Want to play Viera because it's the only "Final Fantasy" race represented in XIV

>want to play Viera because it's the only "Final Fantasy" race represented in XIV
>all evidence is pointing to the race being genderlocked
>the rest of the males are ugly if not incredibly specific niches
Should I just roll a female?

FFXIV thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


we had this same thread minutes ago

Before it got pruned for seemingly no reason.

Read the lore and see what race you like.

>caring about faggy bunnybois
Nah bro.

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Yes just play female, you've never seen a male viera in your life anyway.

Also male highlanders are god tier fuck you.

I like Lalafells, but hate having otherwise interesting armor sets ruined by having to be miniaturized.

How did they get away with it?

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I want muscular masculine male viera with chest fur

Why do retards keep saying Yugiri will die? Because she got slapped away in a cutscene? Did everyone forget how Yshtola got sliced in half and turned out fine?

When was this
Also, stop being a waifufag

It's okay to be upset user, but you'll need to come to terms with it at some point.

This but Hrothgar because bunnies are gay animals.

Fuck off catfag

>tfw just a couple more weeks before furries get blown the fuck out again for the umpteenth time running
remember to laugh at them, friends

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I came here to laugh at you.

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>they think they're gonna get a playable beat tribe
>they think a playable previously unknown beast tribe is more lore friendly than male viera.


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>Keep trying to vaguely make up what constitutes a 'beast tribe'

How would big cat people and some fur patches be any more beast tribe than Miqote or Viera?

>he thinks Hrothgar will be any more beastly than the Galka were
They'll be Highlanders with more hair and cat noses.

I feel burnt out with this game
how can I fix this?

>>they think a playable previously unknown beast tribe is more lore friendly than male viera.
They kinda did it with au'ra already as far as general Eorzea goes.

Who are you quoting? I just want large bara men with cute lion ears and tail.

I play male highlander.

Take a break

Get a job

unsub and come back when you feel like playing again, unironically

There's a reason they didn't go with the full on dragon concepts they had. Au Ra had to be humans with horns because of the lore about how Eorzea decides something is a beast tribe. Even then, the Ishgardians genocided the Orl tribe.

Bunny men>lion men

>he doesn't know

>the Ishgardians genocided the Orl tribe
Based Ishgard

Just play a female viera if you want gay looking bunny men.

Yugiri just showed up in the quest chain for the most recent 24 man.
Showing up in a raid chain is as close to a safety as you can get, since Yoshi doesn't like you being able to see dead characters in old major content when going back to do them.

I haven't played since 4.1
taking breaks is best

I want a masculine bunny man and I don't play females

Then don't play Viera you dumbass.

>"Hey YoshiP, I love FFXIV, but it's hard to keep playing your game (because of the lack of content) and now I'm taking a break here. Sorry for asking this but is there a way or a reason to keep playing? or anything that can you teach me how to keep my motivation for playing your game?" - A player asking Yoshida during Gamescom

>Yoshida (Director of FFXIV): "It's alright not to play it everyday. Since it's just a game, you can stop forcing yourself if it's hard on you to keep that up. Rather, it'll just pile up unnecessary stress if you limit yourself into playing just that one game since there are so many other games out there. So, do come back and play it to your heart's content when the major patch kicks in, then stop it to play other games before you got burnt out, and then come back for another major patch. This will actually make me happier, and in the end, I think this is the best solution I can answer for keeping your motivation up for the game."

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Fuck you, I want masculine male viera

>male viera
Pick one

>here's your male viera bro

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Okay serious question. Do you guys actually believe that people that play male characters are closet homos? I only play male characters when I get the choice and I'm pretty sure I'm not gay. On the other hand, all the people I know that play female characters are either thirsty as fuck or acually gay.

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No, but people who play male Miqo'te are either fujos or actual openly gay men.

I fucking wish

If you're a man and play female characters you're sad and horny and disgusting

No just male miqo'te, those are usually actually gay men, best way to avoid them is to not play a male miqo or an au'ra, male middies are the best fujo deflectors.

Honestly I prefer his approach instead of WoW where you are forced to complete the daily tasks or you will be left behind on AP

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Funny that you want "Masculine" when sitting there whining about getting something you probably can't have is the exact opposite of masculine.

Accept that you can't always have everything you want.

Tfw they ruined Yda's character, and replaced it with nothing.

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>I know the future

I play male miqo.
>Want to play highlander but they feel out of place next to all the anime boys
>midlander is literally baby face race
>aura is weeb edgelord shit
>elezen has terrible animations
>lalafell, lmao don't even get me started
>roe are too wide for their height and it looks awkard as fuck
I had no other choice

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I just want to be the girl what's wrong with that

Which is why I said "Probably"

I literally had a dream where I met Yoshida at some event and he was trying to sing Ravana's theme on stage in the most broken engrish ever.

what are the viera stereotypes going to be?

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Everything. Faggot.

oh man
thank you user and yoshi

>tfw there are no videos of Yoshi singing Amatsu Kaze at the last two fanfests

Male midlanders never look good. Prove me wrong.

If this is his philosophy it shouldn't cost $15 a month.

dang. i should fanta to female aura to fit my stereotype

I play a man because I am a man.
That's it.

But I like girls
I'm only gay if I really am a girl.

is there still nothing to do in this game at all times with boring raids that give useless gear nobody runs anyways?

>CGI-lander looks sexy as fuck
>In game he looks like a 16 year old with pubes on his face with the "mom said it's my turn to play on the xbox!" face
Not even facial hair helps midlanders not look like baby faced insufferable little shits

there's plenty of catgirls to do at all times

I'm starting to believe RP is really all there is to do in this game, I refused to, thinking it was a meme.

desu I'm not sure the sub thing is his idea
surely the subscription model is something that square enix instated?

I like the idea of male Miqo'te, just not the execution. The concept of a race that has dense muscles packed into a small frame that allows for exceptional strength, speed, and agility for the creature's size is appealing. Unfortunately, the majority of male Miqo'te are not very masculine looking, so it sort of detracts from the appearance.

Post yer characters.

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>Dress up character

Thats about it really. Unless you actually care about getting the latest weapon with +4 str +3 vit +8 crit +6 det.

Just imagine if some gear in this game actually had a unique effect or literally anything different about it

I like that one of my FC mates fantasia'd to midlander and is pretty much the epitome of the special snowflake stereotype. He dropped highlander because too many guild people were playing them, and he insists on wearing the biggest edgelord gear he can find while playing DRK, DRG, or SAM. He's throw a huge tantrum if you ever call him on it though.

I was a highlander with Miqo'te D personality for a while, but after the end of HW, I've been clearing everything but ultima weapon with no fuckups in a long time. Strangely, I fantasia'd to Miqo'te afterwards.

he's head of business division 5 at square enix and on the board of directors for square enix now. so he has a say in the sub fee process.

here's an article of him justifying the sub fee: venturebeat.com/2013/06/17/final-fantasy-online-director-defends-monthly-subscriptions-in-the-golden-age-of-free-to-play-exclusive/

fuck is the point in this game then?

