So you think immortality is fun, eh?

So you think immortality is fun, eh?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that battle theme

I can't get over how damn good it is.

I finished it and could ahve gotten all the achievements if the damn niggers didn't make "collect every item in every box" an achievement. I guess it's my fault for not looking before I started but fuck, I really didn't want to go down that list. Fun game though.

good music too

>Kaim recalls a memory that was locked deep within his heart

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What's the best memory and why is it Hana's Departure?

best one I have seen, I skipped a bunch so far.

The little liar one is good too.

One another note, This game is masterpiece tier for me. Why did so many critics just give this game a meh??

I'm guessing they were tired of turn-based jrpgs at that point, it's their fault we got shitshows like ffxiii

Was it kino?

Attached: LO.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

>Didn't idle on the world map for more than a minute until I was like 20 hours in
>The first time that guitar riff hit
>My fucking face
Also Dark Saint Battle is Uematsu's finest battle theme of all time.

Attached: so this is spiral power.gif (500x273, 1011K)

So do I have to buy a 360 to play this or can it be emulated?

It's backwards compatible on xbox one if you have that.

>Release a JRPG
>On a system that sold exclusively to dudebros and had zero presence in Japan
I fucking wonder. That said, they forced my hand with this and Ace Combat 6 being exclusive, I had to buy a 360.

Tell me Yea Forums, who wants to live forever?

Attached: there can be.jpg (1920x1080, 192K)

Fuck this game. Probably one of the worst JRPGs I had the unfortunate chance of playing. Wasted potential in every form. The story turns into fan fic teir horse shit with combat that’s created for people with brain damage.

>The absolute biggest number of traitor flags I have ever seen in any game
>There is no fucking way this faggot isn't going to betray me
>He doesn't betray you and turns out to be incredibly based
>Fucks the shit out of one of the leaders of the free world, who is also an immortal and has giant, veiny mommy tits the likes of which have never been rendered before or since in a video game
Was he /ourguy/?

Attached: jansen.jpg (768x960, 36K)

>Release a JRPG
>On a system that sold exclusively to dudebros and had zero presence in Japan

Do people like to conveniently forget MS scooped up a bunch of jrpgs specifically for this reason? They were trying to get jrpg fans and the Japanese audience. Hell, they exclusively funded the development for Lost Odyssey. Its also why you won't even see it on Steam or any other systems, unless MS sells the rights to it.

>The story turns into fan fic teir horse shit with combat that’s created for people with brain damage.
sounds like a pretty standard JRPG then

when the fuck are they going to release on the Windows Store, then?

I'm not saying it wasn't a decent gambit, I'm saying it didn't work as well as they hoped. As for me, I played the shit out of LO, AC6 and all the exclusive idolmaster shit I could get my hands on.

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Where the fuck, FUCK, is the 4k 60+ fps remake? WHERE?

This might be one of the saddest games ever. I swear every memory this faggot has is of someone's child dying in front of their parent or some shit.

When you live forever, the moments that stick out most will be those where a life is taken before it can live

I'm so jelly of him. I wish Ming was my wife.

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You're God damn fucking right it was.


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I just wish actual battles didn't carry on the worst aspect of IX's combat. The constant screen panning at the beginning of each fight wore thin after a while.

>This was my first next-gen game I've played
>Absolutely blown the fuck away by the grafix, scale of the fight, seamless transition
>Think this is just ushering a new era for JRPGs and vidya in general

Attached: 34234.jpg (657x657, 35K)

>Those veins

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I know, aren't they great?

Attached: 265482_1.jpg (1280x720, 361K)

>No 4k remaster

>No 4k VR

came out when people were getting sick of JRPGs, and this was a textbook classic JRPG
and it was for a console where most people weren't interested in JRPGs or even japanese shit at all

you could have bought most of the items from chests you missed from the black market.

The entire OST is just straight fire.

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lost odyssey was such a fucking amazing game but holy shit, its combat is the only thing holding it back from a 10/10 for me

If I was immortal I would literally stop eating and drink beer 24/7, god I love beer so much

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>lost odyssey was such a fucking amazing game but holy shit, the core aspect of what makes a game is the only thing holding it back from a 10/10 for me

I don't even really mind LO's combat for the most part, but comments like these are always so odd.

I can't think of anything bad or unenjoyable or boring about lost odyssey except its combat
aside from having 5(!) characters in combat a time and the critical ring, it's so boring and basic that it detracts from the fun

I did, but it doesn't solve the whole thing.

This game fucking sucked

Fucking this.
>6 man combat
>amazing graphics
>great locations
>that fucking attack system

I was expecting a full on renaissance, and ended up with literally nothing.

Nah it was pretty good. The combat is the worst part but who cares?

PC port fucking WHEN?

I love this game.

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Good game to bad no remaster or sequel good job M$

I bought this game on release, played to the forst boss and stopped. A year later I started again, stopped at the same point. Last year I found it collecting dust, got to a little bit past the first boss and stopped.
I want to love the game so much but damn i just cant seem to break through and enjoy it.

Best Jansen quote?

>Hey Ming, lemme motorboat those titties.

I can't even remember what the first boss is, what is it user? But I can already tell you it's worth pushing past him.

see past the combat, user
it gets so much better

Dragon cunt. Arguably the hardest boss in the game.

They didn't even play it. GT said there wasn't an overworld map

So, how do I play Lost Odyssey these days?

dig out your 360
buy a Bone and use backwards compatibility

As I feared, the two worst options.

lol, overdramatic faggot

There isn't, at least in the sense of a traditional overworld. There's just a menu you select a destination from.

>veiny tits

Attached: puke.jpg (640x437, 81K)

You are the gayest.

Virgin with bad taste fuck off.

normal tits aren't veiny you retarded faggots

MS doesn't need to remaster games. It already plays on Xbone through BC.

That's only true until you get vehicles

get a 360 dipshit it had good exclusives and it can play most of the good OG xbox games too.

I have a 360, but it's old and suffering. I also don't have a tv and even though plugging it into one of my monitors is possible, it's just not the best solution. I'd rather play it natively on pc or emulate it.

I guess if I find a copy of it, I'll get it and play it on there.

they are if you're older you fucking spud

kek. a girl has never flashed you has she? You've never been close to them before have you?

Nope, welp.

Is the game backward compatible on xbone? I was planning to get one\


Only painful immortally is the one in PS:T since even if you get killed in combat you still return

it is, and you only need the first disc to play the whole thing.

>never played this because my 360 red ringed before i turned into a turbo jrpg autist
This game needs a pc port.

>it's just not the best solution
Just plug HDMI to HDMI?

I was on the last disk before my RROD. I'm still mad.

360 dying made me get a ps3 and that started my jrpg addiction so it's all cool i guess. kinda bummed that i missed the 3 good jrpgs 360 had.

Yeah, of course, but it's also a question of space. 360s are pretty big and it takes up a whole lot of space on my desk. It's also very loud. I also had problems with getting the game's sound to not come out of the shitty integrated speakers on one of my monitors. It's just not ideal.