>he doesn't support his niche developers by buying merchandise
He doesn't support his niche developers by buying merchandise
Dumb shill, die.
no u
>most normie bait entry-level garbage
do you honestly think this?
Posters or Fuck off
Some studios actually put out some great merch though. Grasshopper Manufacture used to have some DOPE tees
jesus how fucking fat are your hands
t. handlet
your fingers looking like the sausages i ate earlier today
I remember when fatlus was an insult and the smt/personafags were ridiculed openly. now p5 is the most normalshit rpg of the current gen. what the fuck happened.
>He ends sentences with "Sad" exclamation mark.
Those fingers show exactly the type of person who'd have that shit. Jesus christ.
nice totalcancer badge faggot *tips*
I'd say OP is more likely some fat autistic kid that just wanna fit in somewhere by spending his parents money
Hit the gym, fatass.
I'd be impressed if you actually bought something from the mainline series, faggot.
persona 5 was a twitter normalfag game
why are you all replying to obvious bait
>Japanese and not Final Fantasy
Yeah right
I don't care enough about video games as hobby to play them regularly. Why would I ever buy a stupid piece of merchandise like a drone?
Atlus is an AA+ studio what are you even saying