Why do people even listen to journalists?

Why do people even listen to journalists?

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thinking is rubbish

>winner of the "Most punchable Face" award for 3 years in a row

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how can one man be so wrong so many times

He's the final boss that noone asked for and he doesn't even want to be

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>should single players games always be playable offline?
Who the fuck would say no to that?

He's got the perfect face for the job. I'm genuinely impressed.

he is correct about real time strategy.

ethical to pirate games I already paid for? What even is this?

Corporate shills?

when you lose the disc or the manual that has the Key on it

That's like saying it's ethical to steal a new car because you totaled your old one

long dead even in 2013, mah boi

I really hope he's getting paid, because being a shill at that point is better than having taste THAT shit

Reverse mechanism, but I pirated a game and it ran great and I loved it so I bought it on steam to show support, and it ran like absolute ass and straight up didn’t work
Hard to know how you’d find out from the opposite direction but yeah

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I didn't say I agreed with it, I'm just giving an example of when it would be considered "ethical" by those in favor

what game?

I'd say its ethical if I know nobody else has the key. I already paid for the license, and I never gave it to anyone else.

I used to use no cd cracks for games I bought becase I didn't like having to put the cd in. Is that not ethical?

good bait

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For instance with something like San Andreas where the official version on Steam has most of the music ripped out of it, he's saying it's unethical to pirate the version of the game that still has all the music (that you paid for) in it.

Journalists are not people and it should be legal to kill them.

Link to these videos? I can't find them on youtube

Use the pirated version, you own the license to the game. Before stalker SOC was on Steam. I own the original game, I pirated it because it ran better and didn't require a cd or something. There was a reason I used the pirated version of the dvd version.

Journalists? Don't you mean, overpaid bloggers?

And I thought I had the most punchable face...wow!

I'd say that's ethical, you own the game, it's not my problem the publisher didn't want to keep paying music royalties. I paid for the full game experience.

>food analogy

Don't you mean, far-left political activists that are LARPing as overpaid videogame bloggers?

>le devil's advocate

Was a while ago. I wanna say it was divinity 2? Great gem of a game.

Too much credit, more like 'woke capitalist' or 'j-left'

>listening to journalists

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>I used to use no cd cracks for games I bought becase I didn't like having to put the cd in
Worse than Hitler.

More like needless contrarian because he thinks it makes him seem above it all. Kind of like Yea Forums but actually gets paid to shitpost.

>Why do people even listen to journalists?
because your average person is a fucking retard.

>singleplayer offline
>should there be boss battles
>is rts dying
Yes, unfortunately
>is it ethical to pirate for a game you own
No, but who cares?
>buy games at launch
Probably not, but I’m guilty of this and I won’t pretend otherwise

Why do I need sO1bois to make my opinions for me?
Why can’t I get paid to have stupid conversations?

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Ever hear of devil's advocate?

How is it unethical to pirate a game you own?

>Is the RTS genre dying

I mean, he did get that one kind of right back in 2013. Either way he's a sack of shit.

Don't worry about it

Is it pirating if you already own it?

>hurr le opinon pieces and counter points are bad
Why do people listen to Yea Forums?

Right I forgot about the part about being devil's advocate for a subject where you look like the smuggest cunt on the planet to poison the well on anyone taking your perspective seriously. I always thought it was about giving a topic a fair and unbiased argument to assure it gets a proper assessment.

They're articles.

I sincerely hope he's just playing devil's advocate

my ps2 dvd reader is broken and I dont have a optical drive on pc to turn my library into isos so i just pirated the isos and launch them from ps2 hdd. apparently what I'm doing is illegal.

No he didn't.
For RTS to die, it has to be alive in the first place.
SC2 is a decade old game that has run its course and was mediocre in the first place.
Grey Goo wasn't a good game.
And there haven't been any RTS released in the past ten years outside those two.

If there were some amazing genre-defining RTS game that came out and STILL failed, you could say the genre is dead. But literally no one has even tried.

Well, I mean, you're the one who's making assumption about the guy's argument based on his face, which is literally about as superficial as you can get, so. Maybe you shouldn't be talking about fair and unbiased.

>this 15 year old baby face looking guy is Global Editor-in-Chief at PC Gamer
>working there for over 10 years

How old is he now? Christ this guy must've had onions replace his blood in his body.

