Night City. The city of opportunity

Night City. The city of opportunity.

Attached: 1538053561334.jpg (1225x687, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread: 2077 - Mike Pondsmith Interview/

I doubt it.

Looking forward to murdering fat white trash with shitty augments

Take ya swing.

memes aside, it really stuns me how shit the game looks considering how much I loved the witcher 3 and how great that game looks

>finding white people in future america
good luck

t. cocksucker

Attached: 1537499349176.webm (370x662, 1.83M)

Where did oldman kept the gun?

>how great that game looks

Attached: 2015-06-10_00001.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

Does anyone have the Borderlands intro of that guy?

Back ooooff.

forgot to mention I didn't play it on a toaster

Attached: 1538052570644.png (479x482, 163K)

I'm using high settings but sure.

>The city of opportunity.
its the city of dreams

And i’m a big dreamer bro

No, it's the city of angels
But no angels here anymore...
just skip around in this video, I think it looks really good. if your screenshot truly is high on a pc them that area is just not polished
either way, it looks 10x better than the heap of shit that is cyberpunk 2077

High settings are toaster settings. Ultra or bust.

CP77 looks exceptionally better.

I couldn't disagree more. pic related is straight from the gameplay they released, no tampering

Attached: cyberpunk-5.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

>Takes screenshot while in fast motion
>lol it bad
fuck off

next excuse?

Attached: eg-1.png (1200x630, 1.32M)

>Posts screenshot that looks absolutely fine
>Says "next excuse"
Fuck off

If that screenshot is truly high on pc, then that area is just not polished.
Either way it looks better than the heap of shit that is the wigger 3

So long as you don't mind also being trash

it doesn't look absolutely fine in my opinion. are you underage? you seem to be having trouble accepting an opinion of a fucking video game, calm down
I disagree

>Either way it looks better than the heap of shit that is the wigger 3
It's gonna look like wigger 3 on launch

Attached: 1551283083913 (1).gif (1280x714, 1.09M)

It looks far better than fine.

>I think it's bad and I won't tell you why
>you must be underage

Attached: 1551710569930.jpg (555x445, 24K)

Hey whoa bro. That area is just unpolished man, unlike unreleased game cyberpunk 2077.

Have they've been tried and sentenced yet?

alright, I disagree
I think the art direction is awful and the details in the environment is lacking, that's it. I called you underage because you got upset, not because you disagreed with me

Damn that looks good.

Both of those shots look better than the witcher 3.
Maybe you just don't like cars.

>I dink aret direction awul, and deres not enuff trees. Too bright!


I have a problem with the boring art direction and the colours, nothing to do with cars. I just think night city is plain ugly to look at

>I'm using high settings but sure.
No you aren't. I remember your recycled image. I re-installed TW# and proved you for being full of shit like a month ago. What, you think that i'd forget? Do i have to reinstall the game every time you try and shitpost with the same image?

Still in motion. Motion blur applies as long as you are moving the camera.

It's high, its just 'unpolished'.

>reveal trailer was a huge letdown
>gameplay trailer played like shit
What's the next step in their masterplan?

To release it to critical acclaim.

No, it's not. Here we go again. Give me minute or two so i go and grab a few screenshots on high.

show it late enough that you kids are in bed

Attached: 1409507611441.gif (426x319, 1.59M)

who are you quoting?
how do you know the camera is moving? I just typed gameplay screenshot and that came up

You could take pics of ultra settings, and cybercuck still looks better.

Witcher fags are still upset it's all over. Go play gwent you fags.

upset over what? I don't understand, it's not an exclusive and it's made by the same company

>no lights on guns
This ain't cyberpunk

Does anyone have the webm - or was it the YouTube video - where this video plays out with Smash music and transition effects? Ends with a picture of the mugshots of the Dad and son in Orange jumpers saying "BLUE TEAM SWITCHED SIDES"
I've been looking for it for ages and couldn't ever find it

Attached: 1550895691734.png (415x410, 231K)

I vaguely remember you. Are you that retard that posted a image from a different location in a different weather condition?

Fuck off. They're going to make another one.

>I just typed gameplay screenshot and that came up
No you didn't you fag, I remember you from couple of days ago you were claiming that you are alpha tester with exactly this screenshot, kys.

why would there be fucking HILLBILLIES in or even near an urban metropolis?

Attached: 1434900297848s.jpg (250x250, 6K)

They're not making another one. Get over it.

you're confusing me with someone else, I haven't posted in CP77 threads for weeks
pic related, literally on google

Attached: Screenshot_20190304-204915_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 1.13M)

It's the future user. Figure out.

No sweaty, you're just cherry licking unpolished locations.

but this is a good thing. it had a trilogy and a beautiful send-off in the last game, I don't want them to fuck it up by trying to cash in the success. can you explain why you're attacking a strawman?

The area is polished, it's the rendering that's the problem. Look at those wires, the complete lack of AA. Look at the intense, over the top volumetric rendering which blurs out any of the details which upon closer inspection are there in the distance. Nothing pops, and there's no distinction from one object to the next (likely no or poorly implemented SSAO)

Cdpr already said they're making another one, just not a geralt game.

These fat fucks still getting their assholes resized in prison by Tyrone?

>how do you know the camera is moving?
I've watched the gameplay reveal at leas 20 times and this is the spot where they spin the camera in place around the car.
Show me the exact location on the map and i'll go there.

Attached: TW3 1360x768 gtx1050.png (1360x768, 1.26M)

Yeah the game is unpolished, and it still looks better.

Take your cuck fetish somewhere else, city boy

The city of magic!

people unironically replied too lmao

I didn't know this and I don't know how to feel about it. is it like a spin-off or a fully fleshed witcher game?
>this is the spot where they spin the camera in place around the car
didn't know, but my main complaint is still how the city and outskirts look drab and generic

The city of big titty cyborg bitches?

Up ur butt, and around the corner.

theres still farms and shit

This is Witcher 3 maxed out @ 1080p

Attached: Witcher 3 (3).jpg (1920x1080, 1012K)

Eyes can't see higher than 480i

What the fuck is wrong with those cuck apologists. Yes this looks like shit and Witcher 3 looks 10 times better. At least in art/visual design if not technically.

I wish e3 would get here already I need some good shots for papes

That looks good. Cyberpeepee looks better.

Really? Go and make a cyberpunk 2077 thread on /int/ so i can see your flag. You're a shitposter all right.


Must be polished area. When CP comes out, ill be able to screen shot that games polished areas as well.

what? I'm not allowed to think it looks dull and generic? also I don't see how my flag factors into it, I'm norwegian since you're curious

Looks like a cartoon

What hardware?Also it looks better in motion. Screenshots don't do justice to all the trees swaying by the wind.

>it doesnt look generic

Cant have an honest discussion when even the most obvious can't be admitted. Im also not the guy youre replying to, shill.

