Why is low poly so much more comfy than HD games?

Why is low poly so much more comfy than HD games?

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Because you're a delusional manchild

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because of the lack of clutter and uninteresting details

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lower fidelity = higher clarity

It was a great game despite its graphics, not because of them.



This,zoomers don't understand that its all about visual clarity,fuck your shitty overblown graphical effects.

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Oh snap were you a big wrestling fan in the mid 2000's? Test was alright, but I much preferred Rey Mysterio. I think Test is dead now, right?

Nostalgia. I don't mind low graphical fidelity if it enables smaller teams to make games of grander scope, however let's not pretend that poor graphics are a net positive.

What game is this?

I'm 25 and have played games since I was 6 and that scene doesn't look good at all. Shitty resolution and polygon limits in no way imply "visual clarity".

>comparing the game about a cartoon bandicoot to a realistic recreation of the 90s america
Boomer scum in a nutshell

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uh but it does because if everything wasn't designed for clarity it wouldn't look like anything. that's some really good clear design, looks great


>x files
>woods creature
>ghost cars
The woods in SA is one of the best areas in gaming

Fuck the woods man.
>you find yourself stranded in Shady Creeks or Back o Beyond in a foggy night

>literally a few empty kilo^2 that drove zoomer kids insane with how little there was to the point where they started making up "mysteries" because no fucking way an area this big doesn't have ANYTHING, r-right?
Enjoy your nostalgia though

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no taste

Truth hurts zoomie

I'd say that sometimes they tried their best with the limitations at the time. Nowadays they don't give a fuck as long as it makes much money.
Happens with everything eventually.

You might not be a zoomer in age but you are a zoomer in mind and soul

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>Admits he's a zoomer
>Proves the other nigga right and posts some stupid shit

*sensible chuckle*

That actually looks good, it embraced the limitations of the era and went with decent 2D art, rather than hamfisting 3D models everywhere, essentially going: "consumer hardware can now render 3D objects, so let's do that, I guess.".

modern games are cluttered with detail while AA technology still has years to go. As a result we get a blurry mess covered in jaggies

low-poly =! low-res

trying too hard

It is Zoomer core though, it wasn't released on their time but they played it a lot, I know a lot of kids who are 19 at most that played it religiously.

Because you can actually see what happens on the screen.

Just say nostalgic

It doesn't matter what they have chosen,a good artstyle works for both 2D and 3D,pretty much everything that came after the 6th gen in terms of graphical detail is wasted and sometimes even harmful to the gameplay itself (games that have shitty bloom,vignetting,etc....)

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Aren't zoomers underaged?

>tfw you are getting too old to keep track of all the shitty new Yea Forums memes

limitation breeds creativity

fuck, now I want to make an low poly 3d game.

I'm 19 and this is true. All my friends played it. I really liked that being an early zoomer I could enjoy games from 2000s, but also newer stuff like Minecraft.

Does this word even mean anything anymore?

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game name?

the real question is why are you such a faggot.

probably nostalgia and game identity

now all aaa games try to look realistic as possible to the point you cant fucking distinguish one game from another

Zoomer age started in 2000. Oldest zoomers are 19

>Janny060194: (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

what the...

PS1 texture warping kind of spoils this one

They aren't, however low poly games in HD is gods gift to man. Actually playing something like SA on the PS2 looks just as messy as modern games with their insane annoying post processing effects and wonky rendering shit that makes everything look smudgy, like you just woke up and your eyes are still groggy.

>now all aaa games try to look realistic as possible to the point you cant fucking distinguish one game from another

Western games always looked generic as fuck

The vast majority of them are, yes. For now.

for me its children born in 1996 or after, since my little sister was born in 1996 and people her age will always be kids for me

GTASA on PS2 had soul, modern games are souless.

They really didn't.

Honestly I don't think graphics needed to get much better than they were in the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox days. Games like SOTC, Mario Galaxy (wii is basically gamecube), and DMC still look really good. It would save on budget and allow for better gameplay.

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Back in the day with "low detail" assets due to hardware limitation, you use to have to fill in the gaps with your own imagination, and in a way that made it personal for each person who played since they might fill those visual gaps with different things from one another.
Fast forward to today, some games are so visually realized that there is nothing really left to the imagination, it looses it's personal touch due to this as well.

