Is this gaming's best redemption arch?

Is this gaming's best redemption arch?

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Megaman 11 is a Switch game.

>casual shit
>mega kek
>literal remaster
>neckbeard trash



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Would be if Megaman and DmC 5 didn’t shit the bed

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Nintentard, pls

back to trannera with you, faggot.

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Yes but while Resident Evil and Devil May Cry are clearly Playstation games, and while Mega Man notoriously had a PS2 run, Mega Man is clearly Nintendo property at this point.

We have to make up the exclusives as we go in these trying times. RIP exclusives.


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Resident Evil VII and Dragon's Dogma 2 coming up, also

resetgender would be defending this boring weeb garbage


>Megaman is a Nintendo property
Wtf am I reading ?
You know there were original megaman gsmes back on the megadrive you turbosperg.

Sure. But I'm talking about when a series becomes associated with a platform or controls.

But Capcom was always releasing good games? A train of good titltes isn't going to excuse shitty practices.
You're going to excuse them for selling three old ass RE on Switch for 30$ each just because they'll release DMC5?

SEGA's was pretty good, until Sonic Forces. Turns out they just really wanna push the Yakuza series.

Honestly really weak bait but I replied

They kinda fucked up RE2. Shit has no real B scenario, no real new take on RE2's environments or enemies or bosses, has pitiful enemy types which make most of the game unexciting since you can avoid pretty much everything

motherfucker you forgot about these

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>trash memegame
>trash dead fighter
>bad sequel no one bought and Sony secretly hate it's guts

RE2 original didn’t have a proper B scenario either, I was pissed I had to redo some puzzles

>using DmC


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MHW is an abomination

A remake should improve stuff.
I'm really puzzled how a game with so little content needed to have over 800 devs working on it

You're desperate and retarded

200 were making the game while 600 were answering Nintendo Switch owners’ e-mails and tweet comments demanding a Switch port.

>anime poster

You forgot about RE7, but otherwise; yes.

Ignoring MHW sure. Or are we just talking about sales? That game spits in the face of the community that even made world possible.

>Thinking Megaflop, DMC2 and casual hunter are good things

I'll give you Res 2 but those three games are all trash


It completely destroys core design for the sake of pandering and simplifying. So much is wrong with that games pacing, all so they could follow popular western trends.


He is mad that MHW is not on a Nintendo Console.

Despite the series STARTING on Sony consoles

Megaman 11 is multiplat

World is kinda bad, but the others have always been consistently good. I still think it's too early to call dmc5 yet. If it's good then Capcom is back. Although they need to make a good fighter again

And everything else

>playing remake2 on console

I've played since the first game on PS2. I couldn't care less about this. World is legitimately fucked if you play it to the same extent as any other entry in the series. It collapses in on itself significantly faster. Things start going to shit before you even get to high rank in terms of poor design choices.

>people still mad about MHW

Where have you been? The fanboys have been playing damage control in their threads ever since more game play came out and instead of talking about that they're creaming themselves over boomer memes surrounding a certain character. It's just like how KH3Fags started talking more about Terrachad and Vencuck shit along with other nonsense over the gameplay of the game. Just wait for the scores to come out to see how quickly they turn on the game.

>brings up KH3 out of the blue.

Hi Barry.

>brings up world
>wtf why are you talking about world still???

>Nintensharts are still THIS mad that the most successful Monster Hunter isnt on their kids toy

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RE2 was great, despite both 2nd runs being obviously rushed.
MHW was a promising early access sneak peak.
Didn't play MM11 but it looks faithful at least.
DMCV isn't out yet.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>Sudden KH3 mention

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>not being mad that the good monster hunter games are locked to a handheld hardware
shiggydiggy my duderino.

>MHW was a promising early access sneak peak.
No, it wasn't.
It's a pile of shit which will help building a bigger pile of shit

SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT JUST FUCKING ADMIT IT DMCV is capCOMs KH3 level of fucking failure!! You cannot refute this, you cannot hide it you cannot even excuse it YOU FAILED! End of fuckING storye

>Wanting a trash game on a trash system
That's so like you chuds it's always someone else's fault the game is bad

they just need to make an actually good fighting game, and it'll be perfect.

