She sounds like a grandma chipmunk. How can he live with that shit? Apoligists will defend her beyond cracked hell voice

She sounds like a grandma chipmunk. How can he live with that shit? Apoligists will defend her beyond cracked hell voice

Attached: 6C89332A-A0F0-4F66-A539-89138FDB2242.jpg (640x360, 40K)

it's almost as if love was a thing

Please PLEASE get real friends OP you sad sad fuck.

You've never had a gf have you ?

L word

Go find some love and you will understand you fucking ignorant

there's more to a person than their voice, sorry that's all you get to hear from people in your detached internet life

shit thread

>Following e-celebs
>Being a faggot

Attached: 1551450401187.png (967x888, 1.05M)

>People now unironically watch PDP

>eceleb thread
Go die
Go die without ever having experienced love

its almost like she is an 8,5 otherwise
and yes love etc.
holy fuck, pewds looks a bit varg-like in this one

they met on the internet and fell in love
this was over a decade ago
she either sucks like a champ or it's real love, dude

almost, it's a shame it's not real.

It's the pussy. Didn't you ever have a friend with a gf that was just an absolute shitlord? Ever try to tell him his gf is awful? They don't listen because they are getting some puss puss on the reg, they only ever realize it after the relationship has ended

you don't even try to make it video games

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Post pics of your face, I'd love to see what you look like, asshole.

She's definitely still with him for his money.

pewds has always been /ourguy/

how to easily spot a redditor/discord tranny? they dont respect traditional Yea Forums culture

Because she's cute.

So this is the hourly incel thread? Cool, let me try: Pewdiepie is a faggot for having a gf and his gf is ugly, I'd never fuck her.

Attached: 1547457779956.png (620x631, 704K)

Holy shit, op getting btfo left and right.
You deserve it though tbqh

I'm just surprised she's been faithful for so long. Are they married yet or was he smart enough to avoid that?

>He says "Nigger" and suddenly he's /ourguy/ despite all the faggotry he brings.

Kill yourself.

>ever truly /ourguy/

>replying to completely unrelated posts
Make your falseflagging less obvious in the future.

they're married
she's not some amerimutt thot

Why were these replies so late?

It's more than that, but you're too young for Pewdiepie's new audience so you don't get it.

because she's hot and considering her nice complexion I bet her pussy must be perfect too.

Man, he could really get fucked over hard then. Hope that doesn't happen.

>they're married
Not yet. They're still planning the wedding.

i love the phrase discord tranny because it allows me to know that poster has a crazy loyalty to Yea Forums and treats it like their own nation whose only knowledge of the wider internet is cherry picked screenshots of other websites.
you're like a 60 year old boomer that never left his shitty industrial town and thinks he has a clue of the world around him.

Ah, so you're just shitposting. My mistake.