Sounds like videogame backup to me. You own the license for the game.

more like retard's advocate

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That's basically my standpoint. Once you pay for something, you should be able to copy it as much as you want, as long as you're not using the copies to undercut the original product either by selling in competition or by mass donating it to lower market demand.

Yes, superficial representations of argument can taint the argument, if a man takes a valid point but screams it at you as loud as he can while swinging his cock around, you'd be hard pressed to call him a reasonable debater and you'd view his argument differently for it. We're humans, the respect we feel for an arguer does actually factor into our ability to gauge it.

>And there haven't been any RTS released in the past ten years outside those two.
They are Billions was actually successful. Rare example, single-player only.
RTS should be catered towards singelpayer, the industry is to tunnel vision on competitive/multiplayer and balance

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Well that's because you actually purchased the physical car, so taking another one is illegal. With vidya you purchase THE LICENSE to play it, so if something wrong with the game/console is preventing you from playing what you purchased, you can pirate another copy to continue using your LICENSE


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More like the Armond White of video games.

>"Are boss fights necessary?"
>It all boils down to "Yes if they are well made."

That fucker with the glasses keeps being wrong about everything,

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Or perhaps he's just being real

Because some of them like Easy Allies (Game Trailers crew) are actually trust worthy

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Armond is the greatest critic of our time you pleb

>has a cunt face
>has a cunt name
>has a cunt job
>has cunt opinions
Jesus fucking Christ screaming in agony on the cross, this guy can't be real. This has to be an act.

It's not piracy if you paid for a game and ripped it yourself. It's a safety copy and your legal right in my country.

Preach your shit to tyrone bitch boy

Isn't that the goobergrabbler babytalk guy?


Guy with the glasses ought to be raped in prison.

Absolutely based.


>A bunch of universally liked games
Is this supposed to mean something? The only game there out of the ordinary might be REmake since RE4 normally gets picked over it.

Not just universally liked games, but the absolute safest representations of their respective series. Also they picked both RE4 and REmake because they are both equally the safest games of the series to like. It's really fucking boring, it's the game taste equivalent of saying you're a team player on your CV.

>Is it ethical to buy a car, and then build a new car?

At least he isn't this faggot.

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Don't they just argue both sides for the sake of argument, and these stances don't necessarily reflect their actual opinions?

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If you've ever bothered to read his writings on pcg, he's just an insufferable twat. Not even playing devil's advocate, he's just a piece of shit.

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>last two are the same fucking day

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weird isn't it?

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But this isn't untrue. People who have a lot of kids cause more problems than those who have fewer. It's simply a numbers game. You'd have to be some overly emotional piece twat discharge to not understand that. The problem comes about when you start suggesting a culling.

Only when talking about peoples that don't in the first place, apparently.

Yes, Yes
Yes, Kinda

There, saved you a few clicks.

The question wasn't "are they necessary", it was "do they have a place" which is an unequivocal yes.

Now I have to click more to get an answer from a non fence-sitter


It's a " Yea Forumstards easily fall for the clicbait and start being angry at people acting in a way that is voluntarily awful" episode

No. It's Yes.
You literally own it. Fucking hell, sometimes it's easier to download than to bring up an old disc or go through some Uplay shit (not that I buy ubisoft games, just sayin').

He's like if Minkus from Boy Meets World and Tobey MacGuire fused and drank a bottle of estrogen.

I was going from the point of view of buying a game for PS4 and then pirating it for the PC. If you bought the original Starcraft 20 years ago and you pirated that for PC again, then sure, that's completely ethical. You bought the license to play that game on that format.

I don't know of any games that cost 5,000$

Based Macron. He's got my vote for U.S.E.

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Take a look at the simulators

you, unsurprisingly, seem to have missed the point. sub-saharan low iq people are a drain, their population is slated to boom though i doubt the projections are correct.

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>buying a game for PS4 and then pirating it for the PC

Real piece of shit.

>That Final Fantasy XIII cutout
Why would anyone take advice from someone with such terrible taste?

It's fun. These issues and the fact that they're even issues are meant to be contentious because that's what gets clicks. It's why we keep coming to Yea Forums, not for journalism threads, but for the discourse.