>>bad sequel no one bought and Sony secretly hate it's guts


Angry birds is a dick game because I use my placid cock to control it

>played MH since Freedom
>play MHW
>enjoy it, but it has flaws (weapon design, general balance, monster variety)
>not the best MH, but a good foundation to be expanded and improved
>Yea Forums considers it the antichrist and the death of the series
Did I miss something?

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>>Yea Forums considers it the antichrist and the death of the series
>Did I miss something?

MHW is hated because it's not on the Nintendo Switch or 3DS

>imagine buying a switch

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it's next level cope by ninties

not on a nintenshart console

>muh street cred for beating a game with objectively broken mechanics
Other than that, there's not much to be said. Yes, it is a lot easier, but that, depending on what you enjoy, makes it more fun as well. If they expand upon the foundation, it might turn out better than 4u within a generation or two.

it started with RE7

Bad sequel because it doesn't improve on the first game in any real ways
Bad sales because Sony didn't promote it and normalfags wouldn't be interested
Bad reputation in Sony's eyes because it's an anime game and anime is as evil as Adolf Hitler for CommieSony.

i own a switch, but the nintenfag fanbase is so fucking gay.

>westernized casual shit


Dmc is liquid dogshit

I'm just mad it ruined the whole fucking fanbase.
Then it got released on PC and the fanbase somehow got even fucking worse.
I did like the game though.

What a stupid post you might as well say "I'm a trump supporter but MAGA hat wearers are retards" or "I'm a insert race/gender/religion here but those guys are retards" Fuck off with your centralist shallow self righteousness

You aren't smart, you aren't special seeing through the looking glasses you're just another bread of asshole in a species of assholes maybe even worse because you deluded yourself into thinking you aren't an asshole. Fuck you dude. You and every centralist scumbag on earth

cope nintenfag

> Being this retarded

Don't try to bait me, morons.
I'm perfectly aware MHW is not a perfect game, and there are problems with it that can be rightfully criticized
I just have no clue what's so insanely bad about it (that can't even be fixed) to call it the end of the series or shit like that.

>it is a lot easier
I mean, kinda?
The base game, sure, it was pretty easier, no doubt. But I find the post-launch content (T. Jho, Luna, ATs, Behemoth, Ancient Leshen) to be on par with old HR.

Yeah, the fanbase went to shit. You still have nice people if you search a bit, but it's not the same thing compared to, like, FU or P3rd.
The console war is still insane.

>immediately going full /pol/

You need to go back

Capcom is legit redeeming itself,, if they continue like this they will literally achieve their PS2/GC generation state, which would be pretty sick

nintendofags are literally autistic, pay no mind.

Hey retard you saw that they were all from crapcom right? This is crapcoms redemption arc not the fucking PS4 jesus fucking christ

I am currently playing MHGU and jumping back into World makes a huge difference. As for Arch Tempered monsters, I will make this point over and over again; monsters one shotting you and having inflated HP values isn't hard, it's boring. Same with a brawler throwing 10 enemies at you which can combo you forever when you usually fight 3 to 4 at once.


Let me know when Dead Rising and Street Fighter are good again.

>Dead Rising
I hope that and Marvel vs Capcom are next. DR3 and 4 were literal cancer, and i don't wanna talk about MvCI.

> Pulls ridiculous scores out of his ass and thinks its a compelling argument

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Cope, nintendie, COPE.

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mahvel is dead after MvCI. We'll be seeing a new SF before that homie.

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dmc5 looks fucking terrible.

b-buh muh devil trigger

one pro fag was teasing a "4," I dunno. A new SF would be good enough for me, though, because FUCK SFV.

I only mean the graphics/character models

>all the PS4 versions
Y tho

I'll be forever sad about the MH fanbase dying in the console wars.

i wish it had the dmc2 aesthetic. it's wasted on that piece of shit.

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No one cares about switch kiddies in a Capcom thread retard. Why would anyone in a Capcom thread pay for those games when they own them on 50 other platforms? Capcom tekingbsdvrsngr of switch babbs retardness is based

None of those look like Capcom.

It looks literally like what a DMC game should look like, if you don't like how it looks then maybe you don't like DMC. Or you're a gigantic fucking faggot.


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Port coming in 2023 sweetie

because it makes you mad

>point out a reasonable flaw with mhw
>Get immediately blasted by people calling you a tendie
Why is this?

