Well, did your favorite game make the list Yea Forums?
GameFaqs Top 119 Games Ever
surprised to see Planescape on a list with so much Mario, Zelda and Pokémon shit
> No DMC, Doom, Shit Vegas, Bloodborne or Morrowind despite Yea Forums contantly circlejerking about how much of a "Masterpiece" they are
Based, Yea Forums BTFO'd yet again
>panzer dragoon saga above MGS
yeah i'm questioning this popularity poll
I hope you fucking die and stop making these threads
Everyone who played PDS considers it the greatest game ever made, it's not surprising to see such a iconic game rated that high. Even mainstream journos love the game now
The problem is not many people have played it and this is supposedly a popularity poll which all of these are.
> Panzer Dragoon Saga remains one of the greatest video games of all time. Twenty years after its creation, it also remains nearly impossible to play, a cult classic whose elusiveness mirrors the misery that suffused its development, setting, and story" - The Ringer.com
> Panzer Dragoon Saga has been called Sega's answer to Final Fantasy VII, but that is an unfair comparison. Panzer Dragoon Saga is so much better than Squares' ultimate RPG. It is a worthy successor to a series that with each installment has grown in stature and scope. It is flawlessly executed, limited only by the hardware (and barely that at all) and medium - GameSpot
> I have never played a game that immersed the gamer so. With excellent production values for the time (not too shabby even for today), an awe-inspiring combat system, a plethora of tremendous, unforgettable boss encounters, a cast of characters that pushes more towards an ensemble of fine actors, a deep and rewarding back-story and mythos, and an ending that blew my mind before Metal Gear Solid could take gamers even near the same territory, I really can't think of a finer title. - IGN
> Despite often being included high up in lists of the greatest RPGs ever made, it seems like nobody has actually played Panzer Dragoon Saga. One of the final titles to ever be released on the failed Sega Saturn console, Panzer Dragoon Saga is the only game in the series that isn't a rail shooter. Interestingly, it wasn't due to a lack of public interest that Panzer Dragoon Saga sold a pitiful number of copies in the West. Under 50,000 copies were ever produced in North America, meaning that the demand far outweighed supply. The game itself is universally considered to be a masterpiece, and it'scertainly the best game to have emerged from Sega. - WhatCulture
>VN "games"
>Smash Bros. shit
>tons of Zelda shit (like BOTW) or too dated (OG Zelda), Ocarina of Time is there 2 times for fucks sake
>tons of Pokemon shit (like XY)
i'm disgusted
Bloodborne is on there though
Who are these motherfuckers that legitimately think SoulCalibur 1 is better than 2?
Everyone, nobody cares about SoulCalibur after the first game since the rest of them suck
Do you know what a source is?
we really a list without nintedrones votes
Nintendo fans don't play non-Nintendo systems, so their votes always make the lists heavily Nintendo-centric. this one has 4 Smash Bros and two OoTs
>we really need
> Zelda BoTW
Can we wake up from our trance over this fucking game?
If it didn't have the Zelda title and/or wasn't made by Nintendo we would all see it for the poorly written, no voice acting having, boring world having, shit combat having, bad graphics having low-mid tier game it is
What a shambles. Over half of that are games that either suck, definitely don't fit within the top 200, or the same game listed multiple times for the original release and enhanced ports. Some of the things that you wouldn't jettison instantly still are only provisional to making a real list. And then, there are multiple consoles and most of PC which have been ignored completely. If this is an actual listing made at that site then it was constructed entirely by people that weren't even born until 2000 who only included pre-2005 games because of internet social pressure making a few instantly-nameable classics "untouchable", not because they'd actually played any of them.
The problem, I suppose, is that "best X games of ALL TIME" lists need to stop because you can't expect most people to touch anything outside the consoles available directly during their childhood/early adulthood. Few except truly oldfag idorts are qualified to attempt an all-encompassing list anymore.
I never cared for Zelda/Nintendo and enjoyed BotW a lot, so I'm afraid you're wrong my friend.
