Any other game in the last 10 years that can compare to this?
>mfw 3 people made this
Any other game in the last 10 years that can compare to this?
>mfw 3 people made this
I find the art generic and flash game tier
horrible opening. terrible level design for a metroidvania - making it so you can't interact with anything for hours is awful. terrible combat. le so quirky dudeedgy characters.
compare in what way?
post invalidated by use of buzzword.
Valdis Story: Abyssal City
Top tier waifu as well
I mean plenty of games can compare. It doesn’t mean hollow knight isn’t great on its own.
this to be quite honest. literally looks like a Newsgrounds flash game. for me personally this cheap look is too off putting and the reason why I will probably never play it.
I understand that if they tried a different approach, e.g. pixel art, it would take them 8+ years to make this. so it was a tradeoff between looks and money/time constraints.
STILL, I have mad respect for the two autistic dudes who managed to make all fo this and if people love this game everyone wins.
Valdis and Owlboy look better than HK
but what about the gameplay? I’m curious about how much collectibles, equipment and abilities like double jump affect the game. the last thing I want is to explore all of that and only have combat skills and a shitty item shop with recovery items
>making it so you can't interact with anything for hours is awful
it's ok user, we get it, you got lost like a retard for hours
There's a lot of abilities unlocked later through the game, many of which open up previously inaccessible areas. There's the standards like double jump but also a triangle jump, ice pillar (raised platform), projectile teleport etc.
Various items even completely change the gameplay, such as an item which slowly kills you and prevents healing, but increases damage and lifestyle. There's a talent tree as well, so each of the 4 characters have different builds, equating to about 9 different playstyles
>what is rain world
nice to know, I’ll take a look then
thanks user
Just played it for the first time yesterday and finished on beating Hornet. Shit is great. I love how during the fight with her it seemed like she was teasing you and really having fun fighting you. I'm still kind of shitting pants over what will happen if I lose my soul.
The art is beautiful.
Looks like a fucking flash game.
Valdis has the best combat in a metroidvania imo.
if you lose your soul you get locked out of the good ending
solid game but way too much backtracking and the simplistic combat made it kind of forgettable, literally in the sense that as the story was progressing i was forgetting what the fuck was going on. also trying to 100% the game damn near ruined my whole experience. searching for the mushroom guy really made me hate this game. but that's my autism trying to go for the 100%, so i can't fault the game for that
to 100% this game you'd have to beat the 5 Pantheon's, with the 5th being so hard its a fucking joke, at least if you are fully shackled.
this games combat isn't THAT indepth for it to have such a difficulty curve, give me more options and moves first.
>Valdis Story
So fucking good
One of the few games I've beaten 3 times start to finish.
>shit characters
>shit lore
>SO HARD ITZ LIK DEMON SOULS!!!1 dispite me clearing it after 4 hours
>newgrounds early 2000 level flash shit (and even then Alien Homonid is LEAGUES better, even though it's a blatant rip off, and AH isn't that good to begin with)
>pirated it and still feel like they owe ME money
seriously if ANY OF YOU think this is a good game, maybe stop, throw away your babby games, and get laid.
Love, peace, and chicken grease.
This true?
>This true?
in a sense.
it's related to a game object.
>Being this casual
Gr8 b8 m8
Wasn't Axiom Verge made by one person?
you mean your shade, like the homie that gets left behind when you die? if so nah i'm just fucking with you you get locked out of the good ending if you never get the kingsoul charm
>horrible opening
Slow opening, but not horrible except for ADHD Zoomers.
I'm not going to bother reading the rest of your post.