>he no hav flag
>how im suposed to dismis argumnt now? i cant just adres it...

Maybe you're color blind. Get your rods checked fag.

Tell me any area and any time and I'll go there and take another screenshot, but it'll be at 1440p this time since I;ve upgraded my monitor since I took that screenshot.

I doubt it

Make an /int/ thread zoomer.
Depends on the settings you use. How much sharpening and such.

I was using a shitty monitor at the time of this SS, though.

Attached: Speccy.png (664x522, 33K)

How is it not generic? CDPR made it crystal clear, they want to play with the big boys, they want that GTA dosh, they can't do that with a real dark, wet, gritty cyberpunk game that's why the world feels so generic and bland. And not cyberpunk at all.

>Make an /int/ thread zoomer.
oh the irony

*couple of posters in the city with bright colors straight from the unholy union of Splatoon and Sunset Overdrive contradicts the fact that everything else is bland, grey and looks like only the most generic parts of GTA 5*

Well when it comes out I will.

! Remind me 12 months.

>The area is polished, it's the rendering that's the problem. Look at those wires, the complete lack of AA. Look at the intense, over the top volumetric rendering which blurs out any of the details which upon closer inspection are there in the distance. Nothing pops, and there's no distinction from one object to the next (likely no or poorly implemented SSAO)
Its just seems like this demo was just rushed, that's why it looks uneven in quality. Things you mention will be fixed, game maybe will be downgraded a little bit becasue of consoles but it will look more even in quality.

Never gets old

I mean in Witcher 3.

they never got convicted

Yes, I wish it looked more like Game of Thrones...

They're already a big Boi.

>I was using a shitty monitor at the time
I know what you mean. I had to draw something on photoshop with my shitty home monitor and once i went back to work on a proper monitor my eyes exploded. A good monitor can make the difference especially when it comes to the colors.

I don't.

>How is it not generic? CDPR made it crystal clear, they want to play with the big boys, they want that GTA dosh
Why this game hurts you so bad that you are blatantly lying? They said they want to make games as polished as rockstar, thats all.
They are not doing
>real dark, wet, gritty cyberpunk game
Because they are sticking to source material.

I don't really care if it looks bad, I just want a game to do a decent simulation of a large busy city, Novigrad in W3 looked great but was pretty lifeless.
I really hope the graphics meme dies some day and devs start dedicating more resources to creating better simulations of physics/ai etc.
Games today look great sure, but looking great doesn't mean anything if your ai is comparable to a game which came out in 2004.
Anthem is a good example of this, it's one of the best looking games I've ever seen but there is nothing to the gameplay to keep me interested

Attached: Where_Marshmallows_Come_From.webm (640x360, 711K)

Dark, wet and gritty is literally how Pondsmith defines Cyberpunk2020. Literally.

>that sharpening

It looks good as it is.

Attached: TW3 1360x768 gtx1050 2.png (1360x768, 1.36M)

Pic related is generic. CDPR's vision is not generic.

Attached: ac.jpg (2560x1440, 511K)

fuck off, you won't even tell me why. the fuck is your major malfunction?

at least that city doesn't look like modern day LA or SanFran like Night City does.

Night City is literally in California, so it's going to have some resemblance to LA and SanFran.

I don't care much about graphics either, but art direction is very important to me. I think a lot of people completely missed my point and thought I complained about the texture of the asphalt or whatever
bloodborne is one of the best looking games of all time in my opinion, even though it looks awful on a technical level

Cyberpunk takes place in 2077, not 2177

>cyberpunk city looks cyberpunk

night/day cycle confirmed
weather system confirmed
I'm sure we will see places like this, for now all we seen is 50 min from 1 district out of 6.

And Blade Runner takes place in 2019 LA. Not a fucking excuse. Realism has nothing to do with Cyberpunk

>Pic related is generic
Yet infinitely better and more in-line with the original teaser.

Attached: 1540038238128.jpg (1920x2160, 761K)

Attached: 1549767751421.jpg (400x400, 26K)

I think he was memeing about the GTA trailer

No bro. The 50 minute video didn't lick my asshole the way I wanted it to, and it's looks boring and generic.

How does that image prove anything? That Cyberpunk has different locations than just generic cyberpunk city locale #3131

Happened in Texas, they were acquitted unanimously.

europeans shouldn't be allowed to make cyberpunk games, not unless they've lived in some asian metropolis for a year minimum


Attached: com.jpg (1888x2140, 692K)

Your impotent rage is amusing.

What are you even trying to imply here?

Attached: The Witcher 3 Super-Resolution 2019.03.04 - 1080p.jpg (1920x1080, 2.94M)

>people who think cyberpunk is nothing but neon lights and cities and you can't be a rural cyberpunk redneck 50 miles from the city center in the suburbs

Attached: cyberpunk-nightcity.jpg (1045x613, 189K)

Master cherry picker. Shouldn't a migrant worker like yourself be uhh working instead of shit posting?

>those tiny ass buildings in the background

lmao such a mad alt cuck

Brits are allowed they already live in a dystopian surveillance state.

>grand theft auto 5 with augments isn't generic this setting we have never seen properly adapted to a video game yet is though

Why would you build tall building in cali of all places?

That Witcher 3 is a visually inconsistent game. Skellige looks fine, Kaer Morhen looks fine. White Orchard looks fine. But in Velen when it's sunny and midday the lighting is really, really bad.

What game are you talking about?

>Be me
>Get mad again at a trailer of an unreleased game
>I loved cyberpunk and it's themes since i discovered A E S T H E T I C threads on /wg/ in 2017
>Go watch Ghost in the shell, they say it's one of the most important cyberpunk animes
>WTF it has sun, where is night and neons? This is not cyberpunk
>Watch blade runner 2049, it's the other cyberpunk movie everybody talk about
>It has more neons and night but it LITERALLY STARTS WITH A DAY SCENE
Why the fuck nobody makes cyberpunk kino that looks like the cool wallpapers i unironically use? Ugh, those people don't get cyberpunk at all

Attached: 1547071551982.jpg (448x545, 132K)

Most people think Cyberpunk is the last 30 minutes of BR 2049 on infinite loop with no change in time or even different geographic settings or climates. I have never been more embarrased for Yea Forums than over this sun fiasco.

Attached: CYBERGTAPUNK 5.png (805x399, 446K)

Fuck off faggot! I know more about Cyberpunk than the people who pioneered it

Attached: GTA Amirite.png (796x398, 450K)

having your own yard and suburban home and being able to afford it now that's cyberpunk.... High tech low life brah

Attached: GTA see?.png (793x407, 400K)

I don't fully agree with that statement though there are indeed certain inconsistencies at certain points. That's mostly probably due to the draw distance and LOD. Even at it's worst it's far from bad and screenshots don't do it enough justice on how good it looks in motion with the trees swaying and birds flying around.

