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something massa something finna squirt
I still play this game sometimes because the "dual wield every weapon in either hand" mechanic is fucking sick and they've always had great difficult gameplay. I just hate how it went from "sick ass nazi machinery, weaponry, and architecture simulator" to "FUCK NAZIS, FUCK WHITE PEOPLE, BLACKS GOOD, JEWS GOOD, COMMIES GOOD, WE'RE MAKING A STATEMENT" I just miss when they were making the game to make a fun game.
Post more ebony porn
Straight out of a racist vignette
the face that killed nu-wolf
Pretty bold to include a realistic depiction of a nigger.
wolfenstein was always about killing nazis
There weren't many cutscenes in the old games, the new ones have cutscenes every 5 minutes.
Why do they have to make their characters so ugly.
yes, black people exist.... so?
Don't tell these Cletus' that. They'll start banging on rocks and shitting everywhere.
>I just hate how it went from "sick ass nazi machinery, weaponry, and architecture simulator" to "FUCK NAZIS
what did he mean by this
To reflect reality. Niggers gon be ugly
>those nigger lips
>that wide nigger nose
>those bulging bloodshot nigger eyes
based devs
God black people are ugly.
Previous games were not a political statement on evil white drumpf voters
>Implying everyone who voted for Trump is a literal Nazi
WOW, user!
Their reasoning for Nazis as the enemy went from "Nazis are a faceless, commonly accepted enemy to shoot, who also provide a cool base for some wicked crazy occult/biomechanical shit" to "Nazis are all bad people, who do bad things, and we need to show people that Nazis are bad and people against Nazis are good! Make America Nazi Free Again!"
>Thats the girl BJ got a crush on
Why? I think this is why so many black people like white girls. It's not a fetish thing so much as realizing black women are trash. They're ugly and usually rude. Theyu should just mate with those romeo dialer indian men to develop a new species of undesirables.
And only about killing nazis. Not the rest of the baggage you progressives like to push nowadays.
This too, the first thing Wolfenstein 2 does is exhibit a white man in as negative lighta s possible by having him say Nigger, beat his jewish wife after saying shes too smart for her own good, and then makes you kill a dog for no reason. It's so fucking obvious that theyre trying to push a narrative instead of make a fun video game opening.
Leave it to left-wing extremists to portray blacks as true niggers.
Personally, I believe it stems from their subconscious belief to inherently treat (alleged)minorities as pet stepping-stones to elevate and virtue their social status. They don't see them as people.
Only some hideous caricatures they carry around to rake in praise from their peers.
>killing nazis=pushing SJW/feminist agenda and white man are ebil narrative
Fucking retard.
whereas TNO and TOB started with "BJ thinks about something, you wake up and get into gameplay", Wolf 2 starts with your father screaming about the white man's burden. If you can't see the obvious agenda theyre now trying to push in their fun nazi killing game, you're a retard.
Something about this pic makes me feel sad. I thinks it's the eyes plus facial expression. I can't help but think of mentally challenged child answering her favorite color with such enthusiasm, ignorant of her own disability.
It's strange that lefties think that like a game about killing Nazis is not good enough. You're still a nazi if you don't support hating white people, liking diversity pandering, allying with commies, and their other pet causes.
i cringed so hard
looks like a black goose.
Why do SJWs make niggers look like animals?
Can't they find any attractive Ebony Goddesses?
Why are humans so ugly? Can we have patch 2.0 for Za Warudo where everyone looks like anime characters?
I can’t believe there is genuinely retards on this board that unironically think the sentiment “Fuck Nazis” is somehow controversial or somehow an affront to ‘white people/white identity’. Are you fucking retarded? You are literally associating your self, your culture, your identity on what is essentially the Imperial Empire from Star Wars. The most profoundly evil organisation to have ever plagued this Earth. I’m at a loss for words for how some people can be so truly dense or willingly ignorant, it’s fucking insanity.
Fully immersive VR soon
3/10 bait
pretty black women are rare and racist
damn..niggers look like THAT?
Pretty women in general don't exist according to feminists. Or their definition of pretty is some body positivity shit that most men don't find attractive.
SJWs feel like pretty women in general are a threat. That's why they deliberately make them look ugly.
I wonder what you just tried to say.
She looks like she fucks white guys
They hate beauty because they're ugly. That's the basis of all of this. It's not simply "white people=bad" it's "beauty=bad" that's why these people infect everything and turn it hideous. That's why attractive women aren't allowed in games, and why post modern art is fat naked lesbians throwing their shit at a wall
this is objectively severely unattractive and it's unrealistic anyone could fall in love with it
>drumpf is just like voldemort1!!1
that girl looks like she has white in her genes to offset the rude, big lipped nappy headed piece of shit lying beneath the surface.
Fuck black women.
okay kid
I'm so fucking tired of arguing with your dishonest pricks.
All beautiful black women only fuck white boys.
She looks mixed, but with that said I would like to breed her.
I know you're baiting but the fact that there are actually people, and lots of them, who genuinely believe the nazis were the most evil group ever to exist in human history is fucking baffling
You can't make a game that's just about killing nazis and have a deep narrative at the same time.
The reason why nazis make good bad guys is because they seem irredeemable at first glance, but if you stop and think about the nature of armed conflicts and propaganda and it's no longer so easy to kill indiscriminately.
You'd end up with some pretty serious cognitive dissonance.
It doesn't help that Wolf 2 wants to be a comedy as well.
sheeeeeiit yo
Probably because they're the most recent example of a world superpower committing genocide. North Korea doesn't exactly count because they're not exterminating their own race, and it's not exactly that big of a player in the world stage. If a country as large as the United States started doing it, we'd probably be hearing all about it.
The "deep" narrative in Wolf 2 is what made it fucking shit though. A cringe cutscene every 10 minutes made the whole game a slog and it was still a short game. TNO had far less story and no political preachiness and it was decent.
Then you have games like DOOM that barely even had a story at all and it was amazing.
made for the BWC
Black girls are made for white men to bleach them.
>that cameltoe
The nazis were Germany. They were literally just Germans unfortunate enough to be alive during a time of war and fought for their country like untold billions have been for all of human history. They were humans, father's, mothers, sons, daughters. They were citizens of a country at war just like every British, American or Russian soldier at the time was yet they're now painted as an absolute caricature of evil for something that wasn't even the most evil thing happening AT THE TIME, let alone all of human history. Now they're the great boogie man used as the absolute be-all end-all of why white people can never have anything nice again. No one complains about original wolfenstien because it was just "nazis are the bad guys, kill them" but modern day war games or films are hyperbolic "LOOK AT WHAT WHITE PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF LOOK WHAT THEY DID LOOK WHAT THEY WILL DO GIVEN THE CHANCE". the enemy being a Nazi when you're American during ww2 is enough, it's self explanitory, the point is there. Pretending your every day German soldier who was probably a young man afraid for his life praying to god that he will get to see his family again goes around shooting dogs in the face and beating up women just because he's made of pure evil is EXHAUSTING when it's made and espoused by people who will call you a nazi st the drop of a hat. This isn't an isolated case this is a trend that you have to be absolutely retarded not to notice and unfortunately a lot of people are waking up to it
*shits in hand and throws it*
>soviet union
Yeah but she's too dark for me. The one I said I'd breed though? Yeah, that's the stuff.
Remind me, what race were they trying to exterminate again? I legitimately forgot.
