Why does Yea Forums like Leffen so much?

Why does Yea Forums like Leffen so much?

He's not a Melee god, and he's not even top 30 in Ultimate. What gives? At least Mango is a Melee god and a genuinely fun dude.

Attached: leffen6.jpg (2268x1692, 604K)

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Last evo melee champ btw xD

hes cute

Melee is dead

because he's not afraid of speaking his mind

because he talks alot of shit

He’s not one of the gods. He’s one of the godawful.

We don't though, leffen is an insufferable cunt

What? Are you a complete idiot or something?

90+% of Smash players aren't scared of speaking their mind, it's just that their minds aren't filled with retarded opinions and complaints. Stupid people like you fool themselves into believing Leffen "has balls" because he says stupid embarrassing shit all the time.

and other things you can tell yourself

Attached: 1005_-_RquH0Rt.jpg (828x1403, 289K)

Can you beat him in a 1v1?



he is a god tho

>Regularly shits on easily offended faggots
>Use to get banned for making fun of disabled people
>One of three former Melee gods who aren't faggots or washed up
>Knows how to play actual fighting games
>Left Smellee the moment it turned into bair garbage and a good game showed up in it's place
>Fast playstyle, never uses cheap characters
>Not entirely a void of charisma like 80% of other top players

Why wouldn't Yea Forums like Leffen

he triggers /pol/tards

He plays real fighting games.

He has the same mannerisms as my old friend Dylan who had Schizophrenia and killed himself at 26. Aka he's a faggot

t. idiot.

His best year in Melee isn't even as good as Mango or Mew2King's 3rd best years.

>One of three former Melee gods
Based retard.

but still better than 99.99% of every other player, and something no one outside of the top 6 ever accomplished.

You do not understand the lore, idiot. Stop talking about who is and isn't a god when you don't know shit.

I’m not lawful, so sure

Attached: A3D4D1AB-3794-4569-B273-79E9E24DDBE9.png (438x289, 141K)

He doesn't stink of shit.

His personality is fucking obnoxious. He doesn't deserve the spotlight. Fuck this faggot


For a variety of reasons.
If an E-celeb becomes popular on Yea Forums because he's a piece of shit that they hate, give it enough time and once it's set that Yea Forums hates him, then because hating him is the norm, a bunch of fucking retards are gonna start shilling him and pretend he's EPIC BASED because Yea Forumsirgins are fucking tools that must always say and do the opposite of the majority because they're afraid that agreeing with the norm makes them normies and they won't fit in with the anonymous strangers that they bait and shitpost with everyday.

Flip it with E-celebs that most people here enjoy and the same phenomenon occurs. After a few months to a few years, threads start popping up talking shit about them because you can't enjoy something everyone else enjoys because by the faggots on Yea Forums's standart thst makes you an NPC and God forbid you have your own taste and opinions if Yea Forums agrees or disagree with them.
That or they're genuine fans that got lost on their way to his reddit subspace or simply epic trolls who think it's still funny to pretend to be retarded in 2019

He sure is. He's getting BTFO so hard he can't help but laugh.


Attached: _M2K_.jpg (900x900, 60K)

He's no different than Salem

>"I can easily win Smash Ultimate tourneys"
>Gets dabbed on instantly



>Why does Yea Forums like Leffen so much?
he showers

>caring about the community 'lore' for a game where stinkmaxxing is a legitimate tactic


he's got a good character arc if you've been around. He went from the Gary Oak of smash to a tsundere mango homeboy.

Attached: 50247531_1862025380572964_5465465782467035136_n.jpg (480x640, 66K)

Again, you don't know anything, idiot.

>Left Smellee the moment it turned into bair garbage and a good game showed up in it's place

it's not better, it's just easier, that's why you like it better.

Honestly the term "Melee God" just isn't relevant anymore. Armada and PPMD are retired, Mang0 and M2K are washed up, Hungrybox is the only one at his prime right now. Leffen and Plup are definitely up there.

based chillinchad

I'll tell you what I know. Leffen is a current god along with Armada and Hungrybox.

PPMD and mew2king were never good. mew2king has never won a major and PPMD's peak year pales in comparison to Leffen's. The last time mango was good is legitimately over a decade ago, so he's clearly no longer a god.

I'll reiterate: the three gods of melee are currently Hungrybox, Leffen and Armada.

>I'll tell you what I know
Nothing, I know.

Leffen is a current god along with Armada and Hungrybox.

PPMD and mew2king were never good. mew2king has never won a major and PPMD's peak year pales in comparison to Leffen's. The last time mango was good is legitimately over a decade ago, so he's clearly no longer a god.

I'll reiterate: the three gods of melee are currently Hungrybox, Leffen and Armada.

what kind of mutt is this?

That's a Swede


The age of gods is over OP.
>ppmd retired
>armada retired
>m2k washed
>plup won genesis 5
>leffen #2 ssbmr
>amazing showings from axe and asma at G6

He used to be so extremely toxic, it was pure fun to watch.
Basically LTG but actually having some skill.

Which is why nobody can ever become a god anymore. The peak of Melee is over, Leffen could never achieve the same success as the gods in that period, so he will never achieve god status, ever.

Leffen is a drama queen and people like drama. He's even started shit with Sonicfox, who doesn't even plays or gives a shit about Smash.

I respect him more than other melee players, since he's FGC to some degree.
This means that he probably showers.

t. brainlet