Why does neo-Yea Forums hate Night Elves so much?

Why does neo-Yea Forums hate Night Elves so much?

Attached: night elf wow.jpg (420x322, 71K)

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we prefer draenei (no penis) and worgen

Jews of the fantasy world

Midriff/hips > tits/ass

Miss me with that shit, homie

What the fuck I love the Alliance now.

just kidding they are all little bitches, and we have blood elves, FOR THE HORDE

Based on their historical achievements would we say that nelves are the master race of wow? And yes I know that they brought the legion to azeroth first but they were also critical in defeating it all 3 times (at least Illidan was)

I just finished Warcraft III and got to say I enjoyed Nelf campaign the most, especially Maiev's. Loved the dungeon

ohhhh god sauce please

This without the worgen.

I sauced too

>i will never take a walk through the eversong woods with my blood elf wife
Why are we still here
Just end my torment lord

This but also Lightforged

Attached: Lightforged.jpg (811x1217, 89K)

Personally after playing wow for so long I'm too desensitized to the sex appeal and porn of it. My undeads are cute though

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worgen are fucking disgusting
the shitty aspect of this image is that its probably a roleplayer's commissioned art of their character and that transmog is cringy as fuck ingame and they probably think it looks good

Lightforged tattoos are literally only visible if you're wearing a bikini

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I want to be Tyrande’s replacement husband!

I don't? Maiev is literally perfect.

Attached: MaievLegion.png (459x773, 541K)

so draw some armor that isnt ingame vanilla models? invent your own bikini armor? its a fucking drawing, you dont have to autistically copy shit thats in a video game

You realize she’s a dyke right

Then explain her seducing Illidan every night for 1,000 years

ALL kinds of elves were made to be raped and killed

>that tfw when no panda gf

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I mean that's not true but ok
All I'm trying to say is the vanilla pancake tits are ugly and overused by sex addled futa erpers and there are better options

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That’s literally fanfiction


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cute and wifeable
autistic and stinky

(citation needed)

That's still a vanilla transmog.

People use them because Blizzard refuses to make more skimpy armor. Demon Hunters were lucky that it was part of their lore.

>Main characterization is being literally obsessed with Illidan.

Who the fuck still plays this piece of crap?

Hey cool, another Warcraft semi porn dump.

>semi porn
that exists?

Attached: semi truck.jpg (800x600, 67K)

elves should be chubby

Never said anything against vanilla armor, I'm talking about stuff like glorious/vanguard/lofty
Its ugly

Attached: glorious.jpg (242x597, 49K)

Uhh so what did Illidan do that he was thrown into jail for millenia? I don't think they ever mentioned that.

hips and ass are two sides of the same coin

He betrayed the Night Elves and sided with Azshara/the Legion.
That's why he was called the Betrayer.
Then WoW retconned it because of Illidan's fanboys : He was just pretending.

imagine choosing this game over ffxiv when all you care about ingame is playing dressup and roleplaying, god that's fucking hideous

Looks fine to me

I agree

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I dont play WOW just fap

I need that Elf to bear my half-human children.

And a full version so I can better imagine this.


pandas are for chubby

Attached: WoWScrnShot_120317_072333.jpg (2560x1440, 734K)

vidya tummy thred

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Well guess I'm masturbating to making half-elves now.

ok bud time to stop avatarfagging that's not what this thread is for

Should I play FFXIV if all I care about is playing dressup and not roleplaying?

Imagine licking the post workout sweat off this well defined abs muscles


gimme gimme gimme

>same screenshot every thread
Post your erp logs or something

Visuals and casual shit like housing and gardening are a big draw to the game over wow, honestly if you're not going to poopsock there's no reason to play wow unless you want to roleplay in the warcraft setting

i prefer high elves

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don't be a thug, stay away from drugs

yo, gimme the sauce boss

How do females live in Warcraft universe without getting raped every day?

Your taste in Draenei genitalia is so patrician I have to give you a “first post best post”

>main characterization is literally trying to impress Tyrande

Dwarves and goblins

They went from cure and silly waifus to being "muh honorable savages". Fucking devs have a hardon for "muh savages", it was fine when it was the fucking greenskins and cows since who cares but now they are starting to infect alliance with their shit.

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Please don't post any Nightelves. Especially not if they're wearing stockings, pantyhose, knee-high socks, bodystockings, skirts or turtlenecksweaters with boobwindow.

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High Elves are pure, actually. It's Blood Elves that are drug addicts.

>What is google search?

Considering the high elves have been human cocksleeves for years

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That's not correct, the real reason Illidan got imprisoned was because he created a second well of eternity.

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> trying to impress Tyrande

Wtf is that headcanon.

neo-Yea Forums hates boobies, no surprise since this board is filled with trannies, queers and furfags

I dropped WoW a few expansions ago. Just could keep up with my guild raiding anymore.
Basically now I just wait for lore videos near the end of expansions to see how batshit the story has got.