Blacks are not allowed to be attractive in games and films intended for a White and Chinese audience, they don't want to encourage racemixing
I do hope this is pasta and nobody was dumb enough to fall for that low effort bait
Boo fucking hoo
Get shot in the face you thin-skinned Nazi fuck
>it's another thread where leftists feverishly deny that w*lf 2 was specifically marketed with a "trump and his supporters are gnadzees" angle
Yet the American dropped 2 fucking atomic bombs on civilian cities that didn't just kill the inhabitants at the time, but radiated the people for generations after. That didn't event didn't even enter your mind this entire thread though because you haven't had propoganda shoved down your since birth about it like you have with the nazis.
Trump and his supporters ARE Nazis though lol
not to mention the soviet unions entire existence
>black women are trash
Nowhere near all of them. Unless they're "that type" of black where their facial features are heavily pronounced black women are hotter than white women.
No, the reason Nazis make good bad guys is because there used to be a strain of American culture that glorified the Greatest Generation soldier as the alpha-male apex of masculinity, and the height of his masculinity was combat with the Nazis for purely historical reasons. The American GI is contrasted with the Nazis, who either falls into two camps:
>The tragic villain who was, through some circumstance, forced into working with Hitler, either because his family will be hurt if he doesn't, or because he must stave off the greater threat of the Russians on the Eastern Front. This man is, ultimately, cannon fodder. They are a bad guy because they are a Nazi, and may even be redeemable.
>The Nazi, usually with a thick and comical Bavarian accent. He'll either be a slender aristocrat who may also be a mad scientist or a sorcerer, or a pot-bellied war hungry buffoon. This character willingly works for Hitler because of their inherent immorality, vices, or simple bad nature. They are a Nazi because they are a bad guy, and are certainly not redeemable.
This strain of masculinity was, ultimately, one promoted by White Americans for White Americans. It is an ideal of what members of the in-group should be. Ultimately, it is understood that the Germans themselves aren't inherently evil because Nazism took root there, but rather the Germans are also tragic victims of Nazism. The Nazis are villains because of the actions they undertook (genocide, totalitarianism, dystopian eugenics, working with Satan, conjuring the undead, etc).
SJWs cant make games with beauties like this.
>and he calls me a nazi
You made my point. I don't know why I expected anything less from you
Eh, she's alright I guess.
Says the nazi
Armenian genocide by the Turks
Those were japs, they dont count, unlike gods chosen
that's literally how 99% of young black girls look
Did you honestly expect something else, Nancy? Did you forget where you are? How did this board go from "anything goes" to "please don't hurt my feelings, they are very fragile, as a straight white man I have enough to deal with every day okay, I'm feeling so attacked right now"
Shut up nazi
>genocide doesn't matter unless it's about race
Christ, you commie apologists are such fags.
This strain of masculinity is dead, its death having been the result of the completion of the takeover of the American media by Jews. As Jews are not White Americans, they instead project an ideal of what members of the out-group should be. The Nazis committed the crime of getting in the way of the Jewish people, and as such they, along with all gentiles, deserve to be punished for it. The Nazis actions themselves are mere rhetorical devices to the larger crime of opposition to the Jewish people's interests.
In this sense, simply being White is proof of Nazism because it is proof of being a member of the out-group. The actual charge of Nazism itself is irrelevant, as the actual actions of the Nazis themselves are irrelevant. This contrasts the two critiques of Nazism (the "American" critique, wherein the Nazis actions were immoral, and the "Israeli" critique, wherein the Nazis existence was immoral).
The difference between the two Wolfensteins is that in the first game, the player adheres to the American critique: He's a big tough alpha male who is going out to stop the bad guys who are bad guys because their actions are evil. In the second, however, the player is a cog of corporate greed going out to eradicate a group of people because of the color of their skin.
that's zoophilia m8
Are you a zionist or something, do only Jewish deaths matter? Millions killed in the Chinese or Soviet regimes due to intentionally stupid policies warrants demonization of these regimes as much as nazis. Nazis are the goto villain because of the aesthetics.
It was a horrific atrocity, but it technically doesn't count as genocide. There wasn't a concerted effort to remove the entire Japanese population from the face of the earth. Left to its own devices, Germany would do this. That was part of the goal. I'm not necessarily defending the atomic bomb being dropped, but the idea behind it was to essentially scare the Japanese shitless, and it definitely had that effect. Whether it was necessary or not is still debated to this day.
I knew you were going to mention the bomb by the way, talk about being programmed like a fucking bot. You could probably post old pasta about the atomic bomb and it would be indistinguishable.
true dat
So why are you bitching about his bitching, you fucking retard?
>Killing Nazis isn't political
Really makes me think
>they didn't racially discriminate when mass murdering people for retarded reasons so it's okay
Seeing you fart huffing LARPers actually get your desired revolution only to be promptly thrown into the gulags for being retarded would almost be worth it.
You know how easy black girls are?
I'm not crying because you hurt my feelings I'm pointing out the fact you have no argument and have to resort to calling me a nazi. Have fun baiting nigger faggot, the entire world is getting fed up with your kind
If you don't notice the difference in tone between these two trailers you have to be purposefully obtuse
You need to seek a therapist, you have shit for brains and think everyone is a boogieman.
Please learn to do some actual media criticism before attempting this shit you cargo cultist
mustard it is
I'm not arguing you dense Untermensch, I'm pointing out what a hypocritical whiny little cunt you are. You're not my opponent, you're exhibit A.
And the goal wasn't to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth, it was to get them out of Germany. German government bought them tickets to Isreal and shipped them out until they were physically unable to do so by having all their ports blocked. It won't even hold up to your own standards
You're defending the soviet union, you're absolutely a reddit anarchist LARPer because no normal person does such a thing.
Holy fucking shit, this is eye opening. This explains the complete and total disappearance of the soldier man from American media.
What's wrong with her eyes?
>/pol/ trying to force strawberry milkshakes
You see this the problem from the very beginning.
RtCW was pretty based game.
it really isn't you mental midget
e.g. if I kill a Nazi because he threatens my life or that of someone dear to me and I kill him, it is not political whatsoever
No user, I'm not. You're putting words in my mouth. Seek help you loon, you need to be thrown in a padded room before you hurt yourself or another person.
lmao kill nigs
>not just playing TNO and TOB
That black guy sounds a tad butthurt
i am so sick of seeing niggers in games. In open world games i make a point of brutally murdering every nigger.
You went out your way to whine on a post you weren't even involved in you retarded faggot
He didnt say it wasn't, learn to read you fucking zoomer.
omg like totally can you believe the racism on this website?
Right, hence the removal of synagogues in occupied Poland, the laws forbidding Jews from using public transport, sidewalks, libraries, etc. No, there was no concerted effort to get rid of them in any occupied nation.
call me blinded by nostalgia but I do miss the occult/demonic elements in wolfenstein
Nazis are always threatening your life and the lives of those dear to you. Unless you're on their side.
We used to mock the fuck out of neo-Nazis for being easily triggered srs bsns fags, because that was the true sin around here, and the reason people hated SJWs. Somewhere along the line people forgot that.
It's undeniable that the whole marketing campaign for Wolfenstein was anti Trump and anti white. They were pushing an agenda, and stirring the pot right when everyone was calling Trump supporters Nazis.
>no political preachiness
>in TNO
Did you just forget the whole KZ thing? Or the black dude getting mad at BJ and comparing racist america to the Nazis?
Let's be real, nu-wolfenstein has been preachy from the start. 2 was just more of it.
why in the game is the nazi threatening you or someone dear to you, what statement could the developer be making by showing killing said nazi as the appropriate action. what statement is the developer making by portraying nazis as people who regularly attack innocent people.