Attached: The Witcher 3 Super-Resolution 2019.02.04 - 1080p.jpg (1920x1080, 2.67M)

Attached: More GTA.png (812x393, 409K)

Cucks will unironically defend this.

Not GTA. Sleeping Dogs.

Attached: No large buildngs.png (790x405, 444K)

aestheticfags shouldnt be allowed to talk about cyberpunk period, no matter how many asian city pictures you have seen/visited

Doesn't look like Sleeping Dogs, but isn't one of the common complaints that it doesn't look like Hong Kong or Tokyo or China?

Attached: No Night in Night City.png (796x395, 352K)

Yeah but the problem is that it doesn't look like a 2077 city. It looks near future, like maybe 10-15 years from now at best.

Attached: Totally GTA.png (785x397, 427K)

>cherry picker
>every single shot/clip weve seen about the game looks exactly like the bottom pic

Why don't YOU cherry pick one shot that doesnt look like the blandest area of gta 5 ? A single one, please.

>Most people think Cyberpunk is the last 30 minutes of BR 2049 on infinite loop with no change in time or even different geographic settings or climates. I have never been more embarrased for Yea Forums than over this sun fiasco.
All the shitposting came from people who were still butthurt about bitcher 3 winning eurovision awards over bloodborne and fo4. They started it, the rest just picked it up.

this user knows his shit, the day we discover how to black out the sun we'll intantly demolish everything that isn't a 300m tall skyscraper and move the whole population to live on the street level

No it doesn't. It looks like a Near Future city, about fifty years or so.

Attached: VTOLs, corp military and smoggy light-strewn streets.png (819x399, 348K)

Looks like a futuristic take on a desert city in which the infrastructure is spread out via the main mode of transport, i.e. cars.

Or where you expecting New York acid rains and dense towers in a setting that takes place in a FUCKING DESERT.

Attached: 1512874637468.gif (250x233, 1.5M)

Look in the thread, I posted a ton of them that don't.

discord tranny cumtown listener detected

user there no hillbillies in CP. Only pink mohawk and asymmetrical hair fags. FUCK THE SUN

2077 is in the near future

The filenames are making fun of

Especially that one as it's taken not 10 seconds before

Because the games not out yet retard.

Why does that screencap always remind me of the motel in GTA 5 near where Trevor lives.

You didn't though.

Attached: Yee'Nyan.jpg (563x563, 14K)

Do you not see the huge future city in the screenshots I posted? As I said in the last thread, nearly all of them are right around those two screenshots that shitposters keep fucking spamming as they go 'hur hur gta.

I did.

where pham?

Attached: 1540036785694.jpg (1920x2159, 469K)

You ever go outside the city, user?

Based, nice to know that there's still some rights left in the United States

>put demonstrations of the game on display to show the public what their games looks like

All over the thread, unless you can find screenshots of GTA that look like them. And in the last thread. But of course shitposters like you probably haven't even looked at the demo.

>Do you not see the huge future city in the screenshots I posted?
No. Those are pretty tiny, not dense or numerous at all buildings.

>Man threatens he's going to kill you
>He can clearly see you're armed
>Keeps going on anyway
Talk shit get hit california boy

Not him but those inbred rednecks are in jail as we speak. Based, if O do say so myself.

But it doesn't look like the bottom pic. I just rewatched the damn demo.

Here, watch it. I think this will be the first time you've seen it.

>Can literally see ALL tall buildings in a single screenshot

What do you think happens below the above shot? Does the world clip out of existence like a level because Cyberpunk is a collection of epic skyscraper shots?

Then you're blind or shitposting. This pic alone blows you the fuck out.

Idk know you're quoting, but when the game is out ill be sure to take screenshots and compare them to Geralts fagg6 face on low.

A single one from a cutscene as if that indicates anything about what it looks like in gameplay. Then there's the actual gameplay demos who exclusively looked like GTA 5 with a blander color palette.

No you can't. There's plenty you couldn't see that oyu catch glimpses of through the demo. Plus look at those tal buildings to the right, they're what, four, five in game miles away?

Source? The only article I can find is from december that says they were indicted.

but this is on an xbox one x, not pc...

>Single one from a cutscene.

So you haven't seen it either.

Why do you even responding to him

Attached: 1538196027830.jpg (225x225, 6K)

2077 doesn't look like that even above the ground level. It has pathetically tiny and scarce buildings.

*doubts it*
Boomerdad did nothing wrong

Boomerson is a murder and needs the chair

Literally yes.

Because this is literally all of these threads now and the mods are retarded.

Looks to me like the model and texture quality are there, they just don't have the lighting and post effects to make it look polished.

Those are pretty small dude.

Was probably quoting the guy I quoted you fucking retard.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth brainlet. I don't think you understand the implications of owwning your own place in 50 fucking years from now that is like a 5 minute drive from the city center. You don't know anyway right now. Like some redneck is going to have hiis own suburbna palce in 50 years that he can afford and pay off yeah that's so cyberpunk having economic stability. It's so dehumanizing to have your own yard and place in teh suburbs not forced into mega cities and overpopulation. I mean I get it you want to defend these hacvks you miss the point of cyberpunk rteally really bad. I mean I'm fine with sunin cyberpunk I watched br2049 and loved it. It offers a much more foreboding atmosphere than cyberpunk 2077. I mean dystopian mega cities in china full of smog, yeah that's syberpunk, redneck with his own place he can pay off 5 minute drive from the city center. Yeah it's funny how CDPR think white people are like that, some millionaires private home with sprawling yard is going to be covered in trash because that is just what cdpr devs think the owrld is like. They have no clue. Yeah we have losers liek that who put car parts all over their yard but they aren't millionaires, just the implications that CP2077 orldbuildings that everybody seems to miss and put words in my mouth i hate the sun and only want sky scrapers. No that's just what cyberpunk is. Having your own suburban home isn;t fucking cyberpunk, it never has. cdpr shills are so disingenuous. I'm sorry you don;t understand cyberpunk and never will. It's for inner city youth who listen to edm and watch anime. Not you country bumpkins in teh suburbs, that's not cyberpunk, never has been and never will. I mean, there is nothing dystopian about being able to afford your own 4 bedrroom two story house. Being put in fuckign sleeping tubes for 700 bucks a month so you can live in smoggy overpopulated coroporate shithole city, yeah that's cyberpunk. Sorr you don;t get it.

I am colour blind, but that shouldnt matter.

This looks good

the pc version fixes the generic environment?

Palm trees, buzzing malls, rednecks, etc etc learn what dark means. I don't know how the game is going to be gritty when they've themselves said their main inspiration for dialogue is going to be fucking Tarantino.

Almost like it takes place in a setting with spread out infrastructure due to it's historically primary form of transportation. If only devs would pay attention and incorporate realistic details as to how a setting would look. I sure do love it when developers incorporate fantasy with context.

Attached: thingbig.gif (300x300, 892K)

But not really.

