Laughs at a smaller community for not being as big as Melee

>laughs at a smaller community for not being as big as Melee
>calls the fgc sheeps
>WhY doEs EveRyOne hAte uS??????

why are meleefags so fucking retarded?

Attached: death_to_melee.png (802x868, 433K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why the fuck can't you idiots stop arguing and enjoy the fucking games?

That's really insightful, user, I've never thought about it like that.

>FGC despises melee
>pro player smugly states why
>Baah see this is why we baaaah hate you
lmaoing at your life evocucks

>get attacked by another community

Why does another community "attacking" you bother you? Just close your eyes.

I remember melee fags saying that Melee doesn't need Evo, that it is Evo that needs Melee.

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Where did the hair go?

Which group is the stinky group?

Melee is fucking old and uninteresting and I am excited it’s gone from EVO.

The FGC doesn't actually despise Melee itself. It despises the pretentious community. It makes no sense to shit on UNIST for not having as much community backing and also shitting on other EVO entrants for getting "paid" slots.

>Some faggot on the Internet that likes differente games than me told me my games are shit
Fuck man, what a tragedy, I'm truly sorry.

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The FGC is retarded and dying. Their dumb behavior is what's kept them in a sweaty game center on 4th Ave for 10 years with no growth outside EVO. BBCTG and BFZ are prime examples of games being the new hotness for less than a year before going belly-up. UNIST is the only community deserving of respect, playing what they like and putting in the work no matter what anyone else says. The rest of the FGC deserves its fate being outshone by a party game at their biggest event, while the very next weekend all those Smashers move on to their own Smash-only EVO in Super Smash Con.

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>wants to get treated as a professional
>plays a childrens game

What a fucking loser

All of them but Smash is the stinkiest.

>we don't need EVO
are all melee players braindamaged?

Smashfags are the most autistic group on this board.

>Hey “famous person” X, here’s why you suck!
I hate these tweets and the way they faux-address the people they disagree with. Just say “here’s something this guy said, I disagree with it.” The “open letter” style pisses me off. Even worse when it starts off with “Dear.”

>Just close your eyes

t. low t beta cuck

No melee lol

More like his stench and paycheck gone LMAO

Personally, I hate Melee because it's all those faggots ever want to play, and are always trying to destroy any potential fun.
The "Melee club" in college was an embodiment of everything wrong with videogames these days.

>why can't overgrown children that play bing bing wahoo: the fighter stop being childish
I wonder

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Is there a clip of a melee person shitting on unist? Would want to see this

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This, and most instances of twitter arrogance and psychotic rage on the internet can be very easily explained OP.

Do you really think the people that consider themselves part of the smash “community” are in charge of or ever wielded any power or any influence in any sphere at any point in their entire lives?

It goes to their head. It’s the same with guys like Moviebob or Destiny, they go completely insane online and behave like rabid animals because they’re so accustomed to being a gigantic loser with no real prospects the idea of holding any kind of influence whatsoever drives them totally mad with power.

Nerds are just bullies who are too weak to be real bullies. The dream of every loser nerd is to be the bully he claims to hate so intensely.

>everyone switched to universally despised SFV immediately when it came out because capcom has a stranglehold on the competitive scene
>not sheep being herded from game to game by their shepherd

Actually having low T means you get flustered and react to minor things, like someone on the Internet insulting you.

Because the only people who like melee are incels who have wasted the last decade of their life competing in it so now they're frustrated, angry and bitter and will lash out at any criticism of their game. The same thing has happened to MOBA players. You can't spend hours every day playing League of Legends and not have it affect your brain. It's not natural to be in a hyper competitive state for most of your waking hours. It's probably why so many people on Yea Forums are always so angry, too many competitive games with no rewards.

>Implying you're all not equally as bad
Meleefags, Ultimatefags, Whateverelsefags.
You're all fucking autists who need to get lives.

He kind of has a point though. I played SFIV and SFV a bunch, mostly because it was neat to play something fresh for a change. But they're outright inferior products to the previous entries.
And yet you won't find the previous entries highlighted at EVO anymore. Just the current flavour, good or bad.

Like I don't necessarily think it's entirely a bad thing to go with the flow and play new games as they come. And lots of people do so with the assumption that even if a new game is worse, a next one will likely be made and hopefully that one will be better again (no matter whether or not such hopes are realistic or not).

>Smash Bros autist insulting other Smash Bros autists

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Based and redpilled.

>le all sides
Cringe and centristpilled.

>imagine being smelly meleefag

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This is 100% true.

>imagine devoting your life to playing an 18 year old game competitively and then breaking down live on camera, when people don't wanna pay to see it anymore

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imagine giving a shit about fighting games let alone childrens party fighting games

>oh no the only game i'm good at that i put time in for thats not a fighting game for a fighting game event that is always the same top 8 players that hasn't evolved at all for the free ez money and attention isn't at an event called evo
hehe. this is why you dont put all your eggs in one basket. get a real hobby instead of putting time into a god damn party game made for children

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in this case, it applies. meleefags are awful for many reasons, but so are ultimatefags, who are known for shitting their pants during sets. so are rosterfags, who care more about which characters are in the game than about actually playing the game itself, who are ignorant about gaming outside of smash and will believe every "rumor" and "leak" they see online without hesitation.
smash is a great series with an awful fanbase that honestly doesn't deserve the games they get.

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What is it about the N64 that produced so many transexuals, homosexuals, autists and other human garbage?

I mean, realistically, if you can play melee, you can play Ultimate. He could just practice and switch to Ultimate.

>he said on Yea Forums

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better yet, if you're worried about getting dropped from fighting game tournaments, maybe devote that time to gitting gud at actual fighting games instead.

chances of being top player for melee are a lot higher though. its simple gatekeeping too. sunken cost fallacy.
they put all that time into melee that switching over is too much for them.

Hate to break it to you, kid, but no matter what kind of superiority complex you have, at the end of the day you're all still getting into autistic shitfit arguments with other people who play a game for children.
The literal definition of mental retardation.

What I don't get is how you people get so invested in these games. They're just fun little fighting games.
For example, I love Mario Party, it's great fun to me and I lament that my friends don't like it, but I don't get fucking crazy over it and spam the board for months because they might introduce a new character or not.

>They switch
>They might not be top player anymore
>Fanbase leaves them
They're trying to hold on to a relic of the past it's mostly fear of becoming irrelevant that stops them from switching.

Hate to break it to (you) kid, but you just replied to a three word bait post. The literal definition of trolled.

user you're a big silly, Smash U would've been high regardless sure but you also have to take into account that 1. It's the first year of the game's lifespan, entries will peter out next year just like they do for other games and 2. There's no more melee to compete against, so all the smashers are forced to enter the one game.

>yfw Meleefags drop out of tournaments cause they cant find a controller with a very specific malfunction that let's them cheat easier in the game

Why are Meleefags sp pathetic?

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>Merely pretending

The FGC is aids. Oddly enough only the FGC wants Smash to be considered part of the FGC.

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mmm oh yes another twitter thread my favorite

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Holy shit what a literal autist
How can you react that way to news so fucking irrelevant

Nice phone. Dont bother replying

eh like kingdom hearts, they introduce a ton of cameo characters from your favorite games.
but i wouldn't put kingdom hearts on the same level as say, devil may cry.
which is what i'm comparing smash to shit like tekken. smash is just a silly party game with cool characters while tekken is more a fighter with also cool characters

What? Are you actually retarded? I feel bad now.

stinky day indeed

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I don't play any fighting games lol.

Why the fuck don't they bring their own controllers? It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that most players bring their own controller, why can't smashfags do the same?

I always wonder if these people ham it up to be epic on purpose or if they've genuinely internalized these theatrics

Because they refuse to accept that they are using glitches to win in games, rather than GIT GUD.

Is he wrong though?

That's what the vast majority of people do. Social media is for the idiots who love complaining.

just to review, meleefags:
>refuse to move on from an ancient game made in a time before balance patches
>have to turn off or ban 90% of the game's content to make it remotely competitive
>still have to rely on glitches that would have been patched out immediately in any modern game
>even seek out BROKEN controllers in order to perform glitched inputs more easily
even setting aside all the other shit that comes with meleefags, how could anyone ever take the competitive scene around this game seriously? competitive smash is like a square peg in a round hole, and that's especially true with melee.

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the specific controller they are looking for that they most likely dont have is kinda rare. something wrong with the analog stick that allows them to dash dance or some shit.
the guy most likely didn't have that kind of controller

Oh I understand the sunken cost fallacy, but eventually there comes a point where the best buggy whip maker in the world either accepts his obsolesce or switches to making steering wheel covers. His options are either be the best at something that can't sustain him anymore due to not enough tournaments, or switch to the new game and put in the effort to get to the top.

its on the same level as only competing in a broken port of a game to have an edge over people

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>literally who's and twitter drama
Not video games.

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Don't most tournaments have the fix for that anyways?

Don't forget the most damning thing
>HAS to be played on CRTs
That shit is the biggest pain in the ass of them all, lugging a bunch of those around is a bitch.

