She sounds like a grandma chipmunk. How can he live with that shit? Apoligists will defend her beyond cracked hell voice

She sounds like a grandma chipmunk. How can he live with that shit? Apoligists will defend her beyond cracked hell voice

Attached: 6C89332A-A0F0-4F66-A539-89138FDB2242.jpg (640x360, 40K)

it's almost as if love was a thing

Please PLEASE get real friends OP you sad sad fuck.

You've never had a gf have you ?

L word

Go find some love and you will understand you fucking ignorant

there's more to a person than their voice, sorry that's all you get to hear from people in your detached internet life

shit thread

>Following e-celebs
>Being a faggot

Attached: 1551450401187.png (967x888, 1.05M)

>People now unironically watch PDP