Why was AC7 so awesome and what can other games learn from it?
Why was AC7 so awesome and what can other games learn from it?
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Fans come first. AC7 is a love letter to the series (mostly AC5 to be fair) and meant for fans of Ace Combat to enjoy, not a lowest common denominator designed to pull people with no interest in for Bamco's wallet, like Assault Horizon was.
And for a complete newbie like me, it was still incredibly enjoyable.
Well that wasn't to say it was completely impenetrable for newcomers, but playing AC7 shows you exactly what Ace Combat is, not what Call of Duty with planes is like AH was.
And yet it worked very well to bring in somebody who never played an AC game before.
It has it's own style and goal and it does it really well - that's imo what makes it so great compared to the modern (western mostly) commitee designed bland trash.
A simple formula with 2.5 decades of refinement.
Western devs could dream of achieving that cinema-like thrill that AC7 pulls off every damn mission. Just the Defense of Stonehenge and what thrill it builds in you is a masterful act.
Most of the missions are pure kino.
>gameplay comes first
>writing, music, and world design only exist to prop up the gameplay
>entire thing was designed with previous successful efforts in mind, not as an attempt to radically change the formula
>tasteful fanservice and callbacks woven in to a new narrative
It does a lot of things, right, honestly, and it reaps the rewards.
people liked the original games, so they simply remade the original formula with amazing visuals. If it ain't broke dont fix it, also they brought back the original composers and art guys
cue in the dcs fags
That you can get away with fusing nazis with jews to create an ultimate villain if you set the game in totally not real world
The second half of the game is absolutely ridiculous in how many memorable scenarios it creates. It became so overwhelming to me that I had to take breaks just to process it.
They know what they're fighting for, user. Do you?
For me pure kino starts around mission 4 and never really lets off.
Nazis knew too, look at where they are now
Non-existant, unlike Belkans in Strangereal. Belkan clay is of the highest quality which is why it and it's people survived seven nukes.
>see these dropping towards your home
what do
Call UN, chemical weapons are against geneva convention
How the fuck do you destroy the arsenal bird after taking out the propellers? On mission 19
don't you mean UPEO?
>what can other games learn from it
There is much better "cinematic" value to the player letting them actually do things rather than showing cutscenes or QTEs of it.
By the time everyone starts calling you a hotshot, I could believe it. When people start calling you a hero who never ditches his wingmen, I could believe it. When you are renowned as Three Strikes, bringing hope to your allies and fear to your enemies, I could believe it.
You have to shoot it from underneath. One of them I think you even have to shoot it from the front and downwards. Also bring those multi-lock missiles. The F-22 has those.
UPEO is a Neo-UN organization.
it was pretty weak as far as ACs go. They put too many restrictions on the player and you're never able to just go bananas on targets like you could in 2/4/0.
>Trigger identify those targets before firing!
>Trigger fly through that sandstorm!
>Trigger you only have 10 minutes, hurry up!
>Trigger defend that burger town!
In addition to missile tip; You can restart from checkpoints for a free refill on everything if you feel the need. There's no penalty for it besides being a fucking pussy. But you can always just go back and beat it like a man afterwards if you just want to continue the campaign.
IUN, you mean. UPEO won't exist for another 20 or so years.
The IUN in 7 and the NUN in 3 may or may not be the same organization.
I loved the shit with identifying the targets, the sandstorm sucked though, as did getting pushed around by wind in the valley level. Getting hit by lightning while fighting mihaly was amazing, though.
What I really didn't like was how useless the wingmen were, the removal of wingmen commands and the fact there were basically zero anti-air only missions. Fucking shooting arsenal bird down and the radio keeps going on about how my allies will handle the drones, not a single one of them do anything.
These make it superior to 4 actually. There's more mission variety and more interesting obstacled to overcome.
It was 7/10
Looked great. Gameplay was ok, mission design held things back quite a bit. Gimmicks got old FAST especially when it seems like every attempt was made to shoehorn them into every mission. (clouds/lightning/dust).
Story was completely trash, if it had some semblance of order and continuity id forgive it. MP is meh, kind of forced to take MSL upgrades else you simply cant hit anyone.
I enjoyed those missions though. The ones where you have to dodge the lights really pushed your ability on learning how to control your shit.
This is my first ac. The last game like this was HAWX which I enjoyed. I'm on mission 14 and have the Raptor. After struggling with the Tomcat in Stonehenge the Raptor turns you into the death incarnate.
>Trigger identify those targets before firing!
This happened in 2 missions
This happened in the back half of one mission
>10 minutes, hurry up
In those missions the objective is to go bananas on the targets for the entire mission, so I'm not sure what the problem is
>trigger defend that burger town
Defending it normally means going bananas on targets before they get there.
>mostly AC5
Felt more like Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies 2
The best mission in the game is a defensive one.