Try Loria.

Why would I ever believe a screencap of an article in 2019.

This pleb is on two levels of irony. Embarrassing.

>Why do people even listen to journalists?
They don't.

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It's almost like life isn't like your propaganda-driven narratives...

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That's because GT was made up of actual fans of videogames. It's why they freaked out like spazzes when Shenmue 3 and FFVII remake were announced.

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my sides

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You're both right.
The actual problem here is that every single article is directed towards getting white people to stop having two children per family, while it's perfectly fine for spics, niggers and mudslimes to churn out 20 at a time.


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We need to go back to this more innocent time.

You don't know what irony is

>not worshiping the ground journalists walk on
What are you, a goobergraper?

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I don't know, I find him cute.
Then again I would a Klepek so I probably just have shit taste.

Who the fuck has a problem with boss battles?

>Be mutt
>Defend jewish overlords chopping baby dicks


I don't, why do you?

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What do you expect?

Journalists have bad opinions but I want to lick Anita's feet


I can understand that your democracy could be nationalistic but it's still a democracy

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The fascist party in Germany is called the German National Democrats but the SD are like, AfD or Trump-tier so it's still fucking retarded.

In fairness, putting democratic in your name doesn't actually mean much. See the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

that person calling sd fascists is a retarded faggot, but your point is incredibly flawed. I could start up an organization whose sole purpose is to kill all journalists (in minecraft) but we call ourselves the journalist friendship league.
or I could run a communist hellhole and call my country the people's democratic republic of north korea. self chosen names aren't always correct

>Bosman literally not knowing what to do with himself
>climbing on the chair out of an excited/confused delirium

I miss these times.

He looks like the guy in that cuck show
>Oh the cage , the cage

>Post Evan Lahti PC Gamer
Shit is highly irrelevant.

Why is Evan Lahti such a fag lmao

> It's why they freaked out like spazzes when Shenmue 3 and FFVII remake were announced.

That doesn't make you a fan of a videogame. I'm a fan of FFVII, but I wasn't not hyped for the remake since it changed the gameplay so much that what's the fucking point. I don't mind remakes as long as they're done right. I loved the remake for Final Fantasy IV, but that's primarily because the changes done to it were actually really well done liked the increased difficulty and the augment system.

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>That doesn't make you a fan of a videogame.
Yes it does, it makes you a massive fanboy that can't contain yourself.
>but I wasn't not hyped for the remake since it changed the gameplay
We didn't know that at the announcement. All we knew was it was being made and they did a trailer saying that.

The idea of a remake of FFVII has been around since the announcement of the PS3. So we're talking about the FFVII 2015 one right? If so, I hated the aesthetics of the trailer because it felt too much like AC.

>Should single-player games always be playable offline?
Who in the right mind would ever say yes to this. This isn't even a debate.
>Is it ethical to pirate a game you've already paid for
Again, why is this a question, you've previously paid for the game, why is it suddenly not ethical to own a game you already own?
Damn this is shit journalism.

Not necessarily fascists but right-wing nationalists known for intentionally lying to push their propaganda (ie the same fucking shit they accuse all their opponents of doing)

To be fair, the GT crew are part of the initial group that perpetuated the hype behind those games. iirc they put RE4 among the best games ever before such lists became such a trend.

Democracy is fascist when it doesn't go their way.
And things I don't like are lies.

100% correct

Invaders don't get confidentiality you fucking commie.

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>enthusiast commentators

I don't know about your diet

By these standards, every anonymous poster on Yea Forums is a journalist. OP is a stupid fag.

Reporting crimes to the state is worthy of death when globohomo thinks those crimes are okay.

Not that guy, but even if you see them as invaders, they do when you see them in your office. You don't pick and choose when your oaths apply.

>Logan: Single. Player.

>Evan: You win! Just kidding. Listen, as Satan’s advocate in this matter, I get that people are philosophically uncomfortable with the idea of having to rely on some distant verification server in order to access what’s on their hard drive. In concept, I guess you could say it’s like calling Ford before you start your car. But in practical, actual terms, the outcry against this as an issue seems totally disproportionate to the modest inconvenience it occasionally poses. Have you really beenwronged by this form of DRM?

