What Nintendo game needs a full scale remake the most?
What Nintendo game needs a full scale remake the most?
why not new games?
Super Mario 64
DS was shit
DK 64
Pokemon needs a proper game. Period.
A 3D remake of Spirit Tracks from the ground up using BOTW's engine would unironically be a masterpiece
suck my butt you shit sucking faggot
wario blast
the train should have been ganon is disguise. it even has his pig-like face
t. zoomer who grew up with SM64DS
Legend of Zelda 1
No game needs a remake.
If it was good, then you can still play it.
If it was bad, no amount of rework can save it.
You can't refute this. And no, REmake wasn't needed.
Drill dozer
What about mediocre games?
Wind Waker
Keep the graphics but add all the cut content. I'm not just talking the dungeons, I'm talking about the story elements, extra populated islands, and all the stuff they were planning to do to make the Great Sea more interesting.
Legend of Zelda 2: adventure of link as a dark souls rework
My heart says this but my brain tells me that they'd just have shitty gimped physics based on Odyssey and that they'd completely retool the graphic style to not be reminiscent of SM64.
>green logo
Zelda 2. It could be a fully 3d action rpg like Dark Souls.
This, they were even going to have Time Skips where Link ages in the game but couldn't add it because it was too difficult at the time.
Wouldn't a sequel work better for that? Maybe have an adult toon link set between phantom hourglass and spirit tracks.
You can if the developer makes some much needed QoL improvements. You're just being stubborn if you refuse to accept those kinds of alterations. Like, you seriously don't think Lost Levels benefited from game overs not sending you back to the beginning of each world? Do you just like to waste more time?
KI Uprising, or better yet just a sequel
90 % of retro games aged like shit & are no longer playable. FF7 for example used to be good, but aged so poorly that it is no longer a good game in 2019
Came to post this, thank you based user.
>t. zoomer
Link to the Past is still a good game. FF6 is still a good game. Doom is still an amazing game. Age is but a number, and remakes are only neat when they revamp the gameplay like RE2make did.
But the new shit is bad.
Original Donkey Kong
Page-one rewrite of these, the single game they were meant to be, removing the junk that was added to pad out each not-quite-half, which includes streamlining the fuck out of the long-winded dialogue.
Dead and gone.
None of them. After LA we've gone beyond the need for remakes.
Those are 2D games, not an argument. 3D Games are factually different & aged far worse
> Doom
Literal ireedemable garbage, not a single worthwile quality outside it's past influences on the gaming industry as a whole.
> Age is but a number
Wrong, any 3D game made before 1999 except Zelda, Banjo, Smash 64 , Conker, Half-Life & Mario shit is nigh unplayable garbage now that nobody except Boomers even would attempt to play
>train tracks everywhere
>but you can ignore them and go off the rails
Why use the train at all?
>Goalpost moving
The first post said retro games, not 3D games.
>90% of retro games aged like shit
>b-but not the 2d ones!
90% of retro games are 2D faglord. Acquire better taste
> Comparing 2D & 3D games
Literal fucking retard, nice try Zoomer
Whats wrong with battlezone from 1980? Thats 3d and perfectly playable.
The 10 % are the SquareSoft & first party SNES games. Everything else is garbage
But user, you just implied that only boomers would defend old 3D games, and now you're accusing me of being a zoomer because I called out your retardation. Quit being a little faggot.
Blame Gamefreak they own the majority of Pokémon
I dunno. Quake and Duke3D are still fun. Pretty sure those aren't owned by square nor are that on the SNES.
> Quake & Duke 3D
Irrelevant garbage, there's a reason why nobody ever talks about them outside this board. It's because they aged like complete shit, actual Timeless games like EarthBound & FF6 are circlejerked 24/7 by all Demographics. Even Zoomers
You mean Link’s adventure 3D
Dark souls is highly inspirated by Zelda
>no one talks about Quake or Duke3D
Get out more.
the absolute state of switch fags
"I love Nintendo! But don't own any other consoles so I want them to waste precious time remaking old shit for me to experience"
For fun.
Pokemon Colosseum
You are confusing it, it doesn't have a pig face, but a ganondorf-like nose
A Zelda 2 graphical update would be sick
Imagine gatekeeping fucking electronic toys. What a sad, pathetic existence that must be.
Just make a sequel and make half the map land and the other half sea+islands
Imagine being a redditor
Not my fault you were born in the wrong generation, nigger
Cry harder kid, you'll never fit in.
I worked at my Family Hotel & met hundreds of guests, in my endless of collection of games on my PC. The only ones that people actually recognized were these
> A Link To The Past
> Ocarina of Time
> Final Fantasy VI, VII, IX, X
> Chrono Trigger
> Super Metroid
> GoldenEye 007
> Resident Evil 1, 2, 4
> Super Mario Bros 3
> Mario Kart Series
> Super Mario World
> Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3
> Metroid Prime
> Castlevania: SOTN
> Majora's Mask
> Super Smash Bros Series
> Super Mario 64
> Shadow of the Colossus
> Pokemon Gen 1 & 2
> Street Fighter II
> SoulCalibur
> The Wind Waker
> The Legend of Zelda
> Breath of the Wild
> COD4: Modern Warfare
> Perfect Dark
> GTA: San Andreas
Nobody even knew what Dark Souls was, let alone literal who shit like Doom. I would know, i tried playing it once & people had to ask me what the game i was play is
Any Warioland Game
Wtf does this mean