Videogame music is saving the Music industry

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Other urls found in this thread:,wn

[Yea Forums screaming in the distance]

based gamers getting milked left and right
literally the dumbest category of consumers
worse than soccer fans

An advantage video game music has over regular music is that each track is associated to something.
If you love a particular boss fight or area in a video game and its theme is good chances are you'll love that music even if it's not particularly excellent.

you sound upset

Can you not link the article? Why would you take a screenshot and not post the rest of the article? How are we supposed to understand how and why this is happening?

the music industry is in the shitter because record labels no longer hire talent, they hire pretty faces, autotune them, and put their bad vocals to a backing track that sounds the same as all other backing tracks, because taking risks is something the recording studios dont do anymore

What an interesting and original opinion.

I bet you browse Yea Forums too faggot


>Videogame music is saving the Music industry

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Streets of rage 2 has an awesome OST. It's best enjoyed with headphones due to all the stereo panning effects.

Game music or licensed music?

Considering the only thing that millennials are buying from the music industry is nigger shit, I'd say they have.

Let's just be honest the music industry has lowerd the bar so much that it was only a matter of time before Vidya became king.

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not opinion, fact

inb4 we get shit ton of soulless remixes

99% of video game music is utter trash and I unironically hear more memorable songs from my Chink cartoons.

I wouldn't say it's saving the music industry but giving creative people an outlet for their creative works.

>chink cartoons

Opinion discarded.

Post a memorable video game song in the last five years. That didn't come from a Japanese game.

Why would you tattoo "PEE" on your fingers?

Someones gonna post megalovania and then an undertale fight will occur.

>Japanese games don't count uhhh because I said so lol

Fuck you I was just about to post the same thing

Hey man niggers made some legitimately great shit from the 70s-90s but now why would they? Too much effort, they can get by on what they do these days for even more money

>vidya saves music industry
How? Unless its just giving more work to musicians.

Undertale has a lot of them. Shovel Knight too

Not gonna lie RDR2 actually had a pretty good OST as far as Western AAA games go


If you hate anime so much, you probably hate Jap games too. So why include them?

No, as bad as gamers are, sports fans are so much worse, and since the hobbies overlap there I present evidence in the form of FIFA and Madden

Who cares about MTV? Wow jersey shore woah
Nobody cares
Now Much Music, that was HUGE

Where should an indie composer look into for making music for vidya?
I don't think linkedin is gonna be an option here

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t.alt rock fan

triggered Yea Forumstoddlers have no grasp of reality
just living in their bing bing wahoo world

Too fucking easy,wn

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It's poetic. The man said that if you don't like newer maintsream music, you should listen to cave sounds, and now, he makes music that no generation will like or remember.

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Make me some music for free, so you can get "exposure" :)

I already do but there must be a place where devs look for musicians, right?

Make your own game

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>unironically linking FilthyFrank

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The entire Endless Space 2 soundtrack is fucking phenomenal. Flawless theory is especially kino, though sadly the original is superior in that regard.

>western game music


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>un-ironically disliking franku

this entire scenario is a ruse

Well all they buy and produce is hipster chiptune and ukelele bullshit so you have a point

my point is that thre is some decent suff coming out every year, you just need to look up a bit and not only shove into your mounth only what your little brother listens
You know that you heard shitty music too at a young age
That's the point of Filthycringe too

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Maybe reach out to indie devs on steam? Also follow devs you like on twitter and shit and contact them that way

Isn't that just their favorite album playing?

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wrong fantano link

Moviefags are literally the scum of the videogame industry

Underrated post

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Who's that?