>enemy can open doors
Enemy can open doors
They were playing hide and seek
what's the story, you god damn nigger
Chad heard Veronica went into the wrong restroom so he went to see for himself. He was trying to help her out of the stall when a gamer called the police and ambushed him
Whats up with that Chad just using the urinal like nothing is happening?
Obviously fucking in a bathroom stall. Not everything needs to be spoon-fed to you.
the man's gotta go, why should he care
Whats he gonna do piss his pants because some retards are being retarded?
Yea Forums truly is filled to the brim with smooth brains.
When you gotta go, you gotta go
> omg this is so sexy XD
>Shook niggas turn witness, real men mind their own bidness
shut the fuck up holy shit
When you gotta go, ya gotta go. Why, what would you do?
That dad is hot
That father is dead inside.
his smile can't hide the fact that he's completely ashamed to be a part of that shit show. poor dad, i bet he wanted grandkids and a cute daughter in law.
>dad's actual face
that dad looks like he is going to murder the first person he sees on his way to drink himself to death
The smile of father reminds me of someone, you can see that his smile is not a happy one.
two people are too retarded to do it in the car, or at least somewhere where you won't get spotted in 2 seconds.
Also look at this toilets. This guy isn't a chad. A chad would know that this kind of toilets mean only trouble.
This toilets have no privacy at all to do your stuff.
I can see the tears
>I thought there would be less of this when I voted Trump
Is that really an offense in america to the point that the police needs to be called?
do you want people fucking in a public toilet where kids could go
>meet a woman, settle down and have a kid
>raise him the best you can, play catch with him when you have time off from work
>stick with the wife through the hard times, if only for your son
>support him through high school, he gets into college
>you hope when he comes back he'll have a girlfriend and plans for a future, start looking forward to grandkids and retirement
>NOPE, he cuts his dick off and starts wearing dresses, then demands you treat him like (s)he is a sane being who hasn't brought generations of shame to your once dignified family name
Are transexuals the most selfish people on Earth? I know billionaires who put more thought into the feelings of people around them
>cops hate this
>with this technique criminals have a 0% rate of going to jail
What if someone needs to poop and all the stalls are occupied?
In America, most discipline in school is handled by the police that are posted in the schools.
This is the most plausible explenation of the situation. Glad to see that gamers are finally rising up.
>thinking trump would do anything for you, even stupid shit
you got art of the deal'd, kiddo
unironically less scarring than walking in on your parents banging, who cares?
just like my japanese animes
>getting blue balled by the blue meanies
Your japenese anime is SHIT! In my anime the guy gets away with it.
You should read "Self-ish," written by Chloe Schwenke. Might help you understand that calling it selfish is a misnomer, and the thought process behind the transition.
People in America call the police if you just hurt their feelings or make tell feel insecure. Yes they will call for two people fucking in a public bathroom.
kids are retarded anyway who cares
Thank God I live in a 3rd world country where we beat those fuckers to death
You should read Aristotle's Ethics and then work your way through the rest of the Western canon. might help you understand that greater things are at stake here than one deranged individual's feelings.
Let's be honest, you don't need to be a tranny freak to disappoint your dad, not have grandkids and fuck the family name.
>Chloe Schwenke is an openly transgender Quaker woman whose life's
Yeah, i'm thinking she might be a bit of an unreliable source.
Yeah but at least I can eat and drink lol
the absolute fucking state of americans
Yeah, pretty much. I'd take my son turning out to be gay before a tranny with an infinite powergap between the two, at least he might still act manly, wouldn't mutilate his genitalia, and have a significantly higher likelihood of suicide than even homos have.
Something I wondered, are the suicide rates for gay men and women tallied separate? I ask because I bet gay men sudoku less than lesbians, since I could easily see lesbians talking each other into suicide pacts while it seems like fags would hype each other up out of it like gym bros do.
she is probably 17 years and americans consider this child fucking.... lmao
Does your third-world shithole really not have laws against public indecency?
Why didn't they just shoot the door??
I think men have higher suicide rates than women in general, whereas women have higher attempt rates. The lesson here is that men don't fuck around - if they decide to die, they do it.
I once heard a story about a guy who sat in his driver seat, tied a bag around his head/neck, then quickly handcuffed himself to the steering wheel - no chances to bitch out.
being a sad, pathetic loser is one thing. PAYING to have your balls inverted, taking HRT and then making everyone in your family act like they support you or calling them a hateful sack of shit who is therefore the enemy of all gay/bi people is a very different thing. a lot worse, if you ask me, and most other people with functioning brain cells
It's black, they don't want to deal with the social backlash.
