Fire Emblem

He’s in

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Other urls found in this thread:アプリ/ファイアーエムブレム ヒーローズ


I will still not reinstall it even if they put fucking Niime on the banner or something

Its pretty lame overall, Rutger’s the coolest addition.

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Did Google leak something again, or are you just japing with edits?

Site url fuckery

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blew 300 orbs and only got 5 surtrs

>Lugh instead of Roy's titty milk bro Wolt
Only issue with this banner. Otherwise it's great, I hope Rutger is OP.

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deke got fucked over

rutger is cool af but he's guaranteed to be just another fast sword infantry and we have tons of those already. Sue has potential tho, could be a pretty unique unit

Maybe he'll be the free unit.

"Hoe of the Plains"

predictions on who's gonna be the shit art of this banner? I say Lugh____

These banner choices were pretty much what everyone was predicting for the past few months, it's a little underwhelming. I was hoping for Saul since we haven't had a male healer since Lucius.

nobody gives a single fuck about saul

Hard pass banner. It's just not-Navarre, send home boy's brother, and a worse Brave Lyn, possibly even worse if she's colored. Two of them already have been shown with generic weapons. They'll either be smart and put Idunn on GHB or she'll definitely share a color with Sue to pinch every dime of a much wanted character.

>No Dieck
>No Milady
Nah, people had been claiming these 2 were gonna be in no matter what. Some even went a far as to say Perceval was also a deadlock.

I like Saul, would have wanted him over Lugh. Not over Sue or Rutger though.

Still not a complete Nino family until Lucius shows up.

rip the dream

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Rutger will get Ryo'd.

nobody cares about lugh either, they're probably adding him just to complete the pair with raigh

>Getting Perceval to S axes
Doesn't he start with D? Building that rank is not worth it, even for the memes.

d e v i l a x e

C axes. Its totally doable

one day they're gonna make him a GHB/TT unit with mediocre balanced stats

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>mfw Geese soloes half of Bern's standing army just by standing alone in the lower/left area of the map
>breaks 3 iron axes killing all those endless spawns of paladins and wyverns but kills every single one

good times

i hate it because you are right

I've always been that guy who ends up conserving all vulneraries for the entire game. Not sure what to do with my feathers

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He's going to be the Sapphire Lance with Def Tactic to go with Titania and Seth.

I understand Dieck but why did people think Muh Lady was a lock?

Upgrade good or interesting 4 star units, make a 5*+10 arena core out of 3 units in the 4* pool. Make a +10 Nino because her tome refine plus base stat spread is busted as hell. There's lots of stuff to use feathers on, especially now that just giving a unit a single merge gives them +5 stats.

He'd be a shitty unit because we can't have non-waifus be viable.

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there is a bunch of good 4* and 3* units to promote like Nino, Rein, Cherche, Caeda, Nowi, Fae, Ares, ATiki, Lilina, Raven, etc.

Make gigaraven

Fire Emblem Heroes is a pitfall

>sue over shin
>using lugh
>no miledy
fe6 banner makin pitfalls

I got up to max feathers and was forced to build units I didn't particularly care about. Right now I'm just dumping feathers into Boey. If I don't get more copies soon I'll be forced to pick another character to do alongside him.

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I don't care about esports in a fucking gatcha so I've just been using my feathers to collect gold units

I was thinking about her, but I really don't know whether speed or attack will be better on her. There is no telling until she gets a refine. I have both a speed IV and an attack IV waiting, though.

promote both the atk and the spd maes
manual all the others
wait for the refine

I still have hope for a mass demotion sometime soon so I'll wait at least a little more

Can I get a rundown of how Aether raid works? I've been away from the game for too long. How do I maximize lift, what buildings should I use, etc.


that's exactly why they're gonna do it

In honor of FE6 finally getting a banner...

FE6 Hard mode PMU, first 12 units, go
I'll even change the classes with nightmare editor if you ask nicely

Better Call Saul

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Wyvern Rider Barth, please


Rutger but he's a wizard.


Oh cool I can sleep on this banner and save my orbs.

>adding good characters only after they've thoroughly killed the game
Fuck IS so much. All this update does is remind me that the game could have been great but they have literal retards running the show.

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Someone actually can use Gronnserpent properly or I can eliminate the HP bane from my -HP +RES morgan?

I can’t wait for Lugh bullying Raigh memes


rutger is gonna bring us a widely available speed-based damage special

I've waited all these years for Yukimura, i swear if they're shutting down the game before he's in i'm gonna rage so hard.

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Or it will be Prf like Ayra's

>Spent all my orbs on the new beast banner
>Ended up with an Amelia off banner and currently sitting at a 4.25%
>Chances are I won't be able to get anything else from it
>Now Idunn gets leaked

Here's to hoping that she is a TT or GHB unit. Amelia makes for my 10th character in a row that I pulled off banner. Getting pretty fucking tired of it.

Clarine but she's a knight

Can't wait for Easter Surtr, Helbindi, ice loli and Loki.

who's the best cheerleader I can build to support legendary roy?


how about the best non-subhuman one?


Your mom.

You are supporting Soren, right?

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I am but he has no chance

There's a serious power struggle going on at IS, mark my words, they're dealing with shit we can't even imagine dealing with literal retards and people who love video games and can't do anything about it

I only truly supported Jagen.

No chance in hell?

Been with him since the start.

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There's no way I can back down on supporting my daughter.

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Only supporting Soren because I didn't want to side with the turbo slut cunt that is F!Morgan.

>Turbo slut
Lmao since when?
She's just a playful spirit. The only time she's a cunt is with her support with Yarne

>didn't get soren in a dress for valentines

Just wait for his bridal alt with groom Ike :^)

Attached: sample_a7ad19cbc7b90a435ffbe3a7874625ec.jpg (850x669, 97K)アプリ/ファイアーエムブレム ヒーローズ

2018 was a terrible year for FEH, with income being roughly slashed in half comparing beginning and end of the year. I would have thought that by now there would be some eyes on the game's management and changes made to try and reverse this trend. But instead they seem to be content to keep things as is and... reduce orb income. Yes, that's clearly the primary culprit. Too many damn free orbs.

I can't wait for tellius remakes with a canon female love interest for ike so all these fags can shut up

>the best new character is the one who is likely to be free once again

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That wouldn't help at all.

>When the recent remake for Gaiden made Leon gay for Valbar
Keep dreaming hetcuck ;^)

Not him but people love Milady. Moreso because of how good she is than her personality (uber loyal retainer). She's much better than her brother when he joins.

imagine her teaching roy all the ins and outs of sex in the middle of the night while lilina is asleep in the room right next to them

Yes it is. He's one of the few who can use axes and bypass the bad hit%

To be fair she's basically a better written Minerva with a more tragic edge, though she's not royalty.

Lugh? I seriously hope you're not an Idunn secondary. She is literally not a character.

guys I can't wait for sophia's brave tome refine

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To be fair FE6 is a more well written version of Marth's games.

>Elibe banner

I sleep.

Sounds hot. Roy is a total chad for mating pressing his teacher mommy-gf

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They usually like to give related characters matching art. Lugh will probably be drawn by Himukai Yiki or Amagaitaro.

Not really. 3 still had the more interesting story

Keep dreaming mommyfags. TCG isn't on your side nor is Heroes

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I would've gladly taken that March Quest hit if they reduced the later training tower quests to 10 times rather then the absurd 15
Fucking jew cunts

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You're lucky they didn't increase it to 30.

>if they reduced the later training tower quests to 10 times rather then the absurd 15

I mean there is barely any reason to log into the game anymore these days why should they give you even less reasons to do it so? The training tower is boring yes but at least it distracts you when you have nothing to do.