>It's undeniable that the whole marketing campaign for Wolfenstein was anti Trump and anti white.
You're a fucking retard.
>all events that happened at the end of the war after all supply lines were cut and Germany was landlocked
Exactly as I said you brainwashed retard. I bet you unironically think the Holocaust is the reason for world war 2 and not just an event that happened after 8 years of already being at war.
You think these larpers actually play video games?
Nah, we just got invaded by unironic redditfags like you.
Hating niggers doesn't make you a neo-nazi. Hating liberals doesn't make you a neo-nazi. Hating kikes doesn't make you a neo-nazi.
It just makes you right.
Are you living in 1942 germany as a jew in hiding or how else do you see Nazis everywhere around you? Are you fucking stupid?
>what statement is the developer making by portraying nazis as people who regularly attack innocent people.
An accurate one.
This post is the most candid glimpse at the mind of someone completely brainwashed I've ever seen. This post should be printed in text books as an example of the results of successful propoganda.
pretty black women always walk up to me when im outside and try to get in contact with me
its kinda nice but all they want is sex
not my cup of tea
>Main character fantasizes about the nuclear family he would have if things are set right.
>he dreams of lazing in his own backyard with dinner ready on the grill
>Love interest is pregnant, covered in blood, and screaming wildly as she dual wields two assault rifles
>"bash the fash my brothers and sisters"
What the hell happened in the span of 4 years?
WWII lasted from 1939-1945 in our timeline
Just having crazy science tech is honestly very limiting. Having both it and occult stuff at the same time is the sweet spot
Oh, thankfully they're far from everywhere. But if I were to encounter one I know he'd want me dead.
>"Nazis are all bad people"
They are though.
calm your horses there m8
I don't think the guy I was replying to is a larper whatsoever, he's probably just seeing TNO through rose tinted glasses after the shitshow that TNC was
The nigger in tno was just a realistic depiction of a crazy racist nigger.
No one really thought it was significant
>america wuz tha nazis!
Its just retarded nigger speak.
I fail to see any incongruity here
All the Trumpfags are just assblasted that Machine Games and Bethesda was essentially given the cheapest and easiest marketing campaign of all time
There are no attractive black women, they're always mulattos because nigger features are disgusting.
More like he saw TNC through brown-tinted glasses. It's obvious what happened. Yea Forums loved TNO. Trump runs for president. Suddenly Yea Forums hates TNC. Does it have anything to do with the game itself? No, it's political signalling.
Only if you're a nigger or a kike, mr shekelstein.
How many chocos females do you think bought Wolfenstein because if the included representation?
And that's why you fail
>melanin-enriched people
>buying stuff
The Nazis are kind of standing between him and his dream, aren't they? But he did get his girl pregnant so that's one step towards it.
cool putin nose
I know what you're trying to do
You want to make the stupid point that I kill him because of politics but if you follow this retarded line of thinking through you'd just end up with every killing ever being political
Um sweetie, not all women look like super models.
TNO and TNC are very different in tone and story.
TNO ends with a somber piano playing as a man sacrifices his own life to make a difference.
TNC ends with a cover of "We're not gonna take it" as people other than the main character spout political beliefs belonging to the fringe left like marxism
Blackies are not people
Ignoring the shitty politics because devs are swede cucks, the horrible level design, difficulty being a joke and cutscene spam made the game such a fucking letdown- also it's broken on pc and never got fixed
I think this says more about you then it does about the game if you're associating trump with nazi's.
Do those political beliefs amount to "Nazis are bad"
They're the ones who associate Trump with nazis by using a variation of Trump's political slogan in marketing
Imagine playing vidya with her.
TNO's preachy stuff is a lot more low key compared to TNC which really amps it up to 11
plus the devs did directly try to cash in on contemporary politics with TNC's marketing campaign putting politics front and center this time
It's obvious why TNC would get mostly politically motivated backlash because that's what the marketing focused on
I just disagree saying TNO and TNCs politicalness are anywhere on the same level
Hell, even New Order wasn’t that in your face about it. Bethesda outsourced this game to Sweden and they took advantage of the political hysteria in the United States to market the game in a political way. Look up “fuck Natzi’s E3” on YouTube and license to the guy speak about thr DLC. Cringe as fuck.
How does that associate Trump with Nazis, though
That's the part you people can never explain
It's not like they posted a grainy black and white video of Trump with a Hitler speech over it
It's not a Nazi slogan
It's an anti-Nazi slogan in fact
Tell me what fighting the bourgeoisie has to do with fighting nazis?
You are the reason why I would want actual nazis in power. Just so they could leave you in a ditch and I could enjoy my life in peace. Free of any niggers, scheming jews, whiny lefties and general brainlets.
I'd give away some of my rights for that in a heartbeat.
except trump's slogan wasn't very original. He just aped it off of reagan.
You got baited, retard
>TNO ends with a somber piano playing as a man sacrifices his own life to make a difference.
There should never have been a sequel. It ended on a perfect hopeful note, and it was a beautiful send off to BJ who at that point was fucking beaten to shreds. Killing Deathead was enough to finish his arc, now you just go in peace at mind knowing a resistance will spark in your sacrifice.
Fuck TNC, what a garbage fucking dissapointment and a utter unessesary game.
If you don't see the problem about a game where you kill nazis but you are supposed to be ok to side with the fucking communists then you should read some XX century history, or you are a commie yourself. If so neck yourself for the well being of humanity.
This gets overlooked so often
TNC is ,politics aside, still a shit game and clearly worse than TNO in so many aspects
It's 2017
"Bash the fash" is at its peak as the left seems convinced America is under control by nazis
Suddenly a marketing campaign launches with the line "Make America Nazi-Free Again"
Why exactly use the words "Make America --- Again"?
are you just completely oblivious of the current political climate in the US?
Calling Trump supporters "Nazi" is a very common and widely spread practice in the US nowadays.
Because dumbasses like you fall for it and get pissy and whabam. Free publicity
Don't forget the fat shaming.
They took a frightening and ruthless opponent which possessed super-tech and made them comically bad and blatantly stupid just to make a political statement. And then they turned on their supporters saying shit like "incels hate it because it is about killing Nazis." NO. We hate it because you painted white people to look like idiots and black people / jews to look like saviors. Which is the opposite in reality.
Fuck you swede cucks.
>Allows for absolute carnage and ignore stealth entirely
>Competent levels that flow with almost no interruptions
>Fun and diverse weaponry
>Doesn't halve the health points for half of the game
>Perks are useful
>Villans are actually entertaining and instantly hatable, unlike Frau which was just an annoying bitch
>Commanders are in plain sight if you just want to deal with them asap
>Hard modes aren't horseshit unfair
>Enough story to invest you but never at the expense of the gameplay
>All cinematics are to the point and don't drag for an eternity, or just skip them instantly
>Double barrel shotgun
>Energetic soundtrack
>Good ending theme
>Basically at times an updated RTCW with a fuckton of homages and nods at it, from occultism to magic shit
RTCW is still the best Wolf game but considering this was a thing from the same devs I find no excuse to how they dropped the ball so fucking hard on TNC.
I'm just mad that the new cast is all absolutely, completely unlikable garbage.
Not one of them is endearing, they're all just obnoxious and oddly racist and stereotypical as fuck.
They even ruined BJ and Anya's characterizations.
Only Max Hass remained unfucked.
