>World 1
>grassy fields
>World 2
>World 3
>World 4
>World 5
>World 6
>Rocky Mountain OR industrial theme
>World 7
>World 8
Every. Fucking. Time.
>World 1
>grassy fields
>World 2
>World 3
>World 4
>World 5
>World 6
>Rocky Mountain OR industrial theme
>World 7
>World 8
Every. Fucking. Time.
Other urls found in this thread:
...and that's a good thing!
Where do I click to find out why??
>Palace 1: Castle
>Palace 2: Museum
>Palace 3: Bank
>Palace 4: Pyramid
>Palace 5: Spaceport
>Palace 6: Casino
>Palace 7: Ship
>Final Palace: Doom Eternal
>grassy field always has the best theme
>all the others fucking suck
This game sounds like it'd really make me FEEL like (main character)
thank you mr miyamoto
Skyward Sword
>Final Palace: Doom Eternal
I actually liked it a lot.
Just Sonic
>circus level
>it gets gorey and the music more distorted as you progress
What about ghost world? ghost worlds are cool
Trump is a piece of shit and all his supporters are brainwashed retards with no morals, consistency, values, or ethics.
God I wish game still used this.
Nowadays its just
>middle east
>middle east
>some asian city
>middle east
I didn't know what to call mementos mixed with shibuya so I called it Doom Eternal because thats what it looked like the most.
Fuck off lefty/pol/ you forgot which website you're on.
This website is anonymous image board taken over by rightwing stormfront freaks that parrot propaganda non stop.
>when the forest map has comfy forest music
>when the ice map has comfy ice music
>when the desert map has comfy desert music
>when the beach map has comfy beach music
>when the sky map has comfy sky music
>when the unholy sanctuary map has fast rythmed church organ cool music
>when the water map has comfy water music
>when the mountain map has comfy mountain music
this my bros, is the toppiest comfy setting
>when the music map has comfy music music
yes YES that's what I'm talking about
Actually the site really hasn't changed that much, they still for the most part dislike war, dislike corruption and are mainly libertarian. Mean while the liberal movement went from being a movement of peace and prosperity to a movement of war and poverty. And it all happened when Obama took office. I'm pretty sure most people on Yea Forums back in 2008 supported Obama but saw through his stick and supported ron paul (before he was shafted by the republican party in favor of Neo-Con hack and professional Mormon Mitt Romney) where then they just protest voted or didn't vote at all.
>site really hasn't changed that much
>for the most part dislike war
>to a movement of war and poverty
"muh syrian troops" meme
fuck off.
can you just fucking shut up you retarded american
this is a videogame board nobody but stupid dumb fucks care about what you're saying
What are some games where you DON'T start on a green world?
KOTOR 1 and 2 come to mind.
I have a feeling your a commie in denial or just flat out a full on tankie.
Brainwashed burger thinks everyone is a communist except people that grovel to authoritarians.
well I wouldn't have to assume if you were honest with your political standing.
>Ron Paul was memed here and it turns out he is in thick with foreign money too
Almost like all the forced memes we're trying to do the same shit just an election ago, but Ron wasn't man child enough to really get dumb retards on his side.
It's hilarious and depressing how easily this place falls for this shit just because of pictures with words on top.
>honest with your political standing.
"Yea Forums didnt change and they hate war! Libruls love war!"
>honest with your political standing.
I think the only way to truly fix America is for the democrats to gain power again, try and take our guns away so it can trigger a violent 1776 style revolution and bring the US back to the way it should be in addition to much needed reforms like congressional term limits and further checks on congress.
Well why don't you try being honest if you think your so much better than I am.
>Someone makes a dumb joke
>Turns into political shitposting
I can't wait for Hiro to delete Yea Forums
>I've been tricked into supporting someone that goes against everything my own country stands for as well as completely and utterly disregards it's laws and objectively subverted governmental authorities multiple times.
>But you are dishonest about your beliefs!
>Said to someone who said nothing political or than to tell you to shut your retarded mouth.