Cecilia > Lillina.
Lilina is only good for taking big brute brigand cock while Cecilia is for passionate embrace

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>Support Katarina since she's my fire emblemfu
>Actually try for once in this horrid mode
>Get knocked out in the last round by Lewyn
>Not even any new art to commemorate it because no one cares about vg anymore
Fuck this gay earth

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fuck off, lilina is boring af

Not him but spammed hand axes like 2 chapters before Zephiel to have 1 armads user
Turned out pretty great
Perceval is just a god

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Sadly this. Roy isn't alpha enough to fuck someone with that body. It's ashamed Hector's daughter was such a disappointment.

Or maybe it's because he doesn't want to be with someone who'll age poorly faster than him.

Yeah, i hate the fag but no way in hell i'm supporting Morgan

>got +atk faye on my free roll today
+3 wew

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Why are FE7fags so pathetic? Genuinely worse than Fateswakeningfags

he's right tho. Hector is a pretty cool guy and deserved better than a shitty daughter like lilina

Considering how women seem to age in FE I doubt that. Also don't know how old she actually is, just that she's in her 20s. Finally, she's still way hotter than Lilina will ever be.

Just saying it's ashamed Hector's daughter was some generic childhood friend love interest rather than based like her dad.

>No Percival, Miledy, or the big Dieck
Who will the free unit be? Those 4 are likely banner units. I have a feeling someone like Murdock will be a GHB

the best thing about her is her lust for bringand DICK

To be honest, this is still the one gachashit I prefer.

Roy is total chad you fag. That's why he gets his own harem. Even Shanna literally uses him as a meat dildo.

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>Barely beats a weakened Fire Dragon
Pretty funny. A weakling like Hector would be happy someone powerful was fucking his daughter.

>Considering how women seem to age in FE I doubt that
>Who is Nimee who is literally in the same game?

This. She can't get enough of it

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How have you built her? I never knew she had such solid res, gave her a guard bow and I'm contemplating if she's worth giving def ploy and DD3 to

Don't forget that he jobbed and died like a cuck

Oh yeah, to Narcian lmao

>Eliwood got the CHAD guy
>Hector potentially wanted a CHAD guy as future heir but instead got a boring girl

Lowen fucking when?

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I wanted him

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In the same boat here, I have about 858k feathers. Jack fuck to use them on, although I was considering promoting Panne or Naesala.

Is this the month we finally get demotes?

No, that would have been the anniversary.

I promoted a +Atk one because of the nice round 50 atk. Gave her a weird darting blow mess of a build.

Nope! Enjoy your bloated 5star pool.

What's so interesting about Cecilia? And no don't just say she's a milf as you're no better than Camillafags.

I've got a guard bow build with QR to fuck up mages, a brave bow build for general anti-flier duty and a firesweep savage blow build for fun. Def ploy works well on her but most of her damage comes from iceberg/glacies bombs.

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the previous mass demotion didn't happen during the anniversary, it was a few months later

Nope. My favorite is RD but I still picked Morgan. Never played awakening. He was always a very sour, difficult to like character.

She's a Valkyrie unit like Priscilla and The Rachel. She's not half bad at wind magic either so she can be a decent attacker. She's an alright pre-promote.

Got me through the Reinhardt days

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So just like how Camilla is in the cool Wyvern class but is even more powerful? ;^)

How would anyone even have been talking about her in the past year if they had no way of knowing who she was without playing FE6 all the way to the end, she isn't hinted at in the story at all until you get to the final chapter

I think she's a good fit for roy desu. He grew up without a mother and is very young, inexperienced and insecure about his capabilities as a leader, so it would make sense he would get attached to his mentor

Camilla is garbage and her design with thong armor is atrocious while Cecilia is a Milf but actually cool
Also her Christmas variation desimates all the cancer in the game

I mean I like mounted healers and I enjoyed having her and Clarine to heal my dudes.

Sounds pretty exploitive desu.

She's a dragon. All the Dragons got a boost in popularity after Heroes because people want more dragons. Same reason all the beasts shot up. The thing is, secondaries have never played FE6 and don't realize Jahn was more based and also a dragon.

Support Morgan in this gauntlet please. She's an adorable daughteru and deserves the world.

Also since they're now adding a second permanent bow cav, can Noire be one too

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You don't even notice her role in the story unless you play the pre-game tutorial, and fucking no one plays the FE6 tutorial

Spic go away, go rot in your containment board

Jahn was shit

FE6 has a tutorial?

How exactly is she cool when she gets absolutely btfo by Zephiel?

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promote GHB units or favorites with IVs you find useful. day one f2per who still hasn't made a merge past uhh how many marths(female) did we get for free? +4 or something. I also promote to get skills I want to fodder just so I always sort of float around 270-320k feathers whenever it gets real bad around 500 I know I need to experiment with some shenanigans on a shit unit I dont use with little or no hero merit.

also tapped my first hero merit feather unit by accident this week. if I ever used those I would have been maxed out a long time ago.

Oh hey I remember those times, they were awful.
>best team at the time was Xander, Shitcilia, Reinhardt and whoever the fuck else
>before I knew what I was really doing use that team
>trying to level up Shitcilia
>wow she can't kill for fucking shit
>Reinhardt is Reinhardt
>5* Shitcilia
>wow she STILL can't kill for shit
What an awful unit, glad I don't have to touch her anymore, at least her Christmas alt was actually cute surprisingly.

I have to gather up support for best daughteru

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it sure sounds like that when it's summarized in one sentence, but assuming they get closer during all the events before and during the game, it all fits quite organically

I never got the hype over her
Literally just give gronnraven to any other unit and it will use it far better than Shitcilia

could run her on a full cav team with your own rein as well as all the easy to get cav buffs

Would you let your best friend's son fuck your daughter?

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She's actually in the opening intro, but if you don't wait on the start screen you don't see it so most people don't even see it

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>Quit after the fucking debacle of this anniversary
>Picked up Dissidia instead
>All characters are completely free, gacha is only for weapons
>Pity system actually lets you aim for specific things instead of resetting after a spook
>Anniversary gave almost triple the currency of FEH's
>Chibis don't look like dogshit
>Art style is unified and decent, nobody gets Ryo'd
Give me a single goddamn reason to come back to Heroes.

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>not Cecilia


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>Chibis don't look like dogshit
But that does looks like Dogshit
Look at that fucking Wakka

Wakka always looks like dogshit, that's cheating

They kinda look like Mii costumes.

How exactly does the chibis in Heroes look bad?

Does this game let the messenger stand at the gate?

That does look like dogshit though. Fuck, I'd take Dragalia's chibi over that vomit.

Tidus has the eyes of a moe shit girl
And fuck you Wakka is based

>spent all my orbs in the Duma/HMyrrh banner for merges
Oh no, I hope she's GHB or this is going to be painful.

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I didn't say HE was dogshit I said he looked like it.
Almost none of them have any unique animations, they're cute but not functional. In my opinion.

Have any whales on your friend list?
>spending $800 on a unit that's a likely demote

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M8 I agree that what user posted is ugly, but you are a shill and a swine if you tell me DL's chibis are better than any game's Except Granblue's

Both Lucina and Lynfags from /feg/ and i think thats it

Dancer Marcus.

DL's are better than that, which is meant to illustrate how fucking disgusting the ones he posted are, since DL's are rather low. At least they look kind of cute if you squint.

Eh you have some cool unique ones like Hector's, Ike's, Eir's and Roy's finishers at least.

What's the gameplay like?
Also post the art, because if that's what the unified style looks like then i'd rather play battle cats.

I'd let Idunn liberate my heart from my chest if you know what I mean

A guy with a +10 FKana loaded with premium skills and fully decked out with flowers and such.

A significant chunk of units with prfs have them.

I have this guy with a +7 Legendary Tiki I keep getting in VG with special fighter and here I am with just a non merged L!Tiki with +HP -Def.