Attached: 1551279844203 (1).jpg (1212x1404, 668K)

maybe render the foliage a little more?

You literally don't know how to green text you color blind faggot. Don't fucking reply again kike.

No it doesn't. Why the fuck are you repeating this? Did you not fucking watch the demo either?

LMAO shitcher 3 lookin like some minecraft ass shit up in here AYOOO

No, it looks good.


Attached: 1550066353343.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

Didn't read, but the bull dozers are ready bro.

Keep giving them (you), it surely will get better then.

Attached: 1522236478101.webm (1280x720, 473K)

Fuck off you piece of shit, my utilization of greentexting was 100% appropriate.

Mods are retarded.

>let me continue to post generic Cyberpunk jpgs while getting wooshed on a massive level

>he fucking goes around linking the demo to everybody and screaming "N-NO! NO! DIDN'T YOU SEE THE FUCKING DEMO YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG REEEEE"
Like, no shit we saw the demo. And it does indeed look like shit. Calm down shill.

Attached: 1551732217412.png (480x475, 266K)

You won't last 2 seconds against those beasts

but where is the sun?

What does a advanced sci-fi story about ftl civilisation with contact with aliens, closer to eclipse phase, have to do with cyberpunk 2077?

And do you not see the huge skyscrapers and arcologies in the gameplay demo?


If you saw the demo then why are you saying that shit that's in the demo isn't in there. Watch it.


i wonder if the augmented ppl's weight will be bigger or just regular weight
like V will be 65kg or 135kg

Stop avatar posting you fag.



Attached: 93c5cbad981631e87245daabe7546d8107bb5c36b6ae5b54e596922117d97d52.png (1008x842, 1.08M)

Yet it doesn't.

Attached: shit LOD.jpg (1280x1440, 1.51M)

Fuck or your wife's son is going to eat your tendies, and shit in your bed.

>5 minute drive from the city center
I wanna know where this fact was stated. How did you got that information from a 2 minutes long trailer that flashed many short unconnected sequences

>Owning the place
Same as above

Lmao bet you're a white boy that believes house costs a lot in ghettos bcoz you're 20 minutes in cab to get into manhattan

So you got a map of the city and the game to say where that shot takes place in relation to the city? Can I see it?

It's over here.

Attached: TW3 1360x768 gtx1050 3.png (1360x768, 2.12M)

That looks good. I'd play that happily. What's wrong with it that isn't autistic?

You have 5 seconds to choose. Will you side with Dum Dum or corpo mommy.

Attached: 1520929244551.webm (848x480, 2.92M)

Because it's not in the demo and your standards are either nonexistent or they're paying you to lie. In which case you're doing a shoddy job.

It looks incredible t b h.
Corpo mommy obv.

poor californian city boy, you never fought for your rights, huh?

All of those look great. This game looks really exceptional.

What's not in the demo? Huge buildings? Smog? Neon lights? Nighttime? Come on.

but thats the witcher!
how do i shit talk about this?
i want cp77 with the sun

Attached: Section 9 Buys a Russian Car.png (614x410, 339K)

>the entire world is skyscrapers
Fucking retard. You must be doing this on purpose.

Looks fine, yes it doesn't have trees and lush vegetation if that's what you're getting at

Shit LODs, shit shaders, blurry as fuck, Saints Row The Third aesthetics.

>500 thousand dollar 2 story home 5 minute drive from city center
>20 thousand dollar solar panels
What a low life, I'm glad in the dystopian and dehumanized future of 2077 the lower classes can afford their own homes. We're all going to be home owners guys that's so cyberpunky and dystopian, what housing crisis haha that's not cyberpunk.

Why does Yea Forums hate video games?

I'll side with myself. Terrible people onboth sides.

Looks as good as any other game I've played and it doesn't have Saints Row Three aesthetics. Is that the new shitposter tactic now that your whole 'IT'S GTA' thing has been blown out?

Why are you spamming every thread?

The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.

Attached: Meredith_smug.webm (984x1080, 2.58M)

>i want cp77 with the sun
So do i but the game is not out so i give you the only sun i have. 4 more months till E3 and new info on the game. We'll survive.


I mean what's really wrong with it.


Because it's showing some cyberpunk stuff in a thread about cyberpunk to improve these threads which have been the same thing since the trailer came out.

Or are the people spamming single screenshots and the same shots of Altered Carbon and going "THIS IS GTA" or "THIS ISN'T CYBERPUNK not spamming?

>what is sun

Why are Cyberpunk 2077 threads always this fucking bad on Yea Forums?

The TRUE cyberpunk

Those aren't buzzwords my dude. You're just too tech illiterate to understand the terms.


Attached: Motoko Struggles.png (386x458, 221K)

And you're too focused on the tech to realise that it looks good.

Just confirming then, you can't actually describe what's wrong with it.

Neither. Corpo is gonna fuck you over and DumDum is a drugged out chromehead.

Youre fuckin blind dude. I still recall wandering around Novigrad in awe of how amazing it looked and how it felt like a real medieval city. Beauclair and the entirery of Touissant were so fucking beautiful i often found myself spending hours just admiring the scenery.

Can you post an example of what you think looks good then?

Bro it doesn't even have msaa x 90,looks like trash.

Someone post the GTA V Michael one

>if that's what you're getting at
it wasn't


Attached: 1539634991330.png (270x344, 52K)

No, it looks good. Again, what's unaesthetically pleasing about it?

reminder they cut out iorweth completely from bait and switcher 3

remember, your choice matters

im going to go full degeneracy

Cyberpunk is dogshit
Cybernoir is where it's at

Attached: cant change mind.jpg (512x288, 34K)

>Because it's showing some cyberpunk stuff in a thread about cyberpunk to improve these threads which have been the same thing since the trailer came out.
But you're just pasting pages upon pages of irrelevant manga with cringy off-topic commentary

Thankfully mods are actually deleting your avatarfagging
>Or are the people spamming single screenshots and the same shots of Altered Carbon and going "THIS IS GTA" or "THIS ISN'T CYBERPUNK not spamming?
Like you said, single screenshot for comparison. Not manga spam. Are you new? Or just retarded?

Oi chummers, real Cyberpunk coming through.

If you say it's not I'll use my shaman fetish to shove my powerballs up your ass.

Attached: shadowrunhongkong1.jpg (940x588, 115K)

They died because he sticked around and fought the Nilfgaardians while Roche fell back.

>Corpo is gonna fuck you over
She can fuck me anytime.

Ah yes, spellcasting, mages, dragons, orcs and elves.

True cyberpunk right there.

Attached: 04.jpg (1492x827, 53K)

>I won't debate Sam Seder, Change my mind



Attached: 1543624490038.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

roche doesn't even comment on you siding with iorweth

>comes out one year after Cyberpunk
>adds magic, elves and dragons so it doesn't get sued for copying Cyberpunk
Real cyberpunk my ass.

why are you people forgetting that this gameplay was captured on an xbox?

