What are your thoughts on the Trails of Cold Steel series?
What are your thoughts on the Trails of Cold Steel series?
Fun like Sky and Crossbell games.
I love Laura
In a franchise that is overrated garbage, it's the most overrated and most garbage
Really don't like the story.
Why should i wasted my time with this when ecchi anime and hentai exist?
huge drop in quality compared to the previous arcs
I like everything about it except that I have to commit to four fucking games. I have a full time job and other hobbies, can't I just get a turn based JRPG that is one self contained game? God damn.
Good games to just relax and enjoy
>No Hatsuu
>No Xseed
>No lore consistency
>No returning voices
>No hope
here you go
This. Is not bad, but is not comparable to the liberl or crossbell arc.
One only played a few hours but I think ill romance the one with glasses and braids.
How disappointed will I be for going after one of the more secondary cast?
It's whatever.
Far better than Trails in the Sky
It doesn't matter since the game clearly leans towards Alisa as the canon girl.
And rightly so.
Fucking this, played the first three Ys, Gurumin, finished xanadu next two days ago, and kiseki still remains to most boring falcom dogshit franchise on earth
Keep bitching about NISA taking the reins with Kiseki. Xshit has been sitting on that IP for years, but has been too lazy to give the game more than 2 translators since it isn't Senran Kagura. NISA at least is a factory that pumps out translated games after translated games then patches the mistakes after a week. I'd take yearly Kiseki releases with NISA than I would 1 game every 5-7 years with Xshit. Hopefully NISA also brings in the Crossbell games after Cold steel 3
>No returning voices
Look I'm not buying anything NISA related because NISA ALWAYS fucks up somehow, plus CS 1 and 2 were kind of shit but this isn't true at all. You even hears Rean's VA in the trailer and he posted here sometime after the announcement.
It won't make much difference to your experience. All the romances are nothings that have no effect on the game outside their one non-story scene at the end of each game. Every girl is irrelevant to the story because the story doesn't give a shit about romance and the girls only exist to form a harem.
>stop crying about nisa
>let me cry about xseed with the same old dumb talking points
Both of you fuck off.
I love how assblasted Crossbellcucks still are about Sen.
you can fuck off yourself fagturd
>Xshit so assblasted they lost kiseki that they're re-releasing 1 and 2 on the PS4
maybe they should have focused more on getting 3 translated quicker if they didn't want NISA to have it
Fuck off back to your general.
>Patches mistakes
This is such a fucking outright lie.
They've put out countless games with serious issues/bugs and NEVER fucking fixed them.
Just look at that one huge pastebin full of NISA fuck ups.
And before you try to call me an XSEED fan or some shit I'll stomp it out by saying I haven't bought XSEED games in years and I've actually bought NISA games in the past too.
Pretty fucking cool. A vast majority of the first 2 games are ultra-comfy (although 1 takes the cake) and you grow seriously attached to the characters.
The perfect music, the cool battles, and the amazing worldbuilding just make it the perfect game to sit back and relax playing. It's a real gem.
Gonna buy her game.
It was fucking easy mate. That alone makes it inferior to the other games.
lol ok
My thoughts are "I have seen this exact same thread yesterday, and here it is again. For what purpose?"
All the kiseki games had balance issues.
Sky 1 had earth wall spam
Sky 2 had gladiator belt kevin, joshua, and still earth wall spam.
Sky 3 Had the same except with the inclusion of fast craftsman and other overpowered, but not as overpowered characters
Zero had combo crafts doing absolutely outrageous damage
Ao had evasion tanking and mindless artes spam and still had belted kevin (loli edition)
And it wasn't until Cold Steel that physical attacks and crafts were worth a shit aside from specific overpowered characters.
I fell asleep when I posted it and it was archived when I woke up
*clink* *clink* *clink*
Fuck Estelle and fuck Kekseki.
The Trails series is nothing but cash grab after cash grab of generic shounen games that seem original because by the time anyone cared to localize them the tropes that permeate them will belong to the last decade.
Filled with padding, each single story has to be split in multiple entries because whoever who's in charge of adapting shounen jump latest hot take into a mediocre rpg with mechanics stolen straight out of Persona and Fire Emblem believes that you can't do a good plot without having to traverse each modern fantasy town over and over again with a goody two shoes master of all trades protagonist, his harem of dumb bimbos who apport nothing and his background male companions.
A sad corpse of a series with even a more tragic fanbase, who cling to it either because they think niche is cool and because they spent years learning japanese just to play a literal fan fiction of a retard who played Suikoden and Xenogears and thought that a long lasting series in the same universe would be good, with political themes as understood by a 11 year old and mechas. Literally everything that Kekseki ever did has done by literally any other jrpg series, but better and ten years before. It's no wonder why this shitshow ranks lower than the most cancerous weeb games in japan, even when the series has become a shittier parody of it
Crossbell > Sky >>>>>>>> Harem highschool adventures
Sky and Crossbell kek assblast continues
It's kind of funny how wildly unbalanced the series is as a whole. CS 2 and 4 have quite overt efforts to rein in the shit they unleashed in other games, but they still haven't come up with a way to make fights particularly difficult because the basic set of tools that's been around since Sky is just too powerful.
CS1 was the most fun I had with a JRPG in years when I first played it. Never finished CS2 because I got burned out.
Anyone getting the PS4 ports? Doesn't look like they add anything significant to make it worth the money, but I can't shake the feeling it might affect future localizations if the sales are bad.
>but I can't shake the feeling it might affect future localizations if the sales are bad
Doesn't matter since the localisers of CS 1 and 2 lost the license to NISA
The ps4 ports are just the pc ports repurposed for Japanese audiences with marginally different functionality since Japan can't into computer.