Yeah if he starts at C its more doable. My bad. I don't remember who I gave Armads to in my last playthrough. I think I gave up on training Hero Dieck to S rank and ended up using Garret.

>guy on my friends list +10'd his Tibarn
>dropped the game a couple weeks later when the anniversary dropped
>never even picked up his first crown

these fuckers are gonna give haar an emerald axe won't they

I'm expecting a Prf with Brave effect.

It's a turn-based RPG with Dissidia's mechanic of Bravery and HP being separate bars. You build up bravery, which determines how much damage your HP attacks do, and deplete the enemy bravery so they can't hurt you. Character art looks like pic related.

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why do you set yourself up for disappointment like that

They'll give him a veteran penalty too.

Well user, I'm going to tell you something that delineates the only reason I bothe with FEH.
I like Fire Emblem.
The characters, seeing them with newer art, using characters that can't be played as normally, etc.
I don't like Final Fantasy. I've never played one, and I don't see a big draw to do so.
The only thing I can say to you is just play the one where you like the series more. There's jack shit of a reason to play this crap otherwise.

He's gonna get a prf that grants him special countdown +1 and 10 Hp recovered if he does nothing the last turn and wasn't attacked.

>All of the portraits are in chibi as well

Well, that's to be expected from a Tempest Trial unit like Haar "The Black Tempest".

These are real?
Thanks im saving the orbs, Idunn is gonna be powercrept bullshit while Rutger is gonna be Slaying edge + TT fodder

>that blue haired girl
nice, looks hilarious
why are all the portraits chibi too though?
I'd rather play the trpg stuff though, if I wanted to play a JRPG i'd rather just boot up my 3DS.

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Just for completeness sake, combat. Turn order on bottom left, on the right you pick whether you use a bravery skill or HP skill, bars above heads is current bravery rating. If it hits 0 you break and can't do any damage for a turn, and the other side gets a big boost to bravery. It's simple but I enjoy it.

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1 gold has been deposited to your account, complete this survey in order to claim it


>why are all the portraits chibi too though?
No clue, for uniformity's sake maybe?

>Ask what gameplay is like
>Receive explanation
>"lol shill"
You may be retarded user

Attached: luigi.jpg (1199x710, 82K)

>implying the questions arent just setups for shilling

Cool beans

>Complains about Ryo samefacing characters
>Posts portraits with samefacing

Attached: Elise 3.jpg (512x512, 80K)

That just sounds like it sucks desu, the whole purpose of chibi in most gachashit is just because phones slow down or can't handle proper models. Having the portraits be like that just blows ass, since they don't have that issue. And they aren't even cute like the giant-headed world of ff ones

One day my orbs will be spent.

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user you actually replied to, once again basically the same reply as this to you.

oh great another sword infantry with the same stat spread we've seen a hundred times already, this shit is so stupid. At the very least they should've kept Skill as a stat that increases special damage or accelerates special charge or whatever.

Yeah it's a different genre so I can see why it might not appeal. Mostly I just liked how it hasn't been so jewish in comparison to FEH

But user then they couldn't take our sheckels even more with powercreeped weapons and skills

>Skill as a stat
Fuck off
All Myrmidons are the same shit anyway, the thing that matters are their prfs and skills

She's just going to be like Spring Xander with only focus being physical bulk with little attack. However her prf club comes with innate special fighter, quick riposte and lowers countdown by 1

>Special fighter on an infantry unit
My cock

Who will be on Farfetched 3? I suppose Louise and Ranulf are safe assumptions.

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Where did I say she was going to be an infantry ;^)

Alfonso's dad and Bimborena's mom, also Hel and vanilla Veronica.

Not that guy but Caeda and Clair both have Flashing Blade on their Prfs.

Attached: 1547410956099.gif (35x25, 2K)

If she doesn't get a joke banner dedicated entirely to her, I could see Anna getting in.

>the whole purpose of chibi in most gachashit is just because phones slow down or can't handle proper models

And yet, there's games like Honkai Impact 3rd and Star Ocean Anamasis.

Tbh there's a lot of ones that are less jewy than FEH, but FEH's actually still in the low-middle section of it. There's far worse, and FEH's the one of the few I see where 5* is the expected payout instead of people hoping for a 4* because 58 is so low.
Grand Chase DC regularly gives out SR tickets and gives a ticket allowing any SR to be selected at 200 rolls, as well as in events, and ones they give out just for leveling. S select tickets are so common that it's odd when a non-select ticket is given.
Battle Cats doesn't have offbanners at all. Generally one saves for a G draw, i.e. you will guaranteed get an Uber at 10 rolls.

Changed my AR defense to be cancer-free since I don't need "perfect" defenses anymore. I don't know how some of these people made it to T21 if they're losing over 2 units to a team without any dancers and the front units are 2 move, 1 range making it easy to hit and run.

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And Dx2, which slows down like a motherfucker and always has a dogshit framerate unless on a really new phone at low settings. Devs want a bigger compatible audience, which means sacrificing quality of graphics.

>still no Nah

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What the fuck is with all the Binding Blade love lately

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>S*phia got Apocalypse instead of Niime

>Nah is unpopular too so the likelihood of her being added is low

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It's okay, Niime will get Apocalypse in Heroes.

Remake soon!

At what point did you realize FEH was never going to be good again?

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Death Blow 4

adrift banner

Na, some FE7 character will randomly get it instead for the proto-nuFE brigade.

Aether Raids being promoted. Shit's just not fun.
Otherwise I still enjoy the game.
Not like there's much else in side content for FE outside of Japan.

Literally who?

it's so unfortunate that we'll never ever get cipher in english

Mythic Heroes.

Turning a mode that's reward were currency for F2P units into a whalefest.

Also the general powercreep of skills during Book II and now Book III along with the grinding halt of new banners that aren't more seasonal shit.

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FEH has always had way too fucking many seasonal banners. How are you just now realizing that it's a problem?

>Big Dick Dieck inherited Armads
Absolutely based.
>Sophia got Apocalypse
Absolutely not based.

Which ones would you get rid of? Spring, Onsen and Dancers seem unnecessary, even though I do love Spring Catria.

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It wasn't too bad in the first year but Book II into Book III was completely ridiculous.

3 fucking summer banners one after another before we got that Genealogy banner with Quan and Lewyn. Then Book II finished one banner after that and it was straight back into Halloween, Christmas, New Year and then some weird towel event for no reason.

New Year's.

speaking of this slut, how good is she nowadays? I have a +spd one that I could merge into +1 but idk if she's worth investing in

Attached: Catria_Spring_Whitewing_BtlFace.png (1684x1920, 1.06M)

Spring, one of the two summer banners, dancers, onsen, should all be removed. Christmas and New years should be combined into one banner, and Bridal and Valentines should be combined into one banner.

Too late to get rid of anything without pissing people off, but skipping easter or wife banner, and limiting summer to a single banner would be a nice start.

Didn't we have two summer banners year 1? It was still pretty bad.
Though, I'll admit I dropped the game before Book 2, only got back in during the latest New Year event.

Is Sophia popular in Japan? Why wouldn't you just use Niime?

Oh user. You must be fooling if you think they're going to give a crone an SR.

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Year 1 was Awakening Summer and Fates Summer. Year 2 was Awakening/Sacred Stones and Archanea/Fates.

Also /ss/

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You guys do realize that if IS were to just focus on making new character debuts for new banners, they'll just run out of them sooner and eventually just rely on alts again from then on?


The game talks about it in the opening

that wouldn't happen in a long ass time, there's a shit ton of characters to add

Good -blade user.

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Honestly I was holding out hope until the anniversary hit and there were not demotes. Every addition since then has been utter trash, from the Dragonflowers to the revamped monthly quests

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you don't really get the sense for what's going on in some huge text dump though, it's basically meaningless until you actually see her in the story

This is shit easy skip.