>Logan: Oh hell yes. I’ve been thrown out of the middle of a level when my wireless network went down for a few minutes. I’ve been unable to launch a game on a plane because the Wi-Fi wasn’t working. And while it hasn’t happened to me personally, I’ve heard the frustration of gamers who pre-order games only to end up competing at launch with thousands of other players for a green light from the authentication server. I’m OK with DRM. I’m OK with developers discouraging piracy. But locking me out of my single-player game because the dog chewed on my router cable is not cool.

Evan: If you have a router or connectivity issue, you fix it—wouldn’t you want to do that anyway? And if you’re okay with DRM, wouldn’t the alternative to online connection-checking be horrific junk likeSecurROM, which has a brilliant history of locking users out of games like Fallout 3 because theydared to have something like disc-burning software installed.
>We should be amenable to the idea that asking players to be online while playing might be the least-obtrusive solution in some scenarios. Compared to other DRM, it strikes a compromise between developers’ interests, the near-ubiquity of internet, and protecting the integrity of features like auction houses or a global commodity exchange, which rely on external verification.


>Logan: I see what you did there with the SecuROM boogeyman. Yeah, I’d rather have the online requirement than that menace on my PC, but that’s like saying I’d rather have packing peanuts than broken glass for dinner. And I’m not sure that access to a stable connection is as ubiquitous as we might think. What about rural communities? Laptop gamers in the park on their lunch break who want to fight some bears? Or soldiers abroad? And what happens to our games when the developer decides to shut off the server? Compromise on DRM is necessary, but “be online all the time and enjoy the game until we stop supporting it” goes too far.

>Evan: What precedent is there for people losing access to single-player games because a verification server was shut off? Again, I think you’re overstating the real-world effect of a rare scenario.
>In terms of your offline, lunch break bear-fighter—I don’t like the idea of telling anyone that they won’t be able to enjoy what they love on their own terms. But the cases you raise are outliers, and they’ll become even rarer as online infrastructure catches up with this form of DRM. This notion that it’s gamers’ fundamental right to play every non-multiplayer game in all corners of the Earth, at all moments, is unrealistic. Compromises are a natural part of being a consumer. Paying doesn’t entitle us to everything we want. Take the most egregious recent example of online DRM: Diablo III. PC gamers lambasted its launch week issues, but it was the fastest-selling PC game ever. Do we expect to get the best seat in the house on opening night of The Avengers?

(2/3) I lied about the amount

>Logan: If I buy a ticket for those seats, yes. Consumers can’t take anything for granted anymore. Even Microsoft sold “PlaysForSure” digital music to consumers and then shut down the authorization servers when the service tanked. You’re right to point out that my horror scenarios are uncommon and possibly overstated, but if I don’t have a guarantee that I’ll be able to play a game when I want to and that I’ll be able to play that game 20 years from now on my holo-emulator, it’s of lower value to me–and that should be reflected in the price.

>Evan: What you’re raising really gets at the heart of this issue—the established notion of game ownership grinding up against the trend of modern games operating as services more than static products. Listen, I admit that it’s ridiculous for publishers to arbitrarily ask you to be online. But thereare things we get from that seemingly raw deal. We get cloud storing for key bindings and game saves (I hate navigating the directory maze to figure out which random folder they’re stored in). We get social and economic features like auction houses—not everyone loves them, but they’re something.
>But most valuably, I think, always-online facilitates automated gameplay data reporting. Don’t you think that SimCity will be a better game because Maxis will have access to vast information on the game’s entire population? I suspect it’ll allow them to balance the game better, and kill bugs faster. Honestly, I like the idea of being a part of that give-and-take relationship. Consider the campaign data Valve collected for Half-Life 2: Episode 2 via Steam, and the value it surely had in informing their approach to Portal, and Portal 2, and Left 4 Dead.
>Always-online DRM’s inconveniences may outweigh their benefits in some cases, but I don’t think we should universally reject it as a security option.


Someone working for denuvo

He's the only one with balls big enough to play Devil's Advocate.
Or he's a shill.

>Logan: I don’t reject it as a security option, and just like there are problems with DRM that developers don’t anticipate, there could be benefits that I don’t expect. The reason I feel like I have to hold the line is that Steam’s offline mode seems like a reasonable compromise; it gives me some limited freedom to be offline and doesn’t make me feel like I’m being punished for somebody else’s piracy. But I don’t want to give up any more ground.