>Get buttblasted
>Ask someone to tell them where they're from so you've something to shittalk because anonymously makes your nervous
lmao we've reached peak rebbit bitch boy

But no sun. Check mate day fag.

We can be frens.

That thread's dead already, not deleted and you're just butthurt that someone's trying to make the thread tolerable rather than countless iterations of "OHNONONO THERE'S SUN."

That's not avatar posting. None of it was having the character in the post as a 'this is me reacting'. Spamming the mods and reporting shit is against the rules as well, while the 'singlescreenshot for comparison' is clearly part of lengthy ongoing shitposting. None of what I did was avatar posting. And it was taking the piss out of shitposters like you. A single screenshot? Fuck off.

Corpo MILF obviously, gonna suck corporate cock all game long

Cry more and then write something cooler Mr. Gibson. Also stop being a shitty SJW.

Why the fuck do you keep samefagging the same argument, you're both implying that the building is close to the city, that the housing market will be as pricey as today, and that the tech you're listing isn't going to be outdated garbage
It's like a movie from 1980 set in 2015 portraying a guy having 10 CRT monitors
>OMG how can he afford 10 CRT's that's expensive man wtf 2015 is supposed to be dystopia
While today you can get them from a thrift shop for 10 bucks

I can’t wait for more Tarantino in my Cyberpunk bros!

Attached: 143026601893344.jpg (640x480, 39K)

hey we want a cyberpunk game, we're going to put a huge massive city as the skybox you can;t explore off in the distance (why are overcrowded smoggy megalopolises cyberpunk or something), how about you want to go into the suburbs and rural areas because it' easier for us to model,
>yay based CDPR! I hate everything cyberpunk stands for now like dehumanization and dystopia, hey my bumfuck rural fly over towns are still gonna exist in the future so that means it's cyberpunk!

Okay for real though, how retarded does CD:PR have to be to see a 2 story fucking mansion that probably costs millions of dollars to own or would cost thousands in monthly payments as a rental or mortgage. That is like probably 5 minute drive from the city center and think it will be infested with crackheads. They really don't understand american society at all. Maybe a trailer 100 miles from the city is where you would find rednecks like that. Like I said before though cdpr is lazy. It's easier for them to make a suburb shooting game than a true foreboding cyberpunk experience set in a polluted and crime ridden megalopolis.

Noone forgot, we just don't care.

>That thread's dead already
Yeah and now you're spamming in this thread. Reading comprehension?

>That's not avatar posting.
It is. Cropping anime waifu's expressions and using them in your every post. Which is why it got deleted.

>Spamming the mods and reporting shit is against the rules as well
No, learn how this site works, newfag. Reporting is -not- against the rules ok? Announcing reports is. And reporting posts that break rules is perfectly fine. Which is why your post got wiped.

yes. i want to stand where you stand
take me in mommy

Attached: Névtelen.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

Didn't read.


Attached: da40c79f4629cc8c7d9deecbf547773753c4c2a0652bfc063b91dff76529a173.png (825x625, 685K)

What were they thinking?

i'm pretty sure the retards who are posting pc specs and graphics settings say otherwise

how can it be generic if there are literal zero games like this

SJWrun more like.

4k60fps ultra Touissant is pretty incredible, I'm running Blood and Wine for the first time. Can't believe the Witcher 3 is as old as it is

Don't look forward to it too much, lest you end up getting blueballed.

Attached: var attre.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

So? The PC version must look same/similar to the console version because of the contracts.
This is why The Witcher 3 looks awful and why they didn't release the 2013 build to the PC.

Attached: 1551709845968.webm (960x540, 631K)

Attached: 1541508355216.jpg (968x964, 452K)

Attached: Flying Motoko.png (465x588, 300K)

Damn, look at those dense buildings in the background. Nothing like 2077.

Watch it please. Discussing a game is silly if you haven't seen the promotional material which is all we have to go on, as you clearly haven't.

>So? The PC version must look same/similar to the console version because of the contracts.
give me another instant where this has happened

Hey alright, no need to shill harder.

Dum Dum, cool guy who gives me free drugs and shows off his cool murder stuff

All of them are me.

Forza, Watch Dogs and The Division 1

so you didn't know, user?

Attached: aigis.png (360x390, 136K)

All other games eve released


Attached: aaaaahhhhhhh.gif (500x500, 1.71M)

This. Protect his smile at all costs. Bros before ho's and all that.

Attached: dum dum.png (1086x1086, 981K)

Nice head canon.

>Shill harder.

Correcting someone when he looks like an idiot for saying 'there's no dense buildings' in a demo that's nothing but dense buildings isn't shilling. I don't get it. I can understand you shitposting about it being not to your taste or that it's the wrong sort of thing but there's huge dense buildings all over the place.

>that's nothing but dense buildings

Attached: OH NO NO NO NO NO NO.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

No one cares avatar fag, because it already looks better avatar. Don't reply to again, or else your moms husband will beat the shit out of you.

You alright Motokofag? Did you malfunction or something?

And if you look just to the right of that shot, which you would know, if you had seen the gameplay demo, you see... oh fuck it's a huge, dense near future cyberpunk metropolis. Which you can see a tiny part of in this pic here. Thanks for confirming that you didn't watch the gameplay demo.

what happened to choking on my tendies?

Attached: smug_fug.png (1233x920, 1.5M)

Attached: RCO114.jpg (1116x1600, 679K)

looks and acts like a nutter on gta online
scary how they really exist irl

God it just looks so fucking boring.
I was hyped from the first trailer they released but the demo and recent trailer make it look so bland.

Attached: 1549849191887.jpg (459x429, 39K)

I saw it. And it's not really huge and it's especially not dense. Just couple of medium sized buildings.
Webm related is dense and huge. An actual Cyberpunk setting.

Attached: 1551284917902.webm (852x480, 1.57M)

Those buildings to the right look, two, three, miles away. They must be massive.

>Medium sized.

They're about four miles away. They look huge, hell bigger than most of the damn skyscrapers in your webm.

I think I see your point? As in the second pic the buildings lack a lot of detail, or maybe seem too clean?
It still looks nice imo, but I get where you're coming from

Attached: 1550176457098.jpg (1465x1000, 375K)

Yea Forums shouldn't be allowed to discuss cyberpunk.

Plus you're on top of a hill with a valley below you, so chances are those buildings are even taller.

>hell bigger than most of the damn skyscrapers in your webm
You're blind senpai.

Attached: 1551284391113.webm (1280x532, 2.23M)

is this what indians dream about when they say super power by 2020

>It's a city of streets
>and I'm a big shitter

No, I'm not. You're either blind, have absolutely no ability to perceive distance or height, or you're shitposting.

Attached: Not Cyberpunk.png (946x577, 753K)

Attached: 1550021259854.jpg (607x723, 51K)

Don't give a fuck. I get to be an augmented cyber troll that can put the smack down on you while blasting some fuckers with a shotgun.

