God bless people who create translations of games that never came out of Japan.
God bless people who create translations of games that never came out of Japan
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what's the status on that P2 and F/E:CCC translations? last update on the guy's blog was 2016 or something, also is Moon Remix ever gonna get a fan translation?
I have no idea, I think I got this one from emuparadise doing the script trick to still download games from there, maybe it's worth checking
Didn't the translation patch break things like the agility stat and elemental shields?
Amen. The people working on DDO's UI amaze me given how few gaijin play.
That series sucks though.
I wish someone would translate Last Armageddon.
itt: peasant EOR's
ccc is still at 17% lul
how do i find the translation patches for SD3?
the one i had was really old and was a little barebones, to the point of it being kind of awkward. i think it also bugged the game as well?
I forgot how exactly I got this, I'm not sure if I downloaded it from emuparadise via the script that allows you to still download stuff already patched or if I had to patch it with some tool and some random site, it seems fine so far
oh yeah it's this one, I used a script I found on the web that allows you to still download from emuparadise
> 2019
> STILL no fan-translations of the first 4 Starfy games
What the fuck are people doing?
Nope. At least not for me, I don't know what happened to you.
>The only team that ever attempted translating Tales of Destiny: Directors Cut for PS2 quit all their projects
After a decade of waiting... fuck man.
thats what happens when you do it for free.
Translating better games? Dudelmao just play Kirby.
>tfw no fan translation for Tales of Phantasia X, but somehow there is one for Tempest
Way, way less content?
Imagine having this shit taste
just beat sd3 for the first time myself a couple weeks ago. it's so good and way better than clunky ol' som. it's a shame we never got it here
moon remix is still in development, last I heard the plan was to get it done in 2019
Sure, but why make a translation for a game so fucking bad, it lost mainline status? And fuck, iirc ToPX had a fantranslation going on, but the guy making it just cancelled it and all the other fan translations he was working on as well, for literally no reason. I just wanna play the ToP version with best girl man.
>Checks status of Project Exile (Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 translation)
>Already up to 19 with all the path splits covered
>ftw its a stealth translation no one knew about that got released