The "Melee gods" always get preferential seeding, easier rides into the finals and lots of perks. Evo dropping Melee means they won't have their ego's stroked every weekend. Meanwhile other FGC players play multiple games and even Smash 4/Ultimate players are way more flexible, play other games and aren't as autistic about being in the top 8 every tournament so there's no seeding manipulation or TO's organizing easy rides. There are some willing to just let it die and others freaking and saying "B-b-but we have Genesis" because they realize the gravy train ride is at an end.

How the fuck are you going to be a top player in the game and not have the specific controller you need to play the game you play professionally?

oh exactly. not even going to be bias here but i simply hate pro player circle jerking. same shit with sports

good point. the crt obsession makes sense for collectors who play retro games at home. but these things aren't easy to transport, and it's an unfair burden to place on tournament organizers who don't HAVE to host your game at all.
it's especially bad because meleefags are so unsanitary. their crt screens are basically roach motels.

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he could simply use a fresh controller but obviously he wanted an edge over others who didn't have that certain malfunctioned controller.

>banning certain glitches
>only 4 viable characters
>2 neutral stages
>can only be played with a CRT
Meleefags are pathetic

Remember when melee top players wanted the tournament runners to give them set-ups to practice with outside of the tournament floor so they could be left alone?

i have always hated this shit, tournies should be 100% open brackets. seeding for "previous winnings" in a tourny like evo is bitch noob shit

also adding on, the whole melee scene are the most entitled faggots at these bigger tournament events. requiring certain TVs, need specific controllers, require their own special room with accomodations just for them

Imagine being so autistic that you'd argue with people online about a game where you bing bing wahoo gay elves, worst yet, argue with people who play another bing bing wahoo vs gay elf game.

>resorting to shitflinging on Yea Forums
Trip on, HBR.

melee got SOAPED

Doesn't that happen in literally any franchise? Humans can't live on without comparing things.
Can't discuss any of these franchises without the entire thread becoming a tier list of better/worse entries:
>Final Fantasy
>Dark Souls
>Smash Bros
>Dragon Quest

The list goes on.

You're asking this from Smash players who attend tourneys with shit in their pants.


the difference is that everyone rolls their eyes when dsp starts bringing up his "4th place in super turbo" glory days.
in contrast, the same five meleefags that always win their broken game are called "gods" and treated like the equivalent of daigo or justin wong in their prime.

Can someone bring me up to speed about what's happening?

I genuinely don't really care--neither the e-celebs or their respective communities. I just like to hear about train wrecks.....

Of course, but what I'm saying is that he's a top player, he should bring his own equipment so he can do his fucking job properly instead of showing up to a tournament and expecting to be handed the tools he needs to compete.

what the actual fuck
are the CRTs player owned?

I think without the drama nobody would remember they exist.

thats pretty much how entitled smash players are

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He quit his engineer job to go full time melee player. That next interview is gonna be some shit for him. How do you explain you quit a stable job to play video games for a living?

>only 4 viable characters
Excuse me, but only Fox and Puff are viable in 2019.

Where the fuck are those TVs stored for them to have fucking roach infections?

Jesus christ can you fags make any piece of content without regurgitating old and shitty memes? This is the most reddit-tier thing I've seen today.


In the houses of melee players? If you think they're stinky when they go out can you imagine what the place they live in looks like?

they brought them from their stinky not sanitary houses to the events. same reason ps4s were having roaches living in them causing overheating issues.
i fucking hate roaches

Was gonna post this as well.
Thank you my negro.

Melee is fun to watch, but it was something a long time coming. The game has stagnated hard with the same matchups, the same players and barely any fresh blood, and the community has shown time and time again a willingness to burn bridges for the sake of their egos.

>The "Melee gods" always get preferential seeding, easier rides into the finals and lots of perks. Evo dropping Melee means they won't have their ego's stroked every weekend.
I knew this was the case why Leffen, Armada and HBox, to name a few, have been having passive-aggressive fits on their platforms. If this is the beginning of the end for Melee, they'll now have to work for a top 8 finish in Ultimate and likely won't have the advantage of rigged brackets.

Reminder that HBox refuses to do friendlies at tournaments so he can make sure nobody locks down his Puff.

Melee was dropped from EVO in favor of UNIST, a poverty ass game. Melee players are now crying about how the UNIST developers paid their way in despite them being broke as fuck, FGC people are sheeps for flocking to newer games, EVO needs Melee, etc etc.

>the way he keeps glancing over to chat during his "breakdown"
Yeah he's definitely overdramatizing to an extent

I havent watched a melee fight since 2015. What happened to Marth and Falcon?

Can we have a fighting games board to keep all these spergs out? That would improve the board significantly.

>Melee was dropped from EVO in favor of UNIST

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If you told other fighting game players that they'd take your head off. Everyone wants open brackets because how can you expected to be good if you can't beat everyone? It's about getting better and playing more games. Melee became more stale than the stench under HBox's armpit because the gods were always set up against no name randoms they could just slide by and play the minimal of matches before making top 64 and not having to fear meeting another "God" in the bracket till top 8. Other fighting games, there's always killers in the pool and seeded players would be pissed if there wasn't because it's the real measure. Some kid could low tier hero a character that's not used much you have to find an answer for quickly and take a round. Some high ranked players for bigger games tried games with lower player counts and got bodied but recognise it's a learning and humbling experience.

Melee has none of the humility of the sharktank that is pools or going to play other games and finding you can't be the best at everything. It's why the scene is so stagnant and finally starting to fall down.

don't kid yourself. it's smash that needs a containment board, not actual fighting games.

Why is the FGC so obsessed with Melee? I swear theres a thread everyday for this shit. It's not even at EVO anymore.

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Don't listen to that retard.

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>Everyone wants open brackets because how can you expected to be good if you can't beat everyone?
This is such scrub mentality.
You don't want Joe Shmoe to get a free ride to grand finals because of ass-tier seeding. I don't see why people don't understand how unfair open brackets actually are when you should be distributing skill equally.

i'm surprised MK11 made it seeing as its just coming out in april.
mr wizard is a fat fuck

NRS has an obligatory spot but nobody gives a fuck about Injustice.

>their words hurt muh feefees
grow up

I don’t enjoy any games anymore

that's disgusting
I'm not even a remotely clean person, but I've still never had roaches infest my electronics or my house for that matter

Not unless the Kingdom Hearts faggots have left while I wasn't looking

ive seen 2 my entire life and fear of them is immense. just seeing those 2 alone set off an alarm to clean the whole fucking place and not be a disgusting bitch

I've only had roaches once, and that's because we used to live in an apartment where the cunts upstairs brought them when they moved in. Roaches are an insanely awful sort of cancer I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Mr Wizard is VERY predictable. NRS would get one slot. Melee was NOT getting a slot this year.

How do you know who's a shmoe or not? The only way is to fight it out. Reps need to be constantly earned, never coasted upon.

Evo, CEO and other tournaments have had randoms make it to top 8 because of the more open nature of their seeding (Which barely means much. It's really to avoid stacking pools and not to stop players from getting free rides). Sonicfox getting into a top 8 on launch SF V with FANG was probably the biggest example of fluke seeding working out for a player (And SF wasn't even seeded in his pool). Top 64 and two known players are against each other? One of them is going home. Melee? Never happens because the seedings are intentionally biased to give a free ride to the gods to top 8.

But it has nothing to do with cyber bullying. Melee faggots take up real life space and time on tourneys. Judgement of their behavior is directly related with whether they should be tolerated on majors or not.

>Melee gets kicked out of Evo because Ultimate is actually decent enough for everyone but the most rabid meleefags
>meleefags start acting like entitled assholes, shitting on other titles etc
>there's now even more justification for not allowing melee on future tournaments

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I love how FGCfags think they arn't as bad when the whole lot are retarded. Both sides are Fucking stupid causing melodrama over the dumbest shit.

He does, his last one broke just before that. They do bring their own controllers.

it's literally in the op
they make fun of samsho and unist and saying they paid they way to evo

>WhY doEs EveRyOne hAte uS??????
what the fuck is this shit

who even cares about smellee

>Top 64 and two known players are against each other? One of them is going home
I don't think you understand how this is just shitty seeding unless the tournament is just really fucking huge. If they're both in losers at that point then they deserve it. But anyway it's shitty seeding because during that same top 64, on the other side of the bracket you can have Randomshitter fighting against EvenRandomerShitter and it's unfair to the people who are actually good since the other side of the bracket is just filled with bad players. Why are good players being punished by having to knock each other out of the tournament early, when the people who are bad don't have to play anyone who is actually good? This is especially true when money is involved.

>Never happens because the seedings are intentionally biased to give a free ride to the gods to top 8.
Honestly, the top 6 beat everyone outside the top 10 free (unless you're mango who sometimes loses for no reason). The only one who really gets a free ride to top 8 is the first seed.

Serves him right for investing his entire sustainable income on some old video game. Video games are for fun, not for money.

Attached: another classic that started it all carat nose.gif (256x256, 206K)

not an argument.

>Smellees think fucking French Bread and SNK bought their way into EVO
>but because they don't actually play or even follow fighting games they missed the obvious fact that ArkSys bought BBTAG another year so they can throw up a trailer for the new Guilty Gear on Sunday.