The same thing can be seen with movies, special effects in movies today are so over the top and realized that it leaves absolutely zero to the imagination, and thus feels dead.

Its kind of like an uncanny valley, once you cross that line the "soul" suddenly disappears.

In some cases it's true. Visual clarity as another user said is very important, but modern games can have that too. The old animations are also far more endearing like pic or in something like Desu Sex 1 compared to the latest. It offers a charm to the world rather than trying to be realistic while doing unrealistic things which is jarring.

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for me its the mcchicken

They really do and they always did

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The game itself yes, it's one of the best games ever made, but the graphics themselves running at a native sixth gen resolution look comparatively just as shitty as modern games.

However sixth gen games in HD has some of the best artstyle and eye pleasing graphics in all of gaming. One of the reasons why I never got triggered by the last gen HD remakes, cause man the look and play good.

>He thinks that is how game development works

to me, older games feel more alien and weird. the more "real" graphics get, the less alien and weird they feel. probably nostalgia.

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I'm sorry user, I didn't know you were blind. My bad.

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HL1 had some comfy fucking parts for a place going through all sorts of chaos.

Listen there is only two types of successful western games,the one with the generic realistic look and the ones with the generic western fantasy look.
And not only the look,they also sound identical.

games imho have to stimulate your imagination while still giving you a believable world.
visually they're becoming interactive movies now and that just takes away a lot of the magic.
i remember going from warcraft 3 to wow and it was a boost in world size and detail but without losing the style.

Nostalgia. That's it.

Because the limitations meant that for example you don't create a realistic tree, because you can't, you create a representation of a tree that fits the world and since you know it's not real your mind is perfectly willing to accept that low poly stick with some textures on it as a legitimate tree.
But these days, they don't think like that, they try to make it look like a real tree, but the truth is we still don't have the tech for such things, so they simply try to imitate reality and fail at it, just look at games that were consider "realistic" 10 years ago how silly it looks, same thing will happen with current year "realistic" games, they will look like jokes in 10 years.
One thing to consider is that people with lower IQ seem to not want to be imaginative, they are repelled by it, maybe they're simply incapable of using their minds in such ways, who knows.

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And he would be right.

With today's tools and techniques it doesn't take a lot of work to recreate an older game for an experienced artist. So much of game development is tied into graphics and everything has to work in tandem with it. Reducing that workload helps immensely.

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all thanks to the goldsrc engine

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Why do you post things you yourself know isn't true?

Even games from this decade could benefit from losing some polys

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What is it about goldsrc that makes it so magical? Even compared to other engines of the day, including Quake.

Jak and Daxter
Ratchet and Clank
Donkey Kong Country
Metroid Prime series

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Souce looks better

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Goldsrc is literally just a updated Quake 1 engine with a bit of code copy and pasted from Q2 (naimly net code and motion twining on animations). Valve licensed it from Id.
It is neat to have seen the Q1 engine pushed so far though.

>Back in the day with "low detail" assets due to hardware limitation, you use to have to fill in the gaps with your own imagination, and in a way that made it personal for each person who played since they might fill those visual gaps with different things from one another.

No you're just a young kid who thinks they lived and grown up with retro gaming but only played it through emulation. I'm 28 and I remember growing up being fascinated by the graphics not this "muh imagination" filled in nonsense. No matter how much you look back every generation has been blown away with the graphics

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for me it was the low quality sound. always gets me.

Goldsrc is way too good for this world

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Fuck, I miss playing TFC and HL Deathmatch, those games still active?

This for all games that arent CS and Quake. Every low poly game except for those two look so good from that era.

I'm in my mid 30s and I still play both new and old games alike and I still "fill in the gaps" just as I did as a kid. Sure, pushing graphics fidelity can be impressive in a technical sense, but that doesn't really add anything beyond that.
Think you're you were just not really an imaginative kid user and there is nothing wrong with that, people are different.

I have enough experience to know they are true outside of some exceptions

Generic anthro cartoon shit,generic 30s cartoon shit,generic shooter shit and a game that is more japanese than anything else for whatever reason.The only original game there is Minecraft,too bad its not good.
The ironic thing is that you could have listed Undertale and it would have been a really decent pick.