The bourgeoisie has always been the main voting block for Nazis
Zeitgeist still linked it with Trump, claiming otherwise is being purposefully obtuse
Here's your ebony porn bro
>Why exactly use the words "Make America --- Again"?
Because the game is set in America and someone just happened to make that phrase come up in the news a lot for some reason around that time
No, really, try to make a logical argument instead of this game of free association.
So you do understand it associates Trump with Nazis? Why the fuck did you pretend you didn't get it then, retard?
Not the same guy. Just pointing it out.
maybe all the competent people got fired after OB
>make a logical argument
>"b-but that doesn't count!!"
lmao @u trying to argue like everything happens in a vacuum
There are actually a lot of good looking black people out there, it's American black people that have become more inbred compared to the larger part. Go to Zambia or Nigeria to see what I mean.
The only downside is increased STDs
It associates Trump with fighting Nazis, if anything. Which really makes it obvious that they didn't really mean anything more by it than just using a well-known slogan.
>The bourgeoisie has always been the main voting block for Nazis
And the worst part is that I bet you believe yourself.
That's just false
Even the party anthem makes this obvious
We are the army of the swastika,
Raise high the red flags!
For the German labour we want,
to clear the path to freedom!
Brought to fight, your servants of the machines.
Now the slave colony is made a front.
Do you not hear the voice of your conscience,
the storm that screams into your ears?
Yes, upwards, towards the sun.
With us comes the new era.
When all others give up, with clenched fists,
we're ready for the worst!
And higher and higher and higher,
we climb despite hatred and bans.
And every SA man shouts boldly: "Heil Hitler!"
We overthrow the Jewish throne
I really doubt they're doing it purely from a financial perspective, user.
It seems pretty obvious they drank the kool-aid.
They really are so different TNO basically near the end is almost implying a Quake Wolfenstein connection. Which is cool.
With the proto-strogg-like cyberman boss.
Its got that fight an evil future that transcends the whole nazis theme. Since skull face is basically leaving humanity behind.
Yup, to boycott and harm game sales. TNC got subliminal publicity alright, a mediocre corridor shooter that's two steps back from its predecessor and rides the wave of "shock" marketing. Great job on that one they did.
Have you even history bro? When the NacSoc party won the seats back in the early 30's the main support came from middle to low classes, as loathable as the fuckers were they did help the average worker who was unhappy with the Weimar republic.
It associates Trump supporters with Nazis, dipshit. Did you even play the game?
>trump inc owns bethesda
Not that both Mussolini and Hitler came out from socialist parties which were too focused in internationalism instead of their people
TNO was actually a fun video game that didn't beat you over the head with its political/ideological message every five minutes or have a half hour long cutscene with Hitler puking and shitting himself
Stop trying to lump in socialism with fascism.
>Because the game is set in America and someone just happened to make that phrase come up in the news a lot for some reason around that time
Yeah, it's just happened by coincidence that this coincided with the left clamoring for purging america of "nazis" at the time as they were scared Russians and nazis were controlling the nation
>education of the average SJW
You know it's funny, if your goal is to make me hate Nazis, maybe you should make the villains all evil and shit and hateable, instead of giving me 20 minutes of an old man with dementia.
Stop pretending socialism isn't just as totalitarian as fascism
It's beyond hilarious how far they went when you start making the full list of PC bullshit they bundled up with the game.
>shoot this dog cuz i'm white and evil
>nazi dad left jewish mom
>look at this fat shaming nazi disowning her daughter
>whites portrayed as racist, nazis, inbred or cucks
>black guy having sex with white woman
>blacks still fighting the nazis while whites surrendered
>DLC 1: play as strong black man
>DLC 2: play as strong white woman
>tagline "make america nazi free again."
Compare that to the previous Wolfenstein game?
>don't need to mention nazis are evil, we fucking know
>look they took over the world
>they have super tech
>this is going to be an uphill battle
>let's do this
Aaaaaaand Wolf 2 again:
You're just repeating yourself now instead of addressing anything and I guarantee you that Trump is not references within the game itself.
socialism is just an excuse for fascism
Wolf2 sold about as well as the first did. So I guess it didn't backfire that much.
I feel like if you really think MG thought voting for Trump would turn America into the pseudo-Dieselpunk W2 world with Holocausts mechs, you might be drinking the kool-aid
Right, bourgeois concerns. Socialism is well and good but what about MY backyard, hmmm?
The whole hate your parents because they are evil hwhite nazis is basically classic swedish leftwing indoctrination.
Its how you can tell they have serious dumb swedish feminists and their thralls working on it.
I assure you Wolfenstein did not suddenly decide to make Nazis the enemy after Charlottesville
Why the fuck are swedes the most terrified and furious about anything resembling nazis, they were fucking neutral during the war and didn't do shit for or against the nazis. They act like they have the most to atone for despite having literally nothing to do with it
>single white guy says nigger
Also you act like white people never did shit like this back then.
They also seemingly retconned B.J's backstory, none of his reminiscing in New Order seems to imply the hellish family situation we're shown in the sequel
>Holy fucking shit, this is eye opening. This explains the complete and total disappearance of the soldier man from American media.
The soldier man is still there, Israel always needs more blood to spill
literally because they are contrarians and brainwashed
This isn't about the nazis, this is specifically about using a topical political slogan linked to a candidate half the country was hollering was a nazi
It's fucking baffling, it's like if Ireland suddenly started flooding itself with africans and muslims and preaching against the evils of irish traditions and irish history to atone for their evil nazi past
one of the first footholds of modern leftism
But not Wolfenstein. You're just trying desperately to put words in their mouth.
Did you just completely ignore everything about the marketing campaign?
What's baffling is how the propaganda during WW2 wasn't this huge. Even the most loyal German citizens knew something was wrong on the Eastern front around 1943 despite the Nazi's best efforts to say otherwise.
But people today are literally brainwashed so much, they are having their balls chopped off for a sex change operation, adopting other people's abandoned kids, and letting anyone into the country cuz it's mean otherwise.
Imagine having to be the VA and say these awful lines.
swedes and nordics are obsessed with virtue signalling.
They think its the path to being more successful than Anglos.
Rather than you know being productive.
No, I'm just not reading anything into it that's not actually there.
its literally only swedes that are this retarded
the other nordic countries are passive about it at best
I don't condone race mixing of any kind, but it's funny seeing this sort of stuff.
Finns and icelanders don't seem to care about it at all and norwegians seem kind of iffy on the whole thing, it's mostly swedes and danes as far as I can tell
Why you have to talk about shitty boring politics?
>effort to remove the entire Japanese population from the face of the earth
I thought only racists were supposed to care about the preservation of ethnic groups, while good people were supposed to view all humans as interchangeable.
they are all the same
The funniest thing about all this is that as much as they constantly push the stupid bbc cuck shit and the idea that white men are fragile manbabies furious about their women being stolen, literally nobody in the world gets more fucking shitblasted and pissed off over their women being stolen than black men. They get so unbelievably fucking mad about it
>Sold about as well.
You got any numbers to back that up?
>Trump would turn America into the pseudo-Dieselpunk W2 world with Holocausts mechs, you might be drinking the kool-aid
Dat bait tho.
Admit you have shitty genes so your afraid of race mixing.
You're supposed to get mad about it.
im from denmark and we literally banned the burqa through loop holes just to spite muslims
if muslims and immigrants have wedding rings and other riches at our border we take it away
we are in the process of building a facility on on island for muslims with a curfew
i genuinely hope your kids turn out like this
Nah, I just think we should all preserve our ethnic identities and culture. Mixing between similar ethnic groups, like say Polish and Czechs, or Serbs and Croats, is fine, but otherwise you're just degrading the family tree.