>Evan: I agree with you, I just don’t agree about the level of impact that always-online DRM has. Yes, Steam offline mode is a nice compromise, but I’ve probably used it once in my life, during the lull between setting up a new ISP after moving. Ultimately, I don’t mind being asked to give up a modest amount of convenience for the greater good—discouraging pirates and giving developers access to useful player data that will probably improve the game. In the rare instance that my Internet dies, or a login server breaks, the world doesn’t end—I just go do something else.


I've always liked Logan.

i mean tyler wilde is right there

I never thought I'd meet someone who I fundamental disagreed with on so many levels but I guess I was wrong. Good to see he looks like a complete corporate cuck though

It takes talent to be this smug when deep down you know what a piece of shit you are.

Seems like the whole argument is
>Devs can collect data from user choices

Because you're a game journalist paid to post retarded opinions that people will still click on to tell you you're retarded but it doesn't matter because a click is a click.

It's not fucking rocket science, the video format in OP is so blatantly it's almost openly admitting what they're doing.

Ya his post is completely uncanny.

Not even that, like how is someone so okay with a system they know can all come crashing down one day? Unless videogames are just a side thing for them and they don't care if it dies.

well rts is dying but everything else is so wrong what is with glasses cuck?

>muh oath
dats rite goyim, betray your country for them! Coward.

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he’s literally wrong about everything

>In the rare instance that my Internet dies, or a login server breaks, the world doesn’t end—I just go do something else.
What a note to end your argument on

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>but right-wing nationalists known for intentionally lying to push their propaganda
let's see one point proving this.

SD are more on par with Democrats in America.
Sweden's "liberal" party is "forced interracial breeding camps"-tier, so even people that merely lean left are seen as radical far right nazis.

>total my car
>don't report accident/call insurance
>find same car at used car lot
>boost it
>take all VIN stickers/plates/anything that can be easily traced as well as ignition switch/computer/etc from totaled car and swap it with stolen one
>have nig involved with a chop shop take my totaled car leaving no trace
been don't feel bad at all and been 3 years now I think if I was gonna get caught they'd of caught me by now

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You don't deserve human rights when you're an invader. If Bowser tried taking over the world, I wouldn't bend over and give him rights because "it would be mean otherwise". Screw that.

This Evan guy is really rustling my jimmies

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good list, but i'd swap pocket monsters RBY for GSC
where's Halo 3 though

i lost my copy of CiV:IV a long time ago so i pirated it. im not paying those niggers twice

Well they still had to make a thumbnail. Don't pretend you're thick.

God I love lurking Yea Forums - video games

That's because you're a brainlet and can't think one step ahead to what happens to you when you're defined as a group of not deserving of human rights (bad things).

>like how is someone so okay with a system they know can all come crashing down one day?
Lots of reasons:
"Too big to fail"
Blinded by greed.
Nigger mindset.
Criminal thought processes.
Complete lack of foresight.
Basic mental retardation.
Not actually being a human.

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Ting ting ting
Fuck the democratic party and fuck niggers

These guys look like they live in a fucking cuckshed.

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soiest of bois

they don't want the option to play as a female link in a spinoff game, they want a main game to feature a female link

Linkle isn't female Link, she's a secondary character

Except that's not what they're complaining about at all. "Ms. Male" refers to the trope of female versions of male characters, like Ms. Pacman, that complaint would still stand mainline game or not.

why would you pirate a game if you already bought it?

so you can play older versions of the game, or so you can play it without DRM

Here a short list of games I pirated despite getting them day one on steam
>Nier Automata
try to guess what these games have in common.

always online?

Denuvo and much better fps when playing on pirate, MHW eventually got better, Automata still run better on pirate and with TWW/TWW2 mods increasing performance are better than pirate.

I disagree with him on everything, and that's coming from someone who loves RTS's.

Halo is shit
It's worth noting that Bloodborne & portal were their latest inductions

A challenger appears

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Holy shit what are you even doing here homo. Even if you're a girl, with taste in men like that I refuse to LONDONpost.

Why not, you'd finally have a shot