I know, which is why I added the "even Quake". For some reason despite them running on what is essentially the same engine, Goldsrc games always felt more magical than just the regular quake games.

Though to be fair all the old classic FPS engines felt really fucking magical in their own right, but goldsrc had something even more special to it.

>I'm in my mid 30s and I still play both new and old games alike and I still "fill in the gaps" just as I did as a kid.

You just have autism

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Because of nostalgia and nothing else. If you think anything else you’re delusional


I think you might be an NPC that can't literally cant imagine imagining. Hows that lack of an internal voice treating you?

You know, adding "generic" in front of something doesn't actually make it generic.

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Then how come I appreciate the graphics on older games I've never played or had any previous attachment too?

man, I love that game
don't use it to post your shitty fucking non-argument

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You're using your nostalgia pretending you somehow used your imagination to immerse yourself "back in the day" you're so full of shit and cringe. You're using your nostalgia to over-glorify retro gaming it's super cringey.

Evil Genius is an exception both regarding the graphics and the gameplay

I remember I was kinda disappointed by the ingame graphics back when I first played Rollcage 2. The intro render movie looked great for its time but the ingame graphics were of course nowhere near that. Now we have that level of graphics and then some yet there's something distinct about Rollcage's look that GRIP doesn't have. It could be that the lower polygon count, muted colors and much lower visual clutter giving it clearer visuals, but it feels like there is more than just that to it. Can't really put my finger on it.

>BotW pre-alpha test build

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zoomer term

>growing up being fascinated by the graphics
yeah but i'd say that some graphics age way better and that's due to the artstyle and crative design. nowdays it's almost a benchmark demo situation with every new game. there are not that many new games that sacrifice realism for good design.

Fuck that hurts. I wonder if things would have been difference if the 3DS wasn't a massive failure it's first year.

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>"Listen there is only two types of successful western games,the one with the generic realistic look and the ones with the generic western fantasy look"
I posted games that were neither of those things and successful
Stop moving goalposts.
Recently western games have turned to realistic shit thanks to normie pandering and open-world Skinner's Box shit.
I could also add OW and TF2 to the list but I think they are generic too so they don't count. Oh silly me.
Go be a generic faggot somewhere else if you cannot admit your own mistakes. Have some generic standards you generic tool.

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You realize "NPC" people use their imagination more because of the lack of inner monologue right?

HD is resolution its rendered at not the poly count

i only played low poly games when i was young then poor
im rich now so i only play hd games

>yeah but i'd say that some graphics age way better and that's due to the artstyle and crative design.

I'm not talking about games that aging well I'm talking about being in the moment back then and thinking that shit looked real for what it is back then

the movement is fucking tight

Dude, I'm playing titles I've never played as a kid and never even heard of till recently, many on platforms I never owned. I do it because I enjoy games, not because of any sense of Nostalgia you turbo tard.

Strafe is a good low-poly retro shooter. I don't give a fuck what you retards say

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It's almost like there are more than two art-styles unlike what you said.

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If you played games around the time they were released you’ll automatically have an attachment to games with those kind of graphics and aesthetic

strafe was fucking trash

still burns my ass that i got baited so hard by it

>no fun allowed!
Traveling between cities is like nothing and there's quite a few weapon pickups in that "emptiness", it was just fun hearing about myths in eerie places like Back o Beyond

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It's not as bad as how people portray it to be. I think people take the game way too seriously. It's the perfect game to boot up and just randomly blow shit up and trying to speedrun through the game. Some of the whining was just mob mentality bullshit.

Haven't played Strafe, but what I've found with most of these wannabe "old school" shooters is that they always tend to ignore the biggest aspect of the old school shooters, the level design. It's like they think every old school shooter played like Serious Sam.

It helps you with your autism.

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I never played more "Japanese styled" games growing up but now I find I really enjoy how they look. Old me looked at Persona 3 and though it looked like garbage, but current day me things it looks really charming.

The zoomer screeched, recoiling in terror at the visible pixels to his virgin eyes.

Shut the fuck up retard, you're probably born in 95 and think you're a 90s kid.
Graphics have advanced get the fuck over it, been playing games forever and it doesnt bother me at all. Stop being a manchild over games having different looks now. Go fucking cry and play your PS1.