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Wait when the fuck does this happen?

read my post you absolute retard

The TCG adds a hundred or so new cards every set, every three months, and they have no issue throwing out a ton of characters who haven't been featured up to that point

>cookie cutter bladetome build
in that case I'd rather do it with a common unit I can easily +10 for better results instead of a seasonal

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I did and waiting for the opening and it doesn't happen. It's just the class roll than the same opening narration

alts wouldn't be such a big deal if there weren't still so many likable characters missing from the game. For instance The Greil Mercenaries are still missing most of their members, Elincia's Royal Knights are all missing too, oh and Micaiah's entire dawn brigade has yet to get a single character, not even the Daein revolutionairy army people like Tauraneo Jill and Zihark have gotten in yet.

Like who? Pic is a chart of the most wanted FE characters not yet in Heroes. If IS were to ignore making Alts, all of them would be probably be in the game, and then what after that? You'll eventually get characters people barely even know of.

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Haha what? Did you even play FE6 at all? She shows up in the third chapter you fucking idiot

The game literally says that Roy is training with her though. And again at the end of chapter 7. And then shows up mutiple times until recruitment

I played FE6 like 4 times and I don't really remember this stuff, all I remember is early game is a slog and 90% of dialogue is fucking Merlinus

At the rate they're going that's unlikely. Other than the seasonal banners there were about 13 regular banners over the course of Book II and most of those either had only 3 characters or had an alt in them. I don't mind seasonals every now and then for big holidays just not when they're taking entire seasons to get through just to get regular banners again.

I guess L'Arachel is cute, too.

obviously they would drip feed us with less desirable characters mixed with more popular ones. Even the more obscure character do have their niche following so it would be fine

So basically, Echoes was a good game because they planned it ahead years in advanced, unlike Fates and 3H which they just grabbed some artist who wasn't doing anything better at the time anyway

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90% is Merlinus because him + Roy are the only relevant characters besides the villains like most FE

Echoes is a shit game because everything about it is trash

Sacred Stones says hi

Why is Travant listed as Gen 1? He's on both and has a much bigger presence in Gen 2. Also, people liking Larcei over Ced clearly didn't pair Lewyn with Fury.

Arena assult. The game is doomed when they started doing more and more pvp focused esports shit. AR is just the new addition.

This should be a game about rolling for waifus and favourites, not the new seasonal powercreep.

What do I do with him?

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yes but it was high value trash that had to be planned years in advanced in order to secure high value artists who had a busy work schedule and in order to make sure their order didn't go to waste, went all out and put in a order of passion on focus in the project that hadn't been seen in a FE in years and frankly we probably won't see again

turn him into a book

look deep into his eyes and stop playing a shitty gacha game you waste of oxygen

explains a lot. I wonder if Kita Senri is working on the new Samsho or something. Might explain why they were desperate and hired the first artist who called them back.

Wait AFTER the Class roll, or skip the class roll.
For whatever reason, it plays after that

the arena changes were a huge red flag. NO ONE liked them, but IS ignored all feedback and kept them as is.
There's just no coming back from that degree of disconnection/lack of care for what the players want.

>tfw don't even know who these guys are
I started with Birthright and everyone claims the GBA characters are super deep and shit. Played the one with Ephraim and everyone was one-dimensional as they were in Birthright , so nothing changed except you guys still have nostalgia for it.

I prefer a fabulous bouquet Oliver though as he is beauty itself.

it's true that the vast majority of the GBA characters are one-dimensioinal. But in their defense I'd say that at least the story in these games were just basic/boring instead of pants on retarded like fates

>character I like is deep and complex
>character I don't like from game me no like is flat
There that's the extent of it. Please for the love of god don't listen to the shit fanbase on what they think makes a good character. Just play the games yourself and make what you will of the characters yourself without having any expectations for them.

I +10'd a Nowi and a Marth. after that i realized arena was fucking awful to play with all the changes, and there wasn't any "hard" content that was worth doing. the only hard content in the game was abyssal which went way to far into insane AI micromanaging for me to want to bother even trying it. New units lost their appeal because i'd need to at least +5 them for them to be worth using over my maxed out launch units.
Infernal maps were fun until i realized they can all be cheesed by Celica+3 dancers.

No, he and his fanbase are awful. Also he is a shit tactician.

it still blows my mind that they turned a fucking gacha into a PvP autism fest. Like, maybe they figured that it would be easier because the players basically entertain themselves once the system is set up, but in the long-run it's a nightmare because of balance issues. When a single unit can destroy a mode you're just fucked. In gachas with a PvE focus the balancing requirements are significantly more relaxed.
PvP focus also turns every new unit introduction into a powercreep bitchfest instead of the "whoa cool new toys" mindset that PvE gachas enjoy.

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Zephiel is a very bland villain next to the complex character drama you get with Garon, for instance

Still doesn't change it's a shit game

>quit playing the game
>but still log in for daily orbs and free rolls
>start pulling tons of useful units with great IVs
Fug. Shame there are no good modes to use them all in.

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lol are you retarded? Kaden is the demote.

yo no judgement zone no homo I would absolutely whale in this game if I was employed and had expendable income.

I play the dog shit out of this game f2p and enjoy it a lot. They are super generous with the handouts though so I don't feel the need to ever pay anything. If I made like 80K and after all the bills and investments were all done I would probably dump any entertainment budget into whaling. They made a product I like but all the best power creep skills are always gated behind the 5* only units.

Any whales in here willing to reveal spending habits? I don't even know what the prices are for orbs. I remember thinking hard about the Black Knight special they offered one time for like 4.99 but couldn't bring myself to do it.

I'm also really lucky and frugal with my free orbs pulling some good shit on seasonal banners.

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the game will die long before they get anywhere near filling out a game's cast

>You'll eventually get characters people barely even know of.
most people only know of any FE characters because Smash or fan art or they saw them in Heroes.

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Personally I like Igrene from GBA games

>Dad goes wondering off in search of death
>Become new guardian of shitty desert village
>At least you have a loving husband a d daughter
>Oh fuck your daughter died
>Oh fuck ypur husband disappeared
>Wait he's in the same army as you now
>Wait he wants nothing to do with you
>Your only friends are a half-breed autist and a centuries old toddler

Poor girl can't catch a break.

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>this statline

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???? what did he mean by this?

while the story modes are throwaway the GHB and legendary events are always fun puzzles. same for some of the goofy ass monthly events like the grand battles and the weird voting things which end up stupid as fuck due to waifu rolling and the discrepancies for multipliers not being detailed enough.

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Could have at least stripped away 7 points from his already shit res to his attack.

I dropped around $20 on the game for the Legendary Roy banner. Not even worth an hour of my labor, but I really wanted Roy.

I got three in my first handful of pulls anyways, didn't even touch the paid orbs.

multipliers killed voting gauntled. The only fun moment that mode ever had was ephraim vs chrom

A game that does the same thing?

don't worry user, he has an amazing sapphire lance to boost his attack against red units :^)

Wow thanks I don't know what I'd do without it, thanks papa IS!

Morgan deserves to win this gauntlet

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Summer (not necessarily beach)
in order best to worst
what the fuck ever the other ones are valentines??? uhh bath towels?? performing arts, new years.

Im on the fence about bridal units they seem meh but bridal lynn has put legendary work in for me.

but the multipliers are a necessary evil since otherwise it would always be fucking waifu wars

>Drop performing arts when it has performing arts Azura and are basically brave alts with Shigure and Inigo

What's the most boring seasonal design so far? I'd say either this or Christmas Ephraim.

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My Spring Xander was a ton of fun to build. I always get a kick out of him killing units in AR since he is such a bad unit.