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All elves should have fat asses.

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human females are the best

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>They went from cure and silly waifus to being "muh honorable savages"
I think you got it backwards.

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God I wish I was a cute sexy toned night elf girl


I still play WoW for the RP and doing casual stuff.

I haven't done a raid above LFR in 9 years.

need to breed

all kinds of truck porn.

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*deep breath*

>how dare a person have different kind of desires for other body types

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>cute and silly waifus
>murder and imprison people "for the goddess"
>depicted as amazon-esque female led warrior people that protect nature
If anything wow and its wave of mmo players aka porn and erp obsessed virgins are what ruined them

Then you're a fucking retard because almost every other popular mmo on the market caters to you more than wow does

no results u mega autismo

>skimpy armored draenei

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cute tauren girls

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I literally got it that way. 2 results on a Yea Forums archive, one of them asked for sauce in the post and it was provided in that thread.

If he got caught before the creation of the well it would have been the same result : he already betrayed the NEs. Because of that, Tyrande almost got killed.

Void Elves are better and were made for Human husbands.

All Night Elves have done since WoW began is lose cities to the Horde and talk like Trolls.

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Nelfs are ruined now, accept the light.

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>no penis
the hell is wrong with you?

They actually wanted to forgive him before they discovered what he did.

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Imagine having a taste in women like the americans have a taste for food

>we prefer draenei (no penis)
>and worgen

That's not mentionned in wc3's manual irrc.
Imo the nickname "betrayer" is because of the fact that he literally betrayed them during a war.
But again WoW retconned it.

Why is cropped porn/nudes almost always 100% more enticing than the actual porn itself?

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imagine having your eyes fixated on americans at all times

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It's in the book war of the ancients.

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They just can't help it.

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I choose both of these

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Titillation is better than gratuitous lewdness.

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My wife on the left

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That would be the trolls

It came after wc3.
Also knaak is terrible and ruined the night elves.

Is this what Americans actually believe?

I want a Draenei wife


They would be better is They moved to Elder Scrolls, atleast tamriel would get celtic dunmer, and Tyrande would be high on Azura and Malf worshipping hircine

The only elf I like is Maiev.

In full armor.

when's Classic

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when you post the nude version

its canon to the point that both are yandere to each other.


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shut up slut

>tfw no human gf

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its literally low res bodypainting at this rate, even the art stle clashes with modern post cata shit

>Really love Lightforged women and want one as my wife
>In-game they only have 3 hair and skin colors and half a dozen hair and horn styles
It's like they put all their effort into Void Elves and Lightforged were an afterthought, despite them existing on Argus before being made playable

Holy shit it's been 12 fucking years and I still can't understand how people felt the need to start drawing horse cocks on them literally from the fucking day they were announced, and that it's lasted all these fucking years.

acceptable taste

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ERP degenerates are so fucked in the head they think it's not gay as long as the dick is on a "girl"

>he doesn't know

But i want Priestess Maiev back.

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What features would you wish to have in WoW 2 if Blizzard should finally decide to stop beeing lazy?

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Dunno, bro.

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>no penis
What? Can’t have a cute draenei without a big horse sized dick

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all warcraft females should have big juicy cocks


Technically they are Chameleducks, dude. Those are totally different.

>file deleted
are the mods fucking serious

Posting my wife

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>mods deleting butts

Attached: zc.png (623x683, 570K)

Bunch of limp dick faggots around here.

this thread will be pruned too, it no news that our jew jannies are faggetera mods and users

>fit enough for midriff definition
>but not 6 pack abs
i'd rather have the chubby elf desu

A fit midriff is too sexy for our advertisers.

That’s fine but we’re talking about the females not the males.

Who the fuck knows what women and the gays prefer


How trannies were able to gain so much power in a short period of time?

Mods and their mothers suck dwarf cock.

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>he doesn't into wakfu

Finally, you are not even pretending to talk about video games. These are just porn threads.

Probably just threw some money at that chink nigger kike Hiroshitma Fagasaki. There's nothing that scumbag won't do for a few shekels.

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midriffs violated mod core values

Ya niggas need to learn to put more safe pics in the OP

>female draenei
>no horse dick
??? what’s the point then ?

the freckles are the hottest part

>deleting even more shit
Eat shit and die, you cocksucking motherfuckers.

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Why didn't the Gacha thread's OP get deleted when it had nipples in it? It was up all day

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It’s a straight thing, you wouldn’t understand

But wouldn't it be humiliating if they're bigger than you?

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Because it was too early in the morning in west coast america

It'd be more humiliating if they weren't. Like you're stuck with their rejects.

Also depends on the jannie. You could get one who isn't a faggot or one that mods on reddit unironically.