The way the missions were structured, yeah, but the story itself was just Unsung War Lite. Especially since they never shut up about that war.
Thanks for the wallpaper.
i want to go bananas till either they're all dead, or they kill me.
The beginning part of Lighthouse, where there's a fuckton of planes in the sky, and you can shoot as many as you want, That should have been what 15/20 missions were, and the other 5 should have been flying through tunnels and canyons.
Someone post that screencap comparing MGS and Ace Combat.
>Here's some shit for you to shoot
>Here's some MORE shit for you to shoot!
>Here's THAT GUN from that one game you really liked
>Don't worry everyone! Trigger won't let us die!
fuck that was a good mission
>pussied out first time by going novice controls and super sloe
>went back and redid it with expert controls and going full speed
Felt fucking great
>stonehenge has a manual range table for some reason
>tfw spawn the ace on that mission using a MiG-21
>why doesn't every mission have the huge climactic battle as the last one?
A large amount of missions still let you go ham. Even the sandstorm one the first half is blowing the fuck out of oil tanks.
But all of those are good additions and never overstay their welcome
Holy shit bro. There's fighter jets in origins now?
>Huge cinematic battle
No the part before that.
It also introduced another waifu
And the cutscene where the Arsenal Bird gets fucking cut in half by Stonehenge is an underrated KINO moment
The part before the bird is still a huge climactic battle.
Ace Combat 7, the new XCOM games, Hitman and Mega Man 11 are probably the biggest examples of franchises having strong returns to form after a period of neglect and/or almost being killed off by bad games. Maybe Resident Evil 7 and 2 could count in too, but I never played either so I couldn't say for sure.
Things are looking up, lads.
as much as i'd rather something be done with excalibur, i don't think i would have changed anything from that mission.
Still not game where we get to play as Belkans, kick out the Grey Men, reclaim South Belka, restore the honor of the Knights of Belka and stop the corporate nightmare future
no, it's just a bunch of empty jets you get to shoot down as a "Get hype" moment. That's how zero was. A bunch of get hype moments before the big bad ace squadron comes out to slap your shit, as you slap back.
That's how ace combat should be.
Excalibur was completely trashed, I don't think there's any chance of fixing that. In AC04 we really did leave one gun untouched because it wasn't active.
I fail a lot more on big empty jets part than the big aces confrontation most of the time.
>no, it's just a bunch of empty jets you get to shoot down
Do you now know what the word "climax" means? That huge dogfight battle is the last battle of the war. Everything is riding on it. Everyone is throwing everything they have. Of course not every mission can be like that.
I'd change it to it being repaired and fired by Avril and the gang and not some one-off people. Unauthorized because ain't nobody got time for that, bird is near and asks to get shot.
>They put too many restrictions on the player and you're never able to just go bananas on targets
That's why they're good though, they are actually designed to some degree rather than just endless timed score-attack missions like in AC4
>whole game after the initial Mage portion should be with Spare
>Stonehenge Defense is an absolute suicide mission (it was far behind enemy lines) so Spare and their technicians should've been used
>maybe Bandog gets replaced with Long Caster at some point if people really want the fatty to stay in
Someone fucking gets it. This is what mission design is. Putting restrictions on the player so the player can adapt to those restrictions and prevail. Just setting up random skirmishes might be fun but it's not appealing mission design.
That’s because they have the insane lust for war of nazis combined with the survival power and 4d chess skills of jews.
He was based and cunnypilled
Albert Wesker gave up BOW research for conventional superweapons instead
And replace albert wesker’s homolust (for chris) for cunnylust, which leads for both of their downfall
So if Belka was going down anyways, why nuke themselves rather than throwing a last "fuck you" and launching them across the continent?
There was no cunnylust, just a lust for UAVs and being Belkan.
If some user would be kind enough to shop Wesker's sunglasses onto him that would be lovely. I'm curious how much he'd actually look like Wesker with the right glasses considering they share the same VA and attitude
They launched them at the invading forces, iirc, in a last ditch effort to prevent occupation
Everytime someone tries a last “fuck you” when losing with a superweapon, they get BTFO in last min. Belka went full 3d chess and decided to fuck themself instead
>There was no cunnylust
Yeah I'm going have to disagree with you here.
He could have done w/e he want if he didn’t decide to bring those 2 little girls with him and have them stop him and guilty trip him. It’s just like Wesker could have succeed if he didn’t fuck around with Chris too much and allow Chris foils his plan everytime
He was lusting after Mihaly more than he was Mihaly's granddaughters OR the princess. Mihaly had that sweet, sweet flight data that kept him coming back for more.
I think he kept them around for Mihaly's sake. See my above reply.
>There was no cunnylust
>From time to time, I'd catch myself looking at 'em. They were such enthralling creatures
What did he mean by this?