I honestly think people overestimate level design way too much. I'm too busy going through room to room gaining power ups and wanting to blow shit up. Level design is important I think for an example platformers.

That's not low poly.

>faggot rambling about nothing
The absolute state of this board.

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It lets your mind fill in the gaps and usually isn't as visually noisy. When you're staring at a screen for hours having bright crisp detailed graphics bombard you gets tiring quickly and is more stressful on the brain. There's less visual data in older games so it's a bit more calm and you can focus on aspects like level design better. SA just has a nice big map, it has atmosphere. You notice them more because you're not overwhelmed with detail.

Older games also had to rely on atmosphere and stuff like that because they couldn't just pack detail into everything and be satisfied with photorealism.

>Be on T
>Someone on mic yells out where we should go
>We all follow him
>We get flash banged
>All ded except a few with scouts
>Counter Terrorist wins
Wew the times

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Racing Lagoon

Sure smells like incel in here

This, retards are the only ones who seems scared by more advanced graphics.


dumb frogposter

>Racing game
Damn. Oh well

Oh great comeback.

>get called out for your shit taste
>post le family guy frog

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what about low poly 3d pixel art?

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>shit taste
>not crying over graphics
Pick one.

More people than him think you're a fucking idiot, you fucking idiot.

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graphics that are simple enough to let your imagination fill in all the details stay comfy for a long time, but photorealistic shit has a much more limited time before it looks dated and shitty

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>literally crying over the graphics
>says he wasn't
lol who the fuck do you think you are, the president?

>try playing GTA 5
>lose interest and never touch it again
I wish the PS4 had BC so I could play SA again.

I couldn't disagree more. There are certainly games that benefit from more simple levels but in most cases level design make or kill the game just as much as the core gameplay. There's just no feeling of progression or accomplishment in most modern linear games, you just go from room to room clearing things out without a though and it all just blends together into a bland forgettable mess, and the only way you have to distinguish levels from one another is the visuals since there were so few memorable encounters and stuff.

Oh great comeback samefag.

Great comeback, comparing to an amerifat nice one.

This. It was easy to take in environments and pick out important or interactive aspects to them. Now everything is jam packed with detail and more often than not players just gloss over these excruciatingly detailed environments.

>roguelite with 90's references thrown in and reddit humor
>good retro shooter

God MML looks good. Visually it's my favorite PS1 game ever. I wish more PS1 games did it rather than trying to look realistic(and fail spectacularly).
Never could get into the gameplay though.

larger emphasis on art style and atmosphere

aww now baby's got a persecution complex
i'd say we're living rent free in your head but i don't think there'd be enough space for us
lol its fun to watch your mind deteriorate even further in real time, keep you shook lil bitch

Games now look like cluttered blurry garbage.

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>be retarded
>flags himself for our convenience
thx faggot

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>I honestly think people overestimate level design way too much.
is this a fucking joke? you sound like someone who hasnt played many games.

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>Damn. Oh wel
is this what onions does to people?l

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you can buy it digital on the PS store but it has some pretty bad screen tearing and its not even actual fullscreen. cant you run it on your computer?


imgur sure is great, fellow redditor!

I'm talking about first-person shooters in general ya retard

I'm not buying the game again as I already have it.
>cant you run it on your computer?
Has PS2 emulation gotten better? Last I remember it was still pretty bad. Which emulator is the best?

Good morning.

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Is this bait? SA is a native PC port.

Fuck, time to replay SoF again.

>playing the steam version

youre trying to fit in with the "SOUL" and "boomer" spammers on this board.

Attached: Ecstatica Raep.gif (640x376, 2.76M)

games are rules in an environment
levels are environment

You forgot to mention you are also a dumbass brainlet

>what is san andreas downgrader

Attached: Ecstatica Game Ovary.gif (640x376, 2.79M)

>having to use mods that still don't fully replicate the PS2 version
Just stop.

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I said no such thing. You are aware of torrents aren't you?
Actually, you seem a bit too mild in the head so you probably shouldn't play the PC version since it takes some minor patching to get working properly, which might be hard for you.

What is missing?

With mods PC SA is the definitive version of the game and that's just fact.

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less detail resolution therefore higher imaginational resolution

PS2's lightning looks dogshit, everything is bright yellow, it's a literal piss filter before the piss filter era

because nostalgia

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Hi dev, stop being a faggot, last time you sperg when people criticized your game.

