Put it in a bag once

>Put it in a bag once
>"Oops! now the analog is FOREVER FUCKED and your only options are either to dangerousely blow air under the analog(which only fixes it for a while) or buy a completely new one!
>also the pro controller has a bad Dpad which you need to fix yourself!

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sorry your shit's broke user
mine's good


I'm scared of using my joy cons a lot because I've already had to buy a new pair after a stick stopped working.
I just use a pro now

Seriously this consist problem with joycons. Nintendo please fix.

I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Literally never used those

My pro dpad is good.
My brother's is a little too sensitive.

Just use electronic contact cleaner wd40

the left joy con has for some reason a very poor build quality for it's analog stick. Most people report it after putting it in a bag once(I think this is what triggered mine) or simply after some long time of use, but the problem is that after a while the analog will start to drift and become very imprecise for no reason and the only fix people have found so far is blowing air under the flaps which might damage the console even more if you don't know what you're doing, or just buy a new one

WD40 is not contact cleaner dumbass.

WD40 brand sells an electronic contact cleaner dumbass.

When the FUCK are they going to make a joycon with an actual fucking dpad placed in the primary position? It's basically useless in handheld mode until they do since I'm usually only playing 2D games in handheld

Regular wd40 will fuck them up, bit they have a cleaner for this kind of thing

I see.

Yeah joycons are probably the cheapest controllers nintendo has ever designed. Everyone I know has broken joycons, and mine have stick drift issues, sticky buttons, and have issues pairing with the switch

Problem solved

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how does putting controller in a bag affect anything? don't have switch, just curious.

It works surprising well, might need to apply it under the flap a couple times but they work like new

On my 2nd set now, both were drifting like they were delivering Tofu last year and none of the fixes worked

Literally all my friends with a Switch has drift. It's a persistent design flaw.

I imagine once the Switch is a retro console it will be unplayable, imagine how bad the drift will be in 10 years when every joycon goes bad in less than a year.

>buy $300 handheld
>doesn't but a case to put it in
>just throws it in his bags

>not buying a $10 carrying case for your expensive, new console that's basically a giant screen

I've put my joycons in a bag and they still work fine.

Attached: works-on-my-machine-starburst_2.png (497x480, 236K)

Probably cause the sticks jut out, get caught, and wrecked. I bought a leather case for mine which includes holes for the analogs and it's been in perfect condition.

literally dropped my switch and the left thumbstick broke.

went to walmart to buy a new set

put the old ones in the box and returned it. told them the controls just didn't feel right and i got a full refund.

I've had the same joycons that came with my console since release day and they're perfectly fine

>pour thermite on controller and ignites it

I have this exact setup
it's not as good desu
the xbox controller is actually TOO sensitive, if I could expand the deadzone it would be better
also sometimes if you flick the analog stick to one side it might swing to the opposite side and turn you opposite ways, it's actually really easy to do and happens a lot
also the connectivity is pretty shite, for it to work decent enough there needs to be ZERO interference, even your body can cause interference.
the stick can be pulled or pushed by the bag, which only speeds up the process of analog fucking
not everyone has 20/40 bucks lying around just to buy a case, specially right after buying a $300 console
also I can put my XBONE/PS4 controllers, my 3DS, and my PS Vita on my backpacks and bags and they work just fine when I take them out
the switch being a handheld is actually THE BIGGEST REASON why shit like this shoudn't happen. This is not an excuse, I shoudn't need to buy a third party case just to put my handheld console on a bag.
some people are just lucky I guess
unfortunately some people(like me) don't live in places where that is possible, good for you though.
leaving a handheld console on a bag is the same as setting it on fire?

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>owns a ps4 and an xbone and a switch
>"I can't afford a cheap carrying case :("

it's called saving money you fucking retard
if you want to buy something expensive, you can just save up money for some months before you can buy shit

>Not keeping you Switch in a bullet proof case when it's in your bag.
Your own fault really

>this happen
>some games can only be played with the joy cons

This is literally the worst thing about the switch, $80 for a piece of shit controller

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>not everyone has 20/40 bucks lying around just to buy a case

The fuck? I bought a pretty sturdy case and 2 screen protectors for like $6. If you're paying $20 for a case you're a god damn moron.

My sticks are fucked too and blowing compressed air under them isn't helping. Probably gonna have to open them up.