I mean since the Wesker comparison has been made, Wesker looked at everyone like inferior creatures. It's possible to be intrigued by how fucking useless something is.
Sounds like the pedo self defense force.
multiplayer is weak as hell
>no ctf
>no groundstrike missions
no moba mode
Something something, Kono retweeted this.
the arsenal bird fight in mission 19 reminded me of me3 final space battle
This and "quality of life" are phrases that instantly make me write off the person saying them as a retard. People who uses these phrases are living examples of why developers should NEVER listen to their fans.
>no Tomcat gf
Less soý more testo
the game could have taken such a better direction instead of swapping off spare squadron, most of the 444 should have survived and the communications blackout should have started earlier, probably ~McKinsey mission, with the narrative being spare squadron going rogue and changing the war on their own terms.
RIP spare squadron
Man i'm so shit at this, i keep getting B ranks on normal.
>what can other games learn from it
Just do one thing very well.
Everything suffers when try to follow every mechanic that was successful in other games and putting it together. That’s why massive, expansive open world survival crafting 3rd person over the shoulder parkour cinematic action games barely make a splash anymore.
>Why was AC7 so awesome
>what can other games learn from it
don't cheap out on the music
I think spare should be expanded on, but I think LRSSG are really necessary to contrast with how Spare was treated. All through the 444 you and your buddies were trash talked and forced into no-win situations. Then on the first mission with the LRSSG Wiseman acts like a mother goose taking care of all of his ducklings.
This would probably work out well. Maybe the Spare meets up with the LRSSG and gets drafted into their group after the 444th falls apart during the blackout.
>Are we really going to destroy the Arkbird?
>Don't worry. After the war, the president will build us a new one
>Builds two AI-controlled aircraft carriers instead
>That bird keeps shitting on my car
>Well, not much you can do about it.
>Fuck that shit. Jean-Louise, get the range table.
Plqying this after RDR2 makes me realize how right you are. After RDR2 I was nearly burnt out on gaming. Then comes AC7 with every second being a blast and it was like I was 7 again opening my PSX box.
I'm not sure Harling built the Arsenal Birds.
Arcadey, high-octane gameplay mixed with a terrific presentation
Too many devs see "arcade" as a slur
It's so beautiful. Like a dance with missiles.
My only complaint on that mission is that you can't shoot down his escorts. Hell, they don't even say anything after taking 10 missiles to the face
He did though, but he built it better so it could go into outer space and he let Nagase pilot it to take out another asteroid
The AI-controlled aircraft carriers were to protect the space elevator so best girl could come home, and that's also why Harling sacrificed himself for the elevator proving his good taste in waifus
this is amazing, how are they pulling it off?
Some planes can do a 'Post-stall manouver'. That player's just matching Mihaly at his own game.
post-stall maneuvers
It's not wrong to make a player learn controls and pay attention
I never chase him down the valleys becase the last time I did I got struck by lightning and crashed.
>go bananas on targets like you could in 4
Have you even played 4? It's more restrictive than 7 with all the altitude restriction shit and even stricter timers, 7's timers were lenient as fuck compared to 4
It was to draw the line between North and South Belka, they wanted to save North Belka, launching nukes across the planet is the quickest way to trigger MAD and destroy their "holy land"
This game is a real beauty in 4k with maxed out draw distance. AC7 finally gave me that feeling I was longing for, seeing objects kilometers into the distance while interacting with them. To think they wanted to keep this gorgeous game on console.
>To think they wanted to keep this gorgeous game on console.
thanks to the ever autistic steam community, they might do that from now on
thanks anons, found some how to vids, gonna try it out later
>console warring
Listening to Steam users is like drinking from the toilet. I hope the devs get a brush with the good side of PC gaming too. We need quality titles like this.
it functions like a game with the name “Ace Combat” should, while improving expected areas like graphics. thats it. game series that have reached success shouldnt change much. people still play BF4 because its the last game in the series that plays how you would expect a BF game to play.
I'm a PC player, but I wouldn't be surprised if HOTASgate scared PA from putting future titles on the PC
Best mission.
PA survived Assault Horizon, controversy based on a peripheral that's bound to only be possessed by a relatively tiny number of players anyway isn't likely to do much more damage.
It'll probably just be a From Software scenario where it just means the next game will have better support for such things.
Great game, I just wish they put a "challenge mode" to make you learn some advanced moves (instead of watching how to do it on Youtube)
AC7 is already one of the best-selling entries in the entire franchise. What some idiots say on some forum doesn't matter compared to that.
I want a Belka Ball comic of this soo badly.
Stonehenge confirmed for best Superweapon
They just made a good game and didn't try to re-invent itself.
It won't. Since it's on UE they will have an easy time porting future titles, so there'll be little reason not to.
There's something so pure about ac memes
I love them.