VR is saved

VR is saved.
Thank you Valve.

Attached: 1551472698670.webm (480x240, 479K)

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I waiting for Valve machine flesh interface so I can fuck off from this reality.
>Steam virtual consciousness
>Join your true friends in the Steam plataform

If this is HL3 I'm gonna have mixed feelings waiting for just VR.

I'm glad VR finally gained mainstream traction, especially after Beat Saber

these "boneworks are hl3" threads are actually even more obnoxious than tranny vrchat threads, kill yourself

>more tech demos

Nothing can be more obnoxious than /vrg/

Attached: random sampling.png (1594x849, 162K)

You acting like Half life and HL2 weren't tech demos

>Probably 4 hours at most
>That'll be $500 plus knuckle controllers, and full price for the game