Why is this game still 60 bucks after it’s been out for 2 years??

Why is this game still 60 bucks after it’s been out for 2 years??

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>$60 is too expensive for vidya!!!
>caring about a total strangers spending habits

nintendo fans are stupid enough to pay $60 for games

>nintendo fans are stupid enough to pay $60 for games
>whaaa!! ps4 games are overpriced at $60!!!!
the amerifat in it's prime

Because you touch yourself at night.

Nintendo drones suck!

>it's a Nintendie deflects to Sony episode

Because its a great game
OP btfo

Still worth $60


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example #1

>sonyfag: I'll make fun of someone else this time
>ayy lmao!! nintendies are angry as fuck! sony always wins baybee!!

So people know to buy it on release instead of waiting two years for discount.

Buy used if you are too poor.

>Buy used if you are smart

Nintendo Games literally never go down in price until the near-end of the platform's lifespan so people don't wait for the price cut, and even then that's only in the form of Nintendo Selects.

I mean, the game is easily the biggest and most fattest content in a Mario Kart game

>55 dollars for a used two year old game

Wow so much better!

Its been out for almost 5 years. Nintendo babbies still pay $60 for it though.

But Nintendo systems are played by normal adults, really only obese manchildren play "serious" games

Normal adults do not own a video game console of any sort aside from a PS4 used exclusively for Netflix and Blu-Ray, they play shitty mobile games in their spare time exclusively.

Because people still buy it.
If you didn't drop out of middle school you'd maybe know about supply and demand

This, but also know a few with an xbox s for 4k Blu-ray player.

Because its a closed ecosystem, They know the majority of people that buy a switch will buy it. So they have no incentive to put this at a fair price.

Because Nintendo.