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Looks like dogshit.

I think it comes down to the sound more than the visuals. Older shit sounded either more subdued or more compressed, and that made it feel softer/more like relaxing background noise.

t. zoomer born in the max saturation era

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Go fuck yourself Incel.

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Play a PS1 or N64 if you want to claim low poly

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soulful, charming low poly

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Blur and blend support warmth and a comforting feeling. Clear cut, clean detail feels sterile and alienating. Ever had that feeling when you're at a messy home that at least it's comfy? And on the opposite end, when you visit clean and prestine homes you feel very aware of your impact on it and there seems to be an order that should not be disturbed.

I want to explore this what is it

If I remember correctly even reddit shit on your game for while.
>Old skool FPS
>RNG for maps and items

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imagine ifa AAA dev decided to drop the gfx bullshit and went all out. I mean just the largest game with as much playability as possible, all in low poly.

That's really cute. Meanwhile your stupid fuck sits on his fatass all day browsing Yea Forums while he cries about how shit his life is. How's that going for ya? I'm really sad that you can't even make a fucking video game for yourself probably has some sort of mental illness going on. I mean, seriously do you even have a girlfriend? I'm pretty sure you don't with you racist fucks on here who don't even play games. Get talent kid.

>all that projection
Don't you have a shit game to shill?

San Andreas was to me what I imagine Aerosmith being to boomers. It was constantly on in the background of my teen years. My first girlfriend would suck my dick while I gambled at Four Dragons casino. My friends and I would drop acid and play it, or just take turns casually while smoking pot. I loved it so much I played it for a good year after IV came out still. It has a yet to be matched vibe and atmosphere that R* haven't been able to capture since. As much as it would limit them monetizing the game, I'd really love to see them tackle a period piece GTA again.

Plus bright/high contrast colours weren't as common so there was less intense stimulus to distract the big brain

Sounds like you want to give Sandlot a AAA budget and tell them to make a low poly game

Go cry to your publisher, maybe they can help selling your game.

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Keep wasting your fucking time on Yea Forums you Incel. Good luck getting a girlfriend and a job!

More room for your imagination

In a modern game this background would be full 3D shit with glitches, shitty lighting, no reflections etc.

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You have zero talent, zero motivation, zero hard work and dedication and the only thing you're good at is fucking wasting your time on the Internet looking up loli porn. Keep talking your shit on here pussy you got nothing.

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Consider this
Low poly with HD texture pack

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Real answer: because low poly is more relaxing due to less detail to process, and because it gives off a more fantasy vibe which is never a bad thing. Ignore the mongs who try to argue otherwise.

Take your visual clarity and jam it up your ass boomer retard

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thats the opposite of what he said


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I think there is some potential here. This screenshot looks interesting.

the fuck? fuck off retard

If you had any of that why would waste shilling your game here ?

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Where is that from?

Low poly has nothing to do with HD you fucking casual zoomer. And if you are actually a boomer kys for being a slowpoke.

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You don't get much more charming than this.

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Read Understanding Media

>The ordinary inability to discriminate between the photographic and the TV image is not merely a crippling factor in the learning process today; it is symptomatic of an age-old failure in Western culture. The literate man, accustomed to an environment in which the visual sense is extended everywhere as a principle of organization, sometimes supposes that the mosaic world of primitive art, or even the world of Byzantine art, represents a mere difference in degree, a sort of failure to bring their visual portrayals up to the level of full visual effectiveness. Nothing could be further from the truth. This, in fact, is a misconception that has impaired understanding between East and West for many centuries. Today it impairs relations between colored and white societies

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Is this running on an emulator or what. The N64 port I've been playing looks like ass compared to this.

The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

I miss the vertex lighting aesthetic more than I do the polygon count. Dirty low-rez light maps and pixelated environment shadows replaced them.

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n64 port has blurred textures due to filtering
but yea its also from an emulator

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What a crock of shit. Just blame western society for everything.