You are. You're also coping or shilling or some sick of combination of the two.

Attached: 1551286427031.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

Thanks for proving with these webms that Cyberpunk 2077's taller buildings are actually taller than most of the ones in Blade Runner 2044.


This. We saw that those buildings to the right are near sea level at their base. If they're really as tall as they seem in that screenshot, then they're higher than most, if not all of the buildings in and

Entitled Brats Throwing a Tantrum: The Thread.

Attached: Warehouse:Factory.png (827x435, 455K)

>implying there will be any white americans by 2077

Attached: 1543437330562.png (942x712, 195K)

>he didn't even watch Blade Runner
Why are you even here?

I like how you're trying to avoid talking about how they're also scarce in comparison.

Attached: 1514693264279.webm (960x396, 2.96M)

Did someone even bother to download the raw (((uncompressed))) gameplay footage? It's like 17 gigabytes.

Attached: RCO157.jpg (1116x1600, 615K)

spotted the zoomer

>there are only 2 story building in cyberpu-

Attached: 1545232167480.png (1920x1080, 2.82M)

That's confirmed to not be in the game by the devs lad.

Well obviously that's not an in-game shot, doesn't mean that it's not based on the actual in-game map.

it is artwork not ingame

I did watch blade runner, both of them actually. And I don't know about him, but to me, there's a lot of buildings, especially as we've only seen one district in the game, it's looking pretty good.

Now is your complaint isn't that the buildings aren't tall, because you've proven they are. And it's not that they're unimpressive either, again proven that with your webms that what we seeis the match for them. Your complaint now seems to be that Night City isn't a carbon copy of LA from Blade Runner, now? You're shifting your goal posts.

>doesn't mean that it's not based on the actual in-game map
That's wishful, unsubstantiated thinking. Especially since this is CDPR we're talking about.

Children born today will be alive then user.

We can see it is, from multiple viewpoints in the demo, but they haven't seen the demo, because otherwise they wouldn't be saying this, unlesss they're just here to shitpost.

Important question: can I join the medic dudes faction? They seem really cool.


take yer swing

So you're saying that SanFran will be Mexico City 2?

Attached: Docks.png (856x448, 553K)

bro it is how the game originally was supposed to look like. But they rebooted it due to being overambitious or being incompetent. Now we are stuck with neo gta.

>Cyberpunk is about having a lot of tall buildings
It gets more embarrassing the further this conversation goes. 10 years ago this would be Yea Forums cringe fodder.

Attached: 1512414555384.png (616x587, 743K)

Watch the gameplay demo.

Man, I love this point, because it works. Anyone who's watched the gameplay demo knows that you're spouting bullshit.

>We can see it is
We cannot though. Since this is CDPR and they're known for adding more assets in alpha builds to make the game look bigger than it is.

Attached: 1534642743732.jpg (620x670, 33K)

Uhuh. Like?

Sounding like a broken record there buddy. I'm guessing CDPR cut their shill budget?

The game does have tall buildings though. What are these retards on? Why are they so determined to act like the game sucks?

Attached: DE885F22-DB0D-4A10-9F6D-06F1B79BAF3D.jpg (590x350, 54K)

Attached: Industrial and Drunk Cyborg.png (1022x502, 1.24M)

So you are claiming that they did not reboot development. Originally there were supposed to be classes and shit.

There's probably two years worth of trolling out of it for whoever does.

why no cyberpunk anime
only isekai and slice of life and shit
why no isekai cyberpunk anime?

I love how you can’t refute him so you’re reduced to name calling.

Attached: 9ABF32D2-33C4-4346-806A-2951BD9A3CDC.jpg (900x900, 134K)

but there is a cyberpunk anime in the making

cyberpunk is too close to reality.

Gotta go back a bit, I mean whens the last time you saw a decent mecha?

What's the matter? Scared you might actually feel stupid once you actually watch it? Name one complaint of yours that isn't shown to be stupid by the demo.

There are classes you retard.

And that's not even in the city center where most likely the biggest buildings will be. That's watson.

City Center: Night City's biggest pride, this is the heart of corporations, the cluster of neon, and the quintessence of luxury.
Watson: A unique mix of Asian cultures, it is a fallen corporate giant now populated by immigrants, hiding various bazaars and markets in a tangle of narrow alleyways.
Westbrook: Featuring tourist-oriented Japantown, it is a place for the wealthy who like to work hard and play hard.
Heywood: Living in one of the neighborhoods of the predominantly Latino area means you successfully managed to climb the social ladder -- it's a massive suburban housing district, with an underlying gang problem.
Pacifica: On the other end of the spectrum, this is the most dangerous part of town, abandoned and overrun by gang activity. Separated from the rest of the city, it's a place of immense poverty.
Santo Domingo: All of Night City is powered from here, with its countless power plants and industrial factories, stuck in an endless cycle of modernization.

Like here Huge portion of the city got COMPLETELY removed.

Or here

Or pic related which showed a much larger scale of what we got in the final product.

They are the masters of bullshot.
Here's a video listing everything

Attached: 1447096793023 (1).jpg (960x1080, 192K)


lain is slice of lice cyberpunk.

Deep dive is sol hard sci-fi (not cyberpunk tho). Great underrated anime with lots of theme exploration.

>Originally there were supposed to be classes and shit.

Lmao are you the same faggot who spent two years trying to claim W3 was a failure? The one who’s reddit account got outed? What was your name, Thebull94 right? Holy shit you must have autism to what CDPR dead so badly. I honestly thought you had killed yourself.

>shilling your garbage videos here

You're aware that doesn't give you the right to kill people, correct?

>first person only

Attached: 1458882986195.jpg (660x432, 377K)

dude watch neon evangelist lion

So you’re the same guy who spammed W3 threads for years? Jesus Christ how have you not been banned yet? It was honestly pathetic seeing you try to hype up Mass Effect Andromeda as a W3 killer. Seriously mate: Get some fucking help. You’ve completely lost your mind. 2077 - Mike Pondsmith Interview/

Also pondsmith praises the og trailer how it matches with his vision. They 100% rebooted development, also seen with the time it took.

What’s Deep Dive?

please respond

Pondsmith praised the game all the time on the forums and subreddit.

>I have never heard of ghettos or white trash neighborhoods near or around cities in my life

Do you go outside

Attached: tumblr_lv5aabZKin1qdn2zy.jpg (341x401, 66K)

Okay bro we get it cyberpunk is not about a dark setting, or smog or oppressive tall cities or gritty writing and dialogue it’s about chill palm trees, comfy beach walks, clear sunny skies, uggo hillibillies and quirky Tarantino jokes. You can stop shilling now your game is both cyberpunk and will sells millions to the GTA audience.

The scythes from the CGI trailer are in the game though. They didn’t reboot that much.