Is the UNIST community healthy on PC? All this drama made me interested on it since it actually looks fun.

Melee players don't live in the real world, the entire game is essentially a soap opera at this point and the actual game doesn't even matter. This is probably also why they're so insular. They've always been mad that Nintendo doesn't offer them financial support for their game so they wrongly assume that every company does so, or in the case of UNIST and Samurai Showdown actually has enough backing behind it to make the difference that they're complaining.

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I really dislike Melee as an spectator game. How people enjoy to watch a game where the competitive level is a bunch of wriggling around? Compare it with actual fighting games where even at competitive level it's easy to follow what is happening

>The "Melee gods" always get preferential seeding, easier rides into the finals and lots of perks.

Actually this goes for pretty much every game at EVO AND other majors. Ever hear how Sonicfox was hours late to a tournament but wasn't DQ'd? Or how top players in any game generally get good seeding?

This. My house is fucking disgusting, but I've never once seen roaches. All of my electronics have never once had insects in them either.

Why hasn't anyone figured out how to "make" that kind of controller and offer it as a paid service to raid their shit covered wallets? Seems like a million dollar idea to me...

It's doing well right now but it'll fall off again in another week or so most likely.

The real reason people hate Melee is how unopen they are to any change whatsoever. Even in their own game. People say "hurr just get good if you can't defeat the 'gods'" but then when that happens and results come about with Jiggs or Icies those things need to be banned because they're not Fox and Marth style Smash. They can't adapt to new games and they can't even adapt to new characters in the game they do play. Melee players are in the correct usage of the word autistically attached to a specific niche they've carved out of a specific game and have zero intention or desire of coming out of that hole. So leave them.

its funny. watch their hands. imagine all the clackling that emmits from the controllers from the shoulder buttons and the stick



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c r i n g e

no one hates melee

they hate the community, they've never been a part of the FGC

>Super Smash Con
Sounds like Dashcon 2.0

No clue who that is but he right

>The FGC is retarded and dying
Then why are meleefags so buttmad about being dropped from EVO?

>Ever hear how Sonicfox was hours late to a tournament but wasn't DQ'd?
Repeatedly. It was also a Soul Calibur VI showcase tournament and the most he got was chewed out by Namco for being late (He slept in) and holding it up.
>Or how top players in any game generally get good seeding?
Evo and most other majors, you get pooled with another one or two seeded players depending on the player count and it's all random. If you're a seeded player. You can't choose your seed to avoid other players and you gotta deal with whoever you are drawn with. Melee, seeding is deliberately set to stop top six from clashing before GF.

Why doesn't he just play Ultimate at least?

>the best players get better seeding
No fucking way

esports and "e-athletes" are fucking cancer.

he's right though

melee "professionals" need separate stations for "hand warmies", they could just as easily play some casuals with other players but that is clearly below them

Don’t forget HBox refusing to ever play casuals as Jigglypuff m, out of fear of people possibly getting used to the matchup

>inb4 capcom has to do another "free t-shirt deal" or something else and then end up having another 1,000 DQ's

>underdog joe schmoe
sounds neat

For God's sake anyone can play Puff. Jason forced Salem to put on a dress and play Peach so he could practice for Armada.

That's pretty much been the sentiment behind Youtube 'influencers', streaming, competitive.

The moment you beauty or attractiveness fads, your popularity, the next fad comes out, or accidentally ostracizing your community, you're effective left with no career, no real-life skills.

I love video games as much as the next guy, but unless if revolves around corporate--and even still, it's a fucking cut-throat industry, you're delusional if you think it's a valid lifetime career.

It was taken off by that cream that women put on their legs that makes hair melt away...

Armada didn't even say anything wrong. I don't even understand why people are making a big deal about this.

Nah the FGC doesn't care that much Melee was the one that pretty much begged to be taken seriously and the FGC obliged despite Melee being well known to be the biggest pain in the ass to run with an incredibly toxic community who attempt to justify its insane behavior with big numbers they pull.

Then the smash community got so high off their own fumes they tried to say EVO needed them and not vice versa which is why they are blowing up when surprising no one EVO doesn't need them.

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He is insinuating UNIEST and SamSho paid their way in when French Bread and SNK are known for barely having money to scrap by let alone buy into tournaments, French bread in particular only has like a few 90's windows games and 3 FG series under their belts only two of them being remotely successful

>this is how Meleefags see the world

I love everything about Melee except for the character balance which I think holds Melee back a lot. If you were to randomly select 1 random character in Melee there is a 25% chance of ending up with not just a bad character, but a completely worthless one. There’s another 25% of getting a character that has some shenanigans but has crippling flaws that make them unviable. There’s another 25% chance of getting a good character but with some shitty matchups like Samus/Pika/Icies/Yoshi/Weeg/Doc. Then there’s 25% that can actually win reasonably big tournaments like Falcon/Peach upward.

Didn't french bread almost go under but UNIEL saved their asses?

If thats your million dollar then I'd hate to see any other ideas you'd have

It's true though. fgc are just as easily triggered as meleefags.

>easily triggered

name a game that isn't melee within the FGC that booed another game on stage

Reminder that the entire melee “community” is complete trash.

It’s conpletely unheard of for a game to be out so long that a character like Jigglyputf can go “undiscovered” for so long. Imagine if no one use magneto or sentinel in mvc2 for a decade, if no one used chun or yun in 3S.

It’s actually unfathomable that these “gods” can dedicate years of their life playing one game, and understand nothing about it because they are too busy huffing their own farts playing one fucking character. What an embarrassment.

>paid their way in

>every fgc player moves to the new game

Every new game splinters the community and playerbase literally ALWAYS. GG, SF, Tekken, MVC, you name it. Only a fucking ignorant knob would believe every single fgc player moves to the new game without exception.

Didn't they only boo at some players or something

Imagine thinking meleefags will ever be Chad in anything

no, they booed guilty gear for not being melee.

But Hbox has been doing that shit with Jiggs for years and it's only now that people are complaining.

Can you name the last big French Bread game?

Can you even NAME another French Bread game?

And even if you can name one, when was the last time you saw it on shelves, or being played by anyone, or in an arcade? They'd be KO'ed without it.

The bigger blind spot is that the Melee fags are completely clueless on how much they pissed of Nintendo over the years by being massive bitches.

I'd love to see another super high execution level game, with lots of movement, that isn't so reliant on the asinine bans, and weird rule modifications, and fucked up stage options that Melee relies on so much.

fun fact, Cap+cuck is filtered on Yea Forums presumably because one of the mods is a SFV player.

Multiple events. They booed Gulty gear, Tekken, Darkstalkers, Smash 4 and brawl of course. They even booed grand finals.

So why are people complaining now of all times? Even calling for a ban, or rule changes?

FGCuck seething

Yeah that's fucking petty but that doesn't change the fact that both communities act like babies on twitter insulting each other over little pointless shit. Both are fucking cancer.

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What a bunch of fags, I swear. All those years bitching that they weren't at EVO and then they finally get added and act like a bunch of pompous shitlords.

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Because until 2018ish Hbox got pretty much BTFO by Mango or Armada 70% of the time or more. They can’t admit that 4 stocks 8 minutes is outdated despite being designed for a 2007 metagame and things have gotten very defensive Hbox or not.

Good riddance I say, shitflinging on social media is one thing but pulling that shit at an event is childish. How are you going to disrespect other games like that but then get butthurt when people shit on you and your game?

In this case a shashfag was slinging the shit first so this comic doesn't hold up.

Doesn't that go both ways? Meleefags give people shit/look down on them for playing the other Smash games.

Why don't they just play Ultimate?
I'm playing it now and it's really fun.

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It was more but of a response to OP’s other 254 antimelee threads but you’re kinda right in this case.
Reminder that Iceman is right.

>Meleefags give people shit/look down on them for playing other games.

Melee players look more like the guy on the right though

Everything smells better already

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Because now they're losing to it obviously. Meleefags are such piss babies that they literally can't take the universal rule of "git gud" and need to ban something that changes the status quo

>Meleefags give people shit/look down on them for playing the other Smash games.
They can be elitist but I’d rather have a fan base full of ellitest pricks than a fan base full of boot lickers that unironically defend the removal of jump momentum in a fucking platform fighter.

why would you worship players that could actually drown in pools to a joe shmoe(or at all you fucking faggots), god meleefags are pathetic


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8 Minutes really is an absurd amount of time. How did they even decide that 8 minutes would be the time, seems like it's way too long and was picked pretty arbitrarily

>tfw get to go to sleep soundly knowing that melee will possibly not be at evo next year while Ultimate gets to
Feels good to have adapated and moved on

But aren't you admitting you want their to be hypocrisy then? People who play Melee don't want shit flinged at them, so then they shouldn't fling shit at others. Ideally, no one should be giving each other shit.

You really need to work on your reading comprehension because you missed the point entirely. I doubt you even compete at all. I hope you actually know where the idea of seeding actually comes from.

Y'all have more drama then a fucking highschool cheer team, christ.

you want seeding to be set so you can get the same top 8 youve seen for years, please kill yourself you worthless little cunt, god forbid your gods meet in pools and someone new gets to show up

From my perspective most FGCers don't really give a shit about Melee, the shitting on it only occurs when the players do/say something absurd like the whole VIP setup kerfuffle. Though I guess stinkyposts count as "unprovoked" shitting on the game and the community but seriously they gotta take a bath.