Normally someone who find place to stop when they have to defend their ideals against literal apparitions but here we are. By all means keep it up as your ideology goes against every core tenant and the main voter block abandons the platform because far right chuds can't stop shitting their own pants to own the libs. Hope you are ready to pat yourself on the back when you successfully kill conservatism in America because you were literally too retarded to understand politics and couldn't help yourself throwing a shitfit with all the other invalids.
Honest about what? Ask a question.
The only thing I've done is laugh at you and call trump and his supporters retards. Thats pretty honest.
This but unironically, and I'm the one that made that dumb joke.
Stop playing new super shit bros then
My question is are you a communist. I don't care if you say yes, I just want you to be up front with what you think. I don't agree with everything trump has done but most of it has had a positive effect on America, such as the economy and north korea. Believe me, if trump thinks a yearly bombing of syria's a good idea I don't know if I'll be able to fully support him anymore but as long as he's taking steps to remove the US from syria I have no doubt that we'll eventually leave for good. The only thing keeping us there is Israel which I strongly disagree with, I think Israel can fend for it's self since it has nuclear weapons. If they can't then oh well, it's not any or my concern. If anything the biggest problem with the US right now is congress and it's inability to do anything right.
Or you know, elect politicians that don't ignore you completely while lining their own pockets bending to corporate influence while rural America declines to the point of third world status.
Surely the group that you have been voting for for years that has promised you guns and getting rid of abortion won't steer you wrong even though they couldn't be assed when they had full power to pass a law outlawing abortion, but instead they passed and we're silent on fucking gun regulation.
Maybe if you chucklefucks actually payed attention and held your own party accountable for anything you'd actually get what you want, but instead you have them feign weakness as an excuse of doing nothing so they can continue to bitch about liberals to get your support while doing literally fuck all at the state or local level at all.
The Republican party is a fucking joke.
>Inb4 you just want us to vote Democrat!
Congressional term limits and checks on Congress are things you want but your political party hasn't once mentioned implementing. You have been voting for people to stack your party who never gave a fuck about what you wanted and don't see fixing that as a solution, you are a weak fucking child.
>My question is are you a communist
>north korea
You are stupid piece of shit that forgets Trump nearly started a nuclear war with the fucking guy, insulting him multiple times and NK was threatening to nuke Guam as well as making SK nervous as fuck for literally no reason. Then he becomes buddy buddy with Kim, legitimizing one of the worst people on earth and actually making concessions to NK such as stopping wargames with SK and pretending the NK program stopped even though everyone all over the world except fat Americans know it hasnt stopped.
I genuinely, not even joking not being unironic, but genuinely wish I could cave your fat skulls in.
Nobody in congress wants congressional term limits because if it were to ever be proposed it would be shot down, not just by the republicans but by the democrats as well. All congress cares about is money and power over this nation and it's clear the only way to fix it is to make them fix it by force.
>3 full years since 2016
>people are still this upset because the TV and reddit tells them to be
>yearly bombing of syria
I didnt even bother reading the rest of your post, but now I did and it's even more retarded. Syria has been bombed by trump EVERY SINGLE DAY. He has a higher civilian death count than Obama or Bush. And his "pulling troops out" is pulling a measly 2k or so troops while having not said a single word about stopping the relentless bombing of 9 fucking countries with drones and airplanes. Fucking hate you easily manipulated retards that know nothing.
Does this guy not no what mad man strategy is and how effective it is in asia.
>But he almost started a nuclear war with North Korea
But guess what didn't happen? Thats right, a nuclear war with North Korea.
Congrats on not being a commie btw, heres another (you)
Yeah man, that's it, they're all a bunch of sheep, they don't rely on what their eyes and ears are telling them, it's all reddit
>But guess what didn't happen? Thats right, a nuclear war with North Korea.
Holy fuck, bravo. Pat 7+ billion people on the back because they all managed not to start a needless nuclear war with NK
donkey kong country was great, eat shit
glad you see it my way user. Western media and reddit + rest of the internet have been comparing it all to Nazi Germany; meanwhile in reality: nothing much has even happened and the world hasn't ended.
doesn't stop people from still be ass-blasted about it. but you can't convince normalfags to think critically
This is the reason I can't fully support trump yet, he needs to fully pull out and stop the drone striking programs. The more he doesn't do this the harder it is for me to fully trust he can do the right thing.