Like, I fucking hate WoW and have not played since Wrath but what are the arguments for playing it over WoW which I assume still has a better gear/raid system?

nobody's forcing you to use the pedo stache or baby face

Which face is the baby face anyway?

My Stormblood outfit.

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Story, world, rp, the assload of crafter content, and Ultimate

WoW looks like shit, doesn't have cat girls.

God I'd kill for FFXI or Everquest HD.

Literally never seen any gameplay or anything of this game but I'm installing it now because I got it free a while back, what am I getting myself into?

>1 day to clear all omega raids, all ivalice raids, complete MSQ, kill all the primals including rathalos, clear ultimate coil and uwu, level cap in Eureka and clear Baldesion Arsenal
What timezone should I move to if I want my average day to last 300 hours too?

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this is unacceptable

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a slow early game
I hope you like final fantaji

Combat at the beginning will put you to sleep, but the pay off later on is worth it. Endgame combat is very fast paced and fun.

When I played FF +2 expansions they were no better than the old WoW campaign quests to level up, just boring text filled NPCs with only 1% of them having voice acting and boring instanced events.

What's crafter content and Ultimate?

very slow tutorial that lasts for a lot of levels.

Still leveling

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what happened to this?

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>male elezen with simple non flashy armor
You are a rarity and must be protected

this game is like 10% FF the rest some anime shit


that's actually a pretty rationale and well thought-out standpoint user, thanks for linking the article

it's kinda nice to see someone being so honest and upfront about everything, and I can definitely see where he's coming from

I'm no business expert but I imagine the cycle of make content > players consume content and play more > acquire income > make new content is a pretty straightforward way of maintaining an mmo

Miqo'te female needs a new type.
>"Housewife WoWfugee who genuinely thought she was being unique and different picking a cat because she's clueless about the playerbase of Japanese games.

I play male characters to look fucking awesome. When I'm bored I switch to female.

It still exists just like EQ but even someone like me wants better graphics 15 years later.

I showed this sword to a friend and he thought it was one of the worst looking dark weapons in the game, such absolute shit taste on his part. There's not enough simple swords for DRK, though all the flashy effects DRK gets looks a little strange with it.

Ultimate is a new kind of fight that's ludicrously difficult, harder than WoW's Mythic raid bosses. Only two Ultimate fights exist right now and most haven't killed them.

Crafters are their own classes with their own endgame progression and their own quests and content.

What are those wings?

Thanks! I think the drachenmail set is probably the flashiest thing I have, but I switched from DRG to DRK after finishing Heavensward.

I also had waaaaay too many visits from the aesthetician before I settled on a look I liked. Kept debating between beard/no-beard and such for a long time, but I like the hairstyle I settled on. Here's an older screenshot for comparison.

Attached: ffxiv_12162018_003224.png (1600x900, 2.39M)


>I showed this sword to a friend and he thought it was one of the worst looking dark weapons in the game
Casuals can't appreciate nice, simple weapons. They need glows and random spikes and asymmetry to tell them a weapon is special.

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>Do ultimate
>Get an out of date weapon that uses the same model as a weapon from 4 years ago

Thanks Yoshi.

tfw type C miqo’te except I don’t seek out other “girls” I would’ve fantad to a male Viera in Shadowbringers but Yoshi has betrayed me so I guess I’ll be a cat forever

It's like, the perfect zweihander, and the red markings match my character's red facepaint streaks and notes in his armor very well.

>my elezen used to be the elf version of Hawke from DA2

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I can't take a good screenshot to save my life

I see.

How the FUCK do I clear O10S?
I have no issues with any of the mechanics, but I keep getting like 1-2 people who die like 7 times.
Do I just concede progressing at this point and take it as a lesson to never start a raid tier late?

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You form a static

Holy fuck that sword looks nice. This has got to be mods though, right? I don't recognize any of that armor or that sword.

pretty sure the helmet is from a HS dungeon

Same, but my EB can.

The green one on the right.

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When you think about it, Yoshida works like 4 jobs.

>Director of FFXIV handling the creative development side of things
>Producer of FFXIV handling the business and PR side of things
>In charge of Business Division 5 at Square Enix which releases other games as well
>Executive Officer at Square Enix aka part of the board of directors that makes important decisions for the entire company

Also imagine the insane jetlag he gets having to travel to different parts of the world frequently for fanfests, PR things, and business stuff.

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No mods. The sword is mythrite zweihander, normal vendor weapon. Body is level 60 vendor chest. Helmet and gauntlets are from Rabanastre. Boots are Bonewicca from Swallow's Compass.

Is that even possible this late?
What if I'm shy and clumsy with organizing things?

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The fucking horrible textures? No idea

have my old and only screenshot from HW

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Truly the plight of Lalafell characters, I glamor my sets to basically look like I'm in crafting gear all the time

Shame, I've been trying to get the valkyrie look down, but those wings are a bit too static for me.

No character posting you fucking nigger /vg/ tranny

Nice work then user, 10/10 would uwu with

Yes its possible

You should probably join one if you have no managerial aptitude.

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>Friends get back into XIV after leaving the dumpster fire that is WoW.
>Oh great, we can raid together again!
>Continue to level alts and make excuses why they don't want to do savage raids (We don't have a full eight people, it's almost the end of the expansion, the gear's not best in slot anymore), so only me and another guy are actually attempting them and it's with a fucking pug.

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I'm playing a Midlander named Goose and I stick out like a sore thumb everywhere, am I a passive snowflake?

How do you feel about....male midlanders?

korean mmo/10






plays the game for the content/10

>Not making your Highlander a grizzled old grandpa to look like everyone's wise mentor

>want to play Viera because it's the only "Final Fantasy" race represented in XIV
>gets mad that there are no male viera
male viera isn't 'final fantasy' because they havent been in any final fantasy game. just play a male au ra or a female viera because you clearly want to suck dick

When based Zenos delivers the day of the SAM to Rhalgr's reach. Y'shtola throws up a barrier to protect Lyse and he cuts through it, and her.

You think you stick out like a sore thumb? I play femroe because I let a random number generator decide and in just about every dungeon I clear my character looks like a giant next to the female lalas and catgirls I always seem to be matched with.

They look like insufferable 14 year olds.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-03-03_21-50-11.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

so was literally everyone else before they get used to managing a group
everyone had to start somewhere

God Lyse needs to fucking die. Way to ruin an actually cheerful character.

You're like 5'2 you twink.

my FC keeps pressuring me into raiding with them but I don't like savage and I don't see the point of it right now. best in slot gear is pointless, people expect you to read a guide/watch a video instead of going in blind, and we really don't have 8 people to raid with so we have to pug and it's terrible between waiting and failing.