No shit, but they're the biggest hypocrites about it by far. Black men are fucking obsessed with white women and they point and laugh uproariously whenever a white girl fucks a black guy, but when a white guy fucks a black girl they throw the biggest fucking shitfit toddler tantrums I've ever seen
Good luck with pretending that
Nah, they genuinely just die if you ignore them.
This user figured it out
t /pol/ cuck
58% and your whole american gene pool sucks
Only real way to remove all niggers from this planet is breed them out of existence. But ofc poltards like you know nothing about race.
There was a big shift in presentation too that bothered me more than the ham fisted wokeness. In tno, the nazis were sinister and threatening, they had such advanced tech, the allies knew things were grim and chances were slim, Deaths Head was pure evil and a mastermind.
The nazis are comical fuckwits who are presented as bumbling morons yet are supposed to be taken seriously. Colony on venus (I think it was) were one of the most wanted men is able to be in a room with Hitler, an incontinent demented old coot. Then you have the strong pregnant woman blasting elite nazi troopers while naked and covered in blood.
It takes zero pretending. It's the easiest stance to have. You're the one having to go through mental gymnastics.
this explains all the melted cheese people you see in pictures of america
You're supposed to be hypocrites about it too. Only a dumb cuck would be okay with other men taking his women just because he takes theirs.
Yes in America but we don't see that in Europe. I guess race mixing did pay up after all. Enjoy your mutts and cut foreskins.
technology has improved thousandfold and propaganda with it
I don't go to /pol/, so your attempt at insulting me is pointless.
>your whole american gene
I'm not American though.
>breed them out of existence
There's a lot more of them than there are of you so good luck with that.
To add, they got the tone right in tno. They were oppressive, you could see how they took over and stomped out any resistance, they were evil and sinister done right
Ham fisted bafoons
>actual niggercel
>It takes zero pretending. It's the easiest stance to have.
tits fake, ass probably fake too and either way is way too big
>seen as nothing but jerkbait for random strangers online
yeah whatever
If every white man would do their duty and breed their share it would happen but here you are fapping to cuck porn and traps.
deport all blacks to africa
t fagot
Meesa Jar Jar Binks.
Make America free of this retard again
I'm not white, I'm a mulatto and I fuck white girls.
fake beauty is not good my friend
I will give them points for the Venus colony. That's badass as fuck. I love alternate history where the Nazis developed super tech and go on to do crazy scifi shit like moon or Venus colony. I wanna see more of that in games..... but lmao @ demented Hitler. Why the fuck is he even living there? Even by their logic, it doesn't make any sense.
Or you're supposed to just not fuck outside your race in the first place, the key difference is that black men are completely obsessed with white women while white men really aren't all that interested in black women
Black girls are so hot haha I am going to find the nearest available one and have a child with it!!
Yeah you do fucking nigger. No women want to fuck you.
Wow, did you just call Trump a retard? Are you saying I'm Trump? You're using his slogan, after all!
What possesses people to larp like this on the internet? You don't fuck anyone
Face is way too apeish, I look at that girl and think of gorillas at the zoo
But yeah, rock hard tits/ass and plastic surgery scars are not attractive whatsoever especially on black girls
what the fuck, only the japanese ones are cute.
That's the most gay virgin comment i heard whole day.
I've noticed these examples always have non negroid prognathism
I dig the tech elements, and the venus colony was pretty cool, but yeah, that whole part felt really painful and cringey. We get it, Hitler was a bad person, but that scene was just lazy shit.
>when niggers post "attractive" blacks and its just some slav girl with a tan
ugliest dumbest race
this racist bs is stupid. whites are the most endogamous group in the world.
Do you know why? Because
As long as you don't breed with them (and produce mongrel niglets like Obama) using them for sex is fine.
yeah if only the japanese could make irl black females look like that too maybe they wouldn't all be so smelly and loud and disgusting
I only just found out this was supposed to be a kid and not a fifty year old woman.
>pretends to be a nigger on the internet to btfo whitey
>says others are seething
>During colonial era White plantation owners breed their black slaves so they would only produce white children.
I'm quoting Reagan obviously, why would you assume my quote has anything to do with current zeitgeist?
>There were fine people at the rally
>This is not them
>These are the Nazis
Makes perfect sense to me
>You got any numbers to back that up?
If you go by Steam DB (so only for the PC version), initial sales and player counts were about on par with TNO's launch and have stayed pretty consistent since. TNO was never a major seller and it took years and several price drops to get where it is now.
Apparently on the console side (according to everyone's favorite VG Chartz) it's first week sales were only 150k behind TNO's launch but that can easily be chalked up to launching the same day as Mario and AssCreed
VGChartz has current total console sales of TNC at 1.4mil while TNO at 1.61m
It worked out so well too
No faggot, I'm both black and white. The end result of all the retarded fetishizing that's going on in this thread. I also fuck black girl if that makes you feel any better.
So it's Reagan you're calling a retard then?
>No faggot, I'm both black and white
No, you're neither. Black people will never accept you as black and white people will never accept you as white
Seems like mono white breeding was also great success!
Both can be persuaded to see me as either when I need them to.
No no, let's talk more about why you immediately went for Trump instead
No they can't, and they never will
no they cant
nature prevents them
they only accept you due to the law preventing them from clubbing your brains out for being different
socialism+fascism is the best system as long as you don't have autists like Hitler who want to invade other European countries in charge.
>posting nigger characters in anime that lack negroid features
also chloe is tanned, not black
Why, what does that matter, surely you can see you'd have to be a complete buffoon either way to think that you are somehow calling the originator of a slogan retarded and associating him with me, whoever you took it from? Or did my intentional retard logic actually appeal to you? To be fair, it was yours, just recontextualised.
i need a ebony godess to impregnate
That's them falling for the same trap America did, but as long as you're not a sub 100 IQ mutt it's a personal success
Naive little fags. If you can convince people that chopping off your dick is normal then you can convince people of anything.
>Both can be persuaded to see me as either when I need them to.
google - the Haitian revolution and see what happened to the mulattos.
You can even hear it in the rap songs ''light skinned nigga'' a nigga,but not really a nigga.
Yeah in a place where whites outnumbered blacks 1000 to 1 and already had sky high birth rates. In America with already extremely low white birth rates this is a recipe for Brazil.
Yeah not shit sherlock so take your duty and raise your children well.
Why the fuck did she suddenly take over when she walked onto the sub? Made zero fucking sense other than wokeness. Apparently some crackhead sheboon is better at coordinating and leading than veterans and the people who actually did all the work in wrecking the nazi's shit in tno
See, you don't even realize why it matters, no wonder you're incapable of puting two and two together.
When you hear the words "Make America --- again" you immediately think Trump, same way at the time Trump and most of his supporters were being accused of being Nazis, once your advertising campaign starts the whole "Make America Nazi Free Again" and "These are not fine people" it's not difficult to put two and two together unless you're willfully retarding yourself
The Ass Creed girl and Deus Ex cyborg at the bottom are cute western designs
Soon the White man will breed the nigger out of the coon.
nobody likes darkskinned people
Nobody is actually convinced that chopping off their dicks is normal, they just keep chanting it over and over as a mantra so they never have to think about how fucking retarded it is, just like people do with halfbreeds like you. Nobody actually thinks you're normal, they just pretend to so they don't seem racist
>wahhh some twitter queen is calling me a nazi again
when will trumptards stop being so damn vulnerable?