Because unsurprisingly they are ignorant to reality.
>people move on to the new fighter like sheep
So that's why anytime a Third Strike tourney is on twitch is gets in the top 3?

If you are adding special rules to you're fighting game you are pandering to a select group of people that benefit from that rule change. If its in the game its fair play, this is how every other fighter works and the meta and strategy evolve around that organically and melees meta and strategy are anything but organic.

>wahh I don't want new players to have to work and actually be good to show up in top 8, please give them a free ride so I can be entertained!
Grow up.

It's competition you fag. The nature of it implies conflict

who says Im watching you fucking retard, I actually play fighting games not a glorified party game, I just came here to laugh at you pathetic faggots

>Though I guess stinkyposts count as "unprovoked" shitting on the game and the community but seriously they gotta take a bath.
A guy literally shit himself during a match

>waaah i don't want the pros i know to go away, make a new rule that counters what was beating them!
actually pathetic

>The FGC is dying.
True. There are too many fighting games out now and none of them are that good. It's like the best time and the worst time to be a fighting game fan.

Why WOULDN'T I want to see some random guy win a tournament like this?

Oh so you're just a scrub who is asshurt about having to fight people who are actually good at the game in pools and want to be matched up with other scrubs. Gotcha.

And now he resorts to strawmanning. lol

tekken is good

The best players will still only lose to eachother. It makes sense on every level that higher skilled matches should come later.

Sure but something like that (hopefully) isn't the norm, it's just a funny punchline to the age old joke that smash players stink. Regardless they gotta step up their hygiene game.

Because you're a casual with little to no understanding of competition.

>smelee fag booed a game
>"nuh uh they're both the same"
How is that cognitive dissonance treating you user. melee fans consist of literal autists isn't news.

Part of it is location. I used to live in a fairly dilapidated old house in the sticks and it was really hard to keep them out. Even with poison, the little fuckers lived in the surrounding trees so they'd just kinda get in. They're a plague.

no theres actually many top level players in fighting games, its not uncommon for good players to not make it out of pools because we have a real actual competitive community, sorry smashcuck

i don't like melee but armada is right

>smelee fag booed a game
Oh no, the horror. How can a piece of wet lettuce even enjoy playing fighting games?

No no no user! You see what actually happened is they were told melee would be on soon, so them chanting for melee and booing was totally justified. I can't believe you people still blame melee players for this!

How is he right?

Based. Also, don't be a centrist Woolie, Meleecucks cheered when Mahvel died.

You have a very skewed and flawed perspective on competition, what can I say. Please go tell all major sports organizations that they're also doing it wrong because they seed properly lmao.

>melee players throw literal tantrums if they dont get to see their game


stop being nonwhite

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lmao yeah cause me and a few friends can go and play against the miami heat

you absolute fucking gaping retard lmao

Yeah this. Flipping out on someone is weak, being a doormat is also weak. Being strong means knowing how to strike a balance.

I see people complaining about that happening way more than I see it actually happening. I can see how your experience could be different though.

>inb4 capcom has to do another "free t-shirt deal" or something else and then end up having another 1,000 DQ's
redpill me on this.

Based retard missing the point once again.

Capcom was getting beat by entrants by DBFZ and they OHNONONONO'D into if you sign up for SFV you get a free t-shirt and of course it worked but then naturally people didn't even show up to play.

>Act like an autist to others community
>Surprised when no one likes you
>And then bitch when everyone laugh at melee being kicked out of evo
Someone lacks self awareness, but then again, its a melee fag

and hes done folks, no arguments left, just crying

What they didn't get was Meleefags being such bitches to the Brawl and Smasn 4 people at Nintendo's own events is what got Nintendo corporate's actual ire. It's a much bigger factor

There's being elitist and there's being such colossal autismo dicks that even after all these decades, they can't get a single fighting game maker to make the playstyle they want.

Where do you think we are?

It's not my fault you can't follow a conversation and have to keep deluding yourself into thinking that giving bad players easy brackets is good because you're afraid of top players.

But he isn't. I think the only case where you could really say the sheep thing is true would be SFV. But that would be true of any game with that much money and general esports support behind it. If a new smash had that level of support they would have all dropped Melee. And despite all that you will find a huge number of side tournaments for old ass games at every event.

It also ignores melee's incredibly specific circumstance. Brawl wasn't just bad, it completely failed as competitive game. But despite that melee did die back a lot till EVO saved it. This baked something specific into the community, but even with that SmashU is managing to pull a lot of players away. Just look at how many of the top melee players are putting serious time in.

>WhY doEs EveRyOne hAte uS??????
Just kill yourself already, normalfag, and go back to facebook.

it makes me so happy to see how hard melee triggers zoomers still to this day

face it. its just better than smash ultimate

>FGC constantly tries to say "Fuck esports" but then decided to blindly follow SFV and spends tens of thousands on Dragon Ball Summit
They're honestly pathetic.

I never follow fgb stuff
but what does soap got anything to do with melee?

I never said that they are exactly the same completely. But people on both sides do act like irrational whiney babies online and you're proving it. Melee side is worse. There, are you happy?

Melee players smell rancid because they don't bother with personal hygiene.

Based and tendies pilled

So they don't have special rules banning things that are possible in game?

I didn't do shit and wouldn't be there booing. Melee should've been booted from evo, it clearly doesn't belong. Might as well magic or hearthstone on the main stage if you're going to put in smash.
People talk shit on people who play melee all the time. The 'smell' thing is funny as fuck. Doesn't bother me.
The booing thing was a few years ago, just get over it. Some goons in a crowd don't speak for everyone.

>laughs at a smaller community for not being as big as Melee
>Melee not at evo
Well he got destroyed, huh?

You're retarded, m8.

Your analogy doesn't fucking work because seeding in professional sports only happens during the PLAYOFFS and is based on regular season performance. It's not like the 12 NFL Playoff teams get to pick their schedules next season to make it as easy as possible for them, you fucking tard. Fighting games don't even have a regular season or postseason, just majors throughout the year. It makes perfect sense that seeding would be random. Allowing the best players to have the best seeding just kills any interest new players would have in the comp scene. I can't even imagine wanting to go pro at a game where you don't have any legitimate chance of winning the grand finals because the system is rigged in favor of the current hot names. Like, how is anyone new supposed to get discovered? That shit would get so god damn stale, to see the exact same players every single Top 8. Why the fuck would anyone willingly subject themselves to that? It would be like the NFL setting up the Chiefs, Rams, Patriots, and Saints to have the easiest schedules just so they could all play each other in the playoffs again because "good teams should never run the risk of getting knocked out by lesser teams". It absolutely ruins any excitement of the game when you know how it's going to play out every time.

>Melee was killed off by an anime game
Fuck yeah.

>how is anyone new supposed to get discovered?
By getting good
>muh excitement
Sorry, tournaments don't exist to entertain you

How do you know they are the best when they make the rules?

>not wanting Joe schmoe in finals

No wonder the melee scene is garbage. No variety whatsoever

It's not giving bad players easy brackets you absolute moron. It's giving all players random brackets so the distribution is more equal. It shows that you don't understand shit about competition when you think those good players should never lose to unnamed people in pools. How do you even quantify that player as bad when you lose to him? Because he's an unknown? What do you do when that unknown wins a grand final? He's still bad right because you've never heard of him? Fuck off. You don't know shit about competition or sport. I bet you've never even played a sport in your life, because if you had you would understand how fucking dumb you are.

>Sorry, tournaments don't exist to entertain you
And now EVO doesn't exist to entertain Smellees :)

Literally who wastes time giving a fuck about esports or any drama related to it?

someone could literally make an exact replica of melee gameplay with the same physics, glitches, and nonexistent competitive balance, and meleefags would just find an excuse not to play it. why bother catering to a small audience of impossible-to-please autismos?

Hopefully this cry baby mentality is the final nail. They cater to you for years and the first time they don't you accuse them of corruption.

>twitter screencap thread
>25645535 replies and 69533 images omitted. Click here to view.


>Sorry, tournaments don't exist to entertain you
melee tournaments certainly don't. that's why evo is finally moving on from your snoozefests.

>both sides do act like irrational whiney babies online and you're proving it.
Prove what? laughing at smelee fag isn't "irrational whiney". They got what's coming to them.

>giving all players random brackets so the distribution is more equal
No, you just want top players to knock each other out early so they can feel more equal to scrubs losing to each other early. It's pathetic. True equality is distributing skill equally.

>you think those good players should never lose to unnamed people in pools
They normally don't and that's how it's always been. Good players beat worse players. Gasp. You seem very very confused because you're actually agreeing with me when you say you should put good players against bad players with no results. This is normally how proper seeding plays out in pools. Honestly it sounds like you want the scene to be a reality show where this random dude with no results BTFO's the pros randomly. Maybe it's your own fantasy even lol.

If Joe wants a good seed then then he should've worked for it at previous tournaments. Nobody in this fucking thread knows how seeding works and the fact is that melee top 10 players almost never lose to people below top 10. It's not the TOs fault or the top players fault that worse players can't beat top players.