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>They look like insufferable 14 year olds
>posts the Inuyasha race dressed like Dante

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What attracts so many mentally ill trannies to this game?
I mean, I adore the mechanics and the lore and the graphics and everything else, but the amount of mentally ill people playing it makes me think there's some element that draws them to it.
What is it, Yea Forums?

abhorrent tastes
But cat and au ra men are worse

My miqote looks like he's at least in his early 20s

By content capped he meant to say he did up to Ilvl 330 and then he couldn't do Tsukuyomi because the mean DF said he needed more Ilvls so he logged out and quit the game.

What can I do once I reach level 50 cap, because I won't be able to do HW and SB until Shadowbringers launches?

>it's Final Fantasy
>has a focus on dress-up and housing
>BDO and WoW are dying, and the RP/modding community is drawing those RP crowds to this game as the new core RP game

>Male cat
>Face tattoos
>Bohemian coat
Abandon Duty?
No --> Yes

5'7 actually

No fucking clue. Few days back I joined a new FC after coming back to the game, 10 minutes in some degenerate started talking about how he farted cum after rough night of anal.

Unironically this. People seem to hit 70 and bitch the games over.

What about au'ra?

And he only sleeps 1~4 hours a day
how the fuck is he even alive

You keep trying until you clear it?


>doesn't post his own character

After I got the Hydatos PLD weapon but before I glamoured over it.

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Why can't Yoshi just implement something like WoW tokens or that thing from TERA where people can gift a sub and put it on the auction house?

No point. After someone attacks a character here its a 99.9% chance of getting retaliated regardless of their true opinion.

I still wonder to this day what the fuck Yoshi P is allowing that shit.

Jesus Christ

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He thinks nobody actually cares about textures, which was his excuse for not including the promised HD texture pack with the DX11 client.

Apparently this is an unpopular opinion but I do savage raids/extreme trials for the challenge, and the spectacle
>this game isn't hard retard
not everyone raids 10 hours a day 6 days a week autismo

Do you think we'll get HD textures finally since the game is dropping dx9/32 bit?

You can definitely make good looking male auras if you pick normal skin colors and non-dragon ball tier hairstyles. The walking animation is fucking awful though. Females are big yikes for me dog, the good ones I've seen in all my days playing this game can be counted on one hand.
Also Fuck Niggers

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Something something PS3 limitations, please understand. With them dropping support for it moving forward we might actually get some decent quality but I wouldn't bet on it.

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coffee and ciggs. it's not good for him but he has to keep going

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Believe in the 0.01% user

>Butler jacket
>Non-plated armor for a tank
>Still a cat


>Get insulted
>Sperg out

do eureka aka the best content ever devised for an MMO

male aura look like shit and are played by overcompensating manlets

>Been trying to get the bard coat from Skalla since it came out
>Usually run it once a day sometimes a few more times
>Have to endure enteral queue every time

I can't do this anymore... I want to quit.

>get hurt by user speaking truth
>"have to pretend he's he one getting assmad not me!"
You tried

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Just run it as a tank bro :^)

>that name

You could just wait until July when they'll inevitably reuse the model for leveling gear.

And now

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What body armor/helmet would go well with this?

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If you only wanted to play a race from another Final Fantasy game, you wouldn't want to play male viera. Fag.

>there is a gender choice
>EVER choosing your opposite

Attached: redflag.jpg (1080x1965, 272K)

Go for the cowboy samurai look and get a proper hat and you're set. Maybe use some other colors cause grey/white/black looks fucking boring

Its already dyable so they probably won't. They'll probably redo all the undyable stuff like they did before

stuff like that destroys the economy, adds more RMT into the game, and disrupts business in general. think about it.

>"shit I don't have enough gil"
>"oh wait I'll just buy a token from the cash shop and sell it on the auction house for lots of gil"
>"hey wait, buying gil from chinks to purchase a token from auction house is actually cheaper than paying the sub fee itself. I should do that instead"
>economy wildly fluctuates between token prices and RMT pumping up their scale as more people buy from them
>not even taking into account the shit like the large amount of stolen credit card chargeback fraud to sell mogstation gifts that happens already (everytime this happens SE has to pay a fee and if it gets out of hand then credit card vendors pull out from their services and creates issues for consumers and business)

i male a male roegadyn marauder and named him Unga Bunga

This. Homo master race.

You made it, Ken-sama. You really made it.

>Thinking I fear a cat


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Why the hell didn't they record it? I want to see it so bad

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why do you hate the negroids?

thanks? I think?

How do I make a not-bad looking male Viera? I'm bored of everything else. serious answers plz

I used to make female characters whenever I could cause I was a horny little bastard. Now I'm married and generally make male characters. Sometimes will still make female characters in single player games. Never in MMOs though, that's just deceptively weird.

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Hey man, I'm not gonna front, I wish I was a cute anime girl, but thats not gonna happen and becoming a tranny is proably the worst thing you can do to yourself, so I'll just live vicariously through my character and enjoy the ride also I like my penis

The reason they didn't was because of needing to make new models for all the old armor sets. Not because of lore, because they are lazy.

If people are willing to pay for low prices then it is all part of the free market. SE should reevaluate the amount of sub fee then.

You know, after living in a poor black neighborhood then a poor white one I came to an important conclusion. I don't hate niggers. I hate poor people.

Destroy my holes

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she's in

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I switch between Elezen and Miqo'te but probably type A Elezen describes me better..

>Having to relate to your self insert same sex character to have fun because you have autism
>Not just making your optimal waifu to jerk off to between content

Imagine being this retarded.

>live in poor white neighborhood
>everyone leaves their doors unlocked and the worst you get is human trash doing drugs
>live in poor black neighborhood
>garbage is literally everywhere, hear a constant bassline booming somewhere down the street at all times of the day, try to go to sleep and have gunshots outside my window multiple times a month
>playing SB on release night, literally have to drop to the fucking floor with my wife because the gunshots were LITERALLY just outside my god damn window
It's literally the same!

Well the coat will drop that way I just won't win it. Believe me, I know from experience.

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What if I do both?
>Textfuck every cute in Balmung as my self-insert
>Switch to my female character and get fucked

if people are willing to pay $13-15 now in large amounts, why reduce the fee?

My nigga. This man knows how to optimize his time in Eorzea

What's with you blessbro? You've been posting that game in every XIV thread here.

He's autistic and thinks we're getting female Hrothgar


She ain't yours no mo' white boi.

Obviously not if there is a market for buying a sub fee at a lower price.

I would try to help you but I just started playing last week. Good luck dude.

>Live in poor mostly-renter mixed white and asian neighbourhood
>Everything is quite nice

Male cats are unironically gayer than female cats

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Bless is a shit game, but Pantera are the closest visual thing to what we know about Hrothgar.

still butthurt that his game with his furshit waifu failed

>Belts were visible

What a time to be alive.

Holy shit, that weapons looks fucking awesome
Where did you get it?