MHW is trash tier.

Is this continuing from some other thread? Why the fuck is this entire thread console war autism? I thought this was gonna be about Capcom.

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Yeah I've been playing since MH1 and bought every subsequent console just to play series. It's funny how Nintendo fans latched onto the series as their property when really MH fans mostly buy their consoles out of obligation and not because they love Nintendo, I think their consoles are trash but it had MonHun on it so it's whatever. I'm happy I can play it on my PC now I just wish it had simultaneous updates as the PS4 version, I'm really hyped for Iceborne.

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I have standards weeb
Nintendo sucks. I wouldn't give them a dime. Capcom is irrelevant too.

I will never play any of these.



> Has shit taste
> Calls it standards

I think the problem with ATs is that they don't follow any logic in terms of modifications.
You have Kushala which is just a boring piece of shit, all around
Kirin is literally just what you said, HPs and one-shots
Vaal actually becomes what it what supposed to be in the base game, since the gas actually does something
Teostra is way more aggressive, more in line with the old one, and that's what it makes him actually more fun
Luna was fine with Tempered too, so it's kinda the same
Fuck Zorah, just fuck that boring mess of a fight
AT Kulve is literally the same
AT Xeno is unironically kino

They're a mix-bag

The graphical quality is good, that's what the RE engine is great at. The demons in general look fantastic. It's the colors being so washed out (seemingly by choice, see the very muted red in the coat they scanned in for Dante and Vergil's coat just straight-up being black with blue accents now) and some of the scanned faces being poor. Even then it's mostly Trish that straight-up looks bad, while Nico/V/Lady are a tad off and Dante/Nero look good. Vergil doesn't look that bad; he looks like Vergil as we knew him would look at the age Dante is.

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this is what happens when a nintendie sees a game that isn't on their console, did you not see the Persona 5 shit last month?

>b-but Nintendo!

I want to say some of it is the old mh fans falseflagging as the fans that started with MHW so that people will hate those fans more.
I want to say that it's working because the fanbase is nothing but shitflinging anymore.

MHW might be popular and sold extremely well on the west, but the game as itself is weak as shit and very flawed, if seen with the eyes of a seasoned MH player, I hope that MH6 fixes this new engine and gives us a wider and more varied monster roster.

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

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Fight 3 elders to finish story
Fight same 3 elders to get mantles
Farm same 3 elders to get armor/weapons
Farm same 3 elders BUT TEMPERED to get decorations
Farm same 3 elders BUT TEMPERED to get augments
Farm same 3 eldets but ARCHTEMPETED for mild upgrade and new mantle

make it stop
Make it stop
Make it stop!!!!!!

Is that all you have to say? console war shit?

It was about Capcom but then posts like turned it into a console war because people are hating on a great game (MHW) because it's not on a Nintendo system

>repeating hunts in a MH game

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Stay salty tendie

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>3 elders
Where does this number come from?

Snois don't discuss games, they only discuss how much more of a chad they are than Nintendies. Which is what all secure people do.

I play all consoles and PC tho? why you blindly think anyone that spots flaws in MHW should play only Nintendo stuff? surely you can't be that retarded.

For people like you the MH community is now a shitfest, our wholesome internal shitpost turned into crappy console war shit.

>Where does this number come from?

Kushula/Teo/Vaal need to be beaten before you can fight Nergigante

I miss Marvel

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>I play all consoles and PC tho
uh huh yeah sure you do buddy

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Moot what the fuck
I'm used to thumbnail switches but the whole god damn image?

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Damn Tron got jacked

Mh4u and XX didnt revolve around 3 monsters

Nor did tri and X (before you bring up but HR/Grank shit)
Vaal, Teo, Kush

So you are retarded, ok m8, should suck to be poor, huh?

But will Konami ever come back?

>MMX9 is announced
>Capcom's first post-Ono fighting game is announced
>sometime next year
>Dragon's Dogma 2 is announced
>RE2make team's next game is announced

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I see you're getting quite mad there, tendie.

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I'd rather see Koei-Tecmo deliver a decent PC port within my lifetime.

Konami is not a video game company, they were just in the video game business. They're pulling out outside of obvious money makers with their existing IPs.