I'd be worried too, if the games still were in hands of XSEED
> then patches the mistakes after a week
It's almost 5 years (just two weeks or so) since Hundred Knight released, still waiting for a patch.
Also, they would've never patched Ys had the Falcom fanbase made it bad enough for Falcom to intervene.
Yeah, but CS was easy with every character, sora without kevin and ao without tio became enjoyable, but in CS doesn't matter wich character you use, due to the overpowered SC, everything became so easy. Letting aside machias, which makes it even easier.
Also gladiator belt and others variation were also in CS, just equip alisa with it, and then you have all your party member with constant craft gauge refilling every turn.
Wanted to get into them with the PS4 rereleases but everyone told me to play 200 hours of PC/PSP games first so I kinda dropped the idea.
So people here bitch about both sides, can I get an actual objective argument if at least Cold Steel 1 is worth?
I played Sky 1 and 2, and though there were pretty good but also took too much time goddamm so I have an old vita pirated and I'm actually having some use so I can play it there.
It's worth the time alone?
>can I get an actual objective argument if at least Cold Steel 1 is worth?
It really depends on A. how much you can stand trashy anime shit and B. how invested you are in the overarching story of the series. There's some pretty interesting lore and history revealed about the world of Zemuria in the Cold Steel arc, but on the other hand, the character writing is a noticeable step down from the previous arcs.
>It's worth the time alone?
If you don't mind the pacing and structure of the previous games and are invested in the story, then you might find them worth your time. If not, then play up to Ao no Kiseki and feel free to drop the series.
Just play all the games.
>No Hatsuu
Hatsuu worked on it as a freelancer for months
>No Xseed
>No lore consistency
to be seen
>No returning voices
blatantly false
>No hope
You're a faggot. Now fuck off and stop forcing this meme.
>complaining about trashy anime shit when crossbell was already full of it
>A. how much you can stand trashy anime shit
I enjoyed persona 4 and thats the cringiest shit when I started playing, if its not worse Im fine
>B. how invested you are in the overarching story of the series.
Not at all, the lore is big and interesting but at least in sky there was a lot of shit unexplained and I just went over it.
> If not, then play up to Ao no Kiseki and feel free to drop the series.
Its better than cold steel? and there is a translation worth it? I wanted to play it when I had a psp but got bored of the translations project back then.
The 3rd had multiple viable physical attackers aside from fast crafts spammer and that's not even counting mildy abuseable chain 3 specialized team compositions.
I like it. "Purists" hate it.
They made me think that the main girl is a bitch all throughout the the story. Turns out she herself knew she was being unreasonable 2-3 hours in and changed immediately for the better and has never gone back.
It's one of the confirmations for me to never ever believe Yea Forums especially when there's bias.
I still went with Emma though.
Ao no Kiseki kind of went ham with them, yeah. Zero no Kiseki wasn't like that, though.
>Its better than cold steel? and there is a translation worth it? I wanted to play it when I had a psp but got bored of the translations project back then.
The characters are definitely better in Zero and Ao. You can find translated version of both games on Nyaa for PC.
Ao > Sen III > the 3rd > SC > Sen IV > Zero > FC > Sen I > Sen II
>characters are definitely better in Zero and Ao
>I still went with Emma though.
Her cat is better
I love this dumb autist
Neither Class VII has anything on the SSS in terms of good character writing. I don't think that's a particularly controversial opinion.
If you liked Sky, you should play all the games. That said, your experience with CS 1 will be like playing Sky 1 except they make the main plot more visible earlier on instead of hiding it until the last 25% of the game or whatever it was. CS 2 will be like Sky SC except they make you rescue people and visit dungeons as a disguised form of SC's abundant backtracking. Falcom has a formula.
First game was fun, wont continue the series until they confirm all parts on PC tho..
This still doesn't change the fact that there are people who like Sen cast more.
Are you saying the future of the series is no longer constantly in doubt now that NISA's involved? Is it safe to assume we're getting every game from now on?
CS4 is coming too for sure and apparently NISA has expressed their interest towards Crossbell games too, but didn't promise anything yet.
I don't see why they would beyond sentimental value and waifus. No CS character had as good of an arc as Tio, Randy, or Wazy. A lot of them either faded into the background after CS2, took too long to become relevant, or got pigeonholed into Rean's harem in CS4.
its shit.
Tio became largely irrelevant in Ao besides being a tool for SSS.
"Being a tool for the SSS" is still much better and more involved than most of the trite tokenisms that a good chunk of CS's cast were reduced to by the later games in the arc. Tio saved the SSS from being burned alive by Campy, helped locate Aeolia and Lynn in the marsh, and did a bunch of other stuff I can't remember off the top of my head. What the hell did Elliot do after even CS1?
Revitalized some people in Sen III when they got raided but that's besides the point. I'm not defending anyone, just pointing out a thing you confirmed yourself.
It went to hell because the developers made everything about Rean, which destroyed the characterization and story. No one and nothing matters if not directly related to Rean.
They went full retard with the cliffhangers in the first 2 games in the CS saga.
While the Sky trilogy had a cliffhanger only in the first game, Zero/Ao did the ending great leaving you with at least some conclusion at the end of each game.
I will play the 3rd game in CS saga only after the 4th is localized since it will surely have a huge cliffhanger too.
Sen II was not a cliffhanger. Did you shut down your console right when the screen went black?
2 doesn't end on a cliffhanger though, only 1 and 3. They're clearly broken up into two separate stories with a shared cast.
Yeah you're right it didn't have a cliffhanger just a shitty ending consisting of randomly generated final dungeon with recolored final boss from the first game.