>Making a tia

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a mix of female roe and both miqote.

t. both type of lala


this, both is the best

Can people acknowledge lionhead rabbits already
No way in hell would Yoshi let TWO new playable race into the game after saying he hardly wanted to do one new one. I swear these people dont even know the game

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Pretty much my thoughts. Not a very large chunk of the community actually clears them, so they're a decent benchmark of your progress. In my group, I'm the only one with savage clears, though it's only deltascape, it at least shows that I gave enough of a fuck to put some effort in doing it.

I think what really makes me so mad though is my FC continually calls out shitty people in dungeon roulette and act like kings when they don't have a single clear to their name. They insist they could do it if they wanted to, but won't put their money where their mouth is. Seems like to me, if you're going to talk shit, you should at least have some difficult content cleared beforehand.

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Why give them a different name entirely?

They're all Final Fantasy races dummy

Every playable male cat is a Tia. You don't have a harem of delicious brown muscle catgirls and that's all there is to it.

>Believing Yoshi's lies

They wouldn't call male Viera by an entirely different race name.
>he said Viera would be the last race they made!
He'll just say they made Hrothgar first.

there's no tokens right now so the only way you're getting a sub is directly from square enix either through timecard or mogstation. even if you pay with gil or blowjobs, at the end of the day someone has to pay square enix for that time.

I acknowledge them but why make Viera males a total separate race with a different name? It'd be an odd choice.

Hrothgar was just a leftover placeholder. They were probably going to add in a race to Stormblood but decided against it.

Eureka. It's two different steps of the weapon, sword from Pagos and shield from Hydatos. There's glowing versions for both weapons too

Mooncats don't have Tias. They're all vagrants who wander from village to village to fuck a woman there and move on the next morning.

I like extreme trials and cleared every single one of them. But I hate savage and haven't cleared any of them besides an O9S I was dragged into by a friend.

What does that make me?

I just do it cause they look cute

>people keep trying to use the "but they'd be considered a beastman" excuse when the lore book states that the definition of a beastman is inconsistent at worst and ambiguous at best

Attached: 1541502040796.gif (480x270, 2.82M)

Could be the name of their sub race. That text insert was clearly a mistake.

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Almost everyone who plays this game rolls female anyway, as long as you're not turbo faggy about it and dress your character up in underwear or maid outfits its cool

Yeah but female mooncats are also giant cum-guzzling sluts

So the general consensus in the community for what to expect of Hrothgar is basically lions. Wrong.

Contrary to popular belief, the Hrothgar are not based on lions. In fact, an early rendition of their appearance together with the Viera, Au ra and Dwarves(whom have since been repurposed as a beast tribe for Shadowbringers) was actually showcased during a slideshow at the 'F.A.T.E in Tokyo' event back in 2015.

Though they've since been heavily reiterated upon and are actually meant to resemble wolves moreso than lions (did you know wolves have majestic manes too? crazy right? though I can't really blame them for mistaking the Hrothgar as being based on lions considering their aesthetic).

And that's all I'm gonna tell you.

P.S. "But we have Lupins, hurr durr." So it makes more sense for there to be two playable feline races? Never change, people.

Nobody mistakenly types in a clan name in a race name roster.

>ignoring that Eorzeans label something a beastman entirely on visual appearance because they're ignorant savages
It doesn't matter if they haven't summoned a primal. You can't go and say Ul'dah legally bars beastmen from entry and talk about slaughtering filthy lizardmen but have nobody bat an eye at a beastman character.

I don't even know what you're trying to look as aesthethics wise.

>he said Viera would be the last race they made!
they didn't, they said "PROBABLY"

>literally all of bluefevers predictions have been accurate besides some specifics on BLU
>still believe we're not getting two races especially with the recent french fuckup
come on dude

Nobody cares loser. Blufever is legit insider. He hasnt been wrong.

If I weren't currently queued up for MSQ roulette, I would have changed into my "main" class (which is SAM).

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That's going in the collection of good higlanders

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Been playing very casually lately. It's better this way

Attached: PS_Messages_20190302_133907.jpg (1920x1080, 424K)

>want to not level jobs again
>don't change race

>Been playing very casually lately. It's better this way
Thank you for respecting my game design.

Attached: yoshi live.jpg (632x1122, 139K)

Is that armor from Eureka? I haven't set foot in that place

it is and you need to get to the third area to get it


That kimono is so cool

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Yoshi is a good guy for not wanting his community to play 24/7.

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>no good mmo will steal the only good thing about bless
Worst fucking timeline.

Attached: 1524831275448.jpg (1920x1080, 280K)

>THAT GUY who clears an extreme trial here and there at best talking shit about how he's an AMAZING scholar
I'm glad he hasn't been playing much, but I'm sure he'll be back for 5.0

I love Yugiri.

Attached: 1538196849208.jpg (1061x1500, 440K)

But hes okay with charging for it.

NPCs certainly could acknowledge that though dialogue, they've done it before. Also, it's quite clear that the development team will make concessions for the player's sake even if it may not make a whole lot of sense, since the Au'ra had a similar issue with them being seen as being related to dragons by the ishgardians. That being said i'm satisfied playing an Elezen and have no faith in the implementation of the Hrothgar.

>seemingly no reason
generals go in /vg/, retard

>SE slashes prices on sub fee
>RMT prices and token prices adjust accordingly to the sub fee reduction
>back to square 1

Isn't everyone that plays this game a degenerate faggot?

If you're on primal I can help ya.

His company and team arent working for free. He says to unsub when you're done playing as well. Be thankful the sub fee keeps Brazilians out.

Pleases old Imperials for intelligence!

Attached: 1511777522763.png (1920x1057, 1.99M)

Yiff in hell retard

Mostly, yes. You are correct, user.

Based Yoshi P so shocked at Euro Thots his first instinct is to GET MUH GUNBLADE

>Get asked if I'm a midlander or highlander by cat blm while playing as NIN.
>"What? How are you so short?"
>Stand next to them at boss threshold.
>2.2x their height.

I'll have you know my female character is female(female) and I rp her as celibate.

>yiff in hell
Meh, still getting laid.

have you ever played a MMO in your life?

>the animations
I dunno, i think I'm content with keeping them in that trash heap of a game. Unless you wanna find someone to go out of their way to rip it and re-rig animations.

What a coincidence. I am an old Imperial.

>see fem roe idle in the reach
>mistake her for a highlander until I notice the skin color

Attached: short roe.png (513x814, 609K)

I wish I was as handsome as Soken

Attached: y_5c6411ec18e49.jpg (1280x853, 240K)

blufever only ever said "two races." you can take his bunny and lion avatar to mean whatever you want but he's still never said what the races are.
>He hasnt been wrong.
yes he has. he was wrong about almost everything regarding BLU including its reveal date, role, and functionality. if your argument is that BLU was changed at some point after his leak then what's to say the second race wasn't changed at all?

yeah and lose your housing plot.