>Mh4u and XX didnt revolve around 3 monsters
Oh wow, G-Rank games that heavily recycle from old stuff have more stuff, crazy
>Nor did tri
Tri endgame was Alatreon/Jhen/Jho
>and X (before you bring up but HR/Grank shit)
X is a fucking compilation game, it has literally the same amount of content of 4U

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! no, there is no redemption for them, someone should just purchase their IPs.
ok retrad

>Farm same 3 eldets but ARCHTEMPETED for mild upgrade and new mantle
But there are like 8 (soon 9) arch-tempereds?

You're absolutely fucked in the head if you think X was equal to 4u in terms of endgame

Even MH veterans like Arekkz and Gaijin endorse the game. I really hate Genbabbies who just joined the MH community pretend that they are veterans and blindly hate on MHW because it's not exclusive to Nintendo like MH3U, MH4U, and MHGen, as well as exclusively not on Switch. Despite its flaw, MHW is a good foundation for future MH games. If you've been playing since the first game, you'll start to get tired with shit like loading screen for every area, areas are just soulless empty arenas which make gathering boring, and shit graphics despite the technological advancement in the gaming industry.

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If they can fix Street Fighter and MvC as well as announce REmake 3 and a new Rival Schools, I'll forgive them for everything.

>MH on PSP and 3DS had literally more than a decade to build roster and variety

>ok retrad

Its like poetry, it rhymes.

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>remake everything
>same engine

>e-celebs endorsed it so its good
If this is all you have to defend the game you have nothing. I'm tired of being called a gen baby despite the fact that I've played MH since 2005 and have more hours on sony consoles than I do nintendo. I have been playing since the first game, I wasn't tired of any of it at all. If you were, then of course you'd probably like World but this is what I keep seeing. People who just don't like MH saying world is great. Do you not see how bad of a sign that is?

Gathering is still boring in world, and the devs know this which is why every single modern MH games have systems to completely eradicate the need to gather once you're in late game. The "soulless" arenas made fights significantly more interesting since it led to a focus on combat, not environment interaction (once again, a western game design trend). World's maps feel fucking horrible to navigate. Hell, 4U's maps felt horrible for similar reasons.

The shit graphics on previous games have everything to do with the system they're on. It's completely irrelevant when talking about World's game design. Just realize that, just because someone doesn't like the game you don't like, doesn't mean they're Nintendo fags crying. Your entire post plays off like a joke but I have a hard time believing its actually bait.

Give me another (You) poorfag, sucking the cock of people that actually play and discuss games is all you know how to do after all, so give me a good service, is not like if you can actually discuss MHW.

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You know that your anal anguish gets me hard, right?

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>Bad sequel because it doesn't improve on the first game in any real ways
It certainly didn't downgrade it in any way while adding new stuff, including the entire remade area of the first game within it, which is pretty impressive. I don't see the issue here, not every sequel has to completely revolutionize a franchise.

>Bad sales because Sony didn't promote it and normalfags wouldn't be interested
It sold exceptionally well for a AA title, where did you hear about bad sales? Didn't it do above half a million units? How is that bad in any way, shape or form for a title of its size? Also, sales aren't even a priority for 1st party titles, building the overall brand is (in this case the AA space).
And Sony did promote it for the japanese audience. Like you said western normalfags wouldn't care anyway, why waste resources? Promoting it in any meaningful way worldwide would easily more than double (if not triple) the game's total budget, if they did that THEN you could say it didn't sell well. But that's the thing about niche AA titles, they target a specific audience and sell just well enough to be sustainable. You're being very contradictory here.

That being said they made this trailer, pretty comfy.

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Keep on giving me (You)s poorfag, tell me how you hate people with money to purchases all the consoles they want, come on, do that since you can't discuss MHW, I bet you didn't even played it and just want to suck my cock and give me (You)s.

The only bad thing about this game is the shit side quests.

Sorry, I'm just extremely mad over Sony lately, I still fucking love the game despite thinking it could have been even better and I hate how the series was extremely underrated and is now dead because sony prefer wasting their videogame budget over cinematic shit and diversity training.
Fuck. Kat and Raven deserves a 3rd game.