Its been active on Yea Forums for 2 years now but most play on PS4. It happens real late at night though

Most actually aren’t

MK11 at least has a release date, Samurai Shodown doesn't have anything beyond a reveal trailer and the new trailer they showed at the announcement.

>player supposed to get good and make a name for himself when the tournament is rigged for him to lose
>tournaments are not supposed to be exciting

Based autist. If tournaments are not exciting then nobody fucking watches them. If nobody watches them, then the scene DIES. Part of the appeal of professional sports is seeing how your pre-season predictions match up during the regular season. Why do you think people hate it when one team in the NBA/NFL/NHL/Whatever dominates for too long? It's BORING. If you want to be a serious competitive game, then you can't have BORING tournaments. You need excitement and there is absolutely no excitement with melee because it is intentionally stagnant.

>Melee should've been booted from evo, it clearly doesn't belong.
Stop reading right there, glad we can agree on that.

I fucking hate hungrybox so much, holy shit. He's the definition of a manchild. If anyone ever utters the word "manchild" he's who you should think of. He won EVO one year and literally rolled around on the floor crying like a fat baby. He's admitted multiple times that he doesn't even like playing jigglypuff and only plays her because he can win with her.

Fucking this.
>finally beat Persona 5
>go on Yea Forums to talk about it
>Joker threads everywhere
>Pretty good chance that a persona thread was just smash shitposting
Though to be fair all the other threads were just console wars.

You have never played a sport in your life. It's so obvious that you've never done any real competition among equals before. I'm not even going to bother arguing with a guy that thinks the best players should get preferential treatment.


These threads needs to stop. You retards are headed for another containment board if these fucking threads do not stop

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Smash players have had some high profile hygiene failures, like a couple of incidents of literally pooping themselves mid match. The fact that arcades are in public places kept the rest of the FGC to at least a, "not get stopped by security" level of hygiene

Sure it wasn't you. But there were enough terrible people at multiple events. Apex 4 years ago, That thing from 2012 that got Nintendo to try to pull the plug on Melee at Evo, ect ect.

In Smash's case, some fuckers in the community decide, based on previous tournament records. In theory, if you have enough weeklies, and local tournaments, for enough of the playing population, you have enough data to go on.

I think it's giving that guy too much power to determine things, as he's got the upcoming majors schedule and likely attendance. There's more methods than "completely random", and "let THAT fucker decide".

Absolutely B A S E D

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face it, meleefag. your "gods" need to...
>play a casual party game with no balance patches instead of a fighting game
>ban or turn off 90% of the game's content
>play one of the same five characters
>exploit glitches that would have been patched out of a modern game
>use broken controllers that perform glitched inputs more easily
>make the brackets biased in their favor to secure the most favorable possible matchups for themselves
...just to look good. they aren't really good. if they were, they'd be playing a real fighting game and winning at it. competitive smash is a fucking joke.

>>player supposed to get good and make a name for himself when the tournament is rigged for him to lose
This is honestly hilarious to me. If you get good at the game, then you won't lose. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Newsflash: having to play someone better than you doesn't mean the competition is rigged. It means you need to get better and beat them.

I don't know where this projection is coming from but if you really need to know, I played baseball and was on the all-star team until high-school when I quit.

kill yourself

What meleefags don't understand is that melee is a special case....for a different reason.

Smash is not a fighting game.
It is not bound by the same rules as actual fighting games. You can't just go and completely strip how physics works in actual fighting games. You can't just add 10 tons of metric bullshit to actual fighting games on a whim.
Smash was meant primarily to be fun for everyone.
Fighting games are intrinsically designed to not be for everyone.
There isn't a single fighting game in history that has made an equivalent jump between titles the likes of which we saw between Melee in Brawl. It was practically a different game entirely. It was completely gutted of everything that made melee melee. OBVIOUSLY people will stick around with it.
Now the switch between SF3 and SF4? The heaviest change was going from sprites to models. The game was still street fighter. SF4 to SF5? Many FGC talking heads said it was a direct downgrade from 4, and it is, and said that maybe they should still hold tourneys for 4, which they did, but the fact of the matter is that it still didn't change enough to keep a major portion of the playbase rooted in the older game. Those who didn't want to play SF5 just moved onto other fighting games.

Meleefags like to think themselves special for having "integrity" when in reality it's just that no other fighting game in history had the misfortune of being mangled and cobbled back together as much as Brawl was. The game was just that bad.

Additionally, I recall it was HBox who made a big stink about how Nintendo wouldn't support melee and in the same breath insulted them. And then you look at all the other fatnacks of melee like Leffen and Mango and you reeeeally start to wonder why nintendo doesn't want that on their plate along with a 18 year old game, that the playerbase demands be played on outdated equipment with intentionally faulty controllers.

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Now that Pat is done BTFOing Cliffy B he moves on to his next victim.

Imagine being this mad over a game you don't even fucking play.

You fags bitching about it are just as bad. Just sage and leave.

>mahvel died
I was in a coma for 5 years what the fuck happened?

Gotta put dumb niggers in their place user

Probably an MK or Injustice considering how awful the FGC acts toward that community.

He is 100% right

The FGC just follows the money

They dropped SF4
They dropped MvC2
They dropped MvC3

Meanwhile Starcraft:Broodwar and melee is still alive

>Tekken 7 at 2nd place
fucking sweet

I think this works out best for everyone, you melee guys can continue to play your game and the rest of us don't have to see or acknowledge you

>posting HBR's twitter

He's some far left cultural marxist cuck that used to post on /fgg/. He claims to play every snk fighter under the sun but got destroyed by someone that spent 10 minutes playing KOF. FGC twitter is full of these morons that claim to support games but really just post about politics on twitter and try to get people that don't like trannies banned from locals and tournaments.

Also Armada was right. People that just move on to the newer game are retarded lemmings. Although the reason people still play melee was probably more because brawl was just so fucking horrible they really had no alternative. Something Smash players don't appreciate is that the part of the FGC that likes retro games is divided between like 20 fucking games.


vs just


I still think he's right though. Also don't forget that older fighting games also require the same hardware as melee (CRT), actually they need more (supergun, converters, etc). /r/kappa and Yea Forums tards hating on melee probably suck dick at fighters and just want to fit in.

Attached: hbr strifehomo.webm (320x240, 1.74M)

Australia here, can confirm, lived in nice houses all my life and still saw them occasionally but our roaches are probably somewhat different
Fuck the cunts that can fly though


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It's no different than quitting your job so you could play some sport for a living.

UvMC3 was old as fuck and pretty tired and then Capcom released MvC:I with it's own pro-tour and it was a fucking disaster all around. Game is ugly as sin and the roster was clearly tailored to Marvel's demands so it sold like shit despite the fact that the game is actually fun to play. DBFZ also released around the same time and looked fantastic and had really good tournament support from the devs.

>until high-school
>bragging about fucking middle school sports accomplishments

Holy shit, the cringe. Let me break down how your scenario would work in a real world sport:

>NFL has a 12 team playoff
>NFL sets the schedule for those 12 teams so that they never play eachother and just play non playoff teams all season
>The same teams go back to the playoffs
>By your logic this is good and competitive

user all of those games are still alive, they just don't have a mainstage tournament presence. Just because you don't see it, it doesn't mean that the games aren't being played.

>dropped sf4
was being played at my local weekly last week
>dropped mvc2
one of the biggest side tournies at evo, was fun to watch the teams battle too on stage
>dropped mvc3
people also play that at my local weekly last week (along with mvci)
less people overall play these games because they dont have nintendo characters in them to appeal to normalfags. doesn't mean they're dead.

It’s a discord game, you won’t have games without it

Brawl is significantly better than Melee.

Why are CRTs such a big deal
My monitor is 1ms of lag. There's 16.67ms in a frame. That's not fucking noticable, by any skill level.


t. man who will never win evo

>best fighting game player in the US
>gets top 8 in the simplest game
>@ a US event

That fool would bop any US player at shit fighter v

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they support non-native resolutions flawlessly so the game doesn't look like stretched asshole

Super Turbo and Turd Strike players also use CRTs, people just have an anti-melee bias because le epic /r/kappa trolle xd.

Every other fighting game uses regular monitors idiot. Unless you're implying I play Melee for some reason.

Laglessly converting analogue video to digital ain't cheap.

Don’t forget
>Gets destroyed by Japanese players
>Attempts to not sound mad about it on Twitter
>Only makes him look like even more of a faggot

FGC and Smash have a storied history that most people don't fucking remember or conveniently forgotten now that the communities are trying to make bridges for. Melee community rightfully calling Brawl shit is probably the start of it the downward spiral because people didn't understand why brawl was shit at the time.

I'd be here defending melee, but after the recent debacle of reddit trying to ban jigglypuff and top players quitting over Hbox, I don't think the community deserves the benefit of the doubt right now. They need to get off their pompous ass for a change, getting kicked from Evo was a needed slap in the face.