>Ocarina of Time acceptable
>The original Zelda not
You are a cretin with terrible taste.
>3 zelda titles on top6
>4 nintendo games on top6
>3 prime games on top 10
This is how you see this list is trash, i could go on even more specifics like having multiple pokemon games in there but i feel the point was made.
>deus ex at 77
the fuck
Seems quintessentially American
>the fuck
It's GameFaqs, a forum consisting entirely of weebs who only grew up playing Japanese games. Call of Duty 4 was probably their first exposure to a western game.
oh my fucking god you did not just say that
This list is incomplete
busta ass list
>Pokemon X/Y better than HGSS
This list is automatically shit, GameFaqs is a dumpster
>Awakening over Genealogy
Get the fuck out.
>mario/zelda/metroid/pokemon spam
hide thread
Its console game galore
>No Phantasy Star IV
And into the trash it goes.
>No vanilla WoW
fucking trash tier list
You can count PC exclusives on one hand in that list.
HGSS is a solid enough option, maybe B2W2, Platinum or even Emerald. There's no need for more mainline Pokemon games in any serious top 100
NES original, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time, maybe Link's Awakening too. Breath of the Wild is a 7/10 game with Nintendo Bonus-boosted scores
>Smash Bros.
This glorified Poy Poy clone doesn't deserve to be in the list, let alone having 4 games included. It's even worse when you realize real fighting games like Street Fighter II or Garou aren't even included
No point in including more than one Metroid Prime or Yakuza either. Tales of Symphonia is there because of the Nintendo bias, Vesperia is far superior.
>persona 4
like its not a terrible game, but it belongs nowhere near the top 100 let alone the top 5
50% of the list is Nintendo spam
no Mega Man, no Sonic, no Street Fighter, etc
>that top 10
fucking based. I'll never understand the eternal love for chrono trigger though
Why are they on the list at all: Rune Factory 4, Grim Fandango, Fire Emblem GoHW, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Project Diva F 2nd, Steins Gate
Why are they so high up: Legend of Zelda, Mother 3, Super Mario Odyssey, a lot of other nintendo stuff, Shenmue II
Where are they: Bayonetta 1, Secret of Mana, Street Fighter II Turbo
Why are they so low down: Bloodborne, NieR Automata, Half-Life 2
I declare this to be a list made by retards, for retards.
Where's Undertail?
Nope. A few of my top 10 made it on, but my favourite didn't make it on there. A few of those don't even seem worthy of the list, but managed to get on because they're relatively new so they sneak by from people who haven't thought about what really makes a good game to them, or play anything better. Would help explain why some worse entries in a franchise got more votes than better entries for some cases.
Little King's Story is my favourite game in case anyone was wondering. Near perfect balance of game elements from genres I enjoy with enough of its own thing to stand out for me.
Also kind of surprised there's no Pikmin. I guess they hate RTS games outside of the super well known Starcraft.
holy shit, no Ninja Gaiden, Doom or Burnout either
>7/top 10 are metroidvanias and zeldas
Y-yeah based... if you're a gay
no, we just need to limit it to one entry per series, it's fucking retarded to have 20 games from the same series when people can usualy agree on which one is the best
>Peacewalker that high
>instead of spamming various Zeldas, Pokemons, Smash Brothers and Metroids, nintendofags would just spam the list with Nintendo filler like Kid Icarus, Nintendogs, Style Savyy, Starfy*, Pilotwings, Chibi-Robo, The Wonderful 101, etc
we need to limit it to one entry per series and exclude nintenbros votes
*a really underrated series actually
Seething Snoyfag
what's with all these fucking top 100 lists from random sites lately, is it just one nigger posting them or what?
this, this is my biggest problem with these retards, you slap Kojima's name on anything and it insantly becomes 10/10 GOTYay my favourite game of all time, the only thing that could me make me even more mad is if they included MGSV, anyone who defends that "game" is braindead retard and should kill themselfves
oh fuck off, if you weren't peabrained fanboy you would know nintendo has some awesome stuff
>b-but Sony!