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The contacts for the joycons are extremely, extremely sensitive and flimsy due to being so small. Any aggressive movement and/or dirt and dust that gets inside can fuck the controller up. when it's in a bag the stick gets caught on stuff easily

Had nintendo not designed a controller for handlets this wouldn't be an issue.

It's called making a smart investment dipshit. If you spend $100+ on ANYTHING and dont take steps to protect it, you have literal brain damage

just seemed very specific that you have to put it in a bag. maybe ayyyys live in bags and fucks up analog sticks. who knows. i'd get if it was somewhere where the stick would be twisted for maybe months or years and for some reason doesn't work anymore. but putting something in a bag doesn't sound so bad.

>also the pro controller has a bad Dpad which you need to fix yourself!\
Wait this is me. When I press one direction, more often than not, it goes to the direction next to it as well. Are you saying there is a way to fix this?

...so save up $10 extra to protect your investment from damage

Place tape arround the insides of the contact pads on the dpad. Alternatively binder reinforces will work too

it's a fucking handheld console
if you make a handheld console that you cannot put in a fucking bag without the use of third party acessories then you failed as a hardware developer.
does the 3DS have this problem this widespread? The Vita? The PSP? Phones? Ipads? Ngages? NO because they're fucking designed to being put in fucking bags
they could have fixed this simply by making the controllers bigger and thus having bigger sensors, or enclosing them in a way shit can't get on them in the first place, like every other handheld did.
yeah the Pro Controller sucks because it registers extra inputs on the Dpad, try going into the button test and pressing left/right constantly and you'll easily see UP inputs

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I was looking into buying a switch and the joycons are $80? dafuq?

Every single time I try to fix a Nintendo product by opening it, I end up breaking it, and I definitely don't want to do that to my new pro controller

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btw. Looks like it has 3 screen protectors and costs $7 instead of 2 for $6 now though

>yeah the Pro Controller sucks because it registers extra inputs on the Dpad, try going into the button test and pressing left/right constantly and you'll easily see UP inputs
Yes, that's exactly what happens to me. I thought it was a problem exclusive to my d-pad. To think it is universal is mindblowing, how does any Nintendo engineer tests it and says "yes this is ok for a $70 controller"?

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Same here, 3 months old Switch, never carried it anywhere and left joycon drifts like a fuck. If I shake the joycon or blow into the base of the stick it will help for few minutes but then it starts to drift again.
It's a built-in design fault and it will just get worse over time. Nintendo hasn't commented this at all and it is not even known have they even fixed the issue in new batches.
Compared to 3ds and Vita, Switch is like 3rd world cheap plastic copy. Build quality is very fucking bad. And yet these monglers praise the console.

Why doesn't it come with a case?

Yeah bro. Sounds like you saved so much money now that you have to pay $80 to replace your joycons. Congrats on saving that $10.

Fucking moron.

you could always put it in the box it came in like I did when I moved last year, it's a relatively small box, small enough to fit in a normal sized backpack

>Does the 3DS
No, because it protects itself by closing
>Vita, PSP
Yes, I've had both of those break in a backpack when I didn't have a case for them

If you don't have a case, or the very least a screen protector, you ARE moron

Someone explain it to me in simple terms, how exactly would I go about fixing the pro controller's d-pad? I'm tired of having to use joy-cons for Tetris 99.


I’ve owned almost every console and handheld that has been released since the Snes generation, and the only thing that has ever broken is the disc reader in my GameCube because the laser burnt out from being used too much. I’ve never broken a single controller.

If your stuff breaks, the problem is with you. You have to be a fucking Neanderthal-tier retard to break your stuff. Learn to look after your property.

now remember that nintendo has been making consoles for 30+ years
not only that but none of their previous consoles had massive glaring problems like this
how are people supposed to know about the fact that the switch has garbage build quality SPECIALLY considering nintendo has a pretty good track record without any problems like this before unless you were the kind of people to force their consoles into the limit
actually, the hardware itself is pretty fucking resistant at first but the problems only start appearing 6+ months in of use, imagine the people that bought it first day
when it launched, people considered it pretty resistant, the cracks are only really showing up now
if this were any other hardware company, then yeah, fine, they're trying their hands into this now and thus some problems are fine here and there, but nintendo has been making quality handhelds since 1989, that's fucking older than me, they have no excuse to ship garbage like this out and have their consumers buy third party acessories just to fix it.
the screen isn't even a problem, its LITERALLY JUST THE FUCKING LEFT JOY CON
(and the pro controller too but that's not the point)
if the ENTIRE console had problems, then yeah you'd have a point on buying a case but people have to buy third party acessories just to protect this ONE piece instead of having it come with a decent build quality from the get go?
this is fucking unexcusable, I can't imagine what goes on in people's heads when they defend this shit
let's not forget some people are poor, you're not even considering that.