>fully trust
If you fucking even microscopically trust the guy who lies about literally everything he has ever done, then you need a bullet to the face.
How 2 save Christmas
>then you need a bullet to the face
whoa there user, calm down.
Even Godwin himself said it was comparable to nazis. Because you are comparable to nazis.
I don't want to say that we should slaughter all leftists, but we have to admit this is a seducing proposition.
You are blinded with the same rag that was held over Obama voters eyes, literally re-read your statement and look back. You can't trust what they say only what their actions are, NK isn't ever going to bed to Trump, they are playing him with help from Russia to get them on the mainstage (whether or not this is entirely valid from the standpoint of equitable sovereignty is one thing) while Trump promises the American people things that will never happen like denuclearization. He ran on a platform of non-interventionalism and yet here he is playing whose who in the middle east when we shouldn't be there in the first place, let alone stoking flames in southern America in shit that doesn't concern us.
Look my dude I'm not here to rail on your beliefs, but the dude is a flat liar, he has lied for decades before he became the president. You shouldn't trust any politician, especially ones that you love or appear to share your goals, that's the mistake that a lot of leftist made with Obama and still people cherish him even though he is a war criminal as bad as Bush Jr.
The Republicans had Congress for two years completely under their purvey and still did almost nothing to advance anything they campaign on to pass bills that directly enriched them, they don't care about you.
I won't lie to you, I'm not aligned with you politically, but I'm not here to try and convince you to switch sides. I am solely here to present to you that the people you trust should not be trusted, and arguably no politician no matter how objectively truthful, should ever be "trusted".
You gotta keep your eyes on the fucks at all times, it's too much power to trust away and not keep on them like a hawk, rural America is suffering because they trust the politicians they elect that share their ideals to do right by them and have for decades, and the slow slide into poverty that rural America has experienced has happened with the republican party holding the reigns.
Every fucking time.
Yes, use your memes. You brainwashed faggots.
>Palace 7: River in a desert
You should kill yourself, sodomite.
Yes pretend you give a single fuck about the bible while going against everything the bible says. Maymays rule!
I should say that I don't trust anyone in congress accept for Rand Paul, but since he's the only sane person in an insane asylum I know congress (both republicans and democrats) has to change but it isn't, because the only ones able to bring change to congress is congress and they will never let go of their power willingly.
Also Russia did nothing wrong, muller will find nothing on trump and the mainstream media and reddit will meltdown
fags; what do you hope to achieve here besides screaming at someone who won't listen
I just wanted to tell this obsessed user that he should stop obsessing about something that happened 3 years ago and had minimal impact
>when the sky map has comfy sky music
>when the water map has comfy water music
>when the mountain map has comfy mountain music
>World 1
>empty fucking desert
>World 2
>another empty fucking desert
eat shit kojima
There are politicians on the left at least entertaining Congressional reform on the national stage, it doesn't matter if they would actually do it or not when it becomes the public consensus that it should be that way.
>The only way to fix it is to make them fix it by force
Violent insurrection will only weaken the country and destabalise it's prospects, and it will only guarantee that those currently holding power won't be making those decisions, but it does nothing to stop the money flow into politicians pockets that sway them away from public want and need.
Start actually demanding the change, get politicians to say into a camera or mic and get the idea in people's heads. The left got fucking AOC into a position of power just by the power of convincing people of positions, the same can be done for anti corruption or to advance your ideals.
Granted it was a shit money grab huckster bullshit but look at how much the right changed in position on tons of shit after the tea party movement.
Kicking the dirt and giving up with the only prospect starting over from the ashes means you are going to be building mud brick buildings with those same ashes until the foundation is strong enough to rebuild, and that is not a situation that benefits anyone but those who would still have the money to buy politicians.
internet conversations arent about changing the mind of the faggot you are talking to, it's about the lurkers reading both sides. This is why stormtards spam threads relentlessly with their out of context statistics and meme pictures 24/7.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 starts on a Cloud City / Trading Post
But the first continent you travel to is a grassy fields world
>Every. Fucking. Time.
name 32 games that do this
All I wanted to do is shit post about Persona 5.