>actual campaign mode
>huge selection of music
>actual good stages
>good items
>much better newcomers
>infinitely better balanced at a competitive level

"b-b-but muh fox mccloud mangonation ;-;"

It's completely fucking different. You make enough money playing professional sports to make up for the fact that your body is destroyed by the time your career is over. You do not make that kind of money playing professional games.

If mvc3 at its peak got kicked for a smaller game like DoA or kof then you would have seen the same response, and rightfully so. Smaller games get cycled out all the time but you never see big games like melee get dropped unless they got a direct sequel. Sure you can say that about ultimate but any melee player will tell you that it's better than s4 but still nowhere close to melee in terms of movement

With that being said melee has been stagnant for awhile so they get what they deserve, not because of le stinky meme that you nigs stole from kotaku and confirmation bias

>Every other fighting game uses regular monitors idiot

Wrong. Every single fighter pre-sf4 uses CRT including turd strike, kof98, super turbo, vsav, and everything else (i.e. the fighting games Yea Forums pretends to play). Stop trying to fit in, kid.

Attached: yyh laugh.gif (500x250, 465K)

Don't Super Turbo and 3rd strike tournaments use arcade, which are even more of a pain to lug around than CRTs? Regardless all that shit must be a pain in the ass to set-up for majors.

Aren't fighting games esports though? I don't understand how competitive games that have tournaments aren't esports.

>Super Turbo and Turd Strike players also use CRTs
which haven't been at EVO for a decade
can you make an excuse for the ~~**speshul**~~ controllers melee players demand?

Competitive Brawl is even less balanced lmao.

Respond to me again when your character comes down from their floating

>you have never played a sport in your life
All I did was say that you're wrong and it's funny how your fragile self-esteem interpreted that as bragging.

>The same teams go back to the playoffs
If it was the opposite, the best teams/people will normally only lose to each other anyway. All you're doing is giving shittier teams an easier ride to the top (where they will get stomped the fuck out once they have to actually play someone good) just so you can be entertained which is honestly kinda sad.

Fair point, but why does this elude you?

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They are, but they try to deny it

I don't even play melee kid I play kof98 and ST, get off this fat cock

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Day of the soap comes for you too neckbeard

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Dumb phoneposter who can't even reply correctly.

I see the "gods" are actually just bitches who can't jump into the shark tank like every other tourneys. I guess being the "best" and get that bracket in melee means you start a twitter with an autistic fanbase. My god, even Tekken had world champs climb up pools and we get new talents proving their worth

Meant for stinky here

If you had ever watched or played actual sports you would know that new teams go to the playoffs and win the championship all the time. This happens because the best teams from the previous season are not given the easiest schedules. This is also why you have teams like the Patriots dominating because their schedule doesn't matter, they're just that good.

You are an uncompetitive shit that can't cope with the fact that he's wrong.

Dont forget this either smegma pits

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>Third strike and Super turbo haven't been at EVO in a decade

You wot? Don't those games have side tournaments and exhibitions? I remember they did a 3S exhibition between Daigo and Jwong to celebrate the anniversary of the parry.

>No, you just want top players to knock each other out early so they can feel more equal to scrubs losing to each other early. It's pathetic. True equality is distributing skill equally.
Considering that EVO supposedly does random seeding, what tournaments happened where someone wiped the floor with someone far less skilled than him in the final?

He repeatedly crushed the Japs, though. To the point that they made fanart depicting him as a horrifying final boss for their players to get over.

Man, life after Dunder Mifflin sure did hit Jim hard huh

Ey if your here post your kof98umol team

Nice try Sonic

Nah. Mr WIZARD follows the money. And consider the implication. It means Meleefags are financially outweighed by French Bread.

He couldn't be more right and you couldn't be more of a fag. Kill yourself.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Upsets can still happen in pools, but it rarely happens because a lot of the people who are good and capable of doing that are already well-known. You seem to want some random dude to come out of nowhere and beat top players, which just isn't realistic. Local up and comers have done it before, but honestly I don't think you even know what you want. I think you're just upset that good players are able to beat people and randoms aren't good enough to do that which...doesn't make sense.

not at all recently

People were just waiting for a melee player to say something asinine to jump on and claim that this is why they shat on them for years despite there being no other incident before this. They just finally have an opportunity to justify their irrational hate.

>That post from some literal retard that said "Melee is what made EVO"
Fucking Christ, I'm an Ultimatefag and I feel like I need to apologize to someone for that.

>Melee fags are financially outweighed by French Bread

Are you being for real right now? French Bread is poverty as fuck, my guess is that Mr.Wiz (and I bet Nintendo) are betting on everyone just moving into Smash Ultimate, which looks like it's the case because Smash U has the most entrants as of right now.

>1ms of lag
Are you sure you're not talking about response time?

Sure buddy whatever you say. Next, are you gonna say the same thing happens with random seeding too in the FGC? Don't make me fucking laugh.

When will Meleefags admit the problem is them? Every time they post it's endless cope, while they ignore that there hated by every single community within the FGC, communities OUTSIDE the FGC, they're hated by venues, hotels, dorms, universities in general, women, dudebros, retro vidya enthusiasts, and basically anybody else who has ever had to put up with them in any capacity. Meleefags are universally, UNIVERSALLY regarded as the furries of gaming. How the fuck do they not realize this after all this time?

It’s like when a retarded family member says something rude to someone. You just let the offended party know that they have brain damage

side tournaments don't count. those are largely community sanctioned

>Irrational hate

user you'd hate them too if you had to share a venue with stinky arrogant autists who think they're better than you.

Salem assblasted Leffen and his fags so hard, its unreal

>Considering that EVO supposedly does random seeding
They don't

He’s most likely one of them. Just post soap and let it be

Melee is the only reason Evo is relevant though.

isnt he right tho?
>sf4 is better than sf5
>community plays sf5
>mvc2 is better than mvc u
>community moves on to mvc u and mvc dies as a result
>melee is better than smash 4
>community keeps playing melee and smash 4 dies

the same will happen when smash 6 gets put out but unlike melee sf5 players will play sf6 when that comes out
you hear mkx players talk about how much better mk9 was but theyre all going to move on to mk11 regardless

French Bread didn't buy out shit. The most it could probably afford is a McRib for Wiz.
If you weren't a retarded self-centered Meleefag and actually had more than a passing interest in the games EVO is supposed to be about, you'd know this.

the sheer autism forged over playing a party game for two decades

The only thing that is horseshit is Samurai Shodown. Its not even the old one to get that scene love, its a new unreleased fucking game.

You're really dumb or don't understand what you're talking about. Apples and oranges. In the NFL, you have to actually get good enough to even compete with them. There is no "Joe Schmoe" who paid his entry fee and brought his gear.
Seeding doesn't mean you get to skip all your matches, they are still played out. Mango lost to some literal who tranny early on pretty recently, it does happen.

Twitter screencaps should be banned.

>Get a little into smash at around 2008, but not much
>Nintendo completely ignores competitive scene, it's all grassroot
>Guys I meet to play are pretty chill, have a good time every time
>Let go eventually, fast forward
>No shower memes, tons of callouts on twitter, basically just shitflining on all sides
I'm honestly confused by all of it. I'm not into fighting games and even my knowledge about smash is very limited, but it all changed so much. I can see Armada's point, because competetive Smash wasn't supported by anyone for a long time, even the devs. Him calling others sheep is just the direct counter argument to "lol, stop playing this outdated 18 year old game".

Because games are kinda boring but bitching and shitposting are fun

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Who the fuck cares holy shit

Except when a game gets dropped a whole fandom doesn't simultaneously go full retard. Sure people get sad or bummed but this has been the first time people went total bullshit, cussing out others and coming up with insane delusions.

If you don't want your community to be seen as asinine, maybe not fucking act asinine?

>this is what meleefags honestly believe
take a shower, please.

Mountains out of molehills

Wanna know how i can tell you know nothing about the fgc?

just like every nrs game to ever be there. the only real complaint you can have about samsho being there is that no one knows ANYTHING about the game yet.

>no argument

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You seem to equal unproven guys to actual scrubs rather than actual challengers. If they're in the tourney then why consider them a skill less scrub.

>when you realize you actually killed melee

200k viewers for a game released in 2001 with no support. Meanwhile your "games" struggle to stay alive with DLC and patches and have to be given T-shirts to sign up.

john can you stop posting yourself.
you dont need to scour the internet and repost the latest fighting game meme or opinions for likes and retweets.
smellee lol.

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If it's so much better, why isn't it at EVO?

Go back to twitter faggot

You're in denial if you don't think majority of gamers switch to the newest game and don't even care to analyze if the newer game has much more than a coat of new paint, rather than the older one.
Besides that I don't see why you're so upset about him laughing at the smaller community

no evo for you, stinky. they don't need your game.

Everyone complained non stop about SF4 until they saw there was money in it. Japanese players fucking constantly shat on the game and talked about how bad it is and how much better old games are. and itll happen to SF6 with people saying 5 was underrated. Dont ever bring 4 into an argument its more or less no different than 5 is in how good it is.

>melee has had the big stage for multiple years'
>UNIST is relegated to side tournaments hosted in bathrooms
>Meleefags: ......
>UNISTchads: I wish more people could see this.