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100% this

Nintendo's handhelds started having problems with the DS and it's hinges

>some people are poor
>but they can afford a $300 console but can't shell out 7% of that to protect their $300 console
stupid frogposter

Dude, I’m not defending Nintendo’s shitty build quality, but if you don’t buy a carry case for a handheld with an exposed screen and sticks then you might be mentally retarded.

Again, I've put both a vita AND a PSP in a backpack and both had drift issues after about 5 months. I had to replace three vita entirely, which is difficult seeing as they're not in production anymore

*the vita


the pro controller literally ships with a faulty. You can't even do anything about it.
also putting a controller on a bag like it's literally advertised to be able to do so shoudn't make the fucking thing break.
do you see in PS4 ads people putting them in backpacks? No because they might break if that happens even then I used to do it to bring my PS4 to friends houses and yet it still worked fucking fine
do you see people putting their switches in backpacks in Nintendo ads? Yes because that's the fucking point of a handheld.
if you can't use the product the way it's advertised, even if you are cautious, that's a huge fucking problem
>what is saving money for months/weeks
most poor people simply don't fucking "appear" with $300 out of the nowhere, that's a thing they save up for months
people don't carry a case for phones, and the switch screen is actually resistant itself.
PSP launched in 2005
Nintendo's been making handhelds for 30+ years
not only that but the PSP and Vita all get many hardware revisions to fix mistakes, while the Switch only has this one base edition availble right now.

>be OP
>buy nintendo thing
>nintendo thing is shit
>come to Yea Forums to complain
>get assaulted by nintendo's special defense squad
>he actually keeps arguing and responding to bait

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so save up for another week or two before buying your console or carelessly transporting it, needing to save up is not an argument
also, if it only takes a few weeks to save up $300 of expendable income you ARE NOT poor

The least vita I bought that had the drift issue was a 2.0 model bought in 2016. Latest hardware.

You are factually, irredeemably, 100% without a doubt a waste of DNA and oxygen

>people don't carry a case for phones
Actually, the vast majority of people have their phones in protective cases, sometimes with screen protectors. Are you stupid?

>get launch switch
>left joycon has connectivity issues, even when fully updated
>send it to nintendo to fix it
>the one they sent back has the same issues, and updating only fixes it for awhile
>problem still somewhat persists
what the fuck are they doing? i can't use either joycon in my sweater pockets even when my switch is right in front of me, because they disconnect constantly.

Joycon stick drift happens regardless of how well you take care of them. The parts are just too fragile. This is no ones fault but Nintendo's, they had to use tiny, fragile parts because they HAD to have controllers made for handlets for god knows why.

All you need is some WD-40? I bought a used joycon for 10 bucks on ebay because the guy said the analog stick was stuck making characters move up, as soon as it arrived and I had tested to confirm that the drift was there, I shot some WD-40 under the cap and now it works great.

even then, many vita owners don't complain about this sort of shit in the same magnitude of switch owners do
this is a widespread problem way bigger than what happens with the PSP and Vita, not only that but the design philosphy of the Vita/PSP is very much different than the switch.
it's a fucking handheld console, only a company that usually doesn't make handhelds ship out consoles that have those problems
if you buy a handheld videogame, you should be saving up to buy games, not fucking protective screens and cases.
there's a big fucking difference between a phone "case" and pic related

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Lmao, what kind of fucking "bag" are you throwing your joycon into?
Do you mean your backpack full of other shit that will crush it? Dude, it isn't had to find a safe spot to transport your joycon. I bring mine to my friends all the time and never have issues.

>Had nintendo not designed a controller for handlets this wouldn't be an issue.
They're called children, user

enjoy the residue eventually making the problem worse

They need to grow up

is this problem relegated to the original grey and blue/red versions of the console? did they fix it like they claimed to with the poor blu tooth issues on left joy con? i have an all read odyssey edition switch and ive used it for hundreds of hours, thrown it in a bag and stuff it under seats on an airplane multiple times and it is perfectly fine. am i just lucky?

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I bought a spare analog stick to swap it out with on the off chance this does happen, but so far 3 months in it's still working fine.