"Yea Forums"
It's the hero's journey, the training is the ascent to Heaven and the final confrontation takes place in Hell
yeah, maybe if you're a faggot and political pusher. maybe you should discuss VIDEO GAMES instead of derailing threads with this:
"Trump is a piece of shit and all his supporters are brainwashed retards with no morals, consistency, values, or ethics."
Thanks user, I needed that. The political landscape seem so hopeless sometimes that you forget that change can actually happen if you reeeeee loud enough.
>Mad man strategy which gave us the benefit of not going to nuclear war! Despite that not being an immediate threat and never was!
Yeah, it's been successful at allowing China and Russia to send endless shipments of anything they want while Donny sits on his hands and suspends war games for literally nothing in return. He has met with the guy two times without any signed documents or any agreements being formally made, and now Un is making demands without an agreement that the president is following for nothing in return.
The mad man strategy has gotten us nothing at all and only benefited NOKO
>B-But they dismantled a test site!
I don't consider an earthquake destroying their facility a willing endeavor
Too bad, dont bring up trump if you dont want people to shit on trump, snowflakes.
I try to talk about games all the time but am promptly brought down by people spamming "garbash shit trish" and calling everyone niggers. Now 2 words about trump and you start crying and 20 posts happen cause I said something mean.
I'm not the one who said "Trump is a piece of shit and all his supporters are brainwashed retards with no morals, consistency, values, or ethics." That was the guy that responded to me.
Also Xeno
Fuck you, Rogue Galaxy is good.
>It's all slippery slope fallacy unless it's about us
Funny I keep hearing about how the left is going to usher in socialism.
>this is considered fine
What a hypocritical fanbase...
>be me
>check my thread to see how many replies I’ve got
>wow! Over 60 post! Can’t wait to read these!
>literally nothing but /pol/shit except for a few post
What the fuck. Fuck you guys. I voted for Trump btw because he’s a straight white male who hates brown people just like me
The big thing with korea is that people on the boarder of north and south korea regularly talk with each other and are actively removing mines from the DMZ, if anything denuclearization is more of a big ask from trumps side and the real prize is a peace treaty formally ending the korean war.
But that's wrong
>Yes, use your memes. You brainwashed faggots.
You're defending a jew and calling other people brainwashed LMAO
/pol/tards invoked godwins name NON STOP for several years, now that he publicly went against you he is a jewish kike.
Like I said in my first post, you are retards with no morals convictions or ethics.
To be honest, is there a bad zone music except for maybe that war-torn place with the Jin battle?
>/pol/tards invoked godwins name NON STOP for several years
Gee, I wonder why.
Green Hill Zone: Act 1
>Rand Paul
You mean the guy that has voted against his own beliefs the entirety of his existence in Congress and blames it on the need to caucus with the reps instead of defending and promoting his ideology?
Sure he goes on television to complain and make half assed stands but his actions in the political sphere still amount to jack shit.
>Russia even mattering at this point
Everyone with half a brain cell knows Trump doesn't care who gives him money or praise, he has been sucking the dick of every single country that will allow him too as long as they blow thick loads of cash all over his family. The fact that you fall back to that shit in light of all the other garbage he has done only shows to highlight how YOU fell for the propoganda not the other way around. The man and his family could probably be put in jail for life without a single part of any indictment having even a mention of Russia.
I mean fuck we are literally trying our damned hardest to enrich Saudi Arabia and the trade war is growing and diversifying China's economy and trade structure, and the man literally violates the Constitution on a regular basis and even used executive power for gun regulation without a peep from Republicans (most likely because they know it can't do jack shit and once he is out of office it will just be removed from the books but still).
Open your fucking eyes you retard, this isn't even a left or right thing, this is your party trying desperately to cash out while they still can while propping up the easiest fall guy ever that they can have all the attention payed too since he is a popular man child.
Nothing wrong with that.