Wolf 2 sold poorly on PC:
Wolfenstein: The New Order – 1,819,928
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood – 600,610
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – 549,457
Sweden got rich from it's low population and huge amount of natural resources and attracted all the greedy communists and jews from the other Scandinavian countries in the 60s and onwards. This accelerated the rot compared to their neighbours.
You're forgetting that that particular event DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN IN THE FERGUS TIMELINE.
It was completely optional. I didn't like it when I played it, until the end when it was resolved, wish J had gone out like less of a bitch though.
Nice try, but I wasn't the one acting retarded by making the suggestion that the advertisers are trying to make a connection.
It's stupid, and the left acted stupid by pretending there wasn't anything political about it
Do you see this the problem of /pol/ cucks
>hurr durr niggers everywhere
Yeah just live in your mom's basement as a virgin incel. You will literally remove yourself from the white gene pool.
I believe you're not following the argument. I already admitted ages ago that they chose the slogan because it was current - not because of Ronald Reagan. I just said there was no logical connection between that and calling him a Nazi beyond an exercise in free association from butthurt Trump supporter who are too eager to take offence and play the victim. And you just provided me with the perfect example by using the slogan "make America free of this retard again", because surely even you can see that there is no way anyone could construe that as calling Trump retarded, or saying Trump is me, or really any other way of connecting it in such a way that it's actually an insult of Trump and his supporters. There is no logical way. Even though both Trump and his supporters have been called retards numerous times. And it's the exact same way with the marketing slogan.
if we all lived only with our own race we'd be fine.
Incels are so easily triggered
Jeez, Jews really do ruin everything they touch.
I honestly don't think it was. I think their marketing dept. came up with whatever strategy they thought would bring them the most exposure. That's a business decision, not a political one.
You don't fuck anybody unless you drug and rape them because this is what black/white male mutts look like irl
Again you're acting stupid for the whole world to see by pretending that specifically the term nazi wasn't a hot button issue at the time. Does it not feel shameful to appear this ignorant?
wow this is hate speech. no. different races must be forced together against their will and all critics jailed in gulags.
you guys can't even define race
And it was a stupid one, TNO was a commercial failure and might have killed the series, it sold worse than the standalone expansion for the last title. Also not all marketing campaigns are purely business decisions, ask yourself how financially sound it was for Gillette to attack its core market
Your dick game better be on point because black women don't fuck with no little dicks. Nordic mens have been blacklisted by black beauties cuz little dick.
But there is still no logical way to construe that slogan as calling Trump a Nazi. Your entire argument is that the word Nazi in proximity to something Trump-related triggered you.
Seeing how much exposure that campaign got them, I think they count that one as a success.
biggest dicks in the world are white. lil nigger.
success breeds jealousy
I thought the french had the biggest dicks
Ive seen more examples of the other way around. Black women get butt devastated at black guys getting women from other races. The sad thing is, that the best of black people (the ones that dont act like nigs) end up getting alienated by their own race out of jealousy, and they naturally end up identifying more with other races.
>seen that thread spammed so many times I understand this post
did they really need to add a noisy coon stereotype as BJs child hood sweet heart.
No wonder BJ married a slav.
>all this cherrypicking
Thing I never understood:
>caucasoid references region
>mongoloid references region
>negroid references skin color
How retarded. Also, not all blacks look like bantus or amerimutts.
Why do you spam the same pictures in every thread my dude?
>using porn as a basis for reality
>dating statistics
/pol/fags really are retarded.
Can we also remember that they fucked the weapon selection, perk tree, alternate fires and dual wielding?
I've seen some people say "congoid" instead.
>sierra leone
What makes you think its only one person?
Wait but he's white
The Nazis considered tall, blue-eyed, blonde-haired people to be the ideal to strive towards. Of course, since the Nazis are the ultimate evil you have to strive toward their polar opposite to be considered the ultimate good.
Why dont conservatards make videogames?
Are they too dumb?
fucking yikes
You're the one who appear rustled by pretending there's nothing there
>says nordic mens have been blacklisted
>brainlet post tumblr post, most of which more than likely created by white IR fetish lovers
I never said anything about Black women not liking white men dummy.
However if Black women DID have a fetish towards white men? majority med white dudes are their common preference of white.
He's a Jew.
Don't they realize that it looks like a caricature of early 20th century?
i hear you my dude
but i feel this is the wrong thread for talking about these kind of things
Read up about the (((bonnier))) family that controls Sweden's media
Jews are still white.
So you haven't dumped the same pictures in other threads when the topic of black people comes up?
You saved pictures other anons posted and started dumping them yourself, it's like a virus.
Aren't they starting to do just that?
literally not how that works
religious kikes are only kikes if their mother is a kike, and diaspora kikes are still closer to muslims than whitey
Basically, they fucked everything. Levels, setting, plot, characters, weapons, gameplay, political bullshit.
They didn't just screw the pooch. They screwed the pooch seven ways to Sunday.
Right? like how insecure does someone have to be to do that.
Based as fuck
t /pol/tard
That means literally nothing, doofus
You should try the original Halo trilogy, Martin O'Donnell got squeezed out of the industry for being conservative
Notch is a legitimate Q user tard
Jonah Falcon etc.
Niggers are shrimp dicks.
Jews themselves only call themselves white when keeping a low profile
>console baby game
>literal baby lego game
Conservatards are reallly dumb.
Reminder that when black women say "I like white men", this is what they mean. Not you. Never you.
That guy isnt white, he is mixed race.
They went broke though, TNC is also easily the worst Wolfenstein game when it comes to both gameplay and story
thats me though
i hate to break it to you, but when anyone says anything about anyone ever they always mean the most extreme example, and that's especially so for women who go for the top 9/10s and 10/10s at a rate of, what was it, 97-ish percent?
look up Fassbender's girlfriends
If the color of the skin is the only difference between humans, then why do they always have to hire some native african people for voice acting with their clearly african way of speaking?
That girl is > 50% white
/pol/ has kicked jews and all white groups starting from Bavaria/Southern France and below and every white with brown eyes out of whiteness. Thus, Zoe Saldana, is actually not with a white man, but a non-white. So technically it's not a WMBF relationship, /pol/ said.
You would play a "woke" game then like TNC even though the gameplay is the worst in the series and a terrible PC port? If not there'a always Gone Home and Firewatch if you want more wokeness
I didn't it looked bad. lmao
Conservatards still cant make games though.
The identity of a criminal should not make a crime any more or less worse. His point still stands.
They're white when it's beneficial to be white and Jews when it's beneficial to not be white.
>and they've always had great difficult gameplay
we are talking about Wolfenstein: TNC here right? That game has worse AI than fucking Atari ET, wehrmacht will wait a full minute before even thinking about shooting you
literally none of you fucking retards actually replied about the quote saying wolfenstein was originally about how cool nazis were and now its about they are bad
>shitting everywhere
I find this one specially ironic, pretty much every enlightened redditor uses rural communities as they go-to insult, meanwhile their hive cities of diversity and tolerance cannot handle basic things like having their citizens not shitting on the streets
Only financially successful ones I'm afraid
But theres thousands of far more financially successful EBIL LIBRUL games. And the 2 games you mentioned, halo and minecraft, are owned currently by EBIL LIBRULs
Even I'd fuck him.
Trump's brother is in Zenimax's directory.