It makes her look like a young minx with a huge beautiful ass that she knows she has, and knows how to use it.

would be more humiliating if she didnt cum inside me

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That gif is cute af

more qt Draenei pls

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Haha very much so ! Imagine if she forces her dingdong upon you haha

>tfw draenei gf's horsecock is half the size of my normal human cock
>tfw mom keeps asking if I'm gay because of it
What do I do, bros?

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All futa are by definition rejects

With bulges please ! It is a SFW board after all =)

There are no night elves in hijabs, sorry.

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Then stop posting nigger elves and post best girl Sylvanas instead.

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.

People have asked for new bikini armor, even if it's just appearance armor, but current year Blizz says no because they know what's best.

Post pandas

This thread is long gone from the beginning and needs to be deleted.

Tell her it's a feminine penis therefore you can't be gay

They’ll add it sooner or later to save an already dead as fuck game

What can I say? Based.

>that one interview where one of the higher up fucks said his daughter asked him why sylvanas was wearing a swimsuit and he was too bad at parenting to give her an answer so instead he made the design team redesign her, and they ended up just slapping on poorly textured leather armor on her midriff and tights in the armor gaps on her thighs

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Good ol Metzen

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Like the Battlefield V flop
>Gaming today is more gender-diverse than it’s ever been, Söderlund says, and there are “a lot of female people who want to play, and male players who want to play as a badass [woman].” In trying to explain the so-called controversy to his own 13-year-old daughter, Söderlund says he came to realize how ridiculous the conceit of the online backlash was. “I’m like, okay, as a parent, how the hell am I gonna respond to this? And I just said, ‘You know what? You’re right,’” says Söderlund. “‘This is not okay.’”

Bout to resub to wow to erp with panders and rp. Should I do it?

I'm pretty sure you can get that from discord servers these days without paying $15 a month or grinding for tokens.


still waiting for good ol cocaine claim him

>I'm such a bad parent I can't explain that people regardless of sex like attractive people and things

Every time I see shit like this.

How is it going to explain to his daughter the naked statues from Rome.
Or worst, the paintings.

By saying shit like Rome fell for a reason

Imagine if she put it in your butt like as a joke haha

And thus the hottest tag will always be convenient_censoring

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What was his reaction to them making his OC gay after he left?

>That feel when people who RP Night Elves and Draenei around Human height
>Basically their race's equivalent of a shortstack

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I’d find the whole affair a lot more delicious if it weren’t Chu trying to get rid of every other threat to his waifu loving his self insert

>(no penis)

fucking pleb

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>it's not gay as long as the dick is on a "girl"

except this is true

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I don't get why brainlets pretend that all Night Elf/Draenei women HAVE to be 7 feet tall, like people aren't capable of having different genetics.

>straight porn deleted instantly
>cuck/BLACKED porn allowed to stay up for hours


because thats how theyve been depicted for years

So Arator is just a Blood Elf, and Lantressor and Garona are just Orcs.

Because they are all tall

fuck treeniggers and fuck trannies

Would rather have them fuck me :3

>fuck treeniggers
god, i wish i could user
i wish i could

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I just want an Elf wife to spend my life with.

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Todd, wrestle warcraft out of Blizzard, atleast we get some night elf booty in nirn

Would you prefer an aloof, strong Night Elf wife? Or an arrogant and snobby Blood Elf wife? Or perhaps a noble and royal Nightborne wife?

Does anyone have the picture of that drake template with drake as a troll, elven ladies and other more bestial ladies?

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None of the above.

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>An elf with a chest that's actually accurate to the model
never thought I'd see that

Yeah I don't know much about void elves other than they're blue, which is why I didn't mention them, but hey, I respect your tastes

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Their women have English accents, and a wife being told to murder you by unseen voices constantly and refusing to do so truly loves you. That and any time they're involved in the story it's usually fun, like that quest where Umbric gives you something that banishes Goblins to the Void.

>Doing Void Elf unlock quest
>Umbric is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker while he's still a Blood Elf so he counds like a Star Wars Clone Trooper
>Post-transformation he just sounds like Zeratul

Before nightborne released, nelfs. Now nightborne are my queens.

Is Genji his self insert?

Nightborne are Goblins 2.0

They look terrible in anything but fan art

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A nightelf that is 6'4" is already basically a midget.

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There's absolutely no reason why smaller elves and draenei wouldn't exist.

WoW is ancient and they refuse to properly depict halflings. Their shitty character customization is not proof that everyone of a certain race is the EXACT same height, weight, and measurements.

>highelfcucks say they are no addicts
>when they used the sunwell for thousands of years
>when they are using the current sunwell
they are the biggest lorelets and secondaries

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At least male goblins look good, in game females are trash tier.

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It's not even about the limitations of the engine or anything because their heights are part of the race lore and Nightelfs can range from anywhere between 6'4" at it's lowest to 7'6" at their maximum.
Obviously some individuals might exceed that range but almost every nightelf will fall somewhere between.

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There aren’t any small elves and draenei