Why was original xbox so scary?
Why was original xbox so scary?
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I wish more consoles or even PC had stuff like this. Now everything feels safe, sanitized and boring.
My little brother would run out the room when i started up the xbox and the logo stsrts up
It wasn't?
It's just a change in the menu music, that's all. What the fuck is "scary" about it? And after all, it is just a menu. How long are you seriously gonna be there for? Play some fucking vidya.
>Everything has to be standardized to work on phones
The smartphone killed menu aesthetics and no one can convince me otherwise
smartphones also killed the web design
it was a product of its time.
going for that bio-organic quasi cyber punk look that was almost waning past the zenith of its popularity at the time of release.
such a different time
Fuck off back to plebbit, you fag.
because they knew it was dogshit so they tried to scare you into buying a PS2
its not scary, you are just a pussy
It scared the shit out of me as a child, what the Disco are you doing playing video games as an adult you fucking bitch
They wanted it to sound futuristic and cutting edge compared to the competition. They also used sound clips from the NASA Apollo missions.
>Xbox was dogshit
said the pleb whose parents only let him have a Gamecube
It was scary in 2001 at night when you let your xbox idle on the menu screen and weird noises started coming from the tv. I know you weren't born at the time but use your imagination
The Xbox was supposed to be alien technology. In commercials, the X logo would break open like it was alive.
its ok to admit you were too stupid to draw a connection to the sound coming from the TV and the console being turned on.
No one will convince you otherwise because this is the objective truth.
Is school out or something what's wrong with you niggers today it seems worse than normal
All of the consoles that gen were "scary"
PS2 had this and Gamecube's settings/dashboard menu had that slightly unnerving theme. (I never had a Dreamcast so I'm sorry if there's nothing "scary" about it)