>gets an alt before your favorite character even gets in
Nothing personnel, kids

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how is christmas ephraim any more boring than any other christmas alt?

>Moulder not even on the list

I'd say that one as well, there's nothing even remotely "Halloween" about it.

He's not in a bikini or showing his armpits.

I got two Grimas from this banner. Honestly I wanted a Mikoto for the staff fodder, but whatever.

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She's as halloween as much as some kid dressing up as a firefighter.

So fucking much this. People claiming they are so much better or deeper are just blinded by nostalgia glasses. Almost every single FE character is about as deep as a puddle, it doesn't matter if they are old or new.

Lmao sexy maid costume. Not a bad unit either. Better than the shit blue archer fag got two of him and scared to roll this bait because of him.

The new christmas ones were pretty fucking bad, just because of how simple/safe they are. Fae was the only semi-decent one.

She's cute too and being archer helps against dragon spawns hell.

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When's the update and story coming bros? All of our content is gonna be gone in a day or 2.

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I have only used flying blade units. How do I build a good infantry blade unit?

you'd have an argument if there weren't already two maid characters in the general pool.

In all honesty, it's deserved. While playing through Thracia you hear about Reinhardt's (Linehart's) achievements and how many envy him since around chapter 9, I think. A lot of the Freege military sees him as a god and villain motivations are just "I want to be better than Reinhardt". He's a living legend. So, when you finally get to face him, you see this guy with his 5 leadership stars, brave tome and a hard map, and he's easily one of Thracia's most recognizable enemies.

Unless you use warp strats and ruin the game for yourself, making him easy as shit.

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>not displaying asset/flaw

Morgan got some art, didn't save it tho cuz I'm pretty neutral on Morgan

your head cannon doesn't matter
sometime after Kent and Sain

Why didn't you give her boost doubler?

It's a 3 month old pic, dumbo

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Relative to the enemies and other units you have available, she's up there as one of the best units in the entire franchise. Depending on how you weigh availability (Marcus, Rutger), she's the best unit in FE6.
Considering how bullshit FE6 can be, you can understand how this affects people's feelings toward her.

Thundercock was a mistake, IS clearly didn't intend for him to be as good as he was/is.

Anyone know the jap site that has the full art of the characters? Most places only have the cut off art from the app.

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She's gained a lot of popularity after youtubers (read Mangs, Mekkah and Ghast) have praised her as the best character in FE6, which shifted the spotlight away from Perceval.

Be creative

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Who's that character you're waiting for to get a refine? My main concern is that her refine might not be as good as her current best set, almost like how it happened with Tiki.

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The only reason Ike is considered gay is because RD has no support conversations, leaving Ike's only significant interactions being with Soren and Ranulf. Path of Radiance's supports gave him relatively overt romantic implication with Lethe and Elincia (who is also helped by the final CG focusing on the two of them).
I found it hard to swallow that the guy who walked out hand-in-hand with the Crown Queen of Crimea on the day she greeted the citizens of her recently-reclaimed nation (thanks to him) just dropped all contact with her and faded into the shadows as a regular mercenary again. As far as I recall, their only interaction in RD is when Elincia is thanking him for saving Lucia's life.

Is there any way to get a good photo of your barracks besides taking and cropping multiple screenshots. I got some good fodder and want to throw some spaghetti at the wall with house guys see what might stick.

The Japan version of PoR makes the shitty romantic undertone of Ike and Elincia non-existent.

Healers, if at all possible. Namely Serra and Priscilla.

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>Default weapon is already the best generic weapon in the game
>Most PRFs are based off a unit's default weapon
She'll be fine.

Multipliers made Camilla v Lyn, Shanna v Takumi and the Lolipocalypse happen, so it's not all bad. Bonus points for Camilla being the thing that ultimately caused multipliers, which is doubly ironic since she's brutally lost every gauntlet since.

gameplay value is better than cutscene value

The localization added a vast majority of the romantic undertones found in PoR, Japan Ike has always been a fightsexual.

>Implying they won't double down on the gay Ike meme for diversity points.

Ok. After this arena week LRoy dies to give his A skill to Ryoma, since Shiro might be better with SB or SS4, I can't decide on either for him.

The gba characters were not ridiculous, one-note caricatures with a single annoying gimmick, like "I'm always hungry", "I'm always tired", "I like candy", "MUH-NERVUH". And support convos in those games were about the character's pasts and their relationships. They contained intrigue, mystery, stories and revelations about those characters. They weren't all pointless small talk about cooking and training. Look at Matthew, or Renault. GBA had real people with interesting backstories. 3DS has "I made you a pie" "I love you now, let's marry". You have to be a fucking retard to think it's just nostalgia goggles and Fateswakening isn't trash-tier writing.

But those chibis look horrible, and FE's are one of the best things about the game.
Otherwise sure, I can believe that Dissidia is better than FEH, but they're both gacha, you're not exactly winning awards here by picking which pile of shit edges out the other.

Bonus Doubler is meant for units who really want all of their stats boosted, with tactics team or whatever. Or at least 3 of their stats.
So think well if you really want Ryoma
I'd put it on someone with weapon DC like Fjorm, so Ryoma isn't a bad choice either.

You are cherry picking so fucking hard by only looking at the bad 3ds supports and ignoring all the good ones. The vast majority of supports in both games are one note, but both also have gems and stinkers. Get the fuck over it grandpa and take those glasses off.

>The gba characters were not ridiculous, one-note caricatures with a single annoying gimmick

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>ignoring all the good ones.
Ah yes, I really liked the one where Beruka said ".........." and Saizo said "..........", that was a really gut-wrenching exchange.

Name 5 caricatures from FE7.

I really like Ryoma and just want him to be realivant again. He was my first 5 star unit. I hope someday he gets a refine.

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*Blocks your path*

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>Pointing out a shitty localization as if we weren't already aware of it.
Blame Treehouse for being shitheads.

Seeing this upcoming Binding Blade update would want to take up the game once again.

Because I'm always thinking if it's just as a good as Blazing Sword... to be honest.

I'm surprised they haven't given Azura and Femui prfs, especially the latter since Mamui got one a long time ago.

the bad supports are mostly a consequence of everyone having supports with all characters for the sake of marriage/children (which can be argued is a mistake yes, but it's a different problem). At the end everyone has at least 3-4 supports that are good so it pretty much matches the good supports from the older games

Is what comes to mind right now.

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Azura doesn't really need one, still being one of the better dancers in the game.
Femui does, though, since she's just a poor man's Nowi right now.

F Corrin refine will be spectrum smoke
-7 to target and foes on all stats after combat.

Sain, Kent, Florina, Raven, Wil, Rebecca, Louise, Marcus, Bartre, Karel, Isadora

I love that you are using the glitch support as an example. Thanks for proving me right cherry picker.

>Spectrum Smoke
Haha that's fucking disgusting

Siegbert to cuck Eliwood and son again.

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>Glitch support
No, just shitty localization.
It's no more a glitch than Effie's American personality change.

it's basically smoke dagger but without being a >>>dagger

So a worse Veronica staff, got it.

I'd actually like to point out that all the refines we have gotten so far have all been pre-Ayra's release, with Tailtiu being the "newest" unit who has gotten a refine (and Linus but he doesn't count as he shares a weapon with Raven), so I believe most of the Fates kids are out of luck for a long time.

+10'd her, and yeah, bladetome bot, obvious dud pull for blue orbs from the L!Tiki release banner.

Although you are being too biased towards the GBA games, it is true that Fates' supports suffer due to everyone having one with everyone. Many people will pair anyone with anyone and the dialogues they'll see are atrocious, and no one can deny that. There's so many times I can read a "I'm clumsy!" line be repeated. That said, some royals do have good supports. Shoutouts to Camilla who actually becomes a cool character thanks to the backstory her support gives you.