>Melee finally gets shelved
>UNIST finally gets the big stage
>Meleefags: UH UH UH WHAT THE FUCK???? DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE? YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST LEAVE US BEHIND??? WE BRING IN SO MANY VIEWERS, ALL OF THE VIEWERS IT'S TREMENDOUS OUR VIEWERS TH-THEY BOUGHT THEIR WAY IN THIS IS LITERALLY THE HOLOCAUST haha jk :) melee will still live we don't need EVO its not actually that important to us haha :^) have fun with your no viewer game that we're definitely not upset about haha :^)))) keep being salty you sheep xD oh nooo y dont n e boddy like us ;_;
>UNISTchads: haha cool. thanks for all the support guys!

>tfw wanted to hate unist being a meleefag
>check out gameplay
>its fun and the characters are cool

it deserves evo, samurai garbage on the otherhand deserves to flop that shit is ugly

>You seem to equal unproven guys to actual scrubs
You have to prove yourself first man. How does it even make sense to be "unproven"? It just doesn't make sense if you haven't shown that you're actually good, and getting good doesn't happen over night either. I really need you to define what it means to be "unproven" because all that sounds like is some guy you think might have potential but has literally no results.

Smash wasn't taken seriously as a competitive game for a long time by the FGC, it was a very hostile relationship online. Smash scene develops on its own completely separate from the FGC, having its own terminology, meme's and mannerisms. Because the community is huge and has money, people want to reintroduce the communities, its like trying to force chinese and japanese people together because they are both asian and one has roots in the other.

The newer smash games might be able to play friendly with the FGC but Melee will always have a hard time. There is way to much bad blood on both sides.

>one t-shirt has been shipped to your address

Oh yeah recently he's been sucking shit (and not the way his faggot ass prefers)

Are you denying that this happened?


I feel bad for UNISTfags, they have to deal with the brunt of smash autist's rage at being excluded.

to be fair, a lot of older fighting games have bullshit which even exceeds melee
mvc2 and mvc3 are self explanatory
people hopped onto sfv like wild animals more because they were fucking tired of sf4 than hyped for sfv
melee had a lot of shit worth going back to after brawl, but it was undeveloped enough to have a lot more shit to explore
most fighting games don't really have that

is this how smelees cope not being at evo?

these people are so desperate to be persecuted lmao

meanwhile, melee's been shipped out of evo. :)

Don't worry, the UNISTchad are enjoying their threads for 2 years now with minimum shitposts and nightly lobbies

As an Ultimatefag, I for one am totally okay with playing ball with the FGC and throwing meleefags under the bus.


Toppest lelz already

This. Ultimate is far more fun than Melee

Along with 200k viewers :)

All that said the fgc still just moves on to the new SF no matter how much they initially complain about it

I haven't even heard a single word from any UNIST players among this whole fake outrage.
Where are they? Are meleefags just that loud?

I think they're keeping their heads low, or that no one actually knows who any of them are outside of the UNIST community so their reaction just isn't being seen.

His point is totally valid. I don't see what OP is crying about.

Busy making lobbies at midnight and recently helping new players with trial by fire training

Salem was right after all.

Because they're willing to give it a chance maybe?

It literally has no depth. How is it fun?

imagine thinking that an anime fighting game deserves respect

lol fgc

So much so that they've been giving it a chance for years now!

Actually playing the game.

They're busy actually playing a game instead of posting about how they think they're better than you

I WAS making fun of the fact that there's people out there who are active in the fighting game and smash communities actually think French bread bought it's way in. But you guys should just write "I'll bite on anything" on your foreheads.

This is 100 percent on Nintendo. A safer play for McRib would be to not have Samurai Showdown so close to release, get the guaranteed big viewer stream of Melee. Put the Samshow on next year, assuming it's good.

Nintendo on the other hand wants Ultimate badly because Ultimate will move switches.

We'll here's your chance to make your rep. Hell, if I were an enterpenurial type, I'd get together some of the better looking players, put out an image of LEAVING THE SMELL BEHIND, dressing up super nice for the tournaments, and trying for some Unilever sponsorship money.

They move on because they know the older games won't get supported. Only third strike has anything like that and its more of a oddity when it springs up.

Difference is the developers of the new sf aren't intent on stifling competivefags like Sakurai has been. The top players gave the new smash games a chance and they just now have gotten a game that isn't floaty, no combo crap after about 15 years.

Because SF 3 vs 4 is much less drastic than Melee vs Brawl/4. People hated Chun Yun Ken the game and moved onto SF4. SF4 died because prize pots but Melee would probably die if Sm4sh majors had 250k prize pots

it can take years to dissect a fighting game, especially considering patches.
melee took years to dissect. brawl was figured out within 3 months
if you weren't such a snide cunt you'd figure this out yourself

based and truthpilled

isn't that the same retard who withdrew from a tournament because he didn't have his special slightly malfunctioning controller onhand to perform an exploit?

I still think Sakurai is fucking with competitive when he can. Hazards off should be a option on stage selection and the new online is balls awful, competitive matches were being paired with free for all items on. I feel like nintendo top brass is cracking down on him hard, but he tries to slip in what ever he can.

>attempting to redtext

You have to go back to cripple chan.

user, I don't think it's about the games here. You're way off.

>i don't hate this game, i just hate everyone who likes it!

Why did that post bother you? Just look away, sensitive fags

people have been having the same complaints about sfv since season 1

So why does no one seem to be upset that goober gear is gone?
wasn't that game thriving?

he hates competitive smash and wants it to die and become a strict party game
killing melee is the goal and when its finally unsalvageable he'll put out brawl 2 and call it the final smash game

I wouldn't say it took 3 months to dissect everything, but it didn't have a good shelf life once people figured out MK was indisputable the best. When your hypest moment involves spending a minute trying to tack on just the tiniest amount of damage before a timeout, something went horrible wrong.

and evo will be stronger than ever without them. :)

I only came here to shitpost because they have anti shitpost mechanic over there.

He just doesn't see Smash bros as a competitive game. It was never meant to be. It's a two button fighter with simplified inputs. He doesn't go all the way competitive because that was never his vision of the game or the series.

Because GG fans aren't autistic. Its suck but you just move on.

The competitivefags shouldn't have been such dicks to Nintendo, and learn how to ask for shit like normal people.

Nintendo brass doesn't like the competitivefags either. And the netcode is tuned for Japan. The best thing to ask for I think would have been A Forza solution.

SF 2 turbo to 3 was pretty fucking dramatic.

Quite a few people are. But they also know that a new version is coming soon.

If melee wasn't dead before, it's super dead now. Armada fucked up hard.

Its clear top nintendo brass like the competitive scene, otherwise they would have let his autism continue after smash 4. I really don't know why they keep him as the director, he is probably more happy making kirby games then smash. Are the directors that big of a name brand?

Really? What do they do? Whatever it is, it seems to not stop shitposting.

I would've preferred it over cross-tag but UNIST getting in a pretty good compromise. Cross-tag is cool but man they gotta shake up the balance, I can only tolerate so many Gord's and Ruby's.

Simple. The game is fast and frantic.

Like what 64 & Melee were.

Let's be fucking honest here, not even top players are asking for a super deep Smash game with thousands of tech. They just want a game where it's not defensive heavy like Brawl and most of what Smash 4 was.

Depth doesn't fucking matter in a game like Smash as long as it's fast and rewards aggressiveness and offense

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I hope that's not hot sauce

I don't even have a problem with those games, or any game really, the problem is with MrWizard. EVO's "Super Bowl of fighting games" status is starting to outgrow what he's willing (or capable) to do as a TO. 4 game Sunday just pushes more shit into the ballroom hall on Saturday that there's barely enough room for, which is why he wasn't negotiable with Melee at least being Saturday like 2017. He talked about extending EVO to 4 days some years back and never pulled the trigger on it because the venue is expensive and SF5's first year boom (which made for lots of general admission pass revenue) collapsed the next year. It's like SDCC where there's just not enough room for any more growth unless someone's willing to front the bill for a solution.

the difference between SF2 turbo to 3 is like the difference between the Starcraft prototype and the version that we got

Naw, smash 4 was a big return to the competitive scene which nintendo wanted for its game. I can't imagine Sakurai doing any of the changes for the competitive scene without nintendo having a gun to his head.

they have ID, it prevent samefagging and idiots that got btfo from pretending to be a different user. It reduce the shitposting a lot, no niggers allowed policy also helped.

Meleefags aren't mad about UNIST. They're more upset that a game that isn't even out yet and has zero scene associated with it is getting in at EVO. Samurai Shodown doesn't even have a solid release date and it breaks Wizard's past precedent being that a game needs a few months to settle before it shows up at EVO.

Also, there's zero reason why EVO has to stick with the 9 game format outside of the fact that they suck dick at event planning.

>cheater who can’t play without his special hardware that gives him an unfair advantage
>calling out other communities in the FGC as inferior
>still claiming poor-ass SNK & Ethopia-tier French Bread bought their way in over Melee’s scene
Retards like this deserve to be laughed at, and the whole Melee community deserves all the mocking & ridicule they’re getting for getting fucked out of EVO.

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Ultimate still barely has true combos. And it doesn't have any advanced tech that's being applied on the high level. It's not a good fighter even though it's faster than 4.

