Do you often fear that one day you’re gonna end up hating one of your all time favorite series...

Do you often fear that one day you’re gonna end up hating one of your all time favorite series? I’ve already become completely apathetic to the future of super smash bros. but with pokemon, I have a horrible gut feeling that gamefreak will do something so ungodly terrible to sword and shield that it would turn me away from the series permanently.

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cute bunny and cute boy

I just fap

Post feet

Please stop, this thread is for serious discussion and concerns

>I have a horrible gut feeling that gamefreak will do something so ungodly terrible to sword and shield that it would turn me away from the series permanently.
they already did that with gen 6 and 7.

I'm seriously concerned I'll never rub Scorbunny's feet

It happened to me with Final Fantasy.

Don't worry, you clearly have standards so low that it'd be impossible for them to upset you.

That's why you fall in love with games, not franchises. You get tunnel vision for a series and you're just setting yourself up for disappointment, not to mention blinding yourself to other games you might like.

Yet lgpe and oras exists

I thought Nintendo announcing a season pass for botw before the game even launched would sully my love for the series and Ninty but now that I'm actually playing it the thing is really good, pretty much doubling the content of the main quest and still clearly being an after thought instead of cut content to be sold after. I actually feel bad for pirating it.

Pokemon is formulaic as fuck. You'll only grow to hate it if you let yourself be dragged away by expectations.

Can I just ask, why do people dislike ORAS so much? For me I got back into the series with X and Y for the first time since diamond and Pearl and really enjoyed ORAS after that. It was the first time I put in the time to complete the full pokedex.

From memory
>the battle frontier scandal
>giving you a legendary super early on
>lack of postgame outside of delta episode
>demoting deoxys as a mythical
>framerate issues out the ass
>gen 4+ pokemon in the maingame
>super easy, almost braindead except for the champion fight

HGSS had been the previous remakes and were stellar. A lot of attention to detail, an interesting take on the original, included elements from Crystal, a metric fuckton of content (including new minigames and the Battle Frontier from Platinum).

ORAS comparatively was bare bones. Very little in the way of actually new major content, though the return of contests is worth a mention. No Battle Frontier despite its introduction in Emerald - in fact very few if any elements from Emerald were in ORAS. And what it did have was Delta Episode which was essentially a few extra hours of story that some people aren't fond of due to it being alternate dimension/time fuckery.

Personally I enjoyed them, but I enjoy every Pokemon game. I have to say the lack of a Battle Frontier was probably one of the biggest disappoints the series has ever had for me though.

It did. But then Sonic Mania happened

You never know OP. Takes games on a game by game basis

I don't know what you are talking about. I like Pokemon, and always will. If you stop liking it, you never really did. It's all about the Pokemon themselves. They are good designs, something Digimon failed completely at.

The problem with modern pokemon is that it doesn't have staying power due to lack of endgame. Emerald, gen 4 and b/w2 has great endgames that you could dump untold hours into. The single player has never been interesting in pokemon games because they refuse to put any difficulty into it. Endgame is the first time you have to a totally consider team comp and strategy and that's where pokemon gets fun

But then gen 6 happened and we haven't had a worthwhile endgame since. So basically the games have no worthwhile single player content at all. And if you're into competitive battling, the meta progressively gets worse with every gen. So you're fucked on either side

>They are good designs, something Digimon failed completely at.
It blows me away that even after 20 years and over 800 designs later, Sugimori has yet to fuck up. Even the most recent designs have the exact same charm, soul, and quality as shit from the 90s. I'd even argue that it's only gotten better.
Scorbunny got over 100 lewd drawings in under 12 hours after its reveal.

user, i grew up with pokemon, and any fan could see the questionable quality the games have took recently. Im worried about ss because i wanted them to be the best pokemin games like ohmori said himself, if you really liked the series you would want them to be the best they can be

Exactly. You just know there is soul put into every design. It's insane how Pokemon will always just be Pokemon.

I wasn't talking strictly about the games. Pokemon is more than the games. Pokemon will never be more than a 3D version of the 2D games.


I mean what else is there? The anime has literally never been good so I'm not sure what else there is to get invested in beyond the porn

Not him, but Pokemon Adventures the manga is regarded well generally.


Recent games haven’t exactly knocked it out of the park Pokemon design-wise, but these starters are A+. Couldn’t be happier

Read the manga. It’s pretty good

imagine someone actually buying a switch only for some shitty baby rpg that literally has not changed in around thirty years with the character design gradually decreasing in quality over time; especially when you can buy doom(2016), doom eternal, mario odyssey, hollow knight, rayman legends, smash ultimate, marvel ultimate alliance 3, and dark souls which are all better games than what pokemon will ever be. Imagine that the only people who play your game are furfag degenerates and man-children that have peter pan syndrome. wouldn't that just be depressing?

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>Do you often fear that one day you’re gonna end up hating one of your all time favorite series?
No, because every game I liked at this point already has something I hate, namely the fanbase. But sometimes it's the complete opposite way around, namely Sonic because his fan games are better than his official ones past the 90s. I bet Pokemon would have been in the same boat if Nintenja's didn't stop them. Fakemons are 9/10 better than nuPokemon.

Imagine being in control of Pokémon and being able to print shitloads of money every time you plop out another game

Nope. I think XY and SM are crap but I can go back to the earlier games in the series and still have a ton of fun.

Underrated post

Dude! Imagine being the sheep that actually buy this shlop! that would suck right man!?

Happened to me already.

I used to love Resident Evil. Me and my friends would trade games, and then talk about them all day at school. We'd talk about all the unlockables and secrets we found and discuss the 'lore'. Even RE4 was fun and we loved it, (I remember seeing 3.5 footage of leon with the fixed camera intact and creepy dolls) but thats when most of us stopped playing. Then the series wet to complete fucking shit. Survival horror was dead. Pre rendered backgrounds, fixed camera, tank controls were never coming back. The nu-fans completely took over and that was that. Waifufags and zoomers rule the day now.

I just don't get anything out of the nu-games.