what happened to people saying "u mad?" in multiplayer games?
What happened to people saying "u mad?" in multiplayer games?
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the people that thought it was a fun thing to say grew up and out of videogames
They say seething now.
They got banned.
is this cp?
is this true?
this is shitty
u mad devastated people and there never has and never will be a come back for it
Combat Points?
They became hobos, trannies or likely killed themselves.
Everyone knows that losers like them will never actually get anywhere in life.
People eventually caught on that saying "u mad" made you seem far more mad than whoever you say it to.
why you mad lol
unironically banned
these days people are too scared of having their game stolen to say anything
>no u ?
Toxicity has been removed from videogames, if you say stuff like that you'll actually get banned now. How dull.
I just tell them that I'll stop being mad after 5 minutes but they'll never stop being retarded
since Yea Forumseddit decided that only "kids" say UMAD so they switched to SEETHING and COPE because they are le epic memesters and not some snotty cod kiddie, amirite
oh, and "im only saying no u ironically guize xd!"
i much prefer them banning toxic players. SA kids and losers flaming are truly boring
That's good
Anyone got that picture of the fat tumblrina crying, and some dude in a MAGA hat says something to the effect of
>hah hah, political correctness gone mad!
with a smile on his face and the tumblrina, still crying with mascara streaming down her cheeks, says
>Is baby triggered? Do you need a safe space, snowflake?
with a smug look on her face?
It's pretty much that.
No it isn't
Everyone still just uses salty
They all got banned.
This happened
came here to say this
shut the fuck up lol
this is embarassing
Sweet, thanks.
Pic related, it's terrible.
I just say "pwnd" like a normal person.
It's incredible how le epic GG crusaders draw stuff like this yet I have to see at least one hundred threads featuring twitter/resetera/facebook/other social media crap screencaps of literal whos saying something that they didn't like. Fuck you goddamn retarded snowflakes with no self-awareness for shitting up Yea Forums 24/7.
People realized that's an oxymoron
This is so low quality.
u mad?
>being this mad
They stopped using it because "git gud" hurts them (bad players) even more.
u mad lmao
they changed tactics spamming gg ez is the new "u mad" now that and humble bragging
They say salt nowadays
I wonder when pwn is going to make a comeback
That's old dude, get with the times
No matter how you respond, even not responding, is taken as an acknowledgement that you are absolutely anus-blastingly mad. That's why it was such a good insult to hurl.
it still happens, but it mostly got replaced with salty, seething, and other shit
They grew up
the new thing I see all the time is
I some what understand what this means. Like, you tried so hard to win you worked up a sweat or something.
But where did it come from?
And further more, why was "tryhard" esq shit ever even used?
>haha you tried hard!
that isn't a bad thing unless you got steam rolled, and even then it's better than just rolling over dead and letting it happen.
Oh fuck off with your "clever" retorts, you goobergabber crusader cunts are the absolute worst, you're the reason why girls don't play video games because you just harass them out with your incel hate, fuck off back to /pol/
>u mad
that's the complete history of provocative insults on the internet
There's still retards in TF2 saying that and spamming that Lenny face whenever someone gets a kill or the match ends at least
this. companies ban you for being a little bit "negative"
u mad
for you
The sweaty/sweetie thing is a parody of tumblr/"SJW" talk where they unironically write in that condescending way.
Hey kiddies!! It's dinner time!!!
*unzips my fat cawk*
Come get this man milk you yougins you'll grow big like daddy!!!
this happened
u mad
just look in any shitposting thread, and compare it to ~6 years ago. the core of it stays the same.
cancer ate them alive
>yes I'm mad
now what?
I use it on Apex Legends all the time when I get shit on for not landing on top of 20 other teams and a Mozambique because I'm not shroud. It still makes people livid.
You are wrong, there is one counter. The only counter to it. :3 Start of the match, end, win, lose, always :3. It is the Daisy Cutter answer to u mad's .50BMG fire.
>tfw emoticons are dead
Crusty philtrum?
now you COPE
I still use them. They are only dead if you let them die.
That's old trolling.
New trolling is to pretend to be the group that you dislike while acting as obnoxious as possible, and to relentlessly mock anyone who enjoys anything unironically.
They all got banned for "toxicity"
I was always mad when anyone said that because "u mad" was supposed to be a statement, not a question.
But in real life its always the middle character crying.
now THIS is embarrassing
This, holy shit newfags butchered the phrase and drove it into the mud. It was never a fucking question, it was a fact. U MAD
you arent allowed to type in multiplayer games anymore unless youre referencing epic twitch memes
Why do you have a picture of someone else's kid saved on your computer op? Are you a pedophile?
This is such a limpdick youtube-tier statement. Its like it was designed by phoneposters or something, its so toothless.
>seething this hard
I'm just making a rant post because this is a wasted thread, but I can't stand how fast threads will 404 when clearly still active on Yea Forums. I get that there's a much larger amount of traffic now then ever before, but I try and promote supported statements and arguments when talking to people and now I can't even finish what I'm saying half the time.
It's promoting more shitposting because no one will want to take the time to write anything worthwhile if their time gets wasted.
>doesn't know you can just paste URLs when picking an image to upload
Why are you saving shit to your computer?
We've invented one
lol proving the shitty comic right
i hate this kids fuckin face, he looks like destiny
I'm starting to see what you mean. I feel nothing from this faggot.
>incel hate
>responding to "u mad" at all
u mad
How? Right now you literally have threads on Yea Forums crying about THQ Nordic, for one example.
lmao this nigga so mad he think he churchill
people don't even know who Cam'ron is anymore.
>people making fun of THQ for apologizing to retard trannies
Modern MP games are safe spaces where you'll get banned in a hearbeat if you type anything that can be perceived as "offensive"
I still do it im 29 and its easiest way to make others mad
>Seething white boi: "I don't get mad I get even!"
>If I put quotes around it its not true