>They don't complain about it
That because most threads about vita on Yea Forums are shitposters, I've seen plenty of people have drift issues on /vitagen/ in /vg/

well enjoy your busted console and keep seething that you weren't smart enough to protect it :^]

I had my Switch for 2 years before I had noticeable drift on the grey joycons

My pro controller drifts right after I turn it on but it goes away after some seconds, as soon as I move the joysticks, which is very weird.

>argue about the strength of nintendium for decades and how it "never breaks"
>fans immediately switch (heh) gears and say that you should be more delicate with your system so it doesn't break

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>can't use either joycon in my sweater pockets even when my switch is right in front of me, because they disconnect constantly.
you fucking retard, they are supposed to not work if there is something in front of them blocking the signal

I use pic related and haven't had any issues since I got them, with exception that I dropped the console accidentally and it broke the clasps that hold the joycons in place.

You should have bought a WiiU.

>>argue about the strength of nintendium for decades and how it "never breaks"
and it doesn't
but they haven't made anything out of nintendium since gamecube
now go, return to surface web

>return to surface web

>try to do Snake's double tilt with the stick with any rapidity
Garbage controller

Attached: bleurgh.gif (477x268, 1.06M)

Hmm, looks like my phone pic posting is being blocked. Ahh well

Not defending Nintendo, but the Xbox 360 dpad is the same shit. I don’t think they even fixed it ever. I don’t understand how they can sell shoddy products at full price.

The case you posted is designed to carry the charger etc as well. You really don’t need to buy one that big. Just buy one that holds the screen and joycons. They cost less than $10 dude. Again, I’m not defending Nintendo’s shitty build quality, I’m just pointing out that you should take better care of your shit.

I bought my Switch after 1 year of it being in the market. I panicked when Iost right Joycon control in BOTW. I also have had it rumble with rumble feature turned off.

My hands are always clean, I put it away nicely, and I don't push it hard. Joycons suck, desu. I find myself cleaning the attach/detach slots so it never happens in Smash Bros. Speaking of, the secret taunts are impossible to pull off on a joycon for Smash Ultimate and Side B special fucks up randomly. I updated the controls firmware too, the right joycon is finnicky as fuck. This is not very durable quality like the GameBoy. A Switch Mini with even smaller controllers sounds like a nightmare for more bad control quality.

Any engineering user minds to explain how a company can release an absurdly flawed product such as the pro controller with the flawed d-pad ant not release any revision that fixes this?
There is usually a rational explanation for shit like this, I don't want to just believe it is brainless incompetence.

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get a proper case for it stupid nigger

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I've had my Switch (Red/Blue) for only a few months now, and I already got stick drift on the right joycon. I'm actually waiting for it to be sent back from repair right now.
I've mainly used at home, and the few times I took it to a friend's, I've used a hard carrying case. Ninty needs to seriously get their shit together

>buy console
>have money for $60 games
>don't have money for $20 case
based underage retard

>Not having a case for his 3ds
Hope you enjoyed a scratched to shit chassis

>fix it after purchase

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I bought a £10 protective hard shell case to put my console in instead of just throwing it in a bag.

Try $5

My left analog stick started drifting after playing XC2 too. You have to press it to open the map so I'd be running forward then open the map, and I guess that fucked it. I was pretty fucking mad since I didn't even like the game so I wasted 70 hours and ruined a controller.
Though half a year later I pull it out of my drawer and it works fine. I don't get it.

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So you noticed it today/yesterday?

6mo ago. I replaced with red joycons

>more than $100 for a pair of joycons and a grip

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Honestly I think it can just be any joycon, regardless of when it was made. I got my Switch near the end of 2017 and the damn joycon didn't even make it a full year before the sticks started to drift. A friend of mine went through 2 pairs, as well. I got the Splatoon joycon and for a brief amount of time while playing Odyssey the right joycon wouldn't read my inputs when I had the thing docked. I know DS and 3DS had some hardware faults but the Switch is seriously on another level of bullshit.

Christ, I miss Nintendium. They must've used their last stockpiles with GameCube and the OG DS because everything afterward's been plagued with issues. For shit's sake, my old Game Boy Color got thrown at tile floor by an angry little brother and it still works perfectly.

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You don't have that little travel case thing?gearbest.com/game-accessories/pp_1589347.html?wid=1433363¤cy=NZD&vip=16016092&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtvPjBRDPARIsAJfZz0oy8IXVJB5TQGBH5aDN5ead7WWST2J1CJlK4pBuo32FYm-FPQWzi78aAsiDEALw_wcB