Why did they remove roaming wild Pokémon and following Pokémon?
Why did they remove roaming wild Pokémon and following Pokémon?
they didn't, Let's GO is a spinoff
That's like asking why they got rid of talking pokemon from Mystery Dungeon
Let's Go is mainline.
Because being able to see the Pokémon out in the field would ruin the surprise of seeing a brand new Pokémon.
>Go inside grass
>It's another shit commoner
>Do this 10 more times until you can finally find the rare one you actually want
Because Gamefreak is incompetent and can't get out of their handheld mentality.
no it isn't
because GameFreak is fucking incompetent
Nobody liked it until shiny hunting became a thing
The game was designed for kids to get hooked on the franchise without getting them confused with combat.
It's simple to see pokemon and get pokemon.
Isn't it re telling of the original game without any new Pokemon
yes it is
You know what I wouldn't mind?
>Beating the Elite 4 gives you the PokeFinder item, allowing you to see Pokemon on the overworld
Badabing badaboom
You get a prize for beating the game, it's a good prize, and it creates the possibility for endgame grinding if it works like the one from ????? game that made it so that you could see their moves and whatnot before you started the battle.
I think this is a great idea, which is why it'll never be implemented.
lmao it is fucking not. What gen is it then hmmmm?
>game freak keeping features people like
Remember: they tried to make clothes a one-time thing until some fans started executing Masuda's family members.
Gen 7
I think random battles works better than roaming battles for Pokemon because the game world is so cramped and tiny. The problem is GameFreak making an upscaled 3DS game instead of an actual console game for their Switch debut.
That’s like saying Pokémon GO is main line. Retard
Fuck I remember renting this as a kid.........didn’t get far at all
>GF doesn't maintain a popular feature in subsequent titles
news at 11
But there's no evs? No abilities? No moves from Gen 7 at all, so how would it be Gen 7? The answer is that it's not, it's a spin-off and not a mainline game.
pokemon is shit
Not really.
Its not
Doesn't matter because GF considers it mainline
yeah there was no indication on how to digivolve properly and the translation team did a really shit job. You get the hang of it eventually.
doesn't matter because let's go is already forgotten with gen 8 on the horizon there.
no, it's fucking not.
I'm just sad because Pokemon has near infinite potential for a game, yet is so mediocre in execution despite having an endless budget.
It's laughable, really.
yes it is
The real answer is because they started making Pokemon Sword and Shield before they even made Lets Go, and it still uses the Sun and Moon engine
>cheap pokemon rip off Digimon on the ps1 from the 90s has better art direction than the billion dollar Pokemon Companys games do in 2019
I truly wonder how many more years we're going to get baby shit iphone graphic art direction for our Pokemon games. Do you think by 2030 we'll actually have a open world Pokemon rpg that doesn't look like it came out in 2004?
This is the real answer.
>Do this 10 more times until you can finally find the rare one you actually want
confirmed for never actually playing pokemon
truly is. GF lucked out on starting a pokemon craze and have been riding the curtails ever since. I don't even blame them for watering down the franchise so hard to ensure even more sales from normie fucks..
That's not an excuse. Games made concurrently can borrow from each other.
Not everyone got their first growlithe on the first encounter.
yes it is.
>and following Pokémon?
It's because Let's Go doesn't have nearly as many Pokémon. For gen 8 they'd need to create overworld animations for about a thousand different models.
it is an excuse, they didn't have the idea until Let's Go, where Sword and Shield was already 80% complete, they're not going to completely backtrack and add a brand new mechanic reworking the entire game to change how you encounter pokemon in the wild
Because modeling dipshit
go play any other jrpg if you wanna see trash mobs in the overworld.
everything is anime now, this is the Digimon World protag as it stands now canonically
datamine showed they have new ones apparently, meltan is an indication they have more than gen 1
Okay, let me clarify. It's a reason but not a legitimate justification. Don't pretend this is some big ask when the main programming tedium of rigging models is already done.
Go fuck yourself.
>they didn't have the idea until Let's Go
Excuse me?
Because it was limited to the original 151 which made it extremely easier
or just have a few dozen preset bones for bipeds, quadrupeds, flying creatures, giants, fish, insect, hopping blobs and whatnot
>endless budget
No but for real Japanese companies hate the idea of spending money. Pokémon is Nintendo’s Monster Hunter. Low investment high return.
But Sun and moon were the first games to include walking and running animations for all 800~ Pokemon within the game files
Wild pokemon were only good for catching, and getting xp from. They were always so easy to just run away from that they were just an annoyance otherwise.
It was the trainers and gym leaders that were the real roadblocks in every game.
So why bother keeping the fighting wild pokemon mechanic? Can you tell me what purpose fighting wild pokemon gives besides what I listed?
(Now, if they made it as hard to run away from battles as in other rpgs then we would be getting somewhere)
you must be new here. i was just playing platinum again and i took like 30 minutes to catch a houndour because it kept roaring me and had a 25% spawn chance
They already did. Every Mon has had walking and running animations since since and moon. Even megas and alola forms and shit like that.
Who the actual fuck wants roaming pokemon? Are you people retarded? Do you even play the games? Its like people who want real time battles in the games, I swear.
yes, but Pokemon is literally the highest grossing franchise ever made in human history.
To think that they still shell out glorified DS games is beyond sad considering the anime, mangas, and merchandise are designed only to push the game itself.
Lets Go is actually mainline, unfortunately. Blame Nintendo and blame Game Freak but its true.
How are real time battles anywhere near the same as roaming pokemon?
He's not talking about removing fighting, just letting them populate the world. Whether there's any value in fighting trivial mons in the wild is another matter.
It always bothered me that they put so much work into the sprites and animations for so many pokemon, only to throw it away for the B/W games...
Both are retarded and show poor foresight by whoever was pitching the idea. Just compare Mt Moon in FRLG to Mt Moon in LGPE and you see the myriad of problems.
>only good thing about LGPE are the improved animations of pokemon and following pokemon
>sword and shield take it out immediately after
>blame Nintendo
If Nintendo had their way everyone working at Gamefreak would be unemployed and Pokemon games would be developed in-house
roaming would literally be no dofferent to set up than random encounters.
Make it spawn on a tile in an area and consistent to it's encounter rate.
Beats walking along grass over and over, and makes seeing a rare mon roam all the more exciting
...... God damn it. I should have read the OP closer. What a waste of time...
no its n- FUCK YOU
talking about Encountering pokemon in tall grass, not them following you
The problem isn't because of roaming pokemon though its because they have shit level design.
>Switch game runs on an empty map crispy 360p 20fps with drops imagine who the game will run with extra pokemon on the map
also, if they outlevel you, they should be aggressive and vice versa.
Rares would flee.
It would make for an interesting shift for a change. They even started ripping Digimin with megas and z moves and all this horseshit.
If it makes you feel better, I kind of agree that the traditional battles are generally a waste of time.