Fucking cops, always abusing their force
Europe doesn't
Except the age of consent in the majority of states is 16.
>Enemies can open bathroom stalls
>Enemies can take a shit
>Enemies don't wipe
They'd get praised by the majority of white men in America. If he was a white kid then they'd care.
Sadly gay, lesbian and bisexual are tallied together so getting solid statistics for 1 is harder than the other. I'd say it's harder on gays as being a lesbian is considered acceptable.
>hold piss in for who knows how long and risk kidney stones
>endure the horror of the public restroom
You know what he gotta do
The staff told them to leave and they didn't is the most likely explanation.
The restaurant staff doesn't want to drag two retards out of a bathroom stall (who wants to do that and probably afraid they might get sued) so they call the police to do it.
>living for others and not yourself
The ultimate cuck. Not to say that being a tranny is the best form of living for yourself, but who cares what other people do if it makes them happy and isn't blatantly illegal?
>The staff told them to leave and they didn't is the most likely explanation
The staff usally tells you after they call the police
You should become part of the suicide statistic for recommending that author.
you can live a happy life without making the people who spent decades of their life keeping you alive regret not aborting/swallowing you, user.
Not in my experience, no one wants to deal with paperwork with police for doing dumb shit in the toilet. But you could tell the way the dude tries to hang on to the stall frame at the end that he was drunk/stoned as hell and couldn't comprehend much past basic animal instincts. It's more surprising he didn't freak out and go full retard trying to fight the cops.
>Not in my experience
In your experience the staff would physically remove people? Maybe I'm ignorant, but this doesn't seem correct.
Individualism is the catalyst of social degredation when standards start to become slipshod and anybody can declare themselves as anything.
And feel morally justified if you don't accept it. Don't knock the herd when it has always worked for the whole of our history.
Sure, I can, but not everyone can find the same happiness you or I could through those means. Different things make different people happy and even though I don't have such inclinations, I'm resolved to make myself happy and content with life before my family.
>you can be the enemy
>Individualism is the catalyst of social degredation
Gonna need a citation on that, sounds like communist talk to me.
you're really lucky you didn't grow up with the chinese belief that you owe your parents everything instilled in you as a youth.
i'm only half, but still, i genuinely feel guilty about things i shouldn't. my life is actually in the toilet because of this belief, and i am well aware its all my fucking fault for falling for the responsibility meme.
No, sorry, I didn't read the entire first post in the chain. In my experience we'll yell at people to gtfo a few times before calling the cops. Staff don't touch patrons unless they touch first, and only in self-defense. We still try to avoid calling the cops as much as possible because 1. we have to fill out witness reports and sit through questioning and 2. having cop cars with their lights strobing outside your business makes you look ghetto.
Yea that sounds about right.
Imagine being the father and seeing your son like that. Jesus.
This my brother in law would call the cops just because I'd yelled at him. People here are pussies who can't handle confrontation.
>I once heard a story about a guy who sat in his driver seat, tied a bag around his head/neck, then quickly handcuffed himself to the steering wheel - no chances to bitch out.
That's some grade A suicide planning. Even the most adamant get bested by the natural instinct to survive, so making sure it couldn't interfere in the slightest by disabling the hands is pretty clever.
Don't reply to people trying to turn everything into a "your country vs mine" war. Just report them for being underage and get them permabanned. Mods are stupid and don't even bother to check. They just do it.
imagine having to pay someone to clean a restroom and then not calling the cops when you find people fucking in there
Pick 1
Thank God I don't like a third world country where this happens.
Oh my god all this time I thought the two of them were having a baby and they found out the gender of the baby and were having a party about it and that person in the box was just someone else they knew who was helping them show their friends that their new baby was going to be a girl.
I'm sorry to hear that, user. I assume it's a belief you want to make less significant in your life so I hope that works for you and you're able to. Truth be told, I have a trap gf my family doesn't know about and we're living together in a house I bought. Call it what you will, degeneracy or whatever. I've had bad luck with roasties in the past, and I'm finally happy and though I love my family very much, if they were to not accept me or my partner, I wouldn't change anything because my relationship with my partner has given me meaning in life.
>he doesn't like a country
Wow, this guy means fucking business.
how new?
>have sex
>go to jail
>raise him the best you can
that's what was lacking there i guess
17 is the age of consent in most states, kraut
family is important retard. good luck living a happy life in you're old age when you have no one
Carlos, don't be so rude!!!
>>raise him the best you can, play catch with him when you have time off from work
ahahaha, never fucking breed
Never said family wasn't important.
>haha let’s fuck where people poop, that’s sexy and cool
Why are chads such fucking retarded degenerates?