Does that count? He partially own the company that made Wolfenstein 2.
This is awesome
>shitty attempt to derail the thread from trannies
Didnt know trump had a brother. Did his brother not get a small loan of 1 million dollarsactually it was 400,000,000 dollars to start his own game company?
Enemies are usually better when there's a coolness factor to them, that's why people loved the original Empire in star wars and dislike the first order. Wolfenstein fell in the same trap and in Wolfenstein II the face of the nazis is a bumbling old woman you defeat with one button press in a quick time event
Just find yourself a gal within your tier.
Yeah, and now they're no longer popular icons, I'm sensing a pattern
I refuse.
Yes, any real American should be fucking pissed at the corruption and mockery of the constitution.
No more like, they're white when it's beneficial for other white peope to use them in arguements. You do the same thing with Italians, Greeks and any other group. When you want to claim Roman and Ancient Greek achievements or the Renaissance. Their contributions to western culture opera, classical music, art, architecture or whatever, suddedly they're one of you. Any other time, you shit talk them.
yep, definitely in love with the egypt girl
So what is the point of starting the threads saying you're not a nazi and then being a nazi
like this guy says all nazis are bad and then since he's messing with the "tiptoeing around and gish galloping tactics" you have your nazi giving him death threats so what's the point of pretending in the first place?
Ohhh god, You can taste his suffering.
But they are extremely popular...
>Minecraft had 74 million active players in December, a new record for the game
Conservatards have literally 0 facts to back up what they say.
Sounds like you got personal issues
>Those disgusting piss colored sclera
At least they were anatomically correct in their presentation of the modern pavement ape
>le /pol/ face
the nazis were never supposed to be cool in wolfenstein you utter retard who has literally never played a video game in his life
We were. Which is why we elected trump. You’re welcome citizen. We’ll do it again really soon too. No need to thank me.
That’s what the developers said
No, just calling out white hypocrisy lol
Married one of the ugliest rappers in the industry and still got cucked by a 6/10 literally who white girl.
Race mixing actually produces healthier children and black women/white male pairings have the lowest divorce rate of all. I really don't get this /pol/ ideology.
See how obnoxious conservatards are? They are the worst people on earth.
Rockstar found an n-word pass loophole
way to shift the goal post you double nigger
of course big publishers who acquire game titles, studios, licensing etc are not going to be conservatives due to how they all converge on SF and other similar shitib hives
the creators themselves dont, you mentioned minecraft so is notch a liberal now?
Still, even with stabilished franchises when these politically motivated cunts start to insert their little agendas you get walking dead the animated comic or trashed franchises like DA:I and Andromeda
No no no, limit the gene pool and inbreed to have healthy babies.
1/10 bait nobody who posts here can be this retarded
You're the one who obviously never played any of the old Wolfenstein games
You guys remember Wolfenstein back when the nazis had leather wearing big tittied female soldiers?
>He belives the half-breed vigor propaganda.
Hope you realize it was first proposed by an angry Half Asian.
minecraft is owned by microsoft. Notch is a fat fuck who made a shitty card game that failed iirc.
When you go on /pol/ and you see "Is (European country) white?" threads it's just shitposting and memes and bantz.
Cities are expensive to live in so there's a lot of homelessness. And all the businesses prevent you from using their bathrooms unless you buy something in order to keep the homeless away. So the homeless shit in public because they have no other option.
Rural communities don't have this problem because they're cheap to live in, the businesses won't care if a single homeless guy shits in their toilets, and even if they do, the homeless people can just shit in the woods or something.
Post said milkers.
There's your problem, mixed with an Asian. Should've been black.
>taking ANYTHING on Yea Forums seriously
user, why?
Halo 5 still ended up as the worst selling mainline title, there's a good reason it has lost its status as a popular icon
Halo 1, 2, 3 = Soul
Halo 4, 5 = Soulless
absolutely based
upboted and golded
Give article to back up your claim.
All of them were soulless consolebaby trash.
>someone took the time to make this garbage
You mud creatures all look the same, a great vast brown puddle of utter mediocrity
>not knowing there are blacks in all these countries.
You could have easily googled this
I'd love to see what you look like, lmao.
>arguing with /pol/
The more (you)s they get the more they're rewarded for straying outside of their containment board, if you don't understand this by now you should lurk more. Threads like this are for letting them sperg out into a vacuum where it does no harm and posting hot black chicks.
Why would I look up someone elses claim? Dumb faggot. I clicked the source on the wiki you linked and its a twitter from 2016 that some random faggot says 5+ million. Which is more than at least 2 other halo titles. And it obviously larger by now, and does that number include digital sales? Whats the number in 2019?
Fuck off retard.
>arguing with Reddit
The more (you)s they get the more they're rewarded for straying outside of their containment website, if you don't understand this by now you should lurk more. Threads like this are for letting them sperg out into a vacuum where it does no harm and posting hot black chicks.
>Loved TNO
>Bought TNC on day 1
>Knew the FUCK NAZIS and Orange Man Bad stuff was just Bethesda's shit tier PR
>Just expected a fun violent FPS with great writing and a really good addition to the
NuStein story
>Mfw the gunplay felt weaker, the difficulty was fucked and unfun and the level design was greatly lacking
>Mfw the story while full of good moments and interesting new characters (Grace lesser so but there's something there) was overwall underwhelming and did miss a lot of potential
>Everything with BJ's dad was ham fisted
>That fucking terrible precum ending with a terrible cover of Twisted Sister
and the absolute worst part, the part that makes it unbearable.
>Can't discuss any of this seriously on Yea Forums
Lol, comparing Halo 5 with Halo Wars just to make the situation less grim.
Halo 5 couldn't even outsell Halo ODST
>fake tits
>fake ass
>a few pounds of makeup on face
Great example, virgin.
Always knew redit was full of pedophiles
According to some random person on twitter in 2016...
Conservatards believe anything.
You're the minority which is why you have to ban everyone who disagree with your minority opinion to preserve your fragile illusion of consensus.
>accuses other people of cherrypicking
>proceeds to cherrypick
>"An' den, an' den masha' gave us all watermelon! He also let meh pick out a colorful bowh! I shure do love masha'!"
You did play on I am death incarnate!, right?
You gotta fight fire with fire. When my house caught on fire, firefighters came and started lobbing molotov coctails at my house.
But remember, the nazis were never portrayed as anything remotely cool
I hate nazis but even when i was a wee little faggot, i thought they were cool. Still gotta admire the tank, plane, and gun designs. Even though I wish I coulda murdred them and burnt their cities.
i understand what they're trying to say but wow they could have just been less weird
They don't want to. Best example of a really hot black girl in games is Shinobu, and she's playable in NMH 2 and Travis Strikes Again, but good luck finding a single person who has even slight feminist leanings who knows who she is.
Halo was xbox flagship, their console seller
you acting with disdain just show how shitty their current deliveries have been
what the fuck
is that an actual name
Oh gee yes the one guy who made several claims but no actual proof. Not to mention one guy doesn't represent the whole of people. But chill out whitie. I'm aware of some gifted whities, I have seen that italianjocks blog posted in the other thread. You penis is secure. But I must say it is hilarious getting so many white dudes supe upset about black penises on the internet considering it was your own people whom in the first contact with black people claimed they all had humongous dongers, and compared with animals because of it. You mad about a stereotype your own people observed in blacks heh
Christ. How unhinged do you need to be to type this?
My fucking R key I swear to god.
I act with disdain because it was yet another game that moved to console for monetary reasons.