Attached: 44D2F6CD-D137-49F5-B10B-1D90272A3ACE.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

No. I don't even visit reddit. And I would never claim that The Witcher 3 was a failure. The Witcher 3 is one of the best selling games ever. It was hyped up by bullshots and it acquired a zealous, cultish following, like yourself, who is ready to defend lies and argue like a slimeball just to defend your soulless corpo daddy.

I'm only stating facts, and TW3 really did get downgraded into oblivion.
Why can't you muster up an argument? Is your programming malfunctioning?

Attached: 32.jpg (480x270, 24K)

You're misinterpreting the tabletop game through second hand info and trying to force it into a video game adaption. I bet you've never played a single game of 2020 in your life. All the classes did was give you a prebuilt frame to build a character on and most people didn't use them after the first few games because they're actually quite bad for making a whole range of different characters people want to play, let alone the fact that a cop, a rockstar and others wouldn't really be working together doing shady cyberpunk shit. It's one of the weaknesses of the system, and one that most players, as I said, ignore.

Now if CDPR had put in classes, there's only two ways they could have done it. The first would be to just make a different game for each class, locking you out of huge chunks of the game and making it a very different experience. Or they would have rendered them meaningless, maybe a 20 minute to an hour introduction, a set of prebuild stats and then back to the normal starting point. Neither sound appealing.

No clue, I bet it's just going to be gangsters vs corporations. How fucking dull.

No joinable factions. So no.

Attached: Biker Jacket Motoko.png (207x327, 77K)

>dark setting, or smog or oppressive tall cities
All of that is in CP2077.
>or gritty writing and dialogue
So Deus Ex isn’t Cyberpunk? Because it’s got jokes and lighthearted comedy. I guess W3 isn’t a dark fantasy because Geralt banters with Yen even though it has children being eaten alive by witches and Satan branding Geralt to do his bidding

embarrasing, even the shitties hoods of NY look taller let alone manhattan
poles live in manlet villsges they can’t make oppresive megalopolises to save their lives

I'll have to take you word for it because it won't load due to my adblocker, seems a bit weird that he said this in 2017 and they started ramping up marketing in 2018, so they couldn't have scrapped that much.
I remember them saying no to joining them.

I hope it's not, but I wouldn't doubt it.
Seriously? Fuck that then.

>cyberpunk game
>no 80's references
Pick one and only one

They could have not been lazy and figured out to make all the classes work in a sandbox type game
Instead they just decided to make an FPS

bruh. You have to read between the lines. Ofc he praises cdpr cause money. He also hopes that there will be more cyberpunk games like with witcher.

Attached: grqp1vzi4d311.png (561x535, 251K)

>The 2077 Shitposter is the Witcher 3 shitposter.


cyberpunk is gay

You can't claim that you're standing your ground when
>You're not on your property or even near it so there is nothing to defend
>You had every opportunity to walk away with zero risk to yourself
>You're armed and they aren't

You can't just gun someone down in broad daylight because they threatened you.

Attached: Motoko and Batou Metric Cyborg Problems.png (853x304, 256K)

Take your pills and read

>No. I don't even visit reddit.
Doubt it. Only a redditer would try this hard to fit in.
>just to defend your soulless corpo daddy.
The only one with a hardon for CDPR is you retard. You’re obsessed with them. I’ve seen you spam your webms in threads for months. You have genuine autism. That’s why you’re so angry and lashing out at me. You simply can’t understand why people don’t think like you do.

Attached: F05F881D-A222-40D3-9FD7-E05122ED7CD7.jpg (800x857, 72K)

Is there any reason why cdpr trigger his autism and not some other company?

I don't take pills, and that's clearly someone trying to hide the fact that he's been shitposting for years.

but it has, heres one


Attached: d3a825943e314f6a415c5e4ed542d0a2.jpg (577x428, 39K)

is it wrong to want to fuck that trashy pregnant whore

I don't think you're going to murder anyone with shitty arguments unless they die of laughter.

>embarrasing, even the shitties hoods of NY look taller let alone manhattan
kek you can't even see the top of a single building you little trole

>When Pondsmith praises a CGI trailer he was being genuine and upbeat
>When he praises the actual game he’s FUCKING LYING REEEEEEE
How retarded can you get?

I would like to have a spiritual animal like he does.

Embarrassing post. Also what’s with your hatred of Poles? You’re a Turk aren’t you. All the Turkroaches I know have a complex about Poles.

Attached: 24403EDB-2BBA-434B-8CAF-7103A3889002.jpg (700x394, 54K)

That doesn't even make sense. You don't understand what classes are in tabletop rpgs, do you? If you did, you'd see how it would be a pretty bad fit for a game like this.


If you never heard 2020 had classes would you care? Elder Scrolls has classes, but guess what, almost everyone just make their own. The classes in Morrowind, Daggerfall, Oblivion didn't do anything. They didn't change who you were, they didn't change the experience you got, they just adjusted your stats slightly pushing you between stealth, magic and fighting.

Attached: trauma team screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 363K)

You're really hung up on this but I can't think of a mechanical justification for classes beyond artificially milking some replayability hours out the player?
Okay this is pretty funny.

Trying to fit in by shitting on a game that is being worshiped ITT? Are you retarded?

>the rest of the post is just nonsensical drivel
You're demented. I was asked to provide examples for CDPR removing whole assets The moment I did that your NPC senses got triggered and you went overdrive with ad hominem and boogeymen talk. Man up cuck.

Read above. I'm not your bogeyman. I was just replying to a request.

So rather than exploring the whole world, you want your game reduced to an FPS where you jump off a VTOL, walk to a patient, maybe shoot some bad guys, walk back and repeat ad nauseum.

It's a fun idea for, say a fast paced multiplayer FPS but it's not exactly RPG material, is it?

Dr Kim ought to shave her bones


Attached: RCO162.jpg (1116x1600, 634K)

>2077 is in 58 years

Attached: 1549029359854.png (381x354, 251K)

It is a LIE cause it contradicts all other statements. Also it was the more ambitious (read superior) version cdpr had to scrap. It made no sense to lie at the og trailer, cause it was a perfect example of cp liked by the core audiences and close to his other statements and artwork.

Attached: 20130253.223630.2070.jpg (562x333, 88K)

Not cyberpunk.

Wrong, first off this isn't a stand your ground case, it's a simple defensive shooting. Second, Texas has no duty to retreat. Third, the man was swinging a baseball bat at him, had a criminal record and was known for being violent.

you didn't even touch cyberpunk 2020 at all did you? If you did you would know that classes in cyberpunk 2020 gave you 1 skill, a roll for money and served potential rp purposes with what kinds on contacts you might have.

Cyberpunk during daytime can work, see pic related.

CP2077 just looks like a futurustic GTA.

