Do you own any vidya merchandise?
Do you own any vidya merchandise?
I own some things
I still think XC2 needed a more bittersweet ending.
I thought the entire time that Rex would eventually inherit the entire core crystal after Pyra eventually died or something. Or maybe, she would send it to him in order to keep it out of the hands of the bad guys.
Rex would then be the new Aegis. This would be a really heavy burden on him and it'd be a really cool scene where he basically feels fucked bc he never really wanted or expected this.
I still have my Bionicles
I hope you find a gf that shares your Intrests user
I don't have any compressed air so I couldn't clean them as much as I wanted, but it was time to rearrange them a bit.
>have probably 1k worth in buyfaggotry and the same if not more in plamo
>realize I have to spend money on display cases
>really don't want detolfs, have seen way too many horror pics of them shattering
>wooden bookshelves suck dick
>based on these parameters alone, it's going to cost me like 500 dollars just to display what I have
some vidya in here
impossible to find that yukari at a non stupid price these days
cherish it
Is this out?
Got all 3 Figma Links, NECA Nathan Drake, a Sonic figure, Mario and Luigi figures, list goes on
The only people I know that want to talk about figures with me are female.
Does compressed air work well? I always clean my figures with a makeup brush
>buying virginity insurance
Found this nigger for cheap last month
>23k on mandarake
Man you weren't kidding
I have no idea what the appeal of this shit is. You'd have to pay me to fill my place with this crap.
I bought a funko ama
>virginity insurance
>the only time they'll see it is when it's too late anyway
I was also not very happy with how Pyra's ending was handled, but for a different reason. I thought her being alive by the ending was fine and well in-line with the themes, especially with her really wanting to live in the end, so much so that I predicted her return as soon as she left the team at the bridge. The issue is that they never bothered explaining HOW she came back. Even a 10 second cutscene showing Aion's cockpit being ejected into Earth or something would have sufficed, maybe have the remaining bits of Malos' life energy take over Aion for her before it met its end. The complete lack of explanation just felt very lazy, especially when the rest of chapter 10 was so well thought out.
Compressed air + barely damped cloth makes base cleaning much faster, especially the more complex ones like Sorceress or Camilla. I still have to use a brush for long wavy hair strands, though.
VAH>RAH>Parforms>Shit>Bring Arts>Figmas>Play Arts Kai
I’m happy for you