I was a 12ish year old PC faggot at the time that watched the E3 trailer and creamed my pants in anticipation for a PC release since at the time it was supposedly gonna be some MMO fps game. But it was a shitty consolebaby game. I rented an Xbox for the weekend when it came out and played through it once, went back to PC.
Never EVER doubt the retarded names black people give their kids
How do I get a black gf bros?
You’ve clearly never played wolfenstein then.
Less unhinged than /pol/ who say it unironically thousands of times a day for several years. Pressing shift aint to hard look.
All I got from this was
>muh dik ooga booga
By democrats. I agree.
why would they get mad over it? black mutt babies look black as hell, it's white and asian people that should be worried, when I see a white woman w some mulatto kid its so obvious that in the back of her mind she knows he/she looks nothing like her, it's actually sad
>white people are one person
Ok retard
Tell me what the democrats did to make a mockery of the constitution?
Because the only mockery they made is continuing Republican era policies such as spying, torture, war, corporate personhood, etc.
Hispanics would be the healthiest children on the planet.
They're not.
Now grow up and stop posting your asinine opinions forever. Faggot.
I think that's just you projecting
Because of the conditions of their countries, not because of their race.
aim for the non-guetto ones
pretty much every nerdy black girl has a white bf
both retards
your team sucks, be sure to pay your taxes directly to israel tho
I just call it like I see it, in my country gypsies celebrate every time one of their kids is born whiter than the rest, whiteness is a sign of success and purity in the uh... challenged races, why would they be against it? white genes just end up making blacks more attractive, for whites they just end up making them less, and look nothing like the white parent
Hundreds of millions of people is not “inbreeding.” Besides, Africans and Arabs have the highest rates of consanguinity on the planet. Your child with them would unironically be less genetically diverse than one you’d have with another white person.
>white dudes
>mad at darkies
>for living in a stereotype
>white people placed on them in the first place
They're democracies, they chose their own condition.
Ok, Bubbuh, keep fucking your sister, i mean mother. Save the white race.
need a source on this image because i don't believe it for a second
there's no way americans arent inbred
all of them
I'm still just getting animal noises
>Also you act like white people never did shit like this back then.
And blacks were the ones that sold their fellow blacks to the whites, why aren't they demonized?
The conditions of the country are because of the low IQ stemming from a majority black/indigenous population.
What scientific evidence do you have to prove your statement though? There is plenty of studies showing mixed-race people have identity issues that lead to stress which leads to a bunch of other health problems.
Most of that in Africa is thanks to muslims and North Africans.
I have never seen that typed before in my entire life. You sound really stupid.
oh and you can see this in every majority mutt country, in SA and mexico all the soap operas have super white actors, turkey too, middle east too, it's actually ridiculous, google turkish soap opera casts, every char specially the women look more european than the average french, I hear angry leftist latinos complain about this all the time, whiteness is and always will be idealized, so I don't see why black people would be against race mixing, it only helps them, only one it's bad for is whiteys
>hehe my memes won't align with statistical reality but I'm gonna keep saying them anyway xdd
Holy shit
banning off topic posts isnt banning someone because theyre disagreeing, its banning because its bringing conversation that already has its place
same way off topic on /pol/ is banned
Keep inbreeding with your family Cletus.
>I have never seen that typed before
ok newpal
what hope did trashone have
But I don't. In fact, >99% of America doesn't. Didn't you see the chart? Do you know how to read a chart?
An unsourced color inbetween the lines chart?
Ya I've seen a lot of maymay propaganda posted with no basis in reality.
wow turns out third world countries filled with rape, child brides and arranged counsin marriages are prone to inbreeding, who would have guessed
i cant believe this either Ahmed
forgot to mention india, look at average bollywood casts and tell me that's how the average indian on the street looks like (in swarthiness level), lmao
Africa has the highest rate of inbreeding in the world, followed by arabs and indians.
white people tend to inbreed the LEAST. Funny eh? Fucking retard.
>I must admit that when I first volunteered to review Consanguinity in Context, I had confused consanguinity with ex-sanguinity. Expecting a book about porphyria, rabies, and other possible sources of vampire myths,
This guy seems real credible! HAHAHAH that chart isnt even on that website you linked.
Democrats are responsible for the erosion of numerous constitutional rights. The right to freedom of association, for example, has been shat all over by “civil rights” loons who force people to provide them services at the threat of state violence (gay wedding cake nonsense). Not to mention the incessant attempt at repealing the right to bear arms, which was, by the founders’ own admissions, one of the most neccessary rights for the preservation of a free state.
I could go on for hours, but you’re clearly a brainwashed moron who thinks le evil republicans invented war and spying or something.
Holy fuck of course you bring up the wedding cake meme story.
And "preservation of a free state." means you utterly failed to use the 2nd amendment to protect the rights of a free state.
The source is right there on the bottom right of the image.
Romeo G, Bittles A, H: Consanguinity in the Contemporary World. Hum Hered 2014;77:6-9. doi: 10.1159/000363352
I suggest people on this thread look up /r/trufemcels/ for a fun read, it's all ugly black women complaining that no men want "ethnic" looking women, lmao
/pol/ is great fun. I can't wait to see /pol/ after March 8th when Captain Marvel comes out and hits a billion. It's going to be another incel cry fest like it was with Black Panther. The next few weeks are gonna be good fun on /pol/
Been here longer than you.
Race mixing is great
>after March 8th when Captain Marvel comes out and hits a billion.
projected numbers are as low as 80 mil
Keep watching netflix you stupid faggot.
You people are so kiked up it is incredible.
Have you ever visited the USA? Ever visit any of the 50 states? Black people in this country all say the same shit, but they are the all projecting their hideous nature. They take first place in everything wrong in this country: Obesity, Murder, Rape, Thievery, drug usage, welfare. Blacks will never amount to ANYTHING ever. They are an inferior race that is not capable of adjusting to a first world society.
Sure you have /pol/baby
/pol/ thread reaching bump limit.
You are scared of everyone and everything in the world. You will live your entire life in fear.
funny thing is blacks in america are still miles ahead of blacks anywhere else, sub-saharan average IQ is mid-70s at best, haiti is 67, black americans have 85 which isn't that bad in comparison, at least they can serve in the military well enough lmao
america is prob the best place in the world to be born black, when you think about it, yet they still complain about the country, baffling to me as a eastern euro slav
>thinking a capeshit film by marvel isn't going to bring in huge numbers
>thinking their first female hero movie isn't going to bring in huge numbers
>thinking a capeshit film with endgame lead up hype behind it isn't going to bring in huge numbers
Get ready for that BTFO, again.
>eastern euro slav
oof, sorry to hear that.
Fear? I live in NYC and I see these animal/human hybrids EVERY SINGLE DAY.
These people will never contribute to civilization.
They only know how to run, jump, and smack their fat lips.
When will you people admit you're the actual science deniers??
Shouldnt you be busy working in a coal mine and denying climate change?
I'll move to some midwestern US state if possible, it's like my life goal, nothing to achieve around here, and western europeans sicken me, I think americans in general are way closer to us eastern europeans mentality and testosterone wise than those western euro faggots are, I love wild west etc culture
Yes it's in the names of the parties. Republicans believe in conserving the constitution and the bill of rights while the democrats believe in majority rule and the destruction of equal rights under the law. Democrats measure progress in the amount of rights removed from the original founding documents of the constitutional republic. Of course the neocons have subverted the meaning of conservative to become some form of Zionist warmonger but that is luckily changing.