>Claire isn't even on the cover of her own game

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ubishit is good tho



No need to get mad over Sony. GR3 isn't in any danger and the higher-ups never expected this franchise to blow up or anything. It's more of a passion project from its director and just like any other passion project a sequel pretty much only relies on his willingness to do one.
He said that if PS5 had a new controller gimmick he'd be interested, but for now he's obviously focused on other projects. I'm sure if he asked JapanStudios/Sony execs to do a sequel they wouldn't deny him one.

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If you are a fucking retard, yeah

Capcom is fucking killing it all of a sudden.

Why do the nonidorts always expose themselves so easily?

They got rid of Inafune a few years ago and all these games started development after his leave. A huge portion of Capcom's issues from before this, besides DLC practices, were on his philosophies and the way he was able to push for shit to happen within Capcom. The man managed to go from a simple character design artist on the first Megaman to a major influence on the company's decisions, most notably that Western developers were the future and they needed to start outsourcing now (See: DmC, every Dead Rising after the original, Lost Planet 3, Dark Void, Bionic Commando '09).

>e-celebs endorsed it so its good
So, I should believe the sperg and bitching of literally-who Nintendotards on Yea Forums instead?

>Gathering is still boring in world
Nope. The early game gathering of a MH game has always been boring as fuck. The maps all look bland, you always need to do multiple trips to mine and catch bugs, and you don't get much resources from gathering, and the resources don't respawn. But the expedition mode in MHW eliminates that tediousness. Resources will respawn at fast rate, the map is fun to traverse, you can hunt some monsters on the side to break the monotony, and can fast travel to camp to store your gathered items to make room for more gathering so that you don't have to do multiple gathering.

And graphics is important to me because I'm also a PCfag. I love 3DS MH games and even bought a Switch just for MHGU but I'd rather play them all on bigger screen and higher resolution on my PC instead, not to mention at least at 60fps.

>Just realize that, just because someone doesn't like the game you don't like, doesn't mean they're Nintendo fags crying
Criticising and seethingly shitposting a game are two different things. Most Nintendautists on Yea Forums do the latter. They are blowing the flaws of the game out of proportion. Hell, it's even well known that some Nintendofans are actively perpetrating MHW shitposting operations on Yea Forums and other gaming forums and social medias, still assblasted that the game is not ported to Switch.

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none of those are capcom games

So far, World is worse than GU, but still a good game. Nice to see how much love RE2 got, MM11 could have used some of that love (but was still pretty good from what I played). Hope DMCV is great.

>So, I should believe the sperg and bitching of literally-who Nintendotards on Yea Forums instead?
You should have your own opinion like I do. Did you even play World?
>Nope. The early game gathering of a MH game has always..........
Expedition mode isn't new to MH, simply renamed. What was the last MH you played? Also the gathering for bugs and minerals has become less and less necessary since tri. World's gathering is about the same as it was in 4u and gen. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. On the map being fun to traverse, we simply disagree which is fine. Everything else you described, is in the newer games in general and some of the ideas popped up going back all the way to tri. Fast traveling to store gathered materials is nice, but I don't think at any early point in World I ever had to gather to that extent anyways so how exactly is this a strength? This goes for any of the newer MHs as well.

>graphics is important to me because I'm also a PCfag
This is fine but it has nothing to do with World's design. As in, when people are complaining about mechanics, saying graphics are good is not something that helps defend world. The graphics aren't mutually exclusive to good game design.

>Criticising and seethingly shitposting a game are two different things. Most Nintendautists on Yea Forums do the latter
I have not though. Do you just operate off of canned responses? Are we actually having a conversation? Are you any better than a basic chatbot? What exactly is your point, directly related to what we've discussed in this specific thread?

Where Ace Combat 7

Here bro, I fixed the game, now you can enjoy it too

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>No sex mod.

all they need is a good Street Fighter game.
and maybe a new Vs. game. What if they just did Capcom Vs. and brought guest characters from all kinds of places? That would be sick

>The early game gathering of a MH game has always been boring as fuck.
Good thing GenU has DLC loadouts to skip this part if you chose to do so

This. DMC was never anime-level stylized at any point. Saying DMC5 has a bad artistic direction is like saying the RE2 remake has a bad artistic direction.

The top two suck. Resi is a remake. And DMC5 is yet to be tested. Seriously, MM 11 is balls. You only like it due to some pea-brained familiarity. There are better platform shooters.