>Two races
>Literally said in his post that his avatar on Gamefaqs was a hint
>Hrothgar mistake happens
>NPC text notes Hrothgar's 'glorious manes', a trait of lions

You'd be downright silly to not think its a lionlike race.

I am degenerate but straight though

You don't need a digitial house. Get an apartment.

Attached: ffxiv_02212019_164136_353.jpg (1920x1080, 837K)

it most likely will be a lionlike race but you'd be a fool to believe in it with 100% certainty.

Tell that to the zoomers.

This. Poor white people just sit around, make, and do meth all day. I live in one of the "meth capital" counties of Alabama

isn't he cute? my lalafell is ok

Attached: toaster.jpg (1601x993, 465K)

Zoomers hardly play XIV. They drop the shit swiftly or never even rank up their GC to purchase a house

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coulda sworn those boots had a second color u couldnt dye.
also, what are the gloves from?

Pick one.

Attached: 1551730762789.jpg (237x321, 29K)

Gave me a 'wandering elezen swordsman' vibe, which is appropriate considering I'm wandering around Albania and Doma doing things for people.

It also matches really nicely- browns with browns, beige with beige, red with red.

>not glamoring lower lvl armor

Attached: ffxiv_03042019_012628_372.png (1080x1920, 2.42M)

I just want to let you all know your characters look great, and i hope you are also satisfied with them as well.
Except male cats. Those can all go die in a purging fire.

how much farming is required for that set?

This. I have never seen a zoomer play FFXIV. The average age group for this game seems to be mid 20s-early 40s judging by fanfest, twitch, and social media.

zoomers don't play mmos in general


The boots are crafted/npc gear you can buy at Azys lla and you can dye them.
Gloves are Augmented Lost Allagan Gloves of Healing

Really hoping ShB give healers a decent helmet.

there is a harsh cut after 30 since the trannies off themselves there


Attached: 1546951204531.png (603x581, 601K)

I'm on primal. I actually got in but luck was not with me this run.

Attached: ffxiv_03042019_142726_590.png (591x249, 311K)

Make a private PF, I can go either tank or healer to speed up your queue.

This. Zoomers don't play MMOs. They play games like LoL and Fortnite.

You''re thinking of the daystar boots. They made a craftable full silver version in HW.

I ended up noticing which gloves they were, after i posted, as they looked different on much larger hands.

as for the boots, part of them remain silver, I just forgot that, since i always dyed white/black most of the time, and was surprised to see a single color on them.

>Finally got my Ozma mount
I'm fucking free.
I actually like the Arsenal itself, shame organized entry is such a nightmare.

cute ears


Attached: lala_qt.png (800x1117, 809K)

cute roe boy

Private party for Skalla, 1451. Whatever you wish to play as.

Is this game worth playing solo?

level grinding through the first two areas then you need all 50 logos actions from pyros and a bunch of pyros crystals. it's a lot but not as much as a weapon would require especially since you can buy the logograms off the mb

it's easier and better with acquaintances, but yes you can play solo. just don't expect to solo endgame stuff.

>WoW West in top 10 grossing PC Games in Jan 2019
>FFXIV forums still claiming a WoWfugee crisis
Guess people will keep on eating shit but this is worrying given Yoshida’s admiration for Blizzard, Diablo and WoW. on top of him loving the GTAV business model

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>Really hoping ShB give healers a decent helmet.
You and me bud. Tired of circlets. I've been getting by with the white griffin helmet but it doesn't really work with a lot of things.

Attached: ffxiv_05032019_003558_577.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

Now get the white robo gorilla

>not wearing the helmet
it's the best part you fag

You can deny evidence all you want but a huge chunk of players have left WoW and have been flooding the game. RP servers died particularly hard. But WoW's numbers are big enough that they're still top dog unless they lose like four times as much

isn't that the same site that called LoL and Dota 2 MMOs?

Attached: superdata mmo report.png (2404x1306, 1017K)

>implying theyre going to put in the work for a helmet model when they can just modify anywhere from a 1/4th of a circle to a full circle
This team always takes the easiest route, dont expect much. At this point im convinced XIV is where they throw newbies before letting them work on something else.

Fuck you for reminding me that I want that.

Stop it mate, stop making me face reality.

>>want to play Viera because it's the only "Final Fantasy" race represented in XIV
if you count the original player races as offshoots of XI's they're older and either way Miqote have been in more games than Viera

>deny evidence
>provides none
Please show us this non-anecdotal evidence user. Bancho Census doesnt exactly back up your claim and thats generally the most trusted one given SE will never give us official numbers.
>inb4 Census is too restrictive
Could be given how retarded these sites are on labeling genres

Attached: chunky boy.jpg (396x544, 59K)

Most FF fans pretend XI doesn't exist for some reason, despite it being the best game in the series.

I typically don't even wear the set. I just got it and wasn't able to reglam it between soloing coils for story.

Attached: ffxiv_03042019_154728_903.png (1920x1017, 1.6M)

D-Don't leave WoW, please...
W-We have cool shit coming soon... Please come back!!!!

XIV players ignore cause they cant stand something that isnt overly streamlined. FFXIV is unironically “Baby’s First MMO” given how it caters to the casual players more than Mid or Hardcore players on top of the lack of depth for gearing and stats to not pressure anyone to get the best gear.

>Most FF fans pretend XI doesn't exist for some reason
more like most people in general pretend XI doesn't exist, even here on Yea Forums. Like if you see a FF thread that ranks the best FF games, a lot of people will discredit XIV and XI because they're MMOs despite being officially recognized by Square Enix as main series titles and not spinoffs.

>Miqote have been in more games than Viera
No they haven't?

It's true really, and you could really say that about everyone else. Like FF HAS to be a single player jrpg with a focus on narrative and turnbased/ATB combat.
I have a friend in his late 30s who expresses absolute disgust for XI whenever the topic of FF comes up because it was online multiplayer, and no other reason.

I can't wait for Summer. It's gonna be the battle between Old MMO (WoW Classic) and New MMO (FFXIV Shadowbringers). The market will finally decide what they actually want and don't.

>Dissidia NT

>tfw got it

Attached: 1477452121179.jpg (500x484, 43K)


>Revenant Wings
>Tactics Advance
>Tactics A2
>Tactics S
>Dissidia 012
>Puzzle and Dragons
>Crystal Defenders
>Crystal Defenders Vanguard Storm

>Play Scholar in ARR content
>Eos gets hit by boss attacks and takes damage

>Play Scholar in HW and SB content
>Eos gets hit by boss attacks but doesn't take damage

I mean I'm happy that my Eos doesn't get blown halfway across the boss field and takes 50% damage from a boss attack in new content but it's so weird to me that they did this

>FFXII Revanent Wings
>Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced
>Final Fantasy Tactics A2
>Puzzle and Dragons

And I'm sure Fran has shown up at some point in those various mobile gacha games that are just "HEY. IT'S ALL THE CHARACTERS"

It's not weird at all. Most MMOs realized a long time ago that pets taking full AoE damage was dumb and not fun for the player to manage.