>The gba characters were not ridiculous, one-note caricatures with a single annoying gimmick
Nostalgia is a powerful drug. Not that they were as 'gimmicky' on average. No, back in the day we got more bland characters who didn't really have much in the way of defining traits at all, like Kent who's character can be described as "dutiful knight". And then there were characters like Sain and Lowen who were muh women and muh breakfast. And while they didn't have specific gimmicks, you had shit like Florina the generic shy moeblob and Serra the wacky girl.

Also see . If we cut every Fates character down to their 4-5 best supports they'd probably seem pretty in-line with the rest.

>cherry picker
Finding a good support in Fates requires a professional cherry picker, I assure you.
Great characters

Same exact problems happens with Awakening retard

Sounds just like FE7

>comparing characters, from the latest games, with dozens of supports each, with characters from GBA games released a decade and a half ago
Isn't it a bit of a problem when, despite all of the extra writing, they end up being just as deep of characters?

truly a shame cause she is a cute. I'll hang on to mine anyway, even though I'll probably never pull one again

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I'll bite, I quit right around this time last year.
Someone tell me exactly what went wrong this anniversary that apparently was such a disaster?

Beruka and Oboro's support was good

Why do people keep only cherrypicking the shitty Saizo example?

Yeah, kind of, when did I say the contrary? Just cause I didn't use the retarded Fateswakening term? Relax, man.

Camilla suffers from the fact that many people pair based on gameplay, and her strongest gameplay pairings are some of her worst supports. Another notable one is Kagero, who's best support is someone you'd never want to pair her with based on gameplay.

what does time have to do with anything? It's writing, not graphics. If they were to add supports among everyone from the old games a lot of them would be bad since the characteres not always have chemistry with each other, it's the same shit

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>she is a cute
Should be the only reason you need to build a character, tbdesu.

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Every single banner was Fates and OCs for months. They decided to hold a 'vote for free units everybody will get' campaign where
>you only got one of four free units
>one of them was a horrible unit that only won because retards didn't realize you could scroll the screen
>you weren't allowed to pick which one you got, it was random

So now that everyone is on the topic of supports, what's your take on FE4 supports? People always praise FE4 writing, but they do so more on the worldbuilding side of things than actual characters. Would you say the conversations the characters can have are as bad as 3ds ones?

>it's the same shit
And it's pretty pathetic that the brand new game with its dozens upon dozens of support conversations can only manage to be as deep as a GBA game.

>kind of
Just pointing out bias

don't get me wrong she is very cute indeed, but l'arachel is also cute and I can +10 her in 5 minutes if I wanted to, sounds like a better deal to me

that's like saying all books released today should have better stories than everything that was written 10 or 20 years ago, it makes no sense

You're attacking an imaginary boogeyman, user. I don't even like Awakening and constantly try to suggest people who try to play it as their first FE to not do so. My favourite FE is 6, followed by 4 and 10.

>Almost none of them have any unique animations
thats only really true for launch units
even then there's only so much you can do with those sprites

Azama and Effie
Elise and Arthur
Xander and Leo
Xander and Camilla
The Japanese Femui and Flora
Shiro and Male Corrin
Saizo and Kaze
Odin and Kagero

These are just off the top of my head. Again, you are cherry picking so hard it is almost like you are doing it on purpose.

Because they probably never read any of Fates supports and just believe what the internet told them.

No, it's like saying that a book released with 1,000 pages today should have more narrative depth than a 10-page story released two decades back.

>people rave about how good 4 is because of the characters and ships
>units are suddenly in love with no prompts or dialogue
>the convos they do get have literally 5 or 6 lines and that's it

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I am sure it will be a while. But I am also content to wait on their refines because hopefully the longer I wait the better they will be.

desu I think the sprites are pretty good, plus the team has been getting better and better with the animations. Increase the resolution, add some polish and I could see them using 2D sprites for a future console FE with smooth animations (similar to the newer SRW games)

Valter and Gharnef

I've whaled a lot in this game, and my first experience with sniping on a legendary banner for a +10 was exactly as misguided, expensive (and stupid) as anyone will tell you. Since then, I've cut myself off and strictly use F2P orbs now that I have several strong units and a good arena core to last me even if I don't pull for powercreeped skills.

Spending habit wise, I don't really know what to tell you. I've whaled for some pretty mediocre/low scoring units that I don't even use anymore (Lute and Maribelle to +10 to name a few. Colorless Duel Cavalry when?). I've since decided that I will save orbs until obviously broken (and hopefully future-proof) units are released. I would highly recommend NOT whaling in this game unless the unit is just all-around fucking broken and useful in multiple modes. Despite having several +10 5* exclusives the only one I use for most modes/Abyssal stuff is L!Tiki and Micaiah. for arena, L!Tiki has been my only whaled staple, with Sothe/Caeda/Libra + bonus unit being my party.

I sincerely hope units like Lute and Leif get good refines someday, but I'm not holding my breath.

We only got about 44 orbs total, compared to last years 120.

Shills will try and say this was offset by the fact we got 3 free 5*s but;

The first two were free seasonals, one from all the 2017 seasonals and one from the 2018 ones. But the free summon was retarded in that it was like a normal summon where the colors are randomized, so if you wanted even a chance at getting someone decent like Winter!Tharja, you'd have to hope there was a red stone instead of 5 colorless. And the units had IVs, so instead of getting a Winter Tharja you could get a shitty -Atk Summer Leo who has no good fodder and no good stats. Second seasonal batch wasn't as bad but the possibility of -Atk/-Spd IVs still lingered

Then instead of A Hero Rises where we got Legendary Ike we instead had to do a where's waldo game to pick 1 red/blue/green/colorless to vote for that would be put on a 4 man banner. The results were heavily fucked up because retards didn't realize you could scroll the starting screen and thought there were only ~5 units to choose from, so LLyn(a really bad unit) won the green slot. Then on top of that, instead of making it like Choose Your Legends where you can pick one free 5* with neutral IVs, the free summon used golden stones so you didn't know what color you were picking, *and* they had IVs too.

I got a -Atk Halloween Myrrh, with her no good fodder.

Many people were pissed.

Do they say the characters are good, though? Most people tend to praise Lewyn and Arvin as well written characters, but also agree most of the playable characters are very bland.

Peri, i've building her up for a while now and hope she gets something similar to her fates passive, DC like her personal weapon or a mixture of the two.

>complaining about your luck when you got Myrrh
I got stuck with Lyn. Who I immediately sent home.

That's because Lewyn and Arvin actually get screen time along with Sigurd. Everyone else gets shit.

>ignores the fact that there's a far more active FE thread up about current news.
>Sages to try to prove his point.
Posting this to laugh at you.

>People always praise FE4 writing, but they do so more on the worldbuilding side of things than actual characters
pretty much this. I think the overall story and setting is great, but I don't think the dialogue is particularly remarkable

>Again, you are cherry picking so hard it is almost like you are doing it on purpose.
Says the guy who can only name Sain as an example of the GBA games having as many blatant caricatures as Fates.