No. They had their chance. They had four long fucking years to make SFV good. Five-six if you count develepment time. They failed. Yet beaten down faggots like you keep crawling back like frail, codependent wives. It's like going to a professional key maker and him taking 3 years to make a normal key, then even then he fucks it up. Fuck them and fuck their Vs games. They wouldn't accept lazy broken shit from you.

They want you money, don't they? They want the full amount, right? Well, how about this one--how about they start by making a full fucking game. You niggers have low standards.

Now you've got my attention

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Absolutely. All I care about is good games.

take it easy, it's just the internet. no need to write a novel

I started with MH1 as well and I thought world was fucking great. It needs work but I think post Iceborne it'll be top 3 in the series easily.

>You should have your own opinion like I do. Did you even play World?
I play it, and love it. Lacking in contents but still a great foundation for future MH games. That's why I'm playing both MHGU and MHW while waiting for Iceborne. Veteran players endorsing the game is the icing of the cake, and also helps to BTFO Nintendotards.>What was the last MH you played?
The latest one I played is MHGU. And yes, I still remembered doing multiple gathering quests at the tropical island map just to gather enough Stygian Worms. And don't even try to compare Moga Woods and Everwoods with Expedition Mode. I can only hunt 3 - 4 monsters max before my inventory is full and have to go back,
>Fast traveling to store gathered materials is nice, but I don't think at any early point in World I ever had to gather to that extent anyways so how exactly is this a strength?
I do. I always do one or two long expeditions for each area and each rank to gather fuckton of stuff so that I can readily upgrade multiple weapons and equipments without worrying about running into situation like being short of just 2 Fucium ores and needing to gather again.

I'm definitely not against the idea of iceborne being good. I hope it fixes the issues I have, although I don't know if it will. A lot of my problems stem from QoL additions, which in a vacuum I really like, but when put all together made World feel incredibly mindless. I played with some people who had never played MH before, and at no point were they really forced to plan for the hunt they were about to go out on, which to me is a big negative. I think due to some frustrating design, older MHs actually forced you to think about things a whole lot more. I think some of the quality of life changes in World could be kept but others don't play well together. I hope that at the very least iceborne fixes the absurd jewel grind that's in vanilla. Obviously it'll fix the lack of content so that's nice. I'm still not wild on the weapon and armor designs but once again Iceborne could easily fix this (especially since at the very least high rank armor was cooler than low rank, so G-rank might be pretty tight).

I think we may just play these games differently then. For example, I would never run into that ore issue really because I also mine plenty while out on quests anyways. I do anytime I can during downtime so this never really becomes an issue outside of having to do the odd expedition or two.

I don't think most of that shit has been true of monhun since FU. I had the crisis of the faith you're having when I first played gen 3 and saw how casualized it was with removed trample and shit. But the games are still really fucking good so whatever.

I agree, some casualization happened at gen 3 onwards but it wasn't enough to make the games not fun for me. World flat out isn't fun for me.

Its funny cause Nintendies could be playing MHW right now on Switch if it was capable of running it. That would involve them blaming Nintendo for hobbling them with garbage tech.

These ideas were lost slowly but World was a giant jump. You still had to plan plenty all the way up to 4U (gen is more mindless but it's also a spinoff).

Everyone has their line I guess. I primarily only ever played for the action combat. I had some of the magic during MH1 but after that it was just about the combat for me.
The combat in world is fun so the game is fun. I'm a simple man.

All of you stop talking and listen to this

I didn't plan shit in 4u and I did just about every fight in the game barring a couple dlc fights after I had quit. I had a loadout I used for every single hunt in my item box.

FFXVkun shut up, DMCV isnt even out yet.

she's on the reverse cover of the deluxe edition.

>DMCV is capCOMs KH3 level of fucking failure

this is a failure?

Attached: 1550709477906.jpg (819x462, 87K)

Lol, none of those even come close. Persona 5 was last year, and KH3 was this year.

So it turned out it was Bazztek after all the one mad about Capcom.
Oh well, now I can legitimately be cool with this thread living if it means everyone can see your retardness and and up reporting you so bad you get IP banned.

BotW + Odyssey on the same year was way better

If they manage to make the Handler and their models in the RE Engine games look good then yes. Right now, It's a small comeback but not enough for a redemption.

The game sold the most on the switch and PC

So he’s probably right