>Final Fantasy Tactics S
>Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call
>Pictlogica Final Fantasy
>Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade
>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
>Final Fantasy World Wide Words
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Triple Triad
>Lord of Vermillion
>Puzzle & Dragons
>Monster Strike

every now and then eos will get instagibbed out of nowhere still

>play SMN in savage
>Ifrit-egi ends up standing near the tank during all the movement
>dies from a tank buster

Attached: 1529900779343.jpg (720x539, 46K)

Lucky Bancho census is way too restrictive :)

>tfw my server will be on the new Crystal data center with Balmung and Mateus
>tfw according to statistics, Crystal barely have any raiders compared to both Primal and Aether
What the fuck do I do?

Don't worry, Balmung trannies will be there for you.

Make your own census.


Do you raid seriously? If not, who cares. If yes, transfer to Aether. People who think they're not going to get any clears on Crystal are delusional.

Main WAR but I like my RDM glamour a lot

Attached: rdmgalmour.png (1680x1050, 1.39M)

Get the fuck out of there if you ever want to do serious savage prog or Ultimate.

Majority of Crystals population is just Balmung/Mateus alts.

Finally got the relic today after 2 months of grinding.

Attached: Scholar Relic.png (1080x1920, 2.24M)

>set down hypercharged bishop turret
>tank pulls the mob away from it

Attached: 1550910275952.png (226x216, 72K)

>Zenos comes back, tag teams the ascians with Gaius, gets his body back and then spit roasts your char in a bitchin devil's threesome

Fuuuuuuuck I can't wait.

there's still going to be statics and pugs on crystal you know. just not as much as aether. if you care that much then take the free server transfer off.

Just wait until the end of the month to see the glorious Hrothgar beast kings

I know the hat isn't a perfect match, but I just love the glasses that come with the mage hat.

Attached: ffxiv_03042019_134747_155.png (1920x1080, 2.6M)

But I don't want to get spit roasted. I just want Zenos to pound my holes and call me a good whore.

>beast anything
kys delusional furfag

every single time. it's why I switched to Ninja. It's impossible to miss a puddle of piss on the floor compared to a small turret.

they literally have manes

And their faces won't be bestial whatsoever. No more than miqos.

>Doing a dungeon
>Doing a big pull
>Tank stops
>Put down my Shadow Flare
>Tank runs away

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superior garlean cock is the WoL's destiny

Attached: asahi.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

>finally catch up with MSQ after starting playing last December
>lose all interest

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Every goddamn time. Like they wait for it. No matter how long you wait to put it down they always move.

Take the opportunity to become the best raider on crystal.

Why should anyone acknowledge anything unless it is presented directly? Your words will have weight when they're either announced prior to being added into the game, or added to the game as a surprise, not because you collected absurd amounts of speculation. The creator's word is the final law on the matter, they could drop as many hooks as they wanted and then renege on it.

>tfw your friends want to do savage content but they're shitters

Attached: 1457804264817.jpg (500x500, 32K)

Carry them unsync in 5.0

>DRK pulls everything
>Stops and puts down Salted Earth
>Pulls mobs out of it

Attached: huh.jpg (377x449, 91K)

Even shitters can clear this shit son. You have to be remarkably bad to not be able to. I'm not talking about clearing fast, or topping the dps charts. I just mean flat out clearing shit. The bar is so low.

He's not wrong. The olden MMOs would never work in today's market. Despite what people say about what they think they want from MMOs, whether it be valuable RNG loot, tough raids, punishing overworld, the fact of the matter that almost every game has done these things poorly. The plethora of RNG-grind focused Korean MMOs, raiding MMOs like Wildstar, or MMOs like Atlas. Games like Ragnarok/Runescape worked because the graphics fidelity was second to the actual design of the game and that's why those games were so expansive and interesting. If you want a 3D MMO to look as crisp as FFXIV yet also have that depth, you need to wait many many years for any developer to pick up that flag.

XIV offers the fairest effort/reward ratio on the market. That and the game resets every 6 months, that's why people return to the game and why Stormblood had its biggest active subcount since ARR. There's virtually no reason for them to flip the game on its head just to appease its most poop-socky audience when they can cater to a revolving door of fresh players looking for the only real FF game in the last decade.

>not being legacy

Patrician choice.

>want to play a fucking PLD
>locked out of any content that only allows limited number of tanks because all my friends fucking main tanks

These fucking niggers need to give classes a spec system holy shit, i just want to be a paladin, i dont care how, im fine tanking, dpsing, whatever, but this retarded game effectively wont let me

Attached: viera1.jpg (2200x4000, 713K)

just play wow, fag

>blame the game because your friends won't switch to dps every now and then

Attached: 1543683103678.jpg (348x342, 16K)

Basically, he knows fully well that phone games are dominating right now and MMOs are a niche at best. Making their game even more niche by catering only to those people that want to play 12 hours a day everyday is a dumb business decision.

>Want thing that doesn't exist
>Mad that you can't have it
>This is somebody else's fault

Type A Elezen, I just want to be beautiful for the sake of it because I like all things beautiful.

seph axe and black excalibur+aegis for the other 2

Attached: tankset.jpg (1920x1080, 1.6M)

I'm a NEET that can play 24 hours a day if I wanted to and even I know that FFXIV is better as a game where you can unsub for 3 months and come back to new content that's fun to do and then unsub again

>class-based strategy lockout
Wow, sure sounds "fun."

The issue is less that they dont want to switch and more that it feels redundant to play a class im surrounded by an overabundance of

It's a compounding issue, dps is the least restrictive role but god forbid anyone wants to try the role that literally only has 1 or 2 slots available

You can enter any instance with literally any composition you want if you go with a full party.

>Bought Stormblood just because Viera were announced.
>Couldn't wait to change into one and make an Au ra in the meantime.
>My Au ra is too damn cute and I just can't let her go.

I don't know what to do...

Attached: Cutie.png (1003x978, 640K)

Or get better friends that actually care about what you want and would compromise their own desires for the sake of yours once in a while. You know, like real friends would in give or take relations.

Are you implying it ISN'T their fault? Are you retarded? It's not like i can implement this shit myself

>The issue is less that they dont want to switch and more that it feels redundant to play a class im surrounded by an overabundance of
How the actual fuck is this the game's fault?

What's a bunny suit gonna do for a Viera? Will they even be able to wear the bunny ears?
Will it be like four ears?

They're into tanking, im just into paladins, the issue is less that i want to tank but more that i want to play paladin, but they can only tank, which would be fine if it werent such a limiting role

make her one of your retainers

Reminds me of T13. Everyone and their mom cleared t13 and the 1st thing people asked for was a harder raid. Lo and behold, Gordias had actual item level requirements and was actually hard and it killed the game. The way XIV separates its casual and hardcore audiences is actually impressive. Casuals aren't pressured by hardcore autism like in Korean games. Hardcore have Ultimate and fflogs speedrun autism to fuck with without bothering casuals.

