>...I got this
Other urls found in this thread:
There's literally nothing coming out other than this.
The Outer Worlds could be good I guess
Silksong and Death Stranding, maybe?
But yeah, 2019 looks barren as fuck apart from Sekiro
You're retarded Bobby.
code vein and nioh 2
>bunch of shit/anime games
Yeah, thats what I mean. Literally nothing coming out.
the only game i'm somewhat hyped for is Anno 1800
You don't like Left Alive? You could always buy Nier Automata: Game of the YoRHa edition for 40 bucks, you DO like 2B's assets, dont you?
kys contrarian faggot
its gonna be shit
>hand holding and tutorials out the fucking ass, this isn't even a souls/borne game anymore
>generic ching chow samurai theme
>barebones button masher with a parry and stealth system
>no rpg elements at all
>no levelling up, no character customization, no armour, to attire, no weapon variety
>lel stealth meme; a tired and played out formula
>no batshit crazy plot twists like aliens to make the game stand out from the rest of the standard samurai chink shit coming out.
>no co-op
>no multiple match making, pvp, invasions, etc
what's the point?
I'm happy with HK, I don't really need more of it.
Death Stranding is just an excuse for Kojima to blow money and hang out with actors.
a remake, so who cares at the end of the day
I don't play games just because they have anime storytelling
nah m80
>nioh 2
they'd have to seriously improve on the game for me to pick up the sequel. Like the difference between DeS and DaS.
I can't believe you bothered to write all that inane shit out.
Can anyone tell me how stealthy the game is? If it's an actual well made stealth game I'll just sneak the whole game because stealth is the greatest genre ever. If it's Ubisoft levels of sneaking then I won't bother
This is a really low effort post
>>hand holding and tutorials out the fucking ass, this isn't even a souls/borne game anymore
kek, you mean like how you could outlevel everything in past souls games and just cheese it all? or how summons carried all the shitters? Literally all the eceleb cancer that played Sekiro confirmed it's way harder than any souls game so far because you can't simply overpower every boss by grinding or asking for help.
>>no batshit crazy plot twists like aliens to make the game stand out from the rest of the standard samurai chink shit coming out.
wrong, already confirmed there is a halfway point twist at which the game turns to horror
DMC5 is peak action kino
He’s right though. The game will be good for one playthrough
what's ubisoft levels of sneaking? it's not a stealth game btw
IA is dogshit, that's for sure
What does "Shadow Die Twice" mean, anyway?
I wasn't referring to SC: Chaos Theory. I meant AC, Far Cry, Watch_Dogs and all that. If you go on the stealth tag on steam it's all just recent Ubisoft games.
3rd death means game over and your machine explodes
It means you're playing a casual game where you can stealth the guy that just killed you
No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.
Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.
Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquers beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.
How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.
Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.
And then here comes fucking Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind shitposts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.
And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it stills says I'm not this nigga No, I'm a Conqueror.
>no batshit crazy plot twists like aliens to make the game stand out from the rest of the standard samurai chink shit coming out.
There are creatures from Eastern folklore.
I don't understand what you mean by "Ubisoft levels of sneaking" though.
You can't do pacifist runs in Sekiro. Enemies don't go investigate suspicious activity. You can certainly avoid some enemies, but it's clearly designed around the Panther Splinter Cell theme of aggressive Stealth, where you hide until you get to a high point and assassinate some poor fucker and keep going.
Killing an enemy does not alert everyone else (unlike in some stealth games where enemies all share senses or some retarded shit)
>sekiro is a ronin, a shadow of his former self
>can literally die twice as a game mechanic
its not exactly deep
If you don't see why RE2 is just a liiitle bit more than your average remake, or that you should be hoping it does extremely well, then I literally don't know what to say to you. Pay attention, I guess.
It's a good game and I hope it does well. That doesn't mean I'll look back on 2019 fondly because I played a good remake.
i wish i hadnt seen that image but now im hyped
Sounds very easy honestly. I'm able to abuse stealth mechanics in the clunkiest of games, so when I can choose between a free takedown and fighting a dangerous enemy I'll just take the free kill. Same thing with Ghost of Tsushima, they added Arkham Knight multi-takedowns with the press of a button. Don't know why they reward stealth so much and don't make it hard.
>they'd have to seriously improve on the game for me to pick up the sequel.
well it's going to have character creation if you care about that
I'm only happy this game is coming out because it's threads will be faggot zoomer containment zones so people who actually play video games can have unshit discussions for a bit.
>>no batshit crazy plot twists like aliens to make the game stand out from the rest of the standard samurai chink shit coming out.
miyazaki already confirmed that it has a twist like bloodborne
Stealth attacks only result in an instant kill on the "normal" enemies. From what we've seen, there's 3 categories of enemies - normal, mini-bosses, and bosses.