Oh boy, you have no idea how wrong things actually went:

>we got two banners where we could summon one seasonal from each year for free, but they were treated as regular summoning sessions so you'd get random colors and random IVs. Almost everyone got fucked with a shitty unit with absolutely no good fodder or a really bad IV spread
>the free most voted unit we got this year was tied to a shitty find and seek minigame where it's proved that a lot of people didn't know they could move the screen so somehow Legendary Lyn, by far the worst legendary unit in the game, won by a landslide for being the first one you'd see when voting green. The summoning session was not only random, but the orbs were colored gold so you couldn't even choose the color you wanted, meaning a lot of people (including me) got fucked hard by summoning Lyn
>no free orbs this year other than daily maps. Last year we got what, 100 orbs alone as a single present above many other bonus maps? This time we only got the usual daily orbs and some daily maps and that's it
>no developer maps, meaning no more extra orbs
>oh yeah and also let's add another currency in the form of Dragonflowers to boost units' stats even more, but they're mostly tied to the shittiest mode in the game, Aether Raids, or in a special mode where you can win them by fighting with every unit released so far, but you only get an actual good amount with units released after the second anniversary, with year 1 units only giving two each one and year 2 only giving eight
>the whole radio silence in general from IS

The whole game has been on a slow but steady decline since the second half of the last year, this anniversary only showed us that IS doesn't give a fuck anymore and is just looking for a quick buck by constantly releasing broken and overpowered units, with the worst offender being Legendary Azura.

Comment too long.

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>got Spring Camilla, Summer Camilla and Halloween Myrrh, all with good IVs
Sucks to be you

>No skills that buff or heal the player after killing an enemy in Heroes like lifetaker, or Peri's personal skill yet

>being this mad at the truth
There's a reason that thread was slow and dying unlike yesterday, and this is a heroes thread too. Not even FE or waifushit.

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because people got a shitty lyn when last year we got a shitty ike

I've seen a lot of people shit on Sigurd as a generic "I must do my duty" archetype or an idiot, even. If anything, people seem to like the villains in the game more, due to their scheming making them actually compelling. Reptor and Travant stand out a lot amongst the cast.

I got New Years Camilla, Summer Y!Tiki, and L!Azura and i still think the anniversary was shit.


Lyn has Speed Tactics(the rarest tactics unless you're Seth) for you to run in mixed teams and also has Desperation, which while being on a 3* available unit is something that any type of unit can use.

Myrrh has Def/Res 2, Vengeful Fighter which is armor exclusive and not every armor would make use of, and armor march which is already on a ton of armor units. Muh 180 bst isn't an excuse, she won't even have any merges and mine was minus fucking attack.

I got a Winter Tharja merge(she was like +Res/-Def or something), a +Atk young summer Tiki that I manual'd, and Myrrh that I manual'd. I already have L!Azura anyway and Duma/Lyn don't interest me so I'm still good. Doesn't change the fact the anniversary was still shit.

Some poor bastard probably got a Spring Xander, a Valentines Roy/Lilina, and a Lyn all with -Atk IVs.

>There's a reason that thread was slow and dying unlike yesterday
Because you weren't bumping it with shitposts every 5 posts?

>Reptor scored in second last place in the CYL

>Still complain about the 2nd anniversary when it wasn't that bad.

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None of those are as bland as Fates's offerings, save for Sain. Especially Bartre and Karel.

Doesn't matter what the fuck you ended up getting from the summons, it doesn't change the fact the anniversary was an absolute dumpster fire compared to just last year's.

Says some autistic asshole who got Duma or Azura from the find & vote free summon.

Dunno man, seems like a no brainer could make some dirty comps with galeforce

Ok that was probably my personal bias. I love him as a villain, though. Scheming lord that actually plays his cards very well but gets one upped by Arvin suddenly turning traitor due to the influence of the Lopto cult? Reptor was this close to being the second most powerful person in Jugdral after he himself plotted the assasination of Kurth and blaming Sigurd's father. He cool.

That wasn't me, but you are moving goal posts here. Fates has good supports that are on par with the old games is my point.

No because it didn't attract ironic weebs since he used a GBA character. Make the thread again after this is over without Awakening in the OP again. See how long it lasts you stupid bitch.

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what a turboslut

Can't wait for more Chiko art.

Oh shit I was thinking of Bloom with the CYL thing, my bad.

Yes they are. They have nothing outside of "DUDE RASH, BUT GOOD-HEARTED LMAO" or DUDE MUH EDGY BROTHER LMAO"

this one was surprisingly forgettable, yeah

Well she is a dancer they are basically prostitutes


lene is pure tho

t. ares

The anniversary was objectively better than last year though.

Pure slut

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does anybody know what's the best way to play FE3 nowadays (I mean vanilla FE3 now new mystery)? There hasn't been anything new since the old ass patches right?

As much as I like to meme with Micaiah's face looking silly, I like his art with the other characters he did and some of the poses of Micaiah look better. Can't wait to see him do her brave alt.

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Meanwhile, over in Cipherland, the fourth anniversary set is going to feature every single game except Warriors to date, with fan favorites like pic related getting in.

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Oh yeah, Bloome's a nobody, even with two chapter appearances, more than most bosses in FE4. I think only Chagall appears twice as well.

The fan translation what else

>Make a new thread (but wait until the thread that strangled the last thread dies), see what happens
Geez I wonder what would happen.

What exactly are Wil, Rebecca, Louise, Marcus, and Isadora's exaggerated/comical characteristic that makes them a caricature? The rest I will concede, but even Batre, Karel, and Raven have interesting relationships that make them more than JUST one-note like many other FE characters from like PoR forward.

You don't need to exaggerate personality traits to make a good character. Quite the opposite in fact. That's the whole point. Kent is the 'straight-man' to Sain's eccentric personality, a classic trope. He and Sain are caricatures done well. He's not 'bland'. Cherche is bland.

It's actually a cheeky line added by the translation team, if I recall correctly.
Is that Danved or Devdan? This is an important question.

It would die since it doesn't have a Awakening character in the OP

idk just wondering if anybody updated the translation with heroes names or anything like that. Also I remember the old patch having some minor issues but no big deal I guess

The Gen 2 Freeges are losers in FE4. I still can't believe Ishtar made it into the game so fast. It's only in Thracia that you actually feel like Freege might be an actual superpower.

Not all of Fates characters are one note, Saizo, Oboro, Kaze and Benny, just to name side characters aren't one note. The game has stayed just about even.

Because they have nothing but their one note personality trait. What even is Wil beyond generic cheery archer? What is Rebecca beyond childhood friend of Wil? What is Louise beyond Pent's wife? Seriously, take off your goggles, they are just awful.

As much I wish no. It still uses the original jap names

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we need a new FE1 remake where you can let caeda die so marth marries catria

>What is Louise beyond Pent's wife?
Oh I've got just the video response for this.

Absolute Based

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>Catria dies
>Marth marries Ogma

>A fire emblem thread where people are talking about fire emblem things that isn't just a Fates vs Echoes in a heroes thread of all things
I don't even care, I'll take this over FATES/ECHOES GOOD FATES/ECHOES BAD shitflinging the billionth time, and even I'm a Conquestfag.

Mang stop pushing your waifu.

Prepping up buzzwords and sugaring things doesn't change all she is is Pent's wife that is gentle and well mannered. 10/10 character

Echoes is bad

heroes threads are the comfiest tbqh

echoes bad
conquest good
4 overrated

Good to know you haven't even played FE7, let alone FE6. It was pretty interesting seeing how this guy who raves about his sword feasting on blood is actually a tormented soul, a man that's a slave to his desires, who kills most of his family and seeks to kill his sister but then ends up picking the sword back up for his niece's sake.
>Karel: Karla.... Are you ready?
>Karla: Yes. Do as you wish, Brother. When I fall to you, I will leave no regrets.
>Karel: ......
>Karla: We are less than human now. We are no different from our swords themselves. Our hearts are cold, and we count the days we live solely by the flesh we cleave. What meaning can there be in such an existence?
>Karel: ......
>Karla: Cut me down, Brother. I simply wanted to hear your voice before I died. Now I have. I am satisfied.
>Karel: ......
>Karla: ......
>Karel: Karla... You haven’t changed. But I have. I must have. When I am with you, I remember the past.
>Karla: Brother...
>Karel: Go where you will. I will not fight you.
>Karla: Brother... Brother, what will you do?
>Karel: Well...
>Karla: I won’t stop you... I doubt you can resist the destiny of our blood for long... So I will wait for you. On the scarlet plain. I will wait for my brother to come home...
>Karel: ......