Attached: 1551612015755.jpg (1280x720, 194K)

Yes, I want to go to medic training, I want to interact with upperclassmen who bully me and teachers who despise me, I want to rise up the ranks to become the main EMT, I want to become buddies with security and have them teach me how to kill shit, I want to get embroiled in sticky situations where things don't go as planned, I want the story to happen around me as I go about my job rather than become the main focus of it like every other fucking game.

i'm a ching chong and i think they're pretty cool. if i were something else, i'd be a redneck/hillbilly and would do a lot of hunting and fishing

Uhuh. Very convincing.

This desu

Because they want the GTA audience. They’ve been very explicit about it.

>Because they want the GTA audience. They’ve been very explicit about it.
any source on that you fag?

No reason why that can't be a side quest chain/repeat quests/activity. Like faction quests.

So you're either insane, or shitposting. This is the equivalent of spotting an engineer in a Halo game and wishing the whole game was about you repairing and fixing spaceships.

Fuck the haters. I really liked the movie.

That sounds like a really fun game.
My favorite part of America's Army was the training, especially the medic stuff. Also I might be autistic.

your eyes and common sense. Drivable vehicles is point no 1.

Halo is a linear shooter with set protagonist.
2077 was supposed to be an RPG. But I guess you're comparing it to a shitty console shooter because 2077 is shaping up to be one.

>Medic training.

Trauma Team don't do medic training, they recruit from people already estblished with an excellent track record, the medics also typically do not get involved in securing the perimeter, that's for the security who are recruited from ex-military, law enforcement and corporate security, so even if CDPR did magically spend god knows how long crafting your ideal TT expansion, you wouldn't get to do most of what you want. I advise you to not create fantasy video games in your head and then get angry when a company makes a game that's nothing like them, after they've given you no sign they're making a game like that.

Also this is an old shitpost. Get new material.

insane crazy old white man died because of trash, should have left those rednecks alone lol

All games with driveable vehicles are GTA clones?

He hates success. Very burger of him.

Hopefully they'll show some fucking night footage at E3 so shitposters will stfu already.

Attached: 1550010152250.jpg (300x450, 19K)

>No reason why that can't be a side quest chain/repeat quests/activity. Like faction quests.
Are you from the future or something? how do you know it won't have faction quest? What's the difference between joining faction and doing missions for one? Literally in the demo you can choose to side with corpo bitch or the maelstrom gang

Of course, you just have to break how Trauma Team works and lock your character down to a career in that without being able to do anything, have certain cybernetics, combat drugs, or go and do anything illegal as you'll be locked down and in the system.

lmfao the absolute state of this faggot
>drivable vehicles is GTA only

Do you work for Rockstar or something, you infinite mong?

Why are you still talking about some redditor living in your head rent free? I already stated the fact that TW3 is insanely successful.

So what happened to the son and father?

sunposting is just a meme now, nobody is unironically complaining that it's too bright anymore

>have certain cybernetics, combat drugs, or go and do anything illegal as you'll be locked down and in the system.
Yeah, you're describing a class and role playing.

It is an RPG. This is the tabletop equivalent of someone setitng up a campaign, making it clear that it's going to be about travelling across a war torn land, making sure all the players know what it's going to be about, leaving under no allussions what you're getting into, and then you turning up and saying that it's a shit RPG because you want to get a boat and go be a pirate.

There's no way for them to do this any justice. They can't just suddenly have a TT path that your character is locked into and they can't just reduce it to being a fucking GTA vigilante/ambulance style mission. Which is apparently what you fucking want.

>Trauma Team don't do medic training, they recruit from people already estblished with an excellent track record, the medics also typically do not get involved in securing the perimeter, that's for the security who are recruited from ex-military, law enforcement and corporate security, so even if CDPR did magically spend god knows how long crafting your ideal TT expansion, you wouldn't get to do most of what you want. I advise you to not create fantasy video games in your head and then get angry when a company makes a game that's nothing like them, after they've given you no sign they're making a game like that.
I'm not angry at all. Not even disappointed. I'll just use that time on something that'll allow me to have the medic experience I want.
>Also this is an old shitpost. Get new material.
So there are others like me, huh?

I am, or at least I'm complaining about the lack of smog and pollution eliminating all those bright clear days in the demo. Go fuck yourself you blind faggot

There is no way anyone is actually this dense. It's the equivalent of complaining that in the Witcher 3 you couldn't stop the game and just change it into running an inn somewhere in the world and do that for the rest of the game.

Instead of insisting on a strict, voiced character preset path they should've kept it more vague and up to the player. Like New Vegas.



Actually I think you're just coming back and reviving an old shitpost you used to do to be honest. It's far too specific and just like ones I've seen going back months.

The joke's on him. The reason the rent is cheap is because the place is a hellscape. Enjoy understanding what nuclear war really means, reddit memer.

Witcher is a game about -a- Witcher.
Cyberpunk 2077 didn't need to be a game about dev's heavily railroaded solo.

Attached: miller.webm (378x576, 1.94M)

but that's not sunposting you massive retard, I too agree that it's too clean and nice. sunposting is complaining that it isn't nighttime

>Hopefully they'll show some fucking night footage at E3 so shitposters will stfu already.

There is. I timestamped it but it's at the end of the 40-minute gameplay video they posted a few months ago.

There is smog though. It's in the game demo. You can see it. It's fucking there. There's confirmed to be different weather conditions, different amounts of smog, etc.


Reminder they didn't show it for this exact same fucking reason.

Reminder the game is already playable from start to finish.

Reminder the game is still AT THE VERY LEAST one year away dedicated solely to polishing, improving it and finishing remaining side content.

Attached: 121343443647.png (400x298, 155K)

I swear I had no idea, I didn't even know factions weren't a thing.

need a quick rundown
i've only ever seen this clip about these two fellas

>legitimate complaint about a core RP feature is now dismissed as an "old shitpost"
At least be less obvious with the marketeering.

Absolutely perfect

Another retard who doesn't know what cringe means. Literally every time someone uses this word now they become cringe itself.

Check the trailers for GTA V and Cyberpunk 2077. Tell me the differences between the city of dreams and the city of opportunity. Their intent is so blatant it's obscene.

2077 will never be cyberpunk, because it wants to be GTA.

You've never played the tabletop rpg have you? In the game you've already rolled up four different player classes already; Nomad for driving, netrunner for hacking, solo for fighting and corpo for negotiating and more. Normally in a typical RPG party, you have one guy who drives well, one guy who fights well, one guy who hacks well and one guy who talks well. Only problem is how do you fit that into a single player RPG? You either specialise and so you're just the driver, you're just the muscle, etc, or you let the player do all sorts of things because really the 'focus oriented' party idea is something that's been plagueing RPGs since the days of D&D.

>nooo use my memes correctly!

no there isn't

Most people are positive on it. For an alpha it looked great and you have to consider there we barely saw a fraction of it. I think people are going to be surprised when they see it again.

>Preset path.

Are you just making shit up now?

If Obsidian managed to do it in like a year with NV then CDPR could too.

It looked like shit.