I usually do the following for most modern games:
Turn off bloom
Turn off depth of field
Turn off any fucking filter that ruins fidelity
Sometimes even the fucking AA sucks, so i prefer to run without it

white folks. They never invented anything they just stole it from POC's lol

All that anti aliasing looks like shit for this game, imo.

from what i understand he's very broadly in favour of the literate western way of viewing the world but he's using the book to explain how it's not the default, not necessarily arguing against it

there's videos of him talking about how electronic technologies that link people closer together (e.g. this shit we're on just now) will cause race wars and he basically says we should get rid of them because they favour non whites

>talks about overblown graphical efffects
>posts a webm of a fuckin city
nigger that webm example is pretty much what AAA games would be today

I've been saying this for years. We don't need all the extra junk to make graphics super realistic. I just want a clean aesthetic. It takes me 5 times as long to progress thru a level cus I gotta stop to soak in the details, so I don't miss anything important. It's fucking annoying.

If I wanted realism, I'd go outside.

Damn, this is the first time I've ever heard of the game, and probably the last, and now I'll also never consider playing it if I come across it again

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We should have stopped at PS2 graphics, with an improvement to resolution and AA.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.24 - (2560x1440, 233K)

My partner is 96 and I'm 93 and even the three years of difference results in a lot of zoom. 2000 is definitely full zoomer though.

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>vertex lighting

pure kino

that and particles combined are fantastic. early 2000s particles that also come out of a vertex lighting source are beautiful. think like a jet on a ship. I wanted to find some pictures of the particles I was specifically thinking of but fucking google is terrible

These aren't low polys.

Attached: 1542660989649.gif (300x500, 1.95M)

Alice was pure waifu material.

Look, I don't know what low poly means exactly, but I find morrowind and vampire the masquerade bloodlines to have one of the most comfy atmospheres in vydia together with .hack and GTAIV.

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Tokyo Wars

Reminds me of a Front Missions 3 cutscene.

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>I don't know what low poly means exactly
Low polygons count. But it doesnt rly matter, it's all about art direction and minimizing stuff that can break the atmosphere. At that time devs control almost everything, every ray of light, and now everything on dynamic shaders.

Attached: 4967dxhr_screenshot_palmtree.jpg (1920x1080, 926K)

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looks like something from a front mission game, but i'm not positive.

Attached: 1542662810518.gif (720x480, 3.07M)

Things like anti-aliasing do more for the looks of a game than additional polygons.

Fuck this looks good.

They’re HD games that are comfy too
If you can’t enjoy both then you’re an autist and your opinion does not matter

I really love Room 302 before shit starts hitting the fan. Kinda gives off the vibe of rolling out of bed after a nap in the early evening right before a rainstorm rolls in or something.

What is this?

Attached: Capture.png (405x298, 49K)

>tfw we'll never get another budokai game

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>people bitched and moaned about the piss filter, even though it was supposed to represent Adams yellow shades
>Directors cut comes out without the piss filter
>whole game was designed around it and everything looks like ass now
Fuck Square for removing the original HR from sale, fucking DC misses almost all the patches.

The new heroes game is pretty much bt4, it even runs on the same engine.

Attached: SDBH_Gigantic_Omegastorm.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

SH4 was interesting. My least favourite from the first four games, especially when you repeat the levels all over again while babysitting that girl. Despite all that, the first-person sequences in the apartment and subtle details were spooky and some of the references to the previous SH games were cool. Playing this game while being isolated in my apartment made it a unique experience, I wouldn't replay it though since it was so goddamn frustrating at times. The OST is great too.


Early-2000s was peak graphic style

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>turn based gachashit game played with cards
God what a fucking disappointment, I'm just looking forward to spics porting the models from the pc version into bt3.

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old game good
new game bad

this but unironically

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HLDM is decently active, TFC has a very small active community like maybe 2 servers that have people playing in it.

>3 never

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I like that zoomers mindlessly repeat this and yet they won't play a game from more than two generations ago because muh graphix or muh quality of life. Unless, of course, it's a "brand new" remake.

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God, I still dream about that atmosphere even though I played it only once.

Attached: alice 2013-07-19 22-28-26-59.png (1440x900, 1.55M)

I like that boomers say this but then never play an old game because they're playing new ones

Jokes on you, I'm still playing Halo CE

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Your imagination fills in the blanks.

But I've been playing both new and old games for these past few months.

Awesome. Might go play HLDM this week.

