>Yea Forums worship Gaben
what happened?
Yea Forums worship Gaben
Other urls found in this thread:
Take Two.
Is there snuff?
Is it animated or stills?
>rape and murder
I should have just read, question still stands on the animation or stills though.
you talk like that is a bad thing
if you dont like rape just dont buy it, stop being a faggot
Should it be censored???
yes, they are removing the scene where you kill a baby.
Looks like a unity VN, so 99% chance it’s stills
Gaben was always like this, he just has a cult of personality that slowly slipped away over time.
Is there voice acting?
No, people should just not talk about it and not buy it if they don't want it.
what. the. fuck. I am not one telling other people what they can or can not do but thats fucked up. I have a feeling this game is secretly a FBI asset that is being used to put people on a watch list now.
Why is this Ok if it's a comic but a no-no if it's vidya?
>just look the other way bro the problem will go away
You need to be 18 to post here
Comcis have been driven to the ground a lot harder by sjw then vidya.
Control the choices of a menacing serial killer rapist during a zombie apocalypse. Verbally harass, kill, and rape women as you choose to progress the story.
It's a dangerous world with no laws. The zombies enjoy eating the flesh off warm humans and brutally raping them but you are the most dangerous rapist in town.
Rape Day is a choice driven visual novel. It does not include grinding or any other time wasting activities. So skip the foreplay and enjoy your Rape Day; you deserve it.
More than 500 images
Over 7 thousand Words
Evil Choices
>Keeps making the same thread and ban evading
Does your handler know you're on the Internet unsupervised?
amen brother
Mainstream comics, sure. Niche shit like this? Doubt
>literal (as in literally) rape simulator
>not a problem
Since no one has played the game yet, I thought I'd give a little description of the scene and my thought process here, for that specific scene. The scene is relatively minor to the story and optional depending on your choices.
Originally I had the zombie character holding a baby, because I thought it would be interesting, and I’ve seen this in other zombie stories. However, this presented a bit of a problem, because it is illegal to render a underage character in the presence of anything with sex or that is sexual. For this reason, the baby had to be removed before anything sexual could happen.
Realistically, it's not exactly just going to crawl away... so in the first draft of the story I was going to have the main character punt it out of the scene, but I’m not really sure how far you can kick a baby, so I settled on him running really far away and then drowning it and then coming back. To be extra safe I have him mash it up into pulp so it’s not really even a baby anymore. This however is not shown only described. I don’t particularly like blood, gore, bruising, scratches, etc. so none of this is shown in the game.
But anyways, I now realize my game highly offends some people so if it doesn't get approved for that reason I'll make it available from my website, and then still kick off the normal marketing plan that I had for the game, which I haven't started yet.
UPDATE 2/27/2019:
After consulting with the forums... some forums... somewhere... I've decided it's necessary to remove this scene.
While it doesn't actually qualify as "child exploitation", the vagueness in this term is enough for a banning campaign to be waged against my game for just this scene alone.
I do apologize to any one who wanted to see this scene. I'll do my best not to water this game down too much, and not make it like every other boring dreary monotonous slow moving visual novel.
she got greedy
Looks like a cool game. I will definitely check it out
pretty sure if some one says that they would NOT rape that fat blob they would be banned for it
Has it already been taken down? Even with a vpn I only get the normal front page when I search for it.
>We got this over Juicy Cherry Milf
Time to boycott this SJW trash
>rape simulator bad
>murder simulator good
>Realistically, it's not exactly just going to crawl away... so in the first draft of the story I was going to have the main character punt it out of the scene
Not the same thing at all retard
>rape is okay
>lolis are not
Every fucking time.
Which is ironic because I thought lefties live killing babies
>already bowing down to the sjw menace
Yeah, that's gonna be a no-buy from me.
I bet the forum was REsetera
Only unborn ones and those they can't influence.
>fiction is not the same thing as fiction
Might I suggest you see a therapist if you fear you are unable to differentiate fiction from reality? That is a serious issue. Please seek help before you hurt someone.
>implying they didn't threw this shit together in unity on a weekend
>simply to drag Vavle trough the muud even more then they already tried
You really need to get on their level.
furries rise up
>all fictions are the same
>capeshit fans pay to read this
>it is illegal to render a underage character in the presence of anything with sex or that is sexual
Where? Canada?
>virtual shit is not the same as other virtual shit
I hope you never fired on someone in a video game. Otherwise you deserve to be locked up.
>To be extra safe I have him mash it up into pulp so it’s not really even a baby anymore. This however is not shown only described. I don’t particularly like blood, gore, bruising, scratches, etc. so none of this is shown in the game.
VN games use their own engine, its actualy HARDER to make a VN on steam because you have to code shit instead of just throwing images and text to a engine already coded
>removing the scene where you kill a baby.
>TFW even Postal redux removed dead baby from credits pile
What went wrong?
UK for sure. They once arrested a dude for importing hentai boks.
based china saving us from valve's faggotry
>VN on steam
i meant unity