I mean why not put in a fighting game that's at least remotely popular?

I mean why not put in a fighting game that's at least remotely popular?

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>cross tag released
>"Hey I know all those guys but who's the Blonde guy?"
>*Time to shill Unist at Evo*

take a shower melee kiddie
I can smell you from here

>Not popular
Cross tag only got in cause it got a huge patch and a dlc announcement, so they get one last shot to revive the community.

Why put in a game that isn't a fighting game.

UNIST has earned its spot, and BBTAG is a fun, quick kusoge that makes for a good side game to the big titles on the sunday line day.

I'm gonna take a guess and say that OP is a Meleefag that has never played a fighting game or cares about them but inserts themself into the FGC anyway for some fucking reason

Because I don't like you and want you yo go away.

Disgusting. It should have been Dead or Alive 6 and Guilty Gear Rev2 not this trash barely nyone plays

Even DoA has more players than these 2 combined.

Doesn't align with Evo's core values.

Still funny

Is DBFZ the only alive anime fighter? I mean, if i started playing UNIST or BBTAG would i have to beg for games on discord?

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>muh numbers
fuck off and let something else have one year

Ignore the salty [game that didn't get in]fags, they both still have a community. So does Guilty for that matter, it's only not in Evo because Arksys is gearing up for a new version/game.

>smelee fags still assblasted evo booted them

best timeline

UNIST has more players than GG though

Yeah but DoA killed its spot by having strippers and stop motion pussy licking on stream.

UNIST beginners lobby up on PC no pw. No bully plz

What's even the point of CTB at Evo? BB hardcore won't leave CF and everyone is propping up UNIST. CTB should've been cut and replaced with DOA6 and be put as the first Saturday finals so no one would bother with it.

No pw just new players.

Arcsys money, new DLC
BBTag publicity, unironically loyal and thriving community, talk of a new expansion in the works
>GG not in
Rev2 was years ago, have their own tournament (ArcRevo) weeks after EVO so Arcsys probably considers it overkill
>DoA6 out
That's purely McRib bias, admittedly. Should've had SamSho's spot and let this one be in the running once it's been out in the market for a while.


It wouldn't have been DOA6 but I see your point

I mean you probably would still beg for discord games to get good players but unist online is fairly alive.

Full of shitters at the moment though after the big evo bump.

t. seething melee fag

I welcome the shitters, I'm rusty as fuck

>seething goobers
Your game is fucking dead, get over it.

Take a bath.

Bath's probably taken by a CRT and gamecube

>Full of shitters at the moment
Sounds perfect for me. My biggest fear getting into this game was nobody even near my skill level to play against

Did Tag even sell well? It's unanimously agreed to be a shit game I get it's in over CF since Arcsys they are releasing DLC.
UNIST is also overrated. The gameplay is so stale but people latch onto it since there is instant gratification as it is so easy to get into and be effective.
Better than Smellee still.

>user criticizes something about EVO
>other anons resort to calling user a meleefag

>unist online is fairly alive.
it's active recently by a little bit due to evo. prior to that it was dead.

My Hilda got you

Fuck you brucee to know you're here

It sold like garbage in Japan. For some reason it's only now getting an arcade release and I doubt that'll matter much.

I'm gonna grab a drink I'll leave the beginner room up

I don't think that's true, not that there's a big difference between them, but I tend to see around 200 people playing GG at a time and around 150 for UNIST. UNIST still deserves to be in over GG though, I prefer both playing and watching GG, but it hasn't had an update in a year and a half and its had the mainstage plenty of times, there's no harm in letting something else up there for a change, especially when UNIST could use the publicity more and GG will have a tournament right after EVO with ArcRevo anyway.

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I still don't get the point of Answer existing.

Because he's cool.

they did.

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>by a little bit
It's gone from sub 100 peak to over 500. For dead anime games that's a massive increase.

Replace TAG with GG and MK with Melee.

name one fighting game that is popular that isn't SFV (Which is hated but the best we have.) and DBZF (Which is hated but the best we have.)

Oh god I forgot DBZ is in the line up. Replace that with fucking anything. What a goddamn bore. Even Skull Girls would be better.



take a shower, you reek.

I hope someone makes it far as vatista

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I love reading this in kermit's voice every time

Replace MK with Melee.

Put in Fightin Herds just to see what happens

anyone know where Tag is the most populated?
the ps4 lobbys were fucking dead at the end of June last year so I dropped it
I actually think its a pretty fun game despite the bullshit that comes with it

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Japanese arcades soon or your locals.

Wait really? I thought lobbies were somewhat populated on ps4

Ps4. You can find a full lobby at current times.

the most a single lobby would have was about 100 people every time I checked in
there would also be about 2 or 3 lobbies where 2 or 4 people would be but no more than that
If ps4 was the most populated then I don't even want to know how it was for pc or switch

Fighters should be rated by how much work the community puts in and how dedicated it is. Not by how many views it gets or pool padders it has.

BB hardcore won't leave CF because it has an arcade release, it's still played on central804, but now Tag is getting an arcade release too along with a big patch to meet that dual scythe spam that killed it, this is why.

I dunno man. Cross tag is fun as fuck. I have 100+ hours on the switch. It's got me visiting my locals again.

Crosstag is ASS thank god unist is getting some recognition

Still won't do shit.

Then watch literally any other major that's not Evo.

I wish my toaster could handle UNIST.

If people were good at the game, Seth and Vatista would be the only viable characters, but the human mind can't process information at the speed necessary to play them at an optimal level, so people use Phonon and Merkava instead.

Is Skullgirls that famous in the west? I know that fans would shill their games in every way possible (talking in general) -
But from the way I see it, it looks like their fans think they are larger than they actually are

No. Skullgirls is SUPER dead.

What makes you say that? It gets 100-200 entrants ever combobreaker


Must just be dead on PS4. Can never find games.

Console is deader than dead for SG and has been since PC release. It’s not a highly populated game but if you’re willing to hop into the discord server you can find games no problem. Hell you can even quickmatch on PC pretty well

>ITT: It's now 2007
I mean why not put in a fighting game that's at least remotely popular?

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Should have put in Ultra SFIV.

>tfw no UNIST doujins