>How is this the game's fault

Who in the smallbrain love of fucktard are you quoting

I'm saying it's on you if you've decided you can't do without something you can't have. You've set yourself up

just play another class but roleplay as a paladin or whatever, why the fuck does the name of the class mean so much to you? Just dress in all white and tip your hats to m'lady or whatever it is you do.

>The way XIV separates its casual and hardcore audiences is actually impressive

I agree. O12 is perfectly tuned for casuals while O12S is perfectly tuned for hardcore raiders

Maybe the post I'm quoting word-for-word, that's directly linked? Are you dumb?

What's an advantage of playing with M+K over controller? What's a good keyboard setup so I don't have to drag my hands across the number row for abilities/spells further down my hotbar?

I can do without the thing you're implying

I just wanna play a certain class without robbing people of a role i dont feel a way about to begin with

>why won't SE rebuild the game around my unique brand of autism? it's not fair

>Mouse/Keyboard advantage
>Scholar and Summoner is easier
>Selecting people in other alliances is easier

>Controller advantage
>100x more comfortable

>hurr why the name

Fucktard you have no sense of class fantasy

Do you know what a paladin is?

Making FFXIV basically a Final Fantasy theme park is also a brilliant idea.

its the same thing as an HP costing DPS/Tank.
it requires attention/resources to heal that hp up, when it could have been avoided with a job/class that doesnt have that mechanic.
though, to be fair, the pets shoudl take dmg, but only partial, and a simple oGCD heal which has no real CD or resource requirement to fix it.

anything more, is gimping the class, even if ever so slightly.

specfags are literally worse than lalas

It's ironic that you say that

>Paladins can only use sword and board
lol look at this fag

Attached: 1535189735118.jpg (550x430, 54K)

>class fantasy
Back to WoW with you. If you can't deal with the fact that this game works differently, you shouldn't be playing it, input of people like you is damaging to the health of the game's design. Plenty of jobs got fucking neutered already because of whining like that.

Paladin's class fantasy in FF is that of a tank. Their core, iconic mechanic is Cover which throws them in the path of damage to protect an ally.

>Do you know what a paladin is?
A tank.

Yeah user.. it's strictly only about the sword and shield.. because paladins arent known for literally anything else right?
Jesus christ

>says the autist who puts up with sueenix reaming his asshole open on a monthly basis

If you want to DPS as a knight play a dragoon.

Yes oh my apologies i cant disturb your sterile ass class design or you might have to activate a single fucking neuron for once

>Yeah user.. it's strictly only about the sword and shield.. because paladins arent known for literally anything else right?
So what is a Paladin to you? A holy knight? Because again, the lance-wielding job in XIV is the actual holy knight job. Dragoons are elite holy crusaders of the Holy See.

Which class is more fun to play all the way from level 1 to 70? DRG or SAM?

Part of me wonders if it's just an epidemic of new tanks who think those are all hostile AoEs.

Good taste, levelling armor in general tends to be simple and effective.

RGB version is better

Attached: 1549218830890.webm (474x696, 1.78M)

SAM starts at 50 and DRG is pure cancer at low levels.

>Those au ra horns sticking out of the helmet


Your mocking people that oppose your opinions on the matter won't make you right, especially seeing how WoW got absolutely gutted class utility wise and reduced everything to two button rotations and proc fishing.

would be better if you could dye the lights. as it is it only looks good in a few colors.

Ive got two FF games that have them being major damage dealers (FTTA/2) off the top of my head

I get they have "tanking" ability but they can be damage dealers too, Cecil "the ladyboy faggot" Harvey isnt the face of FF paladins

Yes but I'm wondering which of those two feels better and is more fun to play in dungeons from 1-70 and in raids and such

>in these two spin-off games it can be a major damage dealer
>stop looking at their main iconic mechanic in the main series!!!

He actually pretty much is, bro. But even then, he still is a heavy damage dealer in his own game. He only lacks aoe, but can still shred.

fist clenching sound

You class in this game is irrelevent. All that matters is progressing your character as a whole.

Not having at least two jobs at max level for end game content either makes you a shitty player, or a dedicated omnicrafter who only levels a single job to get them through the story and other relevent content so they can craft, farm mats, and do craft mat heavy content in some form.

I just wish we could get old school mmo design in some fashion. Eureka would be great if instead of the mobs being brutal bitches, the emphasis was on exploring the map, trying to skirt by the overleveled mobs, doing unmarked quests and the like. You could make it kind of like the hamlet defense of 1.0, with crafters and gatherers getting content in these harsh zones as well and pitching in for the final area's Arsenal raid.

Well this certainly isnt a discussion about that, i know full well WoW is beyond fucked, if FF added a few key things, it could end wow's career on the spot

Cover is the defining mechanic of Knight/Paladin, you fucking secondary

rate my shitty screenshot please

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-02-24_01-38-31.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

I'll never understand this given it's even lower quality than any other character asset in the game.

A paladin to me is plate armor and light magic/smiting abilities

No other class does these in this game

>if FF added a few key things, it could end wow's career on the spot
Or become WoW 2.0 and die subsequently because the game is enjoyed by a different kind of audience and bending to demands like the ones you presented would only hurt the game.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11 2018-05-22 14-25-43.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

People like this is why nobody takes miqotes seriously

It's about protecting people with your body and your holy magic.
DRG isn't holy, the Ishgardians just call it holy because they're cunts.

Cecil is the face of Paladins in Final Fantasy, and his evolution from Dark Knight into Paladin is one of the biggest plot points in the story. Get over it.
The only other one that come close is the generic Warrior of Light as he appears in Dissidia.

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what book you using?

It's iconic, not defining, learn the difference tard

Some good nuking strats in other games involve strapping on a counter so you can take hits for people and blow them up

Why is Todd Howard in FFXIV?

To me a paladin is whatever the setting they are found in dictates them to be. They're heavily armoured mooks serving corrupt church organizations, that have no magic whatsoever in one, they're knight champions granted lands and authority by the king Charlemagne in reality, they're followers of a god of the flames in another game that work as protectors of his priesthood, who also happen to be the strongest mages alive, they're "anti demon, anti undead" holy warriors that uphold truth, justice, honor and all that kind of stuff in another, there's as many flavors of paladins as there are settings. Holding one above all the rest just because it's the most popular variation of that archetype in fantasy fiction is pretty fallacious.

SAM is garbage pre 68 on anything, it just feels way too clunky without hagakure once you have more than one SEN.

Levels 1-30 are really terrible.

>It's about protecting people with your body and your holy magic.
So... a tank?
>DRG isn't holy, the Ishgardians just call it holy because they're cunts.
A knight in service to a church is objectively holy. And all magic in XIV functions based on religious beliefs including DRG's magic.

