ITT: "Oh yeah, that happened."

ITT: "Oh yeah, that happened."

Attached: CARD GAMES.jpg (473x416, 95K)

I'm glad it did too, they're pretty fun.

acid 2 is my jam

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I agree, but they really have been completely forgotten about by just about everyone and 3 NEVER EVER and seem to be considered even less of a footnote then Ghost Babel (Not shitting on Ghost Babel with that.).

Ghost Babel should come back. Either as a rerelease or a remake.

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Better than the mainline games

Are these the card games?
Never played them but I do have a PSP laying around somewhere,so I could if they're actually good.


Card-based Turn-based Stealth SRPGs for the PSP, The PSP being so easy to softmod and emulate means it is honestly worth testing just experience what a Chimera it is.

AC!D 1 has bigger maps but worse load times, while AC!D 2 has short maps and loads but is MUCH better crafted due the lessons learned from 1 and some neat bonuses. like a fight against The Boss.

I've already got custom firmware on my PSP so I could easily pirate them.
Might have to try it out sometime,I vaguely remember X-Play reviewing them a while back but that's about it really.

Reminder Alice did nothing wrong

Brainwashing people is A-OK when you are possessing a British little girl!

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Damn these games were fun.

Another issue with 1 was you couldn't make extra decks and you only had 1 deck you had to use for everything, that shit was really annoying. Actually I can't even remember if 2 gave you the ability to make different decks.

Ahh, those were great. Damn, I miss my psp.

>Portable Ops
>AC!D 2
>Portable Ops+
>Peace Walker
PSP was a Metal Gear machine.

Great games

last time i checked there still people playing PO+ online

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I want a 3rd one

>Metal Gear Ac!d 3 with MGS4, PW, Rising and MGSV cards never ever
It hurts.

Redpill me on Ghost Babel, was it THAT good?

Portable ops+ was fucking amazing. I used to love hunting mac addresses, and looking for high hp, or s3 stat soldiers.

It's an old GB game... it was alright. Great for what it was, but I dont see why other people here are hyped for it. I think I still have mine with my GBA collecting dust.

It was a good game, but Yea Forums overhypes it.

>implying these weren't actually great AU spin offs
I still need to finish 2, played 1 for the first time like 4 years ago
Actual kino imo

In Ground Zeroes Kojima decided to shit on EVERY Metal Gear game with which he wasn't directly involved, you can bet that kojambodrones would shit all over rerelease/remake of anything not directed by him.

And Portable Ops was actually good.

It's the pinacle of gameboy stealth with all the functions of MGS in a shitty 2 button and dpad controller