They want a game that feels good to play, Smash Ultimate with input latency problems and no momentum physics is a huge problem but its the first game since melee that has rewarded offensive play styles that weren't degenerate. Ultimate with a few tweaks probably could destroy melee. It would still exist, but in a more third strike kinda way instead of being the second biggest evo event.

The best part is Melee is the ones that bought their way into EVO back in 2013

>cheater who can’t play without his special hardware that gives him an unfair advantage
What are fightsticks and/or hitboxes (which can allow you to block in both directions)
>calling out other communities in the FGC as inferior
Nigga people in the FGC do this shit all the time. You should be around marvel fans for an hour.
>still claiming poor-ass SNK & Ethopia-tier French Bread bought their way in over Melee’s scene
No one's claiming this.

We know the real reason why people hate melee.

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Sounds like you didn't actually watch the video.

Do people really just resort to "STINKY DAY STINKY DAY" when backed into a corner?

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are you seriously implying fightsticks and flawed controllers that are no longer in production are the same thing?

If people don't think that SNK bought their way into EVO they're hella dumb. I don't think Mr. Wiz is allowing NINE games on the main stage as a sign of goodwill. This slot purchase was probably most of SamSho's marketing budget.

>absolutely endless smash topics since Ultimate was announced
Is Yea Forums now just a SmashBoards shitposting repository?

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boomer Yea Forums hates it but twitter screencap threads are better for discussion than a random meme or game screenshot

>fightsticks are the same as a defective controller

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You can have it be the Smash board or /pol/ 2, take your pick

People actually trying to ban Jigglypuff exposed the community to me, I love melee and have kept up with the smash scene since 2008, but this is by far the most disgraceful thing I have ever seen from the community. Back when Evo first kicked melee out over pot splitting, to m2k's unchecked autism and dominance on the scene, to the smash takes no skill meme's. This is the worst and the fact it has taken so long for any of the prominent smash leaders to even address it and shut it down is disgraceful. Melee needs to burn.

UT99 was and is better than UT2003/UT2k4/UT3/UT4. This isn't exactly a rare phenomenon.

It matches your retarded criteria, correct? Realistically looking for a 'good' GC controller is the same shit as people building a high-end fight stick. You don't need either of those despite what autists may claim, but going from a $40 dollar fight stick to a $200 custom one does feel significantly better especially if you have a gate that suits your play style.

What about all the other games that aren't Smash or erotic political roleplaying?

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I dunno what all this drama is about, but for me, I just don't want to see another Genesis 6 showing. Melee Grand Finals for Genesis 6 showed everyone the current state of the game. For everyone who watched it, you know what I'm talking about. It getting removed from the Evo main event lineup could only have been expected after that shit show.

I think another reason why all this shit is going on is because Melee gets removed from the lineup and suddenly everyone and their mother is fucking assblasted about it. As if they couldn't handle this ONE fucking year where the game isn't at Evo and now there's riots and begging to have it return. It all feels like such a fucking joke over something so irrelevant.

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gotta go to /vg/ for that, I'm afraid

Gord and ruby are dead with the new patch

>meleefag attempting to explain why he and his faggy clique have ruined fighting games and WHY YOU SHOULD BE OKAY WITH IT
Fuck you, I hope you and every one of your ilk kill youselves tonight. Fighting games were fun until you faggots showed up. I hope every single one of you die tonight.

>Melee Grand Finals for Genesis 6 showed everyone the current state of the game.
I'm not tapped in. What happened?

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>go to Gachashit paradise and MMO hell
No, I won't be doing anything of the sort.

>Basing your livelihood on something that requires little to no technical skills
>For an audience that is known to be a combination of both vicious and irrational
>Whose whims swing on a dime
>Basing your career on pretty much whoring yourself out as a court jester for faceless, anonymous people
>You no longer play video games for yourself but for other people

Other than the fact you're playing video games for a living, there's very little reason to ever become a streamer. Hell, I know a guy who could have been a competitive CS player. He actually looked into and became a dev instead. Reason: very little money within competitive gaming--reason why most teams are corporate sponsored. If it's not the fact you're splitting the pot 5-ways, you're playing Russian hopped up on Adderral who are even more delusional than you are.

hey retard can you stop ignoring the part where the controllers are LITERALLY FAULTED and NO LONGER IN PRODUCTION, making them doubly rare and thus inherently unfair?
It's an advantage that not everyone can have. In fact it's an advantage that only a very small minority of players can have

Just leave Yea Forums. There is nothing worth anything here anymore.

it's more ignorance than anything else. he's just saying dumb shit. whereas the fgc is legit obsessed with shitting on melee.

really shows you the nature of the situation.

What's the deal here? Why does he look sad?

>vg is nothing but gachashit and mmoshit
>v is nothing but smashfaggotry
Maybe we should just stop visiting Yea Forums?

Official hardware can never be banned from tournament scenes, faulty controllers are fine. Melee will have to accept custom controllers eventually, otherwise everyone is going to be using the shitty new ones.

>look sad
>not pretending to be sad
Learn body language faggot, he's clearly pretending to be upset, badly I might add.

Melee was confirmed to not be at EVO at that moment.

To where? There has to be a current salvation that is appropriate to escape from here, message boards that have all become 50000+ posting account cliques, and social media.

He was seriously ill for this latest one and with a hand injury, so he didn't have as much hands on direction as in previous years.

From the japanese interview or famitsu thing I remember, he talked about how his consession to the pros was making it "faster", and his concession to the casual fans was to put in fucking EVERYBODY so no matter who you liked, you'd have a character for you.

LOL. He makes games that sell fucking systems by the truckload. That is his JOB. And the casuals will always be a top priority for him.

Really, the competitivefags should have gotten together and asked for what they REALLY wanted. Something more like a more pure platform fighter asset flip fork of Smash, or Tournament Mode dlc or whatever. Just imagine something with Ultimate's assets, and Melee's basic physics.

No. They do that for pure entertainment value.

you're the type of person who would think computers were a fad in the 90s

streaming/independent video content creation is here to stay as an entite generation of people are growing up/have grown up on it

dumb boomer

t. autistic cuck

...what if we COMBINED the two?


user, imagine the gayest possible game of keep away you've ever seen in your life. It was that kind of match. Absolutely boring in every way imaginable. It was a literal Pokemon battle, and for some reason, they found a way to make it boring to watch. Matches lasted forever and there was an actual timeout during one of the rounds.

The hypest thing about this grand finals was the fact that the underdog Axe finally made it into grand finals of a melee tournament.

Attached: 1479060983622.gif (400x300, 1.64M)

>a fraction of a percent of people who participate are successful
>that means it's a good idea
Yeah Tyrone, and your son is definitely going to make it in the NFL/NBA.

This. Of course he's actually upset but if he wasn't on stream he wouldn't be doing that shit.

You dumb faggot. I'm not ignoring that at all. If you weren't an inbred dipshit you would be well aware of the GC controller modding scene going out and ensuring that all controllers are 'good enough' for Melee.

Regardless, how is that any different then a pad warrior bringing in his worn controller to a tourney? And that besides, the community has other ways of fixing the problem too through melee mods and so forth.

Kingdom hearts fans are over emotional and over sharing. Smash fans all introverts and prone to rage spells. Now you tell me what the definition autism really is and I’ll help you connect the dots.

I set this shit to x2 speed and watched through it and it still felt slow and faggy. Jesus fucking Christ.

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>success isn't guranteed so it's bad
fucking slug

You make millions in sports and thats just in one fucking season. You have to win a whole ass tournament in vidya just to have even a couple thousand to your name

Literally all of this is Mang0's fault. He is pretty much the voice of reason for the Melee community and all his fans think the way he tells them to.

>Melee fag calling other communities sheep
oh the iron E

Go to a melee smashfest.


>New games come out and are shit
>Community plays anyways despite bitching
If your not sheep, your cucked.

Fine, looking, whatever, nigger. Why does he look sad?

>Every community is Street Fighter
>SF3 still gets more views on Twitch and shit.
Okay faggot, whatever you say.

he's hypocritical, which devalues his argument

They're competitive by nature

Not everybody who plays sports for living is making a bajillion dollars you doofuses, and that wasn't even my point. My point was that in both situations you would be out of traditional work and shirking your career.

Those games are so fucking simple a community of children could have found all the tech in a few months, much less the FGC at large

Reg hasn't been open long enouigh, but almost every game at evo suffers its second year and BBTAG literally had a month or less of actual release time before EVO, so that game is going to drop dead on its ass as people probably signed up thinking it was a completely different game then played it and tasted the actual shit it was

DBFZ had more time and more brand power/people playing, but the same will happen to it no doubt as the patch wasn't popular and the game was stale from a few months in, nevermind a year and a half after launch

>SF5 is by far the most viewed thing last EVO
>MCVI was the first game bad enough that it killed its community because they finally woke up from being sheep.
>MKX is whats being played despite everyone agreeing IX was better





Melee players are as much sheep as other fighting communities if not more so do to the fact melee doesn't change and has gotten stale due to the same top players having such an overwhelming skill gap we see the same shit over and over, worst offender is hugbox who plays the same character everytime.