lap than anything else.

better than the autists in this thread trying to convince themselves Vergil isn't ugly

He's just desperate. Been trying to find something to shit on for months and at this point willing to settle for any little thing.

The irony, this board is defending stuff they hate and wanting everything to look gross just like SJWs.

Violin>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DT WUBWUBWUB=DmC WUBWUBWUB

is the depression setting in for anybody else? I'm sure the game is going to be amazing but its sad thinking this ride is going to be over soon. I've had a lot of fun posting here with all you guys

Attached: 7b9.jpg (326x326, 18K)

vergil is fucking ugly i just wanted the post so i can laugh goddamn

10/10 comment lad

I wonder if he has the 3 eye theme because of his time under Mundus' control.

There's an epilogue text leak that might be true ,where after returning from hell nero and vergil talk a bit along with lady,trish and dante. Nero tells vergil he's going to be a grandpa. It might be the scene we see in the trailer with nico waving at nero.

also btw this movies if fucking great and the outtakes in the credits are based

so does Nero but it's only noticable in this render, I think

Attached: 1528668821817.jpg (2650x1596, 1.6M)

It starts the transition the exact moment the buster animation rips out 1/4th of his health

That guy has more balls than the autists in this thread that are too afraid to admit he's ugly.

Don't worry user, DMC thread will live on to some extent

It's pretty funny because Jack Frost literally wants MORE POWER in the movie.

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This. Buster was a mistake, it makes the fight even more easy than it looks

Nah, it went way beyond gay. Threads should have been forced over to /vg/. Like 5 threads about the game per hour for months now

being a demon kinda helps
shit, there's barber shops in hell?


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>6 months later and still seething

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>a huge fucking dork Vergil is now

Except he's not. V might as well be his own person, they gave him a completely different personality in the first place. The only thing they have in common is that they both like poetry.

Not really, I'm getting sick of the anime faggots who cannot stop bitching about RE Engine every time a new character is revealed.

Attached: 1551662440589.jpg (641x546, 64K)

>there's barber shops in hell?
no but he happens to be an amazing swordsman with the sharpest blade around

1. Ugly even though he canonically isn't.
2. B-but he's old! So is Dante and he looks fine.
3. Dante and Vergil are supposed to look identical when their hair are down. They're twins. I guess Capcom shills and nu-fags starting with 5 didn't know this.

Not gonna read or reply to you shills anymore. Have fun with your future of ugly characters, the very same thing you all claim to hate. Keep making cope threads everyday and hoping magically the characters will look better.

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Attached: YOURE WELCOME BROTHER.png (1200x1009, 1.35M)

pretty good costume

probably so, but either actually age them, or dont. Don't give me this, "wel they are older, but ya know, they still look 28"
it's just pointless

Yes. His name is Mundus and he hates anyone having beard that isn't him. Which is why he kept him clean shaven to avoid competition.

>shit, there's barber shops in hell?

He gives himself the good ol' judgement shave


>1999 years later
>still seething

t. goblina lover

>ywn finger Nero's genital slit

Attached: 1551657525532.jpg (836x738, 76K)

Not even worth a (you) anymore.

His theme is Crimson Cloud.

>another proof most DMC fags came from Yea Forums from TG shit threads
Because these retards constantly acted like Kaneki and Haise weren't same characters. Same autism like here.

How the fuck would you know that we barely got vergil in the game.

That glasses don't suit him.

Attached: boomer vergil.jpg (960x540, 171K)

Keep crying over Bayo 3 getting delayed constantly, nintendie.

That's V's theme. You'll have to wait for your DLC for Vergil's theme.

You think its just one person that thinks this, kek

Nero is nearly unrecognizable to his DMC4 look, I accepted it, and at least he's handsome. They did a good job with Dante, and he's handsome as well. Vergil is just ugly, I feel that giving him some stubble and a more aged face would have helped, but that doesn't fit his character. I'll wait until I hear him, maybe it'll grow on me.

Yeah it's pretty telling that whenever new gameplay footage drops the only thing they have to talk about is some character's jaw or forehead.

Meant for V autist

too late now, people complained about that with still a few months left

they're not gonna change his face this late

He looks like a boomer

wait a minute
that pose

Attached: sonic-the-hedgehog-movie-teaser-poster-redesign.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 54K)

He looks like an actual boomer, I like it

I agree his hair is too tall atleast.

What does Vergil say when he throws the book to Nero?

Because the entire point of V is that he's only a part of Vergil so not actually like him and based on all the stuff of V we have so far he's nothing like Vergil. We didn't even know Vergil liked poetry until now.

They basically created an entirely new character but were too afraid no one would like him so decided he would just be Vergil in the end. They'll probably bring him back as his own thing now that he's actually well received.

>I'll wait until I hear him
It's still Dan doing the VA'ing for Vergil.