On anything other than normal enemies, a stealth attack will merely remove 1 health bar (mini-bosses and bosses have multiple HP bars). Also you cannot do stealth attacks on enemies who are aware of you, so if you are spotted and escape to the top of a tree, you can't just jump down and stealth attack the guy.
>No hand holding
>No co-op
So wait what? You don't want to tutorials but you want it to be easy?
This but unironically.
You play games over and over again because they're fun. You don't need buggy online and baggy RPG mechanics. Mario 3 is very re-playable, and it's a mostly linear side-scrolling platformer. Because it's fun.
>faggot zoomer containment zones
Nah, fuck off back to
honestly so far it doesn't appeal to me one bit, but i really hope it turns out to be great and i end up being completely wrong
This got me hyped for Sekiro.
Sekiro and Dying Light 2 are the games I look forward to in 2019
>>no rpg elements at all
>>no levelling up, no character customization, no armour, to attire, no weapon variety
It's worse than that though, it has a generic Western AAA skill tree system
As much as I think I will love Sekiro, 2019 has been packed with a lot of strong releases. Not that I would complain, more good games is always a positive.
thank god. I cant wait to have a community without you people
So it other words, autistic retards like you will get filtered?
I'm no longer 13 sorry
this actually got me interested. So far i've kind of just felt like "itll probably be good" but now im actually looking forward to it
Whether it's GOTY or not, it will be a solid game; It has no season passes or micro-transactions or deluxe editions.
the gameplay is top notch and rejecting fun in favor of muh melancholic souls atmosphere doesn't make you an adult
Did this trailer not get you hyped?
It's looking good. Shed some light on what the fuck the game's all about.
Semi-hyped, but the other video got me all the way.
Do we have any idea of the targeted framerates on consoles?
I'm still mad the full game ended up being a casualized piece of shit. playing the Nioh demos the discussing them here was some of the most fun I had with vidya in a long time
>death stranding
>anytime this decade
Pick none
remember that alpha autist?
So who is the woman talking? The one who gave him resurrection powers clearly
>ching chow
t. LARPing wumao who thinks Japan is part of China
Look at this pathetic basement dwelling sperg, yeah dude you're a "conqueror", kek
Xbone and Pro it's estimated to be 60fps.
Probably less in the Pro's case.
I think it's his Lord; The little kid with the open book.
are you fucking kidding me? is this who I share this board with? a bunch of western ((((s-o-y))) faggots who think dumbed down talent trees are engaging?
t. never played an action game outside of souls
Has this been officially confirmed?
If so, I’m going to return my preorder so fast...
its a copypasta mate
It’s genuinely sad that shitposts still desperately keep trying to push the soi meme despite being filtered.
You losers give me second hand embarrassment for how long you’ve kept at this and wojak posting.
i mean if you expected a souls game then yeah you should return it. The game is a combination of older and new arpg games
Mount and Blade Bannerlord
t. conquered
And it's still as correct as the day it was written.
Doesn't Nioh's action mode on PS4 Pro reach 60fps pretty consistently? So it's at least achievable for that type of game this gen.
But FromSoftware said they'll focus on resolution and I'm not sure if that means we'll get a similar action mode or DS3-style unlocked framerate again, which I wasn't a fan of.
>implying action games outside of Soulsborne are even worth playing
how can you go back to 10 hour long cutscenes, in-your-face horribly written stories, shit gameplay that gets interrupted by tutorials and cutscenes, and a bland as fuck barren open world to explore filled thats not fun to explore and filled with pointless boring side missions? because any action rpg outside of dark souls is basically summerized with that.
specs recommended specs for pc are in line with pspro . The people who played the demos early did confirm 60fps for pspro though there were drops in some spots
An yeah nioh's 60fps was very consistent
>how can you go back to 10 hour long cutscenes, in-your-face horribly written stories, shit gameplay that gets interrupted by tutorials and cutscenes, and a bland as fuck barren open world to explore filled thats not fun to explore and filled with pointless boring side missions? because any action rpg outside of dark souls is basically summerized with that.
Well enjoy Sekiro then
Mario maker 2
Animal crossing
FF7 remake
DmC 5
Overwatch's Baptiste (+ more? ;)
Shenmue 3
Yeah... I'm thinking this year is gonna be pretty based.
Shut the fuck up and sit down you nasty lil weeb cuck
Yeah but Nioh looks like shit
I would gladly trade grahpics for better framerate
Nioh looks pretty good in a lot of areas, but I wasn't a fan of the darker settings.
>Mario maker 2
Not to the point of them looking soulless like Nioh and Nier Automata
>2018 Soulsfags: Why every game journalist comparing it to Dark Souls???
>2019 Soulsfags: Why isn’t it like Dark Souls. :(