> b-bbut Nintendo!
move out of your parents house
No, contrary to popular belief it only made the contest in 2015 because Reddit & Yea Forums Rigged it
>Fallout 3 instead of New Vegas
Nobody actually likes New Vegas outside Redditors & contrarian Autists
Forgotten, like 90% of indie games
>crossed off Okami
>ocarina of yikes at 1
says the contrarian redditor
I mean when you think about it, this list does align with their best franchise contest back in 2006. They love their Zelda & FF
> Liking a popular game more then a critical failure niche game that nobody talks about is bad
Kill yourself Obsidian drone
>1/3 of the list is Nintendo spam, Snoy spam is nowhere near that bad
>b-but Sony!
Kill yourself Grandpa, nobody gives a single fuck about PC gaming. It has always been irrelevant
I have never finished a Zelda game. I've tried OoT, WW and TP and they were all tedious as hell, especially WW. So much chest fanfare over fucking rupees and common collectibles! I ended up trading them for half an ounce of shrooms. Alundra's in my top 25 though. Should I give the older games a chance?
> Nintendo makes objectively good games
> Everyone regardless of demographic loves them
> Snoy's play the victim card & cry about how oppressed they are by the "Le Nintendo boogeyman"
> Snoy's do nothing but Spam wojaks & attack every fanbase 24/7 on this board
> Is surprised when nobody gives a fuck about their Kike cinematic movie garbage
>no peggle
The only list that matters
>Seisen no Keifu is in
Well done
>Final Fantasy VI
But it's shit
M8 the only people that give a shit about Nintendo are the ones glued to their shitty childhood
>> Liking a popular game more then a critical failure niche game that nobody talks about is bad
Yeah why is it bad to like a beloved game like New Vegas over 3?
> Over 90 Billion dollars has been grossed by Pokemon alone
> Implying that nobody cares about the most popular pop culture icon in world history
Cope more Snoys
Fallout NV is irrelevant garbage, nobody unironically likes it.
Oh, no, I'm sure there are plenty of manchildren trying to recapture their first exposure to this shit time and again
Prove me wrong besides crying & spouting buzzwords.
>Mario 64 not in the Top 10
speedrunning tranny BTFO
Happy to see Master of Orion 2 there
>t. TJ """"""""Henry"""""""" Yoshi
> No DMC garbage made it at all
I didn't even notice that. Surprised people still know about that game, but glad it's still getting some appreciation.
What's it like compared to the last Yea Forums one?
Better since it has far more votes & is stretched over a 19 year period. Only fair comparison, is the GameFaqs one to Old-Yea Forums's list
New Vegas is discussed on Yea Forums even after almost 10 years since its release
meanwhile Fallout 3 barely has any discussions other than Tenpenny Tower and the shitty ending.
i could probably not make a worse list even if i tried really hard
Nice nerd niche list
T-t-they were just too shit at those games to put them on the list...HAHA yeah that's it...haha....I'm so alone....
> T. Favorite game didn't make it
> Not enough niche Snoy garbage
Yea Forums is irrelevant, most normies have only played Fallout 3 & Skyrim
>Yea Forums is irrelevant
then leave you fucking retard.
No, because despite how terrible Yea Forums is, it's still the only tolerable gaming forum on the internet
>Yea Forums is irrelevant
>the place that spearheaded gamergate, which paved the way to Trump getting elected
better than Yea Forums's current list
I wish Yea Forums was irrelevant, more and more retards rush into this board everyday
>100 games named and fucking System Shock 2 isn't here
Holy fuck I am SEETHING.
>persona 4 above 3 and 5
>F 2nd over FT
>VLR over 999
Yeah fuck that list.
what's wrong with DKC2 you fucking pillock
Now that's a shitty list
>Mother 3
I see they took the trannypill
You're based for crossing off Mother 3, but you're a fool if you think Freedom Unite deserves to be on there.
there's a lot of shitposting in this list. might be wrong but I don't see deus ex, vtmb, diablo2, tomba. ape escape, soul reaver, stalker, splinter cell, parasite eve...