Absolutely based.

Shit really? Thought Sam would feel good at lower levels

>because the game is enjoyed by a different kind of audience

Please describe this audience, i wanna hear it, this will be good

>I am here to shitpost, give me fuel
Haha, go fuck yourself.

"Paladin" is only created because "Knight" (the original job) sounds weird when in a game comparing it to "Dark Knight".
In FFXI, the PLD job is actually Knight in japanese.
But it sounds weird to have Knight and Dark Knight, almost making one sound like a "lesser" version of the other.
This is why Knight became PLD, and why the rise of Warrior from a half Knight half Berserker rose up from the MMOs.

Knights were just as much fo a melee DPS as other jobs.

Cover, which only worked on low HP targets, when its a single target attack, and outside of FF6, only when you selected it for your turn.

In FF5, you were forced to have 2 or 3 people sit in the front row and take extra dmg, and 2 or 3 people in the back row, dealing less physical dmg.

you could put anyone in the backrow, except Cecil, as cecil would have his damage impaired. (Unless you want a cure1 spamming healer, who couldnt die)

So the question is, which job would u put in the front row, w/o worry they will die from the extra dmg taken?
Hypothetically, these jobs could be created as tanks in an FF MMO reasonably. (Not necessarily FF11/14)
Jobs stuck to the backrow would be reasonably locked into healer/dps only roles. (such as a BLM, as it has no reason to be up front in FF5s system)

>And all magic in XIV functions based on religious beliefs


>including DRG's magic.

Absolutely retarded

Pretty sure that's the ShB relic book.

>Ive got two FF games that have them being major damage dealers (FTTA/2) off the top of my head
>damage dealers

Just because you can hybrid them with fighters doesn't make them damage dealers. They have typical paladin esque support moves and deal moderate damage, faggot. I've played both of those games plenty of times.

No cecil is the face of matsuno's shittiest low in art

Yoshi didn't get where he is by being a risk taker. He plays it safe as can be, only taking risks on one or two pieces of content per expansion while leaving everything else more of the same.

The last thing any MMO should be doing right now is trying to kill WoW. WoW is killing itself just fine. FFXIV should just focus on doing it's own thing and improving what already works in their game.

The only real change they need to make is cutting out the superfluous shit in the ARR storyline to streamline it a bit and shuffle a few abilities to lower levels so sprouts are more willing to stay.

PLD is still Knight in the JP version of xiv

No it's horrible you're basically mashing two buttons, but you have nothing to dump your sen in so your rotation feels really weird.

You generate kenki too slowly pre-62 so even though you have kaiten you can't kaiten more than twice every FULL gcd rotation.

it's the only way to avoid getting retards who are unable to learn simple mechanics after having wiped to a fight for a month straight. i got into a static where the raid leader was only able to secure half of a good party. the other four members prevented us from clearing anything past midgard until it inevitably dissolved three months into the raid tier
it's the scholar relic from eureka. it's called Jebat

he probably means aether/power, as DRGs do gain power/aether, and it does manifest in all physical abilities and physical objects.

>And all magic in XIV functions based on religious beliefs
It's literally the lore. The first magic spells were prayers that started to come true. This is the reason why both THMs and CNJs are priestly orders. It's also why THMs get power boosts from using staves made of precious metals or bone, because they worship the god of money and death.
>including DRG's magic.
>Absolutely retarded
>*jumps a mile in the air*
>*shoots a laser at you*
>*spreads a magical aura that increases your crit rate*
Nothing personel kid....

Maybe you should learn the lore before you open your fucking mouth again, nigger.

Well fuck that, guess I'm rolling a DRG then thanks man

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interesting to know. (never heard anyone say that till now. so they are still sticking to their system then.)

Magic is defined in XIV as any intentional manipulation of aether.

Look at you backed into a corner

It was rhetorical, i already know what you would have said had you answered me honestly, but you dont want to say it because then you'd have to admit to being the same breed of shiteater

>Sasuke's Blades look like shit.
>Sandungs are fucking garbage.
>Eureka Relic is shit too.
When will NIN get a good relic?

>I was only pretending, checkmate!
You're fucking pathetic lmao.

as i told him, aether/power, while similar to magic, isnt actualy magic.
though it would be hard to distinguish them, other than the game says they are "technically" different, just as dark magic isnt elemental magic in the lore, and summoning magic is different from those schools, etc.

The church is corrupt and they literally consort with the souls of beasts. They're demonic if anything. PLD uses the power of light and shit, DRGs use nasty Dragonstank.

The Dead Hive ones look crazy good.

>as i told him, aether/power, while similar to magic, isnt actualy magic.
It is. Magic is the intentional manipulation of aether. Please don't make me post the lorebook as proof.

in the most simplistic of explanations, yes.
which i agree, juyst explaining why he's refering to aether/power as magic.
as magic is the way in which u use that aether/magic.

a "school" of using it...

>Resubbed to FFXIV wanting to do the last Ivalice raid
>Average wait time 30 minutes

I want to marry that lala

There's no difference. "Using aether" and "magic" are synonyms.

Baka ass nigga talking as if you know shit

Why do people put these 2 hairstyles on female chars, it looks fucking terrible

Yeah dont forget they are the only ones who can wield Excalibur 2 and Sequence, and have Holy Blade, one of the strongest damage dealing abilities in the game

Oh but you would know that having played both games right?

It's a bit much, they're too fucking big, and they're not relics.

>The church is corrupt
Well fuck I guess paladins don't exist then because the Catholic Church is corrupt

Yeah, DRG is better 1-70/50-60 SAM is better 62-70 though. And better at 70 than DRG is.

>Classes do different things in different games.
You don't say.

I was feeling the MMO itch, dunno what to play
Should I go for FF or Black Desert?

You are literally falling apart and have to resort to pure ad hominem now, im busting a gut here

I accept your concession

realistically, manipulation of aether applies to punching with yoru fist (as your fist is made of aether, and the flow within your body) just as casting a spell in FFXIV.
but thats the problem.
the game is trying to distinguish this vague concept, w/o any means to really do it, since its not a real science.

you can only nod your head, and accept the game does "attempt" to distinguish it, but the more you look at it, the more you realize how you cant actually distinguish it.
so instead, just understand the devs rather see MNKs punching, and BLMs spells, as physical and magical in difference.
with physical not being considered "magic" (also why they define magic attacks as "magical")

Free trial up to level 35.

Attached: 1504333138897.jpg (1920x1080, 256K)

The Catholic church does not gain power from taking in the magic of monsters, and it isn't founded on the belief that they should make the pope a magic god king who will cleanse the planet.

Anything is preferable to Shite Desert.

Wow look at you trying to challenge me on that one front and then pussying out when i lay down the facts

paladins are absolutely damage dealers as well, historically, no reason they have to be absolutely locked to tank

It's like how lightning attacks are seen as different from fire.