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True. My 21 year old boomer brain cant handle the newest mario kart because it's too busy. I always find myself going back to double dash, in my opinion the gamecube era had the perfect poly count

It's from this site

Attached: de_snowfacility.jpg (1920x1080, 466K)

Lmao I havnt bought any new games in years

Thanks for proving the point fucking joomers. Come back once you reach the mental level of a grade schooler.

Neat, thanks senpai.

Nice job fucking destroying them, lmao

1980s detroit. Just as shit really fell apart for us in the motor city

just finished playing rome total war
what are you on about?

Thief is a first person game, retard

god i wish that were me


whats this from? And how are low poly assetts even made nowadays? Blender?

What game is this from? looks like KOTOR

Anyone have that image where Hitchcock talks about how art stops being great once it's too realistic?

MGS 1 for me is one of the most beautful games ever made and I'm not sure how it does it

is it how it's almost good looking 3d but not quite, the shading, textures, the noise and grain

i fucking love it

Why do devs mirror guns? far cry 2 did this stupid shit

Makes cases go flying across the screen and looks super cool and badass

on the topic of clutter, does anyone else find that whenever they pick up a new AAA game with hot shit graphics, it takes a few hours to acclimate your eyes to the game? and until that point, you miss tons of items and powers or menu options and all that shit, because every game these days is so fucking filled with shit on the screen, either the menus are a tablet/touchscreen clone with giant ass buttons that take up my entire TV, or the environment has like 700 physics objects strewn around that don't matter, obscuring the items that do matter

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Why cant indie devs get low poly art/ pixel art right? What are they missing?.

>racing game
what a shame...

Necessity is the mother of invention. Take away having to work around limitations and add a more streamlined developing process and there you go. Soulless.

Takes quite a lot of talent to nail that down, a large studio at least between them all will know everything to keep an eye out for even if they're all mediocre.
There's always been mountains of soulless shit, just nobody remembers it.

Playing a lot of recent games makes me wonder how shitty it is it must be for modelers and world designers to craft a lot of clutter per room just for it be overlooked in less than a nanosecond by the person going into these rooms.

It reminds me of the Mr Plinkett reviews of the Star War Prequels primarily with the start of Episode 3 where it's just a mess of colors and is visually overstimulating to the brain to the point where you end up not really caring what the fuck is going on.

Attached: plinkett.jpg (1039x792, 468K)

Yes, San Andreas is indeed good.

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>the start of Episode 3 where it's just a mess of colors
Isn't that the whole point? It's a chaotic space battle. I don't think you're SUPPOSED to focus on all the details

I'm well aware of this.

Right, I just don't focus on the thing at all because it's entirely unappealing. It's a terrible way to start off your movie just to have a mish mash of shit you don't know what belongs to who. Ships explode everywhere yet there is nothing a stake for the viewer at all outside concept of clones vs robots. Whoopee. It's a bad fucking opening to a movie, especially when the ships themselves are not unique enough to standout like in the original 3 movies.

I liked the opening. The music gets you so pumped up and the action is cool

But I first saw the movie as a child, so I could be clouded by nostalgia

they're not bloated like average AAA game with trillions of filters

I was 16 when the film came out in 2006 and I did not feel pumped by it. Primarily due to the lack of communication to the audience. Who's this General Grievous? Why was he not hinted at prior? Oh, apparently we had to watch a cartoon to even understand what the fuck was going on with this new character. Might as well give the audience a yellow handbook to describe whats going on in the film since George Lucas tossed his Filmwriting 101 book out the window. Why should Anakin care about the safety of a clone trooper and go out of his way to help him when he's just that: a clone trooper.
>action was cool
Except it wasn't. Anakin and Obi-wan get to the dock of the spaceship to rescue Palpatine and are met with a bunch of normal droids who act as no threat whatsoever, much like how it was since Episode 1. What was the point of that scene? Just for them to slice up a bunch of droids? Why add it if there is nothing at stake. It felt like watching someone play Dynasty Warriors.
And then the final fight between Obiwan and Anakin goes on for way too damn long to the point where it's overly dragged out for the sake of CG flair. Problem is that by that time CG had no longer the spectacle it had in the past.

Old good, new bad

You're over-analyzing it. I didn't give a fuck about any of that because I was like 8 when I watched the movie