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Pretty true


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>no Deke


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Well, let's look at the quality of Fates's writing, shall we? I'm sure the A supports there are sublime.
>Ryoma: Hana—off to another early training session, are you?
>Hana: Oh, Lord Ryoma! Yes, I am!
>Ryoma: Well, be careful not to overdo it, Sakura will get worried about you.
>Hana: She will?
>Ryoma: Of course. You're not just a retainer to her; you're also an important friend. It can really weigh on you, watching a friend overwork herself for you sake.
>Hana: I see what you mean. I also hate to see Sakura pushing herself too hard. I guess we both have to be careful!
>Ryoma: It's a good idea to talk to each other on a regular basis, just to stay in touch. Though I suppose that isn't really a concern for the two of you...
>Hana: Because...?
>Ryoma: I saw you and Sakura having a good time talking the other day.
>Hana: If you were passing by, you should have stopped and said hello!
>Ryoma: I didn't want to interrupt your time together. I get the sense that there are some things you want to keep amongst yourselves.
>Hana: Lord Ryoma...
>Ryoma: Anyway. I want to thank you for being there for her, and not just on the battlefield. It is reassuring to know that she has someone like you by her side.
>Hana: Thank you, milord. I promise you—just as I promised her— that I will serve her as long as I live!
>Ryoma: That's great to hear. I hope that you will continue to fulfill that promise.
>Hana: Just leave it to me!

Oh, would you look at that, it's inane drivel. Ryoma is completely bland, Hana is completely bland.

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Devdan. I'm surprised you would even make that mistake.

That's cool and all but you literally proved my point. All Karel is "edgy swordsman" He doesn't relate to anything else and her sister is even worst off since she's just "DUDE MUH EDGY BROTHER. A characters past is not a personality for them.

Awakening bad
7 good
6 good

>fates has bad writing

In other news; grass is green.

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No 7 is shit.

is not as cute as Thea

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776 good
Tellius bad

Because it started as a Heroes thread, which are usually good and you can go off-topic about the mainline games without autists screaming at you at every minute. At this point I just report Echoes threads at sight, since they're always done by the same autist wanting to cause drama.

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>All Karel is "edgy swordsman"
Wrong. He has something known as 'depth', because 'edgy swordsman' is simply the persona he tries to put on, only to have it worn down through genuine interaction with other people.

I'm not the one insisting it's actually great shit that blows the old games out of the water

8 is the best game

Both supports you posted kinda suck. Also wow. A family support with meaning behind it vs two swordmen with hardly any relationship you picked. Cheery picking again.

He's getting enough love nowadays. They gave him fucking Armads in the card game lmao

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Rude and untrue.

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I'm pretty sure FE7 Karel is legit edgy swordsman. It's a part of him he regrets in FE6 when he actually became cool.

he's ugly which automatically means he doesn't deserve shit

Not wrong. You literally prove my point fucking retard. All you said was "edgy swordsman" since you posted a backstory not a personality. You straight up failed the character test.

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Fuck no both those are fucking trash

can we agree that all dancers are sluts and all pegasus knights are pure?

The grandpa cry baby is lurking.
Post decent writing in NuEmblem games.

What about a pegasus dancer?

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>hardly any relationship
And therein lies the main problem with Fates supports. Very few support pairings make any sense at all, so they end up being bland shit where each adheres to their most basic personality traits. They'd have been better off having a small selection of supports for each character, instead of giving everybody two dozen supports.

I mean, you call it cherry picking, but all I did was pick a particular support off the top of my head without even knowing the content of it. Fates supports just suck ass, so anything I pick is likely to be garbage.

Even in FE7, he's conflicted about it.
>Lucius: ...You look tired.
>Karel: ...What?
>Lucius: Your face seems pallid, drawn, and worn. It looks unhealthy.
>Karel: Perhaps...I am...tired. When I fight, my entire body is filled with a hunger I cannot suppress. ...I have never had the luxury even to imagine fatigue...
>Lucius: I don’t care about your fighting. I cannot change the way you live. Nor would I. We both follow our beliefs.
>Karel: ......
>Lucius: I don’t know why you believe this killing is your destiny, but I pray that you will someday know peace.
>Karel: I sleep. If only for a while...
Lucius: Rest now...

I didn't describe his backstory at all lmao
>the character test


Selkie: Grrrrr!

Corrin: Selkie?! Why are you growling at me like that?

Selkie: RAWR!

Corrin: OK, I can see that you're upset. But can we talk this through?

Selkie: Ugh, FINE. I just want to know why you interrupted me in that battle!

Corrin: You mean when you were about to finish off that opponent?

Selkie: Yeah! We're supposed to be on the same team. What were you thinking?

Corrin: Selkie, that opponent was already defeated. I stopped you out of mercy.

Selkie: Defeated? He was still alive. He could have healed and attacked any one of us! Besides, when I'm in my animal form, it's not easy to just pull back like that. You of all people should understand.

Corrin: I'm afraid that I don't have the same kind of hunting instinct that you do. But I must ask you, for all our sakes, to remain focused on the battlefield. Think about how your actions are impacting the greater cause.

Selkie: Meh, I don't get it. You're going to have to do better than that.

Corrin: *sigh*

A pantyless slut. What do you think?

I'm so fucking jealous of Ares.

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No wonder Corrin genocides furries while sparing everyone else in his path.

ares is based, he deserves that

And yet Roy's our boy.

Yes you did. His entire convo with Karla is his backstory. Describe FE7 Karel without saying his job, role in the story, plot relevance, appearance, skills, and relationships in more than 5 sentences. You keep proving my point over and over again. He has zero depth or personality.

can you guys help

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He is everything that's wrong with FE4 and why it's so terrible

Is that why Camilla, Lyn and Lucina have such great track records? Unless you just mean lolis anyway, since IS is biased towards them.

I think you're misunderstanding why we claim fates/awakening supports are worse than gba ones. Yes, Louise main character trait is being a caring gentle woman. However, she is not a caricature of such a stereotype. Thus, when she interacts with others her nature bends to the conversation at hand and lets us have a glimpse into her and other character's personality and story. Meanwhile, in 3ds supports, the supports are mostly vehicles for the trope of the character to appear in, rather than letting the trope lead to interesting dialogue between characters.

You are missing the point. Pick the sibling or retainer supports or BennyxCharlotte for ones with connections. Saizo and Kaze is a better support than what you posted. That is a sibling support that is what you are looking for maybe. You seem to be going out of your way to put the bias in your court.

The whole point is that the supports are on level as before. You just grew up. Fates has good supports but you seem to ignore them. Fates has shit supports as well, like the past games have shit ones. It all evens out man.

Get a better A skill. Atk/Spd or Atk/Res Solo, Brazen or Bond are all good skills on her. There's not much you can do with a healer, other than giving her more premium skills like Windfire Balm+, Restore+ and whatever C skill you might need in your team.

Yeah she is. She doesn't have any added depth to her one note personality. All her supports add back to that singular point.

Has anyone ever listened to Surtr pronouncing his kingdom's name? I don't know why, but hearing this scary looking dude talk about his kingdom but calling it "Moospell" is funny to me.

Seemingly bloodthirsty, more gentle than he lets on but still enjoys fighting, believes strongly in destiny by blood, cares deeply about family, conflicted about his path in life.

I dare you to do the same for Hana.

>Fates has shit supports as well, like the past games have shit ones.
The problem is, Fates has dozens of supports for every character, and there are only certain combinations that have good chemistry and thus good supports. The rest are awful. For every good one you can name, there are six terrible supports. Even good characters, like Charlotte, are seen as caricatures because in most of their supports, they are.