VR is saved

VR is saved.
Thank you Valve.

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I waiting for Valve machine flesh interface so I can fuck off from this reality.
>Steam virtual consciousness
>Join your true friends in the Steam plataform

If this is HL3 I'm gonna have mixed feelings waiting for just VR.

I'm glad VR finally gained mainstream traction, especially after Beat Saber

these "boneworks are hl3" threads are actually even more obnoxious than tranny vrchat threads, kill yourself

>more tech demos

Nothing can be more obnoxious than /vrg/

Attached: random sampling.png (1594x849, 162K)

You acting like Half life and HL2 weren't tech demos

>Probably 4 hours at most
>That'll be $500 plus knuckle controllers, and full price for the game

ignore the newfag, he's just coping

OP acts as if Half-Life 3 is in development, how sad.


Attached: bonerworks.png (1304x769, 293K)

how many of them will suicide if VRChat dies? Depending on the answer I might just have a new goal in life

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The proof you need that it's not HL3 is that Source 2 is hardly being worked on, there's not even a SDK available to the public. So they're going to make a big game without an engine that can compete with modern engines? It's time to let it go already

>there's not even a SDK available to the public
Why would it be? They're being secretive about their HMD too.

What are you talking about? They ported Dota 2 to Source 2 years ago.

Because Valve literally hires people who do modding and many of their games came from modders that they hired? In fact the TF2 business model is based on community made content that they sell.

So you're saying the original source engine was released to modders during development or something

VR will never be relevant for home use.

The poorfags, still in denial.

I feel like that swinging motion in VR would make me throw up everywhere

It's pretty obvious Boneworks is going to be first game to take advantage of the valve knuckles and their new VR headset, it's the perfect showcase game for Valve to revolutionize VR if their hardware also pushes the tech forward.

Fucking hell, /vrg/ is a blight. A guy posted about a VR/Touch mod he was working on for Unreal Gold, and it just got fucking steamrolled over by talk about waifus and who's most popular.

Why the hell would you hang with the crowbar when you could just grab the bar with your hands?

longer range

To show off the physics

half-life 1 actually wasnt a tech demo

>full fledged lengthy games
>have new technology and features
>woowww tech demos
Kill yourself buzzword zoomer

>non-enemy NPCs
>seamless level transitions
>no cutscenes, story is told in-game
>unprecedented world interactability, games only used to be buttons and such
>multiplayer interface that isn't hell

No because their business model didn't revolve around cash shop content made by the community. They could benefit from the community getting more knowledge over their new engine to produce hats or skins or whatever for their new game. Also they could get money from other developers by licensing Source 2. The only scenario where not releasing because reasons makes sense, along with major figures of HL2's development quitting Valve is how the HL3 cultists have descended to flat earth nuts at this point holding onto that hope for dear life.

woah humble is having a VR sale right now!

Attached: ve.png (1140x200, 369K)

Yeah okay, it's everyone else that's nuts. You're obviously an autistic spurned Source modder.
We don't know what Valve's actually up to, only that they are indeed up to things. Boneworks obviously isn't HL3 but it doesn't preclude the existence of.

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